How to archive instagram posts at once

The Easiest Way to Mass Archive Instagram Posts

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As the number of Instagram increases, Instagram developers add new features to this application to make their users’ experience more delightful. There are many features added to this app in recent years that have become popular in no time and have led to attracting more users to this social network. One of the practical features that have been added to this platform since 2017 is the option to Archive Instagram posts. In this article, we are going to discuss this feature, how it works, and then, we will show you ways to Mass Archive Instagram posts at once. So, if you are an Instagram user and you want to know more about this feature, don’t miss this article.

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What Does Instagram Archive Feature Do?

It may happen to everybody to decide to remove a post from their page but after a while, they miss that post again. But with the Archive option, you don’t need to delete the post to hide it from your page anymore. This option lets you move your posts to a part of your profile that is only visible to you. Using this feature, you can remove posts from your profile without deleting them, and also, you can restore them to your Instagram page whenever you want. Plus, no one will notice these changes and you will have full control over your posts.

How to Archive an Instagram Post?

Archiving a post on Instagram is so simple. To do so:

1. Open the Instagram application, go to your profile, and select the post that you want to archive. 2. Hit the 3 dots button on the top right corner of the post. 3. Select the Archive option. That’s it!

As easy as pie! This way, the post will no longer appear on your profile. Now, how can you see the archived posts and maybe restore them to have them on your profile again? You can see all of your archived posts and stories in this way:

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile page. 2. Tap the three-line button on the top right corner. 3. Select the Archive option. 4. From the top drop-down, you can choose between posts and stories and you can see all of your archived content there.

Also, you can unarchive a post and return it to your profile or delete it permanently. To do this, select the post in the archive section, tap the 2-dot button on top, and choose the “Return to profile” or “Delete” option. No need to mention that if you delete the post, you can restore it after that so be careful!

How to Mass Archive Instagram Posts?

The archive feature of Instagram became popular in no time and it’s pretty useful. However, many users have multiple posts from the past that they want to archive at once. It’s so much time-consuming to archive them one by one and they are looking for a way to mass archive the posts.

Unfortunately, the Instagram application doesn’t support bulk archiving. You can just archive the posts one by one in the Instagram app. But don’t worry! There is a way that you can mass archive the consecutive posts using third-party applications. In the following, we will show you how you can mass archive Instagram posts using a mobile device or a PC.

Mass archive Instagram posts on mobile phone

In order to mass archive consecutive posts on Instagram, you need an application to record your action and repeat it automatically for the other posts. “Click Assistant – Auto Clicker” is an app for android devices that you can download from Google Play. Here we are going to show how you can archive many posts using this app. But if you are using an iPhone, don’t worry! there are similar apps for iOS such as “Web Macro Bot: Record & Replay” app that you can download from App Store.

Now to mass archive Instagram posts using Auto Clicker:

1. Go to Google Play and download the “Click Assistant – Auto Clicker” app. 2. Open the app. You don’t need to change any of the settings. Just hit the “START SERVICE” button at the bottom. 3. Auto clicker tools will appear on the side of your screen. Now, go to the Instagram app, open your profile, and choose the post that you want to start mass archive from it. 4. Select the circle tool from the toolbar. From now, all your clicks will be recorded to repeat so be careful. 5. Tap the three-dots button on the top right corner, select “Archive” and then tap the top bar of the application to make sure you are on that page. These 3 moves will be recorded in order to archive other posts. 6. After it, tap the “Done” green button which is appeared on the screen to finish recording.

7. Now, you can repeat the action by hitting the play button on the toolbar.

8. The action will be repeated until you pause the process or it archives all the posts. 9. You can finish the process by hitting the cross button on the toolbar. 10. All archived posts will appear in the archive section of your account.

Can We Do It On Pc & Mac Too?

Unfortunately, the web version of Instagram doesn’t support the story feature so, you can’t archive even one post using the Instagram web. But don’t be disappointed! You can archive Instagram posts on your PC using an emulator software.

Emulators can help you have the same experience you have on your phone using your PC. They stimulate the mobile phone environment so you can run mobile applications on them too. Many Android emulators can help you with this task. Nox Player and BlueStacks are two of the most well-known emulators that you can download for free.

For mass archiving Instagram posts on your PC, you should follow the previous way. The only difference is that you need to run an emulator on your system and then follow the steps we mentioned before.

