How to make yourself invisible on facebook chat

How to Make Yourself Invisible on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger was a built-in feature of Facebook that grew to become a standalone app. With billions of active monthly users, it’s one of the most popular messaging apps after WhatsApp.

Though the point of social media is to be, well, social, there are times when we’d prefer not to talk. If you want to access Messenger but appear invisible, this article will show you how.

We’ve put together the steps for appearing offline to everyone or particular contacts, how to turn off your last seen timestamp, and some other tips for additional privacy whilst using the app.

How to Appear Offline on Facebook Messenger?

To seem offline when using Facebook Messenger via a web browser:

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your account.
  2. At the top-right corner, select the Messenger icon.
  3. From the Messenger pull-down menu, click on the three-dotted menu icon.
  4. Select the “Turn off Active Status” from the pull-down menu.
  5. From the pop-up window, select “Turn off Active Status for all contacts.”
  6. Click on “OK” to confirm.

To seem offline when using Facebook Messenger via Windows 10:

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your account.
  2. Select the Messenger icon then click on the three-dotted menu icon.
  3. Click on “Turn Off Active Status.”
  4. Select the “Turn off active status for all contacts” option.
  5. Click on “OK” to confirm.

To seem offline when using Facebook Messenger via Mac:

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your account.
  2. Select the Messenger icon, then click on the three-dotted menu icon.
  3. Click on “Turn Off Active Status.”
  4. Select the “Turn off active status for all contacts” option.
  5. Click on “OK” to confirm.

To seem offline when using Facebook Messenger via Android:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”
  4. Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the left to turn it OFF.
  5. Click on “Turn Off” in the pop-up to confirm.

To seem offline when using Facebook Messenger via iPhone:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”
  4. Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the left to turn it OFF.
  5. Click on “Turn Off” in the pop-up to confirm.

Hiding on Facebook Messenger Chat

From a List of Friends

To seem offline to selected contacts via a mobile device:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”

    Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the left to turn it OFF.
  4. Click on “Turn off active status for only some contacts.”
  5. Enter the names of the people you wish to appear offline to.
  6. Select “OK” to confirm.

From an Individual

To seem offline to a contact via a mobile device:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”
  4. Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the left to turn it OFF.
  5. Click on “Turn off active status for only some contacts.”
  6. Enter in the name of the person you wish to appear offline to.
  7. Select “OK” to confirm.

From All Friends Except

To seem offline to all friends except a selected few via a mobile device:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”
  4. Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the left to turn it OFF.
  5. Click on “Turn off active status for all contacts except.”
  6. Enter the name[s] of the person/people you want to appear online to.
  7. Select “OK” to confirm.

Hiding on Facebook Messenger Chat via Desktop

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your account.
    • Ensure you’re not signed in anywhere else since the settings will only be applicable via desktop.
  2. From the top-left hand corner, click on the three-dotted menu icon.
  3. Click on “Preferences.”
  4. Click on the “Turn off active status.” Then to:
    • Appear offline to all your contacts, select “Turn off Active Status for all contacts.”
    • Appear offline to all your contacts except a selected few, select “Turn off active status for all contact except.” and enter the name[s] into the text field.
    • Appear offline to only some contacts, select “Turn off Active Status for only some contacts…” and enter the name[s] into the text field.
  5. Click on “OK” to confirm.

How to Undo Hiding on Facebook Messenger?

To switch from offline to online when using Facebook Messenger via a mobile device:

  1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Active Status.”
  4. Move the “Show when you’re active” slider towards the right to turn it ON.
  5. Click on “Turn ON” in the pop-up window to confirm.

To switch from offline to online when using Facebook Messenger via PC and Mac:

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your account.
  2. Select the Messenger icon, then click on the three-dotted menu.
  3. Select “Turn ON Active Status” from the pull-down menu.
  4. Click on “OK” to confirm.

Additional FAQs

How to Ignore Messages on Facebook Messenger?

To ignore messages received on Messenger via mobile devices:

1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.

2. Locate the message you wish to ignore and swipe right on it.

3. Click on the hamburger menu.

4. Select the “Ignore messages” option.

5. From the confirmation pop-up, click on the “IGNORE” option to confirm.

How to Undo Ignore Messages on Messenger?

To undo ignore messages received on Messenger via mobile devices:

1. Launch and sign in to the Messenger app.

2. Click on your profile icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

3. Click on “Message Requests” > “Spam.”

5. A list of conversations you’ve previously ignored will display; click on the conversation you wish to unignore.

6. To respond to the message, at the bottom-right of the screen, click on “Reply.”

How to Ignore Group Chat in Facebook Messenger?

To ignore a group chat in messenger via your mobile devices:

1. Launch the Messenger app.

2. Find the group chat you wish to ignore.

3. Press and hold down on the chat and select “Ignore group.”

How to Block Someone on Facebook Messenger?

