How to earn money online facebook

How To Make Money on Facebook in 2022

While Facebook may not have the edge it once had as a social media darling, it still has an incredibly high number of monthly active users: more than 2.9 billion, compared to Instagram’s 1.3 billion, TikTok’s one billion, and Twitter’s 396 million. 

In the past, Facebook users have tried everything from affiliate marketing to running ads through Messenger to selling items on Facebook Marketplace in order to make money. But making money on Facebook isn’t without its challenges: The average reach of an organic post hovers around 5% of a page’s fans—down from 7% in 2018—and those that pay-to-play via ads and sponsored content are seeing their reach dwindle over time. 

The good news? Facebook is rolling out new and exciting ways to make money, largely aimed at entrepreneurs and creators with Facebook followings. Whether you’re looking to make some extra money on the side or find more customers for your existing business, here are six ways you can monetize your Facebook audience in 2022, plus the requirements you’ll need to adhere to in order to do it.  

Before you start: check your Facebook Monetization Eligibility

There are a handful of ways to make money from your Facebook content, but first you must be eligible to do so. This means your Facebook page and the content you post on it must abide by the platform’s eligibility requirements, which are grouped into three categories:

  1. Facebook Community Standards: these are the platform’s foundational rules, such as no graphic or unsafe content 
  2. Partner Monetization Policies: these rules are for your Facebook page as a whole, as well as the content you create, how you share your content, and how you receive and make online payments
  3. Content Monetization Policies: these are content-level rules that apply for every piece of content you post, such as no violent or profane content

To check your eligibility, go to the Facebook section of your Creator Studio and click the Monetization tab. Select which pages you want to see your monetization eligibility for—you will also be served other monetization information about the page. 

Once you’re eligible to monetize your Facebook content, it’s important to stay eligible if you want to make a consistent income. Regularly review the platform’s Community Standards, keep your domain clean with high-quality content, and ensure you have the rights to post your content. If for some reason your page becomes ineligible, Facebook will inform you via the Monetization tab in your Creator Studio, along with the reason you’re no longer eligible. 

6 Ways to make money on Facebook

1. Create videos with in-stream ads

In-stream ads attract the attention of a captive audience and are ideal for creators and brands with a sizeable audience. When a user is part-way through watching a Facebook video, they are more likely to watch the entirety of an ad if it means they can continue on with the original content—unlike a standalone ad in their feed, which they’re more likely to skip.

In-stream ads in action:

Bottled water brand LIFEWTR wanted to increase brand awareness and generate a positive, creative sentiment around its product. So it implemented short in-stream ads that ran in the midpoint of feed videos as well as properties like Facebook Watch, showcasing its community art projects through powerful visual stories. The campaign resulted in a two times lift in brand awareness and a 1.9 times higher lift in ad recall.

Why it worked: LIFEWTR used in-stream ads to tell a story and keep the attention of an already-captive audience. 

Get started: Think about what you want to achieve with your videos and what stories you can tell about your brand. If you want to advertise mid-roll, try adding in one- to two-second natural pauses when you create your videos where an in-stream ad could slot in.

As well as meeting Facebook’s eligibility criteria, videos must be over one minute in length and influencers need at least 10,000 page followers to run in-stream ads. These tips apply to brands that want to pay to run in-stream ads. 

2. Add a paid subscription to your page

Generate consistent monthly revenue through fan subscriptions, which encourage your most loyal followers to pay a recurring sum to fund your page. This is a great way for brands and creators with large, active audiences to monetize their page and reward fans with exclusive content and discounts. The “stars” feature lets users buy a pack of stars to send tips to their favorite creators for additional revenue. 

Fan subscriptions in action: 

The Vegan Baker has created a separate Facebook Group for supporters of the brand. Fans are charged $4.99 a month to access exclusive content and discounts. They are also able to send additional tips via Facebook’s stars feature for a piece of content they particularly enjoy. 

Why it worked: The Vegan Baker can monetize its active audience while rewarding users with exclusive content. The stars feature allows the brand to see which types of content perform best and increase engagement with a tight-knit segment of its followers. 

Get started: Fan subscriptions are only available on an invitation basis at the moment. Users can unlock fan subscriptions when they have 10,000 followers or more than 250 return viewers, and either 50,000 post engagements or 180,000 watch minutes.

Once you’ve received your invitation, you can choose what benefits you want subscribers to get, create a promotional video to launch your subscription service, and film a thank you video to welcome new subscribers. 

3. Collaborate with brands

Create content with a relevant, complementary partner to increase your reach and diversify your content output. There are plenty of brands that want to work with influencers, creators, and other companies to reach new audiences and raise brand awareness, and this can be a great way to boost your follower count and generate engagement.  

Brand collaboration in action: 

StyleNow Feed partnered with Jasper’s Boutique to bring followers of both brands fresh content. The paid partnership allowed the two companies to collaborate on relevant content that aligned with the needs of both their audiences, and users could click on each piece of content to learn more about each brand. 

Why it worked: The two brands are well-aligned and have similar but not identical audiences, which meant they could unlock a new segment of followers by reaching users who already had a strong connection with the partner brand. 

Get started: Before you can start tagging business partners in posts, you have to request access. Once you’ve done that, you can access collaboration opportunities and view insights inside the Brand Collabs Manager. 

This type of monetization method is best for Pages with an active, loyal following who post content that most brands won’t consider risky.  

4. Earn money directly from your fans

Facebook recently announced it will be placing more emphasis on organic video content made specifically for the platform to push back against users simply sharing TikTok posts. Creators and influencers will be able to unlock monetary rewards of up to $4,000 a month by completing a series of sequential “challenges,” such as generating a certain number of views on a Facebook Reel. 

Organic content rewards in action: 

Paula Garcia has a large following and, by creating Reels especially for Facebook, can cash in on the number of views, likes, and comments she gets. Paula actually combines a number of the tactics used here to solidify her Facebook monetization strategy, like getting sponsors for her Reels and posting them organically on the platform. 

Why it worked: Paula Garcia already has a large following, so it’s a no-brainer for her to tap into Facebook’s new challenges scheme that lets her cash in on the number of views she generates.  

Get started: The challenges feature can only be accessed via invitation at the moment, and it seems that Facebook is targeting influencers with follower counts in the high hundred thousands or millions. Once the invite is accepted, the first challenge must be completed within 30 days or the feature will expire. 

5. Run paid events online

Engage followers through a live event they can enjoy from the comfort of their own home. Facebook’s paid events feature lets you schedule, set up, and run events through your page, which is perfect for creators and businesses moving in-person events online. 

Paid events in action: 

Jasper’s Market hosts and advertises a number of events through its Facebook Business page. Fans can view a list of events and purchase access directly from the brand’s page. Seeing how many people are interested or attending creates a buzz around the event, while regular reminders ensure attendees don’t miss a single moment.  

Why it worked: Hosting online events helps Jasper’s Market reach new audiences who are interested in different kinds of events. It also generates engagement among followers who may not all be in the same location. 

Get started: Enable paid online events on your page and click the Events tab to create a new event. Choose the “paid” option and fill in the required information about your event, the price, and a co-host, if you have one. 

Your Facebook account and page must pass Facebook’s monetization eligibility criteria before you can start creating paid events. 

6. Drive visitors to your online store

Direct shoppers from your Facebook page to your Shopify store through the platform’s social commerce features. This is a great way for brands who already have a small business on Facebook to capture consumers mid-scroll with shoppable ads and powerful calls to action (CTAs). You can turn well-performing shoppable posts into paid ads to drive more traffic and define a new target audience you’d like to reach.  

Shoppable posts in action: 

Clothing brand QUEENSHOP wanted to boost sales among fans who had previously engaged with its content. It used Facebook’s Live Shopping feature to reach consumers who were online at that exact moment and direct them to the brand’s website through a product CTA in the bottom corner of the screen. The Live videos resulted in a 1.7 times higher return on ad spend and a 3.3% uplift in adds to carts.


Why it worked: QUEENSHOP was able to engage fans who were actively online and ready to make a purchase. It reduced the number of steps in the buying process by directing shoppers straight to the correct product page so they could make an instant purchase. 

Get started: Add your product catalog to your Facebook page in the Catalog Manager and link to relevant products when you post an image or video. To link to a product during livestreams, click Feature under the product or link you want to show after you’ve started your video.  

Conclusion: Diversify your earnings

Starting an ecommerce business, selling services, and creating digital products or merch all benefit from using Facebook’s massive audience as a sales tool. With the platform’s new suite of features made especially for entrepreneurs and brands, it’s easier than ever to engage new and existing audiences. 

But don’t get tied to just one feature or just one platform. Diversify your offering so that if one platform dries up you have other streams of traffic and revenue. This is especially important today, when the organic reach of mammoth social media sites like Facebook are dropping by the day and consumers are becoming increasingly skeptical of paid advertising campaigns. 

How to make money on Facebook FAQ

Can you make money on Facebook?

Yes, you can make money on Facebook. The platform has released a number of new features that allow creators, influencers, and brands with Facebook pages to monetize their accounts and content. This includes running in-stream ads during videos, collaborating with other companies and influencers, creating a subscription service, running paid online events, and using the social commerce features to drive visitors directly to your ecommerce store.

How much does Facebook pay for views?

Facebook’s new challenges feature enables content creators and influencers to get paid for the number of views they get on chosen organic Reels. This is to push back against Facebook users simply uploading content recycled from other platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The scheme offers creators the chance to participate in a series of sequential challenges and get rewarded for them. For example, you might earn $20 when five Reels reach 100 plays and, when that’s achieved, you can move on to earn $100 when 20 Reels reach 500 plays each.

How many followers do you need on Facebook to make money?

The more followers you have, the easier it is to make money. Most of Facebook’s new monetization features (including in-stream Facebook ads and fan subscription services) are only available to Facebook pages with more than 10,000 followers. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to earn money on Facebook if you have less followers than that, though. Other options like social commerce features, driving traffic to your store, and partnering with other brands and influencers don’t have a lower limit on the number of followers needed.

How to make money from your content on Facebook

4 min

Pages and accounts that share content with their audience on Facebook are an important part of our ecosystem, adding value for both our community and our advertisers. We build monetisation tools to help these individuals and organisations generate meaningful, reliable revenue that's sustainable over time.


Monetisation eligibility requirements apply to any Facebook tools that allow you to make money from your content.

Your monetisation eligibility can be affected by a combination of factors, but Creator Studio gives you a quick way to keep track of your eligibility status. To check your status and learn how to apply:

  1. Go to Facebook section in Creator Studio.

  2. Select the Monetisation tab, then click Overview.

Monetisation eligibility requirements apply to any Facebook tools that allow you to make money from your content.

Your monetisation eligibility can be affected by a combination of factors, but Creator Studio gives you a quick way to keep track of your eligibility status. To check your status and learn how to apply:

  1. Go to Facebook section in Creator Studio.

  2. Select the Monetisation tab, then click Overview.

Ways to monetise on Facebook

There are a few different ways you can monetise content on Facebook:

In-stream ads

Fan subscriptions

Branded content

Subscription groups
Include ads in your videos.

In-stream ads help you earn money by including short ads before, during or after your videos. We automatically identify natural breaks in your content to place your ads, or you can choose your own placements. Your earnings are determined by things such as number of video views and who the advertisers are.

  • Longer videos
  • Content that is suitable for advertisers

In addition to adhering to our Partner Monetisation Policies, there are several other requirements that your Page and your content must meet to be eligible for ads.

Take a course on in-stream-ads

Add a paid subscription to Pages.

Fan subscriptions allow the audience that cares most about your Page to directly fund it through monthly, recurring payments that you set. Identify supporters by the special badge we provide them in comments, and reward them with perks such as exclusive content and discounts.

  • Pages with a large, active following
  • Pages interested in offering exclusive bonus content

Currently, access to fan subscriptions is by invitation only.

Take a course on fan subscriptions

Collaborate with brands.

Generate revenue by publishing content that features or is influenced by a business partner. Brands want to work with content creators and their audiences. To make this easier, safer and more impactful for both parties, we created a tool, the Brand Collabs Manager, which enables you to find and connect with each other.

  • Pages with an active, loyal following
  • Topics most brands won't see as risky

Before you can tag a business partner in a branded content post, you need to request access. To use Brand Collabs Manager, you need to apply.

Take a course on branded content

Add a paid membership to groups.

Subscription groups empower group admins to sustain themselves through subscriptions, thus enabling them to further invest in their communities.

  • Group admins with an active community

In order to qualify for a subscription group, you must be an admin of a Facebook group and comply with our Partner Monetisation Policies.

Learn more about subscription groups.

Get started in Creator Studio's monetisation overview

The Overview section under the Monetisation tab in Creator Studio is your one-stop shop for everything monetisation. You'll see some or all of the following sections, depending on the monetisation tools that you're using and on your eligibility.

Check your eligibility.

Easily see which Pages can earn money and get details if something is wrong.

Get guidance.

Learn what you can do to improve your performance and get tips on what to do next.

Explore opportunities.

See info on new monetisation tools and learn how to get access.

Stay up to date.

Monitor your performance and get an overview of key metrics across your monetisation products.

Apply it


You manage a fitness Page that publishes three new videos a week. About 75% of them are over three minutes. Each of the videos typically receives 30,000-50,000 views, so you're feeling confident that it's a good time to start monetising your Page.

Which monetisation tool would be a good option for your Page?

Eager to do everything you can, or not quite ready to use the tools above? Consider promoting your merchandise in your videos. Tell fans where they can purchase your awesome swag. Or, for music and comedy Page types, share tour dates and invite your fans.


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Check Your Facebook Monetization Eligibility Status

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How to make money with content on Facebook

4 min.

Pages and accounts that host content for their audience are an important part of the Facebook ecosystem, helping our community and advertisers grow. To help people and companies get a decent and regular income, we create tools for monetization.

Who can use

Monetization requirements apply to all Facebook tools that allow you to earn money from content.

Access to monetization tools depends on a number of factors. With Creator Studio, you can easily find out if these tools are available to you. To find out if monetization tools are available to you and how to start using them:

  1. Go to the "Facebook" section in Creator Studio.

  2. Click the Monetize tab, then click Browse .

Monetization requirements apply to all Facebook tools that allow you to earn money from content.

Access to monetization tools depends on a number of factors. With Creator Studio, you can easily find out if these tools are available to you. To find out if monetization tools are available to you and how to start using them:

  1. Go to the "Facebook" section in Creator Studio.

  2. Click the Monetize tab, then click Browse .

How to monetize on Facebook

There are several ways to make money from content on Facebook:

In-Stream Video Ads

Fan Subscriptions

Branded Content

Subscription Groups
Add ads to your videos

In-stream video ads allow you to earn money from ads that you can add before, during, or after a video plays. We automatically identify natural breaks in your videos where it's best to place ads. You can choose your own accommodation if you wish. Your earnings depend on the number of video views and advertisers.

  • long videos
  • content that meets the needs of advertisers

In addition to our Partner Terms and Conditions, your Page and content must meet a number of other requirements in order to serve ads.

Take the In-Stream Video Course

Add a paid subscription to your Pages.

Fan Subscriptions allow people who like your Page to support you with monthly payments. Paid subscribers will receive a special badge that is displayed in the comments, as well as access to exclusive content or discounts.

  • Pages with large and active audiences
  • Pages that want to offer exclusive content

Fan subscriptions are currently invite-only.

Take the Fan Subscription Course

Collaborate with brands.

You can post content that promotes or is created in collaboration with a sponsor. Brands really want to work with creators and reach their viewers. To make this collaboration easier, safer and more efficient, we have created tool Brand Collabs Manager , which allows you to find and work with partners.

  • Pages with active and loyal audiences
  • content categories that brands consider safe

Before tagging a business partner in a branded content post, request it. To use Brand Collabs Manager, you must apply.

Take a branded content course

Add paid group membership.

Subscription groups allow admins to earn from contributions and thereby invest more in the development of their communities.

  • active community group admins

To create a subscription group, you must be a Facebook group admin and meet the Partner Monetization Terms.

See Subscription groups for details.

Monetize with Creator Studio

Section Overview on the "Monetization" tab in Creator Studio has everything you need to make money on content effectively. Depending on the monetization tools you use and your access to them, you will see some or all of the following sections.

Check if you qualify.

You can see which Pages you can already earn on and how to access monetization tools.

Get advice.

Find out how to improve your results and learn tips to get you started.

Explore the possibilities.

Explore new monetization tools and learn how to get access.

Stay informed.

Track results and view key metrics across your monetization tools.

Test Your Knowledge


You manage a Fitness Page where you post three new videos a week. About 75% of these videos are longer than three minutes. Each of these videos typically generate between 30,000 and 50,000 views, so you've decided it's time to start making money from your Page.

What's the best monetization tool for your Page?

Do you want to try other ways of monetization, or are you not ready to use the tools that we talked about yet? Try to promote your promotional items in the video. Tell fans where they can buy your merchandise. If you're a musician or comedian, submit tour dates and invite fans to your concerts.


Instagram content statistics in Creator Studio


Checking Facebook content monetization access status

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15 Legal Ways to Make Money on Facebook in 2022

Facebook is one of the easiest places to make money with over 1.18 million daily users on average.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many people and companies are trying to make money on Facebook. With such a large potential audience, making money is not difficult.

Making money from Facebook can be tricky though. Given the size of Facebook, it's hard to stand out from the crowd.

If you want to stand out, you should go through these 15 ways to make money on Facebook and see how you can make money on Facebook.

Research shows that whether you are a large company or a small local business, Facebook is still a powerful marketing tool for you. This is a great place to inform customers, grow your brand and expand your reach.

While you're selling your product, there's still room to make money on it.

In this article, we will show you the best way to make money on Facebook in 2022.

How to make money on Facebook

Facebook is primarily a social network; an online place where people can hang out, chat and share things of common interest.

That's why this is one of the best places to make money online.

There are two ways to make money on Facebook:

  • Invest your time and effort.
  • Invest your energy and money.

However, don't expect it to be that simple. It will take your time, effort and energy to earn a reasonable amount of money, but it is still doable.

If you can find a model for making money with Facebook, this could be the first step to making money from home.

This article also offers several ways to make money on Facebook without any investment.

That's what we mean.

Facebook has over a billion users. This means that the platform already has an audience.

But the question here is, are you a powerful person or just an ordinary person? Because it's the best way to make money on Facebook.

Are you an influencer or regular user of Facebook?

Anyone who wants to run a business on Facebook should always keep this in mind. It will always be easier for people to get likes on Facebook than it is for businesses.

And if you have fewer friends on Facebook, it will be even more difficult for you to sell your products on Facebook.

Unless you can share content so deeply that people share it multiple times and it goes viral.

On the other hand, if a person can attract a significant number of followers and then engage with them regularly, he will find that his posts will appear in many people's feeds.

However, the best way to make sure people listen to what you have to say is to develop your support base, as they see you as an influencer. When you get to this point, it's easy to make money on Facebook.

If not, create an audience

The reason Facebook influencers are successful is because they have already gone through the process of building followers.

You need to build your Facebook audience by sharing a number of great articles - interesting links, images and updates. To truly succeed as an individual, you need to create an area of ​​interest in which you can become a recognized expert.

While companies may use influencers to promote them, they will also likely want to create some form of Facebook presence. Over time, they can use it to help people recognize them as experts in their niche.

Starbucks has shown how to do it right, and its page has 37 million followers.

15 legal ways to make money on Facebook in 202 2

There are many ways to make money on Facebook.

We have listed the ways to make money on Facebook in a convenient order.

#1. Facebook page

You might be wondering how you can make money on Facebook pages.

Most of the funny pages have gained millions of subscribers in a short period of time. Whoever has such pages can easily monetize them. You can start by posting sponsored posts on these pages in exchange for money.

However, if you want to start from scratch, choose what your audience likes and build on it. You can do this by finding a good niche and gradually start building your Facebook page.

It's important to know that building a successful page takes a long time, so consider this only in the long run.

How to Make Money with Facebook Pages
  • Start Selling Products Through Page
  • Sell Ad Space to Big Brands on Page
  • Sell courses on page

#2. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a digital marketplace where users can connect to buy, sell and trade items with others in their area.

You can sell products on the Facebook Marketplace and earn significant income.

The only problem you will face is getting very cheap goods from the supplier and delivering the goods without complaint.

Steps to make money on the Facebook marketplace
  • Go to
  • Click Marketplace
  • Select "Sell something"
  • Click "Item to sell"
  • Enter name, price, location and category
  • Get the product live

#3. Facebook Digital Marketing

Facebook digital marketing is the real deal in the 21st century. Now it's easy to make money on Facebook with digital marketing.

All you need to do to become a Facebook digital marketer is to integrate Facebook ads into your Facebook marketing strategy. This is one possible way to increase likes or increase clicks on a website.

However, there are many other digital marketing tasks that you can do on Facebook that don't require much experience, such as managing social media posts, moderating Facebook business pages, creating memes, etc.

Because social media pages are relatively easy to manage, you can even manage 3-4 business pages and earn money on Facebook.

You can take any good Facebook marketing course and then create Facebook digital marketing services to make money.

See detailed courses on How to Become a Digital Marketer on Facebook .

Step to make money with digital marketing on Facebook
  • Get training in social media page administration, SEO, etc.
  • Apply to join relevant working groups
  • Create an attractive article to sell your services
  • Check comments and improve your publication

No. 4. Facebook Ads

AdSense is Google's website monetization platform that allows you to display ads on your website. This is another way to make money on Facebook.

However, AdSense has certain approval criteria, but once you qualify, you can make money on any website by sending paid traffic to it.

You will need an AdSense approved website that will allow you to earn money when your users click on ads posted on your website.

How to make money on Facebook with ads
  • Get an AdSense approved website
  • Start writing interesting content on the site.
  • Promote these products with Facebook paid ads.
  • Check AdSense earnings and optimize Facebook campaigns
  • Repeat

#5. Facebook Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a method where if a sale comes from your digital activity, you get a small commission for promoting a product or service.

To get started with affiliate marketing, you need to become an affiliate for a product or service and start promoting it.

Facebook groups are a great way to do affiliate marketing where you can find relevant groups, join them and start posting affiliate links for commissions.

How to make money on Facebook: Affiliate Marketing
  • Learn the basics of affiliate marketing.
  • Research the most effective partner products
  • Find relevant Facebook groups and join them to promote products.
  • Add value to conversations and connect affiliate links

№6. Selling products on Facebook

Selling products is the easiest way to make money on Facebook.

The idea is simple. Find a unique product that can be obtained cheaply.

Use Facebook targeting to present your product to your audience in the best possible way.

Now this will require you to invest some money first, but this is the easiest way to make money on Facebook.

The main thing is to present a product that solves the unique problem of the audience, interact with it and make it easier for your target audience to purchase the product.

If you want to sell products on Facebook and make money, make sure you find a winning product that is already on sale.

How to make money on Facebook by selling a product
  • Find a winning product
  • Copy competitors' ads
  • Start ads
  • Sell product
  • Earn money
  • Repeat

No. 7.

Selling services on Facebook

You can also sell some services on Facebook and earn money. This applies not only to the sale of digital services, but also to real services on Facebook.

With the right type of targeted advertising, you can sell some of your services and make money.

As in any other business, it is important that you try to sell services that give you a good profit so that they pay off.

How to make money on Facebook selling services
  • Find groups that match your skills
  • Request to join the group in question
  • Analyze the posts of other people offering similar services.
  • Create an attractive article to sell your services
  • Check comments and improve your publication

#8. Make money on Facebook with reselling

If you haven't heard of social trading platforms like Meesho, I highly recommend you check them out.

Meesho is a social commerce platform for resellers that allows almost anyone to join and start reselling products on channels like Facebook to earn money.

Besides Meesho, there are other resale platforms like GlowRoad and Shop101 that you can also try.

Your job will be to promote the product to your audience and increase sales.

You can download Meesho app here

Steps to make money on Facebook through reselling
  • Install Meesho, GlowRoad and Shop101 apps.
  • Understand the categories and top sellers
  • Subscribe to GST number
  • Start reseller app integration
  • Promote your products on Facebook through groups, friends.
  • Earn and repeat

№9. On a Facebook page, likes, shares, and comments are

A few years ago, selling likes, comments, and shares was big business. There are buyers for these types of likes, comments and reposts, and these are mostly startups or celebrities who want to get started.

Selling likes on Facebook is not necessarily a Facebook-supported process. However, it exists, so it's worth mentioning.

If you search Fiverr in the relevant social media categories, you can find merchants who sell things like likes, shares or comments.

They collect other Facebook users who like your page or share your posts to help you grow your audience.

Prices vary, but some have packages as low as $5 for likes, comments, and shares.

  • Find cheap sellers of likes on Facebook
  • Make sure you check the reputation of sellers
  • You may come across companies that want to sell or run your own ads for likes.
  • Make sure you get results

#10. Facebook Apps

Apps are a great way to make money. With Facebook apps, you can hope to earn a lot.

As mentioned earlier, the Facebook app can be a powerful source of income if you know how to build a useful app.

Facebook applications are programmable and you can even customize the database or extract user information to suit your needs.

Obviously, in order to create and make money from Facebook applications, you need to be technically savvy and have some knowledge of Facebook applications, which is not very common.

Go to Facebook App Builder to get started. Then follow the instructions to create your desired application.

Ways to Make Money with Facebook Apps
  • Build a Useful Facebook App
  • Get Your Facebook App Approved
  • Sell your app to external buyers or use it for Land Freelance projects.
  • Repeat this process

#11. Facebook video views (ads)

Another way to make enough money on Facebook is video views on Facebook.

Just a few years ago, Facebook introduced video ads for publishers.

Facebook video creators who create original videos can now monetize videos by adding ads to specific videos.

Facebook allows creators to monetize ads in three ways:

  • At the beginning of the video,
  • In the middle of the video and
  • Image ads.

There are some standard selection criteria and best practices that you should follow to start monetizing your videos.

  • You must post video from a page, not a profile, to be eligible to run InStream ads.
  • Over 30,000 views per minute.
  • At 10,000 subscribers
  • Post 3 minute videos

For a complete list of eligibility requirements, Click here .

Ways to Make Money with Facebook Video Ads
  • Create Unique Short Videos for Your Facebook Page
  • Qualify for Video Monetization
  • Advertise on Top Videos
  • Repeat Step One 9007 2
  • Earn on Facebook groups

    Facebook groups can be especially easy to make money if you sell information products.

    To start making money with Facebook groups, you can create a group by encouraging members to help each other and share ideas.

    Again, you need to make sure that you provide useful content to the members of the group, and from time to time you can offer your product as a solution to their problems.

    While it's not a big deal to create a Facebook group for the sole purpose of selling, they can be a useful way to let people know what you have to offer.

    Ways to make money in a Facebook group
    • Create or join all Facebook groups
    • Find the products you want
    • Start selling by following the rules of the group
    • Start making money
    • 7 No.

      5 Becoming a Facebook influencer

      Many people think that becoming a Facebook influencer is easy. This is not true!

      Unlike before, when the Facebook algorithm was tuned so that organic posts had a wider reach, it was easy to become an influencer.

      Now that organic reach is dwindling, it takes a lot of work and you have to constantly engage your followers to become an influencer.

      This does not mean that it is unattainable, but it will take time.

      This means that you must be prepared to make it work. Follow the instructions below to make things easier for you.

      Ways to make money as a Facebook influencer
      • Identify the niche you want to be an influencer in
      • Start posting relevant and useful content to your audience in groups or run paid ads
      • Gain subscribers through regular interaction
      • Use paid promotions, referrals and other ways to influence your subscribers to earn money.

      #14. Selling Courses on Facebook

      Online courses have now become a real reason to adopt technology. Everyone is now selling online courses, including Facebook.

      If you have the skills, you can create an online course and sell it on Facebook.

      Facebook made it easy by identifying where your target market is. You can use Facebook to target your potential audience, and if your course is good enough, you can benefit from it.

      You can create a course on business development, sales, or something else.

      However, it's a good idea to watch other people selling courses to test the idea before creating your own course.

      Ways to make money on Facebook by selling courses
      • Create your course
      • Make a short copywrite for it
      • Promote your course

      Sponsored stories are a type of Facebook ad that shows user interaction, such as a like on Facebook , the user's friends.

      This is another easy way to make money on Facebook. Sponsored Stories aims to capitalize on the concept of word-of-mouth marketing.

      The purpose of sponsored stories is to allow the user to do what their friends do. Advertisers can select "Like" to their friends if they need more "Like" pages to show to friends who "submitted this offer", if the company wants more users to request offers, etc.

      If the user sees, that three of his friends like a certain page, they are more likely to pay attention.

      Facebook ad stories can be easily created through the Facebook ad creation channel. Open Graph sponsored stories with a custom call to action require advertisers to use a third party provider.


      Of the above ways to make money on Facebook, if you only focus on making money on Facebook by watching videos, it will take a lot of time and money will be less.

      If you focus on the other forms of monetization mentioned in the article, you will be able to make money on Facebook faster.

      So here are some ways to make money with Facebook in 2021.

      We'll update the list as I discover new ways to make money on Facebook, so keep coming back.


      Can I make money on Facebook?

      Yes, of course you can! The list above shows most of the easy ways to make money on Facebook, you can try any of them and start making money.

      Learn more