How to not get banned from instagram

How to Avoid Having your Instagram Account Suspended Blocked Banned

If you’re a growth marketer, like me, and always testing the limits of what you can and cannot do on Instagram, you’re in the right place. Or if you just received a notice that says, “Instagram account disabled for violating terms…”, you’re also in the right place. This article is going to fully explain how to avoid having your Instagram account suspended, as well as how to recover a banned Instagram account.

In its infancy (if you can call 300 million monthly active users 2 years from launch a company’s infancy), Instagram was wide open for growth hackers to use Instagram bots that could ‘like’ and comment on an infinite number of posts, as well as follow an unlimited amount of targeted accounts.

Using unapproved tools to artificially grow your presence on the platform will quickly get your Instagram account suspended or banned in 2021.

So, here’s the good news: Not only are you about to learn the do’s and don’ts of Instagram, but you’re also going to learn about brand new, 100% Instagram-approved tools that can scale your marketing and sales efforts without violating Facebook’s policies.

7 Ways to Protect your Instagram Account from Being Banned

The best way to avoid being banned, blocked, or suspended from Instagram is to know all of the things not to do on Instagram. Our agenda for the day is to cover the best ways to protect your Instagram account from being banned or disabled.

7 Best Ways to Protect your Instagram Account from Being Banned:

  1. Only use official Instagram tools or trusted third-party software.
  2. Make sure you have a connection to Instagram.
  3. Don’t mass copy and paste the same comment on posts.
  4. Do not use mass follow and like bots – it’s not worth it!
  5. Don’t share content that violates Instagram policy.
  6. Do not grow your Instagram account artificially.
  7. Everything you need to know about bots and automated tools for Instagram.

Then, for those of you already in trouble and you need to get your Instagram account back, I’ve got 5 actions you can take, immediately.

  • Instagram Banned my Account! How to Get Unbanned from Instagram

Okay, let’s get straight to it! Here are the best ways to make sure you never have your Instagram account suspended, and what to do if your Instagram account is blocked, disabled, or banned.


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

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#1. Only Use Official Instagram Tools

The marketing software you choose to use on Instagram can get you into trouble, fast. 

When looking into marketing software solutions for Instagram, look for language, badges, quotes, or anything clearly stating that the tools are authorized for use by Instagram (or Facebook). To clarify, this isn’t always 100% necessary, of course.

For example, MobileMonkey is a premier Instagram partner designing official tools for messaging automation on Instagram. And as a long-time Facebook solutions partner and fastest-growing Instagram messaging solutions provider, MobileMonkey has built the first live Instagram chatbot that’s 100% Instagram-approved. 

It’s no secret, using bots is guaranteed to get your Instsagram account disabled sooner rather than later. And after the first time your Instagram account is disabled, a second terms of use violation could easily result in Instagram banning your account permanently.

Knowing how important this is to serious influencers, creators, and marketers, we even pushed the following quote from Facebook’s VP of Platform Partnerships up to the top of our Instagram tools landing page, immediately below the fold.

We are thrilled that MobileMonkey is launching messaging tools for Instagram. Businesses and people are messaging with each other more than ever, and Instagram is an important channel to connect with customers and build relationships. Messenger API support for Instagram means businesses and developers can now manage their customer communications on Instagram at scale.

Konstantinos Papamiltiadis, VP of Platform Partnerships at Facebook Messenger

If you’re not sure if a particular software solution is safe to use on Instagram, you can always browse different options or verify the authenticity in Facebook’s partner directory.

#2. Know Somebody (or somebody that knows somebody)

Facebook has over 58,000 employees, as of 2021. So, you’d think it would be easy to get help from Facebook customer service, right? 

Unfortunately, when you get blocked, banned, suspended, disabled, or even if your Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads are declined, getting a clear explanation from Facebook is almost impossible. That is, unless you know somebody, or have a close connection.

If you don’t already know someone at Facebook that you can rely on to bypass the stressful process to recover a disabled or banned Instagram account, I highly recommend scouring your LinkedIn and asking around for a connection at Facebook/Instagram.

As for knowing someone that has connections at Facebook and is willing to reach out on your behalf, congrats! You just met someone, right now. 📱🐵

As an official Instagram messaging solutions provider and partner of Facebook, MobileMonkey is happy to reach out to our connections on our clients’ behalf. That is, as long as you’re not asking us to support deliberately immoral behavior.  

Remember, even if you do know someone at Facebook, that doesn’t give you free rein to scrape profiles and bot followers. I’ve done both, I’ll admit it. However, I only would recommend testing the limits if you know what those limits are.

So, if you’re going to push the limits on Instagram, do yourself a huge favor and take these steps: 

  • Make connections that can get your account back up and running quickly when you push too far. And, even better…
  • When building your MarTech stack, be sure to work with at least one trusted partner of Instagram (such as MobileMonkey) that have reliable software, as well as business relationships with Facebook, which can really come in handy if you need someone to reach out to Facebook on your behalf. 

This is good. Now you know someone!

