How to create instagram bio that draws in followers

How to Create an Instagram Bio That Draws in Followers

Updated 5/6/14

Your Instagram bio is one of the first things customers and Instagram users see. Occasionally, someone may see one of your photos before they come to your profile. But if they're going to follow you, they will see your bio. So what impression are you making on them?

We all know the value of a good first impression. Instagram is no exception. So it's important to have a great Instagram bio that draws in users and encourages them to follow you.

If you want to spruce up your Instagram bio, here are some suggestions to consider.

Your Name

First and foremost, your name needs to be your name. Whether it's the name of your business or your actual name, the name people see on Instagram needs to be how they know you. Don't use funny spellings, odd words, unnecessary abbreviations. or other versions of your name. It's your business and your brand. Make this section representative of that.

But, you can go further than just your name. Do you have a specialty? Is there something you provide? Are you known for something in particular? Do you have a specific job title or industry niche? Include this detail in your name!

Your name and username are the only fields that Instagram considers in search queries. So if there's a keyword or niche that you want to be able to be searched for, including this in your name will increase your chances of being found.

For example, my name is listed as Jenn Herman * Blogger *

Find a unique way to stand out but that still represents your brand professionally.

Tell Them What You Do

You do something - and you do something that sets you apart from anyone else. Tell this side of your brand in your bio. Explain what makes you unique. Explain what you can do for them. Explain what you share on Instagram. Tell users what you do and who you are.

Make It Interesting

Instagram is about having fun. Your bio should reflect that fun side of your personality. Don't make your bio too stuffy or formal. Include emojis or symbols in your bio. Use humor. Ask a rhetorical question. Make people laugh. Know your audience.

Whatever you choose to say about yourself or your brand, make it interesting. Draw people in. Make them want to follow you. This is your sales pitch so make it good.

Use Keywords

Keywords aren't used on Instagram in the same way that they are on other sites. Hashtags work well and are easily searched on Instagram. But hashtags in your bio aren't clickable and won't show up in search results. So I recommend avoiding them in your bio, unless you have a custom hashtag you are recognized for.

Even though keywords aren't necessarily going to help you in term of searches on Instagram, you should still use them to connect with other users. I don't recommend keyword stuffing since it's of no value. But using keywords that target your audience and niche will help users better understand who you are and what you have to offer.

Customize It

Once again, Instagram is different from all other social media sites. It's a different audience, and for a different purpose. Therefore, your Instagram bio shouldn't be exactly the same as your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+ profile bios. Do not copy and paste your other bio(s) into Instagram and walk away. Your Instagram bio can have some similarities and keep the branding content that you use on other sites, but it shouldn't be a direct replica.

Take the time to craft a customized bio that represents your brand and personality but that fits within the Instagram format and culture.

Space It Out

Furthermore, Instagram allows you to space out your bio vertically. This used to be harder to achieve but recent updates to Instagram have made this practice universal. Simply hit the enter or return key on your qwerty keyboard to drop down a line (or two). Doing this will space out your content and make it more legible. It will be clearer for people to read and you can highlight your key strengths. Stand out and connect with users using this method.

Update: It looks like, for ONCE, Android users have an advantage over iOS users. I assumed that since, as an Android user, I can use the return button to space out posts, that iOS users could too. I apologize for making that assumption, even though us Android users never get anything before you iOS users. But, anyways, if you are using Instagram on your iPhone, you aren't able to use the return button to space out your bio. Instead, you can edit your bio on a computer/desktop which will allow you to use the return key. Format your post with icons/emojis and everything on your mobile device, then use the desktop site to space it out. You can also use the notepad app to format your bio then copy and paste it into your Instagram account.

Include Your Website Link

I've said this time and time again, and I'll say it again. The only place on Instagram where you can place a clickable link is in your bio. Take advantage of this real estate and include your website url, landing page, blog page, or other link in this section. Including a link in your bio also shows users that you are a credible business. This encourages people to follow you so take advantage of it.

Now you have everything you need to create an Instagram bio that will draw in followers and help you grow your business.

Yes, this will take time to craft a good bio. But the great thing is that you can change it any time you like! Experiment with different options and layouts until you find the right one.

And, if you really want a professional, interesting Instagram bio that will draw in followers but you just don't have the time or know what to say, I have a great resource for you! Sue Zimmerman is the InstagramGal and she offers custom bio creations through her website. Just head over there and see what she has to offer. And, yes, she did my Instagram bio for me, which you can see on my profile here.

UPDATE 1/21/19: Instagram recently made changes to how the Instagram bios appear and they are getting cut off with a "... more" now. For more information on how to craft your Instagram bio to accommodate this change, check out this post.

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What to Put in Your Instagram Bio for a Good First Impression

Writing a good Instagram bio might seem straightforward, but it actually requires some strategy and creativity.

According to researchers, within the first 7 seconds of meeting you, people will have a solid impression of who you are — and it can be even shorter online.

So, if you’re using Instagram for Business, you’ll want to make a good first impression with your Instagram bio, and use it to attract new followers and potential customers!

Ready to learn what to put in your Instagram bio that will convince visitors to click the “follow” button? Here’s how:

What to Put in Your Instagram Bio: Our Top 6 Tips

  • Optimize Your Name for Search Queries

  • Add Your Skills & Target Audience

  • Include Relevant Keywords

  • Optimize Your Website Link

  • Share Your Contact Information

  • Get Creative & Show Your Personality

  • Instagram Bio Checklist (bonus!)

Tip #1: Optimize Your Instagram Name

The first step to creating a good Instagram bio is making sure that your Name Field is optimized with your name and/or a searchable keyword.

For example, if you’re in the healthcare industry, you may want to include your full name along with your job title. This way, when people search for you on Instagram, they’ll be able to easily find the correct account.

Take note of how therapist Meghan Watson uses the Name Field to include her occupation for extra clarity:

Instagram also considers the name and username fields in search queries, so it’s a great idea to make sure they’re optimized.

