How do i tag myself on instagram

how to tag yourself instagram?


  1. There is no one definitive way to tag yourself on Instagram, but some common methods include using your first and last name, using a nickname or alias, or using the @ symbol followed by your username.


Instagram Tip – Tag Yourself in Your Description

Can you tag yourself in an Instagram post?

Yes, you can tag yourself in an Instagram post. To do this, open the Instagram app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Then, select “Add a Tag” and type in your name.

Why can’t I tag myself in Instagram?

Instagram doesn’t allow you to tag yourself in posts. You need to use the @ symbol before your username when you post a photo or video.

Why is Sunday the worst day to post on Instagram?

Instagram is a visual platform and many people post photos on Sundays to show their off-time. Additionally, many people post during the weekend to share their weekends with their followers. However, because Instagram is a visual platform, many of these posts will be seen as less important and may not get as much engagement as posts made during other times of the week.

How do I tag myself in someone’s post?

To tag yourself in someone’s post, just click on the “tag” button that appears when you hover over their post.

How do I tag myself in an Instagram story?

To tag yourself in an Instagram story, open the Instagram app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Next, select “Stories” from the drop-down menu and then tap on the “Add Story” button in the bottom right corner. Next, enter your name in the “Name” field and then tap on the “Tag Yourself” button.

Why tag yourself in your own photos Instagram?

There are a few reasons why people might tag themselves in their own photos on Instagram. Maybe they want to remind themselves to take a photo later, or they want to be sure that their friends can see the photo they just took. Additionally, tagging yourself in a photo can help you find that photo again later on in your feed.

What happens if I tag myself in someone else’s photo?

If you tag yourself in a photo, Facebook will automatically include your name and profile picture in the post. If someone else tags you in their photo, Facebook will also include your name and profile picture in the post.

Can my followers see my tagged photos on Instagram?

Yes, your followers can see the tagged photos on Instagram.

Can someone tag themselves in your photo?

Yes, you can tag yourself in a photo by clicking on the “tag this user” button located at the bottom right of the photo.

How do I tag someone in my profile picture caption?

To tag someone in your profile picture caption, simply type their username in the “tag” field and hit enter.

When you’re tagged in a post Who do you want?

I usually tag friends and family. If it’s a close friend or family member, I’ll usually tag them first and then maybe people I know in the industry.

How do you ask for tags on Instagram?

To request tags on Instagram, go to your profile and click on the gear icon in the top left corner. From there, select “Request Tag.” You’ll need to provide a tag name and a description for your photo.

Is it better to tag or mention on Instagram?

Both tagging and mentioning can be effective methods for promoting your content on Instagram. However, tagging is generally seen as more effective because it allows followers to find your content more easily. Mentioning, on the other hand, can be more personal and engaging for followers.

How do I tag someone in a photo?

There are a few ways to tag someone in a photo on Instagram. You can use the “add a tag” option when you’re taking the photo, or you can use one of the many hashtag options.

How do you mention someone in a post?

There are a few ways to mention someone in a post. You can use their first name, last name, or their title.

How to Tag Myself on Instagram?

by Pal

Best Answer:

  1. There are a few ways to tag yourself on Instagram.
  2. One way is to use the location feature on Instagram and tag yourself at the location where the photo was taken.
  3. Another way is to use the hashtag feature on Instagram and add a hashtag that represents the photo.
  4. For example, if you took a photo of your dog, you could add the hashtag #mydog to the photo.

How to Add Tagged Photos 

Check out How To React Message On Instagram?


Why can’t I tag myself on Instagram?

There are a few ways to tag yourself on Instagram. One way is to use the location feature on Instagram and tag yourself at the location where the photo was taken. Another way is to use the hashtag feature on Instagram and add a hashtag that represents the photo. For example, if you took a photo of your dog, you could add the hashtag #mydog to the photo.

How do I tag myself in someone’s post?

To tag yourself in someone’s post, type @ and the name of the person you want to tag. Facebook will automatically put a link to their profile in the post.

Should I tag myself in my Instagram posts?

There’s no right or wrong answer to this question – it’s entirely up to you! Some the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group like to tag themselves in all of their posts, while others only do so when they’re featuring a product or location. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for your account and your followers.

What is tag yourself mean?

