How to change home page in facebook

How to Change a Facebook Homepage

By Phil Silverwitz

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Are you tired of looking at all those useless surveys, comments and FarmVille activities that your Facebook friends have posted on your Wall? Perhaps you wish to edit your political views or change that boring old profile picture. Then you should learn how to change these elements on your Facebook homepage.

Changing Your Facebook Profile Picture

Step 1

Log in to your account by entering your email address and password into the Facebook page listed below. Click "Login." This will take you to the "News Feed" page, where you can view your friends' recent activities.

Step 2

Click the "Profile" button in the top portion of your screen. You will now see your personalized Facebook profile, or homepage (also known as the "Wall" in Facebook terminology).

Step 3

Click on your existing profile picture. It's the one located in the upper left part of your profile.

Step 4

Choose "Change Profile Picture."

Step 5

Find your desired profile picture by clicking "Browse" and locating the picture on your computer's hard drive. Then hit "Open." Note: only files with the extensions JPG, GIF or PNG may be uploaded.

Step 6

Check the box certifying that you own the rights to the picture and that you have read the Terms of Use.

Step 7

Click "Upload Picture." Your picture will now appear on the left side of the screen.

Step 8

To adjust your corresponding thumbnail size photo (which shows up in your friends' news feeds), simply drag the small picture listed under "Thumbnail Version" and click the "Save" button.

Changing your Facebook Profile Information

Step 1

Follow steps 1 and 2 as above.

Step 2

Click the "Edit My Profile" button located underneath your profile picture.

Step 3

Edit all necessary information. You may choose from the following categories: Basic Information, Personal Information, Contact Information and Education and Work.

Step 4

After editing the relevant info in each category, click "Save Changes."

Step 5

When you are finished changing all of your information, click the blue "Done Editing" button located near the top of the screen. Your saved information will now appear in your Facebook homepage.

Removing an Item from Your Wall

Step 1

Repeat steps 1 and 2 as above.

Step 2

Find the desired item you wish to remove. As you mouse over the item, notice the "Remove" button that appears to the right.

Step 3

Click "Remove." The item will now instantly disappear from your homepage (Note: removing an item will not necessarily undo the particular activity, but it will keep that activity from being displayed on your Wall).


  • Facebook


  • Don't have a Facebook page yet? It's easy. Just visit and follow the onscreen instructions to set up an account.

Writer Bio

Phil Silverwitz has been an anchor/reporter since 2007, working with various public and commercial radio stations across the Midwest. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the Moody Institute.

Facebook Redesigns Its Dashboard, and You Can Switch to It Now

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"New Facebook. " Facebook
  • Facebook is getting a major visual overhaul.
  • The redesign, which Facebook is outright calling "New Facebook," hasn't rolled out to everyone just yet, but some users are able to switch over right now.
  • It's very easy to switch, and very easy to switch back — here's how.
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Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go.

Facebook is getting a new look, and the change is big enough that the social media giant is dubbing it "New Facebook."

Some major changes come with the redesign: The notifications tab is de-emphasized, for instance, and Facebook Watch, Marketplace, and Groups take priority. Facebook calls the redesign a beta, so it's possible that these features will change before a wider, more permanent rollout at some point in the future.

It's unclear when Facebook's 2 billion-plus users will get the update, but there's an easy way to enable it right now. Here's how:

Immediately, you'll be taken to a version of Facebook that looks very different.


A welcome screen boasts of a few enhancements the company has made to its main product, including "faster loading times" and "a cleaner look and bigger text." 

Perhaps most notably, a new Dark Mode is offered:


So, what does "New Facebook" look like? It looks like this:

In this image, I have Dark Mode turned on. Facebook

There are some clear differences from the jump, such as larger icons and text.

Perhaps the most notable change is that two major dropdowns have been condensed to one: Notifications and Friend Requests now both show up under the Notifications dropdown menu.

Profile pages also look pretty different:

I changed it back to Light Mode here. Facebook

Read next

Features Facebook New Facebook


Setting up a Facebook page: general settings

In the last article, we reviewed the Facebook admin panel. But we did not specifically touch on the settings, since this section is very extensive and requires detailed consideration. Over the course of several articles, we will dwell on each point in detail. And today we will analyze the general settings of the Facebook admin panel step by step. Let's start!

