How many pics can i post on instagram

How to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram: Follow steps

Instagram allows you to upload up to 10 photos and videos in a single post. Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to upload and share more than one photo or video in just one Instagram post.

By India Today Web Desk: One of the most popular social media applications Instagram allows users to communicate and connect through people worldwide. One can use Instagram to share their pictures, stories and more with their followers, on the private or public account. The pictures or videos a user shares on Instagram are under their control. At any time, they can make changes as per their convenience.


Instagram also allows its users to upload up to 10 photos and videos and share them as a single post in the feed. Now, if you are wondering how to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram, then you can use this article as a reference.

Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to share multiple photos and videos in a single Instagram post.

How to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram

Steps you can follow to share multiple photos or videos in one Instagram post:

Step 1: First, open Instagram on your device.

Note: If you are not logged in, log-in by entering your user ID and Password.

Step 2: On the home page, tap the Plus icon (+).

Step 3: After that, tap Library (iPhone) or Gallery (Android) at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: Now, tap the overlapping square icon in the top-right of the screen to select multiple photos.

Note: Once you select that icon, you can add up to 10 photos and videos from your phone's library.

Step 5: Select the photos or videos that you'd like to add to your post.

Note: After selecting you can adjust each photo or video. To adjust you need to tap it then touch the screen to adjust how it fits in the frame. Remember that the orientation you choose (square, portrait or landscape) affects all of the photos or videos in your post. You can't select a different orientation for each photo or video.

Step 6: Tap Next in the top right, when you're done.

Note: You can even add a filter and apply it to every photo and video you've selected. Apart from it, you can tap a photo or video to edit it and add filters individually.

Instagram also provides you with an option to change the order of your photos and videos. To do so, you just need to tap and hold one then drag it to another spot.

You can remove a photo or video from your post, tap and hold one, then drag it to the Delete icon.


Step 7: When you're done with changes, tap Next in the top right.

Step 8: Here you can add location and caption for your entire post, and tag someone in each individual photo.

Step 9: Once done, tap Share.

That's it! your photo will be shared on your Feed. On your profile, you'll see the first photo or video from your post with a row of dots below it. From your profile, you can tap the post, then swipe to view the rest of the photos and videos you've shared.

Just like any other post, people can like and comment on your post. Comments and likes will appear on the entire post, rather than on the individual photos and videos that are part of your post.

According to the Instagram official website, posts containing multiple videos may take longer to upload. So, if your post contains multiple videos, make sure you're connected to a reliable network.

(Source: Instagram help)

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Aug 6, 2020

Please don’t post more than five photos to your Instagram album

Last week, Instagram added a new photo album feature that allows you to put up to 10 photos or videos in a single post.

Albums could have turned out badly. Major changes in popular social networks almost never go smoothly, and this one seemed poised to create a firestorm. “Instagram Just Announced Its Biggest & Most Controversial Update Yet,” Refinery29 blared. “Instagram just ruined Instagram,” cried Mashable.

But here’s the thing: The update is actually good (and the first new feature in a while that isn’t blatantly ripping off Snapchat). It’s useful for storytelling and photo series. You could even go as far as to call it… cute.

But while the feature itself is not bad, people are using it to do bad things. Specifically, clog your feed and take up your time.

A post shared by Instagram (@instagram) on

Instagram is popular because it’s easy; easy to understand, and easy to see what your ex who finally unblocked you was up to 53 weeks ago. Although Twitter has its charms, it can occasionally be overwhelming, and is obviously a text-focused experience. Facebook is for clicking “attending” on events one does not actually attend and for deleting people one does not actually know on their birthdays. Snapchat is for DJ Khaled and that guy who caught a rabbit.

Instagram, however, is a site based on the pure pleasure of aesthetics, personal vanity, the fun of scrolling, and not much more. It’s a safe space for those of us who would rather not think too much; for those of us who enjoy a quiet, endless scroll of well-lit selfies, photos of food we can’t afford, and of course all of our “friends” who are “models.” But the new album update is turning the app into work.

This is an example of the damage that can be done with slideshows as Cosmo asks you to “hold your ovaries” while looking at these “total smokeshows.”

A post shared by Cosmopolitan (@cosmopolitan) on

“Hold your ovaries” while looking at these “total smokeshows.

Based on my extensive research as an Insta thot, the appropriate maximum time to spend on a photo is two seconds. You look, maybe read, and move on. But with the addition of albums, you have to look a little longer — and the ability to add multiple videos prolongs the scrolling experience even more. Allowing users to add up to 10 photos is frankly unnecessary. Specifically, it is five too many.

