How to ask a girl her number on instagram
How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on Instagram
Asking a girl for her number on Instagram might seem like an easy task. After all, you’re talking to someone who has a picture and username right in front of you. However, if you want to ask a girl for her number and have her say yes, there are some things you need to do. Asking someone out is always risky, but with these tips, you can get what you want without making the other person uncomfortable or annoyed with your advances.
As easy as it seems, so many guys find it difficult. This is why this article will show you how to as a girl for her number on Instagram. But, before we continue, we need to know if it is okay to ask a girl out on Instagram.
Is It Okay To Ask a Girl Out on Instagram?
How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on Instagram
Is It Okay To Ask a Girl Out on Instagram?
Yes, asking a girl out on Instagram is okay, but only if you do it the right way. It’s important to remember that Instagram is just like any other social media platform. It’s not a dating site, and you’re not going to find your future wife on there. But you can use it to meet people with similar interests, get dates or make friends.
So if you want to ask a girl out on Instagram, by all means, do it. Just make sure you do it in a clear way that doesn’t come across as creepy or awkward. There are two main ways that guys try to ask girls out on Instagram:
The first one is asking them directly on their profile page. This could be in the form of an actual question: “Would you like to go grab coffee sometime?”, or just tagging them in a photo and saying something like “Let’s go swimming.” This can work well if the girl follows you back and has seen your photo before tagging her in it, but otherwise, it might come off as over-the-top and desperate.
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How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on Instagram
Like I said, asking a girl for her number on Instagram can be simple. Sometimes, it is as simple as saying, “Hello, can I have your contact?” And sometimes, it can be way more complicated. Some ladies do not respond well to strangers, which is why you need to be more diplomatic about your approach.
Follow the steps below for tested and trusted hints on how to as a girl for her number on Instagram.
1. Like her pictures
The first step towards talking to a girl on Instagram is to actually go through their profile. Make sure you do not stalk her, but you can do the following:
- Like her pictures
- Comment on her pictures
- Ask her to tag you in her pictures
- Ask her to follow you, if she doesn’t already
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2. Slide into her DMs
If you want to ask a girl for her number on Instagram, the easiest way is to DM her. This is how most people get numbers these days; it’s not as common anymore to just ask someone out in public or explicitly say, “I have this friend who wants your number. ”
Here are some ways you can slide into her DMs:
- Ask her a question, or make it seem like you’re asking a question about something she posted that day. For example: “Can I get your advice on what kind of dog food I should buy?” Then ask for the number at the end of the message if she responds positively.
- Tell her something nice about herself and then ask for the number after saying something like “You’re so cool” or “You look great today”. You’ll be surprised how often girls will give it up just because they feel flattered by your compliment.
- Pretend like it’s no big deal and just throw out a casual invite like, “Do you want to go see a movie with me sometime?”
3. See if she checks your profile
When you’re asking a woman out on a date, she checks out your profile. If she likes what she sees, you should follow the same rules when asking her for her number.
Look at her pictures. Are they taken in interesting places or with interesting people? Do they give off an air of adventure and/or spontaneity? Is she smiling in them? Smiling is generally a good sign when it comes to dating someone or giving them your phone number.
Look at her bio. Does it tell you anything about who she is as a person? Does it mention that she’s looking for someone special, or does it just say “I’m single”? The answer is probably no because most people don’t write their bios in the third person unless they’re trying not to get picked up on a date. That could be the case. Maybe this girl doesn’t want anyone else to know how much fun they are until after they’ve given me their digits.
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4. Give her your number
Now that you’ve gotten her to agree to go on a date with you, it’s time to get her number. This is the most important step in getting a girl’s number because if she doesn’t give it willingly and easily, then nothing else matters.
5. Get to know her
Asking a girl for her number might seem like a daunting task, but if you follow these steps, it should be much easier to get the digits you want.
First of all, before you start messaging her and asking her out on dates, try to get to know her. Ask about what she’s interested in and what she likes to do for fun. If she mentions something specific that resonates with you, such as yoga or hiking, it’s a great way to start some conversation. But don’t just ask questions all night long. Take turns answering each other’s questions until one of you feels comfortable enough with the other person’s interests and personality that they would feel comfortable exchanging numbers with them.
