How to delete an instagram account without password and email
Delete Old Instagram Account Without Password or Email
Our past is full of mistakes. Some regret wasting time, some feel embarrassed over their relationships, while some make the mistake of uploading too much on the internet. Given your presence here, we assume you want a fresh social media startup. But, what to do if you forget the email and password of the account you desperately want to delete?
However, what if you don’t remember the mobile number as well? Don’t worry; there are several other ways to access and delete an old account. Keep scrolling to learn about them.
This article will teach you how to delete an old Instagram account without a password or email.
Table of Contents
- Methods To Delete Old Instagram Account Without Password or Email
- Method #1: Recover Password Through Mobile Number
- Method #2: Recover Password Through Facebook
- Method #3: Report Your Profile
- Method #4: Reach Out to the Instagram Support Centre
- Takeaway
There are three direct ways to access your Instagram account, i. e., email, password, or phone number. But since you are scrolling this post, there is a possibility that the first two options are not viable for you. In this case, the following option is your final resort: log in through a registered phone number.
To log in without email and a password, you will need to perform these steps:
- Open the Instagram application or webpage.
- Click on the “Get help logging in” option on the login page.
- Enter your registered phone number in the empty field and hit Next.
- Choose a suitable option, “Send an email” or “Send an SMS“. We recommend you choose the SMS option.
- Follow the login link sent to you.
- Your Instagram app will open, reset the password and save.
Once you have set a new password, you can enter your account. This will enable you to delete it.
To delete your old account, you will need to follow this:
- Visit the “Delete Your Account” page.
- A drop-down arrow will appear listing reasons why you want to delete your account. Tap on the most suitable option.
- Re-enter your password in the required field.
- Click on the “delete [username]” tab, and your account will be deleted permanently.
If you had connected your Instagram with Facebook, chances are that you will succeed in recovering your account. You just need to perform these simple steps:
- Open the Instagram login page.
- Below the login tab, there is a “Login With Facebook” option; click on it. If your device is logged into your Facebook account, it shows “Continue as Your Name.” Click either of these options.
- Go to the Settings and open the Security option.
- Tap on Password and select the reset using Facebook option.
- Enter your Facebook password and reset your Instagram password.
Once done, you can delete your account following the steps mentioned in the above section.
Method #3: Report Your ProfileInstagram does allow reporting profiles and content violating the community guidelines. If the platform finds any complaint legit, they terminate the account. You can take advantage of this protective feature and report your old profile.
For this, you will need to proceed as follows:
- Type your old username in the search tab and open the profile.
- In android, locate the ⠇option. For web or iPhone, look for the ⋯ option. Tap on the three dots.
- Now click on the Report option and then Report Account. Select pretending to be someone else as the reason for reporting.
- Choose “It’s pretending to be someone else“, then choose “Me” and hit Next.
Voila! You have successfully filed a report against yourself.
Method #4: Reach Out to the Instagram Support CentreLastly, ask the creators for help! Go ahead and send Instagram support team a request for account recovery. You can do this by taking these steps:
- Write an email describing your situation.
- Send at [email protected]. In case of no response, repeat sending the email.
- You will receive a code. The team might ask you to send your picture holding paper on which the provided code is written.
- If everything goes well, you will recover your account.
This post has covered all possible ways to access your Instagram account without a password or email. The saviors in such a situation are your mobile number, Facebook, reporting option, and support center.
However, to avoid going through this drill again, never forget to save your passwords and emails in a notebook or some other secured file.
How to Delete Instagram account without Password Email and Phone number?
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You may have suddenly remembered an old Instagram account that you no longer use. Certainly, you would want to delete the same lest it goes to the wrong hands. There is a strong possibility that you have forgotten the login credentials. Do not worry as we got you covered. This article will walk you through how to delete Instagram account without password, email, and phone number.
Also read: 7 Steps to Fix Temporarily Locked Instagram Account
Before you can delete your Instagram account, you need to log into it. Here are a few methods to get you inside your account followed by the process to delete the same.
1. Recover through Facebook– This method is possible only if you had accessed the Instagram account via Facebook. Here are a few simple steps to follow:
- Open Instagram
- Choose the ‘Log in with Facebook’ option found below the ‘Log In’ tab
- If you are already logged into Facebook, you would see ‘Continue as Your Name’, click on it
- Go to the Settings and click on Security
- Click on Password and choose the option to reset using Facebook
- Enter the Facebook password followed by resetting your Instagram password
2. Report your profile– This is a different approach to getting your account deleted. Incidentally, Instagram allows people to report any profile or content that violates community guidelines. When the platform finds a legit complaint, it would terminate the account. Take advantage of this feature to report your profile in the following way:
- Open your web browser and type your username in the search bar
- Visit the profile and click on the three dots
- Click on Report followed by Report Account
- Choose ‘It’s pretending to be someone else’ as the cause of reporting
- Tap on ‘Me’ and press Next
You have successfully reported your profile. However, it is to be noted that Instagram would not block the account instantly. It needs multiple reports to take action. Hence, get your friends and family to report the profile to make Instagram take immediate note.
