How many views is viral on instagram

How to Go Viral on Instagram: Strategies for Your Brand

You want to know how to go viral on Instagram.

We’ve seen brands and influencers become overnight sensations on the platform.

It’s no surprise, considering there are 2 billion monthly active Instagram users looking for unique, engaging content on the app.

But going viral on Instagram is far from easy. Thankfully, it’s possible if you follow some proven tips and best practices.

In this article, we’ll walk you through 11 tips for how to go viral on Instagram.

1. Know your audience

Understanding your target audience on Instagram will help you create more relatable content that’s more likely to go viral.

Below are some ways to identify your Instagram audience:

  • Study your buyer personas. If your company has existing data on your ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and buyer personas, start there. Find Instagram audiences that share characteristics with your brand’s customers.
  • Look at your Instagram analytics. If you’re already using Instagram for business, go to your analytics and look at audience demographics. This will show you what kind of people are following you and engaging with your posts. You can also use Sprout Social’s reporting tools to dig deeper into your Instagram audience data.
  • Find your competitors’ audiences. Not sure who to target? Head over to competitor Instagram accounts and study their followers. Chances are these people are your target audience as well.
  • Use social listening tools. Track online conversations around your brand and niche using a social listening tool like Sprout Social. This will help you identify not only your audience but also any influencers you can partner with to boost your content.

Once you’ve narrowed down your Instagram audience, understand their interests, goals and habits. Study the accounts they follow and the posts they interact with.

All of this will give you a solid idea of what kind of content is sure to be a hit.

2. Keep an eye on trends

Trends on social media change fast, and Instagram is no different. Marketers need to quickly jump on new trends to create viral content.

Whether it’s posting more videos, using new content formats or adding trending music to your Reels — if it’s going viral, you need to get on it.

For example, a recent Instagram trend is the increased use of Instagram Reels — the bite-sized, vertical video format inspired by TikTok.

Reels generate more engagement than regular videos on the platform, which make them perfect for going viral.

Other trends we’ve spotted this year include using link stickers in Stories, leveraging story ads and cross-promoting Twitter posts.

3. Establish a unique brand voice

The key to standing out on Instagram is to be creative and authentic.

For businesses, this means finding your own voice that’s unlike any other brand. One that also resonates with your target audience and keeps them engaged with your content.

BBC Earth offers an excellent example of what establishing a unique and creative brand voice can do for you on Instagram.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by BBC Earth (@bbcearth)

They consistently share stunning visuals with informative captions that are also humorous and relatable at the same time. Talk about non-boring educational content!

The result? Viral posts with thousands of likes, comments and shares.

4. Audit your own posts

Conducting an Instagram audit is important so your new strategy to go viral doesn’t clash with your existing posts and branding.

It will also help you identify gaps to work on before posting new content. Maybe your captions need work. Or maybe you need to align your bio and profile photo with your brand to look authentic and professional.

Whatever it is, fixing any issues with your current aesthetic, brand voice and content will increase the chances of success for your future posts.

5. Study the competition

If you need help coming up with ideas for viral content, turn to your competitors. Analyze their posts and find out what’s working for them.

  • What are their top and worst performing posts?
  • What’s their brand voice like?
  • What kinds of formats do they use?
  • How do they engage with their audience?
  • What days or times do they post most frequently?

Sprout’s Instagram Competitors Report can help you gather, visualize and analyze this data from a single dashboard.

Use the insight to fuel your own creativity. Of course, this doesn’t mean you start copying your competitors. Think of it as starting on the right foot.

You may even borrow some ideas as long as you add your own personality. Be careful of copyright infringement and stay true to your brand voice.

6. Engage with other accounts

Get noticed on Instagram by actively engaging with your audience. The more you show up in people’s feeds and notifications, the more exposure your profile and posts will get.

Plus, customers love brands that walk the extra mile and treat them as individuals.

And let’s not forget the Instagram algorithm rewards posts with high engagement and shows them more frequently on the Explore page.