With this in mind, you may want to use keywords that potential followers may search for. Do you offer a specific service? Are you known for something in particular?

Take chef and writer Hannah Che, for example. She uses the Name Field to include her name and a keyword: vegan recipes.

Now, whenever someone searches “vegan recipes” on Instagram, her account will be among one of the first they see. And her simple and to-the-point Instagram bio let’s visitors know what her posts will be about.

Ready to make your Instagram bio stand out? Download our free Instagram bio worksheet to help you start planning:

Tip #2: Highlight Your Skills & Target Audience

A good Instagram bio explains what your business does and who it’s for (aka your target audience).

Goldleaf checks every item on the list with their Instagram bio:

They include “science-forward journals and decor” at the beginning of their bio, and mention they’re for “cannabis patients, growers, and enthusiasts”. Right away, new visitors will know exactly what the brand sells and if their products fit their interests. Short and sweet.

If you’re an entrepreneur or creator, you can also use your Instagram bio to help set you apart in your industry. Think about your skills or any experiences that might be of interest to potential followers.

Candace of @candaceabroad, is a travel blogger who uses her bio to highlight that she’s an American expat living in London:

Not only will this tidbit serve as an introduction to her profile, but it lets people know she’ll be exploring London and creating guides from the perspective of someone who moved abroad (with proof that they can do the same!).

Schedule photos and videos directly to Instagram (no push notification required) with our Auto Publish feature.

Tip #3: Use Relevant Keywords

Using targeted keywords - also known as Instagram SEO - in your bio won’t improve your searchability on Instagram (except, as we mentioned above, for your name and username) but it can help give your account more focus and connect you with like-minded followers.

It can also get your purpose across at a glance, which is important when you have a limited amount of characters to play with.

When deciding what keywords to include in your Instagram bio, think about your core values and interests, and those of your target audience.

The Chalkboard Mag does this by using keywords like “wellness”, “nutrition”, “self-care”, and “design”:

If you use Instagram for business, spend some time creating a “persona ” of your ideal follower.

What are their pain points or interests? What keywords will resonate with them?

Using keywords that target your audience and niche will help users better understand who you are, what you have to offer, and whether or not your account is relevant to them.

Check out how Headspace use keywords like “happiness” and “meditate” in their Instagram bio to explain what they do and connect with followers:

Tip #4: Drive Traffic a Link in Bio Tool

The link in your Instagram bio is easy to find and readily clickable, making it one of the most valuable traffic drivers on your profile. Putting a link in your Instagram bio can lead to more engaged customers and revenue for your business.

And the good news is, with Later's link in bio tool, turns your whole Instagram feed into a clickable landing page and drives traffic to your online store, event page, video, or blog.

This means, you can add links to any of the Instagram posts you’ve published, which helps direct your Instagram audience to the right content or products on your site.

And if you’re on a Later Growth or Advanced plan, you can connect your Shopify account to! In a few clicks, tag Shopify products in your posts and make it even easier to shop your feed.

Ready to turn followers into customers with a shoppable Instagram feed? Start using today!

Tip #5: Add Your Contact Information

With an Instagram business profile, you can add contact information to your Instagram bio. This includes your email address, phone number, and brick-and-mortar address.

The best part? It doesn’t take up any character space in your bio!

Skincare company Eluo Beauty and jewelry brand Greda Co. have contact information available for new visitors and their followers:

The benefit to putting contact information in your Instagram bio is that it makes it easy to contact you. It can also act as a visual prompt for someone to reach out if they have a question or inquiry.

Tip #6: Get Creative With Your Instagram Bio

While it’s important to convey who you are and what you do in your Instagram bio, you should also think of it as a space for you to show off your personality and have fun.

Here are 3 ways to put some creativity into your Instagram bio:

Use Emojis to Space Out Your Text

One way to space out the text in your Instagram bio is by incorporating emojis. You can use them to break up any text-heavy sections in your bio, like Poppy’s Happy Doodles or Sam Ushiro:

You can also use emojis to highlight any CTAs (call-to-actions) or add some pizzazz to your bio, like Later:

Include a Branded Hashtag

Whether you’re promoting an Instagram contest or UGC (user-generated content) campaign, including a clickable branded hashtag in your Instagram bio can help drive engagement.

Beverage brand Sunwink encourages followers to use #DrinkSunwink for a chance to be featured:

Including your branded hashtag in your bio is also a great way to get your followers into the habit of using it, like Apartment Therapy:

Plus, users can now follow hashtags on Instagram, so if they follow your branded hashtag, it can help keep your brand top-of-mind.

Add Line Breaks to Your Bio

Adding line breaks to your Instagram bio is a great way to make the information more bite-sized and consumable.

The easiest way to add line breaks to your Instagram bio is to format it on the web version of the app. Once done, you’ll have a bio that’s easier to read, like Darryl Cheng’s @houseplantjournal:

Instagram Bio Checklist

A good Instagram bio is one that creates a great first impression and convinces users to click the “follow” button on your account. Here’s a recap of what we covered:

  • Explain who you are and what you do

  • Target your niche audience with specific keywords

  • Link to your website or blog using Later's link in bio tool,

  • Provide additional ways for your followers to get in touch

  • Show your personality

Whatever approach you decide to take for your Instagram bio, it’s worthwhile to invest some time and effort in the process.

Once you have a bio you’re happy with, ask a few people in your network what impression they get when they visit your profile and use their feedback to help make any adjustments.

And as your business grows and evolves, you can set time aside every few months to review your bio and make sure you’re always telling the story you want to tell.

Ready to save time and optimize your Instagram bio? With by Later, you can turn visitors into customers. Get started for free now!

How to properly style the Instagram profile header

The Instagram profile header is the first thing a user looks at in your account. By the first lines, a person understands what kind of page it is and whether it is interesting to him, so it is important to write a well-written description and briefly present the brand to the visitor. In this article, we will look at the main sections that you need to pay attention to and analyze them with examples.