1. Download an android emulator suitable for your operating system. 2. Install and run the emulator. 3. In the emulator window, download Instagram from Google Play and log into your account. 4. Download the “Click Assistant – Auto Clicker” application from Google Play in the emulator environment. 5. Follow the steps we mentioned in the last section to mass archive posts on your mobile phone.

The procedure is the same, the emulator stimulates your mobile phone’s environment and then you will go through the same procedure.

All in All…

In this article, we talked about the Archive feature of Instagram. We explained how we can use this feature and told you that you can not archive multiple posts at once using just the Instagram app. You will need an assistant application to help you with this task. Then, we showed you how you can mass archive posts using your mobile phone or PC through a step by step guide. We hope you find this article helpful. Share your ideas with us in the comment section.

How to Archive All Instagram Posts in 2022+Unarchive

Page Contents

If you’ve ever decided that some old content on your Instagram page should be hidden away temporarily and thought you don’t have any choice but to delete them, we have good news for you! You can do so by simply archiving photos on your Instagram profile, and even all of them at once!

In this comprehensive post, we’ll show you how to archive all Instagram posts using the new update of the Instagram archive feature, and the easiest way to unarchive them. We’ll also discuss how to archive Instagram Stories, IGTVs, Lives, Videos, and Reels; so without future ado, let’s dive into it.

What Does It Mean to Archive A Post on Instagram

If you still don’t know ‘what is archive on Instagram’ and wondering what archiving a post on Instagram does, here is a quick explanation:

In 2017, Instagram introduced an archive feature that allows users to hide posts on Instagram from their profiles without deleting them. Instagram Archive separates the content into three different categories: posts, stories, and live content.

These archived Instagram posts are still visible to you but not to anyone else. Instagram will keep the likes and comments on your Instagram archived posts.

In the section below, we’ll see how to archive a post on Instagram both on Android and iPhone devices and then go over the bulk archive Instagram feature. 

Note: If you do not wish to restore posts that have been archived and want to remove them permanently from your account, you can mass delete Instagram posts quickly and easily with AiGrow’s mass delete tool.

How to Archive An Instagram Post (iPhone & Android)

On your Android or iPhone device:

Tap the post you’d like to archive > Tap the three dots in the top right > Archive

How to Archive All Instagram Posts (iPhone & Android)

To mass archive pictures on Instagram at once on both iPhone and Android, follow these steps:

  1. On your Instagram profile tap the three lines in the top right.

2. Click Your Activity.

3. Click Photos and videos.

4. Select Posts.

5. Select your sorting preferences or the date range by choosing Sort & Filter in the top right before selecting your posts, then tap Apply.

6. Click the Select button in the top right, and click all of the posts you want to archive.

7. Now all you need to do is click Archive.

Note: You can only archive multiple Instagram posts at once in the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. 

You can bring back archived posts on Instagram at any time. Your posts will appear where they previously appeared on your feed.

How to Archive All Instagram Posts on A Computer

Can you archive all posts on Instagram at once on your PC? Yes, but with some help! Since Instagram web doesn’t provide users with the archiving option, with the help of an emulator like Bluestacks that allows you to run Android apps on a PC or Mac, mass archiving Instagram posts on a computer is possible. Here are the steps:

  • Install and launch Blustacks on your desktop, then get Instagram from Google Play (Google play is already pre-installed on Blustacks).
  • Once you have logged into your account, you have access to Instagram’s archive feature fully and can mass archive your posts.

How to Unarchive All Posts on Instagram

If you are wondering how to unarchive a post on Instagram, there is a straightforward way to do so and bring a post out of the Instagram archive; However you can’t unarchive Instagram posts in bulk on the Instagram app, or any other mass archive Instagram posts app; As of now, unarchiving Instagram posts is a one-by-one process on Instagram.

To undo an archived Instagram post here is what you need to do: 

 Go into your Instagram archive and select the show on profile option, to have the post on your feed again.

Also read: Delete your Instagram account permanently or not?

How to Find Archived Posts on Instagram in 2022

Let’s see how to go to archive on Instagram to see your archived posts:

  • In the top-right corner of your Instagram profile, select the three horizontal lines menu.
  • Select Archive
  • From the drop-down menu, choose archived Stories, Posts or Lives 

How to View Archive Instagram Posts on A Computer

Currently, there is no option available to see archived posts on Instagram on a computer, still, you have the option of using an application like Blustacks to open your Instagram account on your desktop and view Instagram archive posts on the app surface.

