How many times can you get reported on instagram

How Many Reports Are Needed To Delete An Instagram Account 2021

Instagram is an app that has grown from its little beginnings to a major social media tool that has worldwide coverage.

The app evolved from just a basic photo-sharing app to a tool that has become such a staple in so many individuals’ lives. There are people who even make their daily source of income from the app due to the role of influencing.

In almost every country in the world, there is definitely a large population of users that are regular users of the app.


How Many Reports Are Needed To Delete an Instagram Account

How Many Reports Are Needed To Delete an Instagram Account

The impact this level of publicity has on the app is that there is a very large possibility at one point or the other, you would stumble or have an interaction with a fellow user that has zero respect for the typical Instagram rules that users are meant to follow on the app.

Sometimes the effect such behavior would have on you would be so minimal it could even be overlooked, and then at other times, the behavior of such a user could be so triggering that all you would wish for is that their account should just get deleted.

This way, they would be off the app for good, and you would have your serenity and peace of mind again.

The only crux to this whole nasty situation is that getting an account deleted is never as straightforward as you might think. Of course, if the activity of such an individual is so triggering to you, there is always an option that allows you to block such a person instantly.

Once you have blocked the person, you would be totally protected from stumbling upon such unwanted content.

But there are people who would not be comfortable with the fact that such content is still roaming around the app and would want to ensure the actual source of the negative content is fished out and stopped completely.

If you fall under this category, you would have to realize that the closest way to achieving your goal would be to report the account, but you would still have to keep an open mind when you are performing this action.

This is mostly because the fact that you reported an account does not automatically mean that account would get deleted.

There are various factors that influence and support the deletion of an Instagram account, and they would all be later explained in this article.

It could also help your cause if you could get other users with the same ideals as you to report the account. It would definitely make a difference if more reports were made on the offending accounts than if you were the only one reporting the account.

And that would then bring us to the unsaid question, how many reports are needed to delete an Instagram account?

Typically this is a question that is usually asked by people who have suffered some form of harassment on Instagram or have come across some very weird or strange unwanted content in their feed.

This type of intrusion usually makes users wonder what action they could take that would lead to the source of that discomfort being closed up completely.

It sometimes becomes very important to the user to get this issue sorted out as soon as possible, especially when such an occurrence becomes frequent.

Then sometimes, users also wonder what would happen if a random number of other users started reporting their account, perhaps for the wrong reason.

They would wonder if their account would just get deleted just like that without proper research or investigation and if it would just be based on the whole number of complaints that have been made.

The first misconception that I would love to clarify is the popular notion that the amount of reports an account gets is directly proportional to the chances of the account getting deleted. This is a very wrong and false belief.

The thing is, when careful thought is put into this issue, one would definitely expect that the number of reports an account gets would play a significant role in getting the account deleted.

But the thing is beyond the number of reports; much more significance is placed on the motive of the reports.

The best way I can explain this phenomenon is to iterate that Instagram is more likely to delete an account based on the gravity of the offense an account committed rather than because of the number of accounts reporting this other account.

Instagram does not base its algorithm on the number of complaints when they finally decide they want to close an account. Instagram as a platform has its policies that you must learn to accept.

In the rise of any violations, Instagram can decide to block any account without really needing to notify the user in advance at all.

When you want to make a report to a profile, you would need to analyze the violation, and then the social network team can then start to establish whether the report is true or not.

After this has been ascertained, they can then start to deliberate on whether the error is serious or extremely serious. The moment the whole step is carried out ends up as a very serious issue; Instagram would delete the account without further investigations.

But at the end of the day, Instagram itself is a business for its owners, so therefore the main aim is to attract and gain more users.

They would not want to lose clients or users, which would explain the reason why they are usually kind of passive on deleting accounts at times unless they get a really serious complaint.

The fact is that there are times that Instagram would delete an account just because of three or four reports from various accounts due to the impact of the reason given for reporting the account.

The only effect that a large number of reports have is that it speeds up the immediacy of reviewing the complaints.

