How do i make a website like facebook

How to Make a Website Like Facebook? ⋆ Ning Blog

Have you ever thought of creating your own social network like Facebook, but with personalized features and its own identity? A network where you can define the design, overall organization, and even privacy policy.

Currently, Facebook rules the social media world. According to the 2017 survey, about 68% of U.S adults use Facebook, and more than 65 million businesses are owners of a Facebook fan page.

However, Facebook cannot satisfy the needs of everyone on the market, that’s why various social media channels exist. Here are some curious facts to back this up:

  • In 2017, about 88% of businesses used Twitter for marketing purposes;
  • YouTube reaches more adults than any other cable network in the U.S.;
  • Instagram became the most popular social media channel among 32% of teenagers.

The market needs more options for personalization. Your target audience craves for a personal approach. Something more specific, something more exciting.

The obvious question is, why not create your own social network?

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Reasons you need to create your own social network like Facebook

Facebook, just like any other social network, is not perfect. Its news feed is far from ideal, it does not let you focus on one specific topic and monetize your business, and it has a questionable privacy policy.

Sharing your hard-won visitors with other network sucks. Building your own social network is the solution.

Nowadays, you can build your own personalized social media website. Your network can be either product or service-centric, or you can build a standard review community for your target audience. Some businesses create customized social media to gather and research a white niche that is still not covered and can potentially bring a huge amount of people to one place.

The reason for creating a personalized social network can be simply the fact that you don’t like Facebook.

Eventually, it does not really matter what is the primary reason to build a website like Facebook: if your idea is good enough, it is worth trying and making it real.

How difficult is it to create a new social media?

What if you have a great idea for your own social network but your lack of coding skills and technical knowledge holds you back? The truth is, not everyone has a university degree in programming. But this doesn’t mean you should give up on your idea. There are a lot of online social media builders and market experts that can help you achieve your goals.

Nowadays, you can create a social network like Facebook with minimum costs and efforts. In fact, it has never been so easy to make your own social media as it is now., for example, offers a great opportunity for creating different types of social media networks, including:

  • Open social media channels or the ones limited to a specific audience;
  • Networks that have free or paid content;
  • Websites focused on a certain products or services, etc.

Ning can help you with anything.

8 Steps to Creating a Website Like Facebook

  1. Come up with an idea. 

    Before launching into action, consider carefully what exactly you need a social network for. What objectives do you pursue? What audience are you aimed at? What value will your network bring to its members? First, you have to come up with a concept to build your further strategy around. Especially if you’re determined to make your network profitable, you will have to devise points that will set you apart from your potential competitors.

  2. Choose your niche

    The previous step leads you to determine your niche. Don’t attempt to cover all topics at once – focus on one particular subject and elaborate on it. It’s totally fine if your niche is narrow. In fact, it might even be your competitive edge. You can get started from this point and expand to other topics later when you establish your target audience.

  3. Establish your audience

    Establishing an audience is vital when you create a social networking website. It goes hand in hand with the previous step and is a matter of your choice. It is important to decide whether you are going to settle for a limited circle of individuals or go for a massive demographic. You will have higher chances to succeed with the former option because attempting to reach a huge audience at the very beginning is a quite unfeasible undertaking, even further complicated by major competitors on the market. So the best option for you will be inviting people you know first. Your community won’t be huge at launch, but this will be your basic audience that will allow you to grow further.

  4. Get yourself a domain name and create your website

    When you know your objectives and audience, the first thing you should do is find a proper domain name. The best solution is to buy a name that would match your network. You can learn more details about the process of finding the perfect domain name here. However, with Ning, you can start building your own social media channel by simply filling up a registration form. If you don’t have a domain name, you will be provided with a native one ( Hosting will also be included in your subscription plan.

  5. Customize your website

    Needless to say, your network should be unique, user-friendly, and memorable. For this reason, you need a general theme, logo, and a header picture that should be catchy and fit the purpose of your social media site perfectly.

  6. Pick necessary features

    You can then add all the features and options you need for creating your perfect social media network. This includes feed options, chat, audio and video applications, events, etc. Building a network with Ning, all you need to do is choose the desirable features by ticking the boxes on the list.