So, ask questions, add calls-to-action and encourage interaction in your posts and captions. Also, don’t forget to respond to audience comments — both positive and negative.

7. Use analytics to learn what worked before

Analytics help you make data-driven decisions about everything — including developing viral content. The result? More chances of success.

Use Instagram’s built-in analytics to track key metrics related to engagement and follower growth. Learn about what worked in the past, what didn’t do so well and what kind of posts and stories are usually a hit with your audience.

Looking to go in-depth? Use a third-party analytics tool like Sprout Social.

You’ll get access to granular Instagram metrics, visual reports and the ability to track analytics for competitors and multiple accounts.

8. Recreate viral content

This is probably the easiest way to go viral on Instagram.

But practice it with caution.

Don’t just copy and paste viral content — add your own twist to it.

Explore your feed, look at viral posts in your niche and follow popular hashtags to find content to recreate. Here’s a look at how we created a viral video.


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A post shared by Sprout Social (@sproutsocial)

Better yet, look for viral content on other platforms. For example, TikTok is a great place to find inspiration for Instagram Reels.

Since this content has already worked in the past, it’s likely to work for you as well. Just make sure you tweak it to appeal to your specific audience.

9. Partner with an influencer

Going viral on your own can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the platform or have a small following. This is where Instagram influencer marketing can help.

Partnering with popular creators in your niche can bring your content tons of exposure. You can either ask for reposts and mentions, or co-create content with them. The more eyeballs you get on your content, the more chances you have of going viral.

For example, Kapten & Son partners with travel influencers to create viral content promoting their backpacks.

The best influencers usually have an engaged following that trusts them. Having these creators endorse your brand or product can do wonders for your own credibility.


Determine the best time to post on Instagram

Your followers are not scrolling Instagram all the time — they work and sleep too. The key is to find out when they’re most active and then hit post for maximum engagement.

Sprout Social’s data shows the average global peak engagement times.

While it’s good to keep these averages in, the best time to post on Instagram for your brand will vary based on the unique characteristics of your audience.

Factors like location, time zone, interests, hobbies, schedules, age and gender all affect social media behavior. Use Instagram analytics to find out your followers’ peak activity hours and use that to schedule posts.

11. Post consistently to grow your followers

In addition to posting at the best times, you should also post consistently to attract more followers and build a strong presence on the platform.

Posting randomly or taking long breaks in between can make new, excited followers slowly forget about your brand. Stay on top of their minds by posting great content regularly.

They’ll soon come to expect entertainment or creativity from your brand, which is always a good thing for your brand image and engagement.

Use Instagram automation to help you stick to a consistent posting schedule. For example, Sprout’s scheduling features enable you to set up a content calendar for Instagram and post at optimal times.

How many likes is viral on Instagram?

Generally, posts with 100,000+ likes or views and 1,000+ comments are considered to be viral. However, the term ‘viral’ is subjective and can mean different things to different brands.

For example, you might consider a post to go viral if it crosses 10,000 views. Or, if you’re a smaller brand targeting a very niche audience, viral can also mean 1,000 views or likes.

The point is — it depends. We recommend benchmarking based on your own analytics and competitor data, and aiming for higher (but realistic) engagement rates as you grow.

Create a data-driven strategy to go viral on Instagram

Going viral on Instagram can be tricky, but not impossible.

The trick is to use data to fuel your creative efforts, post timely and consistently and take advantage of new trends.

Most importantly, stay true to your brand voice and always be authentic. You’ll only drive away customers with repetitive and pretentious content. If you want to stand out from the noise, you need to be unique.

If you’re wondering how to use data and analytics to create amazing content customers love to watch and share, check out our complete guide to Instagram marketing.

How to go viral on Instagram FAQs

How many views makes a video viral on Instagram?

Instagram videos with more than 100,000 views are considered to be viral. However, that number largely varies depending on your specific goals, audience and industry benchmarks.