So, what exactly are the reasons that could lead to Instagram closing an account? There are various actions that Instagram would regard as infractions on their policies, and some of them are:

  • Threats: You must stay away from threatening other Instagram users on the platform, whether through comments or even the private chatting medium. This type of behavior goes against the app’s policies. If a user reports an account for threatening them or even another user, with just enough evidence, the erring account could be deleted.
  • Abuse: You must avoid all manner of verbal violence if you do not want issues with Instagram. The app is strongly against harassment, insults, or intimidation either in the comment section or even in private chats. All behavior of that nature is strongly frowned upon.
  • Spam: Instagram does not take kindly to spam content. In fact, it is one of the major reasons users get in trouble with Instagram, because they post spam content unknowingly at times. Repetitive comments in which products or services are offered, links are requested, or links are pasted; all these types of content are regarded as spam. There are strict punishments put in place regarding spam content, and sometimes it could lead to the erring account getting deleted.
  • Copyright: A lot of pictures and videos and even audio content all over the internet are usually copyrighted. Sometimes, even though the content is copyrighted and you go-ahead to use it, you might not get into trouble. But the dangerous thing is that the moment your account is reported, your account would get deleted. So it is very sound advice to make sure that anything you publish on the app is copyright-free to avoid unforeseen problems.
  • Posting sensitive content of another person: When you are using Instagram, you are not allowed to post private information of another user on your page. The type of information that is meant here could be things like telephone numbers, card numbers, postal addresses, identity documents, among others. They are things that are meant to be kept personal, and if you disclose it and the owner of such details reports your account, there is a very high possibility that your account could be deleted.
  • Animal violence: Instagram does not accommodate content that depicts the graphic suffering of animals. It is a platform that is animal friendly and encourages humane treatment of all animals, so if your post flouts this rule and it is noticed by Instagram, or you get reported for your content, your account would be deleted immediately.
  • Usernames: On the Instagram app, you are not allowed to make use of the Instagram name to include it in your URL or even your username unless you have gotten written consent from Instagram itself. You will encounter a lot of problems if you decide to flout this rule and you go-ahead to use their brand name without express permission; in fact, your account could very well get deleted.
  • Violent content: Instagram does not allow its users to post anything that has to do with violence on the app. Whenever a post is made that contains or depicts scenes that are too gory, sometimes Instagram might just take the post down. But if the user has a track record of posting things like that, then they might just delete the whole page altogether. An account that posts recorded videos of scenes like rape, murder, or abuse of any sort would definitely get deleted at some point once it is noticed and reported.
  • Content for 18+: Any type of content that is related to pornography in any way is not allowed on Instagram. It doesn’t matter whether it is in picture form or videos. If an account posts content that depicts pornography, and it is reported or noticed, then such an account would be deleted immediately. The idea is to create a space that even older kids can use for socialization, and as such, adult content is highly frowned upon. There is a laxity when it comes to some level of pictorial bodily exposure, but still, there is a limit.
  • Racism: If a user posts videos or pictures that blatantly prove that he or she is in support of racism and these videos or pictures are reported, the posts would be taken down, and the account would be deleted for good. Instagram does not support racism or any act that tends towards it, and they are very strict about their response to those types of actions.
  • Discrimination: Instagram boldly stands against discrimination of any sort. It does not support or allow the posting of content that promotes topics like homophobia, colorism, and other topics that show discrimination. The type or forms of media these posts come in do not matter at all. It could be photos or videos or even written comments under other people’s posts. The moment anything of the sort is noticed, and it is reported, the account would be taken down. The platform aims to create a safe space for everyone, so Instagram would readily take down posts and even delete an account that actively participates in discrimination of any group of people.
  • Identity fraud: Instagram does not take kindly to people claiming to be who they are not. It does not even matter if the identity that is faked is that of a celebrity or even a regular joe or sue. The whole aim of the platform is for people to be able to socialize with genuine users. So once an account has been caught shifting this balance by stealing identities, the immediate response would be to delete the account once and for all. Why this particular offense is very important to Instagram is because people that commit this type of offense are usually fraudulent people. The whole aim of creating a fake account or stealing people’s identities is always to deceive people and get away with their cash or properties.