When you open your community page, in the upper right corner you will see a link to your Settings. You will immediately see a list of functions with which you can customize your Facebook page. And the first we see the general settings - we will move on to them.

In this tab you can change these settings.

How to add quick links FB

By checking this box, you automatically add your page to quick links that will be visible to you on the main page in the left menu.

How to hide page status on Facebook

It allows you to make a page public or hide it.

Facebook Page Restrictions

Users can only post to your page with or without your permission. Or don't do it at all. You can also check if they can add photos and videos.

News feed audience and post status

By selecting this item, when creating a post, you can choose who exactly will see your post according to different criteria: gender, age, location, etc.


Whether users will be able to send you messages or not is up to you.

Learn how to set up ads on your own. The most complete course on targeted advertising on Facebook/Instagram from THELAB Agency.
Targeted video course


With your consent, users will be able to tag your photos and videos.

Other people tag this page

By checking this box, you consent to other users and pages tagging your community.

Page geodata for frames

Other people can use your page to assign geodata to frames.

Country restriction

Here you can select the countries in which your page will or will not be displayed.

Age restrictions

More than clear - if your page contains content for users who are over 18 years old, then you can specify this in your settings.

Page moderation

Actually a very useful feature. You can enter words that will block comments and other posts (for example, obscenities, insults, jargon, etc.)

Obscene language filter

If you want to limit yourself and your users from obscene language, you can not prescribe every word in the paragraph above. Facebook does it all for you: it determines the words to block using a list of the most commonly flagged offensive words by the community.

Recommendations of similar pages

By checking the box, you can get into the list of similar pages in the community similar to your topic.

Publications in different languages ​​

You have the opportunity to write the same post in several languages ​​at the same time. At the same time, it will be shown to users in the language that they have by default. All reactions (likes, comments, reposts) will belong to only one post.

Automatic translation

If you are not writing a post in several languages ​​at the same time, you can enable automatic translation. In this case, your users will be able to view the post in their language, but the translation will be clumsy - that is, machine-made.

Comment rating

For particularly lazy users, only the most popular comments with the most likes and replies will be visible. Otherwise, comments will be displayed chronologically.

Distribution of materials

You can download videos on Facebook. But by selecting this item, you prohibit downloading materials from your page in this way.

Download page

This item contains a link to a copy of your page: posts, photos, videos, information about you. This is needed if there is a risk of losing page data or if you want to provide it to third parties.

Merge pages

If you have two pages of the same company (in cases where one was unavailable, the pages provided different company services, etc.), you can merge them into one. This is possible under the following conditions:

  • you are the administrator of both pages;
  • they have the same names;
  • they have the same address.

You can find out how to do this at the link provided in the settings.

Delete page

Just one click and you have deleted all information about your page. But don't worry, if you did it by accident, you have 14 days to recover.

Suggested Actions

During your administration, Facebook may tell you what to do to increase page activity. Sometimes these tips can be very helpful.

We will analyze the rest of the settings in the second and third parts of the article.

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Setting up an account, personal page and privacy on Facebook



I am analyzing the topic of setting up an account and a personal page on Facebook. I will show in the pictures where and what settings are located, what can be changed and edited.

Using my own account, desktop version, Chrome browser as an example. The main settings are illustrated with screenshots.

After registering a Facebook account, we get a personal page that contains two groups of settings: account settings and page settings. The action log and the news feed are separate.


  • Facebook Account Setup
    • General
    • Security & Login

      Facebook username. The translation is not very correct. Rather, it is the name that will appear in the link to your page.

      Contact information. Here is the email address used to register. You can add more information, another email, phone number. If the email is public, then you can add a checkbox with permission to download, then other people can download your email in the archive of their journal (I have not tested how this works).

      The link “Download your information” opens the possibility to download our entire chronicle for a certain period of time. If your email is public and has been used in a public space somewhere, then any user can download their timeline with your contact details.

      Advertising account contacts - just duplicate the email from the previous paragraph. But it can be set separately. We will discuss this later, in an article about setting up an advertising account.

      Memory setting settings. An interesting opportunity to specify a friend or relative who will manage your account in the event of your death. After 2050, Facebook is predicted to have more dead people than living ones.

      Identity confirmation. Here you will need to enter a password. You can go through the identification of the person and the country of residence. Fill in if you want to actively influence US elections. Otherwise, you can not waste time.

