How to join whatsapp group via link
How to join a WhatsApp group via link?
- What is WhatsApp
- What is a WhatsApp group
- Join a WhatsApp group via link
- Final conclusion
In many cases, WhatsApp groups are used by companies and individuals to promote their products or services. This is considered an integral part of the marketing strategy. However, it can be a double-edged sword when it comes to communicating with your prospects, mainly because groups are usually frowned upon and not highly regarded as they tend to lead to spam or disorganization.
However, in this article, we will teach you how to join a WhatsApp group via a link, what is WhatsApp and what are the possible groups that can be created with this app, in order to make you understand all the advantages and benefits that this feature can bring to both you and your business without ever falling into bad practices.
What is WhatsApp
WhatsApp is an application created primarily to communicate with friends and family, becoming a tool that companies can also use to communicate with customers. WhatsApp offers us multiple features such as: creating groups, the ability to send messages, catalogues, introduce integrations with Facebook and Instagram and much more. There are also tools like Callbell that offer us additional and special features for support and sales teams.
What is a WhatsApp group
For its part, WhatsApp groups are a feature present in the app that allows you to unite a certain number of people in one place. These people usually have a common purpose with your company, and once the group is properly managed and organized well, it can be put to good use.
You can join these WhatsApp groups in several ways, but the most common way is to do so via an invite link. Also, it’s very important to note that groups only allow 256 people to enter.
Join a WhatsApp group via link
Typically, links are used by businesses to invite subscribers or special customers to interest groups. That is why it is extremely important to give users the possibility to participate in groups through these links, presentations or invitations, whether via email or social networks.
After understanding what WhatsApp is, its groups and all the advantages that this feature can bring us, we will teach you how to join a WhatsApp group through an invitation link. Here are all the steps:
Find and copy the group link
The first thing we need to do in this case is to find the group to which we want to invite a person or customer and copy the invitation link in the group configuration section.
Share the group link
Next, we will need to share this group link with the person we want to invite to join. The benefit is that this link can be included in a form, promotional email, social media message, subscription, etc. There are many ways to improve the use of this link that you can use in your marketing campaigns.
Enter the link and join the WhatsApp group
Finally, the person in question just needs to click on the link and the WhatsApp application will automatically open in the group they were invited to and finally the process will be finished.
Final conclusion
Remember that with WhatsApp groups you can quickly spread messages for all your contacts to see. It is very important to define a good marketing strategy since people usually perceive these messages as spam. We recommend this guide to know how to create and launch your brand on WhatsApp and develop the best strategies for your business.
Instead, we also recommend Callbell to organize your messages on WhatsApp, manage your support or sales group and other social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Telegram. Receive advanced statistics and automate your business!
Frequent Questions
What is WhatsApp?
WhatsApp is an application created primarily to communicate with friends and family, becoming a tool that companies can also use to communicate with customers. WhatsApp offers us multiple features such as: creating groups, the ability to send messages, catalogues, introduce integrations with Facebook and Instagram and much more.
A very interesting fact is that you can use tools like Callbell that can help you manage your customers efficiently. You should keep in mind that this is a tool for companies.
How to join a WhatsApp group via link?
Joining a WhatsApp group is very easy as the person who should invite us must first look for the invitation link within the WhatsApp group. Then, the link needs to be sent and the person has to open it and select join group.
Finally, the app will open automatically by adding the person to the WhatsApp group. It should be noted that if you are a company, you will definitely need a tool that allows you to manage all messages directly from your WhatsApp account in an effective and efficient way, which is why you may be interested in Callbell.
Alan Trovò
About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct
How to Create a WhatsApp Group and Send an Invitation Link
- A WhatsApp group chat link is a shareable invite that enables your contacts to join a group conversation by tapping on a hyperlink.
- WhatsApp group chats are a good way to include multiple people in ongoing conversations.
- Group chats and invite links work for people who have either an Android or iOS device.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services available today, boasting more than 2 billion users across the globe. The Meta-owned app also offers the benefits of encrypted messages, giving its users more privacy than competing messaging platforms.
For those who value that feature, it makes WhatsApp more appealing for group messages than simply texting or using another app. Creating a group chat is also a good way to stay connected with multiple users rather than sending individual messages. Here's how to create a group chat and send an invitation link to your contacts.
1. In the Chats tab of WhatsApp, tap on the New Chat button in the top right.
2. Select New Group on the next page.
Quick tip: At step 1, you can also just select New Group and skip to step 3.
3. On the new screen, either search or select who you want to have in your group chat by tapping on their names and click Next.
Search for or tap to add users, then tap Next. Kyle Wilson4. Give the group a subject (or name) and tap Create to finalize the group creation.
5. To share an invitation link to this group, tap on the name of the group.
Tap on the group name. Kyle Wilson6. Scroll down to the Participants section and select Invite to Group via Link.
7. From the next screen, you can select the method to share the group link (via another app, copying to clipboard, or a QR Code), and you have the option to reset the link.
Choose a method to share the group, or reset the link for it. Kyle Wilson1. On Android, in the Chats tab, tap the New Chat in the bottom-right corner, then select New Group.