What can you do to get an Instagram account closed

If you notice an account that is actively participating in any of the activities that have been listed above, then it is perfectly fine if you wish to report such an account. You would have to follow the steps that would soon be explained if you want to report the said account.

How to get Instagram to close an account

  • Ensure you do not change the texts: If you want to make sure that your complaint is regarded as legit and is taken seriously, you have to make sure you do not modify any conversations you wish to submit as evidence that you have had with the erring account. If you try to prove smart and you go ahead to tamper with conversations you want to use as evidence, Instagram would eventually find out, and it would only stand to discredit you.
  • Express yourself articulately: You have to prepare your mind that you would be asked a few questions to expatiate on the reasons for your complaint. At this juncture, you would really need to calm down and explain everything you are asked as clearly and precisely as possible. This is very important. The language you speak does not matter, but whatever language you decide to express yourself in, you must ensure you have a proper command of the language and that you are grammatically correct.
  • Understand the offense you are reporting: If the owner of an account offends you or steps on your toes, you might be tempted to just go ahead and report his or her account. But in the real sense of it, this effort would be futile if the said account has not actually committed any offense that violates Instagram policies. So anytime you want to report an account, you must ensure the account in question has actually violated at least one of the rules I mentioned earlier in the article.
  • Do not doubt the efficacy of screenshots: It is one thing to report an account, and all you have as proof is a word of your mouth. It is another thing to report an account, and you actually have hard, legit proof in the form of screenshots. There are times you would want to report an account, and Instagram would need you to provide some sort of evidence, and other times, it would not be necessary. This request is usually made based on the type of violation you are reporting. Either way, it is always a good idea to have your evidence ready to use.

How can you report an Instagram account correctly?

Now that you know what exactly a user has to do wrong in order to be in violation of Instagram’s rules and you also know what exactly you need to do to get an account closed.

The final thing you would need to know is how you can report an Instagram account correctly.

The first thing you would need to know is your reason. You have to decide on why exactly you want to report the said account and be comfortable and confident in your choice.

Once you have made your decision, then you can proceed to report the account.

You would see three different options on your screen:

  • Block this User: This option is basically to protect you from the erring account. Obviously, with this method, there would be absolutely nothing that would happen to the account in question.
    The owner of the account would be able to continue using their account as though nothing happened. They would be able to post and interact with other users as normal.
    The only difference is that the account in question would not have access to you anymore, and you would also not be able to see their posts too.
  • Restriction: The whole aim of this feature is to give a user that is feeling uncomfortable their privacy without having to get confrontational. When you block an account on Instagram, there is a high chance that the owner of the account you blocked would find out, and it could lead to a lot of unexpected altercations.
    But the moment you restrict an account, you and your followers would not see the comments or interactions of the said account, and yet they would still be able to react to your posts as usual. This would create the illusion that they still have access to your account as normal.
  • Report user: This is the option you are meant to choose if your aim is to go down the reported road. Every other thing you would need to know to report the account successfully has already been discussed in the article, and all you need to do is just to ensure you follow everything step by step.


Tags: How can you report an Instagram account correctly, How to get Instagram to close an account


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how many reports to delete instagram account

InstagramAbdul Kareem · September 16, 2022 ·

how many reports to delete instagram account

How do I delete my Instagram account with 100 reports? Or with one report? You might wonder how many Instagram reports it takes to get your account deleted. The truth is that Instagram does not specify how many reports it takes to delete an account, but some users say it’s 50 and others say it’s 100 There’s no way to know for sure since the company won’t confirm or deny anything about the number of reports that result in an account being deleted or disabled.

How Many Reports to Delete Instagram Account?