3. Seek help from the Instagram support team– If none of the methods seem to help, ask the Instagram support center for assistance. Given below how it is to be done:
- Send an email to [email protected] explaining your situation in details
- Keep sending emails until you receive a response
- A code will be sent to you
- The team might ask you to send your photo with a piece of paper with the code written on it
- If the team finds the information reliable and authentic, you would recover your account
Once you get access to your account you can easily delete the same. Here is how:
- Go to the Delete Your Account page once you have logged in
- Choose an option from the drop-down menu beside the ‘Why are you deleting your account?’ option to state your reason
- Re-enter your password
- Choose ‘Permanently delete my account’
Instagram will delete the account and all data within it after 30 days of your request.
Watch this YouTube video:
Apart from deleting your old account, if you want to go on a social media detox, you may start by deleting your Instagram account by following the methods mentioned. Did you find this article on how to delete Instagram account without password useful? If yes, please share with others to help them with the information.
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I forgot my Instagram password - how to restore, change, delete it
How to delete Instagram if I forgot my password? How to restore a page or change data if the password is lost? Look for step-by-step instructions in the presented article.
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I forgot my Instagram password - how to recover and where to go
Almost all modern people communicate a lot on the Internet. Few of them are limited to one online community. Most often, a person registers on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, somewhere else and, of course, on Instagram. And to enter each social network you need your own username and password. At least that's what the safety rules say. Few people can keep all the data in their heads. Typically, this information is trusted to a notebook or phone. But memory can fail, the book gets lost, and the phone breaks down. And suddenly you realize: I forgot my Instagram password!
If you find yourself in this situation, don't panic. This problem is not so difficult to solve. There are even several options for solving the problem, how to restore Instagram if you forgot your password.
You can return your page, and therefore the password, in three ways:
For the last method, you must remember your Facebook credentials or be in this network.
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The procedure for returning an account for phones with different operating systems is generally the same, except for the details. Therefore, for Android and iOS devices, the instructions are slightly different. How to recover Instagram if you forgot your password using an Android gadget:
Open Insta;
On the home screen, click on the line "Help with logging in", located under the word "Login";
Choose whichever is more convenient for you: "Use your username or email. address, send SMS" or "Login with Facebook";
Insert the personal details you remember exactly and follow the instructions in the application;
As a result, you will receive an access code, it will be sent to your e-mail or phone; and if you have chosen to log in to Facebook and entered your credentials correctly, you will be able to log into Instagram from there.
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You must also open the Instagram application on your iPhone. Then touch the words "Username or Phone". Next, you need to enter your email address or give a phone number and touch the words "Send login link".
After logging into their profile, the user can change the password. How to do this, we will tell a little later.
And now an important warning. Account recovery when the password is forgotten will not take place if you provided fictitious information during registration. Try to remember: when creating a profile, you indicated personal data. And the Instagram administration did not verify the authenticity of your name, email address and phone number. In this social network, it is generally customary to use nicknames (read about how to choose the best one here). Alias is fine. But an invented phone number or a non-existent email address can play a trick on you. Where will they send you a message to go to your account? To avoid such troubles, learn everything about the correct registration on Instagram.
You can get new subscribers to your Instagram account, views and likes on Lowcostmm using the link https://lowcostsmm. com/ru/ without registration and tasks. The speed of cheating is moderate, so you should not be afraid of write-offs and blocking.
Another addition: personal data and login to Instagram are associated with a nickname (this is the name for use on the network). In fact, the nickname plays the role of a login. However, some people come up with such tricky nicknames that they then find it difficult to remember them themselves. And then a sad situation arises: the account cannot be found by username. What exits are there:
Check if your nickname is typed correctly, especially look for repetitive icons, numbers or letters;
Don't add the @ symbol to your nickname;
Check your email for a letter from the Instagram site with a notification about a change in information in your profile, this happens if it is hacked and the name has been changed;
Ask a network friend to look at your profile and take a screenshot (picture) of the screen so that the nickname is read well.
