How do i know if someone muted me on instagram

How to Tell If Someone Has Muted You on Instagram

  • There's no surefire way to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram.
  • If someone who used to actively engage with your content no longer does, you might've been muted.
  • When you mute someone on Instagram, you'll still be following them, but won't see their content in your feed.

Muting someone on Instagram is like the social media equivalent of politely excusing yourself from a conversation, without making a scene.

When you mute someone, their posts and stories will no longer show up in your feed, but they'll still be able to see your posts, and you can visit each other's account pages.

And don't worry, Instagram doesn't send any sort of notification when you mute someone. 

So how can you tell if someone has muted you?

Here's what you should know.

Important: Remember these signs aren't conclusive evidence — and could also be caused by a variety of other factors, such as the other person just being less active on Instagram.

What does mute mean on Instagram?

Muting on Instagram allows you to hide posts from specific accounts without having to unfollow them. You can pick between muting their posts, stories, or both.

What happens when you mute someone on Instagram

When you mute someone on Instagram, you will not see their posts anymore in your feed. 

However, you can remain following them and, in contrast to a block, the muted user is not notified that you have done this and cannot tell by looking at your profile.

How to tell if you've been muted on Instagram

Like other social media sites, there's no definite way to tell if you've been muted on Instagram. 

You aren't notified when you're muted, and you can't go anywhere to see a list of who has muted you.

When you mute someone, you won't see their posts in your feed, but you'll still be following them. Steven John/Insider

But there are some subtle signs you can look for.

  • If a person who used to often like or comment on your posts seems to have suddenly gone silent, you may have been muted.
  • Try seeing if they're still actively liking and commenting on other people's posts — if so, that's a clearer sign.
  • Similarly, if someone who used to view your Instagram stories no longer shows up on your story's Viewers list, this could mean that the user has muted your stories, or your stories and posts simultaneously.

For better or worse, the only definite way to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram is to ask them directly.

Steven John

Freelance Writer

Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at

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3 Ways to Know if Someone Muted You on Instagram

Do you think that someone muted you on Instagram? Are you looking for a way to know if someone muted you?

If you’re seeking answers to these queries, you’re in the right place.

If someone mutes your posts, it’ll negatively affect your engagement rate.

This is because your posts will no longer show up on their feed.

As such, they won’t like your posts unless they deliberately visit your profile.

It’s important to find people that muted you so that you can take action.

At the end of the day, if one of your mutual followers isn’t interacting with your posts, why should you like theirs?

In this article, you’ll learn 3 different ways to know if someone muted you on Instagram.

You can use these ways to find out whether someone actually muted you on Instagram or not.

Table of Contents

  1. Add the person to your close friends list
  2. Use a third-party app
  3. They aren’t in your stories’ viewer list
  4. Conclusion

How to Know if Someone Muted You on Instagram

How do you know if someone muted you on Instagram?

To know if someone muted you on Instagram, you can either add the person to your close friends’ list, use a third-party app, or check who viewed your story.

There isn’t a perfect way to check whether someone muted you or not, but these three ways work the best.

Instagram does not notify you if someone mutes you.

Instagram doesn’t notify if someone mutes you, so you have to use these ways to find it out yourself.

As mentioned earlier, people who mute your posts will negatively affect your engagement rate.

So, it’s important to know who muted you so that you can take action.

1. Add the person to your close friends list

The first way to find out if someone muted you on Instagram is to add them to your close friends list.

This method is great if you want to find out whether a specific person has muted your Instagram story.

To use this method, you shouldn’t already have an existing close friends list. Otherwise, you need to delete everyone from the list for this purpose.

In order for this to work, you shouldn’t have an existing close friends list.

If you happen to have created a close friends list already, you can delete everyone from the list for this purpose.

Then, only add the specific person that you want to know whether they muted you on the list.

Next, post a story on your close friends list. Wait for a few hours and check whether the person has viewed your Instagram story.

If they didn’t, then they have a high chance of muting your story.

But even if they didn’t view your story, that does not mean that they muted your Instagram story.

Some people don’t watch stories on their timeline as often as others.

So, in order to determine whether the person really muted your story, you need to post more than one story.

This will increase the chances of the person actually viewing it if they didn’t mute you.

This process is quite complex, so here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do it:

  1. Add the person that you want to check to your close friends list.
  2. Post a story on your close friends list.
  3. Wait and check whether the person has viewed your story.

You should repeat the process at least twice to increase the chances of them viewing your story (if they didn’t mute your story).