The more it takes before an Instagram page gets deleted depends on a lot of factors. If you’re reporting something that is in clear violation of Instagram’s Community Guidelines, such as spam or pornography, and they find it credible, it could get taken down right away. But if you report something else – like harassment or bullying – it may take longer for Instagram to check into it and eventually remove those photos or accounts. It’s very important to make sure that your reasons for reporting have weight. If not, then your request will likely be ignored or closed out by people who don’t see a problem with what you reported.

How to Report an Instagram Account and get it Deleted

The next way to report an Instagram account is for fake and spam Instagram accounts. If you have seen fake Instagram accounts that use names, photos, videos, and information similar to yours. So, you must immediately report the account so that it is deleted or banned by Instagram.

Tutorial on How to Report an Instagram Account to be deleted:

  1. Visit the profile of the Instagram account that you want to report.
  2. Please tap the dot icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Then select the option Report.
  4. If indeed the IG account is fake, select the option This is inappropriate.
  5. Select I believe that this account violates Instagram community guidelines.
  6. Select the Report account.
  7. Then select This profile pretending to be someone else.
  8. If the fake IG account is faking yourself, select Me.

Then wait for Instagram to check your report on the IG account. This method is quite effective for reporting Instagram accounts such as online shop scams and fake accounts.

How many reports are needed to shut down an account

Well, It’s a Matter Of Time, More than 10 reports are enough but You Have to wait until the reports are processed. In Some Cases, It Took 24 hours or less But Some times it took 2 or 3 days. Sometimes, it’s just one authentic request with proper requisites that could delete the Facebook page.

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Does Instagram delete accounts that are reported?

Once Instagram’s staff review your report, they will decide whether the account should be deleted or not. … But it can take quite a while for Instagram to review your report. Also, they might decide that the account that you’ve reported isn’t inactive and that it shouldn’t be deleted.

What happens to an Instagram account when you report it?

Instagram often fails to follow through on real reports, so if there’s nothing inappropriate it likely won’t do anything to the account your reported. Reporting does often result in your account blocking the account you reported. Learn how to unblock on Instagram here if you want to follow that person again.

How many reports does it take before you are banned from Instagram?

This is a question most Instagram users ask themselves when they receive an automated message from Instagram saying that one of their posts or stories has been removed and could result in your account being banned. Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide any information about how many reports will result in a ban or even how it determines what content violates their community guidelines. However, there are some patterns we can discern about which content gets reported more than others and who is doing the reporting.

Deleting Instagram Account Permanently – Does It Work?

If you are thinking about permanently deleting your Instagram account, you probably want to know if it will actually work. There is no standard answer for all users and there are a few things that determine whether or not you’ll be able to delete your Instagram account. In most cases, only popular social media accounts that have thousands of followers can be deleted permanently.

What happens if your Instagram account is suspended?

If you have a suspended account, this is the form you have to fill to take your request to Instagram. For instance, the form to report identity theft (an option that you shouldn’t dismiss altogether, for Instagram does suspend accounts that have endured too many failed login attempts).


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Abdul Kareem

My passion is technology and social networks, I research and document the latest news and tricks from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any social network so that you are aware of their latest developments. I know the digital world in depth and write the best detailed step-by-step guides for you to learn something new every day.

How many complaints it takes to block a page on Instagram: how to report scammers

Users often send a request to the network how many complaints it takes to block a page on Instagram. The request becomes relevant when people violate the rules of the social network. Each registered Instagram profile can express its own position and file a complaint for violations.

After each complaint, the Instagram administration conducts inspections, during which it identifies violations. We will analyze all the methods for sending complaints and how many complaints are needed to block an Instagram account. We will also describe all the penalties for violating the community rules.