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6. Let her get to know you
It’s important to be yourself when you’re talking to a girl. You don’t have to be perfect. Just be honest, confident, polite, and natural. Being straightforward is also key. Don’t beat around the bush or play games; just ask her for her number already.
The most important thing here is getting out of your comfort zone. If you’re not used to doing this sort of thing, that’s fine, and it takes time and practice. But it’s also good practice because it helps build confidence in what you do, which makes everything else easier.
So before we get into asking for numbers specifically on Instagram, let’s talk about how asking someone out works in general terms so we can see how these tips apply across all mediums of communication with women.
7. Show that you are different
To stand out in your Instagram messages, you have to be different. In the world of social media, there’s nothing worse than an ordinary person who just repeats what everyone else is doing. You have to be yourself and make sure that people know that you are different from everyone else they follow on Instagram.
Be confident, but not arrogant. It’s very important that you come across as someone who knows their own worth without coming across as cocky or pompous by any means. People can tell when you’re being genuine about something and when it’s all just for show.
Be a gentleman. Showing respect for women goes a long way towards making them like you more quickly than if you were rude or disrespectful towards them at all times during conversations with them.
8. See if you have common interests
To make the most of your time, it’s best to know what common interests you share with your crush. This will help you pick the right content for your posts and give you something to talk about when messaging her. If she has similar hobbies and interests as you do, that’s great. You can simply post photos of yourself doing what you love or ask her some questions about it. For example: if she likes cooking and baking, ask if she knows any good recipes for cookies or cupcakes. Or, if she likes animals, ask which zoo is her favorite place to visit whenever they’re in town.
If there are no clear shared interests between you, don’t worry. Just try asking questions about general topics like books or TV shows that everyone watches.
9. Be confident and natural
Be confident and natural. If you’re shy, it will show; if it shows, then she might think that getting to know you will be awkward. Don’t be afraid of asking her out, though. That can make her feel special when someone is willing to risk rejection to ask them out or get their number.
Ask for feedback on your photo before posting it on Instagram. Ideally, ask her what she thinks about your photo first so that you have something else to talk about other than just asking for her number, which can also lead to talking about your photos.
10. Flirt a little, but be polite
Flirting can be tricky, so it’s crucial that you don’t cross the line into creepy territory. Don’t be too forward by commenting on her looks or posting a picture of yourself shirtless in your bathroom mirror. And don’t be too subtle by posting an ad for your local shelter for women and children.
It’s also important not to come across as overly aggressive or shy. You want to strike a balance between being polite enough not to offend but confident enough that she’ll want to meet up with you in person and maybe even go out with you again.
11. Talk about things you have in common
Having things in common with a girl is crucial for building a relationship. You can talk about anything or everything you have in common, whether it be your interests, goals, passions, or family and friends. You can also find out about their hobbies, or if they like the same movies as you do.
This is an easy way to get her interested in you because if she’s interested in what you have to say, then obviously, she’ll want to get closer to you so that she can hear more of what comes out of your mouth.
12. Understand your motives for asking for her number
Before you ask for a girl’s number, it’s important to understand the reasons why you want her number in the first place. You’ll need to be honest with yourself about your intentions and whether they are genuine.
- Are you asking for her number because you have a genuine desire to get to know this girl?
- Or is there some other reason that makes sense only within your own head?
- Do you really believe she’d be interested in seeing more of each other? If not, then why would she agree when all you’ve done so far is say hello?

When you ask for a number, it should be natural. You don’t want to ask her for her number when she’s away from her phone or if the conversation is going in another direction. Waiting until there’s an opportunity will turn your request into more of a question.
That means that the best time to ask is when:
- You’ve had an interesting and fun conversation with her or at least one where you’ve had some laughs.
- She’s engaged in what you’re saying, no matter how long it takes or seems as though she’d like to keep talking/listening to what you have to say.
If you follow these steps, asking a girl for her number on Instagram will be much easier. Just remember that it can take a while before she gives you her number, so be patient and don’t worry too much if she does not respond immediately. Make sure you have something interesting to say when talking with her because this will also help create an emotional connection between you.
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How Do You Ask a Girl For Her Number On Instagram? (17 Great Tips)
Are you messaging a woman on Instagram and trying to get her phone number?
You’re smart in wanting to do this, as swapping numbers is a step forward in your relationship. Once you have her number, you’ll be seen as a personal contact in her mind, rather than some ‘fan’ who slid in her DMs.