      Security and Entry

      If you have security issues, this is the place for you.

      View session sources, from which devices and IP addresses accessed your account. Allows you to identify suspicious entries.

      The magic button will allow you to log out of all devices if something suspicious is found.

      After that, change the password:

      Saving login data makes authorization easier. In the browser, authorization takes place in one click. You can track all devices and browsers where there is saved data, such as work computers, forgotten tablets, old smartphones.

      My Telegram channel

      Secret Telegram channel for smart readers. About money, marketing, business and business survival. I post the most interesting here. Is free.

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      I recommend enabling Two-Factor Authentication. This will save you from many problems. It doesn’t really annoy, but when you log in on a new device, it will ask for a security code.

      I use SMS and an app. You can use the codes written on a piece of paper (seriously, no jokes). You can use a special flash drive.

      After setting up two-factor authentication, I recommend that you study Authorized logins:

      For applications, there is a separate opportunity to set a password:

      I have never used it, but it seems to be useful for Skype.

      In the additional protection settings, enable everything: notifications about suspicious logins and 3-5 trusted friends who will help restore access to your account.

      In the advanced settings, you can encrypt email messages that Facebook sends to your email. The encryption key can be downloaded here. Interestingly, you can share the encryption key to use in a narrow circle for correspondence.

      Using a Facebook account to restore access to an external site - did not understand how it works. And I advise you to look at the list of letters, suddenly you missed something.

      I recommend visiting and reviewing the Security and Login section regularly. If you have filled in and configured all the fields, then hacking your account is much more difficult.

      Your information on Facebook

      If you think that Big Brother is watching you, then you are here. You can view and download all information about yourself in one archive.

      I recommend that you look at information about yourself. There are a lot of points, but if annoying ads bother you, then start with the section Advertising

      The Activity Log will allow you to see all the actions, reactions, comments, posts, and in general everything that was done on Facebook. Perhaps you want to clean something up?

      Information Management can report a problem or get additional help. Didn't see much benefit.

      Last item Deactivation or deletion of the account. Deactivation essentially puts the account to sleep. Deletion is the complete deletion of the Facebook account along with the messenger. The entire message history is also deleted.

      My Telegram channel

      Secret Telegram channel for smart readers. About money, marketing, business and business survival. I post the most interesting here. Is free.

      Subscribe to Telegram


      I recommend that you immediately decide what you need a Facebook account for. If you are a public person and are busy developing your personal brand, then turn on Available to everyone, otherwise you can limit accessibility only to friends.

      Who can see your posts in the future? – These are the default settings for the new post. Can be edited before posting.

      Timeline Overview allows you to see content, photos, and posts where you've been tagged. The mechanism works like this:

      • you were tagged in a post,
      • the post was added to your timeline,
      • your friends saw it.

      Sometimes used for advertising. In the settings, you can specify that the publication in your timeline is only possible after approval.

      If you suddenly decide to get away from publicity, tired of the army of fans or spam, then you can restrict access to old publications. All past posts will be available only to friends.

      How can I contact you? As I wrote above, if you are engaged in pumping a personal brand, then put the maximum publicity. But then there are risks of spam and negativity.

      Turn on the ability For all to be added as friends, find by email and phone number. Allowing search engines to find our page is very important for personal promotion. Almost always when searching for a first and last name page on Facebook are in the first place of Google search. But I limited the availability of the list of friends: I consider this to be unnecessary information and a useless “piskomer”. But decide for yourself.

      Chronicle and tags

      I have already raised this issue above, tags are an opportunity to mark any person in your publication. Depending on your settings, the post will appear on their timeline immediately or after approval. In this section, we set up the publishing capabilities in our timeline.

      Chronicle. Here we select the access settings for our chronicle. Choose who can post, see posts in the timeline, share stories (Stories) and set a filter for individual words in comments.

      Tags. Determine who can see posts where I'm tagged.

      In both sections, I set the restriction only to Friends. This avoids unnecessary spam.

      Check. Here you can turn on pre-approval if someone wants to post on your timeline:

      See what other users see on your timeline - you can look at your page from the side.

      And set up pre-approval marks on photos:


      The simplest section. One setting: allow sharing our stories (Stories) in your stories - yes / no.


      Also a short setting. Allow Facebook to track our location. Allows you to open the chronicle of the movement, to study the places that you visited. The setting can only be edited in the Facebook mobile app.