There is also such a problem: you are convinced that you did everything right, sent a request to reset your password. But the message never arrives. Can anything be done?
Check again if you entered the correct e-mail address;
Check your Spam folder, the email might be there;
Write a letter to your email administration, ask if there are restrictions on delivery from the domain;
Try resetting your password differently, with Facebook for example.
And one more situation. It happens: a person figured out how to restore a page on Instagram, did everything according to the instructions. Saw: email delivered. But for some reason, the operation called "Instagram recover password" did not complete, did not go to the site. And some time later I wanted to use the link, but the transition did not work. The explanation is simple: password reset links have an expiration date, and it doesn't last very long. Usually the transition is valid for no more than a day. If 24 hours have passed, you will have to start all over again. And then bring the process to an end.
We present you a list of paid likes on Instagram at reduced prices. Go to the page and choose the option that suits you best. Here you will find a wide range of services and additional criteria for them that will suit any user.
Sometimes when you restore access, there are problems with the site itself. What errors can be and how to fix them, we write in the article “Why Instagram does not work on a phone and computer - reasons”. It happens that you can’t log into your account at all, not because of forgetfulness, but because the Instagram administration has blocked you. For what a user can be banned, how to act to remove the block, read in our material. And for those who are interested not only in Instagram, we advise you to look at the site On it you will find everything that is useful for communication in the most popular social networks: proven instructions and curious secrets.
How to change your Instagram password if you forgot - a few steps
On Instagram, you can change your personal data without much hassle, including the password for entering the site But it's better if you remember it. Then changing the "key" from your page will be quite simple. Act like this:
Open your profile on the phone, you need to touch the silhouette of a little man;
Tap the gear symbol in the upper right corner on an iOS phone or the vertical ellipsis on Android;
Scroll down the page, click on the words "Change password";
Insert your old password, then enter a new one;
To save the information in the upper right corner, click on the word "Done" or the "tick" icon.
The procedure for changing the password can also be carried out on a computer. This feature is included in the web version of the site. Follow these steps:
Sign in to your page on instagram.
Go to profile;
Click the settings gear icon to the right of the Edit Profile button;
In the called menu, mark the command "Change password";
In the opened form, type the old password, and then the new one twice, click on the "Change password" button to save the changes.
Now about how to change the password on Instagram if you forgot. We found out that it is impossible to change information without logging into the profile. So, in this case, you should start by returning access to your account. And to do this, study and apply the instructions from the first chapter. By the way, one of the easiest options is to open Instagram through Facebook. But this will work if your accounts in both networks are connected, and you remember the data from Facebook or are on this site.
And when you get your profile back, it's time to think about how to change your Instagram password if you forgot. To do this, read the instructions above again. It remains only to recall the rules for choosing the "key" from the page. The better the password is chosen, the more reliable the account will be protected from hackers and scammers. So follow these conditions:
When composing a password, use at least six characters, combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, signs;
The password for profiles in other social networks should not be used on Instagram;
Change your password periodically;
Follow requests from the Instagram administration to change your password, usually these requests are related to account hacking attempts. It is likely that the problem was detected by the system during a security check;
Do not trust your account password to strangers.
The Instagram administration advises users who care about the security of their page to enable two-factor authentication. By the way, you can connect both on the phone and on the computer.
This free feature enhances your account's security against hacking.
Those who actively communicate on Insta, we will teach you how to use your personal correspondence "Direct" not only on the phone, but also on the computer. And you will certainly find useful articles on how to add photos from your computer and how to save publications.
How to delete Instagram if you forgot your password - what you can do
You have already learned how to recover a forgotten password on Instagram and change this cipher if necessary. However, it happens that such forgetfulness is not at all accidental. For example, a person lost interest in this network, stopped going there. So gradually the password disappeared from memory. But there comes a time when it is needed. A former Instagrammer is looking for ways to delete Instagram if he forgot his password.
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Let's talk briefly about the deletion process itself. It can only be done through a computer. There are two options on Instagram: temporary blocking and complete elimination of the profile. You will find all the details about each of the options and step-by-step instructions in the article “How to permanently delete an Instagram account from your phone and PC”.
But the network administration warns that the technical service will not be able to delete the account for the user, even if he asks for it. These are the requirements of the security system. Only the person who owns the account is given the right to perform such actions. And for this, he will definitely have to enter his page. It turns out that the answer to the question of how to delete Instagram if you forgot your password will be negative. But there is a significant amendment: if you managed to get your account back (and you can do it exactly, read above), you can liquidate it permanently or suspend it for a while.