  1. What to report
  2. Photo complaints
  3. Copyright infringement
  4. Profile hacked, what to do
  5. How to get your profile permanently banned
  6. What will be 90 enough to send a message 90 blocking
  7. Revocation of notification
  8. What happens after a complaint about a page
  9. Complaints about fraudulent schemes
  10. Video review:

What to complain about

There are many reasons for other users to complain:

  • Content that is against the policy of the social network. For example, erotic photos, violence.
  • Publication of obscene expressions, insults, threats to life and health.
  • Constant spam mailings from business pages. Offers of free goods and participation in suspicious financial transactions including.
  • Fraud and registration of fakes.
  • Copyright infringement, adding other people's pictures and videos without the consent of the owners.

Without objective reasons for blocking, the administration will not consider user complaints. In such cases, there is a way out - to prohibit the objectionable profile from viewing your records:

  • Launch the social network and log in.
  • Go to the main page of the ill-wisher's profile and open the settings.
  • Click on the blocking item. Since then, the account owner has been blacklisted and can no longer see the content of your page.

Photo complaints

Now let's talk about how to complain to Instagram for photos:

  • Open a social network. Find an objectionable photo that clearly shows violations of the ethics of the official application.
  • Click the settings icon in the corner of the photo.
  • Select the Complain option. After clicking, a window opens with the reasons for the complaint. Click on "This is spam" if the photo is promotional. Once you submit your request, you won't have to provide proof.
  • Also in the window there is an input line where you can write the reason for the complaint in English. The request will go to the support team and will be waiting for processing.

Copyright infringement

We have analyzed the algorithm for compiling a petition for infringement on a photo. A similar method to report violations is to send a violation report to the entire profile. Let's take a closer look at how to complain about a page on Instagram:

  • Open the offender's profile and go to the settings.
  • A window will open, where you also click "Complain". Select the appropriate reason.

Don't forget that you should justify your request before sending it. The management of the social network will not block profiles unreasonably. Serious checks are applied to each infringer.

Hacked profile, what to do

If you are sure that your page has been hacked, then change your password immediately. There is a chance that scammers will lose access this way. If you can’t log in to Instagram after a hack, then click on the authorization help item. It is located at the bottom of the screen under the inscription "Login". An instruction will open, following which you will restore access.

It's easier to report a profile when the scammers haven't taken access to the page yet. Follow the instructions explaining how to report scammers on Instagram:

  • Open the settings and go to the "System" option.
  • Click on "Report a problem".
  • Click on the appropriate notification reason or enter text explaining the reason for contacting support.
  • Confirm the action and wait for a response from the administration by mail.

How to get a profile permanently banned

An unconditional ban can happen for several reasons. One of them is constant spam. Before the page is completely deleted, all messages are filtered by a special module and Direct. Users have the right to complain several times, so advertisers will be permanently blocked. How to report a page on Instagram to be permanently blocked through comments:

  • Open the comments on the post.
  • Click on a replica containing spam, then a small "Selected" message will be displayed. Click on the icon that appears and explain the reason for the complaint.

What happens after sending a message

If complaints are received constantly and from different people, Instagram employees check and take action. Sometimes it comes to completely blocking the page. The alignment is also likely when the administration notices plagiarism.

Fraud complaints are available to the person whose data is used by the scammers themselves. When complaining about copyright, you need to provide evidence that you are the owner of the profile. In some cases, the administration requires a passport or other identification. Following the rules of Instagram, you will quickly restore order and return the profile.

Let's analyze in detail how many complaints it takes to block a page on Instagram. With a good reason, one comment from users is enough. Moderators will conduct checks and identify violations by blocking the profile permanently or temporarily. If the page slightly deviates from the rules of the social network, then the management temporarily blocks the page until the reasons are clarified. The person from now on has no rights to:

  • Rating others.
  • Commenting on publications.
  • Profile subscriptions.
  • Communication in Direct messages.

The owner of the page blocked by the administration can wait a while. After a couple of days, the verdict of the moderators is contested. Challenge the blocking only when you are sure that the profile was hacked or was specifically blocked.

So how many complaints does it take to block Instagram? The average number of complaints sufficient for inspections is 10. However, in some situations, a couple of petitions are enough. The user receives a temporary ban after two comments and is waiting for verification. If you received a petition, then do nothing with the profile. If there are no violations on the page, then the ban will pass by itself. The standard lock is contested after five days. Thorough checks begin, according to the results of which the administration decides the fate of the account. If the blocking is carried out without reason, the profile will immediately return to its owner.

Cancel notification

Instagram complaint can be canceled by the person who sent it:

  • Log in to your email and create an email. Addressee - [email protected].
  • In the message, write the number of the sent petition, tell us that you want to withdraw the application.
  • Wait for confirmation from Instagram staff.

It is easier to withdraw a petition for infringing profiles than for others.

Also read: Why Instagram deletes a photo: a post is deleted after publication - 9 reasons0003

What happens after a complaint about a page

If petitions constantly come to the page, the moderators block it temporarily until the reasons are identified and without trial. Complete blocking mainly overtakes the owners of fake pages posing as other people. In order to challenge such a ban, you will need a passport photo. Sometimes identification is also required to apply. If the claim is filed in accordance with all the rules, then you will wait for a prompt resolution of the problem.

Complaints about fraudulent schemes

Let's take a closer look at how to complain about scammers on Instagram if they impersonate another person. In such situations, an official appeal to the moderator is drawn up and submitted personally. The verification request indicates that your photos are used in the profile. You can also ban profiles that use photos of your friends. It remains only to prove which page is real. Review all application rules and submit it for further verification.

The leaders of the social network warn that a complaint about a fake is not a reason for blocking. Such profiles are registered and carefully monitored. Official requests are accepted and pages get banned only in these situations:

  • The scammer's account is an exact copy of the applicant's page.
  • Account - a fake of commercial organizations, shops of owners.
  • Child page copied.

All claims are accepted and processed by employees. Blocking is carried out only if there is strong evidence of a violation. Requests to block a copied child profile are processed if the page owner is a minor.

We figured out how many complaints it takes to block a page on Instagram. There are many reasons for a ban now. If you find violations, please report them to the support team for investigation. Decisions made by mistake are not excluded. Often, Instagram crashes due to which accounts are deleted or access to them is closed. If you are sure that an error has occurred, then write a ticket to the support service.

Do not forget that Instagram is a large organization where all copyright infringements are served. Photos in profiles are protected from plagiarism and protected by all means. Do not use other people's photos, in order to avoid serious problems with the administration of the social network. Serious proceedings are possible in court with compensation for moral damage to account owners. You can send complaints to the pages, but here are the nicknames of those who complained about you, you will never know.

Video review:

Everything useful about Instagram

Complaints on Instagram are like weapons of mass destruction that can work "both ways. " Sometimes it turns out to block the profile of an objectionable person, and sometimes your account is blocked.

We figure out how many complaints it takes to block an account on Instagram, how they work in general and how to complain about scammers. At the end, Monstro gives advice to affiliates: what to do so that they cannot complain about you.

How Instagram complaints work

Meta, which includes Facebook and Instagram, has a lot of rules. Their execution is monitored by automatic algorithms, but they cannot keep track of everything. Therefore, Instagram created a function for sending complaints. You can complain both about the entire profile and about the content in it: publication in the feed, Reels or Stories.

The mechanisms that are triggered after a complaint is submitted depend on what the complaint is about and why. The most common scenario is when the complaint goes to the moderators. They consider it for several days, and then make a decision. In case of any serious violations, they can remove content that violates the rules of the social network, restrict access to some functions on the account or block it.

Other scenarios are also possible:

  1. Deletion of content. For example, when a complaint about illegal use of intellectual property is submitted, Instagram's algorithms immediately remove the controversial content and send a notification to the violator.
  2. Partial blocking of functions. When a person is suspected of a relatively serious violation, some of the functionality is blocked for him: for example, commenting or sending messages to Direct.
  3. Profile lock. In some cases, the entire account is blocked at once: other users cannot view the content, and the account owner cannot log into it.

The third outcome is the rarest and most difficult - you can try to challenge the blocking, but only if the person really did not violate anything.