But perhaps you don’t know the right way to go about getting them digits?
If this is the situation you’re in, the first thing I’d advise you to do is to consume the advice in the Stealth Attraction digital course. This is the premium dating advice course that will teach you how to attract women in a subtle and subliminal manner.
Most hot women are so used to chumps sliding in their Instagram DMs that the game has been ruined for everyone. If you slide into her DMs with the same direct approach as everyone else, you’ll automatically be categorized as the next thirsty loser.
But, if you slide in using the concepts taught in the Stealth Attraction course, you’ll immediately stand out from the crowd. What’s more, you’ll be able to build up her attraction to you without her consciously realizing what’s happening.
The Stealth Attraction formula is honestly one of the most effective methods of attracting women, either online or in real life. You’d be doing yourself a disservice by not familiarizing yourself with it. So, click here to learn more about what’s included in the course.
Then, once you’re familiar with the concept, you can use the tips below to increase the odds of getting that hot Instagram babe’s phone number.
- 1 Top Tips for Asking a Girl for Her Number on Instagram
- 1.
1 1. Like her pictures
- 1.2 2. Ask if you could talk
- 1.3 3. See if she will check out your profile
- 1.4 4. Get to know her
- 1.5 5. Give her your number
- 1.6 6. Have a meaningful conversation
- 1.7 7. Let her get to know you
- 1.8 8. Be unique
- 1.9 9. Wait for the chemistry to be right
- 1.10 10. Show you have common interests
- 1.11 11. See if you have mutual friends
- 1.12 12. Be confident
- 1.13 13. Act naturally
- 1.14 14. Be specific and personal
- 1.15 15. Stand out from the crowd
- 1.16 16. Get her to share something with you
- 1.17 17. Slide into a DM with her
- 1.
- 2 FAQs
- 3 To Sum It All Up
Top Tips for Asking a Girl for Her Number on Instagram
Have you ever asked a girl for her number on Instagram? It can be overwhelming, if not terrifying! If you ask a girl for her number on Instagram, aren’t you being cheesy or acting like a stalker? How can you sound genuine when you ask for her number on Instagram? It’s all so confusing, right? So how do you ask a girl for her number on Instagram?
The best thing you can do is to start by getting to know the girl or woman. Understand what makes her tick, what her favorite things are, and what she loves the most before you ask for her number. You have a better chance of getting a girl’s number if you first understand her and what she loves. Girls will post on Instagram pictures of what they love the most in the world!
So, get to know her before trying to get her number. Then, you can casually bring it up in conversation. You might ask for a girl’s number as you are trying to update your phone numbers. Just casually mention you’d love to add her phone number to your cell.
For more tips, stay tuned; we’re going to cover how to get her number on Instagram!
1. Like her pictures
While a great way to get a girl to notice you is to like her pictures, you don’t want to look desperate or lonely by liking all of her images. You can like most of them, but I would recommend picking and choosing your favorites. Then, let her know she is lovely or breathtaking in your conversation, and take the time to get to know her better.
2. Ask if you could talk
There’s no way around it; you can just be straightforward and honest with what you want. Maybe say something like, “I’d love to hear your voice. Could we have a phone conversation?” Say, “I bet we would have the best conversation, the kind where you talk for hours and wonder where the time went because it flew right by!”
Before you straight up ask to get her number, take the time to get to know her through direct messages. Make sure she is a girl who you’d like to maybe start dating one day. You’d hate to waste your time with a lengthy phone conversation with a girl or woman who wasn’t right for you - you could have known it if you’d have talked more on DM.
3. See if she will check out your profile
Getting her number is kind of one of the last steps you’d take to get her to the dating relationship status. First, you need her to take notice of you; you should mention to her that you are eager for her to check out your Instagram profile to see if she’s even interested in getting to know you better via chatting.
Once she checks out your profile and follows you, you’re in if she’s interested in pursuing the relationship further. It may be easy getting her number if she sees that you have a lot in common or she is very interested in something on your profile. She may just give you her number without you having to ask for it.
4. Get to know her
Now, she’s following you on Instagram and vice versa. It’s time to be a man and really get to know her. Ask her questions and pay attention to her answers. You could always see if she’d be interested in texting at this point to get to know each other better. Maybe send her a direct message giving her your number, welcoming her to hit you up!
5. Give her your number
If you give her your number, you could say something like, “Hey! If you’d like to chat more sometime about this, here’s my number!” Then, she can enter it into her phone and give you a buzz or text whenever she is ready to do that. You’ve now opened up the doors to communication.
Plus, when girls give you their number, you have it and can save it! I would caution against going crazy with texting when dating, though. You want to leave girls wanting a little more every time you leave them. Make sure you always put your best foot forward, too. Don’t come across as a needy guy or desperate man.
6. Have a meaningful conversation
Show real interest in her so that she will want to chat on the phone even more. If she’s truly passionate about your conversation on whatever topic you’re discussing, there’s a good chance she will want to take up plenty of your time, which is awesome! Try to have real conversations about meaningful subjects to get the best results!
7. Let her get to know you
While it is important that you get to know her well as you pursue her, it’s equally important that she get to know you. If you are shy, this could be challenging, but you could make a list of questions ahead of time that will give you plenty of things to talk about!
Be traditional, old-fashioned, different from the other guys out there. Be a class act - someone that makes her take a step back and think, “Whoa! What is going on with this guy? I’d truly like to learn more about him. How interesting!” You want her to be fascinated by you. Don’t make anything up, but show her your colorful side.
9. Wait for the chemistry to be right
I specifically asked around to find the best solution here, and I was told that you need to wait until you’ve had a few nice conversations, the ones where you walk away with a smile on your face and butterflies in your tummy. Then, you’ll know when the chemistry is right because you’ll feel it in your soul. That’s when you ask for her number!
Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to.
To see if he actually likes you take this quick free quiz and we'll let you know if it's worth putting any more time into this guy.
10. Show you have common interests
Look at her profile and images to see what you could best talk about. What do you have in common with her? What things does this girl love that you also love? Find commonalities so that you will have plenty of stuff to talk about. Even if it’s just that she has a puppy and you love dogs, that’s still a passion you can share!
Your conversations will be lively and exciting because you both get interested, passionate, wound up, and ecstatic about the same things! Take advantage of your common interests, and be sure to point them out when you speak with her. This will lead you much closer to the conversation where you can ask for her number!
11. See if you have mutual friends
This is NOT a bad idea at all! Go see if you have any friends in common. That will give you an edge in with this girl for sure! Give it a shot! What do you have to lose?

It’s pretty hard to be confident on social media because you aren’t really there in person. You are typing or something like that. People don’t see the personality behind the words. However, you can change that by making videos on social media. Consider creating stories where you have very short videos where you talk confidently about your fav stuff.
Another way you can show confidence is with your tone and representation. If you want to best represent yourself, make your values be known. If you are a workaholic and put your job first, say that in your profile. Then, when you post things, make them specific to your industry to show support toward the things that you hold most dear to your heart.
Also, don’t forget to act like an adult! Online, people can act like real children. They say one thing, and the next day they do the opposite. They aren’t consistent with their values or what they care about. You can also see these people causing lots of drama online when they pick fights with other people on purpose. Stay away from drama!
If you disagree with something this girl says in a conversation, just let her know that you have a different point of view. You can happily share it with her, but let her know you have no desire to start a debate on the subject (unless you actually do and can control your end of the disagreement). This shows maturity and confidence.
13. Act naturally
You don’t want to force anything, or you won’t get the results you were hoping for. I know it’s hard to be natural on Instagram, but you’ll have to try. The best way I know to do this is to pretend as if you two are having a real conversation in person. Just imagine her sitting on your couch carrying on a conversation with you. Be casual just like that.
14. Be specific and personal
So that you don’t come across as a creepy guy who sends the same messages to every girl, make sure that your messages are unique and specific to her. You’ll want to mention specific things about her so that she knows you aren’t sending her some premade message. Be sure you spell her name right, as well! That’s so important!!
15. Stand out from the crowd
You want to be different from the other men who are sending her messages. You can do this by being special and unique. Tell her a fascinating story, something that happened in your life that really stood out. If you have more than one great story, go ahead and share! You want her to know that she can count on you to give her a fun time!
16. Get her to share something with you
Maybe tell her you need some specific information off the internet, and see if she will send it to you. Ask her something that only she would know, maybe something that relates to her job. Then, you will have her full focus because she’s gone out of her way to do something for you. She’ll want to follow up with you, so you two will have a bond!
17. Slide into a DM with her
Another way to say this is to find a slick way to carry on a conversation with the girl. Maybe you notice you both have the same unique couch from one of her pics. Just let her know that you love her couch and maybe send a similar pic of you in your living room with the couch in the background. Say, “You’ve got good taste!”
How do you ask a girl for her number on social media?
You can get her number by starting a conversation with her. Get to know her through messages before dating her. She’ll be much more receptive to giving you her phone number if you get to know her first. DM her to see what you have in common.
How do you politely ask a girl for her number?
To get her number politely, you could casually mention that you’d like to chat sometime on the phone. Ask her if she’d give you her phone number so that you can give her individual attention. Let her know you love texting and want to get to know her better.
How can I impress a girl on Instagram chat?
Be confident with yourself. Show pictures that put you in a good light. You are more likely to get the attention of girls if you show nice-looking pictures - ones where you look your best. You can also be confident in messages with your tone, attitude, and words.
How do you tell if a girl likes you?
If a girl likes you, she is likely to give you her phone numbers - work, personal, fax - you name it. She’ll want to stay in touch, so she’ll do her best to give you all of her contact information. She’ll also want to send you many DMs (Direct Messages)!
How do I ask a girl for friendship on chat?
If you want to only be friends, just send her a message saying that you are not pursuing her for dating purposes but really like her and want to be friends. Girls appreciate a guy who is honest about his intentions, even if they are to just be a friend.
To Sum It All Up
What tips do you have for getting a girl’s number on Instagram? How have guys successfully gotten your phone number? When dating a guy, what prompted you to give him your phone number when you met? We’d love to hear all about it - from guys and girls! Please comment below!
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Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you.
Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz
How to get a phone number from a girl
- A little about psychological preparation
- Here you are…
- The structure of your conversation
- Ask for a number at the peak of communication
- Give her hope for the future
- And if the girl is not taken?
- TOP-5 methods to get a number without unnecessary talk
- Method №1. Came, took and left
- Method #2. Lure the number by deception
- Method number 3. You conduct social survey
- Method No. 4. Ask her to dial your number
- Method #5. Shock a girl
- What to do if a girl goes with a friend
- What should you do
- You will take a number even if the girl is with a company
- 5 important rules
at the girl. You already have a certain knowledge base obtained from the lesson "How to pick up a girl on the street." There I pointed out to you the topics of conversation, and outlined how to properly approach and establish contact. nine0003
Now you just have to learn how to take a number without any problems - and the date is in your pocket.
A little about psychological preparation
You, as always, need to be well prepared for the attack. That is, you should stop being nervous - girls can smell your fear from a mile away. If you cannot overcome your excitement, it is better to postpone the action, because you are still unlikely to get a good result.
Now just imagine the worst thing that can happen if you walk up and ask for a phone number. She can refuse you and that's it - nothing more. Very scary? Hardly. Therefore, calm down, gather all your courage into a fist, relax and act boldly. nine0003
Here you come…
I have already told about all the important rules about your gait, confidence and manner of communication. The main thing - do not attack the girl from behind, do not go straight at her, be friendly and passionate about her.
Remember that girls don't like the phrases: “Hey baby, give me your number?”, “Baby, I want to take you on a date. Can you give me a number?" etc. So you express not your courage, but your stupidity, speaking completely insincere and unnatural.
Your task is to start a conversation and bring it to a level where the girl will easily give you her cell phone. The exceptions are situations when you act quickly - just immediately ask for a number (we'll talk about them later).
The structure of your conversation
You have already started a conversation with a girl: perhaps you asked her for help, noticed something unusual in her and decided to tell her about it, etc. Now you need to follow these steps:
- Ask her about herself. This should not be an interrogation - ask her hobbies. That way you will know what to talk about.
- Have both of you talk (even if the girl is shy, this can be achieved by asking questions).
- Give a compliment - no big words needed (you are beautiful, amazing, the best). Just say easily and naturally that she is very sweet and sympathetic.
- Spice it all up with some humor (only if you're okay with it).
Ask for a number at the peak of communication
Now about the most important thing - how and when to ask for a phone number. The main thing is not to miss the moment when your conversation reaches its climax. Do you see that the girl is laughing, that she has become easy and relaxed to communicate with you? Then act immediately. nine0003
I'll explain to you why you don't have to wait until the end of your conversation (which is basically what everyone does). The problem is that you can not predict it: the bus drove up, the girl abruptly ran to him and left, and you were left without a number. It's a shame? Of course. And there can be dozens of such situations.
