How many people can you tag on instagram

How Many People Can I Tag On Instagram In One Post? It Depends On How You Do It


Carl Court/Getty Images News/Getty Images

by Josie Rhodes Cook


Originally Published: 

Instagram is easily one of the most popular social media platforms, but even those who use it regularly may not know how many people they can tag on Instagram in one post, or other limitations Instagram has in place. As it turns out there are, in fact, limits to the number of friends you can tag in that photo you posted of your friends enjoying the perfect moms' night out.

You can tag up to 20 accounts in a post on Instagram, according to Social Buddy. Additionally, the Instagram help center notes that you can't include more than five "@ mentions" in a single comment on the site. So, you can only identify 20 of your friends in that big group photo that you post to your feed and when you want your friends to see a very hilarious meme on Instagram, there's a limit to how many friends you can tag in one comment. So it does seem to matter whether you're tagging people in a post or a reply when it comes to the overall number of people you can mention.

The key difference seems to be whether you are "tagging" people in an Instagram post by mentioning them using the "@" sign in a caption or comment, or whether you're clicking on "tag people" before you share the post and adding tags to the actual photo being published.

Just to be sure, I tested the number of people I could tag in a single Instagram post. When using the "tag people" function, I could only get to 20 before Instagram stopped me from adding any more accounts. However, when I used the "@" sign to tag people in the caption of the post, I got past 20 and Instagram let me keep tagging. When tagging people in the comments of a post, it let me tag more than five people without getting an error. Even after posting a photo with 22 people tagged, all of the tags showed up.

Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images

So the official limit for tagging people appears to be 20 people, but you can still get people's attention on a post that you'd like them to see, whether it's because they're in the image you've posted or not, by simply tagging more people in the caption of the post itself. This way they’ll know you want them to see the specific post.

There are also limits to how many hashtags you can use in one comment, which are a great way to get your posts seen and encourage engagement with other users. According to Instagram you can only use up to 30 hashtags in one post.

While this may seem like a trick that can be easily exploited, you should be careful not to make Instagram mad enough to end up with a shadowban, or otherwise have your account limited on the site.

Instagram is currently one of the most downloaded (free) phone apps in the Apple app store with more than 1 billion users and it's the third most popular social media platform in the United States, as Forbes reported in March 2018. That statistic is based off of a survey the Pew Research Center did on social media use in 2018, which found that 35% of U.S. adults say they use Instagram. And it's particularly popular with young people: 71% of American 18- to 24-year-olds reportedly use the social media platform every day.

Since Instagram is and will probably continue to be so popular, it's a good thing for people to learn all that they can on how to use it effectively.

Additional reporting by Casey Suglia.

This article was originally published on

How Many People Can You Tag on Instagram (2022)


If you did see Kylie Jenner tagging her boyfriend Travis Scott directly on her butt on an Instagram post, your views about the tagging feature may have been changed. In this article, we will give you information on how many people can you tag on Instagram.

We are social creatures, and naturally, it’s expected that we enjoy certain things with people whom we love. Thanks to Instagram, like other social media platforms, you can easily tag the people beside you on the photo you just posted. In that way, the internet is like a big old photo gallery.

Other than the sentimental part of it, it’s also a great way to get in touch with the relevant people that you can’t normally chitchat with. You can get their attention with an amazing post. However, how can you do that if you don’t know how to tag people on a post?

Let’s learn how you can.

Instagram’s Inbuilt Tag Feature

Currently, when you tag people with the tag feature you can do 20 people but after that Instagram won’t let you do more. Therefore, you shouldn’t go that high with the numbers. Who’s going to check that twenty individual tags anyway?

However, how many people can you tag on Instagram if you mention them directly from the comment section with the @ sign?

  • You should be able to get more than 20. You’ll have to try it yourself. The case for stories is much less with a max of 10 tags.
  • When it comes to hashtags, Instagram says on their page: “You can use up to 30 tags on a post; if you include more than 30 tags on a single photo/video, your comment won’t post.”