To block someone on the messenger app via your mobile devices:

1. Launch the Messenger app.

2. Open the chat with the person you want to block.

3. At the top of the screen, tap on their name to bring their profile up.

4. From the menu labeled “Privacy & Support” at the bottom, select “Block.”

5. To remain Facebook friends but stop receiving messages from the person, select “Block on Messenger” from the pop-up menu.

To unblock the person, navigate to “Privacy & Support” again and click on “Unblock” > “Unblock on Messenger.”

When You Block Someone on Messenger What Do They See?

The person you have blocked on Facebook Messenger and not Facebook may experience the following:

• When sending you messages, they may receive a “Message Not Sent” or “This person isn’t receiving messages at this time” message.

• If you’ve had conversations via Messenger in the past, and they happen to look them up, your picture will appear in a black bold color, and they won’t be able to click on it to access your profile.

How Do You Make a Private Conversation on Messenger?

The “Secret Conversation” feature is for a private and secure conversation with your friend using end-to-end encryption; Facebook will not have access to it. It’s currently only available via the Messenger app for mobile devices. To start a secret conversation:

1. From your mobile device, launch the Messenger app.

2. Locate a previous message for a contact you wish to enter into a secret conversation with or carry out a search for them.

3. Click on their name to bring up their profile.

4. Select “Go to Secret Conversation.”

5. In the “Secret Conversation” window, next to the left side of the text field, click on the time icon to set the time for the message to disappear after it’s read.

6. Then send messages as you normally would.

How to Turn Off Last Active on Facebook Messenger?

To stop displaying your last active time on Messenger via your Android or iOS device:

1. Launch the Messenger app.

2. From the top-left corner, select your profile icon.

3. Click on “Active Status.”

4. Turn off last active on Messenger. This will remain off until you turn it back on.

Hide-and-Go-Seek on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger app allows Facebook contacts to send each other messages and do all the things regular instant messaging apps do. Thankfully, Messenger has given us the option to hide from everyone or particular individuals, and various other ways to protect our privacy.

Now that we’ve shown you how to appear offline, how to block people, and send secret messages, how did you feel using Messenger without disturbance? Have you used any other methods for extra privacy whilst using the app? Let us know in the comments section below.

How to Appear Offline and Invisible on Facebook and Messenger

By Dan Price


Want to be invisible on Facebook or Messenger? Learn how to appear offline on Facebook and Messenger!

Facebook Messenger is no longer just a way for you to share a few jokes with your friends. Depending on the platform you're using, it can read your SMS messages, make voice calls, and even make video calls.

If it's all become too much and you're fed up with being pestered every day, you might want to take a temporary break from Facebook. In other words, it's time to go invisible and appear offline on the platform.

But how? With so many versions of the app, it's easier said than done. In this article, we're going to show you how to appear offline on Facebook Messenger on some of the most popular operating systems.

Appear Offline on the Facebook Web App

In mid-2020, Facebook underwent one of its most radical design overhauls to date, as it ditched the home page format that had provided the basic design skeleton for almost a decade.

As part of the redesign, Facebook finally removed the confusing distinction between Facebook Chat and Facebook Messenger. Prior to the change, the two apps linked to the same set of messages in your inbox, but they had slightly different sets of options and worked in slightly different ways.

Thankfully, that is no longer the case; users only have to worry about Facebook Messenger.

If you want to make yourself invisible on Facebook and Messenger via the web app, you now need to click on the Messenger icon in the upper right-hand corner.

From this point, you have two options.

Either you can make the changes via the pop-up window by clicking on the three horizontal dots and selecting Turn off active status.

Or you can click on the Messenger icon and instead select See all in Messenger to jump to the main Messenger interface. Then click on the three dots in the upper left and choose Preferences from the menu.

Whichever approach you use, Facebook will provide you with some extra options to allow you to further customize your invisibility.

The three options available to you are:

  • Turn off Active Status for all contacts
  • Turn off Active Status for all contacts except
  • Turn off Active Status for only some contacts

Using these options wisely will let you appear offline to some users (for example, employers) while still showing as online to specific friends or family members.

Appear Offline on the Facebook Windows Store Apps

There are two versions of Facebook in the Windows Store; a basic Facebook app and a Messenger-specific app.

If you use the main Facebook app, you can only appear invisible using the method described above.

If you only use the Messenger app without Facebook, click on your profile photo in the upper right-hand corner, then select Preferences and head to the Active Status tab in the panel on the left-hand side of the screen. Slide the toggle to change the setting.

It's worth noting that both apps have poor reviews; we do not recommend them as the best way to access Facebook on your computer.

Appear Offline on the Facebook Messenger Android and iOS Apps

2 Images

Although the Android and iOS Messenger apps still have some very minor design differences, the functionality of the two apps is almost identical. The process for making yourself invisible while chatting is the same on both platforms.