And knowing is half the battle.

GI Joe, a real American hero

#3. Don’t Copy & Paste the Same Comment On Posts

Mix it up! If you’re going to try pulling all the levers of the Instagram algorithm, don’t get lazy. Instagram will absolutely notice repeated comments. Again, Instagram is not a fan of bots, and mass comment bots are no exception.

So, if you think you can get away with commenting the same thing over and over on posts of the top Instagram accounts in your target market, simply because it’s you and not a bot doing it, think again. Instagram will consider you a bot if you cross a certain threshold within a short period of time.

Additionally, do not spam-comment. Spammy comments are way at the top of Instagram’s No-No List. You’ve all seen it, and yes, it’s as ridiculous as it looks and sounds.

No, I didn’t actually post that comment. But as hard as it is to believe, some people do. 😂

While spam-liking (hitting the like button on a lot of posts in a short period of time) is used as a way to draw attention, it isn’t harmful to any party involved. On the other hand, Instagram is pretty strict with how many comments you leave on posts in a short time frame.

Now, did you know that there are Instagram comment bots that actually work? Not only do they work, but they’re also a tool that’s 100% Instagram-approved. Furthermore, this tool doesn’t involve commenting on the posts of other profiles. This involves getting comments on your posts, which is even better, right?

Behold the Instagram comment auto-responder from MobileMonkey!

Instagram comment auto-responders allow you to automatically reply to the comments on your Instagram posts with an engaging chat dialogue. The above GIF is an example of a comment auto-responder that’s triggered by commenting “INSTATOOLS”. Totally safe, won’t get your Instagram account suspended, and it works!

Check out this article to learn more about Instagram comment auto-responders and how our Founder, Larry Kim, was able to get more than 350 comments on a single post!

#4. Don’t Mass Follow and Like with Bots on Instagram

In the early days of Instagram, growth marketers and wannabe influencers used Instagram follow, like, and comment bots without consequence.

What is an Instagram follower bot? Well, it’s almost exactly what it sounds like. An Instagram follower bot will find targeted Instagram accounts that use particular keywords in their profiles and automatically follow them, as well as like and comment on their posts from a designated Instagram account.

In return, the hope was that you could grow your own Instagram follower base by receiving a follow-back from a small percentage of the accounts your Instagram follower bot follows.

However, that trend has changed dramatically for a few reasons. First and foremost, this strategy doesn’t work well anymore. People have caught-on to the tactic and it’s much harder, in general, to earn followers in 2021 than it was just a few years ago. 

Ultimately, finding a cheap or free Instagram bot is the same as making the mistake of buying Instagram followers. The result is an inflated follower count with little to no engagement and a long list of noticeably fake followers. 

The main reason why the Instagram follow and like bot trend has come to a standstill, however, is because those that bot followers often get their Instagram account suspended and destroy their online reputation. 

For years now, Instagram has pushed back on accounts that try to game the system with fake followers and artificial growth. Furthermore, this type of behavior violates Instagram’s terms of use, and accounts that cheat their way to growth, commonly get suspended, blocked, or banned completely.  
On the other hand, accounts with organic Instagram growth have been rewarded by the platform’s algorithm with increased content visibility and engagement.


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

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#5. Don’t Share Content that Violates Instagram’s Terms of Service

This particular way to protect your Instagram account from being banned should go without saying. However, are you fully aware of the content that you can and cannot share on Instagram? 

Here’s the short, and rather obvious, list of images or videos you should refrain from posting on Instagram:

  • Naked bodies.
  • Sexual content. 
  • Violence.
  • Someone else’s private or confidential information without permission.
  • Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or have the right to share.
  • Credible threats or hate speech.
  • Targets private individuals to degrade or shame them.
  • Blackmail or harassment.
  • Content that encourages violence.

The only non-obvious content that you need to either be careful posting or refrain from posting entirely, are “get rich quick” schemes, as well as solicitation of crypto-currency opportunities. Instagram isn’t game for shady pyramid schemes or bogus offers to make lots of money overnight.

Additionally, you can have your Instagram account suspended if you repeatedly contact other users for commercial purposes without their consent. So, if you’re trying to sell your hustle online, Instagram will require you to get creative.

Basically, use your best judgment when it comes to the content you share on Instagram. Check your WWJD bracelet, and you should be fine.

#6. Do Not Grow Your Presence on Instagram Artificially

Instagram is all about organic growth and engagement. So, cheating the system with sketchy tools to get ahead is by far the most common way to get your Instagram account suspended, blocked, disabled, or banned.

Instagram’s Terms of Use are pretty clear as to what you can and cannot do on the platform. 

For digital marketing purposes, the most relevant Terms Of Use to pay attention to, directly from Instagram, are as follows: 

“Help us stay spam-free by not artificially collecting likes, followers, or shares, posting repetitive comments or content, or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent. Don’t offer money or giveaways of money in exchange for likes, followers, comments or other engagement. Don’t post content that engages in, promotes, encourages, facilitates, or admits to the offering, solicitation or trade of fake and misleading user reviews or ratings.

