How to get 50 000 followers on instagram

How To Get 50k Followers In One Month? | by DYT — Do Your Thng

One of the questions that pops-up with the regularity of a leitmotif at Do Your Thng is “how to reach X followers in a month?” For some creators, the number is 10,000 and for others, it is 50,000. If you take away the hard digits, the crux is how do you gain more followers — a lot more than you have presently.

With that in mind, here’s a dive into the Mariana Trench of social media — tricks to reaching more followers.

1. Post every day.

On social media, after 24 hours, a post is pretty much obsolete. The chances of new users coming across it are abysmal (unless you use clever #).

Which is why the first and most crucial tip to get more followers is to post every day. If possible, publish at least twice — once in the morning and once in the evening.

Keep the posts regular and never, ever, ever, abandon your account. If you lose momentum, you lose followers.

2. Use HD quality.

Social sites like Instagram are visual platforms, which is why nicer, high-quality images and videos get you more likes. It is a hassle, but get rid of the habit of using your phone to click photos. Get a digital camera. Use it to snap a few pictures, edit them and then post.

3. Apply one filter.

HD images do hike up your engagement, but you also need to have a consistent theme for your Insta grid. Apply the same filter for every image or video you publish. How does it help? Over time users will start recognising your content and connect with it more, which will bring in more followers.

4. Peak times.

What you post is as important as when you publish it. The peak times — the moment when most people are scrolling through a social site — are while travelling to work, lunchtime and after work.

Hit post during these times of the day and you’ll get more engagement and ultimately more followers. FYI, this trick is critical if you are targeting people in the same time zone (read: within India). If your followers are generally from another country, then sticking to a set time doesn’t matter as much.

5. Always hashtag.

If you do not include hashtags in your post, you may as well not post. The easiest way to discovery is hashtags. Find out which hashtags your ideal audience uses. Add them in your caption, and you’ll gain more followers through the explore page.

Don’t be stingy with #. If you feel they are cluttering your caption, put them on the first comment of your post.

6. Tag brands.

While hashtags do give you exposure, tagging a brand or even another creator on your posts is a better way to get more followers. This works because brands love to regram UGC. When you tag a product or include the brand’s unique hashtag in the post, chances are the brand will repost it. And once you get brand visibility, you get more followers!

7. Interact a lot.

There is a reason Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are called social platforms. They are meant for interactions. So, go socialise. This means liking and commenting on the post of all potential followers.

It also means that if you are asked what brand’s dress you are wearing in an image 14 different times, then answer politely to all 14 people separately. In every post, if a user asks for any information, give it no matter how taxing it is to say the same thing repeatedly.

8. Follow back.

If you are just starting your social page, follow back any page that is set to public. It is a courtesy and the gesture is always appreciated. Besides, it is another form of interaction and it opens your page to new followers.

9. Give credit.

As a creator, you often repost content someone else has made. When you do so, credit the owner. That one step is likely to get you a double-tap, comment and follow. Plus, it is an opportunity to start an online dialogue — the first rung on the ladder of more followers.

10. Connect with creators.

Find influencers in your niche or one complementary to it and connect with them. When you build a network of creators, your social reach increases. This is particularly true if you collaborate with them. Working with another creator (or even a brand) puts you in the focus of a whole new set of social media users.

How do you connect with creators? The not-so-sure way is to send a DM or email introducing yourself and keeping your fingers crossed that you get a reply. The sure-fire method is to join a creator-community. Yes, that’s a blatant DYT brag, but it works!

Because the goal is to reach 50K followers in just one month, you have to follow these ten steps stringently and aggressively. There are no free lunches. You reap, what you sow. So, put in the hard work and the number ticker will rise.

The final bit of advice on how to reach 50K followers in a month is to stick to your niche. If you talk about home décor and suddenly start posting videos of fitness regimes, people will unfollow you. Don’t veer off course. Cling to what your audience is looking for, and you’ll be golden.