It is no longer possible to make yourself appear offline through the main Facebook app; you need to have the Messenger app installed as well.

Once you do, tap on your profile picture and head to Active Status to make the change.

Note: The process is different if you want to deactivate Facebook Messenger completely.

Do You Stay Invisible on Facebook Messenger?

Although it is easy to appear offline since the 2020 update, it's still not as intuitive as a service like Skype or Zoom. As such, it's easy to conclude that Facebook has ulterior motives.

Whether that's true or not, make sure you understand the process so you can always appear offline when needed.

How to Be Invisible on Facebook ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️



9 Read Min

How to Be Invisible on Facebook

were quite successful (for example, Windows Live Messenger ... Do you remember ). It's a pity that if many of these old programs allowed you to set chat invisibility while you are on Facebook, this is not possible, or rather there is no special function. So? However, there is a way0009 be invisible on Facebook ? The answer is yes, and if you have a few minutes of free time, I can also explain how to do it.

All you have to do to succeed in your attempt is to disable Facebook chat and implement other "tricks" (such as hiding recent social media activities) that can be handy both from PC and with mobile phone and tablet. I know it's not exactly the same as setting the invisible state, but I can assure you that the result will still satisfy you.

To complete the information, I will also aim to show you how to delete all browsing data and how to use incognito mode on various browsers so that you can access Mark Zuckerberg's social network without leaving a trace on the PC you are using. But now let's forbid the talk and move on to real action. I wish you good reading.

  • Mute chat
  • Disappear from searches
  • Block users
  • Hide recent activity
  • Delete Facebook tracks from your PC

Disable chat

From PC

The first and most practical way to be invisible on Facebook is to disable social network chat. This way you will be disabled in front of all your friends and no one will bother you again. .. or at least no one has to do it again until you turn the chat back on!

You ask me what to do next? There is nothing easier! First connect to your social network account, then press gear is located in the lower right corner of the chat panel, and select the item Advanced settings ... in the menu that appears.

In the window that appears, check the box next to the item Disable chat only for some friends ... and write the name of the person you want to always be offline for in the text box below. Then press the button save apply the changes.

In addition, you can turn off chat for all contacts, except for some friends or some friends lists. To do this, simply check the box next to option Disable chat for all contacts except ... and write the names of people or references. Then press save to apply changes.

Another interesting option is to disable chat for everyone, including no one. To do this, just look at the article Disable chat for all contacts . Again, do not forget to press the button save Save settings.

Do you want to be invisible or will Facebook permanently block the person in the chat? No problem, it can be done too. Click on gear is located in the lower right corner and select the item Lock settings in the menu that appears.

Now enter the name of the person you want to block in the chat in the field Block messages de: then click on the button Block messages to confirm everything.

Note: Blocking a specific user in a chat will also affect the Messenger app. In addition, this will be visible to the blocked user to the extent that he notices the impossibility of sending him messages in the chat.

From mobile phones and tablets

Even from mobile phones and tablets, you can be invisible on Facebook by turning off the chat. To do this, just use the Mensajero app and follow the instructions I gave you in my guide on how to close Facebook Communicator.

You can also block a specific user from a chat via the Messenger app, just as you can on a PC. Therefore, to do this, you need to open the Facebook messaging app on your mobile phone or tablet, tap on the conversation with the contact you want to block and tap on their name at the top.

Now scroll down the displayed screen, stop at the Lock item and open the EN radio button next to the wording Block messages , Done!

Disappear from searches

From PC

Another system that I suggest you consider and that can be effective in order to be invisible on Facebook is a system that consists in excluding your data from searches performed within the social network and Google.

To do this, click the button representing the down arrow located in the upper right corner of the Facebook blue bar, and select the configuration item from the menu that appears.

On the new web page that opens, click the word privacy located on the left sidebar and change the settings Who can find it by the email address who provided it? es Who can find him on the phone number you provided? first click on the article edit next to each of them, and then select the option Friends of in the menu that appears.

Find the wording now Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to redirect you to your profile? Click Edit and select the option No from the menu that appears.

Optionally, you can also make sure that people who don't know you can't send you friend requests. How do you do it? Very simple: find option Who can send friend requests? is in section Who can contact me? always always under privacy social network settings, click edit and select the option Friends of friends in the drop-down menu on the side.

From mobile phones and tablets

You can activate the settings to not appear in Facebook search results even while driving, from your mobile phone or tablet: just use the social network's official app. Then press the button with three lines is located on the right side of the application screen, tap configuration and then select account settings in the menu that appears.

Now select item privacy , search items Who can find it at the email address you provided? es Who can find him on the phone number you provided? , click on it and select the option Friends .