And if you still haven't parted with this social network, be sure to read the most useful articles about self-blocking users and subscribers.
How to delete an Instagram account: instructions
Sometimes it's good to take a break from social networks, but self-discipline allows this only to a few. Then deleting the profile comes to the rescue. We explain how to delete from Instagram permanently or temporarily, saving data
Since March 21, 2022, the social networks Facebook and Instagram have been banned in Russia by a court decision, and the Meta Platforms holding company that owns them has been recognized as an extremist organization and is also banned.
Some users notice that they devote too much time to maintaining their Instagram account to the detriment of work and personal affairs. Even the owner of Instagram, Meta, admitted in internal documents that its social networks have a negative impact on sleep, work, parenting, work productivity and personal life of approximately 12.5% of users. And scientists from the University of British Columbia found that users' own lives begin to seem insufficiently bright and interesting compared to what they see on Instagram.
Meanwhile, until the spring of 2022, the social network was consistently in the top 10 in terms of downloads in Russia and in the world. The international agency We Are Social estimated that in 2021 Instagram ranked fourth in our country in terms of the number of users (61.2% of Russian Internet users go there), and in total 67.8% of the Russian population (99 million people) use social networks. The average Russian spends 3 hours a day outside of work at the monitor or with a smartphone.
In November 2021, Instagram began testing the Take a Break feature. It will allow users to escape from the continuous viewing of the feed. In the settings, it will be possible to set reminders for breaks, for example, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. After that, the application will issue a warning about the need to rest. However, this feature has been opened to a limited number of users so far.
For now, everyone has the only alternative - to give up Instagram for a while or for good.
How to permanently delete an Instagram account
This option should be chosen when the profile is definitely no longer useful: for example, if we are talking about the account of a company that has closed.
Before deleting a profile, Instagram will offer to save data from it. To do this, you need to send a download request. After that, an email will be sent to your email within 48 hours with a link where you can download photos and videos. You can also request a copy of your data through the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. To do this, open the menu in the profile, go to the "Settings" - "Security" section and select the "Download data" item. Next, you will need to enter your email address and account password.
Download request from Instagram
Even after deleting the profile, it will be visible on the social network for another 30 days. During this time, the user can change his mind and restore the account. If within a month the owner of the profile has never logged into the system, then the account is permanently deleted.
In the web version
To delete a profile using a computer, you need to perform several steps:
- go to the social network site and click on the "Help" button in the lower right corner;
- go to the "Help Center" and select the line "Delete your account" in the left menu;
- follow the link suggested in the article;
- specify the reason for deleting the profile;
- confirm the action by entering a password.
From smartphone
To delete an Instagram profile using your phone, you need to take more steps:
- enter your profile in the application and click on "Settings";
- in the menu that appears, select the "Help" line and go to the "Help Center";
- on the page that opens, select the item "Manage your account";
- in the search bar enter the query "Delete profile";
- go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
- follow the link in the article;
- specify the reason for deleting the account and enter the page password.
How to temporarily delete an Instagram account
The user can also stop using Instagram for any period and then restore the page. However, you can do this no more than once a week. A temporarily deleted profile is not visible to other users of the social network. To restore it, you just need to log into the application.
In the web version
To temporarily deactivate your profile using a computer, you must perform the following steps:
- go to the social network site under your account;
- click on the profile photo and select "Settings" in the menu that opens;
- at the bottom of the page, click on the link "Temporarily disable my account";
- on the page that opens, indicate the reason for the temporary disconnection and enter the account password.
From the phone
As in the case of the "perpetual" deletion, temporary blocking of Instagram will require more steps:
- go to your profile;
- go to the "Settings" section and select the "Help" item;
- in the menu that appears, click on the line "Help Center";
- on the support page, open the "Manage your account" item;
- in the search bar, enter "Temporarily disable";
- go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
- click on the link "How to temporarily disable your account" and find the article "Instagram.
com website from a mobile browser";
- click on the link in the first paragraph of the instruction and go to the mobile browser;
- on the main page of the account, click on the "Edit profile" button;
- select the link "Temporarily disable my account" at the bottom of the page.
Is it possible to delete a blocked Instagram account
To delete your account, you need to know your username and password. A forgotten password can be reset using an email address, phone number, or Facebook account. If the user does not have access to the email address specified during registration, and his Instagram and Facebook accounts are not linked, then the support service will not be able to provide access to the account.
In the event that an Instagram account has been blocked by the social network itself, its owner will see a corresponding message when logging in. He can appeal this decision. To do this, you need to open the app, enter your username and password, and then follow the instructions on the screen.