How many likes does it take to go viral on Instagram?

Instagram posts with 100,000+ likes are considered to be viral. But your definition of ‘viral’ could be different based on your industry, goals and number of followers.

How do I make my IG Reel go viral?

Create viral Instagram Reels by using trending music, text captions, hashtags and custom Reel covers. Additionally, publish your IG Reel at peak activity hours, share it on your feed and stories and capture audience attention in the first few seconds with an enticing hook.

What is the best time to post on Instagram?

The best times to post on Instagram are on Monday at 11 a.m., Tuesday and Wednesday between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. However, this can vary based on your specific industry and audience.

How many views is viral?

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19. 06.2022

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It’s estimated that over 500 hours of video content are uploaded every minute on YouTube alone. And if you consider the number of other video-sharing platforms, it quickly becomes obvious that the sheer volume of new uploads is impossible for any single user to follow. Users tend to stick to their own, perfectly curated information bubbles, consuming content they are interested in. The more they watch, the better the algorithms understand their taste to offer further content in a particular category. Yet, some videos can successfully cross these boundaries and reach huge audiences, generating millions of views in days or even hours. These are the so-called viral videos. But what qualifies as a viral video? How many views is viral? What makes a video go viral?

What does it mean for a video to “go viral”?

Going viral is an online phenomenon that any active Internet user is most likely already familiar with, at least to some extent. When the word viral is used to describe a video, it doesn’t refer to the type of content but rather to the way in which it gains popularity. A video goes viral by quickly amassing millions of views due to social media users sharing it with their friends and/or followers. And the more people share, the higher the number of views.

How do viral videos spread?

In short, a viral video is a video spread by users who share and like it, thus increasing its number of views and making it reach viewers outside the original target audience group. Due to the fact that sharing is a key element of creating viral content, it’s mainly encountered within the world of social media.

How far can a viral video go in terms of social media reach?

When you manage to make your video go viral, there are really no limits as to how many people can actually watch it. A sensible assumption would be that the potential audience could even consist of as many people as there are users of a particular platform. This is, of course, only a theoretical scenario, but still, it’s not exactly accurate because viral posts and videos tend to travel between different social media platforms. Once a video becomes popular on TikTok or Facebook, it’s only a matter of time before it makes its way to YouTube and Instagram as well.

Can any video go viral?

Well, yes and no. Basically, in theory, any type of video content (ads, music videos, comedy sketches, funny pet videos, or even accidental recordings of unusual and surprising situations, etc.) can go viral, but not just any video will actually end up being an Internet sensation. To achieve this status, it needs to be eye-catching or engaging or surprising or innovative, or, even better, all of the above at once. Only a video that people WANT to share has the potential to go viral. More often than not, it happens out of the blue - even for the author of such content. That’s why it’s rather difficult to plan a video marketing campaign around the idea of going viral. Virality is unpredictable in its nature, so while you can help your luck by creating unique and shareable videos, a bit of luck and good timing seem to be among the essential ingredients.

Do you dream about going viral? Do you want to make an astonishing animated video? Contact us!

How many views on a video is considered viral?

Just like the ever-changing Internet environment itself, the concept of viral status is very fluid and flexible. There are no strict rules on how many views give you the right to boast having a viral Internet video among your uploads. Reaching a million views used to be considered an important milestone. And while it’s nothing to scoff at, as such content will surely attract more people and boost your visibility online, it may no longer be enough.

Why? Because due to a growing number of Internet and social media users, while still a big achievement, reaching that mythical million is no longer as much of a challenge. There are simply too many videos with that many views to make them all stand out. It’s safe to assume that currently, it’s better to aim at gaining at least 5 million views to reap the benefits of going viral. So, to answer the question of how many views is viral - there is no simple answer here. In reality, not all viral videos are created equal, so the more views you get, the better.

Of course, in this context, we’re not talking about accumulating millions of views throughout 5 or 10 years. The most popular viral videos can get to that number within days!

How many likes is considered viral?