  • What is an Instagram profile header
  • How to design a profile header on Instagram
  • Secrets and life hacks for a beautiful hat
  • Good and bad examples of profile header design
  • Conclusion

What is the Instagram profile header

The profile header, or bio is a small block above the user's feed, where you can add an avatar, nickname, name, activity description, link and text no longer than 150 characters: emoji, hashtags, mentions.

An example of a profile header in the mobile version of Instagram

And this is how the header is displayed in the desktop version:

An example of a profile header in the desktop version

Why it is important to make it right

The profile header must meet several requirements:

  • Informative. The brand is easy to find in the Instagram search by name or keywords. The theme of the channel is clear from the description. Also, the user can ask the company a question through links in direct, messenger or by phone number.
  • Attractiveness. Profile and cap meet the criteria for uniform design. The description and posts stand out from the competition.
  • Trust. Text and avatar should show users that you have a legitimate business and you are not involved in fraud.
  • Literacy. Check the text for errors and follow the rules for writing posts.

Recommended reading! Learn how to grow Instagram:

  • Who are the guests on Instagram and how to set up ads on them ”,
  • " How to get followers on Instagram in 2021 ",
  • " How to use Instagram Guides to promote organically",
  • « Instagram Trends 2021 to Make Your Account More Engaging for Followers »,
  • « How to create a content plan for Instagram. Rules, tips, examples ”,
  • « How to Create Instagram Templates: Creative Guide ",
  • " What to post on social media for businesses: 23 post ideas for every day + bonus ",
  • " Story Ideas: A Selection of 45 Ideas",
  • " Opportunities and interesting features of Instagram Stories ",
  • " How to create an Instagram chatbot for business ",
  • " Business promotion on Instagram for stores: detailed instructions ",
  • « What is advertising on Instagram and how to set it up ",
  • " Effective Targeted Facebook Ads - Tips",
  • « What Instagram statistics consist of and what it affects ».

How to design a profile header on Instagram

And now let's look at the elements of the header and find out how to properly create an account.

To create a header, click "Edit profile" on the account page.

Profile header settings


The first thing a user notices is the avatar. Its size is 180 x 180 pixels, so you can't use small details. The image and text must be visible both on the desktop version of the app and on the mobile version.

If you have a personal blog, add your portrait to the avatar so that the user understands who the owner of the account is and with whom he will communicate.

An example of an avatar for a personal blog

And if you have a business account for a company, use a product image or logo. So users will be able to see the identity and understand what kind of brand is in front of them. You can also add a photo of an ambassador, a company representative or a picture of a mascot.

Variant logomark for company business account

Note. Logomark is a logo icon, but without letters and numbers.

Nickname and name

It is desirable to include the brand name and keywords in the nickname. This will help the user to quickly find a company or person in the Instagram search.

The nickname is written in Latin, so try to avoid ambiguity if the word should sound in Russian. For example, the letter "ya" is found in such variants: "ya", "ja" or "ia". Because of this, it will be difficult for the user to find you in the search. What to do: Tell users how to properly search for a company.

Here is a screenshot of an account whose name uses the key query "bank" in Latin.

An example of a company nickname with the keyword

In the description, you can specify the name of the company, keywords about your activities, or the name of the brand representative.

The name can be written not only in Latin, but also in Cyrillic.

Variant of the name in the Instagram profile, which indicates the main activity of the SendPulse service. For these key queries, you can quickly find an account in the search

Instagram profile description

This is brand information that helps the user understand which page they have landed on. Consider the sections that can be added to the profile header.

Activity category

This is a brief description of the Instagram profile - what the company does.

An example of the type of activity that can be selected in the settings

The categories that can be selected in the settings are shown below. You can add a suggestion from the recommendations or use the search.

Instagram account category settings
Blog or brand presentation

This is text that can contain up to 150 characters.

An example of a profile description: information about the author, mention of channels and contacts of the photographer

Note. Emoji, mentions and hashtags are also added to the text.

If you have a personal blog, tell us about your interests, about yourself and share contact information.

An example of a description in which the author speaks about himself and his interests, activity

Important! Communicate with your subscribers in the same language. No need to use terms and complex language, write in simple words. How to create effective texts, look at examples of cool copywriting - in our article.

And if you maintain a company account, show the USP, product features, add the address and contacts, which, for example, can be placed in a multilink: website, social networks, video materials, and the like.

Description option for a company with benefits and features, as well as the address of the organization

Important! The Instagram app hides part of the text, so the user will see the first 123 characters, as in the example below.

An example of a bad profile description, because the text breaks in the middle of a sentence that is a call to action

This is a link to another profile - this can be your side project, a page with promotions, or an account of a company representative. The mention is written through the "@" symbol.

Below is an example of how mentions can be used in the description.

An example of how you can use mentions in the description of the author's profile

And this is a mention in the description of the company account. Thanks to several profiles, the brand was able to separate two activities: creating family photo albums and making craft boots.

An example of mentioning a company's business account in the description

Helps users find posts on a specific topic: brand query, selection, review, promotional tag, and the like. For example, if you have book reviews in your feed, add a tag by which the user can explore the relevant posts.

An example of a branded hashtag in a profile description

This can be a multilink, deep link or URL, a leading site, messenger, video hosting, marketplace, and so on.

Important! Use a deep link if the link leads to a specific page. URLs with UTM tags are completely out of line and look ugly.

Below is a bad example of adding a link:

An example of bad link placement in the profile header

If you only provide a link to a website or messenger, it will be difficult for the user to find other useful information. Therefore, we recommend adding multilinks.

An example of a multilink in a profile

To create a multilink, use the landing page builder in the SendPulse service. In just five minutes, you can add the necessary data and publish a mobile landing or landing page.

Builder allows you to work with text, buttons, covers, images, products, videos, payment options and FAQ. The landing page can also be linked to free CRM, chat bots in messengers and email. Thus, you can create an omnichannel system at all stages of the sales funnel.

