How to create telegram bot with php

Bot API Library Examples

A full tutorial covering everything from configuring your environment to deploying your finished bot is available here.

This page lists some libraries and frameworks developed by the Telegram community – you should take care to report any bugs you may find to the respective developers, as these projects are not maintained by Telegram.

Ping us on @BotSupport if you would like your library to appear on this page.

  • PHP Telegram Bot. PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API.

  • Telegram Bot Api Base. Clear and simple Telegram Bot API.

  • PHP Telegram API. A complete async capable Telegram Bot API implementation for PHP7.

  • Nutgram. 7.4 support.

  • Telegram Bot PHP. A library that makes using Telegram Bot API much easier.

  • NeleBot X Framework. Framework for Telegram Bot API.

  • Bot API PHP SDK. Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Supports Laravel out of the box.

  • Telegraph. A Laravel package for fluently interacting with Telegram Bots.

  • TeleBot. Easy way to create Telegram bots in PHP. Rich Laravel support out of the box.

  • Simple Bot API. Simple & Easy Telegram Bot API.

  • NovaGram. An Object-Oriented PHP library for Telegram Bots.

  • PHP Telegram Bot Api. Native PHP Wrapper for Telegram BOT API.

  • TuriBot. A simple way to communicate with Telegram APIs in PHP.

  • TelegramBotApiBundle. A symfony wrapper bundle for Telegram Bot API.

  • go-telegram-bot-api. Bindings for the Telegram Bot API.

  • Golang Telegram Bot library. An autogenerated wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. Inspired by the python-telegram-bot library.

  • Telego. Telegram Bot API library.

  • echotron. An elegant and concurrent library for the Telegram Bot API.

  • Telegram Bot API helper for Golang. A Telegram Bot API wrapper.

  • Telegrambot. Telegram Bot API in Go, but with more clean code.

  • telebot. A Telegram bot framework.

  • go-tg. Library for accessing Telegram Bot API, with batteries for building complex bots included.

  • TgWrap. A library with Telegram Bot API bindings.

  • Telegram Bot API: Go implementation. A Telegram IM bots API implementation.

  • python-telegram-bot. A wrapper you can't refuse.

  • pyTelegramBotAPI. A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the Telegram Bot API.

  • AIOGram. A pretty simple and fully asynchronous library for Telegram Bot API written with asyncio and aiohttp.

  • TGramBot. A partially auto-generated and asynchronous Minimal Telegram Bot API framework.

  • OrigamiBot. A pythonic Telegram bot API library.

  • pytgbot. A module to access the Telegram Bot API.

  • teleflask. A framework based on flask and pytgbot.

  • Frankenstein. A Telegram Bot API client.

  • teloxide. An elegant Telegram bots framework.

  • Ferrisgram. An asynchronous autogenerated wrapper for the Telegram Bot API.

  • carapax. A Telegram Bot API framework.

  • tgbotapi. A library for using the Telegram Bot API.

  • telegram-bot. A Library for creating a Telegram Bot.

  • Telebot. Write Telegram bots with Tokio and Futures.

  • TelegramBotAPI. Type-safe library for work with Telegram Bot API.

  • Kotlin Telegram Bot. Telegram Bot API wrapper, with handy Kotlin DSL. https://github. com/vendelieu/telegram-bot

  • Kotlin Telegram Bot. A wrapper for the Telegram Bot API.

  • Telegram Bot API in Kotlin Multiplatform. Telegram Bot API in Kotlin.

  • kt-telegram-bot. Telegram Bot API library for Kotlin language.

  • Iris Telegram API. Yet another Telegram API bot created with Kotlin.

  • Telegraf. Modern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js.

  • Node-Telegram-bot. Node.js module to interact with the official Telegram Bot API.

  • Telebot. The easy way to write Telegram bots.

  • Slimbot. A fuss-free, thin wrapper around Telegram Bot API for Node.js. No frills.

  • .NET Client for Telegram Bot API.

  • Telegram.Bots. A .NET 5 wrapper for the Telegram Bot API.

  • RxTelegram.Bot. RxTelegram uses a reactive approach to make Updates available.

  • Telegram.BotAPI for NET. One of the most complete libraries available to interact with the Telegram Bot API.

  • Telegram Vapor Bot. The wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Swift with Vapor.

  • telegram-bot-swift. Telegram Bot SDK for Swift.

  • Telegrammer. Telegram Bot Framework written in Swift 5.1 with SwiftNIO network framework.

  • grammY. The Telegram Bot Framework.

  • Nestgram. Framework for working with Telegram Bot API on TypeScript like Nest.js.

  • puregram. Powerful and modern telegram bot api sdk for node.js and typescript.

  • TelegramBots. A simple to use library to create Telegram Bots.

  • Java API. Telegram Bot API for Java.

  • ReBot. A Java EE Telegram Bot API.