  7. Tweak the design of your website

    You certainly want your social network to look special. That’s why it is important to have many customization options. The design section on Ning has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, so you can try different design samples before choosing the right one that would be in line with your vision. You can create your own social media on the Ning 3.0 platform within a few minutes. This means that you can start networking almost immediately.

  8. Develop content and promote your network

    After you finish the process of creation, you need to add content, attract and retain users, and work on the growth of your network actively. There are many ways to promote your online community. Here are some of them:

  • Integrate your network with popular social media like Facebook, Instagram, Google+, etc.; use such features as Liking, Social Sharing, and Social Sign-up;
  • Create an activity feed to let everyone know what you’re doing;
  • Send invitation emails, newsletters, and digests to both active and inactive members of your network;
  • Optimize your content for search engines, obtain a semantic core and insert relevant keywords in your posts;
  • Write and host guest posts;
  • Create a dedicated mobile app;
  • Advertise your network using Google AdSense, etc.

There are more options out there. Some of them are easy and some are complex and costly. You can choose the ones that fit your purposes and development strategy.

Benefits of owning a personal social network

Having your own social network can give you a lot in terms of personal development. It can make you more disciplined, organized, and consistent. Moreover, it will help you forge new relationships and make new friends. If you use your networking website to share your expertise in the subject-matter you are interested in, it’s just a great way to have lots of fun and keep in touch with those who share your enthusiasm.

What is more, creating your own social media channel is the best thing you can do for your business. By doing so, you will improve your targeting skills, reach your customers more effectively and get yourself a permanent source of feedback.

Personalized social websites have far more advantages than popular social media like Facebook. They are known for being customizable and flexible, allowing you to shape them the way that would let you achieve your goals. Among the most outstanding features you can benefit from are:

  • Full control over your audience: when you own your network, you can obtain a lot of information about its members – who they are, what they are interested in. This gives you a leverage when it comes to targeted marketing. Moreover, you are free to decide who can and who can’t be a member of your network.
  • Detailed customization: building your personal social network, you can determine how it looks, selecting a theme, background image, fonts, and many other aspects of your website’s design. That said, Ning offers a variety of comprehensive templates that can be further customized according to your preferences.
  • A wide range of monetization options: as opposed to standard social media websites, personalized social networks offer numerous ways to make money from your content. For example, Ning provides options like Paid Access, Paid Membership, and Donations. You can also run ads on your site.
  • Flexible content management: on your own network, it’s only you who decides what information is worth posting and in what form. You can run your blog, post photos, release video and audio materials, etc. Moreover, with decent SEO, your informational content will be listed in search results by major search engines, making you more visible on the web.

You can also add many other advantages like faster customer support, softer censorship policy, ability to integrate with other social media and 3-rd party online resources, various communication options, real-time activity feeds, etc. Creating a network on Ning, you can make use of all these features the way you see fit!

Hopefully, this article convinced you that creating a website like Facebook (or even better) is not that hard, especially when you have an interesting idea to build it upon. What your network’s special feature will be, is up to you. However, you can always count on Ning in everything related to building social networking websites from scratch.

Here you can get some more useful tips from the network creators who have already built their social media websites on the Ning platform.

How to Make a Website Like Facebook - 8 Easy Steps

Did you know that there are over 2.9 billion active Facebook users online each month? Given its vast amount of ever-expanding features and intuitive web design, it’s no surprise that Facebook is the most popular social networking platform globally.

If you’re considering developing your own social media platform, Facebook is an excellent template from which to take inspiration. This article will discuss how you can make a website like Facebook and why it’s so popular. Keep reading to learn more.


What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social media networking platform that allows users to share content with their friends and followers while engaging in communal and private conversations through chat. It was founded in 2004 and is powered by several robust web technologies. This includes PHP and JavaScript for various complex design features.

The social networking site uses an omnichannel approach to provide users with a seamless experience across devices. As a result, the Facebook web application works smoothly across browsers and as a cross-platform mobile app. With over 98% of Facebook users accessing the social network via mobile devices, whether in browser or app, this is an integral part of the platform’s ethos.


Why is Facebook Popular?

In order to build your own social media website like Facebook, it’s essential to understand precisely what makes it so popular. Here are just a few reasons.

Online Community Building


One powerful draw to Facebook is that it enables an easy way of community building. This is generally done through the use of Facebook Groups and Pages. Users can pool together a collection of people with similar interests in which they can discuss topical matters and answer each other’s questions.

The sense of community created using Facebook is exasperated by the built-in web chat functionality, whereby users can message each other individually or as groups. Facebook allows up to 250 users to join one group chat at a time and has several moderation features for admins to manage discussions. Thanks to these features, Facebook has become the ultimate platform to create communities of like-minded individuals.

Ease of Communication

Before the dawn of the millennium and the inception of Facebook, people communicated via awkwardly typed text messages, scheduled phone calls, and handwritten letters. Now, individuals can leverage the Facebook platform and its communicative features to connect with each other instantly.

As Facebook continues to expand, new communication features are constantly being added. This includes group video chatting and the controversial creation of the Metaverse. Whether chatting through private messages, writing on someone’s Facebook page, or commenting on posts, the platform makes communication easy.

Global Communication

Perhaps one of the greatest appeals of the Facebook social networking site is its ability to connect users from around the world. As long as you have access to an internet-connected device, you can access Facebook. This means users can keep in touch with distant friends and relatives without paying expensive international fees and meet new people with similar interests regardless of real-world borders.

The platform’s ability to connect such distant individuals is thanks to its intuitive features, from Erlang-powered chat to secure PHP protocols. Facebook’s omnichannel approach, ease of communication, and globally connected communities make it the popular platform that it is today.


What Features Does Facebook Have?

Facebook’s versatile array of features makes the platform so easy and enticing to use. Understanding the popular functions with users is essential to understanding what it takes to make your own social network like Facebook.


One of the most prominent features of Facebook is the ability to add friends. The average Facebook user has 338 friends, ranging from family members to complete strangers. This feature allows users to manage their interpersonal relationships online without the hassle of mediating real-world meetings.


Facebook has a robust, secure messaging function with an intuitive popup user interface that makes chatting with friends easy. The seamless chat functionality works across devices and browsers, with a dedicated app for mobile devices. With read receipts, customization options, and robust security features, Facebook provides the smoothest messaging functionality of all social networking platforms.

Content Sharing

The Facebook social network website allows users to share and create content for their friends and followers. This includes videos, images, weblinks, and products on the Facebook marketplace. Then through likes and levels of engagement, it boosts and recommends content to users based on their interests through intelligent algorithmic technology.

Facebook Groups

As previously discussed, Facebook is an excellent social networking site for community creation. The primary function to build communities is the use of Facebook groups. Users can create groups about topics that interest them and invite an unlimited number of people to join and engage in their communities. العاب بوكر

Safety Features

With all forms of public discussion, there are several risks, such as sharing inappropriate and dangerous content. To combat this, Facebook has built-in many safety features, including the ability to report users and posts and customizable settings that determine who can see your content. As a result, when settings are correctly adjusted, and community guidelines followed, Facebook can be a safe place to enjoy interesting content.


How to Make Your Own Social Network Like Facebook

Now you understand what makes Facebook so popular and its primary functions, you can take this knowledge and implement it into your own social media websites.

Step 1: Determine Niche

The first step in making your own social network like Facebook is to determine your niche, i.e., to whom your website is aimed. You can do this by analyzing the industry’s demographics in which you wish to operate. For example, when you build a social media website for pet owners, you should establish what type of people predominantly own pets and their existing social networking activities.

Once you’ve defined your audience, you can then understand what is needed to appeal to your userbase. Predominantly, your audience demographic will help you determine how to position and market your website. For instance, in a social networking website geared towards pet owners, your branding would need to correspond with popular pet types and owner interests.

Step 2: Conceptualize Functionality

Once you understand your target audience, you can decide what features are best suited to your audience. For example, the average age of a Facebook user is 40.5 years old, which works excellently as the platform enables long-form content much preferred by older audiences, such as articles, to be shared. If you determine that your audience is younger, you must implement functionality appropriate to their age range, like robust, safeguarding features.

There are several tools you can use to help conceptualize functionality when you build a social network. At Idea Maker, we use Figma during the web development design phase. Figma allows users to create mock-up websites with complex designs that can be exported to developers after completion.

Tools like Figma are an essential part of conceptualizing functionality, as they allow you to build an understanding of how to implement branding into your networking website’s features. Once you have determined what functionality is suitable for your audience, you can then begin the development phase. If you don’t have experience in web development, you will need to consider hiring expert developers.