If you repeated the process at least twice and the person didn’t view it, then they might have muted your Instagram story.

2. Use a third-party app

Secondly, you can download and use a third-party app to find out whether someone muted you on Instagram.

This method is specifically for finding out whether someone has muted your posts.

If you want to find out whether someone has muted your stories instead, go back to the first method.

Third-party apps give you the ability to see your ghost followers (followers that are not interacting with your posts).

There’s a high chance that some of your ghost followers have muted your posts.

Third-party apps allow you to see who unfollowed you, who is not following you, your ghost followers, and more.

The feature that you’ll want to be using is something along the lines of “Ghost followers” or “Least engaged followers”.

The general idea is to find the followers that have interacted with your posts the least.

That way, you’ll be able to tell who muted your posts or not.

You can do that by downloading an Instagram analytics app on the App Store/Google Play Store.

Simply type in, “Instagram analytics” or “Instagram insights” and download one of the apps in the search results.

After you downloaded it, you’ll want to find the feature called, “Ghost followers” or “Least engaged followers”.

However, this feature is mostly a paid feature, so you’ll have to purchase it in order for you to utilize it.

Unfortunately, if you don’t purchase the feature, you won’t be able to know the followers that are not interacting with your posts.

Once you purchased the feature, you can look through the list and find whether the specific person that you’re looking for is in there.

If the person is on the list, then there’s a high chance that they’ve muted your posts because they are not interacting with any.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Download an Instagram analytics app.
  2. Purchase the “Ghost followers” feature.
  3. Look through the “Ghost followers” list and find whether the specific person that you’re looking for is in there.

This method is reliable if you want to check whether a specific person has muted your Instagram posts.

If you happen to find the person in the “Ghost followers” list, they might have muted your posts as they are not liking them.

Otherwise, they are either inactive on Instagram or didn’t bother to like posts.

3. They aren’t in your stories’ viewer list

The final way to know if someone muted you on Instagram is if they don’t view your stories anymore.

If they viewed your stories consistently in the past but didn’t view them recently, then they might have muted your stories.

This method is not as effective as the previous two as you’ll have to be extremely observant.

So, I wouldn’t recommend using it unless you’ve been constantly keeping track of who viewed your stories.

However, it still works as intended if you’re always looking at the viewer list on your stories.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Post a story on Instagram.
  2. Check whether a specific person has viewed your story before 24 hours.
  3. Repeat the process.

If you posted multiple stories over the span of weeks and the person didn’t view your stories, then they might have muted your stories.

Otherwise, the person is either inactive on Instagram, or they don’t bother watching stories.


What happens when you are muted on Instagram?

There are four muting features on Instagram—mute posts, mute stories, mute posts and stories, and mute direct messages.

When you are muted on Instagram, your posts/stories/notifications will not show up to the person that have muted you.

Firstly, when your posts are muted on Instagram by one of your followers, your posts will not be shown on their feed.

Next, if your stories are muted, they will no longer show up on the person’s timeline.

Lastly, if your direct messages are muted, the person will stop getting message notifications from you.

Will someone know I muted them on Instagram?

No, the person will not know that you muted them on Instagram.

Muting someone on Instagram will not send a notification to them.

Whenever you mute someone on Instagram, they will not be notified of it.

The only way they are able to know that you muted them is if they used the methods in this article.

Otherwise, they will not be able to know that you muted them.

How do you know if someone muted your messages on Instagram?

If someone muted your messages on Instagram, you won’t be able to see their activity status.

You will not be able to see the person’s activity status if they have muted your messages on Instagram.

Before someone mutes you on Instagram, you should be able to see their activity status.

For example, if they are currently online, you’ll be able to see this status under their username, “Active Now”.

However, if the person muted you, the status under their username will be blank.


Being muted on Instagram has many disadvantages, so it’s best to avoid getting muted if you want to maintain your engagement rate.

For instance, whenever someone mutes your posts, your posts will no longer show up on the person’s feed.

This means that they will stop interacting with your posts.

If your posts are muted by multiple people, your engagement rate will drop dramatically.

A great way to mitigate people from muting your posts is to post no more than once a day.

If you post too often, people are more likely to mute your posts.

On the contrary, you should post less instead of more.

Further Reading

> 12 Reasons Why You’re Getting Less Likes on Instagram

> How to Find Someone on Instagram Without an Account

> Instagram Stories Not Uploading: How to Fix

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.



3 ways to find out if someone has muted you on Instagram


Do you think someone muted you on Instagram? Are you looking for a way to find out if someone has muted you? If you are looking for answers to these questions, you have come to the right place. If someone disables your posts, it will negatively impact your engagement.

This is because your posts will no longer appear in their feed.

So they won't like your posts unless they visit your profile intentionally.

It's important to find the people who are ignoring you so you can take action.

After all, if one of your mutual followers isn't interacting with your posts, why should you like their posts?

In this article, you will learn 3 different ways to find out if someone has muted you on Instagram.

You can use these methods to find out if someone really muted you on Instagram or not .

How to know if someone has muted you on Instagram

How do you know if someone has muted you on Instagram? To find out if someone has muted you on Instagram, you can add that person to your close friends list, use a third-party app, or check who has viewed your story.

There is no perfect way to check if someone has disconnected you or not, but these three methods work best.

Instagram doesn't notify you if someone mutes you.

Instagram doesn't notify you if someone has muted you, so you should use these methods to find out for yourself.

As mentioned earlier, people who ignore your posts negatively affect your engagement rate.

Therefore, it is important to know who disconnected you so that you can take action.

1. Add the person to your close friends list.

The first way to find out if someone has muted you on Instagram is to add them to your close friends list.

This method is great if you want to know if a specific person has disabled your Instagram story.

You must not already have an existing list of close friends to use this method. Otherwise, to do this, you need to remove everyone from the list.

You must not have an existing list of close friends for this to work.

If you have already created a list of close friends, you can remove everyone from this list for this purpose.

Then add only the specific person you want to know if they have disabled you in the list.

Then post the story to your close friends list. Wait a few hours and check if the person has viewed your Instagram story.

If they didn't, they have a good chance of silencing your story.

But even if they didn't view your story, it doesn't mean they disabled your Instagram story.

Some people don't watch the stories in their timeline as often as others.

So, to determine if a person actually muted your story, you need to post more than one story.

This will increase the chances that the person is actually viewing it, unless they have disconnected you.

This is quite a complicated process, so here is a step by step guide on how to do it:

  • Add the person you want to check to your list of close friends.
  • Post the story to your close friends list.
  • Please wait and see if the person has viewed your story.

You must repeat the process at least twice to increase the chances that they will view your story (unless they have disabled your story).

If you repeated the process at least twice and the person didn't view it, they may have disabled your Instagram story.

2. Use a third party application.

Second, you can download and use a third party app to see if someone has muted you on Instagram.

This method is specifically designed to find out if someone has disabled your messages.

If you want to know if someone has disabled your stories, go back to the first method.

Third party apps give you the ability to see your ghost followers (followers who don't interact with your posts). There is a good chance that some of your ghost followers have disabled your posts.

Third party apps let you see who unfollowed you, who didn't follow you, your ghost followers and more.

The feature you'll want to use is something like "ghost followers" or "least engaged followers".

The general idea is to find the subscribers who interacted the least with your posts.

This way you can find out who has disabled your messages or not.

You can do this by downloading the Instagram analytics app from the App Store / Google Play Store.

Just type "Instagram Analytics" or "Instagram Insights" and download one of the apps in the search results.

Once you've downloaded it, you'll want to look for a feature called Ghost Followers or Least Engaged Followers.

However, this feature is mostly paid, so you will need to purchase it in order to use it.

Unfortunately, if you do not purchase this feature, you will not be able to recognize subscribers who do not interact with your messages.

Once you have purchased this feature, you can browse the list to see if the specific person you are looking for is there.

If the person is on the list, there is a good chance they have disabled your messages because they are not interacting with anyone.

Here is a step by step guide on how to do this:

  • Download the Instagram analytics app.
  • Purchase the Ghost Followers feature.
  • Look through the list of "Ghost Followers" and see if the specific person you are looking for is there.

This method is reliable if you want to check if a specific person has disabled your Instagram posts.

If you happen to find a person on your Ghost Followers list, they may have disabled your posts because they don't like them.

Otherwise, they are either inactive on Instagram or didn't bother to like the posts.

3. They are not listed as viewers for your stories.

The last way to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram is if they no longer view your stories.

If they have consistently viewed your stories in the past but haven't viewed them recently, they may have disabled your stories.

This method is not as effective as the previous two, as you will have to be extremely observant.

So I wouldn't recommend using it unless you're constantly keeping track of who has viewed your stories.

However, it still works as expected if you are always looking at the viewer list of your stories.

Here is a step by step guide on how to do this:

  • Post a story on Instagram.
  • Check if a specific person has viewed your story before 24 hours.
  • Repeat the process.

If you posted multiple stories over the course of several weeks and the person didn't view your stories, they may have muted your stories.