A user who has been blocked due to user complaints sees such a notification when they try to log into their account

What can they complain about on Instagram

Instagram offers specific reasons for complaints about content and users. Accounts themselves can only be reported for three reasons:

  1. If a person posts content that does not belong on the social network.
  2. If he impersonates another person.
  3. If the account is a child under 13: Instagram rules prohibit children from registering.

In all cases, when sending a complaint, you will need to write in detail what exactly does not suit you. If you want to report a hack, you need to select "pass as another person" and write in the accompanying message that a scammer is using your profile.

This is what the user complaint process looks like

There are more formal reasons for reporting content. These are:

  1. Spam. You can complain if the user frequently mentions accounts or spams with tags.
  2. Fraud or deceit. For example, if someone deliberately misleads users of the social network.
  3. Banal rejection of content. If you do not like it, you can describe in detail the reasons - they will also be considered.
  4. False information. In the case of fakes spreading, Instagram promptly removes them after complaints.
  5. Hostile statements or symbols. Content that provokes hatred or infringes on someone's rights is considered unsafe on Instagram. It is removed almost immediately after complaints are received.
  6. Violation of intellectual property rights. For example, if someone took an author's photo from your profile and published it on their site.
  7. Violence or dangerous organizations. Any content with a demonstration of violence is also contrary to the rules of the site.
  8. Bullying or persecution. If someone decides to engage in cyberbullying and calls for some kind of action against another person, this post will be taken down.
  9. Sale of illegal goods. Here - the sale of goods subject to regulation: for example, tobacco and alcohol.
  10. Suicide or self-mutilation. Another reason for the complaint is the demonstration of eating disorders. Any such content will be removed upon receipt of complaints.

There are similar reasons for complaints about private messages.

This is how the content complaint process looks like - you can also click three dots in the story and complain about them. If someone posted your photo, address, or contact information without your permission, you can choose the reason "Harassment or Harassment" and explain the nature of the complaint. A post with your data will be deleted, and the person who posted it will be warned or temporarily restricted access to functions.

This works in all cases except for public personal information: your nickname or the data specified in the profile. What you post in the description or in the photo can be used by other users of the social network.

Regardless of what reason you choose to complain about your account or content on Instagram, you will need to describe in detail the essence. For example, provide evidence that the profile is copied from yours, and the fake uses your personal data.

What do user complaints about your Instagram mean?

If your Instagram account is getting complaints, you are doing something wrong. Think about what site rules you might have broken.

Read also how to switch to a personal Instagram account.

You will literally have to “guess on the coffee grounds”, because the social network does not disclose the reasons for the complaints. The only exception is when someone claims an intellectual property infringement. Then Instagram will send a detailed description of the essence of the complaint, its number and the details of the person who sent it, so that you can contact him.

In all other cases, all versions of the reasons for complaints will have to be checked. Keep in mind that not always an account is complained about for real reasons. They may be contrived:

  • The person may simply not like your content or your personality. Then he can send complaints about anything to block your profile out of dislike.
  • Someone might try to eliminate your competitor by blocking your profile and send an army of bots to file complaints. This tactic does not always work, but such attacks do exist.

If Instagram has restricted access to features or blocked a profile, you can contact technical support with a request to clarify the reasons. Perhaps they will answer you, and if the reason is far-fetched, you can challenge it.

Below we answer the most common questions about complaints on Instagram.

How many complaints do you need to block an account on Instagram

There are no specific numbers, the decision is made individually in each case. But the more severe the violation, the fewer complaints are needed to block the profile. For example, if a child under the age of 13 uses a social network, 1-2 calls to support are enough.

If a blogger engages in fraud, but publishes posts that do not violate the rules of the platform, 100-200 complaints can be sent, but the profile will not be blocked. But they can restrict a person's access to some platform functions such as active links in stories.

How to find out who complained about you on Instagram

You can only find out the sender of the complaint if someone claimed that you used intellectual property. In all other cases, Instagram does not disclose sender information. Even if you write a request to technical support, they will refuse you.