SendPulse pre-made multilink template option

Simple yet powerful landing page builder

Create a mobile landing page, online store or multilink for Instagram and promote it via messenger chatbots, email and SMS - all on one platform!

Create a landing page

Call to action

Add a call to action to your header to motivate users to contact you. For example, "Reserve a seat", "Make an appointment", "Contact us", "Subscribe", "Participate".

Placement of a call to action in the header of the profile

This is a variant of the call to action under the link. This method helps users see the call if part of the text is hidden.

Here, a call to action has been added to the company address - a line in the "Exact address" settings. Remember that all text on this line will translate to maps and show the location of the company.

An example of placing a call to action under the link
Company address

To add an address in the description, you will need a business account. On your page, click "Edit Profile", then go to the "Methods of Contact" section and select "Company Address".

After entering the data, be sure to check "Show contact information" - and the address will appear on the page.

Company address settings

You will see a window where you can enter the exact address, as well as specify the postcode and city.

Organization location settings

Below is an example of displaying an address in an account description:

An example of displaying an address in an account description

Important! The address works as a link. When you click on it, the user opens maps on which he can see the location of the store or company office.


Contact information can be added in the settings by entering a phone number, email and WhatsApp link.

Important! Contacts are displayed in the application on the smartphone as buttons.

Example of contacts in the account: phone number and email:

Buttons with multiple contacts: phone number and email

Contact information option with email:

One button with email

Note. Facebook has launched new products, for example, the “WhatsApp” button appeared in the Instagram application, which redirects the client to the messenger so that he can ask a manager a question or start chatting with a chatbot.

"WhatsApp" button for linking two applications

This is a link between WhatsApp Business and Instagram:

Several contact details: phone number and WhatsApp messenger

You can add a phone number and a link to WhatsApp in the "Methods of communication" section:

Section "Methods of communication", through which you can add contact information

Discover the chatbot on Instagram

Convert subscribers into regular customers, automate communication with them and improve sales.

Create a chatbot


Several buttons can be added to the description: "View store", "Order food", "Book" or "Reserve".

In a business account, you can create an online store with goods. To do this, go to "Settings" and go to the "Company" section. At the bottom of the page, there will be a link to "Set up Instagram Shopping".

Instagram Shopping is a set of features that allow the user to make purchases through the app. You can set up an online store with product cards and transfer a subscriber to a website or an online checkout. Also, in the posts, you can put a mark on the product so that the client can study it in more detail.

Recommended reading! Learn how to sell on Instagram.

Setting up an online store in the Instagram application

You will see a window where you can start adding products:

Creating a store in the application

Below is an example of displaying a button for a store:

The "View store" button in the profile

other action buttons we talked about above. With their help, you transfer the user to a partner service, where the client orders food or makes a reservation.

Customizing action buttons

This is an example of account action buttons:

Cafe profile action buttons

A chatbot for Instagram has been added to the SendPulse service. By clicking on the "Write" button, the user starts a direct communication with the chatbot.

With it, you can unload technical support time and automate the process of communication with the client. You can also create a script that will help you advise the user on all products, inform the client about new promotions and send a link to pay the bill.

Recommended reading! Learn how to set up a chatbot on Instagram.

An example of how to set up a chatbot greeting chain

Secrets and life hacks for a beautiful hat

On Instagram, you can decorate your hat with the help of additional services. Consider options for creative solutions.

Change font

To create interesting text, change the font using the following tools.

Services - Piliapp, Fine Words, Hype Type, Fonts For Instagram, LingoJam.

Fonts For Instagram resource interface

Applications - I Fonts - Cool & Stylish Fonts for Instagram, Fonts Art, Fontgram.

For example, the Fonts Art app helps you connect a keyboard with ready-made fonts and change text directly in the Instagram app.

Working in the Fonts Art application

Telegram bots - @TexterAsBot or @TextMagicBot.

Fonts in the chatbot

Recommended reading! "Bot for Instagram: a selection of useful helpers in Telegram".

This is an option to use decorative fonts in the description:

An option to use different fonts in the profile description

Note. Don't overuse decorative fonts. You can highlight the title or less important information with them, but use a readable font for important descriptions.

Add characters

To add characters, you can use a Unicode table, for example in Windows via Microsoft Word. Or use an online resource - Cool Symbol.

Choose the symbol you like, copy it and paste it into the description.

Cool Symbol site interface

Change line spacing

Apps4Life service will help you break your description into neat lines by adding line spacing.

Apps4Life resource interface

You can also download the application and use the service from your smartphone. The service is paid.

Good and bad examples of profile header design

In this section, we will look at good and bad profile design options.

A good example is an orthopedic mattress store.

At the beginning, you can see a bright logo and a geotag in the account name. The description lists the benefits of the brand and a call to action - you can order it at the link below. The address of the company is also indicated.

Instagram header: section design examples

A bad example is a factory that makes goods for sleep: mattresses, beds, pillows, and so on.

The avatar has small elements that are difficult to make out. The description is written in solid text - some of the offers will not be visible, as Instagram will automatically hide it.

The link with the UTM tag is long and does not fit entirely in the line. But in this account there is a store and a button is designed for it.

A bad example of designing a profile cap

A good example is beds for cats and dogs.

Benefits are given in the description, however, the first line “Products for pets” can be removed, it duplicates the category of the type of activity. The following is a gift that stimulates sales, as well as information about discounts and a link to the marketplace.

An example of a header design for a pet products store

A bad example is products for dogs.

It is better to separate the account name with the symbol "|". Next comes the description: the first three points are well done, but the hashtag is not suitable for the header - this is a high-frequency request, and only what is directly related to the account should be added to the description.

Reviews are placed in a separate account - the user will not make a large number of transitions, so it is advisable to review the section with reviews. There is a call below, but the inscription "Direct" can be removed and only a link to WhatsApp can be left.

An example of bad header design for a dog store

A good example is a travel agency.

A simple and memorable name, except for the ambiguity in the nickname - the word "hike" in Latin is more likely to be written by the user through "h". The description lists the tours that can be booked. Also added a thematic hashtag and a link to the site. The call to action is missing.

A good example of a header design for a travel agency

A bad example is a guide from Sochi.

The name is good, but the description turned out to be crumpled: it is not clear from it whether the guide works alone or still with the team. All links can be made into a multilink. It is also not particularly correct to use the URL of the resource if you can make a mention of the Instagram account.

The phone number can be specified in contacts and additionally added to the multilink.

A bad example of the design of the header in the account of a guide from Sochi


In this article, we looked at the design of the profile header and found out what key points attract the user's attention:

  • The avatar should show your face or reflect the brand: logo, logomark, product image.
  • Login includes brand name or keyword.
  • The name reflects the type of activity or the essence of the project for the company. If you have a personal brand, use the first and last name with the addition of a keyword.
  • The description is the presentation of the brand. You can tell about yourself, your interests or the USP of the company. Be sure to divide the text into lines and add emoji where appropriate.
  • Call to action helps people understand what you want from them. Don't forget to add it to the description.
  • Contacts and links - place contact information in a multilink, and add phone numbers and email to the "Contacts" button.
  • If you have a large number of products, connect the online store in the application.
  • Hashtags and mentions. If you have related projects or unique tags, be sure to tell your subscribers about it.

Create multilinks in the SendPulse service, as well as use our other tools: add a free CRM system, send email, Viber, SMS and WhatsApp mailings, connect push notifications, and set up chat bots in Facebook Messenger, VKontakte, Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram!

208 Instagram BIO ideas with account examples

Instagram is the most popular network for sharing photo content on the Internet. Every 2-3 inhabitants of the planet are registered in the open spaces of the service. People use it for different purposes: reading posts on topics of interest, promoting a business, working with a personal brand. Any topic, any product - everything can be promoted through Instagram.

To get started on Instagram, you will need to create your own page. Below your profile name is an area called your biography.

Here we write information about ourselves that will help our readers understand where they came from. Reading a biography (hereinafter - BIO), the user spends just a couple of seconds.

First of all, entering any account on the Web, the page is visually scanned for relevance of reading it. If your biography, photos do not hook the reader, then at 90% of the time he will leave your page.

How to make the best BIO and what it should consist of

What can be written in the biography on Instagram. The purpose of this area is to introduce the reader to you. At first glance, it should be clear what your blog is for the subscriber.

First you need to think about what to write about yourself. Who you are? Freelancer, artist or maybe a manicurist? Or maybe you are just a person who has something to tell the world.

You may also be interested in: 210+ Themes and ideas for posts on Instagram subscription. The bio plays a truly huge role in the promotion of the page, it works both in the initial stages for a subscription, and for subsequent work with the audience.

The bio on Instagram is directly related to the unique selling proposition of the page. Even if you just want to blog and get people to follow you, you still need to figure out what exactly you might be interested in.

Blog accounts are often created without defining uniqueness and target audience, which is a fundamentally wrong direction. The author must understand for whom he writes, so that the reader likes the posts, and he does not leave your blog, giving you the most precious thing he has - time.

For the page to work for us, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The profile biography must be informative. If you write only your name, indicate that for cooperation you need to go to direct, but do not indicate in which direction the cooperation is carried out, no one will write to you. It is important to be specific in providing information.
  2. Easy perception. If the profile header contains complex technical information or some complex, cumbersome definitions, the user will close your page. To make it easier to read, use text styling services to add variety.
  3. A good BIO should sink into the hearts of visitors and work like a magnet. To make the page a magnet, use the list of ideas prepared for you for different occasions (below in the article).
  4. The scheme for compiling a working BIO is as follows:

Business card + Benefit + Uniqueness + Appeal

Let's analyze each item in more detail.

Business card is your name, page view and contacts.

The reader should have an understanding of where he can write to you and how to contact you if he is interested in your services, account and products. This is especially true for a business account or experts who are promoting their services.

Benefit involves describing numbers and facts about you that can bring you closer to the subscriber and interest him. Here you can include your achievements, indicate your profession or in general your experience in the direction.

For example: 9 years in sales, mentor, I know how to sell in the cold and I will teach you.

Here we see numbers and facts about the owner of the page + benefit for the subscriber, since for the most part the audience related to the sales industry will come in.

There are a huge number of accounts promoting similar services related not only to the sales area. In order to be remembered by a person, you need to make a unique personal offer for the person who came to you.

It can sound like this:

A gift for subscribers. You should not immediately disclose what it is, unless it is some kind of webinar or course. Your task is to go to the call to action:

  • Subscribe and collect your gift in Direct + link;
  • When subscribing, I give a free account audit.

A well-designed profile header will always contain a link to contacts or a website, which will allow a potential buyer of your services or content to get to know you in more detail.

Sense of humour. Always welcome everywhere. If it is moderate and not gone. However, it is worth noting that if you write there just a joke copied on the Internet, there will be no influx of subscribers. A phrase in a light humorous form will do, maybe even with a little touch of sarcasm.

Additionally, it is worth noting that to emphasize important points, you should add emoticons or special characters that will attract attention.

To improve the aesthetic perception of the account in the header, you can change the fonts, which will allow the user to enjoy the look of your profile.

For example: a slight shade of humor in the header of the girl's profile does not burden the perception and it seems that even as a joke it is clear what achievements a person has. Emoticons are used for accents and the purpose of the account is indicated.

Let's look at another example:

Good bio. There is information about the achievements, hobbies of the owner. The name, which is important, and a link to the contact. The only thing worth adding if the page to promote services is a call to action. All in all, a great combination of humor and good business card design.

An example of an ideal profile cap. The blogger points to his achievements and immediately from the first words benefits the user from subscribing to her account.

We have prepared for you a list of 208 beautiful, interesting, original, funny and aesthetic ideas and examples of business card designs and benefits in your profile and bio. You can copy any of the options and use it on your page, or take it as a basis.

No. Category Number of pieces
1 Beautiful Bio 20
2 Teen Bio 15
3 Funny and funny 28
4 English with translation 10
5 Interesting Bio 16
6 Aesthetic Bio 15
7 Original 13
8 Short 12
9 Girls 12
10 Boys 12
11 Business 24
12 Bio quotes about yourself 10
13 Motivational and inspiring 10
14 Cool and daring 10

Beautiful BIO

Should sink into the soul and attract attention. Make the reader associate you with something global and important to him. This way you will increase the conversion of your subscriptions. Suitable for blogs of poets, beauty professionals, photographers, just creative people. It would be inappropriate to use such phrases in accounts on investments, car sales and other “male topics”.

  1. I love winter. Her snow. You can dream. Create and smile. ❄️
  2. Close your eyes and enjoy
  3. Sincerity is a rare gift in our time.
  4. Many mistakes, but life is happy 🙌
  5. Surround yourself with beauty, let people enter your life, like in the Garden of Eden
  6. The sun shines for those who are happy
  7. Flowers are a wonderful reflection of people. If not cared for and not loved, they will fade.
  8. Only you care about yourself, don't think that someone is watching.
  9. Change if you want to be happy
  10. I want to become a train to admire the most remote corners of our planet 🚂
  11. The soul is a mirror surface that reflects the true undistorted reality.
  12. Autumn is like a state of uncertainty. You don't know what will happen in 3 months and you cry all the time.
  13. Every day is beautiful in its own way
  14. Loving yourself is a luxury in our world ❤️
  15. Drops of water flowed down the eyelashes and were a reflection of a torn soul
  16. Sadness and joy - two sisters, minds are subordinated to one, the other is just nearby on the hook
  17. Dream, create, love - nobody looks at you anyway
  18. here and now is the best time, don't dream of a better moment
  19. I live with every cell of my body
  20. I want to be a flower so that there are no bad or good days, I will always be dressed as for a holiday.

Bio for a teenager

Rarely designed to promote it in social networks. Basically, this is a reflection of current views on life, the problems of adolescence and attempts at self-expression. Most often, quotes, life events, confessions and music are recorded.

  1. Love at a distance is not for me, I need you by my side all the time;
  2. Your eyes are like the ocean, and I'm drowning in them like the Titanic
  3. Seeing you makes me feel happy;
  4. I love myself, you and life
  5. Rain not only outside the window, but also in my soul
  6. For someone you are a friend, for someone you are a daughter, but for me you are your whole life.
  7. You are forever inside me.
  8. Hug and just be with me
  9. Just forget what happened and forgive
  10. Your soul is like a broken bridge, where, that is, the beginning and the end, but the main one is broken
  11. I look at the sea, I see you, because your eyes are the same color
  12. You can break any heart because they did it to you.
  13. I see more than you think, it's just not the time for scandals
  14. I will be there, and your life will be colored with rainbow colors
  15. Even unicorns are jealous of your cuteness.

Youth photo and song titles with a “teenage” twist fits our subtopic

Funny and cool

For accounts of different directions, it is quite appropriate to set a funny BIO on your page. Then, when entering your profile, the user will smile and it will be more interesting for him to be in your blog.

  1. I am smart, beautiful and modest
  2. I fought with a dog for a place on the bed, I walk offended
  3. Late everywhere because of the cat
  4. I asked the crocodile "what is the strength?"
  5. My self-esteem lives on Everest 🏔
  6. Friday is the meaning of life, Saturday is the struggle for survival
  7. Hereditary lover of cats.
  8. You mean you called me adequate? Why are you doing this to me?
  9. Registration address - bed, actual address - refrigerator.
  10. Quiet, I'm going somewhere
  11. Tell me the size of your fridge and I'll tell you who you are
  12. I live with my loved one. We look at each other through the mirror and think - I'm beautiful
  13. Rushing through life with bag
  14. Mat - exclusive dialect for the elite
  15. Wherever you look everywhere you look inadequate
  16. Sometimes, in order not to bite the whole metropolis in anger, I go for the kinder.
  17. Believe me, my experience - I'm not fixable.
  18. My pens are full of demons and every one of them is looking out for you
  19. Why be sad, why should I whine? I will buy wine, I will go to hang out
  20. Daddy's princess, mother's fool
  21. What did the green grape say to the purple one? "Breathe, man! Breathe!"
  22. I professionally make life hell
  23. Have you ever noticed that if a woman is offended, she can not only destroy the house, but also build a new one?
  24. Hiding insanity under the mask of a cutie
  25. looked at the cat when he wanted to eat
  26. I like to travel. From refrigerator to bed.
  27. Home is where Wifi connects automatically.
  28. The invention of the sausage is the work of demons.

English with translation

Inserts in the form of phrases and quotes in English with or without translation are popular on Instagram. Usually users take quotes from foreign films, books, songs and thematic groups and simply write on their pages. This looks aesthetically pleasing if you highlight 2 sentences in different languages ​​in different fonts.

Here are some options you can use on your pages.

  1. If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were
    If you love a person, let him go, if he returns, he has always been yours. If not, then it has never been
  2. All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust. “The whole world is made of faith, trust, and fairy dust.
  3. just love me like before - just love me like before
  4. we are all children of the creator - we are all children of the creator
  5. I love money, and money loves me - I love money, and money loves me
  6. beloved eyes are like stars - beloved eyes are like stars
  7. create beauty around, otherwise why all this? Create beauty around, otherwise why all this?
  8. be happy dear friend - be happy dear friend
  9. you're in your first place - you are in your first place
  10. love like the last time. – love like the last time

English phrases with a translation and addition of emoji look very advantageous and aesthetically pleasing in the profile header.

Interesting Bio

Can include any topic that would be of interest to your target audience and you. For the most part, this can be a playful phrase, and motivating, and just some kind of funny sentence.

  1. Just because you are silent does not mean that you agree with everything
  2. Everyone who came to this planet deserves the best
  3. You must have a goal. Without a goal, you are nobody
  4. Parents gave you legs and arms, so get rid of your problems
  5. If you listen to everyone, then you can accidentally live a life that is not your own ☝️
  6. Human life is like a video game, just turned away you have already been killed
  7. Don't let anyone disturb your inner peace. They broke theirs, now they go for more.
  8. Don't let them tell you that you won't succeed, it's just the echoes of a broken fate
  9. I write poetry, I sell other people's souls to the devil 👿
  10. Let's print out a new world for you
  11. I am ready to help you come to life
  12. Live, love, create and feel that the world around is somehow callous.
  13. Don't regret the past, you don't live there anymore, don't think about the present - it's already here, work on the future. That's where the growth zone is.
  14. I smoke hookahs and soar on clouds
  15. healthy lifestyle - deceit, compote - poison, let's take a stack and go to the right one.
  16. The future materializes from our dreams, so stop wasting time, let's go to bed!

An interesting and unusual phrase that speaks about the interests and activities of the page owner.

Aesthetic Bios

Visual pleasure - that's what emotions your bio phrases should evoke in potential and current subscribers. Give them a chance to touch the beauty through your page. To increase the effect, it is worth highlighting the offer with emoticons and different fonts.

  1. You can no longer live in the illusion that everything is fine. I will help you find peace
  2. You are the basis of life. Thanks to you, there is peace. Because you just look at him
  3. I create life like in paradise and I call you with me
  4. I have already achieved a lot, but I will not stop because it is not enough.
  5. Too easy to put a full stop. But it is difficult to do this where there is still a question mark.
  6. Foreigner with a capital letter
  7. I love animals as well as work
  8. Enjoying my energy
  9. Space Lady
  10. The whole world is a cinema, and we bought tickets for the show
  11. Music is my anti-stress, I love it when notes pour into my ears
  12. To prove to a person that he is wrong on the way to his cherished goal is an impossible task even for the Almighty
  13. Stepped over the pain and started all over again
  14. Only the memories of the past days can instantly spoil the mood.
  15. I know everything about you and even more

An example of aesthetic design without abstruse phrases. Attention triggers create emoticons. This makes the text easier to read.


It is an art to evoke some emotions in the reader with unusual and original phrases. Try to find the perfect option for your content.

  1. Reality is a loose concept, like leopard leggings. 🐆
  2. I don't need circus shows, I'm that clown myself
  3. I'm like Columbus, I discovered myself new
  4. Every day is like a special little life for me 😬
  5. To stop my hysteria, give me a chocolate bar
  6. I drown sadness in wine and smoke
  7. If you offended me, just throw chocolate at me and run 😜
  8. Mat is the pearl of the great Russian language.
  9. Can you just get out of my head already? You interfere with watching TV
  10. I saw your bright life. She bypassed you.
  11. There is a fine line between the numerator and the denominator. 👩‍🎓
  12. Yes, you are right, I am not perfect. I am unique!
  13. I used to think I was a little indecisive, but now I'm not entirely sure.


You can often say more in short sentences:

  1. This is how life is
  2. I see only goodness 😇
  3. I strive for good in the world
  4. I am your reflection
  5. Walking Selfie 📸
  6. I will shine no matter what you think
  7. Traveler 🌍
  8. Shut the door to my life. I blow
  9. I know where unicorns live 🦄
  10. If you are ashamed of the goal, then it is not yours.
  11. The life of a strawberry addict 🍓
  12. The Life of a Caffeine Princess ☕️

The screenshot shows a sample design of short bio-phrases that attract attention and emphasize the specificity of the blog. For girls, it is very important that there is information in the biography that favorably presents her strengths. The emphasis is on reaching and pointing out topics that would be of interest to other girls as well.

  1. Found and created a new self
  2. Stopped cooking when she started earning
  3. I have already proved everything to myself
  4. Changed my life, changing thousands of others.
  5. We women don't even know what's in our heads
  6. I have not yet decided what I want, to be thin or to eat tasty
  7. I'm alone at home, so I don't have time to think about your opinion
  8. Beauty is in everything a girl touches.
  9. You are guaranteed to stick to this page
  10. Little bastard with beautiful blue eyes
  11. Probably the meatiest vegan in the world.
  12. Realize beauty and grace itself

An example of a girl profile header. There is an indication of the professional path in the second paragraph + you can see what the child has, which also attracts the attention of the corresponding audience.


Rough presentation. Emphasis on motivation, work to achieve the goal. The indications of children in the profile header also look interesting, although most often they are absent.

  1. I am a good person, but this is not accurate 😲
  2. The best thing you can get from people is to become an example for them.
  3. I'm not standing still. Inaction is destructive and leads nowhere.
  4. I value humanity in people. It's the only thing that still deserves respect
  5. I am what you need to be happy. Unpretentious, handsome and humble.
  6. I don't open up to strangers. I don't want to pour my heart out to a stranger who just got bored with his own life
  7. Thoughts and ideas behind them
  8. I have 2 princesses on my page: wife and daughter.
  9. Super dad for sweet daughter
  10. Just by watching and listening to me, you change.
  11. Born drunkard, merry fellow and troublemaker. 👹
  12. I have everything in my feed that I'm not ashamed of.

A classic example of a men's page "no extras". Although, for the correct design and promotion of the page, it would be worth specifying more information. These include: a link to WhatsApp, if required; indication of achievements. Then the biography will sparkle with new colors, and the number of subscribers will increase.

For business

Business promotion on Instagram is especially popular in 2021. Many offline companies are moving to Instagram to promote services, as customers are mostly located here now. What does a business need to do to make a bio work?