So, keep that in mind if you decide to use a lot of hashtags.

How to Use Hashtags to Your Advantage

A recent update now allows you to follow hashtags so the most popular posts with the said hashtag will show up on your feed even if you aren’t following the account that posts using that hashtag. Keep that in mind when using hashtags. Keep them relevant to your content and don’t overdo it.

  • Top 100 Instagram Hashtags of 2019 (Ultimate Hashtag Guide)
  • Find the best hashtags that correspond with your posts.
  • In any hashtag page at the top, you can see related hashtags that are also popular. Find the ones you could work with.
  • You can also consider creating your own hashtags.
  • You should stay away from banned hashtags as they might tank your impressions.

If you stick to a consistent plan that promotes your hashtags and maybe sometimes ask profiles with a bigger fan base to use your hashtag you can grow your account over time.

Conclusion on How Many People Can You Tag on Instagram


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When you think about it throughout, Instagram’s tagging feature is bliss. You can share your best moments alongside your friends with the vast world of social media. It’s up to them to admire it.

However, you should be careful when using it as there is not a distinct line between too much and just right. This is especially true for the other tagging feature; the hashtags. In that case, we know that the optimal number is nine, so, don’t go overboard. Thanks for reading.

Do you utilize hashtags or do you tag people to relevant posts? Let us know right down in the comments section.

Instagram limits 2021: full list

Any Instagram account wants a quick promotion - subscribers, likes, comments. And yes, you can get them not only by cheating, but also by your actions - activity in the profiles of the audience you need.

But everything must be approached with a head and measure, otherwise there is a risk of getting punished up to the loss of the account, all your efforts and budget. Therefore, let's figure out what there are limits on Instagram, and what you should not worry about.

Limits depending on account age

There are no single digits for Instagram limits. If you search for them online, you will see that different sites offer different restrictions - and somewhere they differ quite significantly.

Therefore, based on our experience and analysis, we have deduced the average limits with which your account will definitely remain safe. For convenience, they are divided into tables.

- Likes

In order to increase coverage and show their publications to more users, account owners try to increase the number of likes: someone chooses a more honest way through working with content, someone tries to win likes with direct calls to "put hearts" . Massliking is also on the way. Regardless of how you earn likes, IG may suspect cheating.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 10/20 400/500 2. 5 min
after 6 months 20/40 500/1000 1.5 min
more than 1 year 30/50 800/1200 1.2 min

- Following

Mass following is one of the most popular ways to promote among users, but it will be unacceptable for Instagram . It doesn't matter to the algorithm how you promote your account - by yourself or with the help of specialized programs. In addition, the IG sums up the number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions. Therefore, if you have subscribed to a lot of accounts, the best way to unsubscribe from uninteresting pages is in an hour, or at best, the next day.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 10/20 125/175 8 min
after 6 months 15/30 200/250 5. 7 min
after 1 year 30/40 250/300 4.8 min

- Comments

If suddenly an unnaturally large number of comments appear under your post, Instagram will consider that you decided to play a dishonest game with it and will gladly send you to a ban, but that's another story. Therefore, here, too, you need to know the measure.

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 20/30 100/150 9.6 min
after 6 months 30/40 150/200 7.2 min
after 1 year 40/50 200/300 4.8 min

Comments on Instagram: from real people + how to wind up

- Direct messages (not to subscribers)

Instagram is quite jealous of the personal space of its users. Therefore, think carefully before mass sending messages to Direct to people who are not subscribed to you. The situation can turn against you: annoyed users can complain about your account and then "Welcome to the ban!".

Account age per hour Per day Pauses between actions
up to 6 months 3/5 20/30 10 min
after 6 months 10/15 30/40 10 min
after 1 year 15/20 40/50 10 min

Limits regardless of the age of the account

Limits per day, per hour, mentioned above, you can exceed after a certain period of time. Here I will talk about the restrictions on Instagram, which do not depend on whether you are a new user of the social network or an experienced Instagrammer.

