How to find out who has deleted you on facebook

How to see who unfriended you on Facebook (2022)

Getting unfriended on a social media platform has become equivalent to breaking the friendship, or in some cases, the relationship altogether. If someone has left you on the cliffhanger, don’t worry! This article will help you see who unfriended you on Facebook using an iPhone, Mac, or other device.

  1. Use the Facebook timeline to see if someone unfriended you
  2. Search your Facebook friend list
  3. Check the person’s Facebook profile
  4. Try third-party websites (at your risk)

1. Use the Facebook timeline to see if someone unfriended you

Finding out if someone unfriended you is pretty easy. Observe the posts of the person. If multiple posts visible to you have a tiny globe icon underneath the person’s name, the post is public, and anyone can view it.

Alternatively, if you can view posts with an icon showing two people on your timeline, you are still friends with that person. As they are private posts and only friends can see them.

However, this method can be tricky to figure out who unfriended you sometimes, as it is possible that someone simply restricted you for a while. Restriction means you will not be able to see their private posts but will still be friends with them.

So, if this left you puzzled, move on to the next method.

2. Search your Facebook friend list

Facebook also shows you your friend list showing every account you are friends with. To check if someone is still your friend, you can look for their name on this list. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Tap More at the bottom right.
  3. Tap your name or profile picture.
  4. Scroll down and tap Friends.

  5. Now, type the person’s name in the search bar.
    If their name is there, you are still friends with them!

This method is incredibly simple and accurate!

3. Check the person’s Facebook profile

Instead of waiting for someone to post on your timeline, you can also hop straight onto their profile. If you see private posts too, you are still friends with the person!

Besides, you can also see whether the Add friend button is active. If you see an icon with a human and a plus sign next to it on their profile, it means that you are not friends. Hence, the person has unfriended you.

4. Try third-party websites (at your risk)

Third-party applications are also available to check this data for you. However, these applications aren’t reliable and may store your Facebook data without your permission.

Although apps like Who Deleted Me and Who Unfriended Me are highly popular, we recommend not using them. A major flaw with these apps is that they will only be able to tell you who unfriended you after installing them. If someone unfriended you before you installed the app, you would not get any data about it!

Difference between unfriending, unfollowing, and blocking

Facebook is extremely diverse, and it gives you many options. Unfriending, unfollowing, and blocking are three main actions you can take against a certain user, and although they may seem similar, they have a huge difference between them.

Unfriending: It means that the person has removed you from their friend list. Hence, you cannot see their private posts and photos. You can still see their public profile, DM on Facebook Messenger, search their profile, add them as a friend again.

Unfollowing: It is similar to that on other platforms like Twitter and Instagram. If you unfollow someone, their posts will not appear on your timeline. Something special on Facebook is that even if someone unfollows you, you can still be friends with them. You will still be able to see their profile and interact with them, just not in your timeline.

To check if someone is following you, go to the More tab → tap Followers. You can see everyone following you.

Blocking is the most extreme step. It completely cuts you off from someone. You will automatically be removed as a friend and be unable to view or interact with their public profile. Moreover, you will be unable to chat with them either. However, if you like to keep things private, you can check out our guide on how to hide likes on Facebook.

Can you unfriend and then re-friend on Facebook?

Yes. Once someone unfriends you, you will always have the option to re-friend them unless you have been blocked! However, once unfriended, you will have to send them a request again and wait till they accept it.

That’s it!

It is incredibly easy to see if someone has unfriended you on Facebook using iPhone and Mac through the above methods. The tough part is getting over the fact that someone unfriended you since this happens secretly! If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Read more:

  • How to recover your Facebook account from iPhone and Mac
  • Recover deleted messages on Facebook Messenger for iPhone
  • How to download Facebook videos on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
  • How to unlink your Facebook account from Instagram



Hi! I am a tech enthusiast and content creator who loves to keep up with the latest and greatest tech. I love using the power of tech to assist me and others in their daily lives! You would find me making videos or studying during my free time! You can follow me @sanchitgarg_ everywhere!