Read also how to see who visited your Instagram page.

Can an attacker block your Instagram page

He can try to do it, but he is unlikely to succeed. The fact is that Instagram blocks accounts in two cases:

  1. When there was a serious violation of the rules of the platform.
  2. When the account received a large number of complaints.

In the second case, the complaints are easy to challenge. If you prove that you did not do anything illegal, the profile will be restored in a few days. The speed of unlocking will depend on how the process of communicating with technical support goes.

What are the real reasons for blocking an Instagram account

There are reasons why a profile is blocked immediately. These are:

  • Use of the social network by a child under the age of 13.
  • Impersonating another person if the account is a complete copy of the complainer's page.
  • Open proven fraud.

Over time, they can block the profile if there are many minor violations of the rules of the site. For example, if explicit content is constantly posted or there are many posts with hate speech.

How to report scammers on Instagram

You can report a scammer by selecting the appropriate reason when reporting specific content. There is only one caveat - Instagram carefully checks all the information received.

Even if you complain that your page was copied, first you have to prove that you are not a fake. To do this, get ready to provide documents or other evidence of originality.

Accordingly, in the case of fraud, Instagram will block the account only if the support staff is sure that the user is illegal. This requires reinforced concrete evidence such as a court decision. Therefore, online stores flourish in the social network, accepting money and not sending goods, and information gypsies selling a dummy instead of the promised good exchange rate.

Instagram traffic arbitrage: tips for not getting your account banned

If you're doing traffic arbitrage on Instagram, the tips will depend on the verticals you work with. When working with gray and black traffic arbitrage, there is only one advice: farm profiles and use them. Sooner or later, all pages on which violations occur are sent to a ban.

If you're doing white hat arbitrage, watch what you're doing on the page:

Don't post content that you can complain about. Any nudity, demonstration of excisable goods or hostile statements may not please the users of the social network. The more complaints they send, the higher the chance that the account will be temporarily blocked.

Prepare proof of authenticity right away. Just in case, register an account in your real name, so that if you send a large number of complaints, you can easily restore access to it.

Don't spam. Spam irritates social network users, so they often complain about it. Try to use white hat promotion methods such as targeted advertising or integrations with bloggers.

Monstro wishes you to never encounter baseless page complaints. Drain traffic without problems and get high profits!

What happens if you report a user on Instagram?

The complaint will go to technical support staff: moderators. They will consider it, and if the user really violated the rules of the platform, sanctions will be applied to him, for example, they will restrict access to certain functions.

How many times do you need to report a page to get it blocked on Instagram?

No exact number. In some cases, Instagram blocks the profile immediately: for example, if a child's page is copied. Sometimes even 100-200 complaints do not help. The more severe the violation of the rules, the fewer calls are needed to block the account.

How to block a scammer's page on Instagram?

Complain about fraud and deceit. Only for the moderators to actually block the page, you need to provide them with solid evidence, such as a court decision, according to which the person or company is recognized as a fraudster.

Can a scammer block an account using bots or bugs?

He can try to do it, but the technical support staff consider each complaint individually. If a large number of requests are received, the profile may be temporarily blocked, but it can be restored by a letter to support.

How do I report a photo on Instagram to get it removed?

For a photo to be deleted, it must violate the rules of the social network. For example, showed your confidential data, pornography or aroused hatred towards certain groups of people. In all these cases, just choose the correct reason for the complaint - the moderators will consider it.

How to find out how long you have been blocked on Instagram?

When entering the account, information about the timing is not provided. They also do not say how much access to functions was restricted. You can find out the exact timing and generally the possibility of unlocking in technical support. Usually, if you did not break the rules, it lasts 2-3 days.

Can I see complaints on Instagram?

No, you can't: the social network does not disclose data on who complained about you and why. The only exception is when an infringement of intellectual property rights is claimed. Then you are given the data of the copyright holder so that you can contact him.

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