Since it's unlikely that any higher ups at IG’s HQ will read this article and heed my advice on how not to annoy its audience, here are some best practices for Instagram albums.

Here’s the deal:

The first rule is that Instagram albums should be used for vacations, tutorials, i.e. cooking or doing makeup, or some kind of celebration — but only if it will make your followers feel like they’re missing out on something. Otherwise, what’s the point?

More importantly, if you must post an album, it should be no less than three photos or videos and no more than five. Why? I’ll tell you. Two photos is useless. Two photos is hardly a reason to utilize my swiping ability. Two photos says, I clearly couldn’t decide between these and I'm hoping nobody notices. We noticed.

The appropriate maximum time to spend on a photo is two seconds.

Three is solid: It’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. Four and five are reasonable numbers because those amounts let you mix it up and have a little fun! Tell us a story, go ahead, but don’t get too deep. Five stories = 10 seconds. Similar to Snapchat, that is the max amount of time that should be allotted for an Instagram photo album.

Six is selfish. No one wants to pay attention for that long. As my father always says, there is a time and a place. 2017 is not the time. Your Instagram feed is not the place.

Posting more than six photos in one sitting is just plainly not respecting your followers’ time. Do not be that person. Do not steal 14 to 20 seconds out of our day. What makes your seven photos more important than the ones below it?

If you’re thinking, but wait! I NEED to do six or more. Well then, my advice is just to add it to your story. You get just as much attention there and no one has to look at it for longer than a day.

For videos, the more individual clips you have, the shorter each should be. Try to keep your content to Snapchat terms — use no more than 10 seconds per clip, but ideally five or less. If you post an all-video Instagram album, you’d want it to reach no more than 25 seconds. Also, consider whether this is really one that must be retained for posterity forever, or something you could share in your story.

There is room for Instagram to improve the new album feature. I would love to see who swiped on my albums — just as you can see who viewed a story — for example. But capping the photos at five would be a strong start.

Instagram limits 2021: full list

Any Instagram account wants a quick promotion - subscribers, likes, comments. And yes, you can get them not only by cheating, but also by your actions - activity in the profiles of the audience you need.

But everything must be approached with a head and measure, otherwise there is a risk of getting punished up to the loss of the account, all your efforts and budget. Therefore, let's figure out what there are limits on Instagram, and what you should not worry about.

Limits depending on account age

There are no single digits for Instagram limits. If you search for them online, you will see that different sites offer different restrictions - and somewhere they differ quite significantly.

Therefore, based on our experience and analysis, we have deduced the average limits with which your account will definitely remain safe. For convenience, they are divided into tables.

- Likes

In order to increase coverage and show their publications to more users, account owners try to increase the number of likes: someone chooses a more honest way through working with content, someone tries to win likes with direct calls to "put hearts" . Massliking is also on the way. Regardless of how you earn likes, IG may suspect cheating.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 10/20 400/500 2.5 min
after 6 months 20/40 500/1000 1.5 min
more than 1 year 30/50 800/1200 1.2 min

- Following

Mass following is one of the most popular ways to promote among users, but it will be unacceptable for Instagram . It doesn't matter to the algorithm how you promote your account - by yourself or with the help of specialized programs. In addition, the IG sums up the number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions. Therefore, if you have subscribed to a lot of accounts, the best way to unsubscribe from uninteresting pages is in an hour, or at best, the next day.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 10/20 125/175 8 min
after 6 months 15/30 200/250 5.7 min
after 1 year 30/40 250/300 4.8 min

- Comments

If suddenly an unnaturally large number of comments appear under your post, Instagram will consider that you decided to play a dishonest game with it and will gladly send you to a ban, but that's another story. Therefore, here, too, you need to know the measure.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 20/30 100/150 9.6 min
after 6 months 30/40 150/200 7. 2 min
after 1 year 40/50 200/300 4.8 min

Comments on Instagram: from real people + how to wind up

- Direct messages (not to subscribers)

Instagram is quite jealous of the personal space of its users. Therefore, think carefully before mass sending messages to Direct to people who are not subscribed to you. The situation can turn against you: annoyed users can complain about your account and then "Welcome to the ban!".

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 3/5 20/30 10 min
after 6 months 10/15 30/40 10 min
after 1 year 15/20 40/50 10 min

Limits regardless of the age of the account

Limits per day, per hour, mentioned above, you can exceed after a certain period of time. Here I will talk about the restrictions on Instagram, which do not depend on whether you are a new user of the social network or an experienced Instagrammer.

- unsubscribes

But this is a mistake - there are completely different rules for unsubscribing.

It's worth starting to unsubscribe from 500 non-reciprocal subscriptions and from 300 mutual subscriptions per day. Then gradually over the course of a month, you can add a figure. The maximum number of unsubscribes per day is 1,000 non-reciprocal and 700 mutual. We have already written more about how to remove followers on Instagram, so let's move on.

As advertising

- Mentions

In one discussion, you can add no more than 5 mentions, and tag up to 5 users in a comment. By the way, in this case, age still matters. On a new account, it is better to leave no more than 20 mentions per day, on a more mature profile up to 50.

If we talk about marks in stories, then one can mark a maximum of 10 accounts, and up to 500 users per day.

- Saves

The number of saves does not directly affect the popularity of the account. If you save 100 entries, their authors won't even know about it. But the saving of your records by other users perfectly brings the page to the top.

Spin up to 25 saves for the first week. Then you can gradually increase up to 1000.

Cheat saves on Instagram: 7 services + how to make

- Posts

Through trial and error, it was possible to establish that a maximum of 25 posts per day can be painlessly published for an account with an interval of 5-10 minutes.

Plagiarism on Instagram is also punishable by a ban, so don't do it!

- Stories

There is no limit on Instagram stories, you can post as many as you like. But only 100 will hang in the profile. That is, you can also post the next ones, but the first ones will be deleted.

- Hashtags

You can leave no more than 30 hashtags on Instagram under the post. But if this is not enough for you, put the rest in the comments to the publication.

Hashtags on Instagram: how to use

- Number of characters in a post

There is an exact number - 2,000 including spaces. If you exceed, Instagram will simply crop everything. However, there are ways to push the boundaries, we wrote a whole article about it.

How many characters on Instagram: about the post and not only + 20 life hacks

- The duration of the uploaded video

It all depends on the format and placement on Instagram. For stories - 15 seconds, for a post - 1 minute, for IGTV - 60 minutes. For video Reels - 30 seconds.

Ideas for Instagram stories

- Mass actions

As for mass liking and mass following, the limits are identical to views, likes, comments, etc. , we have already talked about them above. When masslooking, stick to no more than 5,000 views per day.

Important. There are no limits on Instagram for views of current stories, IQTV, photo/video posts, profile visits, swipes from stories, and live viewers.








How not to get banned

An Instagram ban can last from a few hours to two weeks. But, there is also a risk of losing your account forever. The duration of the ban will primarily depend on the severity of your violations.

Even after we announced the safe numbers of Instagram limits, the fear of "what if they block you" probably does not leave you. Therefore, I will give the main advice, following which you will not fly into the ban.

This is how the fear of all IG users looks like

- Follow the rules of the social network

Carefully read the Instagram policy. If you unknowingly violate it, you can catch the most cruel measure - blocking your account without the possibility of recovery.

Interesting. Do you want to increase your statistics and reach on your Instagram? Then we recommend an account analysis that will show all the weaknesses and clear bots and an inactive audience. Click and test 3 days for free -> Instahero

- Do things regularly

Let's say you get 100 likes every day. One day, once - there are 10 of them. And then again 100 each. This strange start will immediately arouse suspicion, and Instagram will begin to closely monitor your profile. And this means that even a small jamb will be noticed.

- Watch your limits

Don't neglect the numbers we talk about so much in this article. Otherwise, without even realizing it, you will fall into the shadowban. This is a temporary Instagram restriction on any action. In the event of a ban, when you click, for example, on a subscription, you will see that you have subscribed, but in fact the action will not be performed. Read more in the article.

The consequences of a ban can be disastrous for your statistics

Shadowban: how to check (4 methods) + how long it takes + how to get out (10 ways) merciless to "young" accounts that are less than 6 months old;
  • No need to thoughtlessly and "automatically" like and subscribe to everyone in one day - Instagram will send you to a ban;
  • Do not assume that a quick rise from scratch with the help of third-party applications is a success. IG will send you to the ban again. Remember: slowly but surely.
  • Develop evenly, focusing on the quality of content, not its quantity.
  • Promoting your profile on Instagram helps to increase brand awareness, attract new traffic, or simply earn money through a blog. Therefore, activity in other profiles and cheating indicators is an effective tool for promotion in this social network. By the way, do not forget to use virtual number services to receive SMS when registering for cheating.

