How do i download my facebook profile
How to Download Your Facebook Data (and 6 Surprising Things I Found)
I know a lot of people in the security industry, and I know a lot of people who enjoy Facebook. However, there's not much overlap between these groups. As someone who's in both groups, I'm an oddity. Many security experts either always steered clear of the social network or are currently advocating deleting it. I closely follow security topics and products such as antivirus utilities, and I also use Facebook, but carefully. I don't see any need to delete my Facebook account. But now that Facebook has made it so easy to download everything the social network has about me, I went ahead with that process. Perusing the resulting archive, I ran into some surprises, both positive and otherwise.
I'm Careful, Really I Am
I've known for years that with Facebook, I'm not the customer, I'm the product. I keep my profile private except to friends. I don't post a lot in my visible profile, and not all of what I display is true. For example, while it's true that I studied Existentialism in college, I'm not actually a Pastafarian; I have not been "touched by his noodly appendage." I never wildly click links that seem shady. And I maintain a security suite that warns if a dangerous link gets past my radar.
I never play Facebook games; you'd be surprised, or appalled, at how much data games can gather. I had to silence one family member because of a Farmville account that kept pinging me to come play. I've been known to try some silly quizzes, but only the ones that ask you questions to figure out, say, which Game of Thrones character will kill you. Even then, the questions better not be the kind of thing that might answer your security questions. Those quizzes that offer to scan your Facebook data and give you a result? Those are poison! I don't touch them.
I never use Facebook (or my email account) to log into websites. Doing so makes your Facebook password a single point of failure. One exposure and all your accounts are wide open. Instead, I use a password manager to create strong, unique passwords for every site.
But being careful myself isn't enough. Sloppy security on the part of my friends can potentially make some of my information public. So I tightened up my settings to keep Facebook from sharing my data. I went all-out, choosing the option to totally disable the sharing platform. Facebook offered dire warnings about how doing so would disable my apps, and keep me from logging in using my Facebook credentials. I smiled and went ahead. Now I'm fine, right? Well, maybe.
Download Your Archive
These days, it's easy to download an archive of all the data Facebook has on you. (At least, they say it's everything…) Well, it's fairly easy. You do have to go through several steps, which are in place to prevent someone else from stealing your archive. Here's how I did it, and how you can get your own archive.
- Log into Facebook, click the down-triangle icon at top right, and choose Settings.
- On the General Settings page, click the last item, the link to download a copy of your data.
- Facebook warns that collecting data may take a while. Click Start My Archive.
- On the next page, click Start My Archive again, and wait for a notification that it's done.
- Download your Facebook archive.
Note that you'll have to supply your Facebook password twice during this process, because this is sensitive information. Facebook also warns that you should protect the downloaded data, as it contains sensitive material. Your best bet would be to encrypt the data when you're not actively studying it.
No Surprises, to Start
Once you unzip the downloaded archive, you'll find you have a folder containing a file INDEX.HTM plus folders named html, messages, photos, and videos. Ignore the folders for now; just launch INDEX.HTM and start exploring.
You start at the Profile page, with general information about you and your Facebook account. 27.' At least Facebook doesn't have a hellabyte of data on me...
This page also lists all the Groups I belong to. It's a bigger list than I expected, mostly because at least half of them haven't had any activity for years. I'm not sure there's any benefit in actively disengaging from moribund groups, though.
Friends and Not-Friends
Clicking the Friends link got me a list of all my Facebook friends, sorted from newest to oldest. No surprise there! But scrolling down farther, I found a lot more. It also lists: Sent Friend Requests, Received Friend Requests, Declined Friend Requests, and Removed Friends. That's right. Facebook knows everybody you've unfriended, and ever friend request you've denied, or ignored.
I dumped the list into Excel for analysis, because that's what I do. I found that several dozen of the entries appear in more than one category, and that some of these duplicates seem to tell a story. Some years ago, I purged my friends list down to something manageable, but later added some of the purged folks back. And there they are—Removed Friends, but later, Friends. Others were persistent folks, Declined Friend Request followed later by Received Friend Request (which I ignored).