And remember, the start is the hard part. Once you reach a certain follower number, from there, it snowballs and within no time you cross the coveted 50k mark.

How I Gained 50K Instagram Followers Rapidly and Organically

Last July (a year ago next week precisely), we were starting our kitchen renovation and I decided I really wanted to start using my Instagram as an extension of our blog and business, instead of mostly for personal use. As scary as that was to say out loud–I wanted to grow my Instagram following. At the time @chrislovesjulia had around 4k Instagram followers, although I guess they don’t give you the coveted “k” until you hit 10k, so rewind–I had around 4000 followers over there and got, on average, 100 or so likes per photo. I told Chris I wanted to to grow my Instagram following, but I wanted to do it in an organic way. No buying followers, no being a part of those round-robin giveaways where you have to follow 20 bloggers who all pooled money to giveaway a Target gift card (and hopefully gain a lot of followers).  I just wanted to see what I could do by putting forth a conscious effort and making a few changes through trial and error. It’s been an intense year-long experiment of seeing what works and what doesn’t, but now, a year later, I’ve gained 50K+ real, loyal followers, average 1500 new followers a week, receive thousands of likes per post and countless real-life opportunities from Instagram.

It took from the end of July to December to go from 4000 to 10K followers and from then on, it’s been consistent and rapid growth and now I gain hundreds of new followers a day. Today, I wanted to share exactly how I grew my Instagram following in an organic way and what I’ve learned about the process over the past year, summarized into 10 points:

1. Use an actual camera. I switched from using my phone to using a Canon EOS 70D camera (and this lens) for EVERY photo. I’m not going to lie, it’s a hassle to pull out my camera, my tripod (I have this one), take a photo or 10, upload them to my computer, edit one and then send it to myself to post on Instagram, but I’ve also learned it’s worth it. Instagram is a visual platform, designed for people to react to what they see, so it makes sense that a nicer photo would elicit more likes and engagement.

2. Filters are your friend, but tread lightly. Instagram is a runway of photos and there was a time when people would probably scroll right past mine. So while a photo on the blog can stand on its own, without slightly more shadows or brightness, on Instagram–you need to stand out! However, there’s a fine line between adding a filter to a photo to brand it as yours and filtering a photo until it looks nothing like reality. By using the same filter(s) every time, it will gradually start feeling familiar to people. They’ll recognize it as yours, and your feed will start looking cohesive. I use 2 different, but very similar VSCO filters: A6 and J6 (which is slightly warmer) on my photos and I generally turn the opacity down by about half so it’s not so stark.

3. Stick to your niche. If you really want to grow your following, you gotta give the people what they are following you for. This can be a difficult adjustment, and I learned the hard lesson that the majority of my followers don’t care about my children, what I wear, or selfies. They care about our house and how we live in it. Last summer, after I started consciously growing my Instagram, I posted a picture of me and my sister on her wedding day. It’s what I did that day, I was happy and I wanted to share it. I lost 40 followers. Most people would say, “Well if they don’t like, then they don’t have to follow me.” And that’s true! But if you market yourself as a fashion/fitness/home/mommy instagrammer, and you veer off course, don’t take it personally if people do unfollow you.

4. Posting something is not always better than posting nothing. I generally like to post on Instagram 2 times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I don’t follow any hard and fast rules of when to post. I’ve heard people talk about “Oh, it’s a horrible time to post” but I have found quality content is never unreceived I know brands and people that post 10 times a day on Instagram and I eat every one of their posts up because they are on brand! However, if I don’t have any quality content to post, if I don’t have a great room shot or a tip to share–it’s truly better NOT to post. One average picture can cause you to lose followers, while posting nothing, only doesn’t gain you any followers typically.

5.  Let Them See You. This one is the hardest for me, but has made the world of difference in my following count. Do you know what the difference is between your Instagram account and the next one? You. People shouldn’t have to scroll several times to find out who is running the page. I was once told you should appear in every 9th photo to assign a face to the account and keep it more connected to YOU. Before I start sounding like I’m contradicting number 3 too much, I should add–it doesn’t mean a selfie. It doesn’t have to mean you looking at the camera and posing for the photo. If you’re a home blogger like me, show how you live in your home. If you’re a photographer instagrammer–set up a camera taking a picture of you taking a picture. I love posting photos of us around our home. It provides scale, context and personality to our house. Sometimes that involves setting up a tripod on a timer to take the picture. Does that lessen the moment? Not at all. Is it embarrassing to admit? Yes.

6. Tagging Sources > Hashtags. The number of times my photos have been re-grammed by companies I’ve tagged in the photo as sources is infinitely more than any hashtag exposure I’ve received. It doesn’t mean I don’t use hashtags, because I’m sure I’ve gained some followers from people browsing through #interiorinspo or the explore page, I’m just saying it’s not close to the followers I’ve gained from other people or brands re-gramming my photo because I tagged their product as a source. It’s not essential to the growth of your Instagram to go crazy with hashtags. I mostly just use the brand hashtags associated with the sources tagged in the photos (i.e. our bed from West Elm, I’ll tag West Elm in the photo and #mywestelm in the caption) and I have gotten regrams from pretty much EVERY home brand out there doing that. This also makes my photo appear on their profile. I’ve only received one regram (in all of my years on Instagram!) using a hashtag–#soDomino, which was a nice regram.

7. Interact with followers and provide information in every post. I answer what the paint color is on the walls of our great room 12 times a day and that’s not an exaggeration. In fact, it’s so often, I only have to type in a B and my phone will predict Benjamin Moore Hazy Skies. So I know it can be taxing to answer the same questions over and over, but just think of it as more new people are following you, love what they see and want to know more! I always tag sources, direct people to our Shop Our House page for all the sources in our home and I still get questions about where things are from, but I answer every. single. time. They always appreciate it and it allows followers to feel like more than just a number. I also try to give valuable tips and information in every post, even if it’s just sources.

8.  Pay Attention to what works and what doesn’t work. I’ve tracked how vignettes, whole room shots, room shots with people, videos, daytime photos, and night time photos do through likes received, followers gained, followers lost and comments for a year. I really love using Iconosquare for this, even if it you do have to pay for it as of last month. It’s full of analytics and will run about $49/year or $5/month. They also have a free 7-day trial if you want to try it. A free option is the Instatracker app. It merely counts how many followers you’ve gained or lost. You can pay to see exactly who unfollowed you (don’t get caught up in that, it does no good) and a few more things, but if you want to consciously grow your following, it’s essential to know the nitty gritty of what’s working and what’s not. In my study, I’ve found, tight-cropped vignettes do the worst. One photo of a wooden spoon on our counter lost me 35 followers so fast I deleted it within minutes. And then I resolved to not delete photos due to loss of followers, but just to learn from it. A whole room shot (or a whole outfit shot or a whole, big, fat juicy burger) vs a tightly cropped sneak peek will always perform better because it gives more information and thus has more value.

9. Giveaways aren’t the answer; Followers tagging friends are. A lot of people think, if you host a giveaway on Instagram, and have all of the people entering tag someone they know, then your following will blow up. It doesn’t work, at least for the long term. You might see a small or even decent boost in your count, but once the contest is over, and they find out they haven’t won, many people will unfollow. Giveaways don’t grow or foster loyal followings. If you’d like to have a giveaway, think of it as a way to reward your current following. So how do you get people to tag their friends and spread the word about your awesome Instagram account? It always comes back to this: Quality content, relevant to your niche will have your followers tagging their friends more often than any giveaway–and then they’ll follow you, too. Our Transformation Tuesdays, where we show before and afters of a space in our home (made through the Flipagram app–pay the $1.99 to remove the logo) always encourage lots of tagging and bring new followers.