Regarding the inability to find the profile when searching through Google, the article should be identified. You want search engines outside of Facebook to redirect you to your profile. ?, click on it and tap your chosen option on the new screen that appears. Then press button confirmation and that's it.

As for the option to prevent people you don't know from sending you friend requests, to enable it, just look for option Who can send friend requests? , touch it and select Friends of friends .

Block users

Even blocking users can be especially useful for making others invisible on a social network.

Either from PC or mobile, to block a specific user on Facebook, you only need to go to their profile, press the button with i three points located in the upper right corner and select item lock in the menu that appears. If you need more information on this, check out my article on how to block a friend on Facebook.

Note: Blocking users also excludes friendship on the social network. Therefore, we advise you to make this decision only and exclusively in extreme cases, when you are firmly convinced of this.

Hide recent activities

Another trick that I suggest you remember and that can be useful for you to be invisible (or at least visible as little as possible!) from the eyes of others is to hide activities that you performed using your account.

Let me explain, for example, that if you have recently made friends with a new user on Facebook, the news will be displayed on your home social network and will be visible to all your friends. So it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you've disabled Facebook chat to disable and/or if you've put into practice the other precautions mentioned above, that way everyone will know you're actually there in front of a computer monitor. to roam the twisting circles of the social network, or smartphone and tablet in hand to do the same.

The procedure to be followed is very simple: just open your activity and/or profile log, identify the items you want to hide and select the appropriate option. To know exactly what you need to do from both your computer and smartphone and tablet, you can read my guide on how to hide recent activities on Facebook, in which I explained everything in detail.

Also note that your social media presence is also evidenced by the likes you leave on posts, the comments you write and the content you share. Therefore, avoid this type of activity, otherwise other people may understand that you are actually online. Also, if you've received chat messages, I suggest you don't open them until you're having trouble reporting your presence on Facebook, otherwise anyone on the other side will see a read receipt and instantly discover, that you are really you are connected.

Delete Facebook tracks from your PC

Finally, if you share your computer with other users, or if the computer you used to connect to the social network does not belong to you, I suggest that you remove any Facebook tracks that you have left on it to prevent unauthorized third parties... Take care of your own business without your permission!

To do this, all you need to do is go to the settings of the web browser you used and look for the option to remove chronology , el cache y cookies regarding Facebook. If you don't know how to do this, you can refer to my guides on how to clear history, how to clear cookies, and how to clear cache.

If, on the other hand, you do not want your Facebook browsing data to be stored on your computer, you can enable incognito mode in your web browser before connecting to the social network . If you don't know how to do this, please read my post on working in incognito mode, in which I gave you all the details of this case.

An easy way to become completely invisible on Facebook*

March 24, 2015Technology

Read this article to find out how to make your activities and content on Facebook* invisible to prying eyes.



Sometimes it seems very difficult to hide from the all-seeing eye of Facebook*. However, there is a way to do this.

When you complete this process, no one but you will be able to track your Facebook* activities, view your photos, except that your friends will still be able to view your main profile.

Note: You don't have to change all of the Facebook* settings discussed below. You can only change what you deem necessary.

1. Click on the padlock icon in the upper right corner of your profile, and then click "See other settings".

2. You have moved to the "Privacy settings and tools" section. Now in the paragraph "Who can see your publications in the future?" you need to change the settings to "Only me".

3. You can then restrict access to your past records. Click on "Restrict access to previous posts", and then confirm the action by clicking "Apply these restrictions to past posts." Now your past entries will be available only to friends, and other users, including friends of friends, will not be able to see them.

4. Under "Who can send you friend requests?" replace "All" with "Friends of Friends". This will greatly reduce the occasional friend requests you receive on a regular basis.

5. Under "Whose posts do I want to filter in my inbox?" change the main filter to enhanced filtering.

mail? change "Everyone" to "Friends".

7. The same scheme applies to the item "Who can find you using the phone number you provided?".

8. If you don't want other people to be able to find you using search engines, make sure you uncheck the "Allow search engines to link to your Timeline" box.

9. Then go to the menu item "Timeline and tags", next to all items select "Only me", and in the last item "Who sees tag recommendations when photos with images of people similar to you are uploaded?" select Nobody.

10. Also make sure to enable options such as "Submit tags made by friends before they are posted on your Timeline" and "Submit tags other people make on your posts before they appear on Facebook* ".

11. If you do not want your publications to be available to anyone other than friends, then go to the "Subscribers" menu item and opposite the "You can subscribe to my updates" item, change "All" to "Friends".

12. After that, go to the "Advertising" menu item, next to the "Third Party Sites" item, click on the "Edit" button and select "Nobody". Do the same with the "Advertising and Friends" section below.

13. Finally, go to the Applications menu item. Select Old Facebook* Mobile → Just Me. This will prevent your previous posts that were made using the older Facebook* mobile apps that don't have a built-in audience selection feature to be visible to other users.

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