Possibly the most interesting category involve people who showed up in the Received Friend Request list and no other. That means I received the request and just ignored it, without actively declining. I confess to friend-request overload. And after ignoring requests for a while, it gets tough to actively go through and decline the unwanted ones. To the 70 people in that category—sorry!
At the tail end of the list, I found a couple other minor categories. I have exactly one Followee, meaning there's one semi-public figure that I follow without actually being FB friends. You may have more. Facebook's analysis of my friend collection places me in the Friend Peer Group called "Established Adult Life." Why? Perhaps for advertising?
The Friends page makes sense, though it includes more information than I thought it would. But the Contact Info page totally mystifies me. It lists hundreds of people, in no apparent order, along with one, two, or three phone numbers. Who are these people, and where did they come from? The list even includes entries for people no longer living, some of them deceased before I ever joined Facebook.
I dumped this list into Excel as well, and checked off any that I might have actually called on the phone. That accounts for just 10 percent of the list. About 6 percent of the contacts appear twice, most with the same phone number. Almost all of the names seem at least vaguely familiar, but not through Facebook.
For a sanity check, I used an Excel formula to flag every name from my Friends list that also appears in the Contacts list. That accounts for 11 percent of my friends. Looking the other direction, because there are more Contacts than Friends, just 6.5 percent of my Contacts match the Friends list.
I don't know for sure how Facebook got this list of contacts and their phone numbers. I must have given it permission to see my contacts on some platform, but even then, I mostly keep email addresses (notably absent from this list), not phone numbers. It's a puzzlement!
My Whole Timeline at a Glance
At first, I was unimpressed with the page reached by clicking Timeline. Like many, I frequently post an image with a snarky comment. The Timeline view skips the images, and the snarky comments alone don't make sense. Then I hit Ctrl+End, to go to the end of the page. Wow!
Every post I ever made on Facebook is here in the timeline. I don't know if it's even possible to go this far back within the Facebook user interface. If it were possible, it would take hours, maybe days, of scrolling down, down, down. I found the nearly ten-year-old posts fascinating. The post "feeling chilled after biking 10 miles in the rain Sunday to watch the Amgen riders start the first 100-mile ride" reminded me of the thrill of watching the opening of the first Amgen Tour of California bicycle race. And I was proud to remember my grown daughter's high-school success, Grand Prize in a regional animation contest.
Even in this convenient one-long-page form, paging through the entire Timeline would be too much to handle. But if you want to check just when a certain event happened, an event you posted on Facebook, you can easily search the page for details. In effect, it's an index for your entire Facebook history. What an unexpected treasure this is.
Every Photo, Awkwardly
Clicking Photos gets you a similar list, a timeline of every photo or album you ever posted. It includes the date for albums, and any comments, but not the text you shared along with the album. When you click through to the individual photos, you don't see the dates, unless the photo itself has comments. Facebook reports a raft of (to me) pointless information. Camera make and model. Orientation, width, and height. F-stop, ISO, and focal length. In my oldest photos, these are all the more useless because they're often either blank or zero. I couldn't figure out why some iPhone photos include a modicum of information, while others get nothing.
Some photos appear automatically in predefined folders such as Mobile Photos, Timeline Photos, and Profile Pictures. As with photos in your handcrafted folders, these display the non-useful camera data, followed by any comments. Any post that went along with the photo doesn't appear, nor is there any indication of a date, unless in the comments.
For a few photos, Facebook provides a link titled Facial Recognition Data. Clicking the link brings up a set of incomprehensible numbers and raw data. The fact that all of these were photos of Halloween pumpkins doesn't inspire confidence.
In my view, Facebook could handle this a lot better. Suppress the camera data except when requested. Include the date for any photo. And when I snap a photo and post it, include the text of the post with the photo.
Small-Screen Video
Clicking Videos, as expected, gets a list of all the videos you've posted, from newest to oldest, with a 284 by 160 pixel thumbnail. You also get the video's date and time, and any comments. When I clicked on a video, though, I got a surprise.