10. Pay it forward. If a photo makes me smile, I like it. If it makes me stop scrolling for more than a second, I’ll leave a comment. It doesn’t matter how many or few followers the account has. I think it’s just a nice way to be genuine, spread kindness and make someone feel good. If someone gets curious, and clicks on my account through a comment–purely bonus. And always, always credit other Instagrammers if you choose to share their photo. It’s just the right thing to do.

If you are anxious to grow your following, whether you are starting from scratch or your following has been stagnant for some time, I hope this helps jump start your growth. If you have been posting and hovering around the same number, even if that number is in the tens of thousands, it’s time to change something, whether that be the make-up of your photo, the niche you thought you were in, or finding an it factor that will make you stand out.

How to get followers in 2022 on Instagram: from 0 to 10,000

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As practice shows, the first 10,000 subscribers are the hardest to get. The reason is simple: people are reluctant to subscribe to little-known pages. But nothing is impossible. We have compiled 14 tips for you to help you grow your profile from scratch within a year.

#1 Join mutual PR groups / Liketme

How can a little-known page quickly gain followers? Join mutual PR groups, this tactic is best for promoting new accounts.

It works like this. A group of participants is recruited, after which everyone sends a link to their post. All members of the group like and comment on each other's posts, thereby increasing the reach. When there are a lot of likes and comments under your post, it arouses the interest of other people: they want to see what is there.

Sounds nice. But. There are many groups for mutual PR and on various topics, for example, about travel, fashion, etc. To attract your target audience, join such groups on the topic of your page. And to keep the attention of new subscribers, you should also subscribe to them.

This is a short-term strategy for developing a page from scratch that will not increase sales, but will increase brand trust and awareness.

#2 Repost someone else's content

To promote his store, Nicole Martins Ferreira, an SMM specialist, started using the Repost for Instagram app to repost other people's content.

One of these reposts got 52,862 views, 1,264 comments and 9,147 likes. It was a big hit, Nicole didn't even have 10,000 subscribers at the time. But remember, according to Instagram policy, you need to request permission to repost from the author of publications. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting banned.

Why reposts of other people's content, and not publications of your own? Newbies don't have such good content, and reposting - what could be easier?

What content to repost? Use hashtags to find the most popular posts, share the ones that got you the most engagement. This is the simplest and most effective strategy for beginners.

#3 Ask followers to share photos

It's much easier to promote your Instagram page if you have a product or service that your customers share on their profile. If you post content with your customers, it will increase your social security and credibility.

If you haven't had any clients yet, you can contact an influencer (blogger) that suits your niche and order a review of your product. It is better to choose bloggers who have about 5,000 subscribers. Such accounts have a much lower cost of advertising and a more engaged audience.

You can also offer cooperation. For each completed sale through a referral link, you pay a commission to the blogger.

If you already have clients, you can ask them to tag you in their story or feed in exchange for a gift or a discount. Once you have enough clients, you don't have to ask anymore, they will tag you for free.

#4 Create a consistent style and stick to it

Yes, sounds like " blah blah blah " . Let's figure it out.

Often people subscribe not because of the published content, but because of the anticipation and the ability to predict what your next post will be.

Let's say you run a corgi page and post cute pictures and videos of him every day. Users who come across your content may notice that you always have cute corgi photos. They will subscribe and start following your page, waiting for new cute corgi posts.

Sticking to a single style or theme is more than a branding game. We are talking about the psychophysiological component of emotions: the expectations that your existing and potential subscribers create. They want and expect to see more content of the same type or style every day.

By sticking to a consistent style, you build confidence and trust in your brand, which in turn helps increase your following.

#5 Use hashtags

Many social media experts recommend using 5 to 11 hashtags. Don't be afraid to ignore such advice!

Start experimenting with hashtags and eventually you'll figure out which ones are right for your brand.

Why not use 30 hashtags? You can add all these hashtags to the first comment under the post, which few people will see.

Is your goal to increase coverage? Then this is the easiest way. With hashtags, your posts will rank higher for keywords, which increases your reach.