4 Ways to See Who Unfriended You on Facebook

Want to know who unfriended you on Facebook? Have you been thinking that one of your friends might have removed you from their list on Facebook? Well, there are more than one ways to find out. Some are very simple and obvious ways while some are risky too. Let’s check all these ways to see who unfriended you on Facebook.

Also, read | Use Facebook ‘Take a Break’ Feature to Mute Someone Without Blocking

Table of Contents

Check Your Timeline

The very first thing you can do is to check your Facebook timeline for all the changes. If you doubt that someone has unfriended you, check their posts and look for the little icons beneath their name. If there is the “two-person” icon, it means the post for their friends only and since you can see it, you are still their friend.

However, if you see a little “globe” icon under their name, it means the post is for the “public”. If you’re seeing it on all posts, there are not many chances that you are still their friend, but if you also see “two-person”, it means you are still their friend.

This trick is not very accurate as sometimes people just make all their posts “public” and you can find which is for friends and which is not. Also, sometimes they just restrict their posts without unfriending people. So this trick is just hit and trial.

Search within Your Friends List

This is also a very simple way to check if someone has unfriended you on Facebook. You just need to check your friends’ list and search for their names. Here’s how:

1. Open the Facebook app on your phone and tap on your profile picture.

2. On your profile page, scroll down to “Friends” and tap on it.

3. When your friend list opens, at the top search bar, type your friend’s name and hit enter.

If they appear in the list, it means they are still your friends, otherwise you are deleted from their Facebook.

Check That Person’s Profile

This one’s a very obvious method which all of you might already know. If you suspect that some of your friends have unfriended you on Facebook, you can find out this by going to his/her profile, unless he/she has not blocked you.

Search for your friend on Facebook and on his/her profile page, you will see the “Add Friend” button instead of “Friends”. Also, you won’t be able to see anything in their profile, if they have locked their profile for their friends only.

This way you can find out if you were removed from their list of Facebook friends.

Use Third-party Tool

Well, there are apps that claim to offer this service of knowing who unfriended you on Facebook. However, these apps have some limited functionalities. For example, such apps can only tell who removed you from their list only after installing these apps and of course giving access to your Facebook profile.

So, you won’t be able to find all the people who have unfriended you before you installed this app. Some examples of such apps are- Who Unfriended Me, Who Deleted Me, etc.

Note: Do note that these apps take access to your Facebook data, so use them at your own risk. We do not recommend using third-party tools.

So these were the ways to check who unfriended you on Facebook. As you can see these methods can tell you only about some particular person and you can’t just find out all the people who unfriended you. For more such tips, stay tuned!

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How to check who has unfriended on Facebook?

November 28 Social media instructions


You can check the deletion of Facebook friends in several ways - manually and using the application, while the first option provides two different methods. The advantages of the manual method are ease of use and no need to download additional utilities. But, working with the application saves a lot of time, since the manual method is quite long.

Important! Facebook developers do not allow the use of third-party services due to the site's privacy policy.

How to see who has unfriended you on Facebook

All methods are identical for different devices and are suitable for PC, Apple products and Android devices.

Manual method

Facebook has two options for manually searching for deleted friends. First you need to enter the site and authorize your account. Then click on the button with the image of people at the top of the screen - this is where you can see both added and recommended users.

For example, you can simply find the desired profile using the search bar.

Enter the username here.

When an account is found, log into it. If the person is still your friend, this will be reflected on the page on the left.

If it is deleted, there will be a blue button with a suggestion to add or subscribe.

Note! The display of the "friendship" button depends on personal settings. For example, on Facebook, you can restrict the addition of friends, prohibit or make any restrictions for this function.

You can check the deletion of friends in another way - look for them in your profile list. Click on the icon with the image of people at the top of the screen, enter the section and click on the "All Friends" button.

A window with a list will open - enter the name of the profile you are looking for in the "Search for friends" line.

If the person remains your virtual friend, he will be displayed in the search.

Note! Manual methods are suitable for working with a small number of accounts. If you need to conduct mass statistics, use the appropriate programs.