Paints a pretty clear picture, doesn’t it? Simply put, Instagram doesn’t want anyone cheating the system, while others fight their way to Instagram super-fame through genuine, organic engagement.

It’s safe to say that the majority of tools that facilitate automated actions on Instagram are best to refrain from using. In recent years, many once-thriving software companies have been served Cease & Desist orders by Facebook. In fact, I was on the executive team of a Silicon Valley startup, not too long ago, that received one of those orders. 

Not the greatest day I’ve ever had, but oh well. Sometimes when you play with fire, you get burned.

All that being said, people still try to cheat to get ahead on Instagram every day. However, it simply doesn’t work anymore, and if you’re careless, you’re almost certain to be banned from Instagram, permanently.

However, there is one Instagram bot that’s perfectly safe to use. 

#7. Chatbot Automation Tools for Instagram: What You Need to Know

The majority of chatbots and marketing automation tools built for Instagram are extremely low quality, don’t perform actions that increase engagement with your content, and are flat-out dangerous to use. That is if you care about growing a legitimate Instagram presence.

However, in 2021, Instagram hand selected trusted partners, such as MobileMonkey, to be the official chatbot solutions for Instagram.

So, next we’re going to cover the good and the bad when it comes to marketing automation on Instagram.

The Bad: Do Not Use These Bots on Instagram 

I’m about to list out a number of Instagram bots and chatbots built for Instagram. Many of them have become popular, however, I wouldn’t recommend using them. 

The reason for their popularity is solely due to the lack of marketing automation tools still standing after Instagram’s crackdown on fake follower and like bots.

Yet, some of these tools still work. Sadly, however, by the time many of you read this, most of the tools on this list will no longer be available, due to permanent ban from Instagram.

Here’s what to look out for when choosing chatbots and automation tools for Instagram:

  • Not approved by Instagram, listed as a trusted service provider, or partner.
  • Bots disguised as content schedulers on their website. 
  • Features commonly disappear because they’re no longer allowed.
  • Campaigns can only run for limited periods of time.
  • Don’t have a website.
  • Constantly change their brand name.
  • Hacked together solutions that regularly break.
  • Open source projects.
  • Campaigns result in mostly fake followers. 

These tools aren’t worth your time, are poorly managed, and constantly lose functionality because Instagram eventually catches up with their tricks and puts an end to it. 

  1. Direct Heroes
  2. AiGrow
  3. MaherGram
  4. IIGAssistant
  5. Instamber
  6. Pandro
  7. Social Sensei
  8. Combin
  9. BigBangram
  10. DM Magic
  11. Instavast
  12. IG:dm
  13. KENJI
  14. Ingramer
  15. Instazood
  16. iDirect

Even when these tools do work, they don’t benefit your account long term.  

The results from using bots likes the ones above are as follows: 

  • Majority of your followers are embarrassingly fake.
  • Inflated follower count with little engagement, which makes it impossible to get visibility on your posts.
  • Only useful for a short period of time because your Instagram account will get suspended.
  • Instagram users are smart, and will quickly realize you’re a phony.
  • People are sick of follower bots and will humiliate accounts with many fake followers or report them to Instagram.

This isn’t the way you want to grow your presence on Instagram if you’re a serious business or trying to build actual influence.

If you don’t want to have your Instagram account suspended and you’re serious about growing a legitimate follower base on Instagram, avoid these tools, period.

The Good: Bots that are safe to use on Instagram

So, are there any Instagram bots that are safe to use? Yes!

In fact, none of the above should discourage you from your quest to find the best bot for Instagram.  

And if you’re asking yourself, “Are there any Instagram bots that work?” You’re in luck, because there’s a happy medium between artificial and organic methods to get more followers on Instagram. 

MobileMonkey is a chatbot platform that’s 100% approved by Instagram. At a high level, the platform’s main benefits include:  

  • Ability to start a chat dialogue from numerous engagement touchpoints.
  • Instant replies to comments on posts.
  • Automated messages sent to people who mention you in their Instagram Story.
  • Multi-user inbox management solutions and auto-reply tools for messages sent to your DM (direct message) inbox.
  • Hyper-acceleration of organic engagement on Instagram.

MobileMonkey is what you’re looking for because it’s going to get you the kind of followers that you actually want, without getting your Instagram account suspended.. 

The #1 goal on Instagram is to get followers that are going to engage with and share your content.

MobileMonkey gives you the ability to scale organic engagement, which means you still need to earn that engagement. 

However, instead of cheating the system and getting shadowbanned on Instagram in the process, MobileMonkey is the first tool for Instagram that hyper-accelerates genuine engagement, which is exactly how Instagram intended accounts to grow on the platform. 

Essentially, you get all the benefits of automation tools for Instagram and none of the drawbacks of growing your presence on Instagram artificially.

Instagram Banned my Account! How to Get Unbanned from Instagram

Okay, we know what to avoid if you don’t want to have your Instagram account suspended. But what if your account already is suspended by Instagram?

Here’s what to do if you’ve recently had an, “Uh oh, Instagram blocked my account!” moment… 

How to know if Instagram banned you

Many people who actually do get banned from Instagram don’t know whether or not they actually were banned.  

So, before completely freaking out, here’s how to know if Instagram banned you: 

The easiest way to tell if you’ve been banned is if you get a notification that says, “You’re Temporarily Blocked It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You’ve been temporarily blocked from using it. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

But let’s say you missed, discarded, or did not receive a message like the one above.

In that case, another way to know you’ve been blocked on Instagram, is if you’re unable to perform certain actions such as adding new images, liking a post, following an account, or commenting on a post.

How to Recover a Banned Instagram Account: 5 Actions You Can Take

Need to know how to get your banned Instagram account back, how long does Instagram ban your account, or even if it’s possible to get banned from Instagram permanently? This next bit is for you.

Most offenders of Instagram’s Terms of Service receive a temporary ban. The degree of your violation will determine how long your temporary ban will last. However, once you’ve received a temporary ban, be careful!

If you continue to mass follow, unfollow, spam, copy and paste comments, etc. after you recover your temporarily banned account, you risk permanent removal from Instagram. I strongly advise never taking the same actions that got you banned in the first place. However, if you’re going to attempt a “smarter” version of what you were doing wrong, put at least a few months in between the moment of your first ban and the moment you attempt your growth hacking strategy again.

Ultimately, if you’re using the best Instagram marketing tools and focus on organic Instagram growth, you’ll never need to worry about having your Instagram account suspended.

If you do however find yourself in a sticky situation, you’re in luck!

What to do when you get banned from Instagram

The first step to get your banned Instagram account back, is to answer the question: “Why did Instagram ban me?”

Then, I suggest taking each of the following five actions, one-by-one, when attempting to recover a disabled Instagram account. So if option #1 doesn’t work, move onto option #2 and so on. 

Option #1: Report your disabled account to Instagram

When you try to log in, you’ll see a message telling you that your account has been disabled. If this message still appears, click the “Tell Us” or the “Learn More” button.

Run through the prompts in the app, but keep in mind that to recover your Instagram account you have to pass the appeal process. The only way that will happen, is if it was disabled by mistake. So, saying you’re sorry for breaking the rules and promising to never do it again isn’t going to cut it.

Another place you can submit appeals is this official contact page. Simply fill in the required fields and click “Send” to have your case reviewed. However, avoid apologizing because this implies you were at fault. You may be asked to send in a selfie as verification at some point in the process.

You can repeat the appeal process as often as you like until you get a more lenient moderator. Yes, you might just have to catch someone on a good day. Assuming you haven’t intentionally broken any major rules, it shouldn’t take more than a few days to get a response. Be persistent and eventually you will recover your Instagram account.

Option #2: Suspend all Instagram activities for a few days

If you’re ability to post has been disabled, but you can still browse through Instagram, the best option is to just do nothing.

So, if you can manage to not have your account active for a few days, do it. You should end all actions for at least two days. That means no likes, comments, follos or unfollows. Of course, you can continue browsing on Instagram.

If this is for personal use, and not business use, I promise, you can do this. Go read a book, take a walk, and pet your dog because he’s a good boy!

Then, on the 3rd day, attempt going about your normal activities and remember to avoid anything that would make you look like a bot. You should like and comment on only a few photos each day for the next 3 or more weeks.

Even if you just got your business account back from a scary temporary ban, I would emplore you to take it easy for at least a few weeks.

Option #3: Link Instagram with other social networks

It would help you to link your Instagram account with your other social media accounts. By doing so, your account will immediately gain credibility. Plus it’s good for SEO and need to have cross-channel marketing tools, such as social media, working together to sell more online anyways.

To link your Instagram with other social networks, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Privacy and Security.
  3. Then select Linked accounts.
  4. Link all of your social media accounts.

Simple, right?

Option #4: Edit your Bio

I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a strong Instagram bio. This might help your account and it will definitely save you from any further trouble.

However, if your account is currently disabled, make sure to edit your bio just once and then wait for things to settle. Making multiple edits in a short time frame will actually work against you.

Learn how to write a business bio for Instagram. I guarantee it will pay dividends and help to get your Instagram account back.

Option #5: Clean up your Instagram account and then reinstall it

As a last resort, if you’re unable to recover your Instagram account, you’ll need to clean all your previous Instagram data and uninstall the app. If you get to this point, wait a few days after you uninstall, then re-install the app and wait a couple of days to see if your account is unbanned from Instagram.

When you do succesfully recover your account, now you have everything you need to ensure having your Instagram account suspended never happens again.

Instagram Account Suspended: Important Next Steps

Instagram accounts that use MoibileMonkey’s Instagram marketing tools, will generate automated activity and interactions which are perceived as entirely organic. And because you’re able to generate organic engagement at scale, this translates into a huge increase in genuine followers.

Best of all, with MobileMonkey, you’ll be working with 100% Instagram-approved engagement tools.