Even though we often focus on the number of views, millions of views are not enough to make a video viral. There is one more essential requirement - engagement. Popular artists can get millions of people to watch their music videos simply due to their popularity. When it comes to viral videos, on the other hand, it’s not so much about the popularity of the creator (although it certainly doesn’t hurt your chances), but rather about the way in which viewers interact with the content. Likes, shares, and comments are all integral parts of the process of going viral.

However, you should keep in mind that the bar for achieving viral status can vary between different social media platforms. For example, to go viral on Instagram, you need more than 100,000 likes and views. In general, engagement tends to follow viewers quite naturally, which means that the simple rule stating that the bigger the audience, the more comments and likes usually holds true.

Is going viral always good?

OK, so far, it appears that going viral is the ultimate goal and the benefits are almost limitless. But is this really the case? Well, if you purposefully produce your video with the hope it goes viral, and it does, your work pays off. If you create great content and it goes viral, you get all the benefits as well. Unfortunately, viral videos do not always show positive content. Even excluding content of a political and social nature, negative viral content can bring a lot of unwanted attention to businesses as well. There are examples of videos talking about bad customer experiences, faulty products, and employees’ dissatisfaction with work conditions or treatment that can seriously harm a company’s reputation.

In short, thanks to going viral with a video you want to promote, you can go from being relatively unknown to becoming a worldwide Internet sensation basically overnight. The exact results can vary depending on the type of message in your video, but many businesses try to use this opportunity to gain a lot more than new followers. Introducing your brand and products to so many people often leads to significant financial gains. There are many examples of products that were sold out within hours simply because they appeared in a viral video.

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where to look and improve metrics

The article says:

  1. Instagram Reels Options
  2. Who can access Reels statistics on Instagram
  3. Where to view statistics
  4. Main Reels Metrics on Instagram
  5. What Reels statistics depend on
  6. 12 Tips to Increase Reels Instagram Reach
  7. Typical beginner mistakes
  8. Take the test and find out which field suits you:
    IT, design or marketing.

    Free from Geekbrains

Reels statistics on Instagram shows which videos your audience liked and which, on the contrary, they didn't like. This is a great tracking tool. If you constantly analyze the metrics, you will be more likely to gain new subscribers, which means expanding your target audience.

Surprisingly, some don't even know where to look for Reels statistics. As a rule, these are those social network users who just started posting short videos just yesterday. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s a start. We will show you several ways to see the main video metrics on Instagram, as well as share the secrets of increasing the reach of these shortest videos. nine0005

Instagram is an organization whose activities are recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Reels settings on Instagram

Reels is a feature available on the Instagram social network that allows you to post short videos (up to one minute long). Reels of any account are available to all users of the social network. With the help of such videos, you can ensure an organic increase in reach and increase the number of subscribers.

Requirements for Instagram Reels:

  • Rolls must be vertical 9:16
  • Instagram Reels can last from 0.1 seconds to one minute
  • Video must be 600 x 1067 or 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Videos cannot be uploaded in 4K

The average Instagram user watches Reels for fun, but from a business point of view, this is an effective promotional tool to attract new customers. Using Reels, you can increase the sales of services and goods. nine0005

Who can access Reels statistics on Instagram

As soon as the Reels feature became available to Instagram account holders, everyone noted the effectiveness of this tool. At the same time, as in any kind of content, you need to be careful about metrics.

Reels Instagram statistics can only be viewed on the mobile app.

Who can access Reels statistics on Instagram

To get access to statistical data, you need to register an author or business account. At the same time, if the user has recently switched to such accounts, then he will not get access to Reels statistics on Instagram. In addition, after switching to a normal personal status, all statistics are reset to zero. nine0005

Access to Reels metrics is only available for videos published after May 14, 2021.

