How many likes did i get on instagram this year

How To See Likes On Instagram In 2022

Instagram is well known for its iconic heart button.

However, Instagram has taken its user’s feedback on board and changed the way you see Instagram likes on the platform. In hopes of creating a platform where social media users feel comfortable expressing themselves without the pressure of high engagement, Instagram has publicly hidden the number of post likes.

So, if you’re a social media marketer or influencer relying on seeing how many users have liked your posts, you might be wondering what workarounds exist. Not many users know this feature or how to access it, but we’re here to share how Instagram users can still publicly see likes on your posts and your competitor’s Instagram posts.

Let’s take a closer look at how these changes are being rolled out, how they will affect Instagram marketing, and how to see likes on Instagram regardless of what future changes Instagram rolls out.


What is changing with Instagram likes in 2022?

Are you wondering, ‘Why can’t I see the number of post likes on Instagram?’.

This change comes down to the fact that Instagram will no longer publicly display the number of likes generated by posts unless the user chooses to make the like count public.

The decision to publicly hide the number of likes is part of the social media platform’s founders’ effort to make Instagram a place where users can focus on the content they share and not on the number of likes they receive. The total like count will only be available to the individual who posted it.

The evolution of likes has changed over the years, and for some, it is hard to keep up. In 2019, the Instagram app trialled removing likes entirely for select users in the US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand.

Before Instagram publicly hid the number of likes, users could see how many likes a post had generated simply by viewing the image or video in their feed. The decision to hide likes was made to promote a positive, social community. This was first introduced across only a handful of accounts to test the impact of on-platform user experience in 2019 and 2020.

In 2021, Instagram post likes came back in a new form. The like count was displayed differently and showed the posts‘ information beneath the caption with multiple engagements that the image or video has been liked by: “Liked by username and others.”

Removing the public display of Instagram likes meant other users were no longer shown a like count on posts, making it more difficult to track the performance of competitors’ content.

In 2022, Instagram announced it was giving users a new option to choose whether to hide likes on the platform or unhide likes. Now, users have the ability to keep their like counts public or switch them to private.

Why did Instagram decide to hide likes?

Instagram introduced hiding likes publicly as an initiative to create a safer place on the internet. According to Adam Mosseri (Head of Instagram), this platform update was designed to create a more welcoming online community on Instagram. The team hoped this change would inspire users to focus on sharing great content, not worry about the number of likes a particular post gets.

Adam announced the change was being made in an effort to improve the mental health of Instagram users. Receiving a low number of likes on an Instagram post has been linked to anxiety in younger users.

The idea was to depressurize Instagram, make it less about competition, and give people more space and freedom to create content, connect with a community, and engage with posts that inspire and uplift them.

After two years of testing the impact of removing public post likes, Instagram found that public removal did not depressurize Instagram to the extent they would have liked. As such, Instagram has announced it is giving users a new option in 2022 to choose whether they hide likes on the platform or not.

Is the like count hidden on all Instagram posts?

The short answer is – no, not all like counts will be hidden.

When the Instagram features were first updated to hide likes, creators and influencers said that the like count metric was important for sharing value to brand partners and the removal negatively impacted an influencer‘s average engagement rate.

Since influencers‘ Instagram photos play an important role in creating engaging content on the platforms, Instagram has responded by providing more options to users.

This feature is still being rolled out globally but you will now have the option to either publicly hide or display likes on your own posts when publishing your content. How? Simply by accessing your advanced settings on the Instagram app and opting into publicly displaying likes or hiding them when you publish your content.

What does Instagram look like with hidden likes?

Our beloved heart button is changing. Instead of seeing the number of likes underneath an Instagram post, something we‘re all very familiar with, you will see one Instagram user who has liked your post followed by text: ‘and others‘.

If you‘re interested in displaying your like count to the online community, then luckily, you will still have the option to do so. This option will be displayed when you select to hide the number of likes on your post publicly.