The proof is in the numbers. 75% of consumers also prefer to engage with brands using private messaging channels vs traditional channels.

✅ Get early access to Instagram messaging tools.


Are you looking for an edge on Instagram? Influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses, you may qualify to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

Get Early Access

How to avoid getting banned, blocked or disabled by Instagram? | by PimpernelGawkroger

When Instagram was in its early stages, there was no limitation for the number of accounts you could follow, number of posts you could like, or number of comments you could leave on posts. You should know that today’s modern Instagram version looks completely different If you’re using Instagram regularly.

Today, Instagram has become so anti-spam and controlling that even regular users are affected by Instagram’s strict rules and restrictions on anything that might potentially be spam.

Instagram has become tougher to spam and spam-like behavior on the platform during the years. And they won’t hesitate to take actions if necessary.

In this article, we’re looking at some useful ways that can avoid getting permanently or temporarily banned or even block on Instagram.

What is an Instagram shadowban?

Typically, when you get banned from Instagram, you receive a notice that your account is reported. However, you don’t receive any notification with an Instagram shadowban; you only see your engagement decreases. Another clear clue that your account might be shadowbanned is when your hashtags don’t work. Instagram punishes accounts that are not playing fair or those who might have got unlucky by simply using the wrong hashtags, etc.

How can I beat the Instagram shadowban?

1. Don’t mass follow and like

By trying to grow a notable number of likes and followers at one time, you will receive a temporary block from Instagram. The reason for this would be because they considered the limits on follows and likes.

A maximum number of likes per hour is 60.

A maximum number of follows per hour is 60.

A maximum number of messages per hour is 60.

But if your account is just new, the limits are different:

A maximum number of likes per hour is 30

A maximum number of comments per hour is 30

A maximum number of follow/unfollow per hour is 30.

Violating Instagram rules causes a temporary block. It involves limiting the profile’s function; You can’t comment, like, follow or write in Direct Messages for some time (from 2 hours to 2 weeks). If you are lucky to get blocked temporarily, don’t do anything with your profile, Just give it a little rest before it is completely restored.

2. Don’t share Images/Videos Violating Social Network Rules

Photos and videos with naked bodies, sexual content, and violence are considered unsuitable. Whatever your goals are, posting such inappropriate content can get you banned, so be careful.

3.User complaint

Someone might find your account a threat, so they click the Report button. If other people report your account too, Instagram will sooner or later block your profile. People would complain of different reasons such as mass liking, mass following, abuses, inappropriate content, spam, etc.

4. Complete your Instagram Profile

Add a little bio in your profile. Also, make sure you have a real profile picture. This brings validity to your profile.

5. Post Regularly

You must post pictures on Instagram and remember that posting regularly is what that matters. An active display of social profile can mainly save you from getting blocked.

6. Copyright Infringement

Copyright is a serious issue on Instagram. All pictures in your account have to be either yours or permitted by the owner. If you want to share someone else’s picture, tag him/her in the photo (provided he/she has an Instagram account). If you use pictures for a commercial purpose, you have to ask the owner’s permission too. Additionally, if you post a video with music which you don’t have the rights, Instagram will certainly remove it.

If you ignore the copyright rules, the author can report you to Instagram for using the photo without their permission, and you would be blocked for copyright infringement.

7. The different IP address and device

If you log into your account from various devices and approve it via SMS, Instagram is less likely to ban you. Though, if you log in with different devices and IP-addresses, Instagram may think scammers hacked your account. The social network responds to it instantly and blocks the profile for your own safety.

8. Perform reasonable actions

Keep your follow/unfollow activities balanced. Bulk actions might seem aggressive, which may deactivate your account, and even worse, that you might get temporarily blocked.

In some cases, all you should do is giving some rest to your account. Try to log in after some time such as 24 hours. It would help you to return your account.

9.Verify your email

This is an easy but highly crucial way to avoid getting blocked or banned. When you verify your email, you prove that you are a real person.

10. Do not comment too many emojis

For some reason, Instagram doesn’t like it when you comment emojis excessively. Limit yourself to leave fewer emojis per comment.

11. Do not copy your comments over and over

Instagram keeps an extra eye on repeated comments. The reason is that Instagram may consider you a bot.

12. Do not spam-comment

As I mentioned commenting is Instagram’s biggest problem when it is about spam on the platform. While spam-liking is used as a way to get more attention to the accounts, it isn’t harmful to anyone. However, Instagram is pretty strict with how many comments you leave on posts in a short time.

13. Do not spam-like posts

Liking a large number of posts on short time is known as a spammy action. But when you start liking excessively, it is a sign to Instagram that you’re acting spammy.

If you’re new to Instagram

If you are new to Instagram, before you start following other profiles, make sure you post for yourself. Generally, a good start includes posting pictures regularly.

What should you do for not looking spammy?

· Avoid editing your captions after posting a photo.

· Don’t put hashtags in your comments, put them in the caption.

· Don’t post too many posts every day (up to 3).

How to tell if you are banned on Instagram?

If you face the following image, consider your account to be banned.

You will also know when you’re not able to perform certain actions such as uploading a photo, like, follow or comment.

Is it possible to get banned on Instagram permanently?

It depends on your activities after the temporary ban. If you keep mass following, spamming and unfollow, and continue to post too many random comments on photos, you may end up getting a permanent ban on your Instagram account.

How to recover Instagram’s temporary ban?

1. Report to Instagram

You can report your problem to the administration by clicking the “Tell Us” or “Report” option.

2. Stop for two days and then try on the third day

You should end all actions for at least two days. It means no liking, commenting, following or unfollowing. But of course, you can continue browsing on Instagram.

On the 3rd day, you can continue your normal activities and remember to avoid anything that would make you look like a bot. You should like and comment only a couple of photos every day.

3. Link Instagram with other social networks

It would help you to link your Instagram account with your other social media account. You would seem more legit if you link your Instagram to other social media.

For linking Instagram with other social networks, do the following:

1. Go to Settings

2. Go into Privacy and Security > Linked accounts.

3.Link as many social networks as possible.

4. Edit your Bio

Make a little change in your bio. This might help your account and saves you from any further troubles. But, do not play with your bio by editing it. Do it just once and wait for things to settle.

5. Clean and Reinstall

Unfortunately, as a last resort, you would have to clean all your previous Instagram data and uninstall the app. Install the app after some time and check if it is helpful.

So, Use the platform like a regular user, which means avoiding spammy actions, and you’ll be fine. Instagram’s goal is to make the platform more enjoyable.

real examples and how to fix it

“We started working with Instagram – we had an account for about six months. We connected a third-party service to automatically send direct messages to new subscribers and grabbed a block for almost a week. At this time, of course, we had to stop the advertising campaign, move sales. Plans shifted, it was unpleasant.

This is the story of the owner of an online toy store. More than 14 thousand people have subscribed to the store account.

An Instagram ban is a blogger and SMM specialist's nightmare. A commercial account can be blocked completely (it actually ceases to exist) or partially (posts, videos and stories are not shown to subscribers in the feed, or, for example, the account owner cannot write to those with whom he does not have a dialogue).

We figure out how to protect yourself from this and what to do if you still "hit".

Types of bans on Instagram

There are three types of bans on Instagram:

  • Temporary . When certain activities are limited for a while. For example, you can’t like, comment on other people’s posts, write to other accounts first. Sometimes a temporary blocking prevents the account owner from posting posts and stories. A temporary block usually lasts 3-7-24 hours or 3-7-21 days. The first time the ban will be short. But the more violations are repeated, the longer the blocking lasts.
  • Eternal . It leads to the complete deletion of the account without the right to restore it (in fact, sometimes it is still possible to bring the page back to life. But it is long and difficult). An eternal ban can “fly in” for constant violations of Instagram rules: spam mailings, too active mass following and mass liking. If the page is permanently blocked, subscribers and visitors to the account will see an inscription that the page is not available.
  • Random . Let's say you didn't break the rules, but some actions in your account were blocked for you. This happens due to Instagram updates (when some features of the app may freeze or not work at all), your mobile device crashes, or problems with the IP address.

Various sources mention the so-called shadowban on Instagram. The rules of the social network itself does not say anything about him. Instagram denies its existence. Those who still believe in it describe its manifestations as a sharp decrease in post and story impressions by three or more times. Posts at the same time do not fall into the recommended. Also, hashtags don't work.

No one informs the account owner about the shadowban (assuming its existence) – Instagram does not send notifications about it. We wrote in detail and in detail about the shadow ban in the article “Shadow ban on Instagram: truth or myth”.

Why you will get banned for sure

Instagram has general rules that you should not break if you want to work in the social network happily ever after. In particular, it is allowed to publish only copyrighted content, no nude images, calls for violence, terrorism and other violations of the law. This results in a permanent ban and is a serious violation.

In addition to the standard rules, there are so-called unspoken rules.

Exceeding social network limits for likes, comments, subscriptions and unsubscribes

Instagram does not provide official information on them. Accordingly, there can be no exact figures here. Some output the following average limits:

Limits for new accounts

1 hour

24 hours







Comments under posts in the account



Limits for accounts from 6 months







Comments under posts in the account



But be aware: Instagram does not confirm these numbers and may ban you for less activity if it is considered suspicious.

For exceeding the limits on likes, subscriptions, subscriptions, comments, a commercial account will be sent to a temporary ban.

Limits are regularly exceeded mainly due to the connection of services for mass following, mass liking and mass commenting.

To promote on Instagram correctly, read our full guide "Instagram promotion: the most detailed guide" posts on other accounts. Of course, such services save the time of the SMM specialist and the account owner, but they can lead to blocking.

You can get into a temporary ban if you use the same or inappropriate hashtags under posts for a long time.

Detailed instructions on hashtags are in our article.