Tag yourself is a term used on social media to allow users to identify themselves with a specific topic or interest. It typically involves adding a hashtag to a post, which allows others who are interested in the same topic to find and follow related content.

How do I tag someone in my profile picture caption?

To tag someone in your profile picture caption, type @ and then the person’s name. Facebook will automatically pull up that person’s profile and you can select the profile picture you want to use.

Why tag yourself in your own photos Instagram?

There are a few reasons why the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group might choose to tag themselves in their own photos on Instagram. Maybe they want their friends and followers to know who’s in the photo, or maybe they want to make sure the photo is properly attributed to them. Tagging yourself also helps Instagram understand which photos are the most popular, so the app can show them to more the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group.

Why do the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group tag themselves in their own photos on Instagram?

People tag themselves in their own photos on Instagram for a few reasons. One reason is to let their followers know who the photo is of. Another reason is to get more exposure to the photo. When someone tags themselves in a photo, it will show up in the “Photos of You” section of their followers’ feeds. This section is where the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group can see all the photos that other the members of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group have tagged them in.

How do you tag yourself in a story?

To tag yourself in a story, you first need to be logged in to your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, click on the “Share” button at the top of the story. This will open a new window with a list of options. Click on the “Tag People In This Story” option, and then type in the names of the friends you want to tag.

Why don’t my tagged photos show up on a person’s timeline?

When you tag a photo on Facebook, you’re actually adding that photo to that person’s timeline. However, by default, Facebook only shares tagged photos with that person’s friends. If you want to share a tagged photo with everyone, you can change your privacy settings.

How do you tag names on photos?

There are a few ways to tag names on photos. One way is to type the person’s name in the “Name” field when you’re uploading the photo. Another way is to use a program like Photoshop to add the person’s name to the photo.

Instagram tags - how to make them and what they are for

A tool that allows you to mention who you are in a photo or video with, thank you for a product or service, take part in a contest, advertise a product or promote on Instagram * is called tags .

Let's consider the moments connected with marks in Instagram*:

  • what does mark in Instagram* mean;
  • how to tag on Instagram*;
  • where to see your own and other people's marks on Instagram *;
  • how to use people and business account tags on Instagram*.
We know that there is a special software that massively tags people in photos, most often in competition photos, to attract attention. We do not recommend using this method, because of the almost 100% risk of losing your account.

What does a tag on Instagram mean*

A tag or mention on a social network means that someone wants to draw the attention of another person or account to a post or Story.

For example, you are posting photos from a party and you want the attendees to pay attention to them. Yes, you can write to them personally and tell them that you have published photographic materials on your profile. Or you can tag each person in the photo and they will see everything for themselves.

Or you went to a cafe and liked it so much that you want to tell as many people as possible about it. Tag the cafe account in the photo from there, and your task is completed. Very often, cafes hold promotions when they give a discount for the next visit for such mentions. After all, it's free advertising for them.

How to tag on Instagram*

You can mention a person or account in a photo or video in a post, in Stories, in comments.

How to tag an Instagram story*

There are two tools for this in Social Stories: the Mention sticker and plain text.

Start posting a Story and select a photo or video. Go to stickers and select "Mention". Start typing the name of the account, and everyone with that beginning will appear in the tooltips below. Choose the right one.

Instagram* offers three styles for this sticker: gradient on a white background, white on a transparent background, and rainbow. Change the style with a simple click on the sticker

If the standard three design styles of the mention do not suit you, write a mark in the Instagram story * in text.

Start posting stories and select a photo or video. Click anywhere on the screen or on the letters "Aa" at the top - in the center of the screen the cursor for entering text will blink. Start writing the name of the profile you're tagging with the @ sign, and continue without spaces. If you write correctly, hints with accounts starting the same way will pop up again from the bottom. Choose the right one.

You can style the mention with text as you like: with one color, and with a gradient, and change the font
How to make a gradient on the text in Stories, we told in the article "10 new tricks in Instagram* stories".

For those who prefer to work from a computer and don't mind preparing stories in advance, the SMMplanner scheduling posting service will help.

Register with the service and connect your Instagram account*

Selecting "Schedule a Story" will take you to the Stories Builder. On the first tab, specify your account and the time when the stories will be released. On the second, select a background, add a photo or video. In the third tab "Stickers" write the text using the "Text" sticker.