If you want to reach your target audience, then you should avoid generic hashtags like #love or #life, use niche hashtags.

#6 Use location tags

Increase your reach with « Location Tags » , it indicates the city or place where the video or image was taken.

If your business is in a specific city, you can use these geotags to make it easier for people to find and follow your Instagram account.

Locations have their own feed, stories and hashtags - use this sticker and your content will be automatically added there.

#7 Start blogging

Do you have a blog? Start running it on Hashtap or Yandex.Zen.

You can add links to your YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook accounts to your blog post. The more people who read your blog, the more likely they are to go to your social media pages and follow.

This is more of a long term strategy and you may not have a blog. But the faster you start it and add links to your social networks, the more likely you are to gain subscribers.

#8 Follow competitors' followers

To promote your account, you need to find people who follow your competitors' pages.

Do you know your competitors? Find them! Then study their profile, content and who comments on their posts, highlight your target audience. Start chatting with them.

It's best to choose smaller competitors to start with, as larger ones may have good loyalty programs that you may not be able to afford at the moment.

#9 Work with bloggers

Why bloggers? Every blogger has his loyal followers. By running ads with a blogger, you are guaranteed to get new subscribers and, most likely, sales.

But when choosing a blogger, carefully study his profile, exclude cheating subscribers. Sign an agreement so that the blogger cannot use bots. Due to the rapid influx of fake followers, you can get your account banned. You do not want this?

#10 Giveaways

Giveaways are another effective way to promote your account.

If the draw is published on the site, you can make a subscription to your social networks a mandatory condition for participation. This is how you unlock your account.

If you don't have many subscribers, you can post about the draw in free groups and blogs. You can also negotiate with bloggers - you send them a product, they review it for free and talk about the draw. Many agree to such conditions. Result? Hundreds of new subscribers in all social networks.

If you don't have your own audience yet, this is a great way to attract new subscribers. And to attract the target audience, you need to choose a blog from your niche.

Is your goal to promote your account? Then this strategy is for you if increasing sales is not.

#11 Collaboration with other brands

While you are at the start of your page promotion, collaboration with other brands is a quick way to build a target subscriber base. You just repost and tag each other's profile.

You don't have to do anything but repost. New subscribers will write to you first.

#12 Instagram Tips/Guide

Instagram Tips is a new way to share educational content in the form of tips and hacks. In the IG guide, you can add: a title, description, video or image, as well as use already published posts in the feed.

There are 3 guide formats available:

  • Places - collections of interesting places, objects, etc. in your city or some other city.
  • Products - collections of products that you sell on your Instagram.
  • Posts - your existing posts on the same topic, collected in one place, to which you can add titles and comments.

If you have interesting and useful tips, they will be shared with them. This will increase your engagement and reach, and with them the number of subscribers.

#13 Use Instagram analytics

« Embedded » Instagram analytics gives incomplete information about your followers.

Connect third-party analytics services to get more data. Many of these services are free.

Best free analytics services for Instagram:

  1. Sprout Social
  2. DataFan
  3. Popsters
  4. Live Dune

All these services collect highly informative statistics on subscribers and your content. To figure out your target audience, analyze metrics such as engagement rate, number of new followers, unsubscribers, and inactive accounts. Use this data to better understand your audience.

A very loose translation and adaptation of an article from the Oberlo blog.



Yandex.Direct and Google Ads certified specialist. Knows everything about medical marketing and coffee varieties.

From 0 to 110k followers in 5 months - Dark site of marketing

Nathan Chan, one of the founders of an online magazine for entrepreneurs called Foundr, told how to get followers on Instagram. For 5 months, he independently managed the Foundr account, using various promotion tactics as part of a single growth strategy. The results he achieved in such a short time are impressive:

● 110 thousand subscribers

● 777 posts (5.18 per day)

● 1.43 million likes (1.8k per post)

● 61 thousand comments (78 under each post)

● Average 20,000 clicks per month on CTAs (call to action buttons)

Below, we'll take a closer look at some of the tactics Nathan has made Instagram a critical part of growing his business.