    However, remember about Instagram limits, and that its algorithms closely monitor your activity. And if suddenly you decide to deceive IG, he will easily determine this and send your account to rest in a ban. Therefore, use honest ways to promote your page and believe me, it will pay off doubly.

    Instagram photo sizes and scales 2021

    After years of just one type of image and video orientation, many other formats have been added to Instagram. These features provide excellent opportunities for creating new content; however, navigating through IGTV, stories, videos, and other posts can be difficult.

    This guide will help you understand the optimal sizes and scales for different Instagram formats. We hope this helps you and makes things easier. Once you learn the basic rules, you will be able to create high quality content and your social media page will grow faster and more efficiently.

    Instagram Image Basics: Size and Aspect Ratio

    Before we get into the technical specifications of Instagram, there are a couple of terms you need to know - size and aspect ratio. Although at first glance they describe the same thing, you need to understand the difference, especially in units of measurement.


    Size, also referred to as resolution, refers to how many pixels are contained across the width and height of the image. It is expressed in two numbers; for example: 320px by 1080px. The width is indicated by the first number, and the second is the height.

    Resolution is important when taking and uploading high quality photos and images. If the resolution is high, then it contains more pixels - in other words, more data. Thus, the higher the resolution, the higher the image quality. A pixel-limited screen or platform modifies the source material to fit within the specified dimensions.

    Aspect Ratio

    The aspect ratio is the ratio between the width and height of an image. This dimension is referred to as x:y. For example, it could be 9:16 where 9 is how wide the picture is and 16 is how tall it is.

    The importance of aspect ratio comes down to resizing images without distortion. Some users make the mistake of changing images - they ignore the recommended aspect ratio. As a result, they get strange photos, although this could be easily avoided.

    Instagram Image Size: Best Tricks in 2021

    Even if you want to post sharp photos, uploading images in high resolution, such as 5400px by 5400px, will not achieve the desired result. On the contrary, it will negatively affect the image quality. Therefore, you should take the time to study and follow the recommended sizes.

    The table below will give you basic information about common ratios and sizes for various Instagram photos.

    Instagram image format Aspect ratio Size
    Avatar 1:1 180 x 180px
    Square photo 1:1 1080x1080px
    Landscape photo 1.91:1 1080 x 566 px (608 px)
    Portrait/vertical photo 4:5 1080x1350px
    Carousel posts 1:1 1080x1080px
    Stories 9:16 1080 x 1920px

    Instagram avatar size

    The avatar is located next to the username and profile header, so you should take it seriously. The requirements for an Instagram avatar for mobile and desktop versions are slightly different, so it’s better to choose larger images so that they fit well under both versions.

    • Aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Optimal size: between 110 x 110 px and 180 x 180 px
    • Maximum resolution: 180 x 180 px

    Note: The rules do not imply that your avatar must be exactly 180x180px when uploaded. Theoretically, you can upload images much larger than this. More importantly, they must be square in order for the system to display them correctly.

    Before uploading a photo, crop it into a square shape to see what details will be cut off and what will remain visible. The finished avatar will be in the shape of a circle, so you should check that there are no important elements around the edges of the image. You should also remember that the photo will be very small, so it makes sense to enlarge it a little and crop it.

    Instagram square image size

    Square is the original format that all Instagram users are well aware of. It is still the choice of many users, especially when you consider the fact that posts are displayed in this ratio in the profile grid.

    • Aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Optimal size: between 600 x 600 px and 1080 x 1080 px
    • Maximum resolution: 1080 x 1080 px

    Note: When you're composing a square photo, it's best to center the main element. Since there is not much working space on the sides, crop the photo so that the focus is in the center.

    Another working method is symmetrical composition. Even if it breaks the rule of thirds that everyone in the world of photography talks about, it works great for Instagram. Symmetrical composition creates harmony and a sense of aesthetic satisfaction, balance and proportion. Play with lines, mirroring and patterns.

    Instagram horizontal (landscape) photo size

    Landscape photo orientation is not the best choice for most profiles, but some use it to maintain the look of a professional photo. The standard will still be a square, but you can easily change it with the edit button.

    • Aspect ratio: 1. 91:1
    • Optimal size: between 600 x 315 px and 1080 x 608 px
    • Maximum resolution: 1080 x 608 px

    Note: Most cameras shoot in 16:9 ratio, not 1.91:1. If you don't resize the photos, they will either be loaded with black edges or the sides of the image will be cut off. Black edges are highly undesirable as they change the look of the image and make the tape look inconsistent.