Make a mark on Instagram* in the Story by selecting the "Mention" sticker.

In the window that opens, start typing the name of your Instagram account* and use the prompts to select the one you need. Now it remains only to beautifully arrange the inscription and choose a design option for it.

When you're done, click "Publish" and the Story will appear in your account exactly at the specified time.

How to tag an Instagram post*

A post can have the following tags:

  • in a photo or video;
  • co-author's mark;
  • mark in the text with @.

There are no difficulties with the latter: when writing a caption for a photo, put the @ sign and write the desired account name without spaces. If it is written correctly, after the publication the name will be highlighted in blue and will be clickable.

Instagram photos and videos* are tagged as follows.

Start posting a new photo or video to post. On the Add Text page, select Tag People. A window will open in which you can do two things: add a tag or add a collaborator.

Click "Add tag", start typing a profile name and the social network will suggest suitable options. Select the desired one and the label will appear on the image.

Where the mark will be on the image is up to you. It can be easily moved to any place

Click "Invite collaborator" and put a mention in the same way as adding a tag. The difference between a simple tag and a co-author tag is that if another person confirms authorship, your post will have a second author, and this post will automatically appear in the feed of that person.

You can find out if another person or account has agreed to become a co-author by looking under the published post.

Find out that you have been invited as a co-author, as follows: in the "Actions" section in your account, you will see a message about the mark. Once inside, there will be an invitation below the image. If you are subscribed to the person inviting you, the notification will also be sent to Direct

Using the SMMplanner delayed posting service, it is also easy to mark a post.

Select "Schedule Post" and go to the window for scheduling a new post

Add text, photo, and on the image in the lower left corner, click on the bust of a person. Add a mark in the window that opens.

By the way, if you want to congratulate your friends on holidays with the help of a mark, use our Info Cause Calendar and make your friends happy with unexpected congratulations :-)

How to tag comments on Instagram*

You can tag Instagram* in the comments to a post or in the text of the post itself.

When you want to draw someone's attention to someone else's post, tag the person in the comments and they'll get a notification. Start writing a comment under the post with the @ sign and then type the name without spaces. In the tips of the social network, find the one you need and click on it. Add a comment and post.

You can also share a post like this: click on the airplane below the image and select from the list of friends to whom you will send the post

Where to see your own and other people's marks on Instagram *

See the tags on photos and videos in the feed, regardless of whether it is your profile or someone else's, as follows:

  • on the profile page on Instagram* go to the "Marks" section, the icon on the far right above all publications;
  • here you will see all non-hidden posts that have tagged you or another person if you are on someone else's page.
If there is nothing in this section, there are two options: either no one marked the user, or he hides or deletes all marks with him

See tagged Instagram Stories* otherwise.

They are displayed in Yandex.Direct and come to you as a new message. But only if you follow the person who mentions you!

Mentions of you under posts in comments are collected in the bottom menu of the application, "under the heart" in the "Actions" section.

How to remove tags on Instagram*

Select the post in the tag section that you want to remove yourself from. Go to the publication, click on the circle in the lower left corner of the image, then on your nickname that appears in the picture.

You will appear below in the "In this photo" block. Click on yourself, and select "Remove me from publication" from the menu that opens.

Here you can hide this photo from your profile, but the tag will not disappear . But the social network divides these concepts. Mentions are when you are mentioned through the @ sign. A mark is adding your nickname to a photo or video in the feed.

Manage mentions in settings. Go to Privacy - Mentions.

Here you can prevent people from mentioning you

Manage flags also in privacy, but in the Publications section.

Set up who can tag you Here you can specify whether you want to approve all tags manually. If this is not set, all publications with tags will be automatically displayed in your profile

When there is a manual moderation of tags, tags for review will appear here. In this section, you will see all unviewed posts with a tag. Click "Edit" and add, hide, or remove posts.

How to use people and business tags on Instagram*

Now that you know how to tag people on Instagram*, it's time to learn how to use them.

Tag your brand on Instagram*

Brand tags and mentions have several positive aspects:

  • you instantly “tell” subscribers where the dress, armchair, or cat bed is from;
  • you create additional advertising for your favorite brand;
  • you will probably end up on the brand's blog, and your post, along with others, will be in the tags section, and possibly where they will be published in stories, if the brand has such a practice. All this will bring you new readers;
  • you can get a discount or a gift for a review, and even a promotional offer.
Giving your ideas to subscribers in this way is also cool!