Relevance of content to the interests of the target audience

Nathan knew he wanted to use Instagram as his main marketing channel, but first he needed to figure out what type of content would work best to attract an audience. Often, this becomes one of the most difficult challenges that a business just starting out on Instagram has to face. As a result, some just start posting whatever they like.

Nathan's idea was pretty simple: post sayings that would motivate aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. That is, he wanted to create for them a source of inspiration for every day. This, in turn, would create a small community of entrepreneurs who could eventually become subscribers to Foundr magazine.

Consistency is the key to success

Your content must be consistent. If Nathan paid attention to posts only once a week or once every few days, then subscribers would not know when to expect updates.

Instead, Nathan posted an average of 4 quotes each day, carefully choosing the right content. This was his strategy.

The tactic described above is only appropriate if you want to gain followers on Instagram, not when you already have a large number of followers hungry for updates.

In order to successfully implement all this, Nathan planned his content in advance, got the right quotes and pictures, and then prepared them for posting (more on this below).

Instagram Automation

Wordswag is the main application that Nathan used. Thanks to it, you can upload images and turn them into beautiful quotes in minutes.

Wordswag automatically saves your pictures in the Camera Roll folder, after which you can decide how you want to post them on Instagram.

If you want to empower and manage your Instagram account as efficiently as possible, then use Instagram post automation services such as Onlypult. Using this service, you can manage multiple accounts at the same time, publish and schedule posts for a specific time, and track your own results. Try it today, especially since you can use it for free for a week.

Using questions to engage the audience

Some of Nathan's most popular posts are designed to engage his followers. The essence of the tactics used is to ask questions, as shown in the example below.

Posts that include questions, on average, provide 300% more interaction with the audience than regular images for Foundr.

Encouraging subscribers to tag friends

To make his Instagram images visible to more users, Nathan uses another tactic - asking followers to tag friends. This is a great way to quickly promote on Instagram.

The post above was the most successful post Nathan has ever posted. Under it, users left 1,600 comments.

Tap twice if you agree

Nathan adds another little tactic to question-based posts - he encourages users to double-tap if they agree. This is one of the main reasons why Foundr has managed to get over 1. 4 million likes on the images. Do not ask - do not receive.

Holding contests on Instagram

When you have an already promoted Instagram account with a large audience, this can be used to increase its awareness. To achieve this, the use of some kind of incentive is well suited.

Nathan runs Instagram contests and gives out a magazine subscription as a prize. Instead, it encourages users to tag their friends and listen to his podcasts.

Appeal to emotions

Nathan uses pictures to evoke emotions in his followers. Every entrepreneur knows how hard the struggle can be, so it's easy for them to connect with certain messages. As a result, they increase the engagement rate of the audience.

In order to quickly gain followers on Instagram, you can use tactics that evoke certain emotions: desire, hope, pride, sympathy, fear, or any other emotion.

Using #hashtags in comments instead of descriptions.

Nathan believes that the description for posts on Instagram is a special aspect for effective promotion. Therefore, he advises to avoid using hashtags, and instead write interesting text.

You will be able to leave comments under your own post using any suitable and necessary #hashtags. This will give you the same result as using hashtags in the post description.

Application of emoji

You can put emoticons in the Instagram mobile application. They will help draw attention to certain sentences or words in the post description. Nathan used them to ask followers to follow a Foundr link (which is the only clickable link available on Instagram).

Image branding

Images are one of the most common media forms available for our use. Nathan wanted to make sure that using images on Instagram or other social platforms would add value to his brand.

You may notice that all images of Nathan have a logo. In addition, you can include links or catchy URLs to redirect users to download pages, contests, or contact capture pages.

Earnings on Instagram

Finally, we got to the main reason why brands use Instagram - revenue growth.

Learn more