  • canoe. Functional Telegram Bot API.

  • bot4s.telegram. Simple, extensible, strongly-typed wrapper for the Telegram Bot API.

  • F[Tg] - Telegramium. Pure functional Telegram Bot API implementation.

  • Telegram::Bot. Ruby gem for building Telegram Bot with optional Rails integration.

  • telegram-bot-ruby. Ruby wrapper for Telegram's Bot API.

Other Languages
  • Elixir. ExGram. Telegram Bot API low level API and framework.

  • Elixir. Nadia. Telegram Bot API Wrapper.

  • C++. tgbot-cpp. A library for Telegram Bot API.

  • C++. tgbot. A library for Telegram Bot API with generated API types and methods.

  • Dart. TeleDart. A library interfacing with the latest Telegram Bot API.

  • Pascal. TGBotMini. Telegram Bot Mini API.

  • Clojure. telegrambot-lib. A library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.

  • Lua. telegram-bot-lua. A feature-filled Telegram Bot API library.

  • OCaml. TelegraML. A library for creating bots for Telegram.

  • Haskell. haskell-telegram-api. High-level bindings to the Telegram Bot API based on servant library.

  • Perl. Telegram Bot. A genuine Perl 6 client for the Telegram's Bot API.

Getting Started

Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Telegram Bot SDK. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!



Telegram Bot SDK lets you develop Telegram Bots in PHP easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.

Telegram Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram.

To learn more about the Telegram Bot API, please consult the Introduction to Bots and Bot FAQ on the official Telegram site.

  • No. 1 SDK for PHP language.
  • Recommended by Telegram.
  • Multi-Bot Support.
  • Commands Handler System.
  • Easy to Get Started and Use.
  • Helper Methods to Ease Development.
  • Actively Maintained & Developed.
  • Complete API Methods Support.
  • Laravel Support out of the box!
  • Clean, Highly Documented & Industry Standard Code.
  • PSR Standards.
  • Popular & Widely Used.
  • Powered by Laravel Collection API for Response Objects.
  • Events / Plugin Support to Extend Features. (Coming Soon!)
  • Conversational Support. (Coming Soon!)
  • Well-Designed, Tested & Built.
  • Active support from the author as well as the community.
  • Live support in Slack chat.
  • PHP 7.2+
  • Composer
  • Telegram Bot API Access Token - Talk to @BotFather and generate one.
  • Laravel >= 5.5+ or Lumen Installation (Optional only if you want to use it with either of these frameworks). 2.0" } }

    After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader if you want to use the library standalone:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php'; 

    You can find out more on how to install Composer, configure autoloading, and other best-practices for defining dependencies at

    If you're using this SDK with Laravel, the SDK will self-register its ServiceProvider and Facade using Laravel's auto-discovery.

    Open your terminal window and fire the following command to publish config file to your config directory:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Telegram\Bot\Laravel\TelegramServiceProvider" 


    Submit Your Bot!

    If you're using this SDK to build your Telegram Bots, We'd love to know and share the bot with the world. Tell us about it - here

    Check out the Who's Using Telegram Bot SDK wiki page to know more about what people have been building with this SDK.

    Thank you for considering contributing to the project. Please review the CONTRIBUTING guidelines before submitting any pull requests.

    • Syed Irfaq R.
    • All Contributors

    Thanks to JetBrains for providing an open-source license to their PhpStorm IDE that has been very useful in developing this SDK. Please go check them out!

    This project and its author is neither associated nor affiliated with Telegram in any way.

    See License section for more details.

    This project is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.


    Additional Information

    The library takes advantage of the amazing Laravel Collection API to automatically map the data.

    So it's a lot easier to work with the array of data. Supports all the methods listed on the official docs.

    Any issues, feedback, suggestions or questions please use issue tracker here.

    Updated almost 3 years ago

    basic concepts for working with API / Sudo Null IT News

    Hello everyone, this is the first lesson from the course on developing bots for Telegram. In this course, we will discuss how to create bots for Telegram in PHP. I will tell you how to send text messages, how to send files, how to receive and process messages from users, and as a result, we will write a script to quickly create a Telegram bot in PHP.

    In the first lesson, we will look at the basic concepts associated with the API. I will tell you what API methods and hooks are, use Telegram as an example to build a URL for creating requests, and talk about how simple API requests are created in PHP. nine0003

    A complete list of all course records is on site or in publications on Habr .

    To send and receive requests via the API, you'd better use shared hosting, as local hosting won't be able to receive data via hooks.

    Basic concepts

    Let's look at the basic concepts for working with the API.

    API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of methods and rules by which various programs communicate with each other and exchange data. nine0003

    API method is a specific action that the application should perform based on the received data (send a message, return a list of chats, send a picture, etc.)

    Token (token) is a unique bot key required to send requests.