Here are the current measurements that the Instagram app uses to determine how to display the number of likes:

  • Below 100 likes: shown as “others”
  • Below 1,000 likes: shown as “hundreds of others” 
  • Below 100,000 likes: shown as “thousands of others” 
  • Below 1,000,000 likes: displayed as “hundreds of thousands of others”

How do I hide likes on Instagram?

Great question. The new hide-like option on the Instagram app allows you to control whether your Instagram followers or ’Instagram stalkers’ can view your like count. This means you have the power to either hide or unhide likes.

This new feature gives Instagram users more control over their platform use. You can now choose to see like counts on other people‘s posts, and you can also hide like counts on your posts. Not for you? No problem, you can also use the original experience of Instagram. This is rolling out across Instagram and Facebook in 2022.

The incentive is to promote a feel-good experience when using the Facebook Meta family of apps and to give the user more control over the experience.

It is important to be aware that even when a user opts to hide their like display, likes do not disappear altogether. The total like count is hidden publicly, but users can still view who has liked a post by clicking on: ’and others’.

As your scroll through your feed, there will be no like count displayed if you have decided to hide likes and view counts on your Instagram feed. If you click on: ‘and others’, you can see who liked your posts and tap through to see the full list of people who engaged with a post. If you have the time, you can also manually count how many users liked the recent post.

How do I hide likes on my post that is already published?

Step 1: Navigate to the published post you want to hide Instagram likes.

Step 2: Tap the three dots in the top right corner above your post.

Step 3: Tap Hide Like Count.

Step 4: It’s that easy! Where your like count usually lives, it will now say Liked by [x] and others.

How do I turn off likes before publishing my post?

Step 1: Click on your Instagram profile.

Step 2: Tap the menu in the upper right and choose Settings.

Step 3: Hit Privacy.

Step 4: Tap Posts.

Step 5: Hover on the button next to Hide Likes and View Counts. When you are scrolling through your Instagram feed, you will no longer see like counts.

How do I see likes on Instagram again?

If you’re a fan of displaying likes publicly on Instagram, regardless of the Instagram app changes, luckily, you still can. Instagram is focused on bringing the joy of posting back to their platform without the negative effect of competitiveness and judgment.

While other Instagram users can hide their likes publicly, you can still view their like count simply by clicking on: ’and others’ on the selected post.

Instagram is changing the way users view likes to bring back the joy of posting to those who were negatively affected by the competitive implications of publicly displayed engagement numbers.

Instagram users haven’t lost the ability to view their likes, it’s easy to find by heading directly to your Instagram insights, or you can use your Sked Social Analytics to gather a report on your engagement.

Are likes still an important metric to be tracking in 2022?

Let’s be honest. We all love getting likes and double taps on our Instagram posts. Likes have always been a vanity metric on the Instagram app, and while most users chase the number of likes, it is not always an accurate indication of engaging content.

As the platform focuses on rewarding creative content and building a safer community, there are more important metrics to focus on in 2022. These metrics will help you determine your content’s impact on the platform and assist in analyzing which content or influencers impact your business or brand with engagement.

Here are five metrics to keep an eye on in 2022.

1. Engagement to Instagram follower ratio

How often have you seen an Instagram account with over a million followers and only a couple hundred post likes? Generally, this indicates an unloyal following or perhaps even paid followers that don’t actively engage with content.

You can work out this metric manually by adding the number of interactions with the post divided by the number of Instagram account followers and then multiplying by 100.

2. Instagram follower growth

This metric is always a vital sign that your content is engaging and attracting organic followers. It is also a good sign that your content is relevant and speaks to your target market. You’re on the right track if you’re seeing consistent follower growth (organically, please!).

Comments are a clear indication of a highly engaged follower. It is clear that a user has engaged with your content when they comment on your post.

A like is easy enough to give, but if a follower goes out of their way to like and comment on your post, it’s a strong indication that this is an organic follower and your content is attracting strong engagement.

4. Reach & referral traffic

The reach metric tells you how many people are seeing your content and how many have viewed your post. It confirms that your hashtag usage is supporting your reach volume. If you have a high reach volume, this indicates that the algorithm likes your content and is delivering it to more people.

And referral traffic is also an important metric, demonstrating how much traffic has been driven directly from your social media account. This metric is the traffic referred directly from your social media posts or bio. This can also be recorded in Google Analytics.

5. Instagram Stories

And lastly, Instagram stories – we all love them, and there’s no denying that. Keep an eye on the number of stories replies, story taps back and forward, story exits, and impressions. Reading this data allows you to determine how engaging your content is and will support more profile traffic if you engage a follower on your Instagram stories.

What you need to know about likes on Instagram in 2022

The Instagram display is ever-changing, but in 2022 Instagram is giving users more control over how their Instagram engagement is publicly displayed.

You have the choice of whether or not your Instagram likes and comment count is displayed publicly. You can even update your Instagram feed to hide or unhide likes if you want to just focus on the content. But nothing is permanent, and it’s essential to remember you can still change your display at any time in your settings if you change your mind about viewing likes in your feed.

Keep in mind in 2022 that there are more important metrics than the number of post likes.

Ready to create a data-driven social media strategy? Start a free trial of Sked Social today and tap into advanced Instagram analytics.

How to See Likes on Instagram in 2023 (even hidden likes)

Instagram is famous for the heart button users can double-tap posts to show content some love. Until recently, like counts were public throughout the Instagram app, but changes are already happening.

Instagram has taken its community’s feedback on board1 and decided to become a place where people can comfortably express themselves without feeling pressured to generate high engagement.

The decision is part of the platform’s founders’ efforts to transform Instagram into a place where users can focus on the media they share – not the number of likes that might set them apart from more popular accounts. 

Let’s take a closer look at how, exactly, these changes have been rolled out, how they are going to affect marketing on Instagram, and how to see likes on Instagram regardless of those changes (including hidden likes).

  1. What has changed?
    • Why is Instagram hiding likes?
    • How will businesses on Instagram be affected?
    • The solution on how to see likes on Instagram in 2023

    View Your Instagram Likes in 2023

    Wondering how to see hidden likes on Instagram? Use NapoleonCat and check the number of likes under your posts and competitors’ accounts as well. Try it for free:

    Company email

    Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

    What has changed?

    You may be wondering – why can’t I see likes on Instagram?

    The changes come down to the fact that Instagram will no longer publicly display the number of likes generated by posts if a user chooses to hide likes on his IG posts.

    This means that the exact number of likes given to any individual photo or video will only be known to the user who posted it. 

    Prior to Instagram’s updates, this is how the platform’s users would see how many likes a post has generated:

    The New Yorker

    The post-rollout view is different: the information beneath posts with multiple engagements mentions that the image or video has been “Liked by username and others.”

    Instagram hiding likes – source: Bon Appetit

    The word ‘others’ is a link that, once tapped, redirects to a complete list of users who have liked the post. It is, therefore, technically possible to manually count the number of likes of any given post – but, in the case of large posts with thousands (or millions!) of engagements, it would be a ridiculously tedious task. 

    The rollout started in Canada in April 2019. The update was later introduced in Ireland, Japan, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil.

    Why is Instagram hiding likes?

    Instagram is currently one of the world’s largest social media platforms. Focused on visual content, Facebook’s sister app has proven to have an enormous impact on modern culture. 

    Over the last decade, Instagram has been instrumental in shaping fashion and beauty trends. It was the birthplace of original, sometimes odd phenomena (virtual celebrities, pet influencers, and even the Instagram face).

    It brought fame and money to many – and sparked the dream to pursue fame and money online in many more. 

    Finally, the platform played a substantial role in the creation of high-quality and aesthetic standards for what people share online.

    Every Instagram user knows the seemingly effortless yet stunningly stylish snippets of other people’s daily lives (#iwokeuplikethis), travels, meals, and so on.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is able to tell that some – if not most – of them are meticulously staged and hardly representative of anyone’s real life. Thanks, Dan Bilzerian!

    The fact that professional influencers coexist with ‘casual’ users on the platform and the lines between both groups are blurred was bound to cause some issues.

    With all content ‘judged’ with one universal tool – likes – Instagram has, over time, become a popularity contest of sorts.

    And since certain lifestyles, beauty standards, and activities consistently collected higher numbers of likes than others, large parts of Instagram’s user community eventually started feeling insecure and inadequate about their own content, and, in consequence, their lifestyles, resources, and overall wellbeing. 

    This brings us to the point. The decision-makers at Instagram name their concern for the platform’s users’ mental health as the main reason to give users the possibility to hide likes. Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s CEO, tweeted:

    Our interest in hiding likes really is just to depressurize Instagram for young people. It’ll likely effect how much some people engage on Instagram, probably liking a bit less and posting a bit more, but the main thing we’re trying to learn is how this effects how people feel.

    So, to sum it up: Instagram is changing the way users view likes to bring back the joy of posting to those who were negatively affected by the competitive implications of publicly displayed engagement scores.

    The platform’s management is hoping to see more users post regularly and publish what they truly want to share without worrying about how their content will be received and how it will rank against popular posts on Instagram.

    How will businesses on Instagram be affected?

    The way Instagram decided to look out for the mental health of its users is a much-needed act of social responsibility that will hopefully inspire other social media giants. But over the last few years, the platform has become more than just an outlet for self-expression.

    In 2019, over 25 million brands big and small were using Instagram as part of their social media marketing strategies. How will Instagram’s decision to hide likes affect their efforts?

    1. Tracking competitors on Instagram will change

    Likes are a social media marketing metric that has traditionally been used to measure the success of Instagram content.

    Brands will still be able to apply this to their own posts – as we mentioned before, every Instagram account owner will have access to the exact number of likes their posts generate. 

    But success is relative. Without being able to check in on how activations similar to yours are going on competitors’ accounts, how will you know whether your campaign is actually going well?

    See Instagram likes on competitors’ profiles

    Wondering how to see hidden likes on Instagram? Easily access the number of Instagram likes for your competitors’ profiles with one simple tool. Try it for free:

    Company email

    Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

    2. Assessing Instagram influencers will become more difficult

    Engagement is also an important metric that defines the success of Instagram influencers. Brands are willing to invest significant sums into influencer campaigns if they know that the person they work with has a loyal and interactive following.

    Without public access to the likes metric, the process of scouting influencers for paid campaigns and negotiating rates will likely become a bit more complicated.

    3. No more buying likes

    As Instagram became a popularity contest, the desire to collect high numbers of likes got out of hand. Several businesses bypassing Instagram’s terms of service and selling likes popped up, and many personal and business accounts used such services to boost their visible engagement and appear more credible on the platform. 

    Since likes are going to be less visible on Instagram, fake engagement will no longer serve its questionable purpose, and the shady practice of buying likes is bound to disappear naturally. Yay!

    The solution on how to see Instagram likes again

    Instagram is doing what it can to protect its community – and that’s great news. But the platform is not turning its back on businesses in the process, even if the implications discussed above might seem like a burden to marketers. 

    Here’s the thing: you will still be able to view Instagram likes, just not on Instagram.

    While the vanity metric is no longer going to be a concern of the general public, marketers will be able to still access it through specialized social media management tools. 

    Here’s how to see Instagram likes – tools like NapoleonCat still allow you to view the exact numbers of likes – and other engagements – for any public Business or Creator Account you follow.

    You will be able to see the number of Instagram likes for each post, and you’ll be able to set a completely custom time period for your analysis, too.

    This means that you can still conduct a proper social media competitive analysis as well as verify whether what influencers tell you about their social performance is accurate.

    How to see likes on Instagram – NapoleonCat’s Analytics

    So, you’ll be able to see the total likes on your Instagram account, as well as on any other public Instagram business profiles.

    Reminder: After you connect your Instagram accounts to NapoleonCat, please wait up to 24 hours for the tool to fully sync your Instagram analytics data.

    Can’t see the number of likes on Instagram for a particular post? No worries, you’ll also be able to access data for each post:

    How to see likes on Instagram for specific posts.

    And here’s a little video we’ve made to show you how checking Instagram likes with NapoleonCat looks in action:

    View Your Instagram Likes in 2023

    Wondering how to see likes on Instagram? Use NapoleonCat and check the number of likes for your own accounts and your competitors’ profiles as well, even hidden likes. Try it for free:

    Company email

    Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

    Wrap up

    Instagram’s decision to hide likes is rooted in how influential the platform has become for modern culture. And while experts predict the changes will have a positive effect on the platform’s users, the update will also pose some challenges for brands using Instagram as a marketing and sales tool.

    Influencer marketing will have to adapt to the new reality – but specialized social media management tools with access to Instagram’s API will allow for a smooth transition.

    Stay tuned for more Instagram updates!

    Instagram likes – FAQs

    Time for a quick summary of the article. Here are the most important facts:

    Does Instagram still show likes?

    In 2023, Instagram users can choose to either show or hide their likes under specific posts.

    Can you still see likes on Instagram?

    Yes. Even if you can’t see likes using the native platform, you can still use third-party tools, like NapoleonCat, to check the number of likes under your own and other users’ posts.

    How can I see my total likes on Instagram?

    You can use NapoleonCat to check the total number of your Instagram likes. You can set a custom time period for your analysis and get more historical data about your likes. You can also generate automatic reports or analyze any other public Instagram accounts that are connected to a Facebook Page.

    Did Instagram remove ‘Posts you’ve liked’ insights?

    The short answer is no, Instagram did not remove the option of seeing what you’ve liked on Instagram – it’s just located in a different place within the IG app.

    Below you can check how to look at your likes on Instagram.

    How to see liked posts on Instagram

    Wondering how to see posts you’ve liked on Instagram? It’s really easy, but it’s now done in a different way than in the past.

    To see your likes on Instagram (from the last 300 days):

    1. Click on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner
    2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner
    3. Click on Your activity -> Interactions -> Likes

    And that’s it! You can also sort your likes by dates 🙂

    We also recommend you read some more Instagram tips:

    • How to Analyze Competitors on Instagram
    • How to Track Instagram Follower Growth Over Time
    • Understand Instagram Analytics in 2023
    • A Complete Guide to Instagram Follower Demographics
    • 27 Instagram Hacks You Need to Try in 2023
    • Auto-Comments on Instagram: When and How Should You Use Them?
    • How I Used Hashtags to Grow my Instagram Organic Reach 20x
    • How to Get More Comments on Instagram in 2023

    1. Why Instagram Hiding Likes Will Make Your Feed Less Awful

    who benefits from this - Marketing on vc.


    In November, Instagram began to turn off the display of likes under publications in Russia - now only authors can see them. Prior to this, the update was tested in seven countries, and the total number of hearts under posts decreased by an average of 15-20%. Kirill Pyzhov, co-founder of Perfluence, a CPA platform for working with influencers, tells how this update will affect Russian business.


    Why does Instagram hide likes

    On social media, hiding the display of likes was commented: "We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get."

    And even possible losses for the business, apparently, do not frighten the management of Instagram. They confirmed a general decrease in engagement among users who were turned off the display of likes, and the less the user scrolls the feed, the less Zuckerberg earns.

    nine0002 "We will make decisions that hurt business if they help people's well-being and health"

    Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram

    One of the most important aspects of this step is the company's concern for the "mental health" of Instagram citizens. No wonder, because in 2017 Instagram was recognized as a social network that contributes to the development of depression.

    What Instagram account owners say

    Oddly enough, top foreign bloggers support disabling the display of likes. For example, Kim Kardashian (151 million subscribers) believes that it is good for the psyche. There are opposing opinions among the stars - Nikki Minaj (108 million subscribers) refused to post anything, because "without likes it does not make sense." But in the end, the poet's soul could not stand it and continues to publish shock content. nine0003

    How Instagram and likes affect business revenue

    Instagram works differently for different companies. There are companies where SMM-specialists have heard that they need to maintain an account on Instagram, and therefore they do. Why this is necessary and what results to expect - they have no idea. For other companies, Instagram is a classic SMM tool that helps build the brand's tone of voice and communicate with the audience. But there are also companies for which social networks are a source of customers and sometimes the only breadwinner. It turns out that as a business relates to Instagram, so the social network affects revenue. nine0003

    In addition, consider the size of the company and the nature of its activities. For example, for a classified, the revenue from maintaining an Instagram account compared to the revenue of the service itself is a penny. Therefore, (colleagues, no offense) , companies like Avito do not pay much attention to their account and are unlikely to lose much in revenue because of this.

    The more likes, the higher the profit?

    Likes and profit are different things, there is no direct relationship. Based on the statistics of clients and brands of various levels, I often see how publications on social networks collect thousands of likes, but do not bring sales, and a post with a hundred likes brings money, because it is successfully integrated into the content. Speaking in mathematical terms. Before publication, we analyzed the correlation between likes to posts and revenue from these posts for one of the clients:

    Drum roll... the correlation coefficient showed 0.13 (so as not to get up twice: the correlation is also so-so with comments)

    Conclusion: likes is an ephemeral indicator of the success of a post for business, and it’s very good that Instagram won't show them anymore.

    The profits of companies that maintain their own Instagram accounts will not be affected in any way. But it will have a significant impact on bloggers, because when they sell ads, they quite often operate on the high Engagement Rate of their accounts. Many influencers have spent time, effort and money on promotion, and this will eventually turn out to be useless. nine0003

    Content quality goes to a new level

    When a user does not see how many people clicked on the heart under a post, he does not focus on the reaction of the majority, but makes his own decision: whether he likes the post or not. A person likes what is really interesting, so low-quality content will stop getting likes just because the author of the post got several thousand "Like" immediately after publication.

    There is a completely opposite opinion - the quality of the content will decrease, because the account owner will not care what to publish, because no one will see that there are few likes. This opinion is wrong, because under dubious publications there will either be dissatisfied comments, or there will be no comments at all. Users will not respond to what they are not interested in. nine0003

    What should bloggers do now

    The blogger still has a visible number of subscribers and comments, through which you can calculate the approximate reach and ER. But here's the question: what will a blogger do if Instagram hides the number of followers?

    The normal option is to start sharing business risks and work according to the CPA (cost per action) scheme, that is, to receive money for a specific result. For example, he brought 100 new clients to the company and received his partnership deductions. Yes, it’s more difficult than buying likes and taking money for no reason, but if a blogger learns to bring real applications, he will be contacted again and again. nine0003

    Hide Likes is an expected social network policy that wants to get rid of cheats and show users what is interesting and important. In August, the same was tested by VKontakte, in September by Facebook.

    Bloggers who win likes lose after such innovations. Accounts with interesting and useful content will earn more, as will the business that buys ads in such accounts.

    For our business, “likes” are not an important indicator, so there can be no talk of any financial losses. From a market point of view, disabling likes will definitely affect the value of comments under posts from bloggers or on brand social networks. Companies value feedback, and for bloggers, this will become the main measure of effectiveness. nine0003

    I foresee that advertisers and agencies will have additional questions to bloggers asking them to drop the statistics of likes under posts. But this is more likely to have a positive effect on the market: bloggers will stop getting “likes”, because such statistics will easily betray an unscrupulous influencer.

    Alexey Balashov, Blogger Relations Manager at Tinkoff

    Disabling "likes" will not affect our business in any way. We use other metrics to measure performance. The disappearance of the counter will only complicate the visual assessment of engagement, which will negatively affect the blogger himself. nine0003

    We also do not predict a decrease in interest in the brand and revenue. Instagram is not a key advertising channel, retaining for the most part an additional image representation of the brand.

    Maria Savitskaya, PR Director Sunlight

    For us, standard social media metrics such as ER and the number of subscribers are secondary. Primarily, these are sales, the cost of installing the application, the first order, and CPO. If the primary indicators after disabling likes (now they are still shown with us) do not change, it’s not scary. nine0003

    Now it is difficult to predict how the removal of "likes" will affect the decrease in user interest in the brand - it all depends on the settings of the Instagram algorithm for displaying content. We cannot influence the algorithm - we can only accept reality and work with it. I will say one thing - advertisers will become more selective in metrics and will finally understand that the number of likes is not a guarantee of effectiveness.

    Artem Krasnenkov, Head of Digital Marketing at SberMarket

    nine0002 The main platform where I make money is YouTube, so turning off likes on Instagram will not affect my business in any way. On the contrary, now I can see the exact statistics of the readers of my content.

    Advertisers will have a hard time: it will become even more difficult to track the effectiveness of blogger posts, and only two indicators will remain to measure engagement: comments and the number of subscribers. I would like to believe that disabling likes will be a step towards useful and interesting content. nine0003

    Olga Vastikova, Blogger (@olkavastik)

    *Meta, which owns Instagram, is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.

    How to view Instagram statistics 2022


    Instagram account statistics could only be viewed using third-party services and programs, but now it can be done in your own account and even from a computer to Facebook in Creator Studio. Where is this statistics and how to do it on Android and iPhone? nine0003

    Instagram statistics for the account as a whole, individual publications and Stories can be viewed for free, but first you need to create a business account or an author account.

    👉 How to make a business account on Instagram

    How to make statistics on an Instagram account

    You will get statistics for the photo and the entire account after switching to a business profile or author account . You can do this for free. Previously, it was necessary to link the Facebook page. But now this can not be done. nine0003

    But in order to run ads directly in the application, Facebook still has to be linked. To do this, you need to remember your e-mail and password from your Facebook account, as well as create a public page for your business account.

    How to view Instagram account statistics

    After transferring to a business account or an author account, you will see the inscription “View professional panel” at the top and the “Statistics” button.

    If you immediately click the button, then you will immediately go to the Statistics of your Instagram profile. nine0003

    If you click "View professional panel" - then you can see all the tools for working with a business account / author account. Including there will be a line "all statistics".

    The third way to view Instagram statistics - in your account, click the three bars on the top right and select "Statistics"

    Instagram account statistics can only be viewed from the current moment. Everything that happened before, no one will ever know =) Therefore, you will see some intelligible statistics for the entire account within a week, and only new posts will have photo and video statistics. nine0003

    What do statistics mean and how to use them for promotion on Instagram?

    Statistics are needed not only to track the progress of an account, but also for potential advertisers who ask for the Reach and Engagement of an account before buying an ad. What does Instagram stats mean?

    On the main screen, you can select a period from the top - statistics for the last 7 days or 30 days.

    Accounts Reached - means how many people saw your posts, Stories and IGTV) in a week, plus a comparison with last week. It differs from Impressions in that here each person (account) is counted only once, even if he watched your posts several times. Therefore, Reach will always be less than Impressions. nine0003

    👉 Instagram reach: what is it and how to increase it?

    Click on Covered accounts and more detailed statistics will open.

    Subscribers and everyone else (by reach) - how many of the covered audience were subscribed to you, and how many were not.

    Content type - which content received the most coverage (also broken down by subscribers and unsubscribers)

    Here you can also see which posts were the most popular in terms of reach. And if you press the triangle bracket 9 on the right0127 > , then you can filter statistics on Instagram by other indicators (comments, likes, subscriptions, etc.).

    Impressions is the total number of content views. One person could watch several times, different content. Therefore, impressions are always more reach.

    Actions in the profile are visits to your Instagram account plus clicks on the buttons in the account header (e-mail, store, phone, etc. ).


    Return to the first Instagram Insights screen. In the Your Audience section, click the triangle bracket on the right > . Statistics on subscriptions and unsubscribes on Instagram will open.

    Increase - on this graph you will see the number of subscribers, unsubscribers and total (subscriptions minus unsubscribes).

    Below are statistics by location, age and gender.

    Peak periods - time (days and hours) when followers were most often on Instagram.


    Return to the first screen of Instagram Statistics. In the "Content you've posted" section, you'll see the number of posts/Stories/IGTV/Promotions in the last 7 or 30 days (depending on the filter on the top left). For each type of content, you can filter by all engagement indicators (impressions/reach/likes (likes)/comments/saves). nine0003

    This will help you better understand the results of advertising from bloggers or giveaways. But this is only available for profiles with more than 10,000 subscribers. You can wind them up and go to the author’s account, especially if you don’t have enough 1000 subscribers and can’t wait to get new statistics right now. This will not hit the account engagement much. But ideally, of course, you need to grow organically, with the help of advertising from bloggers and targeting.

    How to view post statistics on Instagram

    To find out the statistics of views (and not only) of each publication - photo or video on Instagram, you need to open the desired post and click "Statistics".

    The top line of statistics is the number of likes, comments (👉 Comments on Instagram: how to talk subscribers), transfers to Direct and saves.

    Saves - how many times the "save" button was pressed.

    Visits to profile - how many times they went to the account from this photo. nine0003

    Reach - how many people viewed the photo. On average, there should be 30-60% of subscribers. Less - a lot of bots that do not look at posts. More — if you ran an ad, got featured, the post turned out to be very popular, shared, etc. The larger your account, the smaller the reach in % of subscribers. Old followers abandon accounts or lose interest. This is fine. The highest coverage (in % of subscribers) is for accounts with up to 1000 subscribers. To increase your reach, be sure to post regularly, with a content plan. Even according to the coverage statistics on Instagram, you can understand whether you published a post at the right time or not. nine0003

    If you swipe up on these statistics on Instagram, you can find out even more interesting things about the statistics of the post.

    Profile visits - how many went to your account after seeing this post

    Reach - how many people saw your post.

    Impressions - how many times your post was viewed. One person can view multiple times, so impressions are always more than reach.

    From main page - how many people saw the post in the feed

    From "Interesting" - views from the recommended tab, with a magnifying glass. The more, the more likely that the post has become "viral" (it is sent to friends, it appeared in the recommended). Also, a large percentage happens if you promoted a post.

    From profile — how many people saw the post by logging into your account

    From hashtags — how many came from hashtags

    From “other” - all other sources

    Instagram Stories statistics

    In a personal account, you can only see the total number and accounts of those who saw your Stories. To do this, swipe up from the bottom of any Story on Instagram.

    After switching to a business or author account, you will have detailed statistics for each Stories on Instagram. What does each statistic mean?


    Total statistics on the number of reactions to your Stories:

    Replies — how many people answered you in Direct on this Story

    Clicks on the link — how many times after this Story they went to your account and clicked on the link in the description.

    Visits to profile - how many times after this Story they went to your account.


    Here you will see statistics on how many people see your Stories and how they find them:

    Accounts covered by this Story (Reach) - total number of people who saw this Story

    Impressions - how many times this Story was viewed .

    Subscriptions — how many subscriptions after this Story.

    Navigation = back + scroll forward + jumps to next story + exits

    back - number of taps back to your previous story0003

    Forward - number of taps forward to view your next Story

    Next Story - number of scrolls to next account's Stories. Here you can understand how interesting or not the Story was, whether a person wanted to watch your content further or moved to the next account.

    Exits — number of exits from the Stories view mode. Again, you can see the statistics of how the Story was able to keep the attention of subscribers. nine0003

    How to use Instagram account statistics?

    Do not draw conclusions after the first week, how to connect free statistics on Instagram. Check how it will change for at least a month. Compare weekdays, weekends and holidays, good/bad weather outside.

    Don't be in a hurry to "give it all away" if your coverage dropped in late spring and summer. Previously, no one had such statistics, and people who do not know the general trends in social networks and the Internet are afraid of fluctuations in statistics in their Instagram account. In the fall and after the New Year holidays, there is always an increase, and in the spring and summer there is an outflow.

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