How to get a girl to give her number accurately
Even if you make contact and talk nicely with a girl, in the end she may not give you her phone number. What to do to avoid such situations and how to take a girl's number ...
Give her hope for the future
A girl needs to understand that you are not just a balabol or a plate-collecting pick-up artist. You are set to continue communication!
Once the conversation is at its peak, ask her out:
- “I love talking to you, but it's time to go. I'd love to continue the conversation over coffee (or dinner, drinks, etc.) this week. How do you like the idea? And at this stage you ask her for a number. nine0008
- “I really enjoy talking to you. Can I get your number so we can continue talking?"
- “Did you hear that a great exhibition opens on Wednesday? Can we go there together?" Here we can talk about any event that is interesting to both of you.
So you will take the phone number and lay the foundation for your future date.
And if the girl is not taken?
Yes, you can be not so charming that the girl will immediately reveal all the cards. And girls are different, I'll tell you. Maybe another reason - she has a boyfriend. But still, you don’t know this for sure, and therefore, after the refusal, do not make an upset facial expression. Act like nothing happened and continue your conversation. nine0003
At the end, try again, as a last resort, try to find and try to get a number from a girl on the Internet!
TOP 5 methods to get a number without unnecessary conversations
There are just a lot of ways to get a girl's phone number in an original way. But you must understand that such methods do not always entail a date.
You just get as many numbers as you can and then start calling them. And only a tiny percentage agree to continue communication with you. But still it works! Let it be like this. nine0003
Method #1. Came, took and left
Imagine that you are really in a hurry, and you see a beautiful lady on the horizon. Approach her with a bold, confident step and immediately ask her for the number:
“Hi. I'm sorry I'm late for work, but if I don't even try to get your number, I'll be blaming myself for another month. I really want to get to know you better. How do you look at it” .
Everything is ready.
Method #2. Lure the number by deceit
I believe that this method also takes place. But you must learn that at the end of any "divorce" it is better to admit it to the girl. Just smile and say
“Sorry, I really just wanted to get your number. I really liked you and I would like to continue communication.
So you don't lose anything - you already have the number. But if you start calling a girl and she herself guesses about the deception (and this cannot be avoided) - 50% that it will amuse her, but also 50% that will make her angry.
Method #3. You conduct social poll
Take a pen and a blank A4 sheet. It's better to write something in advance. Go up to a pretty girl, tell them you're doing a poll about…I don't know, dairy products, for example. Ask her for her name and ask a couple of questions:
“Do you often buy dairy products in the supermarket”, “Which ones do you prefer?” .
Then ask for a mobile number, referring to the fact that the company holds promotions and drawings and it can get a prize. Then just confess everything to her as I described above.
Method #4. Ask her to dial your number
This is the most common and working way. You just ask a girl to help you:
“My battery is dead, I'm late for a meeting, and a very important person is waiting for me there. Could you type it in and tell me I'll be there in 15 minutes?" nine0111 .
Naturally, you dictate your number to her, a call comes to your phone and her number is in your pocket.
Method #5. Shock a girl
For example, you can be in the park (there is such a video on YouTube), stick a piece of paper on your chest with the inscription "Give me your number" with tape and put on a jacket with a zipper on top. Then you just stop the girl, ask her for directions to some place. While she is explaining to you, you say that you will show her something and unzip your sweater. nine0003
What if a girl goes with a friend
Guys, why are you afraid of two girls? In fact, it is much easier to get to know them - then they are more open, none of them wants to seem paranoid or uncommunicative, and they are willing to make contact.
If a girl is with a friend and you come up, she will consider you a brave guy.What should you do
Approach girls and compliment them. Yes, yes, you will have to please the one that you do not like. You don’t talk to them for long (just a minute), using humor, compliments and other important things. Then you easily take “your” girl by the elbow, look at her friend and say: "Do you mind if I steal your girlfriend for a second? I need to tell her something.” . At the same time, you are not so much asking as you are informing.
Take the girl three meters away from her friend (envious friends always get in the way) and turn her back to her. Tell : “I just really liked you. Can you give me your phone number".