Another interesting point to note in Facebook's help is that due to privacy settings, certain statistics will not be available to companies from Europe and Japan. There is no direct reference to Reels here, but there is every reason to believe that this will also affect the metrics for such videos. Perhaps, just as with stories, access to statistics on reposts will be closed. nine0005

Where to view statistics

Let's look at two ways to view Reels statistics on Instagram. You can do this using the video menu directly, or the account statistics tab.

To view the statistics of your video, click on the three dots in the menu on the right.

In the second option, using the account metric to view statistics on Reels, you need to go to the category "Content you have published. " First you need to select a time interval (thanks to the new Instagram update, it is now possible to set user parameters). Then go to the Reels section. You can sort videos from newest to oldest or in reverse order. Specify the metric you want to study and again the period. nine0005

Just like the Stories and IGTV categories, the Reels format has a separate place in the overall account metric. Next, let's look at all the calculations in more detail to find out how the Reels statistics on Instagram differ.

The main Reels metrics on Instagram

Reels statistics are divided into two types: reach and engagement. What the data from each group means:

  • The reach metric shows the number of unique users who viewed a particular video. nine0008
  • Views shows how many times the video has been viewed.
  • Interaction statistics show the number of likes that Reels have given to Instagram.

Let's note one curious moment. If you wish, you can hide the metric by the number of views and likes in the publication feed (this function is available to every user of the social network). At the same time, if you go to the Reels tab on Instagram, then the video statistics will still be open to all users in the context:

  • Comments - their number under the video.
  • shares are relatively new metrics when you compare Reels to stories sections, IGTV or feed posts. It can be noted that the algorithms used for Reels on Instagram are the same as in TikTok.
  • Save statistics . Just like for posts, data on the number of saves is available for Reels.

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Instagram's general statistics section provides access to data on the number of likes, saves and comments. This metric is called Reels Video Interactions. If we look at the statistics for individual Reels, then we will not find the data of the general metric here.

What Reels statistics depend on

Reels viewing offers from the system work on the principle of the "Interesting" section. Here are materials from new accounts (that is, not from those that you are subscribed to). The system automatically selects content that can attract the user's attention depending on their interests, and arranges it, guided by the most likely behavioral habits. Then there is an analysis whether the video will be viewed in full and what actions the user can take after that. nine0005 What Reels statistics depend on

The algorithm works based on a number of additional criteria that also affect Reels statistics on Instagram:

  1. Information about the author and his popularity rating.
  2. Description of the video, general popularity indicators, video resolution, number of frames, musical composition used in Reels.
  3. Statistics of user interactions with Reels by different authors.
  4. The level of activity of the user on Instagram. nine0008

The last criterion is considered the most important. The system analyzes what and how account holders view. This point should be taken into account by anyone who seeks to be present in the recommendations and Reels.

12 tips to increase your Reels Instagram reach

  • You must have an open profile

First you need to prepare your profile. It should be open to all users of the social network. If this is not the case, your page will become available only to subscribers. No one else will be able to view your photos and videos. You can only get recommended with your content if your profile is public. nine0005

How can this be done? Only in Instagram settings. You need to go to the "Privacy" section. Further in the section "Account and privacy" you will find the item - "Closed account". You need to disable this feature. Only after you carry out this operation, your account will begin to grow. Exactly in the same way as the Reels algorithms will start to work better.

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  • Creating an interesting cover

Both the visual component of your page and the number of interested users depend on this element. It is very important that your cover draws attention. You can choose it from an excerpt from any video or from the available photos in your gallery. If this is the case, you will be more likely to be recommended by Reels. Beautiful and high-quality pictures arouse greater interest of the audience.