How to Archive Videos on Instagram

 At the bottom of your Instagram home screen, select profile picture. Then tap the video you wish to Archive. On the top of the post, select the three dots, and choose Archive.

Your video has now disappeared from the profile grid. You can also use this method to archive long videos on Instagram; however, the archive will take a little longer. Now you might be wondering when you archive a video on Instagram where does it go? 

Instagram will keep your archived videos in the Archive> Posts Archives alongside your archived Instagram pictures for as long as you want. They just won’t be visible to your Instagram page visitors.

You can restore your archived Instagram videos the same way you do with your Instagram pictures (we explained it above).

Also read: How to search & see old direct messages?

How to Archive IGTV, Reels & Live Videos on Instagram

If you don’t want your IGTVs, Reels, or Instagram Lives to show up in your followers’ feeds, you can either delete them or archive them. Archiving moves these posts into the ‘Archives’ section of the app, which only you can see.

To do so, simply tap the post (IGTV, Reel, or Live) you’d like to archive > Tap the three dots in the top right > Archive

To find these archived posts tap the three-line icon in your profile, and select “Archive”. Next, from the drop-down menu choose either “Posts”, or “Live Archive.” you can find your archived IGTVs and Reels in the Post archive and your Lives in the Live archive.

How to Archive Stories & Highlights on Instagram

If you ever wondered how to archive all Instagram Stories, now you can automate archiving all your Stories with just a few steps:

Step 1: on your Instagram profile tap the three dots in the top right corner and then choose Archive. Next from the drop-down menu select Stories archive and tap the three dots in the top right

Step 2: Select Settings

Step 3: Tap on the save story to archive and turn it on; this will automatically save your stories to your archive, which can be accessed through the Stories archive.

How to Delete Archive Stories on Instagram

To delete an archived Instagram Strory go to your Instagram profile > three dots icon > Archive > Stories archive > More > Delete

Also read: How to turn off suggested posts on Instagram?

When To Use Instagram Archive Feature?

There are plenty of reasons why someone prefers to archive posts on Instagram, either for personal accounts or business accounts.

For personal accounts, people usually use the ‘Instagram archive’ in order to hide some memories of the past for some reason, but not delete them forever.

On the other hand, business accounts and brands are a little harder to justify archiving. The reasons why business accounts make use of the Instagram archive are much different and more technical.

Here are some ways you can take advantage of the Instagram archive for your own business strategy.

Using Instagram Archive- Reason #1: Contests

This strategy works best, especially for those who regularly run contests on Instagram. You have two possible ways here; you can archive all your previous posts and only keep the ones on your profile that are related to your contest, so it drives the mere attention to the contest.

Moreover, there are people who often see your contest post after the contest has ended, and it may cause confusion. To avoid this confusion, you’d better simply archive the posts promoting the contest once there is no time left to participate anymore.

It should be noted that using this strategy not only helps you still retain all the Likes and Comments to review for contest entrants, but also it prevents confusion.

Using Instagram Archive-Reason #2: Announcements

It would be a good idea to archive all your posts beforehand when you have a major announcement ahead. It will definitely help you draw attention to your feed.

A good example of this strategy is Taylor Swift. Her team decided to archive all her posts ahead of the release of her new single; look what you made me do.

When the singer’s 102 million followers encountered her empty feed, they immediately started to look forward to figuring out what she was up to. So this strategy created a buzz around her next move.

Using Instagram Archive-Reason #3: Clean Up Your Feed

Sometimes you see some posts on your business profile that you think are not relevant, new, etc., to have a room there. Then it’s time to archive them in case you wouldn’t like to delete them.

For instance, imagine you previously had some products on sale that aren’t available now; you can achieve them to streamline your gallery so you can unarchive them once they’re available again.

Using Instagram Archive-Reason #4: Legal Reasons

Imagine you post something that looks offensive to a special group of people, and for any reason, it causes some public issue. The only way you may think of, is by deleting the post and apologizing. But bear in mind that deleting the post deletes all the comments (positive or negative), the interactions, etc.

As a brand, reviewing all of this data to see where you went wrong or how you could improve it is of great importance.

So it makes more sense to archive the post and access all its valuable data and engagement rates rather than deleting the post and end up losing them all.


According to Instagram, the archive on Instagram feature was designed to give users more control over their profile, and what they decide to show their followers. “Your profile is a representation of who you are and evolves with you over time,” Instagram wrote in a post. “With Instagram Archive, you now have more flexibility to shape your profile while still preserving moments that matter.”

Instagram archive feature is all about providing users with a way to filter their profiles without having to make any permanent changes.

If you weren’t sure how to archive all Instagram posts, we discussed the best ways to do so in this blog and we hope it was helpful!



Can Others See Archived Posts on Instagram?

Are archived posts visible to others and show up on the feed? No, you shouldn’t be worried about anyone else seeing them; they aren’t public. Only you can see your archived posts on Instagram.

But what happens when you archive a post on Instagram? where do archived Instagram posts go? 

The archived posts will remain private on Instagram’s servers and will be linked to your profile with all previous engagements.


Is There A Limit to How Much You Can Archive on Instagram?

Your Instagram profile does not have a limit on how many photos/videos you can archive. 


How to Turn Off Archive on Instagram

Stories archive is the only place where Instagram Archive works automatically. Luckily, there is an easy way to disable the automatic archiving of stories on your smartphone:

Just head to your profile tab > three dots icon > Archive >  Stories archive > Settings > and toggle off “Save story to Archive. ” 


If You Unarchive A Post on Instagram Does It Repost

Yes, Instagram will automatically display an archived post where it appeared previously on your feed if you restore it.


How to See Someone’s Archived Posts on Instagram?

Archived photos can only be seen by the account owner so there is no way to see someone else’s archived posts.

how to archive posts on instagram at once?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 8 Posted by

Short answer

  1. There are several ways to archive all posts on Instagram at the same time.
  2. One way is to use a third party app like or IFTTT.
  3. Another way is to download your posts as a ZIP file.

how to archive all instagram posts at once

how to archive all instagram posts together | Instagram posts archive | Is it possible ?? Yes, it is 🔥🔥

Can I archive multiple Instagram posts at the same time?

Yes, you can archive multiple Instagram posts at once. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bars in the upper left corner. Then select Message Archive. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post you want to archive and select "Archive".

How do I archive all my Instagram posts?

There are several ways to archive your Instagram posts. One way is to save them to your phone's camera roll. To do this, open the Instagram app and tap on the three bars in the top left corner. Then select "Settings" and "Save Messages". You can also save your posts to your computer using the Instagram downloader.

Can I hide all my posts on Instagram?

Yes, you can hide all your Instagram posts from public view. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bars in the upper left corner. Then click "Settings" and "Privacy". In the "Messages public" section, click "Hide my messages".

Is there a way to delete all messages on Instagram at once?

Yes, there is a way to delete all Instagram posts at once. To do this, you need to use a third party application. There are several different apps that can do this, but we recommend using Delete All Messages. This app is easy to use and free.

How to bulk delete archived Instagram posts?

To bulk delete archived Instagram posts, first open the Instagram app and go to your profile. Then tap the three bars at the top left of the screen and select Settings. Scroll down and click "Archived Messages" and then select all the messages you want to delete. Finally, click "Delete Messages" and they will be deleted immediately.

How do you distinguish all posts on Instagram at once 2022?

There is no specific way to highlight all Instagram posts at once, but there are several ways you can do it manually.
One way is to go to your profile and select "Settings". “. In the "Messages" section, you can choose to "Hide your messages" from everyone or only certain people. If you choose to hide your messages, no one will be able to see them, including your followers.
Another way is to highlight each message individually. .

How to make all messages dissimilar?

To select all posts in the News Feed, click the "Deselect All" button in the upper right corner of the News Feed.

How to hide all my likes on instagram?

To hide your likes on Instagram, you can either uninstall the app or disable the "Show activity status" option. If you delete the app, your likes will be hidden from everyone, including yourself. If you turn off the “Show activity status” option, your likes will only be hidden from other users.

How to hide Instagram posts from 2021?

To hide Instagram posts from 2021, you need to change the privacy settings for each post. Under Options, select Private. This ensures that only people you approve can see your posts.

Where are the advanced settings on Instagram?