The Facebook archive stores videos as 400 by 224 MP4 files; it doesn't link to the full-size video that you posted. When I launched one of those, I found that the sound worked fine, but the video itself just showed shifting bands of color. I tried a half-dozen videos, and the same thing happened with all of them.
That was under Firefox. When I opened the same page in Chrome or Edge, the video played back just fine. Internet Explorer didn't try internal playback, but instead suggested opening the video in the Movies & TV app. Movie & TV blew the video up to full screen, making it blurry, but it worked. I'm not sure what the problem is with Firefox, but there are plenty of other browsers for viewing your archive.
What if your real urge is to find the full-scale original video that you uploaded? You can't get there directly from the archive, but it can be a help. Check the date under the desired video, then open the list of videos right in your Facebook account online. Make a guess as to how far you should scroll down. Click a video and check the date in the post that appears. Scroll up or down as necessary to bracket the desired date. It's not ideal, but also not too difficult.
Ads and More Ads
Facebook exists to tempt you and other users with ads. Every time you click an ad, that's another data point for your profile. The first thing you see when you click the Ads link is a list of all the topics Facebook thinks interest you. In my case, the list runs to more than five dozen items. Some make sense: coffee, California, computer security, network security, journalism, Alejandro Jodorowsky. Others have me head-scratching, things like water, landform, watermelon, and Order of Interbeing (what?). But those are the topics that inform just what ads Facebook inflicts on my feed.
More interesting is the following section, Ads History. This is simply a list of ads and sponsored posts you've clicked on recently. I'm not sure of the time period; the oldest one in my feed is from about seven weeks ago. It could also be a fixed number of the most recent ad-clicks. In my archive the total number lists comes out at the suspiciously round number 100. Yes, I confess, I clicked 100 ads. To be fair, I avoid clicking unsupported "Sponsored posts," but I do sometimes click ads shared by friends.
At the very end, the archive lists "Advertisers with your contact info," eight of them, in my case. I recognize most of them, though I'm not sure how they got my contact info, or what it means that they did. But a couple are completely unfamiliar. I'm very deliberately not Googling these, figuring that doing so might just give The Watchers more information.
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A Mess of Messages
Not surprisingly, Facebook keeps a record of every conversation you hold using Facebook Messenger. All those conversations show up when you click Messages. And the resulting page is almost completely useless.
In my archive, there is a list of almost 200 names and name-groups, in no discernible order. To see a conversation, you click the name. Quite a few have no conversations associated with them at all. Others are attempts at Messenger chat from people I don't know. There's no way to tell if a given name or group leads to an actual conversation.
Checking on names where I know I have a Messenger history, I found that indeed it lists every exchange, back to the very first. The messages show up in reverse chronological order, so to read a single conversation, you must scan the date/time stamps to find the initiating message and then read from bottom to top. What a mess! And if you remember that you had a conversation on a certain topic, but forget who you were chatting with, forget about it. There's no way to search except by opening every name and searching.
Facebook, this could be so much better! Give us a list of names, yes, but show the number of messages associated with each. Let us sort by name or by number of messages. When we open the list of messages for a given person, show them in oldest-to-newest order, and use some visual cue to show the start of each new conversation. Finally, let us search across all messages. Now that would be a useful list of messages!
Events and Pokes
I'm sure you've received invitations to plenty of events via Facebook. If I get an invitation to a truly personal happening, I make a point of actively choosing accept or decline. But if I'm just not interested, perhaps because the event is impossibly distant, or sounds boring, I don't usually do anything. Surprise! The Events page lists every event invitation you ever received, even those that you totally ignored. I don't see a lot of value in this list, but it seems harmless.
Likewise both useless and harmless is the list of pokes. Who pokes anybody these days?
Security Overload
I figured that clicking Security would show my Facebook Security settings, perhaps with a history of changes. Boy, was I wrong!