Frequent change of IP address

This happens if many third-party services and applications that have their own IP addresses are connected to the account (for example, Instaplus, Instadrom, Funinsta). It is most likely impossible to maintain an account without automation systems at all. But their number should be reduced to a minimum. Use services that have several functions you need at once.

Purchased accounts

Instagram can block an account if it suspects that it was created automatically. This is usually determined by the IP address - many pages for sale are registered from it.

That's why we don't recommend buying other people's social media pages - you don't know all the ins and outs of them. And, most likely, you will encounter an unpleasant surprise. Well, if the blocking is temporary. What if you get a permanent ban?

Lots of raffles, lotteries, promises of quick money

All this is also subject to artificial stimulation of activity and is prohibited on Instagram. Of course, you should not completely refuse to hold contests and activities. But you don't need to run them weekly either. Optimal: 1-2 times a month.

"Like, subscribe to comments, repost!". On Instagram, such calls to action are considered artificial stimulation of followers. Here is what is written in the rules of Instagram in this regard:

“Do not post duplicate comments or materials, do not repeatedly contact people who have not agreed to this with commercial offers.

Don't offer users money or sweepstakes in exchange for likes, subscriptions, comments, or other actions. Do not post content that promotes, encourages, or facilitates the solicitation of offers, the purchase or sale of fake and misleading people's reviews or ratings."

Reporting your account

Anyone can report your account. For example, if you use someone else's content and thus violate copyright. If violations are confirmed, the account may be blocked temporarily or permanently.

What to do if you are banned

When you are temporarily banned

There is a simple sequence of actions when you find your Instagram account temporarily banned - this is the so-called "First Aid":

  1. Change your password and try to log into your account again.
  2. Remove links to other applications and services. Perhaps they were blacklisted by the social network (go to "Settings" - "Security" - "Applications and sites").
  3. If these measures do not help, and the account still has temporary restrictions, do not take any action.
  4. During the block period, do not try to like, comment or post (it all depends on what type of block you received).
  5. Stop the advertising campaign and audience engagement. Otherwise, you risk increasing the duration of the current restriction.
  6. Update the Instagram app on your mobile device. Perhaps the problem will be solved faster and easier than you expected.

With permanent blocking

With permanent blocking it is more difficult. When Instagram deletes an account completely, it is almost impossible to recover it. Behind this is a long and dull correspondence with Facebook technical support.

I decided to experiment - I created an announcement that the account was permanently blocked. Immediately there were those who wanted to restore it to me. And for reasonable money. True, there are no guarantees.

Those who have already encountered a block problem recommend not paying for unlocking at all, but trying to communicate with technical support on their own. To do this, follow the links below and describe your problem (link 1 link 2, link 3).

Of course, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from Instagram bans, but you can do everything to minimize these risks. Finally, advice from Texterra - choose experienced SMM specialists to maintain your page. Then you don't have to worry about blocking.

By the way, we are also promoting Instagram accounts. And we have a lot of experience - we work with projects in various topics, from the beauty industry to medicine.

We wish you successful development and no bans!

Instagram ban - how to recognize how long it lasts and how to get out of it

One of the common problems of our time that can overtake both a user with a small audience and a millionaire blogger is a ban on Instagram *. What is Instagram*ban? What to do with it? How do they get into the shadowban? How to remove instagram*-profile from the ban? We will talk about all this in detail in this article :)

What is a shadowban?

A shadow ban (from the English shadow ban) is a partial or complete blocking of a user account or its content associated with a violation of the rules of a social network.

In other words, a social network search engine can hide hashtags, posts, geo, and the profile as a whole. For the user, this means a decrease in reach, audience engagement, as well as difficulties in attracting new subscribers. Is there a shadowban on Instagram*? Unfortunately yes.

How to bypass the ban on Instagram*?

No matter how trivial it may sound, the main thing is not to break the rules of Instagram*. That is why it is important to know why a shadowban can be assigned to an account.

Why can I get banned on Instagram*? Types of bans on Instagram* in 2021

Reasons for bans on Instagram* may vary. In the politics of the social network there are no clear answers for what offenses you can fly into the shadow ban. However, the personal experience of users still made it possible to identify the most common causes of blocking.

Ban for massive repetitive actions

A few years ago, the most common ways to attract new subscribers were mass liking and mass following. The user subscribed to a large number of accounts or liked many publications at the same time so that his profile was noticed and subscribed in response. To simplify such activity, special bots were even created that performed these actions for a person. As a rule, as soon as people subscribed in response, the user unsubscribed from them, and thereby artificially recruited an audience.

Now Instagram* has developed a policy according to which monotonous mass actions such as likes/follows and unfollows should not exceed a certain number and frequency. Bulk mailings in Direct, mass distribution of the same type of comments fall under the same category. Accordingly, for violation of such rules, for exceeding the limits, you can get a temporary account ban: ban on comments, ban on subscriptions, ban on mass mailing, etc., in which it is not possible to like, subscribe to other users, leave comments under publications or send messages.

Hashtag ban

Hashtags are also losing their popularity today. Partly because misuse can actually lead to a shadowban.