  • Use hashtags

The hashtag is usually used as a separate type of search for information on a specific topic. It is best to use low-frequency phrases. The optimal number of hashtags is about 3-5 words under one video. When tagging videos with certain words, make sure that there are about 300,000 publications in the subject. This way they work more efficiently, do not get lost in the feed, and are more likely to be included in the list of popular ones. nine0005

  • Music selection

When choosing the music for your video, pay attention to popular artists. Trending songs and sounds increase audience engagement. They will provide additional interaction with the content, users will share your video with friends. It is recommended to use separate excerpts from the compositions. They will make your videos stand out. However, it is not yet known whether the policy of the social network pays special attention to this. nine0005

  • Announcement of publication of new commercials

Reach will increase if you notify your audience about a new video. What do I need to do? These are a couple of simple steps:

  • First, you need to add a video to your story with a specific caption.
  • Second, ask your friends to do the same on their page.

After that, interaction will also increase, users will follow the link. Higher chance of getting into the top and recommendations. nine0005

  • Match effects

This item works in the same way as using trend music for Reels. It is necessary to create videos with popular effects and novelties to improve Reels statistics on Instagram. Unfortunately, there are not many features and effects in the application yet. But such videos definitely gain more views. The main thing is to be aware of all the new products and shoot on time.

12 Tips for Increasing Reels Instagram Reach

There are other ways to grab attention too:

  • Filters.
  • AR masks.
  • Slow motion video.
  • Effects before/after.
  • Attracting the target audience

Reels statistics on Instagram grows with the number of followers. For this, a useful function is available to attract them. The mechanisms are designed so that your profile can be recommended to people who do not follow you yet. To do this, your page must be similar to the interests of these users. End of form

A target audience is a group of people who will be interested in certain content.

Your content will not be shown to a potential target group if it is simply not interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to shoot non-ordinary entertaining videos that do not carry any useful information. Your videos should be useful or interesting to the subscriber. Recommendation settings also make your video relevant to specific users based on their interests.

  • Publication timing

There are established certain days when it is better to share new material. Those days are Wednesday and Thursday. In the middle of the week, activity usually increases. And on the weekends, when people have a rest, the interaction, on the contrary, subsides. It's not just like that. There are reasons for this: work schedule, employment, etc.

It cannot be said that the time of publication directly affects coverage. But it is clear that on certain days and hours user activity is higher than usual. The priority is to share new content at the time of activity. nine0005

These hours are between 15:00 and 18:00. These trends can be traced not the first year in the open spaces of social networks. But for a better understanding of this mechanism, you need to study the target audience. It is necessary to identify the time of its active interaction with the page. Maybe she has her own characteristics.

  • Unique content

Instagram algorithms are tuned only to interesting and unique content. The application policy decided to ignore reuploaded videos. Also, content that has watermarks or other images from other social networks will not be promoted. You can take ideas and follow trends anywhere and create your own quality material from this. This will work much better and attract more followers. nine0005

  • Trending and virality

We found out that in order to increase the statistics it is necessary to follow the trends. In addition, you can also set your own - come up with viral videos that will begin to gain followers. This is something of their own, something that no one has filmed yet. This is a little trick that will help increase your reach. Usually such videos quickly scatter on the Web. Of course, certain interactions with your video also increase activity:

  • Use the share function with friends.
  • Comments.
  • Revisions.
  • Motivation

You need to communicate with your audience: inform about new videos, ask them to share, put likes and comments. There are many options for audience engagement. For example, ask subscribers for advice, ask them to share their opinions in the comments, come up with tests, polls and games for knowledge of the material. All this will also increase the subscriber's interest in communicating with you. nine0005

  • Clip duration and format

Not only uniqueness affects reach, but also the format over time of the video. It is important to focus the viewer on high-quality interaction with the material. You should strive to ensure that your video is viewed more than once. To do this, you need to engage the viewer.

There is no clear time limit for the video yet. There are several opinions. Some believe that 15-second clips fly in better, others that the video should be longer to engage the viewer. nine0005

It doesn't matter how long the video is, as long as you watch it to the end. Keep the intrigue, story or informational message throughout the video. The viewer should not be tempted to scroll through your video.

