How to create a cohesive instagram feed

5 Tips for a Cohesive Instagram Feed — Chez Núñez

These are my 5 biggest pieces of advice for anyone looking to establish a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed! Whether you’re looking to curate a feed that’s easy on the eyes for the personal fun of it, or for the purpose of conveying a stronger brand presence on social media, I hope these tips will be helpful to you in the process!

When choosing your color palette, first assess the kind of mood that you’d like your IG feed to have overall. Do you want it to feel warm and bright, dark and moody, colorful and energetic, minimalist and soft, etc.?
From there, select a color palette of between 3 or 6 colors to support your vision for vibe of your feed.

Example: Because I tend to shoot a lot of warm and bright subjects, my color palette is mainly orange, yellow, cream and pink, with occasional pops of blue or green.

Once you establish your color palette, you’ll have more focus when planning and creating your content!

By selecting 3-5 categories (or themes) that you want your feed to be focused around, you can focus your content around things that make the most sense for your brand (personal or business). Dedication to your key categories helps in creating more visual consistency throughout your feed, and establishing clear communication to your following on what you’re all about.

Example: Because I’m a designer and artist who loves traveling and fashion, I rarely post anything to my feed that doesn’t have to do with design, art, travel, and fashion!
This means that I wouldn’t ever share images of pets, food, or beauty products (to name a few different themes), because those things don’t line up with what my brand is all about!

Keep in Mind:

  • Your themes can always pivot as your interests or brand changes (nothing is set in stone)

  • If some doesn’t match with your feed, but you still want to share it, you can always throw it up in your Stories. :)

A helpful way to achieve balance and unity in your IG feed is to focus primarily on how your top 9 squares on your feed are working together. As long as these 9 squares feel balanced at all times, you can rotate in different themes and colors without ever throwing your grid into chaos.

I find that a balanced top nine can easily be achieved by making sure to alternate the subject matter of my photos/videos and their general color palette as I post.
Example: I wouldn’t typically post a flatlay back to back. Instead, I would break them up by posting an image of a cafe or my studio in between.
Example: I wouldn’t likely ever share a predominately pink photo back to back, I would break them up but sharing a cream or orange photo in between.

Here are a couple examples from my feed, featuring a breakdown of nine images with alternating colors and themes:

As you gather your content based on your color palette and themes, I highly recommend using an app like Plann, Snug, Planoly, etc. (there are so many out there) to help you in the process of planning out your grid in advance! Not only does this save you time in the long run - from having to spend hours every day figuring out what to post - but it also makes visualizing the creative direction of your next nine squares easier.

Use the same one or two presets regularly to create even more consistency and unity among the photos that you post! I edit all my photos with our Chez Núñez Presets for Lightroom Desktop or Mobile. My favorites to alternate between right now are 05 Flora, 08 Bookshop, and 10 Barcelona! :)

Thanks for reading! I hope these tips can help you to establish a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed!
- Anna

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How to create a cohesive Instagram feed

So I’ve been asked this questions so so many times and for me personally creating a cohesive Instagram feed is a mix of trusting what my eyes see and having a plan and theory behind all that.

I’m going to show you exactly how I plan my feed (when I’m not eyeballing it).

In fact, after I started really carefully planing my grid, I immediately saw that people liked what I was producing. I was gaining much more followers than before. After a while, I started to do planning less theoretically and trusted my own eyes more and more. I got used to how my feed looks and took me less time (and less thinking!) to create a feed that flows.

So if you’re having trouble making your feed consistent and cohesive, I suggest you start with theory (that’s where this article comes in) and after a while, you’ll see that you’ll do it more and more spontaneously. It’s going to become second nature.

It’s hard to start, when your feed looks all over the place, right?

Start with planning at least 9 images ahead (12 or 15 are even better). This way you’ll actually be able to see how your new and shiny feed will look like!

So here are the steps that you need to take in order to create a stunning visually pleasing and cohesive feed:

  1. Use a planning software
  2. Choose a style and color palette
  3. Choose what type of content you’ll share
  4. Decide on the layout of all the different types of content
  5. Color theory and shapes are super important
  6. Consider negative space and angles
  7. Perfect is not always the best
  8. Use the highest quality photos you can.

Use a planning software

There a few ways you can plan your grid online with software. The ones I like are Later and Planoly (not sponsored). They are free for les than 30 posts a month. You can use them only for planning the grid or you can post from their software as well. You can use either their app on your phone or plan via their website. Either way, that’s probably the easiest way to start planing how your grid will look like.

Choose a style of the grid

Do you prefer darker photos, lighter photos, do you like everything very colorful, do you love monochromatic images, desaturated, warm, cold, vintage, modern, natural, a specific color palette… so many styles and colors to choose from.

Choosing one style doesn’t mean you can’t integrate other styles too, but one or maximum of two is the best.

Choose what type of content you’ll share

Will you be sharing only photos or you’ll also share videos, text, graphics… you should consider all the content you want to share with your audience and what type of content they’ll appreciate. Just make sure they all look great together. If you’re including any graphical elements, thy need to work togeher as well and they should match the style of other content in your feed.

Decide on the layout of all the different types of content

If you are sharing more than one type of content then it is essential to decide how often you’ll share each type of content. For example, if you’re sharing photos and text, then you could share a one-to-one ratio, so every second day you’ll share text and all other days a photo. You can consider some other ratios too. I love 6 to 1. Six photos and one text image. Be creative!

Color theory and shapes are super important

When I plan my Instagram grid, I always take into consideration the colors in the photos. I usually have one or two main colors in a photo. When I plan a grid, I’ll place images with the same main color on the different parts of the grid so they don’t all touch each other. I post mostly dark images but I include brighter ones as well and I follow the same principle there too.

Same goes with shapes. If I post a photo of a round cake in the middle of the frame, I won’t post other images with similar shape so that they fall in a line (unless it’s a diagonal). I also don’t want to squeeze them all in one corner.

One way to creatively use color theory is to have a color-coordinated grid, where you post one color only for a specific number of days and then continue with another.

Consider negative space

Balance is the magic word when it comes to a cohesive Instagram feed. Try to think of your image as having weight. Some weigh less (meaning they are less busy), some weigh more (busy images with big elements or multiple elements). Now imagine your feed being an old fasioned kitchen scale. You should place the images in your feed so that your scale is in balance. Just like with colors and shapes you need to consider placing images with same ‘weight’ in oposite parts of the grid to balance things out.

The same goes for angles. I post photos from different angles in my feed and that also takes some thought. Just like, with color, shapes, and negative space, I like to spread mix photos taken at different angles so that they don’t compete with each other.

Perfect is not always the best

Please, don’t go and follow these things I just wrote about very very strictly. Like I wrote in the beginning, sometimes something will look better and you won’t necessarily have a clear explanation. Follow your gut and your creativity.

Use the highest quality photos you can.

You might say, but I’m not a professional yet, I don’t have high-quality images. It doesn’t matter, use what you have, but be picky at the same time. Choose the best photo you have and if you’re unsure and decide between two or three photos, use stories to ask your followers. As an IG user, I can say that I love voting and people really do love engaging in things like questions and anything that requires their input in the stories. So why not ask your followers? This way you’ll also learn what type of content they like seing from you. Win-win!

It doesn’t stop at a cohesive Instagram feed

While creating a cohesive Instagram feed takes some preparation and careful planning it’s not the only thing to do if you want your IG channel to attract followers (aka ideal followers). One of the most important think about running an IG feed is being personal and showing who you are. Poeple love following real people not machines!

Let me know if you found this useful in the comments below or on my IG.

How to make a beautiful Instagram feed

June 25, 2022

Instagram is a great platform for promotion. And here a lot depends on what impression the profile makes: what is the general mood, color palette and combination of photos. We have put together a few tips to help you make a beautiful ribbon and develop a special brand aesthetic.

A single style is those details that unite the entire visual. For example, it can be a photo style - dark deep, airy light photos. Or the paraphernalia of the frame - rustic, vintage, kinfolk and others. Even some common character or object. However, in search of your own style, it is not at all necessary to drive yourself into rigid frames and lock yourself in one direction. You can combine completely different photos if you follow a few rules.

Decide on the mood of the profile

The account itself does not affect sales. For visitors to turn into potential customers, they need to be impressed. Think about what emotions you want to evoke in subscribers? The style of your feed and the choice of photos will depend on this.

For example, if you are selling home decor, a hygge aesthetic would be appropriate: photographs of candles and cozy blankets, warm colors and soft shadows in processing. And for premium leather goods, you can try shooting with gloomy light and deep hues - if you place all the accents correctly, such shots will be filled with a special atmosphere.

Accounts of photographers can also be different: on the left - conciseness and rigor, on the right - brightness and audacity. For example, photos of @neekmason and @kavalerchikyana are used

Choose primary colors and shades

When one color is used in the profile - everything is light and airy or vice versa dark - it looks very stylish and beautiful. But after a while, when you see the fifth, tenth or hundredth such photo, you stop seeing the difference. Therefore, we recommend leaving the stereotype that it is enough to choose one filter for all photos in the past.

It's much better not to lock up your creativity in some kind of filter, but simply choose your favorite shades of base colors and make sure that they are regularly in photographs. If you are shooting portraits, ensure that the skin is the same color throughout. If you publish landscapes, the shades of the sky and greenery should also be the same. Then the shots taken in different conditions will remain natural and look harmonious.

On the left is an example of a tape in which each photo is very beautiful individually, but together they look very similar. And on the right is a tape in which the frames are very different, but thanks to the primary colors that are repeated from frame to frame, the tape looks harmonious. For example, photos of @meghan_faulk and @prostokrasivo.wear are used

Make smooth transitions from dark to light shots

You can combine dark and light, warm and cold shots in one profile - just make smooth transitions. For example, if you had three light shots and now you want to post a dark photo, post a light photo with dark accents first. Then it turns out that some shades seem to flow into others. Such a “gradient” looks beautiful in the feed and will help to fit photos of your customers into it.

Instagram Kinfolk is a great example of a harmonious feed without a single filter. This is achieved by smooth transitions and playing with color. Photos used as an example @kinfolk

Don't be afraid to add color accents

Color adds zest to photos and encourages you to come in and see the details. This is due to the fact that our eye easily picks up bright spots, especially when looking at photos from the phone.

Therefore, for profiles in neutral tones, such as gray or beige, we recommend adding bright details so that the tape does not look boring. And if your frames are bright and colorful, on the contrary, it is better to add calm objects - this way there will be no extra variegation when looking at the feed.

Color attracts the eye, the main thing is to use it in doses. For example, on a neutral background - white, black, beige. Photographs @la_maison.n and @gkstories

Alternate wide and close-ups

The feed looks more harmonious when photos with different scales are published side by side. For example, if you have an online clothing store, you can first post a photo of a girl in a full-length dress, then a waist-length portrait, and then a large photo with a dress back or a beautiful clasp. So there will be no feeling that you are repeating yourself.

The alternation of plans helps to make the tape varied and lively. The characters in the photographs change, the surrounding world changes - then the tape looks eventful.

Cozymoss Instagram photos at different scales. This is another reason why the goats in the profile are so lively and active. @cozymoss photos used as an example

Bonus: feed scheduling apps

Use apps to plan your Instagram content in advance. They are convenient to upload photos, combine them and choose the perfect sequence.

We recommend trying Unum, Inpreview or Garny. To plan one account, a free version of any of them is enough, but if you maintain several profiles, Unum will suit you - there you can create several projects at once for free.

Download Unum for iOS →
Download Unum for Android →
Download Inpreview for iOS →
Download Garny for Android →

These simple tips will help you compose a beautiful and harmonious feed from various photos. At the same time, you don’t have to drive yourself into the framework of one style and limit yourself to one filter. If the article was useful to you, put ♥ and share your Instagram tricks in the comments.

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From romance to finance: horoscope for the week from November 28 to December 4

The astrological picture of the end of autumn and the beginning of winter is so ambiguous that this period cannot be called favorable or not. Astrologer Irina Dushkina told which of the representatives of the zodiac circle is waiting for romance, and who will be forced to fight back from the blows of fate. Read your weekly horoscope November 28th to December 4th.

Astrological characteristics of the week

November will end with the trine of Mars and Saturn, as well as the opposition of Mercury and Mars. This means, on the one hand, that you will have to cultivate patience and slowness in yourself, and on the other hand, that you cannot do without defending your interests. Success will be achieved by those who will not rush into the abyss of emotions, will not respond to the challenges of society. It is worth keeping calm by any means, cherishing a sense of harmony in the soul and mind.

From November 30, the sextile of Mercury and Saturn will give a chance to all citizens engaged in mental work to make some kind of breakthrough or discovery.

The first winter month will begin with the opposition of Venus and Mars. On December 1, many will feel especially vulnerable, and the reasons for this will be the most trifling. Temptations will be waiting at every turn, many of them almost impossible to ignore. If you are not confident in your stamina, it is better to stay at home so as not to do something that you will later regret.

The very next day the sextile of Venus and Saturn levels out this unfavorable transit. Responsibility, rationality, a sober assessment of the situation will return again.

The week will end with the square of Venus and Neptune, which does not play into the hands of love affairs. It is unlikely that serious quarrels and breakups will occur, but there may be a situation when the partner does not show his best side.

Horoscope for the week from November 28 to December 4

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Lack of enthusiasm in work will make Aries postpone current non-urgent matters, and this is very good. Quality sleep and relaxation will help you replenish your energy. The main thing is not to force yourself to do something through “I don’t want to”. Meetings with friends, parties, pleasant acquaintances - this is what the weekend will be remembered for.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, despite all their solidity and earthiness, will feel a storm of passions. Excessive suspicion will exhaust the loving representatives of the sign. They really do not like scenes of jealousy, but in the end they themselves can become their instigators. All claims, most likely, have nothing to do with reality.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

You should not expect to be able to "run a long distance" - it will be a waste of energy. By the end of the work week, an exhausting routine can put you in a state of stress. Do not stoop to manipulation when you want to achieve something, because it will still work against you. All decisions should be made in a state of mental silence. In work, you will feel the support of your superiors in all your endeavors.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

This sign will find it difficult to communicate all week long, they will want privacy and become overly secretive. Working in a team now will not work - it will be a mockery of yourself. Relations with spouses will also fade into the background, at least until the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, single Cancers can become closer with one of their colleagues. In the future, these relationships have a chance to become romantic.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Unlike other signs, Leos will gravitate toward luxury and the satisfaction of momentary needs. The whole week will be marked by consumer sentiment, so you should not count on a serious approach. Focusing on complex tasks will be extremely uncomfortable. To live in harmony with mood trends, it is recommended to take a short vacation.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Those representatives of the sign who demand too much from a partner, especially at the beginning of a relationship, can finally realize the futility of these attempts. If a person wants to be with you, then nothing will stop him, and he will try to become better for the sake of the two of you. In material terms, the week will also not give satisfaction, but the Virgo is not one of those who are used to giving up.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

A good week for business and networking. Useful acquaintances await you, so you should not give up the prospect of attending a seminar, meeting or going on a business trip. Now you will think little about love, being content with sluggish relationships and not striving for something more exciting.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpions will be able to correctly distribute resources, so they will have enough for both pleasure and necessary purchases. It is worth worrying about health, paying attention to both physical and mental state. Women of the sign will be very pleased with the cosmetic procedures performed. Some Scorpios may well make a fateful decision and unite their lives with their beloved.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

From November 28 to December 4, Sagittarius will be noticeably more philosophical than usual. By moving away from small problems, you will be able to see great prospects and even out your unstable mood. Financial offers may come. Be careful with trading on exchanges and refuse to speculate.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

From Monday, this sign will feel the tension in the work team associated with competition. Do not worry, your place is waiting for you, and no one can beat you. In addition, the stars "drawn" positive financial trends in the foreseeable future.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

A difficult but interesting week awaits Aquarius.

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