Through the application

A lot of programs have been developed that are suitable for working on PCs and mobile gadgets. It is worth considering the correct operation of such programs, the reputation of the developers and the ability to install from official trusted sources. For example, for a phone, you only need to download apps from the App Store or Google Play.

Can be seen on the example of the "Who deleted me" application.

This service offers the following options:

  • View deleted and added accounts in real time.
  • Provides information about deactivated and deleted accounts.
  • The interface is very simple - you can see the full statistics of your profile regarding subscribers and so on.

Important! This application requires your data for authorization on Facebook - they must be entered immediately upon entry.

Keep in mind that Facebook developers constantly block such programs. Accordingly, new ones appear. Don't expect an app you download today to be working in a few days.

Video review

Who removed me from Facebook: how to find out who removed you from their friends

August 28, 2021 Matt Mills How to enroll 0

Today, social networks open many doors for us to instantly connect with family, friends or acquaintances. The ability to send him/her a message, see a photo of his last vacation and, although a bit chilly, learn about him/her in a fresher way. But, of course, for some time you may not have seen anything new from someone you know. No photo, no video, no profile update. If this happened to you, the person may have stopped following you. To dispel your doubts, today we explain how to find out who exactly is no longer your Facebook friend.

Who stopped following me: mobile process

As you can imagine, there are different ways to find out if someone has stopped following us on this social network. And since the most common among all users is that we access from our smartphone, we want to start with the processes that we can follow from this.

The most reliable way to do this is through your account activity log. From the outside it may seem a little confusing, but if you follow step by step what we will tell you next, it will take you no more than 2 minutes:

  • From your mobile phone, log in to the Facebook app as usual.
  • Once here, click on the icon of the three horizontal lines that you will find in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • On this new screen, find Settings and Privacy section and click on it. Then click "Settings" again.
  • Now you need to scroll down until you reach the section titled "Your information" . Any type of news, so to speak, related to your account is stored here.
  • In this section, click on "Activity log" .
  • Scroll through the various options again until you reach the Connections section. Here you will need to click on the side arrow to open the dropdown and access Added Friends section.

This last section contains all those users who started following your account and, of course, continue to do so. If the person who wanted to know if they followed you is not on this list, they will unfollow you.

Another option to find out if someone has stopped following you on Facebook is to use the Messenger service. While we already warn you that this is not 100% reliable, it makes a lot of sense.

As you already know, when we send a message to someone through this Facebook platform, a series of send, receive, and read confirmations are made. Well, if a user has stopped following you and in some cases you have talked to them via Messenger, that conversation will remain unchanged.

If you know this is the case for you, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Sign in to the Messenger app.
  • Find a conversation with this person and access it.
  • Send him any message. Of course, try to make it something meaningful, in case the user finally responds to you.

When your message is sent, check will automatically turn gray indicating that this person has received the message. But of course, if he stopped following you, he will never open it because it won't show up directly in his list of pending conversations in Messenger. If this check stays the same for hours or even days, you can be pretty sure that said user has unfollowed you.

However, if at any time a gray indicator appears next to the person's profile photo, this confirms that they have entered the conversation and therefore you are still part of their friends list.

Who Deleted Me from Facebook: Computer Process

Now, if you don't really like logging into this social network through your mobile phone and prefer to do it from your computer's browser, we are going to explain the processes available in the browser.

And the truth is, this is where we undoubtedly find the easiest way to find out if someone has stopped following us. You just need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Facebook account as usual.
  • Log in to your profile by clicking on your photo, which you can see in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • From here, on your wall, find the "Friends" section, which is right below your profile picture in the center panel.
  • As you understand, by entering this section, you will see a list of all your Facebook friends. In the "Search" line, you must write the name of the user for whom you doubt whether he is no longer your friend on this social network. And so it would be.

It's very simple: if you see his avatar when you search for the name of this person, then he is still your friend. However, if it doesn't show up anywhere, that user has stopped following you and removed you from their Facebook friends list.

On the other hand, from a browser you will also be able to perform the same logic with the Facebook Messenger service that we saw in the section from a mobile phone.

And something very similar, but with a slight difference, we can record the activity of our account with . In a browser, do the following: