How to delete someone from instagram account
How do you permanently delete someone from Instagram?
- Blocking someone on Instagram is the simplest way to remove them from your timeline and interactions. You can find their profile in the “People you followed” section of the app, and just hit the “Block” button next to their name.
- This will prevent them from seeing your posts and messages, but they’ll still be able to see everything that’s happening on accounts that follow them.
- If reports for spam or inappropriate content are more your style, then you can choose to report their account for either of those things.
- Reporting an account will send a message to Instagram saying that this particular user’s posts are not meeting our community guidelines.
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How to delete someone instagram account – Kese ke instagram account ko kase report karay – Instagram
Can you permanently block someone on Instagram?
If you’re someone who frequently interacts with others on social media platforms, it’s important to be aware of the Instagram blocker feature. This tool can be used to permanently block someone from seeing your account.
How do I delete someone permanently?
If you want to delete someone from your Facebook account, there are a few different ways to do it.
- Log in to your account and click on the “Account Settings” link at the top of the page.
- Under “General Account Settings,” select the “Privacy” option and then select “Delete Account.”
- If you want to delete someone from your profile but keep their posts and other information visible to friends, you can choose to have Facebook send a message instead of deleting their account.
- If you want to permanently delete someone from your Facebook account, you’ll need their login information and password. You can also contact Facebook customer service if you need help deleting an account.
Can you remove someone from Instagram without blocking them?
If you are someone who has been followed by someone on Instagram and they have blocked you, then you can remove them without blocking them. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Head to the person’s profile page on Instagram and select “settings”. This will take you to the “profile” tab. 2. Scroll down until you find the “blocks” column and click on it. 3. Under “options”, scroll down until you find the “remove from account” box and tick the box next to “me”. 4. Click on the “remove from account” button and your follower will be removed from your list of followers.
Will someone know I blocked them on Instagram?
If you have blocked someone on Instagram, you may be wondering if they have deleted their account. If they haven’t, you may want to check to see if there is a message from Instagram letting you know.
Can the person who blocked me on Instagram still see my profile?
If you have been blocked on Instagram by someone you know, there is a chance they can still see your profile. It all depends on how much access the blocked person has to your account. If they have no access at all, then they will not be able to see your profile. However, if the blocked person has limited access, they may be able to see posts that you’ve made but not comments or stories.
How do you delete a friend?
When it comes to deleting a friend on Facebook, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that you have their permission to delete them. Secondly, you need to remove the friend from your friends list. Finally, be sure to follow the deletion instructions that are provided.
How do I permanently delete someone from my phone?
People use their phones to communicate and share photos and videos. But some people may want to permanently delete someone from their phone if they think they have hurt that person’s feelings. There are a few ways to do this, but it is important to read the instructions carefully before doing so.
How do I permanently delete someone from Messenger?
If you want to permanently delete someone from Messenger, there are a few different methods you can use.
The first is to go to their profile and click the gear icon in the top right corner. From there, select “Settings.”
Next, under “General,” find the “Messenger” section and uncheck the box next to their name. This will remove them from all of your conversations and messages, but they’ll still be able to see yours.
If you want to delete someone but don’t want them removed from all of your messages and conversations, you can also send them a message that says: “Please remove me from your list.” They’ll have to respond back with either yes or no, and after they do, their removal will be permanent.
What it looks like when someone blocks you on Instagram?
Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share and view pictures and videos. When someone blocks you on Instagram, it means that they have removed you from their account. This can be a frustrating experience because you no longer have access to your posts and likes.
What happens when you remove a follower on Instagram?
Instagram is a social network that allows users to share pictures and videos with their followers. When a user removes their follower on Instagram, their account may be impacted. This could mean that they are no longer able to see the content that their followers are sharing, and could also mean that they no longer have access to some of the features that the platform offers.
Can you get someone removed from Instagram?
Step 1: Open your Instagram profile and turn on the Followers counter at the top. Step 2: Look for the individual you wish to ban using the search feature. Next to their name, tap on the three-dot icon. A pop-up will appear asking you whether you want to delete them.
What happens when you remove someone on Instagram?
If you’re a public account, removing someone doesn’t prevent them from seeing your profile, posts, or Stories. They can still see everything — and even contact you. Your material will no longer be shared on their feeds. Unless you block their account, they can refollow you at any time.
How do you know if someone has deleted their Instagram?
If they’ve just switched their username, you’ll see it reflected in their tag and/or your conversation with them. If their tag isn’t displayed, or if your conversations with them say, “Instagram user,” they’ve either deactivated their account or blocked you.
How do I know if someone blocked me on Instagram permanently?
You’ve likely been blocked if the account is private and you can’t locate it. If you go to their page but can’t see their profile picture, post count, follower count, or following count, and the photo grid area says “No Posts Yet,” you have definitely been blocked.
Will someone know if I block them on Instagram?
Unlike when it comes to gaining followers, likes, comments, or personal messages, if you’ve blocked someone on Instagram, they will not receive a notification. As a result, if you wish to inform them that they have been blocked, this is impossible.
How to Remove Followers on Instagram
- You can remove followers on Instagram so that they can no longer view your content.
- You can remove a follower from your Followers list on your profile, or from the follower's profile.
- When you remove a follower, they aren't notified of the change, but they can still request to follow you back.
If you want to prevent certain people from viewing your Instagram content, your best move is to set your account to private, to approve everyone who requests to follow you.
A public account does offer the chance to garner more followers, though, and might be necessary if you post on social media for work, to share art, or for other such purposes.
Also, even with a private account you might still want to boot certain people whom you no longer wish to see your content.
The good news is that Instagram makes it easy to remove followers without the follower being notified.
Here's how to remove a follower from your Followers list or from the user's profile on the Instagram mobile app.
How to remove followers on Instagram from your Followers list1. Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android.
2. From the app homepage, tap your profile icon in the bottom-right corner.
3. At the top of your profile page, tap on Followers.
Tap on your "Followers." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider4. Scroll down to find the follower you want to remove, or use the search bar at the top of the screen to find them. You can also select the categories Accounts You Don't Follow Back or Least Interacted With at the top to find a follower.
5. Tap the word Remove next to the follower you want to remove.
Select "Remove" next to a follower.
6. Select Remove again in the pop-up.
Quick tip: If you want to make sure the follower you removed doesn't follow you again, make sure your Instagram account is set to private, or consider blocking them.
How to remove followers on Instagram from the follower's profile1. Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android.
2. Go to the follower's profile you want to remove, either by searching for their account, scrolling through your followers list, or tapping the name of an account that appears on your timeline.
3. From their profile page, tap the icon of three horizontal dots in the top-right corner.
4. In the pop-up menu, select Remove Follower.
Tap "Remove Follower." Grace Eliza Goodwin/Insider5. Then select Remove again in the next pop-up.
Steven John
Freelance Writer
Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at
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Ways to delete someone else's Instagram account
Egor DenisovPopular users of the social network Instagram often face a problem when their profile has been blocked. There are only two ways to delete someone else's Instagram account: complain about inappropriate content and hack the profile. nine0005
Terms of use of the service
By registering with Instagram, the user agrees to the processing and storage of data.
Also agrees with the requirements of the social network, where it is indicated:
- publishing the contact details of the page owner is prohibited if it is not a business account;
- offensive photos or texts can cause the page to be blocked;
- erotic images are prohibited by the use policy;
- The minimum age for a profile holder is 13 years old.
The block list includes: fake pages, illegal or fraudulent ways of selling goods, services, selling or buying pages on Instagram. If another user does not comply with one of the specified rules, you can complain about his profile.
In accordance with the new requirements, all accounts with cheated members will be blocked, and after that they will be deactivated. The first stage is a gradual decrease in the audience. nine0005
The administration has the right to delete or block the page without warning the owner. If other users have complained a lot about the content of a particular profile, the account will also be blocked. But before that, messages about inappropriate content will appear.
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How to delete someone else's page
If another account raises doubts about the legality of actions, you can safely apply for its blocking. The function is located next to each picture and by going to the profile - on top.
Another user can be temporarily blocked or denied access to their page.
To complain about content:
- You can log in to Instagram from your main page. nine0009 Go to the page to be blocked. Select a post that violates the rules of the social network.
- In the upper right corner, click: " Complain " - Choose from two options: inappropriate materials or spam.
The last category includes publications and photographs that contain links or direct advertising of products. This does not apply to the online store and certified products.
Inappropriate materials include:
- insulting other people. In the image, users who were not tagged or their consent to the processing of photos was not taken;
- pornographic pictures;
- violence, extremism or incitement to conflict;
- sale and advertising of firearms;
- promotion of narcotic drugs, self-mutilation.
By selecting the "I don't like this" section, the user is offered the following options: unsubscribe or block the account owner. That is, the latter will not be able to see publications, comments, likes. nine0005
To delete someone else's page, you need to complain several times. The reason for blocking must be one of the above. Instagram has the right to respond that the request to remove the page was rejected.
The "Complain" function is anonymous, so you should not be afraid for personal data. Account blocking occurs after five applications, the page owner will be notified that his materials do not comply with Instagram policy.
Is it possible to hack a page?
The social network has built-in double data protection to ensure the safety of users. The hacking procedure is carried out by Internet specialists who will be able to access other people's data without consequences for the customer.
You won’t be able to hack yourself, therefore, in this case, the way to delete someone else’s Instagram account requires the involvement of professionals.
Contact support
You can delete someone else's Instagram account by contacting support. nine0005
Situations to be considered:
- personal photos of another person are published on the page without permission;
- the owner of the profile calls for violence or threatens;
- confirmed fact of fraud.
You can contact technical support from your profile by going to the section: "Help" - Report a problem or write via Facebook.
How to delete an Instagram account: instructions
Sometimes it's good to take a break from social networks, but self-discipline allows this only to a few. Then deleting the profile comes to the rescue. We explain how to delete from Instagram permanently or temporarily, saving data
Since March 21, 2022, the social networks Facebook and Instagram have been banned in Russia by a court decision, and the Meta Platforms holding company that owns them has been recognized as an extremist organization and is also banned.
Some users notice that they devote too much time to managing their Instagram account to the detriment of work and personal affairs. Even the owner of Instagram, Meta, admitted in internal documents that its social networks have a negative impact on sleep, work, parenting, work productivity and personal life of approximately 12.5% of users. And scientists from the University of British Columbia found that users' own lives begin to seem insufficiently bright and interesting compared to what they see on Instagram. nine0005
Meanwhile, until the spring of 2022, the social network was consistently in the top 10 in terms of downloads in Russia and in the world. The international agency We Are Social estimated that in 2021 Instagram ranked fourth in our country in terms of the number of users (61.2% of Russian Internet users go there), and in total 67.8% of the Russian population (99 million people) use social networks. The average Russian spends 3 hours a day outside of work at the monitor or with a smartphone.
In November 2021, Instagram began testing the Take a Break feature. It will allow users to escape from the continuous viewing of the feed. In the settings, it will be possible to set reminders for breaks, for example, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. After that, the application will issue a warning about the need to rest. However, this feature has been opened to a limited number of users so far. nine0005
For now, everyone has the only alternative - to give up Instagram for a while or for good.
How to permanently delete an Instagram account
This option should be chosen when the profile is definitely no longer useful: for example, if we are talking about the account of a company that has closed.
Before deleting a profile, Instagram will offer to save data from it. To do this, you need to send a download request. After that, an email will be sent to your email within 48 hours with a link where you can download photos and videos. You can also request a copy of your data through the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. To do this, open the menu in the profile, go to the "Settings" - "Security" section and select the "Download data" item. Next, you will need to enter your email address and account password. nine0005
Download request from Instagram
Even after deleting the profile, it will be visible on the social network for another 30 days. During this time, the user can change his mind and restore the account. If within a month the owner of the profile has never logged into the system, then the account is permanently deleted.
In the web version
To delete a profile using a computer, you need to perform several steps:
- go to the social network site and click on the "Help" button in the lower right corner; nine0010
- go to the "Help Center" and select the line "Delete your account" in the left menu;
- follow the link suggested in the article;
- specify the reason for deleting the profile;
- confirm the action by entering a password.
From a smartphone
To delete an Instagram profile using your phone, you need to take more steps:
- enter your profile in the application and click on "Settings"; nine0010
- in the menu that appears, select the "Help" line and go to the "Help Center";
- on the page that opens, select the item "Manage your account";
- in the search bar, enter the query "Delete profile";
- go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
- follow the link in the article;
- indicate the reason for deleting the account and enter the page password. nine0010
How to temporarily delete an Instagram account
The user can also stop using Instagram for any period and then restore the page. However, you can do this no more than once a week. A temporarily deleted profile is not visible to other users of the social network. To restore it, you just need to log into the application.
In the web version
To temporarily deactivate your profile using a computer, you must perform the following steps:
- go to the social network site under your account;
- click on the profile photo and select "Settings" in the menu that opens;
- at the bottom of the page, click on the link "Temporarily disable my account";
- on the page that opens, indicate the reason for the temporary disconnection and enter the account password.
From the phone
As in the case of the "permanent" deletion, temporary blocking of Instagram will require more steps:
- go to your profile;
- go to the "Settings" section and select the "Help" item;
- in the menu that appears, click on the line "Help Center";
- on the support page, open the "Manage your account" item;
- in the search bar, enter "Temporarily disable";
- go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
- click on the link "How to temporarily disable your account" and find the article "Instagram.
com website from a mobile browser"; nine0010
- click on the link in the first paragraph of the instructions and go to the mobile browser;
- on the main page of the account, click on the "Edit profile" button;
- select the link "Temporarily disable my account" at the bottom of the page.
Is it possible to delete a blocked Instagram account
To delete your account, you need to know your username and password. A forgotten password can be reset using an email address, phone number, or Facebook account. If the user does not have access to the email address specified during registration, and his Instagram and Facebook accounts are not linked, then the support service will not be able to provide access to the account. nine0005
In the event that an Instagram account has been blocked by the social network itself, its owner will see a corresponding message when logging in. He can appeal this decision. To do this, you need to open the app, enter your username and password, and then follow the instructions on the screen.