2. On the new screen, either search or select who you want to have in your group chat by tapping on their names and click the green arrow.
Search for or select users from this screen, then tap the arrow. Kyle Wilson3. Give the group a subject (or name) and tap on the green checkmark to finalize the group creation.
4. Tap on the name of the group and scroll down to the participants section. Select Invite via link.
Tap Invite via link. Kyle Wilson5. Select a method to share the link (via WhatsApp, via another app, copying to clipboard, or a QR Code), or tap to reset the link.
Kyle Wilson
Kyle Wilson is an editor for the Reference team, based in British Columbia, Canada. Outside of Insider, his work has also appeared in publications like The Verge, VICE, Kotaku, and more. He periodically guest co-hosts the Saturday tech show "Tech Talk" on the iHeartRadio station C-FAX 1070. Feel free to reach out to him on Twitter, where he can be found most of the time, @KWilsonMG.
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How to enter the WhatsApp group
Tired of talking alone with each of your friends? Cooperate immediately with everyone and join the group chat. How to enter the whatsapp group? Simple enough. There are several simple ways to do this. After reading this article, you will be able to communicate seamlessly with friends, acquaintances and your family, while simultaneously sharing with all the important news or just chatting on boring evenings. Messengers are designed to communicate without restrictions with anyone, anytime, and WhatsApp is no exception. In this application, you can also create and join a group so that you can chat with your friends about any topic, anytime, anywhere.
How to join a WhatsApp group. 2 ways
It is not difficult to create a WhatsApp group, it is even easier to join it. To chat with everyone at once, there are 2 ways to join a WhatsApp group.
Join the whatsapp group via admin phone
To become a member of a group chat, you need:
- Find the group admin phone number.
- Save it as contacts on your smartphone.
- Go to whatsapp and write him a message politely asking him to join the group.
- Wait for an admin to add you to his group chat.
You can enter the WhatsApp group through the admin phone or find the group number on the Internet. If the group is popular enough, or its creator wants to promote it to a large number of users, it will be quite easy to find a group on the network. The administrators of such groups are almost always online and ready to invite new members to their chats.
In join the whatsapp group via web version
To enter a WhatsApp group from a computer, you also do not have to bother for a long time. To do this, you need:
- Find a link on the Internet where you can join the WhatsApp group.
That is, to find an invitation. You can also ask it from the members of this group. Not necessarily the administrator, any member who has an invitation will do.
- Having received the coveted link, just follow it.
Now you can join the Whatsapp group via the Web version from your computer. Don't know how to open whatsapp via web version? There is a separate article on our website about it. You can read it here.
The only thing you need to make sure is that the invitation link is up to date. The group admin can always revoke the invitation and create a new one. So, if you can't get into the group by invitation, most likely it is no longer valid.
If you accidentally leave a group chat and don't know how to return to the WhatsApp group, then you need to do the same as above, again. Or just ask the admin to send you a new invitation. The same can be done if your old whatsapp group invitation is no longer valid.
How to unarchive a WhatsApp group
If your group is no longer relevant, but important information is stored there that you do not want to download to your phone or computer, you can always archive the WhatsApp group so that it does not just bother you and does not an eyesore. In this case, all messages and forwarded files will be saved in it. To unarchive a WhatsApp group, you need to scroll down all your chats and click the "Archived Chats" button. And you will immediately get access to all archived WhatsApp groups. Click and hold on the desired group, after which it will return to your chat list, and you can get everything you need from it, or continue chatting.
You can archive not only WhatsApp groups, but also personal correspondence.
Note for iPhone owners : to open the archive of chats, you just need to swipe down the window with all your correspondence.
How to join, join, enter the Whatsapp group?
Time to read the article 3 minutes.
The information is up to date! The material was checked on 01/25/2022.
How to join a Whatsapp group and why do we need it? Man is a social being and for a full life he needs communication with other people. The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to meet with friends or relatives often, so virtual communication has become a good alternative to personal meetings. Most instant messengers allow us to create group chats and communicate online on any topic. For example, the possibility of their creation in Vatsap is widely developed.
Everyone can organize their own community of interest. In order to become a member, you need to know how to join a Whatsapp group.
Via phone
To join the chat by phone number:
- Find moderator's contact
- Write down his phone number in your notebook so that you can later find it on WhatsApp
- Send a private message asking to join the chat
- Waiting to be added to community
Let me remind you that you can enter either by calling the administrator or by searching for groups on the Internet. Usually it does not take much time, since admins are almost always in touch and are happy to find new interlocutors.
Don't forget to learn how to set the status.
Join via the Web version by invitation
To join the community via the desktop version by invitation, you must:
- Find a link to add to the chat (We have a catalog of groups, you just need to click on the button to add to the community of interest), and also available on the Internet or ask existing members). Each member can send it to you.
- Follow the link.
Adding by invitation is very convenient, because it does not require confirmation from the administrator, but you need to be sure that the link is up to date. The administrator can revoke it at any time and use another one.
If you accidentally left the community and do not know how to return to the WhatsApp group, then the algorithm is simple. You must again ask to add an admin or find an invitation.
Previously explained why the video is not showing.
Who can add to groups
Not every user in a group can add members.