To access advanced settings on Instagram, open the app and tap the three bars in the top left corner of the home screen. Scroll down and select Settings. In the "Account" section, you will be able to change your password, email address and username. In the Privacy section, you can choose who can see your posts and stories. You can also control who can message and contact you. In the Usage section, you can limit the amount of time you spend on Instagram each day.

When you hide like “Instagram Counter” Can others see it?

Yes, when you hide your account like Count on Instagram, other users can still see your account if they search for it. Hiding your account makes it invisible to other users, but does not delete it.

How to hide Instagram posts without unfollowing them?

There is no single answer to this question, since everyone's account settings may be different. However, one way to hide Instagram posts without unfollowing them is to change your account settings so they don't show up in your feed. To do this, go to the "Options" menu in the upper right corner of your profile and select "Settings".

Do you see IG likes?

Yes, you can see who liked your Instagram posts. Just click on the three little dots in the top right corner of the post and select "View Stats". In the “Like” section, you will see how many people liked your post and who these people are.

Does hiding likes affect engagement?

There is no clear answer to this question as it depends on many factors such as content type, audience and account configuration. However, some experts believe that hiding likes can have a negative impact on engagement rates, as it can be difficult for users to gauge how popular their posts are..

Can people hide their likes?

Yes, people can hide their likes on Facebook. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu in the upper right corner of your Facebook page and select "Privacy Settings". From there, click on the “Customize Settings” option on the left and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There you will see the “Things I share” section. In this section, you will see the Likes and Interests option. To hide likes, uncheck this box.

how to archive multiple instagram posts?

By Milena Anderson Reading 4 min. Views 10

Short answer

  1. There are several ways to archive your Instagram posts.
  2. One way is to save them to your phone's camera roll.
  3. Another way is to use a third party application like Instaport or InstaSave.

How to archive/unarchive all Instagram posts at once (2022) | HIDE or SHOW ALL POSTS

How to archive/unarchive all Instagram messages at once (Android/iPhone)

Can I archive multiple images on Instagram?

Yes, you can archive multiple Instagram images. To archive an image, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the image and select "Archive".

Is it possible to archive all Instagram posts at once?

Yes, you can archive all Instagram posts at once. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bars in the upper left corner. Then select "Settings" and "Archive messages". Click "Select All" and then "Done".

Can I hide all my Instagram posts?

Yes, you can hide all your Instagram posts. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bars in the upper left corner. Then select "Settings" > "Privacy & Security" > "Hide my history from". Set the switch next to “Hide history from” to “On” and your messages will no longer be visible to anyone but you.

How do I hide all my posts on Instagram?

To hide all your posts on Instagram, you can either delete your account or make it private. If you choose to make your account private, only people you approve can see your posts.

Is it possible to hide old Instagram posts?

Yes, you can hide old Instagram posts. To do this, navigate to the post you want to hide and tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post. Then select "Hide from profile".

How do I hide Instagram posts without deleting them?

There are several ways to hide posts on Instagram without deleting them. One way is to make your account private. This will make your posts visible only to people you have allowed to follow you. Another way is to use the “hide from followers” ​​feature. This will make your post invisible to everyone except the people you have allowed to see it.

How do you archive posts on Instagram?

To archive Instagram posts, first open the post you want to archive. Then click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post and select "Archive".

How do I archive all my Instagram photos?

You can archive all your Instagram photos by going to your profile, clicking on the three lines in the top left corner and selecting “archive”.

Where do archived Instagram posts go?

Instagram posts are archived in the user account.

Should old Instagram posts be archived?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the decision to archive old Instagram posts depends on individual preferences and goals. Some users may archive their posts to keep their feeds organized and organized, while others may leave them visible to track their personal growth and progress over time.

Does archiving engagement hurt?

There is no consensus on whether engagement archiving is harmful. Some people believe that this can make your account inactive and unimportant, while others argue that it can be a way to clean up your profile and make it more organized. Ultimately, it depends on how you use archiving and how your subscribers interact with your content.

Does deleting old Instagram posts hurt you?

There is no definite answer to this question. Some experts believe that deleting old posts can damage your Instagram account as it can render your account inactive. However, other experts believe that deleting old posts is a good way to clean up your account and increase your engagement rate. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide if deleting old messages is right for you.

How long are archived posts on Instagram?

Instagram posts are usually stored on the application's servers for about a year.

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