- unsubscribes

But this is a mistake - there are completely different rules for unsubscribing.

It's worth starting to unsubscribe from 500 non-reciprocal subscriptions and from 300 mutual subscriptions per day. Then gradually over the course of a month, you can add a figure. The maximum number of unsubscribes per day is 1,000 non-reciprocal and 700 mutual. We have already written more about how to remove followers on Instagram, so let's move on.

As advertising

- Mentions

In one discussion, you can add no more than 5 mentions, and tag up to 5 users in a comment. By the way, in this case, age still matters. On a new account, it is better to leave no more than 20 mentions per day, on a more mature profile up to 50.

If we talk about marks in stories, then one can mark a maximum of 10 accounts, and up to 500 users per day.

- Saves

The number of saves does not directly affect the popularity of the account. If you save 100 entries, their authors won't even know about it. But the saving of your records by other users perfectly brings the page to the top.

Spin up to 25 saves for the first week. Then you can gradually increase up to 1000.

Cheat saves on Instagram: 7 services + how to make

- Posts

Through trial and error, it was possible to establish that a maximum of 25 posts per day can be painlessly published for an account with an interval of 5-10 minutes.

Plagiarism on Instagram is also punishable by a ban, so don't do it!

- Stories

There is no limit on Instagram stories, you can post as many as you like. But only 100 will hang in the profile. That is, you can also post the next ones, but the first ones will be deleted.

- Hashtags

You can leave no more than 30 hashtags on Instagram under the post. But if this is not enough for you, put the rest in the comments to the publication.

Hashtags on Instagram: how to use

- Number of characters in a post

There is an exact number - 2,000 including spaces. If you exceed, Instagram will simply crop everything. However, there are ways to push the boundaries, we wrote a whole article about it.

How many characters on Instagram: about the post and not only + 20 life hacks

- The duration of the uploaded video

It all depends on the format and placement on Instagram. For stories - 15 seconds, for a post - 1 minute, for IGTV - 60 minutes. For video Reels - 30 seconds.

Ideas for Instagram stories

- Mass actions

As for mass liking and mass following, the limits are identical to views, likes, comments, etc., we have already talked about them above. When masslooking, stick to no more than 5,000 views per day.

Important. There are no limits on Instagram for views of current stories, IQTV, photo/video posts, profile visits, swipes from stories, and live viewers.








How not to get banned

An Instagram ban can last from a few hours to two weeks. But, there is also a risk of losing your account forever. The duration of the ban will primarily depend on the severity of your violations.

Even after we announced the safe numbers of Instagram limits, the fear of "what if they block you" probably does not leave you. Therefore, I will give the main advice, following which you will not fly into the ban.

This is how the fear of all IG users looks like

- Follow the rules of the social network

Carefully read the Instagram policy. If you unknowingly violate it, you can catch the most cruel measure - blocking your account without the possibility of recovery.

Interesting. Do you want to increase your statistics and reach on your Instagram? Then we recommend an account analysis that will show all the weaknesses and clear bots and an inactive audience. Click and test 3 days for free -> Instahero

- Do things regularly

Let's say you get 100 likes every day. One day, once - there are 10 of them. And then again 100 each. This strange start will immediately arouse suspicion, and Instagram will begin to closely follow your profile. And this means that even a small jamb will be noticed.

- Watch your limits

Don't neglect the numbers we talk about so much in this article. Otherwise, without even realizing it, you will fall into the shadowban. This is a temporary Instagram restriction on any action. In the event of a ban, when you click, for example, on a subscription, you will see that you have subscribed, but in fact the action will not be performed. Read more in the article.

The consequences of a ban can be disastrous for your statistics

Shadowban: how to check (4 methods) + how long it takes + how to get out (10 ways) merciless to "young" accounts that are less than 6 months old;
  • No need to thoughtlessly and "automatically" like and subscribe to everyone in one day - Instagram will send you to a ban;
  • Do not assume that a quick rise from scratch with the help of third-party applications is a success. IG will send you to the ban again. Remember: slowly but surely.
  • Develop evenly, focusing on the quality of content, not its quantity.
  • Promoting your profile on Instagram helps to increase brand awareness, attract new traffic, or simply earn money through a blog. Therefore, activity in other profiles and cheating indicators is an effective tool for promotion in this social network. By the way, do not forget to use virtual number services to receive SMS when registering for cheating.

    However, remember about Instagram limits, and that its algorithms closely monitor your activity. And if suddenly you decide to deceive IG, he will easily determine this and send your account to rest in a ban. Therefore, use honest ways to promote your page and believe me, it will pay off doubly.

    What are the limits on Instagram and why follow them

    Likes and comments are needed for successful promotion, but Instagram does not talk about the limits, but only warns about what not to do. In this article, we will look at the limits on Instagram, find out what criteria to follow and for what actions an account can be blocked.

    • Why stick to limits on Instagram
    • Violation of what limits leads to blocking
    • Other limits on Instagram
    • Conclusion

    Why stick to limits on Instagram

    Instagram limits apply to any kind of content: the number of likes, comments, subscriptions, messages, and the like. The site algorithm checks the user's actions and blocks suspicious activity in the profile, and also warns against using "gray" promotion methods.

    Note . You can read about the Community Guidelines in the Meta Help and the Instagram Guide.

    The site has a negative attitude towards:

    • Cheats and automatic actions.
    • Attempts to manipulate and bypass algorithms.
    • Intrusive advertising in private messages and comments.
    • Spam.

    Consequences of limit violations

    For one violation, you will receive a warning, which can be viewed in the "Notifications" tab. If the moderators notice a large number of identical actions in the account, you will receive a warning, followed by blocking or deleting the profile. Particularly strict requirements apply to new accounts that have been in existence for less than six months.

    • Shadowban . The site limits the display of posts, Reels and stories - they do not fall into recommendations and cannot be found by hashtags. If you notice a sharp drop in reach within a few days, this is a sign of a shadowban.
    • Temporary lock . The algorithm limits your actions and does not allow you to like, subscribe to users or leave comments. This blocking lasts up to three days.
    • Temporary deletion of account . In this case, you do not lose access to the profile, and when you try to log in, a notification appears that the account has been blocked for violating the rules. Access can be restored, but technical support takes a long time to respond, which means it will take time.
    • Permanent ban . Instagram will delete the page without the possibility of recovery.

    Recommended reading! Learn how to unblock Instagram.

    You may also receive a warning for content that does not comply with platform standards. Because of him, account holders fall under the shadowban. To find out the status of your account, go from your profile to the menu and go to the "Settings" section.

    Account settings

    Then go to the "Account" tab.

    Account tab

    And check Account Status.

    Account Status tab

    Here you can check the list of violations, see recommendations and options on how to get deleted posts back.

    Check your profile for prohibited content
    Convert Instagram followers into regular customers

    Create a chatbot, automate communication with customers and improve sales in Instagram Direct.

    Violation of what limits leads to blocking

    Let's consider violations for which some of the functions can be limited or even banned forever.

    Limit of likes on Instagram

    To increase the reach and attract users' attention to the profile, account holders put likes.

    Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account is over a year old
    Per day 300 likes 500 900
    per hour 12 likes 20 50
    Minimum break 1-2 minutes

    Message limit on Instagram

    The site monitors the observance of the personal space of users - mass mailing to strangers who did not consent to correspondence is perceived negatively. Community members can file a complaint and your account will be blocked. Therefore, keep track of the number of messages sent to Direct.

    Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
    Per day 20 messages 35 50
    per hour 3-5 messages 10 15
    Minimum break 10 minutes

    Instagram comment limit

    Accounts are often blocked due to comments - make sure that they are different and contain text, not just emoji.

    Identical comments are treated as spam. This is followed by a warning, and if the action is repeated, the account is blocked.

    Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
    Per day Not recommended to use in order not to get banned 140 comments 200-250
    per hour Not recommended to use in order not to get banned 7 comments 8
    Minimum break - 4-5 minutes

    Instagram follow limit

    The algorithm takes into account the total number of followers and unfollows per day. Therefore, if you have subscribed to a large number of users, it is better to postpone the unsubscribe to the next day so as not to get banned.

    Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
    Per day 100 subscriptions 300 500
    per hour 20 subscriptions 30 40
    Minimum break 8 minutes 5 minutes 30 seconds to 1 minute

    Limits on unsubscribing

    You can start unsubscribing from 300 non-mutual and 200 mutual subscriptions per day, gradually increasing this number. But do not forget about the total amount of subscriptions and unsubscriptions per month - otherwise the account will be blocked.

    Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
    Per day 500 unsubscribes 1400 2000
    per hour 20 unsubscribes 50 80
    Minimum break 2 to 5 minutes

    Other limits on Instagram

    Let's look at other limits that do not lead to blocking, but limit the number of posts - for example, stories or hashtags.


    Up to 100 stories can be added per day. If you upload another one, the very first story will be automatically deleted and the total number will be one hundred.


    Up to three users per hour can be mentioned in comments, and up to 20 per day for new accounts. For profiles that have existed for more than six months, up to 50 users can be mentioned per day.

    Number of characters under the post

    Up to 2200 characters can be added to the post. If this is not enough for you, you can overlay text on the image and add it to the carousel, as in the screencast below.

    Carousel text example

    Adding photos and posts

    Up to 10 images can be added to a post. Up to 20 publications can be published per day with an interval of 5-10 minutes, but practice shows that it is enough to upload 1-2 posts per day, and send the rest of the content to stories. This way you won't bore your audience.


    Up to 30 tags with target and near-target keys can be added to a post. And for Reels, it is recommended to prescribe no more than 5 hashtags. You can also use tags in stories - geolocation, brand or thematic query.

    Use spaces or periods in the text to separate tags.

    An example of delimiting tags in the text for publication

    Account blocking

    Brands and bloggers constantly use account blocking: fakes, spam, trolls, competitors, and the like. At the same time, mass blocking is perceived negatively by the platform - so do not rush to take such measures so as not to receive a warning. It’s better to try to calm the person down or pause between blocks so as not to attract undue attention from the moderators.

    Recommended reading! Learn more about Instagram:

    • “How to write a post-acquaintance on Instagram”;
    • "How to make a mask on Instagram";
    • "How to create, promote and maintain an Instagram store";
    • "How to create a high-quality visual on Instagram";
    • "How to sell on Instagram";
    • "How to use Instagram Guides for organic promotion";
    • "Earnings on Instagram - TOP 18 ways to get real money";
    • "How to make stories on Instagram from your phone and computer";
    • "How to add a photo to Instagram from a computer";
    • “How to create a content plan for Instagram. Rules, tips, examples”;
    • "Instagram design: how to make your profile attractive to the audience."


    In this article, we looked at the new Instagram limits, which are updated every year. You can learn about changes only by trial and error - the site does not talk about the operation of the algorithm and how it reacts to mass actions.

    If you are banned, follow these precautions:

    • Do nothing on your account and try checking your profile the next day.
    • File an appeal with technical support and clarify the options for resolving the problem.
    • Reduce the number of actions after you exit the ban. For some time, moderators will closely monitor the account and can delete it at any time.
    • Stop using automated services that help you publish content.

    You can automate the process of communication with users using the chatbot on Instagram, which will send mailing lists to those who have agreed to the correspondence.

    Learn more