This page starts with a confusing list of Active Sessions. It listed 17 active sessions, one (correctly) identified as Facebook for iPad and 16 marked Unknown. Who knows what to make of that?
The following list of Account Activity proved even more obtuse. A seemingly endless list of entries reports, in painful detail, on events like Session updated (these are the vast majority, for me), Web Session Terminated, and Login. The one slightly interesting entry accurately reported the date and time of the last password change. These entries only go back about two years.
Next up is a list of Recognized Machines, including entries for two iPads and two iPhones. Which ones? I've had several. The date/time stamps were no help; all four say they were created December 31, 1969 at 4:00 p.m. PST. That date seems unlikely. None of the last-modified dates are newer than 2014, and the entries include no identifying device information, beyond the IP address.
I found little use for a list of logins and logouts during the previous year. A list of Login Protection Data reveals cookies and IP addresses used or updated in the last year. The list ends with estimated locations based on IP addresses, just simple decimal latitude and longitude, with no link to a map view.
At the very, very end is a short section that might be useful to some. The Administrative Records section lists things like changes to your password, changes to your security answers, and something called "Checkpoint completed."
So, OK, it's true that Facebook keeps painfully detailed information about your logins and devices. You can look at it until your eyes cross. A security expert might dump this data to detect possible hacking, but the average consumer will find little of interest.
Things I Didn't Know Facebook Knew
Before my recent experimentation, I hadn't really thought about what-all data Facebook keeps about me. Clearly, it has to retain my posts and pics, and I know it uses some techniques to decide which ads it'll show. Downloading and paging through my Facebook archive was a real eye-opener. I ran into real surprises, some positive, some negative, some just…surprising.
- The Timeline archive can be a fantastic index for your entire Facebook history. It's well-nigh impossible to scroll back a few years in your live Facebook feed, but in the archive, you can easily search the entire timeline.
- Facebook doesn't just know my friends. It knows everyone who's asked to be a friend, even if I ignored the request. It knows everyone I've unfriended, and every friend request I've rejected. Maybe that's not so bad, but I was surprised.
- The archive's list of videos displays nicely from newest to oldest, with a date/time stamp for each video. But you don't get to see the actual post, the video displays in a tiny rectangle, and it seems not to work in Firefox.
- Some items in Facebook's list of "my" ad topics make sense; others seem off the wall. The revelation that I've clicked 100 ads in less than two months is an eye-opener.
- Something I did, at some past time, gave Facebook permission to grab all kinds of unrelated contact info. Weirdly, it only shows phone numbers, even though I've never called 90 percent of those people, and a fair number of them are dead. Unsettling.
- Your archive lists everyone with whom you've ever chatted using Messenger, which sounds like it would be handy. But the information is disorganized and hard to follow, and there's no way to search your messages.
If you haven't yet done it, scroll back to the top of this article and follow the instructions to download your own archive. Page through it, think about it, do your best to get past the poorly designed parts. The archive isn't just evidence for you of what Facebook has on you. You can also make it a useful resource, assuming it doesn't inspire you to simply delete Facebook.
Presuming you're keeping Facebook, I strongly advise that you bite the bullet and disable the platform that lets Facebook share your data. Yes, that means you give up your games and apps, those nasty little spies. And you must log in to websites using unique passwords. But these are good things! With these precautions, you can keep using Facebook and still keep (most of) your privacy.
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How to Download All Photos from Your Facebook Profile and Pages
Device Links
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Did you know that Facebook users upload millions of photos every day? If you’re one of those users and have posted many pictures over the years, it might be time to clean up your albums.
But before you delete all the photos from Facebook and lose them forever, downloading them first might be a great idea. That way, they will all be in the same folder.
Fortunately, you don’t have to download each photo separately. You can download all images simultaneously, and this article explains how.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Profile using a Browser
One of the reasons some Facebook users decide to download all their photos in bulk is that they want to delete their accounts, but there are other reasons as well.
- In any browser, log in to your “Facebook” account and click on your “profile icon” in the top right corner of the window.