      To see the history of movements from the desktop, you must enter a password.

      Setting the background geolocation in the Facebook app


      A great opportunity to block objectionable people. Any social network is full of inadequate and simply bad people. In order not to poison life, the easiest way is to add it to the ignore list. After that, they disappear from our lives for good.

      It is possible to restrict friends access to content, block applications, events, pages and messages.

      Restricted access. Choose friends and set a limit. Now they only see public posts.

      You can block a user by name or email. After that, you disappear from each other's lives, neither posts nor account are visible. I have a long list.

      Message blocking works in the messenger. We prohibit messages and / or video calls from specific people.

      If someone persistently invites you to play an application, you can block the invitation and this will block all invitations to that application.

      The event invitation method is now actively used. You can invite all your friends, which is what they use to promote webinars. Sometimes it's tiring. We block invitations to events here.

      There are applications that persistently send notifications like “your friend has added his profile” or “you have received a new message”. Such applications are often used as an alternative to the messenger. Lock the app and you won't be bothered by annoying messages anymore.

      The same applies to pages. One of the most common spam is an invitation to like a page. In a separate article I will tell you why this is the wrong method of page promotion. In the meantime, we just ban particularly annoying pages.

      Language and region

      If you live in Russia, Russian is your native and main language, then no problem, we put Russian and Celsius everywhere. If you are from Ukraine or live in Europe, then you have to think about it. Two or more primary languages ​​can be selected.

      Facebook language. Interface language. What language will the menu, all buttons and links be in?

      Date format depending on the region of residence.

      Temperature, most likely Celsius, but Fahrenheit is also possible.

      Language for translation of publications. Facebook has built-in automatic translation of posts. Here you need to select the language into which it will be translated.

      Languages ​​that do not need to be translated. We indicate native languages ​​that we understand well.

      Languages ​​for which automatic translation is not required. Publications in these languages ​​will be without automatic translation. The difference with the previous paragraph is that there will be no automatic translation, but there will be a link for Facebook to translate.

      There is a possibility for multilingual publications. I've never used it, I've seen very few examples. As a rule, English is enough to cover the whole world, but if suddenly, then here we set up multilingual publications.

      Face Recognition

      Allow Facebook to recognize you in photos? Choose yes or no.


      Facebook is ready to send a notification for every sneeze. Sometimes there are too many. Here you can configure delivery methods, sounds and events for notifications.

      Facebook has a built-in notification bell.

      I recommend setting up group news, selecting all the news from the most useful:

      The same goes for live broadcasts and birthdays. When there are many friends, someone always has a birthday or another LIVE, it's easier to turn off all notifications.

      I like e-mail notifications more: once a day you can see everything in a crowd, reply to all comments. My settings look like this:

      PCs and mobile devices. The subtlety here is that there are different settings on the mobile application and the desktop computer. In one case, we give permission to the browser for notifications and turn on the necessary ones. In another case, we set up push notifications in the Facebook application.

      Setting up notifications in the Facebook application

      I do not use SMS. Just turned it off. But if it's relevant to you, then set it up here.

      Mobile devices

      Add a phone number to send SMS, confirm through the code. We include the limit of sending SMS per day and the time when we are ready to receive SMS.

      Public publications

      We set the accessibility of publications, determine how other people can interact with our publications.

      My default is Public. If you are using a Facebook page for personal promotion, then I recommend leaving it the same.

      Permission to comment on publications. Similar to the previous paragraph, I have it available to everyone.

      Subscription notifications for your publications. Facebook allows you to subscribe to a user's page, read his publications without adding him as a friend. In this setting, we indicate whether it is necessary to notify about such a subscriber.

      Who can comment and like your photos and videos uploaded to your profile. I have a restriction: only friends and their friends.

      The comment rating is a recent Facebook change. Comments under the publication can be arranged in chronological order or by relevance rating. I am a supporter of chronology, but if there are a lot of comments and it is tiring to view everything, then the rating allows you to immediately see the most popular ones first.

      Username, your nickname, which will appear in the link to the page. You can do it or not, it doesn't matter. But changes in the future may break the link to your page - links to the old address may stop working. The setting is duplicated with the General section.

      Twitter. If you do not use this social network, then pass by. Or connect your Twitter page to Facebook, no harm done.