You will take the number even if the girl is with the company
When a girl is in a cafe in the company of her friends, you run the risk of facing such difficulties: she will be ashamed to give you a number so as not to seem too accessible, a couple of her friends will definitely kick out of envy with her elbow and say "he's dumb." So act like this:
- Make non-verbal contact with her: smile, catch her eye, stop yours.
- When you feel that a girl is interested in you, come and ask her for a second.
- Take her away from their table and just ask for a number.
5 important rules
- Always introduce yourself before asking for a number.
- If your conversation is at an impasse, the girl looks around and thinks (probably) how to evade you, it's better not to ask for the number. nine0008
- Never send your friend, girlfriend, brother, etc. - always come by yourself. Otherwise, what kind of a man are you?
- When you ask for a number, keep your phone in hand. This is an important rule. Show her that you need the number right now and you are ready to write it down.
- No: “Hey baby”, “Baby, share your number” and other similar phrases.
Now you can definitely get a girl's number without any problems. Most importantly, don't screw up when you call her!
Original and funny ways to get a phone number with the help of hocus-pocus videos:
More information about dating in the following video:
How to get a girl's phone number: 10 tips for a
result Getting the phone number of a girl you like is one of the important steps in creating a healthy relationship.
No matter how mature, strong or courageous you are, everyone has a fear of rejection, even I occasionally slip through it.
In most cases, men are afraid to risk their own self-esteem for the sake of a beauty they like and simply bypass her. But this is a big mistake, running away from yourself. nine0243 To get off the ground in a relationship, you need to understand how to take a girl's phone number so as not to get rejected.
To do this, I have in stock a few universal moves and trouble-free tricks that help out in any situation.
I will say right away that women have highly developed intuition. They can analyze the situation much before you ask for her number.
Therefore, it is very important to make sure that you behave towards her naturally, civilly and truthfully. As soon as the girl feels falseness or animal lust in your behavior, she will immediately run away. nine0003
Naturally, there will be no continuation of the relationship, and this is not included in your plans. Therefore, before starting an acquaintance, it is better to prepare in advance and think about how to take the girl’s phone number correctly and arrange the next meeting.
Now, read carefully. Because everything that is written here is very important.
DO NOT HURRY Respect and delicacy for the feelings of another person are the main virtues that girls appreciate in men. Often guys do not stand on ceremony, but immediately get down to business. nine0003
Insolence and pressure can confuse, scare, perhaps a girl will dictate a phone number to get rid of you as soon as possible, but what's the point? The shock will pass, and she will never want to communicate with you.
An instant, unplanned attempt to exchange contacts in 80% of cases is doomed to failure, while it is beautiful to take a girl's phone number - this is a 100% chance of success. If you think over a plan of action in advance, it will give you peace of mind, self-confidence and a positive attitude. nine0003
Start with a friendly, non-committal conversation. Let it take only a couple of minutes, but this time is enough for the girl to relax and feel comfortable in your company. Make a good impression on her, arouse interest, start a topic that she wants to discuss with you in a more relaxed atmosphere. This will be a great excuse to take her phone number to arrange a meeting.

One of the biggest mistakes men make is asking for a phone number when the conversation is over and the girl is leaving. It's best to do this in the middle of a conversation. This trick is very useful for getting instant results. nine0003
In addition, by exchanging numbers, you will continue the conversation, and this will strengthen the emotional connection and increase your chances of a successful continuation of the acquaintance. If you ask for a number at the end of a conversation, it will look pathetic and fussy.
INTERESTA girl will never give her number to a guy who does not arouse her interest, even if he is handsome. Therefore, if you still don’t know how to get a girl’s phone number, the first thing you should focus on is how to win her interest. nine0003
The best way to get any girl interested is to flirt boldly and make her feel special. When it comes to flirting, it's important to draw the line between cheap flirting and effective lovemaking. Avoid any questionable words or actions that may irritate or disgust her.
TELL THAT YOU NEED HER NUMBER FOR A PURPOSE AND NOT JUSTThe most common mistake among guys is asking for a phone number without explaining what it is for. Just like that, for the collection? Or dial when you get bored? Or can it be used for some other purpose? nine0003
All these questions run through a woman's head like a kaleidoscope, and as a result she refuses. The best way to get a phone number from a girl you don't know is to quickly come up with a good reason why you need to call. Phrases can be thought out in advance or act according to the situation.