Product catalog

Suitable for accounts with a large product catalog. There is one main account on which work is being done with the audience, the buyer is “warming up”, work is underway on engagement and coverage, and there are technical accounts for individual products. On such pages it is told only about these positions, how to order, how much it costs.

A famous catalog case is Ikea. We made several account-pages in which we divided the products into areas: tables, lamps, textiles; and the traffic was directed to the main account.

In another year, they broke down the products by price. There is a main account that links to Ikea_399r, where everything is 399 ₽

The same mechanics can be used to hide any unwanted content from the main account, or to transfer subscribers to a closed Instagram *.

Before the introduction of galleries, some clinics and doctors made their account beautiful and attractive, and at the same time maintained an account with medical "horror stories". With the help of tags, it was possible to show real medical stories to interested subscribers, and develop a personal account for everyone.

This is a popular technique with various multidisciplinary facilities. For example, a sports park has not only a main account, but separate accounts for a cafe, for fitness and a swimming pool, for houses for celebrations, and for a clinic at the park. In publications, they regularly mention each other by tagging photos on Instagram*

There is one Instagram*-guru who created a private Instagram*-account for education, the entrance to which was paid. On the main one, you need to agree with the guru, pay for the training, and you get to a closed account where you can study, communicate with other students.

Olga Volyk followed a similar principle: there is a main account, there is an account with examples of design work, and there is a third, deeply personal account for those who do not have enough life shown in the main account. And in order to protect herself from haters, she made access to her personal account paid

Contests, sweepstakes, marathons

In my opinion, Instagram* most often uses the people tag to tag all contest organizers and link to them. This needs to be done by the participants of the competition, this needs to be done by the organizers of the competition.

Marathon with marks on Instagram*

The rules for holding contests are quite uniform. The organizer comes up with a contest, asks to make a repost, or a separate publication with certain hashtags and marks. Participants make such a publication within a certain time frame, the organizer chooses the winner.

Testimonials and Ads

A fertile and broad topic of using testimonials to drive traffic to other accounts.

Get into the aggregator

An aggregator is an account that publishes other people's publications with a link to the author. As a rule, these are entertainment accounts with a large number of subscribers.

Official Instagram accounts* in different countries are aggregators, they publish the best mobile photos that came out in the last week for certain hashtags.

An attempt to get into the feed of the aggregator

This is also a calculation for subscribers who have logged into a popular account and look at photos with “him”. For example, Ikea subscribers look at marks with her to get ideas for repairs.

And fashion house subscribers watch on Instagram* how others have played some fashion item in the image


When advertisers order ads from bloggers, they agree on the text and mention via @. But besides this, a frequent request is for the blogger to tag the account through the tag in the picture.

This is an additional point of contact, the credibility of a commercial account that has more tags with it than those accounts that do not have such tags. Checking people's tags is much easier than identifying a hashtag and finding publications by hashtag.

Even if you have a good product, a small amount of user posts causes distrust. Tag an account for advertising popular on Instagram stories*

If you don't have many custom posts tagged with your brand, negotiate with employees, create a personal account, and negotiate with clients to increase the number of such posts. Then run a contest that requires your commercial account to be tagged, ideally an author's post and not a repost of the contest post.

Collaborations or Instagram* gangs

Collaboration is a joint project of different bloggers, the purpose of which is to create joint content.

With the popularity of dance videos, this technique is actively used, dancers tag others in their reels, stories and feeds

Instagram *-gangs are an association of several bloggers, agreeing to like and comment on each other's publications as soon as they are published. Hypothetically, this increases the organic reach of publications and may bring the publication to the recommended ones. But it is not exactly.

Mutual PR is an advertising exchange between two bloggers. As a rule, it is free and is done solely for advertising. A blogger can write about being friends with another blogger, or mention him in Stories, but in reality this is not always the case.


Gamification on Instagram* accounts is popular, but organizing quest games is rare. Quest games are very complex and costly, you need to create a game scenario, think over the awarding of the winner, take photographs or videos, register several accounts and organize linking between them.

Usually, the game starts in a separate account, and you will need to choose different steps and "jump" through other accounts in search of an exit from the game.

I selected some interesting games:

One of the first quest games from Old Spice, the game starts in a separate publication, then you need to switch to other accounts.

Started at Old Spice account

A game based on the animated series Rick and Morty, which was launched before the start of the second season.

Started in the series account, but the publication needs to be found

We also talked about how to create your own game on Instagram*.

To recap

Use tags to:

  • redirect followers to a separate "tech" account, product catalog, or "Instagram* horror";
  • participate in the competition;
  • get organic traffic from a more popular account;
  • get social proof of the success of your product;
  • make an advertisement;
  • interact with other bloggers;
  • organize a cool Instagram* game. In addition to marks, use other methods of promotion on the social network. Learn about them from our article "11 Ways to Promote on Instagram* in 2021 + 1 Main Anti-Trend".

The article has been updated. First published: August 9, 2017

✅ How to tag people in Instagram Stories, comments and photos — LiveDune Blog

Tag people on Instagram can be useful not only to participate in the contest, but also to promote your account.


1. How to tag a person in a photo on Instagram
2. How to tag a person in a comment on Instagram
3. How to tag a person in a story on Instagram

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How to tag a person in a photo on Instagram

Let's answer the most popular question right away - you can't tag people in other people's photos. On their posts, they most often tag either friends who are present in the photo, or brands whose products are also present in the photo. In both cases, your post will appear in the tagged account in the "Tagged" section. If the account that you mark as closed, then your photo will be seen only by those users who are subscribed to the marked account.

Thus, any user who logs into your friend's account, for example, can see your joint photo and go to your account. The reach is also given by the marks of friends and brands, but in the second case it is many times more. Even better, if you not only take a photo with the brand's products, but also write a review or rank the top products that you like. Then it is more likely that the brand will publish your post in their account and tag you.

Content that users create for other users is called UGC. You can read more about how UGC content works, what it is and why brands need it in the article “How UGC content works on social networks”.

To tag an account while posting, click "Tag users", select the area on the photo where you want to tag. For example, if you want to tag a brand of glasses in a photo, click on the glasses. After a new window will open with a search bar, find the desired account and select it.

If you want to tag an account in a post that has already been published, open the desired post, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Edit" to edit the post. In the lower left corner, click on the little man. Then you know what to do.

If your post did not appear in the account that was tagged, it means that the account owner has enabled pre-moderation and manually adds tagging. Either he didn't approve of your mark, or he simply forgets to check for new marks. The switch to manual tagging was provoked by spammers who randomly tag accounts on contest and other posts.

How to tag a person on Instagram in the comments

Since it is impossible to tag a friend in a photo in other people's posts on Instagram, it is important to tag him in the comments. Thus, you can draw the attention of a friend to some kind of post, most often humorous. Or fulfill the condition of the contest - tag friends in the comments to the post.

To tag a friend in a comment on Instagram, open the desired post and type the account name followed by @, for example, @livedune. You can tag up to 5 accounts per comment. Users you tag will receive tag notifications.

Track mentions of your account to respond to user content in time.

See mentions

How to tag a person in your story on Instagram

The traffic in the Stories section is not inferior to the feed views, so many promotion mechanics have spread here as well.
For example, holding contests in which the user must screenshot something, post it in their Stories and tag the account of the contest organizer. Mutual PR with another account or the same UGC. There are two ways to tag in Instagram stories.

Method 1. Upload/take a photo/video to stories, click on "Aa" in the upper right corner. Type the name of the desired account through @ and select the desired account.

If an underline does not appear under the name, then the account name most likely made a mistake, and the mark will not be clickable.

Method 2. Almost the same as the first, only a separate “Mention” sticker is used for marking. You can change the background of the sticker, otherwise there are no differences.

10 accounts can be marked in one story. The tag is clickable and anyone viewing stories can go to the account you tag. The account that you tagged will receive a notification in Direct about the tagging and the opportunity to add this stories to yourself.

Instagram tags can be used to increase the organic reach of your account. For example, by marking accounts of brands whose products are present in the photo.

Or you can create several Instagram accounts for each product/service (if you don't have a website and a small number of products, otherwise you'll be tormented) and tag them in the main account. By the same principle, you can create a quest game, for example, as @gla_build_your_own did. This is a prime example of how you can use seemingly primitive functions on Instagram in a non-standard way.

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