    How to send HTTP requests to PHP

    To send HTTP requests, you can use the file_get_contents() function, where the link is specified as the first main parameter. This function is great for sending GET requests, but unfortunately using function file_get_contents() POST requests cannot be sent, so we will use the Curl library to send POST requests.

    Curl is a library designed to receive and transmit data via protocols such as HTTP, FTP, HTTPS.

    You can read more about Curl on my website .

    Types of interaction with the application through the API

    There are 2 types of interaction with the application through the API. The first is from from the client to the server , and the second from the server to the client . In this case, the client is your application (website), and the server is the site to which you send requests (in our case, this is Telegram).

    API request is a way to communicate with the program by sending data from client - to server .

    Hooks (Hooks) is a way to communicate with the program, by means of sending data from server - client . That is, with certain changes in the program, the server (application) will send data to the specified client script.

    Documentation for working with the Telegram API

    You can find all methods and parameters for requests in the official Telegram documentation.

    Telegram Bot API -

    We will refer to this site throughout the course.

    Working with documentation for Telegram

    Documentation for creating Telegram bots is divided into several sections.

    In section Recent changes you can find information about Telegram updates. It describes the versions and innovations that have been made to the functionality of the messenger.

    Sections Authorizing your bot and Making requests describe how to authorize bots and how to create requests to work with bots.

    Section Getting updates describes how to get bot interaction updates. When a user interacts with bots, all his actions, according to the standard, are recorded on the Telegram servers, and in order to gain access to them, you need to send a request getUpdates .

    By sending a request getUpdates you can get the id of the last user who wrote the bot, find out his nickname, message text and the date of sending. If the bot is added to a community, then you can get the community id.

    Section Getting updates also describes the rules for setting up hooks, which allows you to send any changes to the developer's server. But we will talk about this later, now let's continue our acquaintance with the documentation. nine0003

    The next section that interests us is called Available types . This section describes all types of data that Telegram returns to us. When your script sends a request, after processing it, Telegram will return a response to you in JSON string format, which describes the special parameters.

    For example, if you send a message, Telegram will return an array containing the created message id, user id, message creation date, and much more. You can parse all this data and write it to the database. nine0003

    The section we'll have to work with the most is Available methods , methods for interacting with the bot. I advise you to go through all the methods and explore all the possibilities of working with bots.

    In a nutshell, here are methods for sending messages, files, images, and more. All methods have clear names and described parameters, which makes it easy to read the documentation, even without knowledge of English.

    Well, at the end, we have described methods for working with stickers, games in Telegram, methods for working with payment in Telegram. nine0003

    URL structure for sending requests to Telegram

    The Telegram API has a simple and understandable URL structure for sending requests.

    Here is an example URL for creating requests to the bot:{token}/{method} 

    {token} is a unique key that is issued when the bot is created;

    {method} is the request method by which we will receive or send certain data. Depending on the name of the method, we will perform different actions. nine0003

    Examples of URLs for requests

    These examples are used only for visualization of building a URL, the token specified in the URL is not tied to any bot!

    This is how sending messages using the GET method looks like. The first part of the URL contains the domain , then we write the string bot with the token that is given to us when creating the bot, after which we specify the sendMessage method and list the GET parameters. 

    Sending files to chat looks similar, only method sendMessage is replaced with sendDocument . And GET parameters are not listed here, after specifying the method, since we send data using the POST method. 

    Send images to chat: 

    This concludes our acquaintance with the Telegram documentation. In the next lesson, we will create the first bot and try to send simple requests.

    The second lesson is already on Habré -

    Telegram Documentation: Examples of bots


    Read more about bots in introductory article .

    Many Telegram users create their own tools for creating bots. On this page, we collect them to make it easier for novice bot builders to find the right library. nine0003



    Full support for all Bot API features, including games, inline mode, payments, and more.

    • Original code
    • Documentation
    • Examples
    • Support


    • Original code
    • Documentation
    • Telegram channel


    • Original code


    • Source code


    Microframework for creating bots.

    • Original code


    • Original code


    • Original code


    PHP Telegram API

    Full implementation of the Bot API in PHP7.

    • Original code

    PHP Telegram Bot

    Plugin support library.

  • Original code


Powerful SDK with Laravel support.

  • Original code
  • Documentation
  • Examples of bots


Wrapper for Symfony.

  • Original code

Telegram Bot Api Base

  • Original code

PHP Telegram Bot

  • Original code


  • Original code
  • Python


    Fully asynchronous library for Telegram Bot API written in asyncio and aiohttp.

    • Original code


    Powerful and actively developing library

    • Original code
    • Telegram group


    Framework for creating bots on the Telegram Bot API.

    • Original code

    Telegram Bot Service

    Framework for creating bots. Based on the Twisted library for Python 3.

    • Original code


    A small library for creating bots. Suitable for deployment on Google App Engine.

    • Original code


    • Original code
    • Documentation