For example, I saw a beautiful girl walking her dog. Come, ask a few questions about your pet, say that a friend asked you to look after his dog, but something went wrong and you are looking for a good veterinarian. nine0003
Ask the girl for her number so that you can call in the evening and write down the coordinates of the clinic. Such a reason is more than valid and the girl will have no reason to refuse you. As a thank you for the rescued dog, you can invite him to dinner.
GIVE HER YOUR PHONE TO WRITE HER NAME AND NUMBERSThis simple strategy will make your life much easier. Firstly, the girl will understand that you trust her, which means you can be trusted. Secondly, in a state of great excitement, you can be clumsy, not hit the right numbers, get confused, not heard, not written down. Just put your phone in her hand and ask her to dial your number. Plus, this way you make sure she entered the correct numbers. nine0003
MESSAGE HERText messages are the easiest and safest way to develop relationships in the early stages of dating . We all know this feeling when you took a girl’s phone number, you don’t know what to do next and you start to slowly torment yourself with stupid, pessimistic thoughts.
In fact, all these worries, goosebumps, heart palpitations are not needed by anyone. If you are afraid or in doubt - do not call, it is better to write. It's better to send her a playful message with a cool text immediately after receiving the number. But don't play around. A couple of messages are enough to get the information you need to set up a real meeting with her. nine0003
Girls really like guys with a good sense of humor, so try to impress her as a fun and positive guy.
ORIGINALITYA well-planned acquaintance will help you understand how to take a girl's phone number in an original way anytime, anywhere.
It can be a cafe, a cinema, a park, a library, a beach, anywhere you will feel confident and prepared. Most girls appreciate vivid emotions, because they are the intuitive logical center of the brain. By acting on emotions, you influence her subconscious. nine0003
Girls react more emotionally to a cool, self-confident, well-mannered and attractive guy than to a nervous, stiff, insecure eccentric.
Therefore, before approaching a stranger, make an interesting plan of action, prepare witty phrases, think over a positive dialogue and questions that will grow into an exciting conversation.
ATTRACT HER ATTENTIONThis does not mean that you need to provoke some kind of force majeure situation and put yourself in danger. All you need is to draw her attention to yourself, take her out of her reverie, violate her personal space, become an irritant, but not aggressive, but interesting. nine0003
Girls like creative, positive guys who can quickly adapt to any life situation. You can hit her with your shoulder, step on her foot, "accidentally" brush a cup of coffee off her table.
And after that, don't break into a sticky sweat and don't babble apologies, but immediately offer to make amends with something pleasant and interesting. Phrases like taking a girl's phone number don't have to be pretentious, do it as if by the way, in the middle of a conversation, when you are talking about something interesting. For example, “Last Sunday, my friends and I were relaxing on the lake, there is an amazing view. Leave your number, I must definitely show you this place before the tourists ruin it. ” nine0003
Choose a topic of conversation that you can dominate. Do not be afraid to argue and contradict, but do it in a playful way, without underestimating the mental abilities of a new acquaintance. At first, the girl will be a little annoyed by your dominance, she may take it with hostility, but in the process of conversation she will get used to your leadership. So when you confront her with the fact that you're going to a movie premiere together on Saturday and offer to exchange contacts, she simply has no choice but to comply. nine0003
If you don't become an irritant, you will go unnoticed.
DON'T HAVE TO BE NICE AND FRIENDLYSometimes guys act too perfectly for it to look believable. Girls intuitively feel falseness, it alarms and scares them.
Therefore, does not need to be kind, sweet and accommodating . Here you should not confuse the concept of "kind" and "kind". A good guy does good without advertising his merits. This is a big plus for his masculine qualities and is very attractive to women. nine0003
But the kindly one shows sympathy only in words, groans, sympathizes, regrets, but at the same time does nothing to change the situation for the better. This type of good guys repels.
The girl wants to feel like a desirable lady, not a spoiled queen. They do not need a full set of positive qualities, they are hooked by your features, what distinguishes you from others.
DON'T ASK VK PAGEIt is very important to be clear about your goals. All you need is the girl's number. You don't have to settle for anything less. nine0003
An email address or VK page is not as effective as a phone number. Naturally, correspondence on social networks is much easier and safer, but this does not always lead to the development of relationships. If a woman does not want to give you her number, then there is no point in chatting with her on the Internet.
Social networks - is always a secondary source of communication , in the first place are personal meetings and face-to-face conversations.