    There are several advantages to creating landscape photos or cropping them to this format. This ratio seems more natural to the human eye and conveys a sense of space or panoramic perception. Landscape orientation is great for horizontal or horizontally moving objects. And in conclusion - this format is most suitable for viewing from a computer.

    Instagram vertical (portrait) photo size

    Portrait is a favorite format for marketers as it takes up more real estate on users' screens whenever they're not opening the app. While Instagram gives users room to get creative with non-square formats, there are some limitations.

    • Aspect ratio: 4:5
    • Optimal size: between 480 x 600 px and 1080 x 1350 px
    • Maximum size: 1080 x 1350 px

    Note: As we mentioned earlier, the reason portrait photos are prioritized is the most common: they fill up almost the entire user's display space. This means that it catches the eye more and gives more chances that the photo will be noticed. In addition, this format literally gives you more physical space to place your brand.

    In this case, the rule of thirds comes into play. Vertical lines can be divided into foreground, middle and background. Ideally, it's best to place something eye-catching in all three parts. As a last resort, there should be at least one main focus point.

    Instagram carousel post size

    The carousel allows users to upload up to 10 images that match the same aspect ratio. Sometimes it's not easy to align all the photos properly, but it's handy for posting multiple images, close-ups, and other pictures in one post.

    • Aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Optimal size: between 600 x 600 px and 1080 x 1080 px
    • Maximum resolution: 1080 x 1080 px

    Note: if you have very high resolution product photos, you should consider uploading these photos in slices in the carousel, ie. you need to enlarge each part of the photo and divide it into parts. In this way, you can showcase the product with all the details, as well as give a general idea of ​​it.

    You can also try posting additional items that complement or are part of the set. This way, you won't clutter your feed with multiple posts that might annoy some users. You can even achieve a panoramic effect by posting a layout carousel, where each photo is a suggestion of the previous one.

    Instagram Stories Size

    Instagram Stories are very engaging, accessible and easy to follow. Since stories are an effective way to increase reach, engagement, and conversions, you can't afford to upload content in an incomprehensible way.

    • Aspect ratio: 9:16
    • Optimal size: between 600 x 1067 px and 1080 x 1920 px
    • Maximum resolution: 1080 x 1920 px

    Note: Instagram provides specific options for different ratios. Photos that do not meet the recommended parameters will not be stretched; instead, the app will add a border around the edges to match the main color scheme of the image. This option allows you to upload even horizontal photos (however, they will be much smaller than vertical ones).

    However, you should still opt for a vertical format in Stories. People use their smartphones vertically, so you don't have to force them to rotate their phones to see the full size image. If you do without using a frame to fill the entire screen, and also rotate the photo vertically, then you will be pleased with the end result.

    Instagram video size

    If you want to create the perfect Instagram video, then you need to consider the features of the platform. Check out our guide on how to post videos to Instagram and try playing around with different formats. There are many nuances in the publication of videos that are worth getting to know.

    Here is a short table of allowed video formats and their features.

    Instagram video format Aspect ratio Size
    Square video 1:1 1080x1080px
    Horizontal video 16:9 1080x608px
    Vertical video 4:5 1080 x 1350px
    IGTV 9:16 1080x1350px
    Storys 9:16 1080 x 1920px

    Just like with photos, Instagram provides the ability to work with square videos. This format is standard and universal for all kinds of devices. The technical requirements for square videos are almost the same as those for photos.

    • Square video aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Minimum and maximum resolution: 600 x 600 px and 1080 x 1080 px
    • Duration: up to 60 seconds
    • File size: up to 4 GB

    Our recommendations for horizontal videos are almost identical to those we gave for photos. The reason why we recommend using a different aspect ratio is that it's too complicated to convert a video to 1.9:1. In addition, most people are used to watching videos in 16:9 format.

    • Aspect ratio for horizontal videos: 16:9
    • Minimum and maximum resolution: 600 x 315 px and 1080 x 608 px
    • Duration: up to 60 seconds
    • File size: up to 4 GB

    Vertical video and full screen mode are not the same thing. If you're filming a clip on your phone, or recording a video on TikTok or Snapchat, then you'll need to resize the video before posting it to your feed.

    • Aspect ratio for vertical videos: 4:5
    • Minimum and maximum resolution: 600 x 750 px and 1080 x 1350 px
    • Duration: up to 60 seconds
    • File size: up to 4 GB

    IGTV is Instagram's first attempt at adding a longer video option.

    Learn more