Typical beginner mistakes

For the most part, all these tips are similar to the information for the "Interesting" section. No need to share material that could harm, upset, offend or offend anyone. Such are the scenes of fights, accidents and others. These videos are perceived too emotionally and hard by the audience. With a low degree of probability, a video about smoking will receive large coverage. nine0005 Typical mistakes of beginners

The social network also has a function to block artificial Reels statistics cheats on Instagram. If fraudulent actions to get likes are noticed by the management, then the reach will decrease. There are many rules and requirements of the management on the network, but they must be studied and not violated. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

In a number of common manual violations, there are such as:

  1. Low resolution. nine0008
  2. Presence of watermarks.
  3. Consideration of political issues.

Most of the violation detection mechanisms work automatically, but complaints and user feedback are also taken into account. From time to time, the mechanisms provide an opportunity to evaluate the materials: whether the video was entertaining or funny. Often, such surveys are conducted with small and not very popular authors.

Thus, we have collected several important points:

  • Your content should be entertaining, kind and soothing.
  • Most of the commercials simply illustrate attractive moments in people's lives.
  • Creating psychological trends will allow you to show life as if from the outside.
  • Travel featured in Reels is gaining a lot of coverage. This is especially important and popular at present among the audience.
  • Even city streets, correctly and beautifully filmed, will help to attract the attention of thousands of spectators. nine0008
  • The popular "finger-snap" effect responds well to views. The author performs an action corresponding to the title, and there is a sharp change of frames. The essence of the video in high-quality editing. It is necessary to make transitions as imperceptible as possible.
  • Using effects is good, but don't go overboard with them. It is better to choose one thing each time, and then see what the result is.
  • Transitions are not that difficult. This is just a technical part that does not scare ordinary users. nine0008
  • It is necessary to use different ways of interacting with subscribers: use games, polls and reasoning for engagement.

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Instagram* Reels have become the ideal format for viral content - reach and engagement statistics.

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July 26, 15:05

SocialInsider analyzed 352,612 videos and found that the average Instagram Reels reach rate in 2022 is 20.59% and the average engagement rate is 1.95%. nine0005



1. Reels average engagement rate — 1.95%

Replicating the success of Instagram* Stories in the past, Instagram* Reels quickly won people's hearts and spread massively in the feed.

In 2022, Instagram* Reels averaged an engagement rate of 1.95%, at least double that of other post types.

At the same time, the peak of engagement occurred at the launch of the format. Recently, there has been talk of a steady decline in activity on Instagram*, and Instagram* Reels statistics only confirm this trend. If a year ago, Instagram* Reels had an average engagement rate of 2.41%, today it has dropped to 1.9five%. A drop in engagement is also observed in other types of publications, however, unlike them, Instagram Reels has a rather high probability of an increase in the average level of engagement.

There are many factors that influence the success and engagement potential of Instagram* Reels. One of them, for example, is the account size:

  • Instagram Reels in accounts with less than 5,000 followers have the highest engagement rates - up to 2.79 on average%;

  • in accounts with 5-10 thousand subscribers - 3.72%;

  • in accounts with 10-50 thousand subscribers - 2.24%;

  • in accounts with 50-100 thousand subscribers - 1.51%.

The largest accounts get (overall) the highest engagement rates, up to 1.38% for Instagram Reels. nine0005

The top effective formats on Instagram these days look something like this: Instagram* Reels leads in terms of engagement, carousels are in second place. At the same time, regular videos take the third place, and photos take the last place.

2. Instagram* Reel average views in 2022 is 2.


When comparing Instagram* Reels views to regular videos on Instagram*, Reels leads by a wide margin, with regular videos having an average view rate of 1.74% and Instagram* Reels averaging 2.54%. nine0372

Important: Although improvising when creating videos can lead to great engagement, a long-term strategy with adjustments and optimizations on the go works best.

3. Instagram* Reels is the ideal format for viral content due to its incredible reach rates

The reach of Instagram* Reels is far superior to other types of posts, especially when it comes to smaller accounts. nine0372

The average Instagram Reels reach rate in 2022 is 20.59%.

If we analyze in terms of account sizes, then: