How to get thousands of friends on facebook

How To Get a Lot of Friends on Facebook Fast

Facebook, in 2004, was created to help students in Havard connect using their email addresses and photos.

Today, Facebook has grown to become a giant online networking platform with billions of users. It is almost impossible to thrive in your business without having many friends to interact with.

Fortunately, we wrote this article to give you an easy guide on how you can get a lot of friends on Facebook fast without any difficulty.

Not on Facebook at all?

Click here to download the app on the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store and get started in a few minutes!

Already on Facebook? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

  1. Method #1: Have an Eye-Catching Profile
  2. Method #2: Search for Friends
  3. Method #3: Join a Group
  4. Method #4: Create a Page
  5. Method #5: Make your Facebook Account Engaging
  6. Summary
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

Method #1: Have an Eye-Catching Profile

The first thing people see on your Facebook account is your profile. Your profile consists of personal details about you. Ranging from your pictures, educational background, likes, dislikes, where you’re from, favorite movie, etc.

Creating a good profile is as good as announcing your presence to the world, determining the number of people you attract.

Add a profile picture, fill out the required details and make your profile professional with a little bit of fun.

Once you create your profile, the world is ready to have a glimpse of you.

How your profile looks will play a huge part in the number of people from all over the world that’ll get attracted to you.

Method #2: Search for Friends

Here are five quick steps to search for friends on Facebook and add them up:

  1. Open your Facebook app on your device.
  2. Click on the search icon at the top right corner of your Facebook account.
  3. Type in your friend’s name. A list of people with that same name shows on the search results.
  4. Select the profile that matches your friend’s.
  5. Click on the “Add Friend” button. The button immediately changes to “Requested.”

There you go! After this process, all you need to do is wait for your friend to accept the request.

While you wait, go ahead and search for other friends and add them to the queue.

Method #3: Join a Group

This is one trick to having numerous friend requests in a very short time without much fuss.

Go to the Search button on your Facebook account and type in “Groups.” There are thousands of groups on Facebook based on so many interests. From sports to business, fashion, education, etc.

If fashion is your interest, You could narrow down your search and type in “Fashion Groups.” Hundreds of groups related to fashion automatically appear in the results.

Join as many groups that look appealing to you. Always go for groups that have thousands of members in them.

Once you’re in the group, post relevant content and well-taken pictures with interesting captions.

This, in turn, announces you. Group members begin to check your profile and send you friend requests. Remember, a good profile goes a long way.

Accept the friend requests and boost your number.

Method #4: Create a Page

On Facebook, the total number of friends you can have is 5000. To get more friends faster, create a page.

What is a Facebook Page?

A page on Facebook is a place where you connect with people worldwide and interact with them.

Follow these easy steps to create a unique Page for yourself.

  1. Click on the Menu button in the bottom-right corner.
  2. Click on the Pages button (labeled with a flag) from the list of shortcuts.
  3. On the top left corner, click on “Create.”
  4. Right at the bottom, select the “Get started” button.
  5. Add a preferred category (could be more than one).
  6. Choose a Page name unique to you.
  7. Type in your website’s URL (Don’t have a website? Click on the ‘I don’t have a website’ option below).
  8. Select a nice picture for your page from your phone gallery.
  9. Tap on “Done.”

That’s it! You now own a Facebook page.

Post quality content on your page and invite friends to follow and like your page. Doing this attracts people, and you begin to have hundreds of friends in little time.

Method #5: Make your Facebook Account Engaging

First of all, try always to be online.

Many people come to Facebook to look for something interesting. Posting stories, creating content, asking questions, and making a comment on a post are some of the ways you can get more friends on Facebook.

Your account needs to be as friendly and engaging as possible to make people glued to your page.

Activities that are fun invite people and make them ask for more.


The purpose of this guide is to show you how to get a lot of friends on Facebook fast. There are numerous features on Facebook to explore, and it’s impossible to explore without many friends.

This guide will give you less worry and show you easy ways to connect with people, which we have discussed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some things you can do to increase your Facebook friend count: join relevant groups, create a page, run an event and connect with people.

5000 friends. Once you get to this number, you should create a Page.

Create a Page to engage people. Facebook has no limit to the number of followers and likes on your page. You can have millions.

Absolutely! There’s no limit to the number of friend requests you can send on Facebook. However, you cannot have more than 1000 friend requests in a queue.

More Facebook Friends - 10 Ways To Get More Friends on Facebook

We all like friends but from a business point of view having more Facebook friends can be a real benefit. I have 3008 friends and counting. The nice thing about this is that I get at least 2 or 3 friends request per day as they see me on their friends profile and wonder who I am. They check out my profile and think yeah, i’d like to be friends with this guy. So how did I get to 2708 friends?

1. Don’t Be a Sell Out

If you try and sell to people they will do one of three things, unfriend you, block you or report you. The last two are things that will get you banned and then you have to either beg to be put back on or start over.

Being real will get you more Facebook friends it is that simple. Lets think about how you use Facebook, would you add someone who is all about selling or is just a picture of a girl with big boobs but seems to post a lot about Viagra?

By being yourself you will connect with people who actually connect with you. 2222 friends is great but how many of them actually connect with me? The answer is 10% and of those, how many book on a web design course, again around 10%. These figures are actually quite good as they repeat each month. The only way I can do this is by not selling out and being real when it matters.

2. Connect With People

If you see someone commenting or liking something that you do, then connect with them. People want to talk to people so it’s best to start off a conversation before you friends request, then you will have more chance of making that person into a new friend. The second benefit is that by making a new friend that persons contacts will see who they just befriended, from there they may wonder who their best mate became friends with and if you are worth knowing (see item 10) then you will get a friends requests.

To connect with people look out for topics that you are interested in or that are relevant to what you do. e.g. “I am starting a online graphic design course tomorrow” then that is your chance to comment and connect. My reply might be something like ”

I like online courses for learning specific things but when it comes to bringing it all together I always prefer a teacher I can talk to and ask questions, which site did you choose to learn online?

Now there are three parts to my reply, 1. agree/disagree with their point, 2. give your own opinion and 3, ask a question. I find this works every time and allows me to connect to someone with just a few messages rather than me hounding them to be my friend.

3. Don’t Do Same Same

If you sell clothes or run public speaking seminars don’t harp on about them. Also if you’re into something it does not mean everybody else will be. If you keep going on about something you can imagine how annoying that can be. Now this also means when you have a new product launch don’t go through all the groups and fan pages and put the same text as this will appear as a long same same list on your profile. Someone looking at your profile will just see 10 or so posts all the same “how boring, he must just be using Facebook to sell, where is the unfriend link”.

I vary everything I do on Facebook, I tell people when I am having bad day, I wish my friends happy birthday, I post up funny pictures and I let people know that a new course is starting this weekend if anyone is interested let me know.

I know what you are thinking, “I am a busy person, I don’t have time to share my life on Facebook”. Well luckily it is not about the quantity on Facebook it is all about the quality. So post when you want or when something important has happened or will happen. If you are not a social person don’t try to be, just be yourself and vary it a bit.

4. Join Groups

I am a member of 55+ groups, now that is not to say I take part in every group as often they start-up and fizzle out quickly. There is actually an art finding the good groups to join. When looking for groups I first see if they are relevant and am I interested in interacting with it’s members. Then I look at the wall, is the group active? With two yes’s under my belt I hit join and then I am in.

Once part of a group take a look at the conversations going on and see if you can anything of worth. When you reply to a persons comment and you get a dialogue going you can then check out their profile and hit friends request. Because they know you from the group they are more inclined to say yes.

A more direct way is simply doing a friends request and adding a person note like “Hiya, we are both members of the international ninja stamp collectors group, thought I would say hi”. If you are friendly, relevant and you share a group with the person you have more chance of the person clicking Confirm.

5. Invite Your Contacts

If you are new to Facebook then upload your contacts and Facebook will do the rest. To do this you will need to get a .csv file of all your contacts . In Outlook you simply export, Gmail you go to contacts and look for export in the settings menu, Hotmail is the same and if you are on Mail for the Mac then follow these instructions.

A word of warning, don’t do this with a bought list or an export of your customers. They need to be friends, if you don’t have a list of your friends then simply do not do this. You want a quality set of friends not just a big number. My 2222 friends is getting smaller as it is bigger as I am deleting people who don’t interact with me.

6. Start a Fan Page

We currently have 1,225 people who like our Web Courses Fan Page, of those 668 are my friends, so guess what I am slowly doing? I am contacting those potential new friends with a friendly open message like “Hi, i’m Carl from Web Courses, thanks for liking our page. Are you interested in Web and Graphic design or are you a designer already?” If I am not mistaken I have a 100% friends request approval rate with this message from the people on the fan page.

Advantages of a Fan Page

Can be seen by Google, not hidden behind a profile. Do be careful that your fan page does not out rank your own website though.

  • A great source of interaction with your users. We often post our own articles on there (this one included)
  • You can ask questions. This is an under rated phenomena and can be so useful e.g. “what do you think of our new logo?” or “do you think people will like this new design”. You will be making your questions relevant to your business but getting opinions can really steer you in the right direction.
  • Fan pages can be added to your website, if people enter your site and they are logged into Facebook they will see a list of the friends smiling away saying “dude where have you been, we already like this page, you should too”
  • Fan pages come with insights telling you who is interacting with your page, male to female ratio and you will receive regular updates in your e-mail.

7. Find Things in Common

When you are looking for more Facebook friends be sure to look past the pretty picture and look at what they have been liking, talking about, commenting on, groups they are part of and pictures they have posted. You can get a really good idea about a persons likes and habits from their wall posts and news feed. Find something that you share in common and contact them about that. For example, “I studied AiKiDo in France before coming to Thailand, how long have you been learning AiKiDo?” or “I saw you like collecting rare post cards, do you have the Justice Bhalla’s rare postcard collection?”

Think about this from their point of view, they get a friend request from someone they don’t know, they want to know if there is a reason to know this person, if you share a common interest you have much more change of making a real friend.

When you make a friend and you share your common interests, you interact and chat for a while when you do come to mention about your businesses product or service they will be more inclined to click/like/share/comment.

8. How to do a Friends Request

  1. Look around your friends friends, group members, fans of the same page
  2. Find a person you think will be a good friend/connection
  3. Look at their info and check if they are in the same city/area (for me this is important as we run a Online Marketing Courses in Bangkok not Toronto Canada and I would like to actually meet the person in the flesh one day as that gives more of a chance to connect with them.)
  4. Find common interests, this can be with their likes, favorites or even where they studied. This is all on their info panel (assuming they have this accessible by non-friends)
  5. Hit friends request and add a relevant message.

You need to be real, interesting and friendly or people will not like your friends request. Be sure that you also prune your friend list every now and then. This is for two reasons, to keep a list that is active and only of people you actually interact with and if you mention you are pruning your list it makes the people remaining on the list after the cull feel more special.

Important: when people accept your request or request to be your friend on Facebook, make sure you add them to relevant lists early. I wish I had done this much sooner as it is a very useful tool. With lists you can invite specific people to events and pages as well as contacting them as a group. Segmentation of contacts is super so be sure to do it.

9. Run an Event

We used to run events here in Bangkok called Startup Weekend Education ASEAN, lots of fun and our events page were filled with comments and interactions. Running an event such as a meet up will give you an excuse to invite all your friends, if they say they are attending others will see this. This is your que to get in touch and events give you that chance to put a face to a profile.

10. Be Worth Knowing

I can’t stress this enough which is why I left it until last. If you are a corporate whore nobody will want to know you. Who cares if your new skin cream is the best thing since slide bread, or your new sprocket has more range of motion than the Russsian Olympic Gymnastic Team. People want to connect with people within a social network that facilitates real connections through common interests. If your Facebook profile is just about sales and not about being a real person then forget everything you have just read as none of it matters. You have to be worth knowing or people will not take notice of you.

Being worth knowing is not about being the cool kid, nor is it about being a party animal or prolific poet. It is about being a real person and sharing what you want about your life, just enough to connect to others. A good way to be worth knowing and making more Facebook friends is by being yourself not your business.

What To Do When You Make a New Friend

So 10 steps down your list will be growing with every day, what do you do now? When you make a new friend thank them! It is a simple act of kindness to say “thanks for letting me into your life”. Now you need to make sure they don’t regret that or forget you. Keep the connections going by first posting on their wall something like “Thanks for adding me as a friend [insert name here to make it personal] i’m Carl from Web Courses (slight name drop). So did you manage to go to Badminton the other night?” I always do this with every new friend and it really helps. At least I get to know if they are the type to actually reply or not, if they are…

Then just continue to keep in touch with them. One way to do this is make sure your news feed shows everyone and not just the people you regularly keep in contact with. To do this go to your news feed, click on the status, a padlock will appear, click it and then select everyone. This way you will see what everyone on your list is saying and you keep in contact.

Every now and then mention your product or service, run and event and make sure you keep your fan page filled with interesting content like pictures, articles, events and stuff that makes people want to like you more.

Oh and by the way, since writing this I have gained a few more Facebook friends as you can see

Facebook Marketing Course

Our Online Marketing Course covers Facebook Marketing in detail and you will learn how to best interact with your users to drive more sales and visitors to your website. The course covers how to install Facebook on your site and how linking all your social networks together can boost your website in Google in a matter of weeks.

How many friends can be added to Facebook - limits and restrictions

The limit imposed by Facebook on the number of friends that a particular user can add to a personal profile is a consequence of the social network's security policy. After all, one of the objectives of this policy is to protect the user from spam and intrusive offers of communication.

Nevertheless, a considerable number of users are interested in whether there is a way to bypass the limit set by the social network for adding people to the friend list. Also, people are interested in whether there are sanctions for the over-limit number of friends, if exceeding the limits is still possible.


  • A little about social network policy
  • Restrictions on adding friends
  • How to increase the number of friends after all
  • About blocking

A little about social network policy

his friend tape from people with whom he personally knows, that is, he directly communicated with them in real life or online.

Users who are interested in content on a particular account can be divided into friends and followers by the system. That is, if a particular user is interested exclusively in new content on a particular account and is not interested in closer communication with the owner of this account, then such a person is quite satisfied with the status of a subscriber. The profile owner can open the option to subscribe to their updates, and this does not oblige anyone to anything.

Before you send a friend request, it would not be superfluous to think that even a virtual friendship on Facebook, for all its colossal conventionality, is the result of a mutual decision of two people. Therefore, it is hardly worth imposing your friendship on those with whom you are completely unfamiliar. After all, when adding to the friend list, another user will have his limit reduced. But the number of subscribers is not limited. Therefore, it is often better to simply subscribe to updates in the profile of interest.

Restrictions on adding friends

The Facebook administration has the following restrictions regarding the friend list:

  • limit on the total number of friends in one profile;
  • limit on the number of friends added per day.

Moreover, there is a clear parameter in only one limitation: one personal profile cannot have more than 5 thousand friends.

As for the restrictions on daily additions, they can be introduced by the administration of the social network individually. For example, if the profile sends too many friend requests to users who are completely unrelated to the profile owner. From the point of view of the administration of the social network, such behavior is treated as suspicious.

How to increase the number of friends after all

For personal Facebook profiles there is a limit of 5 thousand friends, and you cannot add a single friend more than this number under any circumstances. With this, everything is clear. But what if the profile is so popular that there are much more applicants than the limit allows?

There are two options for solving this problem:

  • open a free profile update subscription;
  • Create a page based on the profile.

Both of these options allow you to have as many followers as users want to follow the content that appears on the profile. No restrictions.

About blocking

If the activity in the profile in terms of inviting friends attracted the attention of the social network administration, then the profile may for some time be deprived of the opportunity to send new friendship offers. The Facebook administration can take such a measure if

  • too many friend requests were sent from the profile to users who are completely unrelated to each other and not related to the profile owner;
  • most friend requests are ignored by the users they were sent to;
  • Most requests are marked as spam by the users who received them.

This kind of sanction is introduced, as a rule, for several days.

How I deleted 1000 friends from Facebook when I reached the limit of 5000 - Social networks on vc.


Someday this may happen to you too: you will have 5000 friends, and you will no longer be able to add new ones. I ran into this - and here's how I solved my problem.


It is important to understand that all existing auto-delete scripts work very badly and can delete quite valuable friends. In addition, Facebook itself may block some outdated script by requiring you to change your password. Therefore, do not hope - you will have to delete friends manually.

Where to start?

It's important to understand that 5,000 friends is 416 full screens of a MacBook 13. That means you'll have to scroll 416 times before all your friends load in the browser. It is quite expected that the browser will start to slow down.

Facebook does not allow bulk deletion. Do not tick. You will have to click on each and make Unfriend with your hands.

Imagine: 1000 clicks like this

I made a mistake and did not immediately think about how I would delete, so I started doing it randomly.

My first experience and first results

I noticed that some of the profiles did not have a photo, and then I saw that the profiles themselves were deleted. So the first thing I did was to hunt ghosts and remove them. I found about 50 people, and it took me two hours.

Where are they from?

Here the reader will ask "Man, where did you get 50 ghosts?" and will be right. Once I wrote a mega-popular article “33 resume life hacks that will double your salary”, and requests for friends poured in hundreds. At the moment, 1.3 million people have read the article, and in more than two years I made 5,000 friends (and after 4,000 I rejected a lot of applications). 7500 subscribers indicate that there were at least 20 thousand applications.

And what's next?

After deleting the ghosts, I accidentally refreshed the page and had to re-scroll 416 times to load the full list of friends. I don’t know why I did it, I thought that this way I would go through the list again and find someone else to remove. A full scroll of friends takes about 15 minutes.

When I was ready, I decided to delete everyone who only had one friend. This was only one of my contacts. Then I started looking for who had two friends, three, four, five - and so on up to 50. I searched corny by searching for Command-F and the phrase “1 friend”. In short, I deleted about 150 friends this way.


And then it occurred to me - friend, you need an algorithm! Then I figured out who should stay and who should be removed. I took a quick look at the profiles in the list and found that if a person has less than 500 friends, such a profile is usually semi-abandoned and useless for me with rare exceptions. So I decided to delete everyone with less than 500 friends.

And now life hack

To delete these profiles, it was necessary to review absolutely all friends, and here I came across an article that if you substitute m instead of www in the list of friends, then a mobile version is displayed, where unfrined happens super easily, besides, the page is lighter and loads faster.

Mobile version of the site

In addition, in this version there is no question whether I really want to delete a friend.

Thus, in about four hours, out of 5000 friends, I left only 4000.

Please note that if you have mutual friends and this fact was not hidden by your contact, instead of the number of friends, you will see the number of mutual friends. I didn’t touch those, although I remembered for the future - if I reach the limit again, I will delete those with whom there are very few common friends.

And then what?

It is clear that it is not enough to remove friends, you need to decide which applications you will accept further and which not.

For myself, I decided to accept applications only from: