How does it appear when you block someone on whatsapp

What Happens When You Block Someone on WhatsApp

  • Blocking someone on WhatsApp means you will no longer receive messages and calls from them.
  • Someone you've blocked can't see your "last seen" timestamp or status and profile picture updates.
  • There's no direct way for someone to know you've blocked them – WhatsApp doesn't notify them.

WhatsApp is a popular alternative to common messaging apps like iMessage and Facebook Messenger. Many people use WhatsApp on their phones as their primary means of contact with others. It's a good option for texting and group chats if your friends don't all have the same kind of phone or they live overseas.

However, it sometimes becomes necessary to block someone on WhatsApp. Whether you're getting calls or texts from unknown numbers, or you're being harassed by a contact, blocking them is an easy way to cease contact without having an uncomfortable confrontation.

Note: WhatsApp won't notify the person that you have blocked them – so don't be concerned that they will immediately find out.

When you block someone on WhatsApp, you will stop receiving messages and calls from them. Even if they continue to send messages, they'll never show up on your phone.

Likewise, your information — status updates, profile picture changes, and "last seen" timestamps — will no longer be visible to the person you blocked.

When someone has blocked you, the timestamp indicating when they were last active won't appear. Melanie Weir/Insider

Blocking someone on WhatsApp may cease direct contact from that user, but it doesn't remove them from your contacts. To do that, you will have to remove their contact from your phone manually. You can also unblock someone you've blocked at any time — so if you need a break from someone for a little bit, you'll still be able to talk to them again when you're feeling up to it.

WhatsApp does their best to make it ambiguous whether or not you've been blocked, to protect their users' privacy.

Quick tip: Consider exiting any WhatsApp groups you and the person you have blocked both belong to, as you will still be able to see their messages within that group chat.

Melanie Weir

Freelance author

Melanie Weir is a freelance author for Insider, mainly focusing on the Tech Reference section, but occasionally contributing to Lifestyle and Entertainment topics as well. She is also a freelance writer for ScreenRant, and is the Lead Weekend News Editor at In her spare time she writes plays for both stage and screen. She can be reached at [email protected], or through LinkedIn.

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What Happens When You Block Someone On Whatsapp 2022

When you block a person in WhatsApp: your online status, Last Seen, status updates, and any profile picture changes won’t be visible to the blocked contacts. In addition, you won’t see any of the blocked contact’s calls, messages or status updates either because they won’t be delivered to you.

Do you want to know what it means when you block a person on WhatsApp? Or maybe you want to know if you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp? While WhatsApp is a great way to communicate, sometimes the wrong person can use it to harass you on the app. 

The simple solution is to this is to block them. Read on to find out just what happens when you do.  


  • 1 Learn What Happens When You Block Someone On WhatsApp
    • 1.1 Messages Won’t Be Delivered  
    • 1.2 Your Profile Picture Will Be Hidden 
    • 1.3 Your Last Seen Will Not Be Visible
    • 1.4 A Blocked Contact Cannot Call You
    • 1.5 Statuses Will Be Hidden
    • 1.6 Group Chats Won’t Be Affected
    • 1.7 You Cannot Contact Them After You’ve Blocked Them
    • 1.8 The Contact Will Remain On WhatsApp
  • 2 FAQs
    • 2.1 When you block someone on WhatsApp do they see it?
    • 2.2 If I block someone on WhatsApp can I see their Last Seen?
    • 2.3 If you block someone on WhatsApp can they see old messages?
    • 2.4 If I block someone on WhatsApp can I see their profile pic?
    • 2.5 If I block someone on WhatsApp can they see when I'm online?
    • 2.6 If I block someone on WhatsApp can they still text me?
  • 3 What Happens When You Block A WhatsApp Contact – Wrapping Up

Learn What Happens When You Block Someone On WhatsApp

Messages Won’t Be Delivered  

Blocking WhatsApp users prevents their messages from being delivered to you. Typically, when someone sends a message it shows a single gray tick for sent, two gray ticks for delivered, and two blue ticks when it has been read (if that person has their read receipts on). 

When a WhatsApp contact is blocked, their texts won’t be delivered, only sent.

Your Profile Picture Will Be Hidden 

Blocking contacts on WhatsApp prevents them from seeing your profile photo. If they try to enlarge the photo area, they’ll see a notice that reads “no profile photo.”

Your Last Seen Will Not Be Visible

People can see when you’ve last used WhatsApp when they open your chat window and see the Last Seen time. Blocking them prevents WhatsApp users from seeing your Last Seen

A Blocked Contact Cannot Call You

A WhatsApp block stops any incoming call (voice or video) from the blocked contact. A blocked contact won’t be able to call you on WhatsApp unless you unblock them.

Statuses Will Be Hidden

A block contact cannot view your status updates in the status area on WhatsApp. 

Group Chats Won’t Be Affected

While blocking certain contacts prevents them from messaging you the direct way, the same doesn’t apply to group chats

If you and that blocked person are in the same group chat, then they can still message you within that group.