An illustrative example: the name of the store / salon, etc. is indicated first. Choose the direction of the account activity - product / service. Your task is to fit your unique selling proposition into the required number of characters, while indicating a link to the store's website, where the buyer can take a closer look.


Many people want to do this. But few people understand what needs to be done. Your task is to explain in simple language in the profile header what you can offer the reader. Your guide to the world of investments:

  1. Ready to make a fortune? I will help!
  2. People get richer with me
  3. Illuminate the dark forest of stock trading
  4. Money will no longer lie idle
  5. Work from anywhere in the world.

An example of an investor's business account. A link is provided to a channel about investments and financial education in general. Looking at such a BIO, it is immediately clear what the blog is about.

Fitness, dietetics

Despite the competition in this niche, it is still possible to interest the audience/customers. This is done by writing a BIO. Perhaps it is your company that will gain popularity and be able to reach the TOP of the sphere:

  1. I will pump up your nut
  2. Losing weight without hunger is for me
  3. Become better than your fantasies
  4. It doesn't hurt to lose weight
  5. Your personal assistant on the way to a firmer body
  6. You just need to start acting

Katya Usmanova's account is a classic example of the perfect profile header for a fitness account. There is an emphasis on the course she created, motivation is set, and there are contacts and links. When a person is interested in running a marathon, he knows where to click to register.

Beauty masters

The task is to show your experience and achievements. Potential clients should not be afraid to write to you and ask about your services. Therefore, design the profile header correctly in order to prove to the audience the reliability of you as a specialist and form a desire to buy. Don't forget to use your contact details.

  1. I love doing beautiful things
  2. I will create a fiery image. From gray mouse to queen
  3. The author of your best makeup
  4. I teach the most beautiful profession
  5. Creativity for the sake of love
  6. Your personal makeup artist
  7. I will do make-up, after which you will not want to wash your face
  8. I inspire self-confidence with one stroke of the brush
  9. I get high when I make you more beautiful.

On Gohar's page, as a beauty expert, everything is sustained. Starting from a suitable avatar that carries the meaning of the entire beauty industry, ending with a list of services and contacts. With the popularity of Gohar, she no longer has to invent cool phrases for BIO. New profiles should think about the trade offer and present themselves from the best side


What could be better than a beautiful photo by the sea? That's right, the whole account. Travel blogs are quite popular, many people like to read about countries where you can visit and see beautiful landscapes. It remains only to tell about yourself what exactly you offer the reader to see.

  1. Everything starts with a dream
  2. Watch my blog as a series
  3. We open personal borders, develop domestic tourism, travel with style
  4. Opening new horizons

A travel blogger account should contain interesting phrases in the profile header. This will draw attention to published posts. In the case of the example, the rules are followed: a trade offer is indicated - author's mini-tours, links to contacts + short phrases that characterize the topic of travel.

Quotes about myself

Just refers to the point about hobbies and achievements. Why people should watch and listen to you. Try not to write hackneyed phrases that every teenager has already heard. Show your uniqueness and personality by writing short phrases that will reveal your strengths to your audience.

  1. Learning to see beauty even in the most ordinary places
  2. In an active search for yourself and the best hookah
  3. It doesn't matter what you are: stupid or smart, scary or beautiful, fat or thin. The main thing is that I am gorgeous
  4. All the most interesting things about me you will learn from gossip
  5. Pleased with delicious content
  6. I write about life, love and all that
  7. I create not just cosmetics, but love for myself
  8. Pregnant with infertility
  9. Keeping fit
  10. Lost weight after childbirth

Using the example of a girl, you can see how to write mini-quotes about yourself in a blog. It will be obvious to the guest of the page as a whole what the blog is about and if the topics are close to him, he will become a subscriber.

Read also: Captions and quotes about yourself on Instagram for a photo

Motivational and inspiring

For those who maintain business accounts, motivation. Wants to inspire someone to take key actions that invariably lead to results. You need to be careful in terms, because you can write in the bio what you cannot give to the reader.

  1. Our strength is in the power of thought, in the power of truth, in the power of words!
  2. While you are sitting, others earn
  3. Putting a dream together
  4. Laziness has never brought anyone to good, and you are no exception.
  5. Even your cat is more goal-oriented than you are
  6. Let's throw your inner impostor together?
  7. Is it true that if you do nothing during the day, then at night you start to regret it?
  8. Every day is a step towards the goal
  9. What if you really succeed in being successful?
  10. I will teach you to lose weight once and for all

Motivates and shows how an expert can help each subscriber. Everyone is aware that time planning is an important aspect in shaping a successful day. This is what the profile header of this account is based on.

Cool and daring signatures

  1. * insert what you want to see here *
  2. I don't give a shit* 💩 what will they think of me
  3. Designed to impress, not impress.
  4. Brightness is my second self (name)
  5. I'm not growing up, my childhood is just afraid of me.
  6. 100% Adrenaline 💯
  7. 1% Regrets
  8. Consider me wondering...
  9. Could it be better? No matter. 👿
  10. Best me, more to come

As a conclusion

Writing a bio for a profile header is not always easy. A novice specialist or blogger sometimes does not know what he can tell people about himself. An underestimated few lines about yourself written without taking into account the target audience or the specifics of the content bring disappointment to their owner. To avoid this, it is worth taking the time to create the perfect option, which you can then modify, or use our list for different requests.

It is impossible to say for sure that the BIO, which is somehow designed, will work. You need to analyze and select the best option for you. It is so individual that you just have to experiment and you will find your ideal option. The main condition is that the header and profile content should have a common idea. Without following this rule, the loyalty of the audience will be undermined and it will be very difficult to return it. Remember those priceless couple of seconds for the subscriber's attention.

Not only the BIO can bring success to the blog. If your page has boring and monotonous photos of poor quality, and the thought is lost in posts, subscribers will not linger on your page.

Instagram has algorithms that are not fully understood, but they work mostly on posts and actions that take place as the page is maintained.

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