Step 3: Hire Expert Developers

When hiring professional web developers like Idea Maker, you get access to a large talent pool and robust technologies. However, not all developers are created equal. As a result, there are several things to consider when hiring an agency for social networking website development. كيف تلعب القمار

You can learn more about hiring the right developers by reading Idea Maker’s extensive guide. Otherwise, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Experience & Expertise

When hiring a developer to build your own social network, you should consider their past experience by examining their portfolio. A development agency’s portfolio will showcase the quality of their previous work and whether or not they’re a good fit for your project. It also allows you to explore their previously developed websites and determine the quality of functionality.

Defined Development Procedure

A high-quality web development company will have a clearly defined development procedure readily available for you to explore. This procedure will help you understand the process behind developing a social network website and where your input is required. If a development agency does not have a development procedure available, they may be poor communicators, which results in a website that doesn’t meet your requirements.

Post-Release Support

Once your social media website is developed, it will inevitably encounter bugs at some point and require regular maintenance. As such, the development company you work with provides robust post-release support options. Without a support package, you risk your site becoming unusable to users.

Many development companies claim to offer post-development support packages but fail to deliver when the time comes. An excellent way to check whether a developer actually provides post-release support is to check the quality of their preexisting web developments. If their live websites work well, they likely provide genuine and high-quality post-release support.

Step 4: Collect Feedback

Once your social media site is live, you should pay attention to how active users engage with the website and ask them to provide feedback. You can do this by directly reaching out to users through email or prompting them to complete surveys while browsing the site. Before conducting feedback surveys, it’s good practice to determine a broad sample size to represent your wider user base.

Once you’ve collected feedback, you can then ask your development team to implement the relevant changes. Doing this will enable you to refine your social media platform and provide users with all the required features. As a result, internet users will feel valued, enjoy the platform’s user experience and keep engaged with the website.

Step 5: Maintain Your Social Network Website

After you’ve refined your social media site to fit the requirements of your user base, you must then work hard to actively maintain the platform. This means working closely with your chosen development agency to identify bugs and functionality issues. Resolving issues swiftly will ensure your platform remains user-friendly.

Ensuring your website is well-optimized post-development will also help increase your SEO score and, thus, SERP rankings. One major factor in ensuring your social networking website ranks highly on Google, and is therefore widely discoverable, is speed optimization. لعب البوكر Fixing bugs and issues that slow down your website will help keep it in good standing with search engines.


Things To Consider

You now know how to build a social network website like Facebook. However, there are still some important factors to consider when developing a media website based on user-generated content.


When users upload content to your platform, there is a risk of them infringing on copyright and intellectual property laws. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is a requirement that your website includes a mechanism to report such copyright violations and that you follow specific procedures. You can read more about how to implement DMCA mechanisms and correctly follow government guidelines in the Idea Maker guide to DMCA [LINK to DMCA article].


As the world becomes ever more politically polarized, an increasing amount of misformation spread across social media platforms. Depending on your target audience, for instance, if your social networking site is aimed towards political discourse, you may wish to combat misinformation. A simple way of doing so is to ensure questionable content is marked as unreliable or ask users to provide sources for their information.

Safeguarding Measures

As discussed early, Facebook has several features to ensure its user base is safe while browsing the platform. It’s vital to ensure your social media website has similar features, such as post reporting and blocking, or else you risk your platform becoming an unsafe environment for users. Asking your existing users what additional safety features they’d like to see implemented is an excellent way to satisfy safeguarding requirements.



After reading this article, you should now be able to make social networking websites like Facebook. This article covered the following:

  • What is Facebook?
  • Why is Facebook popular?
  • What features does Facebook have?
  • How to make your own social network like Facebook.


Make a Social Media Website Like Facebook with Idea Maker

If you’re looking to build a social networking website like Faceback, consider Idea Maker. We have an expert team of dedicated developers ready to create a high-quality, well functioning website. Schedule a free consultation with us today to learn more.

How to Create a Social Network like Vkontakte or Facebook from scratch

Preparing to develop a social network

Short documentation

First of all, you need to make a list of the functions of the future project. It can be a small document that briefly describes the purpose of the social network and its functions. It doesn't matter if it's a social network or a large blockchain development. This file will help you out more than once.


Before starting development, you must select the name of the social network and the domain name.

The cost of the domain will be $10-20 per year. I recommend using the same platform for domain registration and hosting.

X hosting

If you are planning to launch a large social network that will have 500,000 - 5,000,000 users per month, I highly recommend using powerful servers. They will make it possible to cope with heavy loads.

Social network design

Design plays a big role. It should not be flashy or dull. It is best to use trends in web design, this will allow you to develop your network more actively. Also, the first page should have a call to action so you can get more registered users. Trust only professionals. Watch this video to stay up to date with graphic and design trends:

Development of a social network

Development of a social network begins with the choice of technology to be used. They can be divided into two types: ready-made CMS and frameworks. Let's look at the difference between them and which is better to use.

CMS social networks

These are ready-made social networks with a template design and all the main functions. You only need the effort to develop a new design and customize the project to your requirements.

Among the most popular CMS social networks are: BuddyPress, Dolphin, phpFox, SocialEngine. Although, such systems have a whole set of problems. The first problem is with speed. Often they load the server very heavily and lead to crashes. Our company Merehead, in 2017, was approached by two clients. They had similar problems. We could not help them, as the projects had to be completely rewritten. Having opened a betting business, you will not be able to use CMS.

The second problem is poor scaling. If you need to add new features, it will require a lot of effort, time and money. The third problem is project setup. Although the CMS only needs to be modified slightly for a particular project. This can take a very long time. Since the CMS does not provide global customization. New features may conflict with old ones.

This will be a circle. As you can see, the overall popularity of CMS data is falling, but it is worth noting that among all BuddyPress it has a great demand. Frameworks

Frameworks are used to develop various web applications. In fact, they are universal and designed specifically to improve the quality of the code and speed up the coding process. Framework-based projects have high speed, high security and scalability.

In our company, we prefer to use Laravel framework based on PHP. It is worth noting that there are about 10 popular PHP-based frameworks (CakePHP, Codeigniter, Zend, Symfony etc). You can see the dynamics of popularity and web development trends below. The main disadvantage of using frameworks is that the social network needs to be developed from scratch. This will take time and resources, but in this case, you can be sure that the site will work stably and bring you income. In fact, it is your investment in the future.

Testing and launching the social network

After development is complete, the entire project needs to be tested. As you understand, errors in the registration process or among the main functions will have a very bad effect on the development of the social network. Users should enjoy using your site. Your goal is repeat visits. Pay close attention to testing. Although the social network is not a forex broker site, it still works with the user's personal data and they need to be encrypted.

If your social network will attract 1000 users daily and all of them will be returned. You will get 30,000 visitors a day for one month. Our company has experience in developing social networks. For example, our Frevend project got 50,000 users within 2 months.


After launching a social network, it is very important to conduct an active advertising campaign. You need to take an aggressive approach, similar to what is used in the promotion of gambling sites. Here it is very important to get an audience that will create content and participate in the life of the social network. According to our estimates, it is necessary to attract 20,000 - 50,000 visitors. Within a few days. In this case, let's see what traffic sources you can use:

  1. Adwords advertisement . I do not recommend using to attract users to a social network. The cost per click is very high. Google Adwords is well suited for expensive services. -
  2. Advertising Vkontakte . You can get visitors at a cost of $0.05-0.1. This is a good source with a huge set of filters for segmentation. Thus, it will cost $1000 to attract 10,000 users.
  3. Guest posts . Write some interesting articles about your project. Send them to popular media and bloggers.

You'd be surprised how many people are willing to post interesting material for free. For example, one post on TechCrunch can generate 10,000 - 20,000 users a day!

Social network monetization

Social network monetization has its own characteristics. Users are not used to paying, which is why most networks, including Vkontakte, are absolutely free. I believe that two types of business model are well suited for such projects.

Freemium . Users have free access to most of the features. But additional features will require a small fee. As a rule, the cost is small, as it applies to all participants in the social network. With a conversion of 1% from 1,000,000 users, you will receive 10,000 transactions per month. With a minimum cost of $9.99, your monthly income will be $99,900. Agree, good prospect! This business model is used by Linkedin and bulletin boards like Avito.

Advertising . Users have access to all the functions and features of the social network for free. Money is charged for advertising space. Thus, the advertiser pays for clicks on his site. This business model is used by Google and Vkontakte. Its disadvantage is that it is necessary to develop a separate panel for managing advertisements. In addition, you will lose users as they move to other sites. This business model is well suited for large projects that have a stable audience.

Preparing for investment

When a project grows, it attracts the attention of investors. This is the moment that many aspiring startups are waiting for. I have several recommendations to become more attractive in the eyes of an investor. Make a really cool and secure project - read about blockchain in banks. It should work like clockwork, no crashes, no errors. It will not be very pleasant when an investor wants to invest $500,000 , and at that time your site went down. Take care of the business model in advance. You need to understand how you will earn money before you start development.

Investors don't invest in ideas, they invest in businesses. Their goal is to earn. If they don't feel profitable, you can forget about the investment. Yes, it's tough, but that's how they think. Never stop. Go forward, crush mountains and achieve goals. The path to success is always difficult.

- How much does a copy of Facebook cost? / Habr

“How much does it cost to make a copy of Facebook (Avito, Yandex.Taxi,” is one of the most popular customer questions, to which we will give a detailed answer today and tell you how it looks from the side of the people who have to do it.

Black Box

When we are given the task of copying some service, then for us it is a kind of “black box”. It doesn’t matter what kind of program it is: a website, a mobile application or a driver. In any case, we will be able to see what it looks like from the outside, but we do not have access to what is inside.

It's like being shown a car and asked to make an exact copy, but not given the opportunity to look under the hood: we can limit ourselves to external inspection and sit behind the wheel. And getting into the trunk is no longer possible!

Accordingly, we will have to solve the following tasks:
Assume and invent - but how is this “car” arranged inside, in which we see only the body?

Imagine what parts it consists of. For understanding: any modern car is about 18,000 parts...

Estimate what specialists are needed to create these 18,000 parts and how long it will take to create each.

Software development is a similar process: the system we create needs to be broken down into a bunch of small pieces. Think about how and by whom to create them, and how they will interact with each other. That is why “just copying” is a difficult and voluminous task.

Tip of the Iceberg

Avito, Facebook, Yandex.Taxi… If the client knew from the inside the business he refers to, he would find that it employs dozens or even hundreds of programmers who have been creating the service for several years.

Paid for thousands of hours of specialists who went into the production of the product.

Considering “how much it costs to copy Facebook” we will see all the results of their work. And when we make a list of these results, the client always finds that he has seen, at most, 10% of “Facebook”.

The remaining 90% becomes visible to him only after we have done quite a lot of work. You don't see the engine, steering racks, fuel lines when you get behind the wheel of a car, do you?

What will happen next?

The client understands that he does not need 90% of the service's capabilities at all. These are labor costs that will not give him any benefit. Thousands of man-hours wasted on features he would never need. Expensive and useless.

"Copy the neighbor's daughter, but cheaper!"

Why does the client come with such a request? It seems to him that since this work has already been done, then there is nothing easier than to take and copy. Saves a lot of money!

But there's a little problem - we can't take anything from Facebook because:

  1. We (and no other contractor) have access to the source code. Yes, even if it was - it is the property of another company.
  2. We don't have design sources, so the design will also need to be recreated.
  3. We have no knowledge of the product architecture. We can only guess how it works inside. Even if we read a bunch of articles on Habré, there will only be an approximate description.

Alas, the request “do it like a neighbor” does not make the job cheaper :(

“Give me a poker!”

A software product is not an end in itself: with its help, the client wants to solve his business problem. For example, earn or save money, capture an audience, create a convenient tool for employees.

Only here is the paradox: the client does not come to us with a question about a business problem. He comes with a question about a technical solution. That is, with a request like "I need a poker." And why is she to him? Maybe he is going to chop wood, but they need an ax there?

The client is not a solution specialist (usually he solves such a problem for the first time in his life), but when he sees the poker, it seems to him that THIS IS THE magic wand!

But when we ask the question “what business problem are you solving?” and think about what solution would be really optimal, it turns out that it has nothing to do with either Facebook or the poker at all. Well, there's nothing in common at all.


It appears that the query “how much does a copy cost…?” - meaningless. In order to answer it literally, you need to do a colossal job that will not be useful to us or the client.

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