You Cannot Contact Them After You’ve Blocked Them

If you’ve blocked a contact’s phone on WhatsApp then you cannot call or message them until you unblock them

The Contact Will Remain On WhatsApp

When you choose to block contacts on WhatsApp, it doesn’t remove them from your WhatsApp contacts

They’ll still be available on WhatsApp and you can view their contact info. The only way to remove them is to delete their number from your address book. 


When you block someone on WhatsApp do they see it?

When you block contacts on WhatsApp they do not see it. There’s no notification saying, “You’ve been blocked,” however the contact will be able to tell that they’ve been blocked. This is because they won’t be able to see your profile picture, last seen, or have their messages delivered.

If I block someone on WhatsApp can I see their Last Seen?

If you block a person on WhatsApp then you cannot see their Last Seen. This is because blocking stops any form of communication between you and the blocked person. Therefore, you cannot see their Last Seen, the same way they cannot see your Last Seen or send you any messages.

If you block someone on WhatsApp can they see old messages?

If you block contacts on WhatsApp, they can still see the old messages in the chat. Old messages remain unaffected after you select “block” for a contact. The only way to get rid of those messages is to delete them. You stop receiving messages after you choose the block option.

If I block someone on WhatsApp can I see their profile pic?

If you block a person on WhatsApp, you can still see the contact’s profile photo. However, the blocked contact won’t be able to see your profile photo. This is because when you block contacts, it stops them from seeing anything on your WhatsApp after you’ve blocked them.

If I block someone on WhatsApp can they see when I'm online?

If you block a WhatsApp user, they can’t see when you’re online. When you’ve blocked a WhatsApp contact, they aren’t able to see certain information. This includes but isn’t limited to,  your profile picture, Last Seen, and status updates. You also won’t be able to see their online status.

If I block someone on WhatsApp can they still text me?

If you block someone on WhatsApp, they cannot still text you. Blocking them prevents them from having any new messages delivered. They can still send messages on their phone, but the messages won’t be delivered, and you won’t receive them. This is what happens when you block someone on WhatsApp.

What Happens When You Block A WhatsApp Contact – Wrapping Up

As you can see, blocking a person on WhatsApp covers all of your bases

WhatsApp isn’t the only app with a great block feature. Instagram, arguably, has a great one too. Here’s what happens when you block someone on Instagram
Whether it’s WhatsApp or Instagram or Facebook, remember the power is in your hands to block whoever you need to for your peace of mind.

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp

Without a doubt, WhatsApp is an extremely useful and wonderful creation. This is the holy grail of instant messaging apps. But sometimes it can be annoying. For example, when brands start spamming you with their promotions or a person sends useless messages.

In such situations, it is better to disconnect such contacts. However, sometimes disabling a contact is not enough. If that's the case, you can go ahead and block the contact, as blocking someone is a lot different than muting someone.

But what happens when you block someone on WhatsApp? Can a blocked person call you? Can they view your photo? We will answer all your questions in this post.

Let's jump.

Past WhatsApp entry

Blocking someone will not affect their old messages or media as they will remain on your phone until you manually delete them.

New posts

To maintain privacy, WhatsApp does not make it clear that it is blocked. Therefore, a blocked person can still see the input field and send a message, but the messages will not be delivered to you.

When you block someone, you also lose the ability to contact them on WhatsApp. And if you want to send them a message, WhatsApp will notify you that you need to unblock the person first.

Retrieve and view blocked messages

After unblocking a contact, messages received while the account was blocked will not be displayed on your phone. There is no way to get such messages.

Read Receipts

Recall that WhatsApp offers three types of ticks or ticks to display the receipt of a message. A single gray flag means the message has been sent, a double gray flag means the message has been delivered, and deathly blue checkmarks means the message has been read.

When a blocked user sends you a message, they will see single gray checkmarks because the message was not delivered to you.

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Call or No Ring

Again, a blocked person can still call your WhatsApp number (he will hear the ring), but WhatsApp won't notify you about it. That is, there will be no incoming call on your side. Similarly, you cannot call a blocked contact until you unblock it.

Note . A blocked WhatsApp contact may still contact you outside of WhatsApp.

Online and last seen status

WhatsApp has two types of status: online and last seen. When you are active on WhatsApp i.e. when the app is running in the foreground, your whatsapp contacts will see your online status. The last viewed status will show when the person last used WhatsApp. While you can turn off the last seen status, you cannot turn off the online status.

But when you block someone, they cannot see when you are online. The status area under your name in the chat topic will be empty. The same applies to your side. That is, you won't see their online status either.

Blocking someone makes it impossible to view the last seen too. Both you and the blocked contact will not be able to see each other for the last time. This works whether you have hidden the last seen in your contacts or not.

Profile picture

When you block someone, they won't be able to see your profile picture, instead they will see the default WhatsApp profile picture for your contact.