- Select “Settings & Privacy” and then “Settings.”
- Click on the “Your Facebook information” link in the left pane.
- Now, you’ll need to click on the “Download your information” option on the right side.
- If you see the “Download your information” window, click on “Request a download.”
- If you see the “Select profiles” window, choose the correct “Facebook account” if there is more than one. You will also see your Instagram profile(s).
- If you get the “Select information” window, choose “Select types of information.”
- In the “Select information” window, click on “See all” in the “Your activity across Facebook” section.
- Choose “Posts,” “Pages and profiles,” “Stories,” and “Reels.” These four categories should include any images or videos you posted, shared, or sent.
- In the “Personal information” section, choose “Facebook Portal,” then click on “Next.”
- In the “Select file options” window, click on “Date range,” then choose “All time” to get all images/videos, and then click on “Save.
- In the “Select file options” window, click on “Notify,” then choose the “desired email address.” This option generally includes any Facebook and Instagram emails. Next, click on “Save.”
- In the “Select file options” window, select “Format.” Choose “HTML” to navigate and view files in a browser environment or “JSON” to get a zipped folder to browse files on your device. Click on “Save” when finished.
- Click on “Submit request” to continue.
- In the “Download your information” window, you can view the requested date and the requested accounts right away. You’ll receive an email and a Facebook notification when the file is ready.
- By default, all categories of your information are selected.
Click on the “Deselect all” option.
- Check off the boxes next to “Saved items and collections,” “Posts,” and “Facebook Portal.” These three categories include any images or videos you posted, shared, or sent.
- Choose the format: “HTML” to navigate and view files in a browser or “JSON” to get a zipped folder to browse files on your device.
- Pick the media quality: “High,” “Medium,” or “Low.”
- Change the date range to “All time” to get all images/videos or pick any other option.
- Finally, click on the “Create File” button in the right corner.
- Facebook will automatically start creating the file that contains all the photos and videos you’ve uploaded or shared on the platform.
- The last step requires you to switch to the “Available copies” tab on the same page where you requested the download. Click on the “Download” button next to the prepared file to save it to your computer.
Note: When choosing to download all Facebook images in bulk, the created folder also downloads any other data residing in the specified folders. Keep in mind that the number of videos and pictures you have on Facebook determines how long it takes for the file to download. Once the process is complete, you’ll receive a notification and an email from Facebook.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Page using a Browser
You can only download all photos from the Facebook page for which you are the administrator. However, you will also have to download all other data to download all images and videos.
Essentially, you’re making a full copy of your page. That’s the only way it works on Facebook pages for now. Here’s what you do:
- In your News Feed, click on “Pages” on the left side of the window.
- Select your page and then choose “Settings.”
- Select “General” followed by “Download Page.”
- Click “Create File.”
It might take a few minutes for Facebook to create a downloadable file. Once complete, you can save it to your device.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Group using a Browser
Unlike Pages, Facebook doesn’t allow data from groups to get extracted. There are several reasons why this could potentially be the case. Some groups have tens of thousands of members who want to protect their information.
On the technical side, extracting files from groups would create large files. Some browser extensions and add-ons can download separate albums from Facebook, but they don’t always work very well.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Profile using an iPhone
iPhone users also can download all photos from their Facebook profiles to their devices. Before you start, ensure that you have enough storage on your phone when it’s time to download the compressed file.
- Launch the “Facebook app” on your iPhone and tap on the “hamburger icon” in the screen’s bottom right corner.
- Select “Settings” and thengo to the “Your Facebook Information” section.
- Now, tap on the “Download Your Information” option.
- Deselect all categories and tap on the “Photos and Videos” option.
- Now, choose the date range, format, and media quality, then click on “Create File.”
- Wait until Facebook creates the file, then select the “Available Copies” tab.
- Tap on the “Download” button, enter your password, and then click on “Continue.”
You can choose to save your compressed file to your iPhone camera roll or iCloud.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Profile using Android
Android users can also download all their Facebook photos in one compressed file. If you have an Android phone or tablet, here’s what you need to do.