Let's figure out what not to do?

  • You can not leave the same long list of hashtags under each post, as such actions will be regarded as spam.
  • You cannot use hashtags from the prohibited list. As a rule, it includes words and phrases of a provocative nature. There are sites that regularly update information about stop words. Before publishing a new post with hashtags, you should make sure that they are not prohibited.

Frequent change of IP addresses

Using third-party services that make our lives easier, like an analytics tracking app or a visual compiling app with a built-in auto-posting system, we share our account information with the system. Thus, the account itself displays activity from several IP addresses at once, which is “suspicious activity” and is not welcomed by Instagram*.

Stories ban

Stories are very popular among bloggers, as they allow you to increase your coverage well with the help of answers and “reactions” from subscribers. However, sometimes stories can, on the contrary, play a cruel joke. For example, for using some music tracks, you can get a ban on the story for copyright infringement. A story, like a post, can also be blocked for spam content, for 18+ content, for inciting extremism, or for a large number of complaints from other accounts.

Measure seven times, cut once

If your provocative photo or statement caused a wave of indignation, it is possible that a mountain of complaints will fall from the audience. If there are really a lot of complaints, at least Instagram * will delete the very post / story that caused the dissonance. In the worst case, the account may even be deactivated. That is why, before making your opinion public, it is worth considering whether this will entail negative consequences.

Contests, like-times, giveaways… For good or bad?

For more than a year now, different types of drawings and contests have been actively used by influencers to attract more and more subscribers. However, in reality, giveaways are not always only a positive outcome for a blogger, and often such giveaways are the very reason for a shadowban. Why? After all, it would seem that if the competition is held honestly, if all the winners receive well-deserved prizes, what kind of violations can occur? Let's figure it out.

If the influencer is systematically developing his account without resorting to contests and sweepstakes, then, most likely, the growth of subscribers and the approximate level of likes over time could be depicted something like this:

, subscribe, then the influx of a new audience, as well as the spread in likes, comments, coverage will look different, something like this:

The graph shows an obvious one-time effect, according to which Instagram* algorithms take such activity for cheating. In other words, by arranging giveaways, bloggers lead themselves into a trap. In order to avoid a shadowban for likes, for subscribers, for cheating and other suspicious activity, bloggers have to conduct giveaways again and again.

How to detect a ban on Instagram*? What does he look like?

From the outside, it is much easier to recognize the signs of a ban on Instagram*, and the user himself for some time may not even guess that he is in a shadow bath and is an invisible person.

The easiest and most obvious way to check is to enter the account nickname in the search engine on Instagram*. With a shadow ban, driving in the user's nickname even with maximum accuracy, you will not see the required account in the first line.

If you follow a person who is in the shadowban, most likely, his posts will not always appear in your feed either.

How can the invisible person know and understand that the account is in the shadow bath? How to check Instagram* for a ban?

When the limit for bulk actions is exceeded, the user receives a warning and a temporary block.

(Image borrowed from the site:

But what about a hidden ban, when it seems that there were no prerequisites for blocking?

Despite the existence of sites and applications that offer the service of checking an account for a shadowban, unfortunately, you will most likely not be able to find a reliable service, since it simply does not exist. However, a ban can be recognized by certain signs:

  • a sharp decrease in coverage, engagement and new subscriptions;
  • decrease in subscriber activity: fewer likes and comments under new publications;
  • the lack of your posts in the used hashtags with a small number of publications.

How to get rid of Instagram ban*?

Let's imagine that it still overtook you. How to remove a ban on Instagram *?

  • Don't panic! If your account has been completely deactivated, write to support.


  • If your account just got into a shadowban, first of all try to find out the reason for the blocking, analyze what actions could provoke the algorithm.
  • Eliminate the cause. If you use third-party services, deactivate them, log in from only one IP address; if you post a lot of hashtags under your posts, remove them from your latest posts. It is also advisable to transfer a business account to a personal one.
  • In any case, stop all activity for a few days, the best option is not to use the social network for 72 hours.
  • After the account has “rested”, try to very smoothly enter the usual rhythm. Don't use tags at first, only add less used hashtags so you can check if they show up. As soon as you notice that the account has started to appear, you can increase activity, but do not do it all at once to avoid a second ban.

How long does it take to ban an Instagram account*?

There is no clear answer to this question. The duration of a shadowban depends on several factors:

  • is this the first time the account has been seen in violation;
  • how serious the offense was.

A ban can last for several hours or several months. In some cases, the account may even be given a permanent ban.

What is a permanent ban? Why is he dangerous?

An eternal ban is usually the scourge of hype lovers. By causing dissonance in society with their actions or statements, they provoke the audience and can collect a large number of complaints. Sometimes it comes to the fact that the account is completely deactivated. In such cases, it takes days, and sometimes weeks, before contacting Instagram support * to still manage to restore the account.

Even after restoring an account from a complete block, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it from a shadow ban, so you will either have to start from scratch, developing another account, or try to recruit an audience in some sophisticated ways.

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