However, you will still be able to see the blocked person's current and future profile picture updates, as long as they don't block you.

Status & About

While WhatsApp offers separate privacy settings for ephemeral status, i.e. stories, blocking someone hides your stories from them and their stories from your list.

Similarly, your O or text status will be hidden from a blocked contact. On the contrary, their O will still be visible to you. You can see any changes made to it.

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Groups are different

Interestingly, group chats remain unaffected when you block someone. This means that both of you will be able to see messages from each other in shared groups.

Is the contact blocked from the contact list?

No. Blocking contacts will not remove them from your phone book or WhatsApp contact list. To delete a contact, you will have to remove it from your phone's contact list.

How to block someone

To block someone on your Android phone, tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner of WhatsApp. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked Contacts. Click on the "Add" icon and select the contact you want to block.

On an iPhone, go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked > Add New. Select the contact you want to block. To unblock, repeat the steps and remove the contact from the blocked list.

To block unknown numbers, open their chat and click on the Block option.

Find out who blocked you on WhatsApp

There is no direct way or application that allows you to identify the people who have blocked you. However, if you feel like you've been blocked, it's time to bring out your inner Sherlock to confirm your doubts.

This is because many things happen when you block someone. You must check these things.

First, the last seen and online status will disappear. Secondly, you will only get one tick for your posts, and lastly, you won't see the contact's profile photo. If all of them are correct, it may mean that you are blocked.

Another way to find out that you have been blocked is to create a group and add the suspicious person to it. If you can add them, then they haven't blocked you. However, if you are unable to add them, then this is sad news for you, you may have been blocked.

But wait, none of these are a guaranteed way to confirm that you've been blocked, as there may be other reasons. WhatsApp intentionally made it obscure to protect your privacy.

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Think Well

Although blocking someone is easy, it is a difficult step to avoid talking to someone. You won't be able to receive sent messages or check the profile photo of a blocked person. So think about this before you decide to block someone.

Next: Tired of WhatsApp? Do you want to remove it? Know what happens when you uninstall WhatsApp.

WhatsApp told how to understand that you have been blocked

WhatsApp is a rather confusing messenger. So many conventional symbols and designations, as in it, perhaps, nowhere else. All these ticks - gray or blue - intra-chat notifications and backups only complicate its perception by ordinary users. For this reason, the majority simply cannot figure it out on their own, and they are forced to look for the answer to their question on the Internet. Fortunately, the creators of the messenger come to the rescue, explaining, for example, how to find out that you have been blocked on whatsapp .

Have you been blocked on WhatsApp? This can only be understood by indirect signs

WhatsApp will soon be able to be used simultaneously on several devices

Looking ahead, I will say that there is no 100% way to determine that you have been blocked by in WhatsApp does not exist. This can be understood only by indirect signs, and the more there are, the more you can rely on them. These signs were described by the creators of the messenger, offering users to build on them.


  • Is it possible to find out if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

    Whatsapp is in principle very illogical

    However, such that a notification appears in the messenger directly saying that you have been added to the black list and you can now write messages to the selected interlocutor, unfortunately , No. But this is no reason not to play detective, especially when WhatsApp itself gives food for thought.

    WhatsApp has deceived us all. The messenger will not be able to be used on several smartphones

    Most likely, the reason to think that you have been blacklisted in WhatsApp is the lack of a response to your messages from the interlocutor to whom you are writing. But after all, a long silence on his part in itself is not a sign at all. So there must be something else.

    How to understand that you have been blocked on WhatsApp

    If there is only one gray checkmark where the arrow points, this is a sign that you have been blocked

    First of all, pay attention to the ticks under the WhatsApp message . In fact, they can understand quite a lot. If there is only one checkmark and is grayed out , then the message was not received. That is, it did not appear on the screen of your interlocutor's smartphone. And this can only happen if his device is turned off, is out of network coverage, or you have been blocked.

    In this case, look at the profile photo. If you are blocked, the image will disappear. Therefore, it is important to remember whether your interlocutor, in principle, had an avatar installed. Because many users neglect this element of identifying themselves, and prefer use whatsapp without sharing your photos.

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    The third sign that you have been blocked is the absence of the last time your interlocutor appeared on the Web. By default, you can see when he last logged into WhatsApp . But, if you are blocked, you will not see either this information or the current status of the interlocutor if he appeared online.

    Unable to call WhatsApp

    Can't reach WhatsApp? This is also a sign of blocking, albeit indirect

    Then, if all the signs match, and you desperately need to contact the interlocutor who supposedly blocked you, try calling him via WhatsApp . If you are still blacklisted, you will not be able to reach this user either via audio or video.

    In principle, everything is logical, but why couldn't you just add a special notification to the WhatsApp interface that would indicate to the blocked person that he was blocked? In fact, this is done on purpose. According to the developers of the messenger, they specifically implemented everything in such a way as to determine something by these signs. So they protect the privacy of users who want to stop contacting someone.

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