      Applications and websites

      If you use Facebook registration to authorize on the site, a new application or site appears here. Sometimes it is useful to go to clean the extra ones. Keep in mind, every app on this list has access to your data.

      Three tabs: active, obsolete, deleted. Removal takes two clicks: mark unnecessary ones, click “delete”.

      Instant Games

      If you don't already know, there are a lot of games on Facebook. As in the previous section, the game has access to personal data and you can delete unnecessary ones. Also three tabs. Deletion by analogy with the previous section.

      Business integrations

      If you, like me, are engaged in promotion and advertising, then this section quickly accumulates various business applications for video, scheduling publications, integration with a website or CRM, email newsletters, etc. It is sometimes useful to go in and delete superfluous. Or vice versa, find what you need in the search and install.


      Another new section. If you are tired of annoying ads, then you are here.

      Your interests, the way Facebook sees them. Change regularly. Delete the extra ones.

      Advertisers and companies. If you left your email, phone number somewhere, visited the site and the company uses your data for advertising, then look in this list. Remove if ads bother you.

      Your data based on the information on the personal page. Marital status, education, place of work. You can almost always leave it as is. I only have my wife hidden.

      Advertising settings. An interesting point, it allows you to quite severely limit the possibility of using your data for an advertiser.

      Hide ad topics. Actually useful section: alcohol, children, pets.

      How Facebook advertising works. The transition to a separate page, which describes in detail the mechanics of how advertising works. Very clear and simple language. In fact, there is nothing criminal. Read: How Facebook ads work.


      I look forward to the appearance of a built-in cryptocurrency from Facebook in this section. In the meantime, here you can set up payment information for paying for advertising. You can use a credit card or PayPal. If you do not use advertising, then this section is useless.

      Support inbox

      Very important section. Personally, I regularly complain about advertising, aggressive publications and feminists. According to the first two paragraphs, as a rule, complaints are approved. Here to write about the problem with security.

      After clicking on a menu item, go to another page. Here is your correspondence with technical support.

      Video setup

      Facebook's ambitious plan to become like YouTube.

      Video quality. I choose the maximum. But if there are problems with the speed of the Internet, then put it simpler.

      Video autoplay. When you study the tape, the videos automatically start playing. Sometimes this interferes, slows down the loading of tape publications. You can disable autorun.

      Show captions. Captions can be embedded in videos. This is useful in silent mode. And convenient. I recommend turning it on.

      Sample subtitles. You can customize the display of text.

      This concludes your Facebook account settings tour

      Activity log

      Want to know all your Facebook activities? Who was liked, commented or what was posted? – The entire activity log is saved. When I tried to download the archive, it turned out 2 GB.

      You can select the time period and / or type of actions:

      Keyword search is working:

      You can enter the activity log from the Settings menu or directly from the profile menu

      Setting up the news feed

      Facebook: it is not clear how it selects publications. You can make adjustments.

      You can:

      • select pages and people for priority display of publications, I personally follow Facebook specialists
      • unfollow people, pages and groups to hide publications in the feed:
      • re-follow people, pages and groups:
      • re-renew the blocking of a person, page or group. Everyone you have temporarily blocked is marked here.
      • Optional: for example intrusive applications.

      Personal page settings

      Conditionally divided into two parts: main sections (information, friends, photos, archive, subscriptions and subscribers) and additional sections that can be turned off. The second category includes favorite movies, books, series, shows, events, etc.

      Visually, this division looks like this:

      Each additional section has a menu to disable the section, privacy settings and go to the event log:


      Your information on Facebook. In the age of the struggle for privacy, it is customary to hide personal information, but if the goal is a personal brand, then I recommend filling out as much detail as possible. The only exception is marital status: it is better to hide your wife.

      The General section summarizes your data. I recommend filling in as much as possible. Includes places of work and education, contact details and birthday. Link to the site, phone number and email - these contacts will search for you.

      Contact and basic information:

      Any item can be edited, added a new one, change privacy

      Work and education. It is rather inconvenient to add educational institutions and places of work: only those that have pages on Facebook are added. Sometimes you first have to create a place and a page for the organization.

      You can edit the publicity level for each item:

      Skills and abilities. Better in English. Enter the first letters and select from the available list.

      Places where you lived: hometown and city of residence. You can also add places where you lived for some time.

      When you add a new place of residence, the post-event Move is generated.

      Family and relationships. You can mark all relatives and friends.

      Information about you. From a personal brand point of view, an important section. You can edit, change the privacy of any section.

      Life events. An interesting section: you can add various events: going to the cinema, holding a webinar, the birth of a son. For some events, there are ready-made templates. There is an opportunity to decorate.


      Friends section is one of the most important. This is a kind of "piskomer" - the number of friends. It seems like a useless metric to me, but people love it.

      The list is grouped by place of residence, work, birthday, etc. Subscribers are taken out separately: not friends, but they read your updates.

      I recommend that you decide on confidentiality:

      I prefer to hide this data, but I myself regularly study friendship requests for common friends and interests. I try to keep as friends only those who are really interesting to me.

      There is a separate list of possible friends:

      Here is a list of people who Facebook thinks you might be interested in or know. If the task is to recruit as many people as possible in the circle of acquaintances, then on Facebook this is easy to do.

      On the mobile application, you can/should enable synchronization with contacts on your phone.

      A small setting allows you to limit the circle of people who can send you a friend request:


      Here you can upload photos/videos, organize them into albums and view hidden ones in the timeline.

      A photo of you is a photo on Facebook that has your face or you have been tagged.

      Your photos. All images that you upload to Facebook are stored in this section. Can be edited.

      Albums. Create and manage albums. Some albums are created by default, such as Cover Photo or Video. By the way, there is a separate Videos tab, but video albums are managed in this section.

      You can add a collaborator to the album, add a photo, edit the content, highlight it in your profile, or download it.


      Stories are hidden under the word archive with a lock sign. Nothing special, but the section is visible only to you, some stories can be shared.

      In principle, the history archive can be switched off.


      Two tabs: Video with you, Your videos. In the first video where you were tagged. Secondly, all the videos that have been uploaded to your page. Each uploaded video can be downloaded, edited, inserted into the site, deleted.


      Here are all the groups we belong to. You can leave any group with one click.


      When you mark places you have visited in your posts, they appear here. List of places, timeline and cities - three tabs.

      You can see all the posts with a mark visiting this place. By the way, a good opportunity to promote local businesses.

      Or see the sights of the city:


      Spartak fans can mark their favorite team and sportsmen.


      You cannot add music, only indicate your favorite performers, English-speaking ones are better.


      Similarly, choose your favorite movies. In theory, you can build a club of fans, in practice there is no use.

      TV shows

      Add favorite shows


      Specify books. A separate tab - Read books. In theory, bibliomaniacs can indicate their favorite books, brag about the volume of what they have read. Unfortunately, you can choose from what is in the Facebook database. The choice in the Russian-speaking segment is not rich.

      A completely different choice in the English version.

      Application and games

      Like books, you can add your favorite games here.


      Likes on all objects: movies, books, TV shows, restaurants, etc. You can edit your preferences.


      You can create events, edit them, invite friends or receive invitations. Here are all the past events where we showed interest in participating.

      You can create a new event.


      New feature of Facebook: Q&A. You can ask any rhetorical question and maybe someone will give an answer. In this section, you can see all your questions and give answers to others.

      Our answer is published in the news feed, so we think that we are writing.


      Do you like to write reviews about places and business pages? - That way. All your Facebook reviews are stored here. You can edit, add comments or change the rating.

      By the way, the section is outdated: the feedback system and recommendation has changed and new reviews are not displayed here. Maybe they'll fix it in the future.


      One of my favorite sections. If you are a fan of writing long reads, then you are here:

      You can add an article of any size, with pictures, video inserts, heading formatting. The personal page turns into a full-fledged blog. Notes can be read without authorization in Facebook, share links, Yandex shows in search results. Example of a note: “Three Popes”.


      Incomprehensible section. In theory, you can add your physical activity and brag about your achievements.

      In practice, a special application or life in the USA is probably needed. Nothing but running and cycling. After adding an activity, a post appears in the timeline:

      It is possible to install applications for fitness:

      Subscriptions and subscribers

      They are Friends. Another confusion from Facebook. The sections duplicate the Friends section, where there is a Subscriptions tab and Subscribers - people you follow or who follow you.


      If you would like to link your Instagram account to your personal Facebook page, please click here. In the Manage section, select the Instagram setting

      Set the desired values ​​or leave the default:

      Section Management

      Additional sections can be disabled.

      Learn more