Otherwise, the person is either inactive on Instagram or not viewing stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when Instagram goes offline?

Instagram has four disable options: disable messages, disable stories, disable posts and stories, and disable direct messages.

When you are muted on Instagram, your posts/stories/notifications will not be shown to the person who muted you.

First, when your Instagram posts are disabled by one of your followers, your posts will not appear in their feed.

Then, if your stories are disabled, they will no longer appear on the person's timeline.

Finally, if your private messages are disabled, the person will no longer receive message notifications from you.

Does anyone know that I turned them off on Instagram?

No, the person will not know that you have disabled them on Instagram.

If you mute someone on Instagram, they will not receive a notification.

Every time you unfollow someone on Instagram, they won't be notified.

The only way to know that you have disabled them is to use the methods described in this article.

Otherwise, they will not be able to know that you have disabled them.

How do you know if someone has disabled your posts on Instagram?

If someone has disabled your Instagram posts, you won't be able to see their activity status.

You won't be able to see a person's activity status if they have disabled your Instagram posts.

Before someone mutes you on Instagram, you must see their activity status.

For example, if they are currently online, you will be able to see this status under their "Active Now" username.

However, if this person logged you out, the status under their username will be blank.


Disabling on Instagram has many disadvantages, so it's best not to disconnect if you want to maintain your level of engagement. For example, whenever someone disables your posts, they will no longer appear in that person's feed.

This means they will stop interacting with your messages. If your posts are ignored by a few people, your engagement rate will plummet.

A great way to keep people from ignoring your posts is to post them no more than once a day.

If you post too often, people are more likely to ignore your posts.

On the contrary, you should post less, not more.

6 ways to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram

Fortunately, Instagram or any social network does not notify people when they are blocked. Imagine the shock and sadness one would feel if they received a “XYZ has blocked you” notification. Ouch!

But there comes a day when we feel like someone might block us, especially when their posts and stories stop appearing on our Instagram feed. Well, does that mean they blocked you?

Probably not. The person could have deactivated their account or stopped posting on Instagram. So what's the best way to know if you're blocked?

Well, we'll let your curiosity sleep for a while as we help you decipher the block block. Before we start, let's be clear that we won't be using any third party tools as none of them work. We will only be doing some manual checks. So put on your detective coat and let's get inside.

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Three things will happen:

1. If you can see the profile as well as the messages, then you are not blocked in case of public profiles. For personal accounts, if you see a profile with the message "This account is private", then everything is fine.

2. If you see the profile and the number of messages, but the message area shows No messages, then yes, you have been blocked.

3. However, if the profile doesn't appear in search at all, then either the person has deactivated their profile or blocked you. To confirm your suspicions, you must investigate other evidence, as indicated below.

2. Check your profile

When someone blocks you, Instagram doesn't remove their old comments or tags from your profile. If their profile is not searchable, you should use these old comments to visit their profile. If the profile shows the number of messages without messages, then yes, you are blocked.

3. Use the help of Instagram

You can view Instagram profiles at using any browser. If you remember the username that blocked you (and I'm sure you do), replace the term username in the link with the profile's actual username.

Then if you're logged into your profile, you'll get a "Sorry, this page is not available" error if the person has blocked you.

There is a small possibility that the person may have deactivated their account. To confirm this, log out of your Instagram profile in a browser, or open incognito mode and open their profile from the link. If the profile is available, then the news is correct, but if the profile is not opened for them, you are fine.

4. Messages will disappear

Blocking someone on Instagram hides the chat topic for both participants. So if you suspect someone is blocking you, open Direct Messages (DM) and find their chat thread. If the chat thread exists, you are not blocked. But if it's missing, then he/she may have blocked you. But then again, the person may have deactivated the profile, and thus the chat thread is missing.

To check this, you need to check the general Instagram groups. Open a group chat where both of you are members. If you can see their profile in the group and not anywhere else on Instagram, then yes, you are blocked.


Try following them again

Finally, if you can view their profile somehow, try following them by clicking the Follow button. If you are blocked, you will not be able to follow this person. Clicking the Follow button will not change anything and you will see the same button again. Instagram will not notify them of this.

But if they haven't blocked you, then clicking the Follow button will force you to follow that person and Instagram will notify them of this. I know it's risky, but sometimes you have to take extreme measures.

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6. Check from another phone or profile

Finally, an undemanding and painless way is to check from another account. If you have two Instagram accounts, open their profile from the second account. And, if you only have one profile, ask your close friend or family member to look at the profile.

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