- Open the “Facebook app” and tap the “hamburger icon” at the top right corner of the screen.
- Select “Settings” and then choose “Your Facebook Information.”
- Next, select “Download your Information.” Make sure to deselect all checked categories.
- Now, select “Photos and Videos” and proceed to choose the date range, file format, and media quality.
- Tap on “Create File” and wait for Facebook to gather all the media.
- When done, switch to the “Available Copies” tab and download your compressed file.
How to Download All Photos From Facebook Messenger
If you’ve already exchanged plenty of photos with your friends, you can’t retroactively download them all at once. You download them individually by tapping on the image and saving it to your device.
However, if you want Facebook image downloading to be an automated action in the future and avoid having to save the files manually, here’s what you can do.
- Open the “Messenger app” on your device and go to “Settings.”
- Select “Data & Storage.”
- Check the “Save Photos” box.
Once you have completed the above steps, your Messenger photos and images will automatically get saved to your device.
How to Download All Photos From Facebook at Once
You can download all photos at once from Facebook only within your profile account or page, regardless of whether you’re using a browser or the mobile app version of Facebook.
- In the Facebook app or within a browser, navigate to “Settings,” then tap/click on “Your Facebook information.”
- Choose which categories of information you want to download. Ensure that you selected “Photos and Videos.” You can also choose the “date range,” “file format,” and the “quality” of the photos and videos you’re exporting.
- Give Facebook time to prepare the file for download, then tap or click on the “Create File” button.
- Finally, switch to the “Available copies” tab and click/tap the “Download” button.
The created file can sometimes become several GBs, so ensure you have a stable internet connection and enough storage to save the file.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Album
Sometimes, you don’t need every photo or video from your Facebook account, just a particular album. There’s a simple way to download the album you want. Here’s how to do it.
- Log in to “Facebook” and go to your “profile.”
- Click on the “Photos” tab and then “Albums.”
- Select the album you want to download and then click on the “vertical ellipsis” (three horizontal dots) on the album.
- Select “Download Album.”
- Facebook will notify you when it collects all the images and videos from the specified album.
- You will receive a zip file that contains all the media.
How to Download All Photos From a Facebook Business Page
If you have a business page on Facebook, you can download all the data, including your photos and videos. Unfortunately, you can’t just save pictures alone. Regardless, here’s how to download your images from your Facebook business page.
- Navigate to your Facebook business page and then select “Settings.”
- From there, go to “General,” then select “Download Page.”
- Select “Download Page” once more followed by “Create File.”
- You’ll get notified by Facebook when all your business page data is prepared for downloading.
- In the downloaded file, browse it to find the images, then copy or cut them and paste them to a new folder if desired.
In closing, whether you want to purge your Facebook profile or just clean it up, there’s no need to lose all the photos forever when you don’t want them on Facebook anymore. There are several ways to download your precious images and videos and preserve them forever. How you go about it is up to you!
Downloading Facebook Images FAQs
Can I save my Facebook images to the cloud?
Yes, you can save your Facebook images to your devices and the cloud, such as iCloud or Google Photos. Navigate to “Settings>Your Facebook information,” then select “Transfer a copy of your photos or videos.”
Facebook asks you to choose a file location, and you can select “Google Photos” or any other destination you have in mind. Finally, just confirm the transfer. Facebook will send you an email when the import is complete.
Can I download all my photos from Facebook at once?
Yes, you have the option to download all your photos at the same time. You can do it on mobile devices and your computer (Mac, Linux, Windows, etc.) The easiest way to get all images is to access the “Your Facebook information” section from the “Settings” menu.
How do I copy all pictures from Facebook?
Copying facebook images is just another term for downloading them. There are three ways you can copy all pictures from Facebook.
The first option is to copy one picture at a time, but that might take a while.
The next option is to download one album at a time. If you don’t have too many albums, the process won’t take that long to complete.
The third option is to export all your photos and videos at once. Keep in mind that when exporting all the images in bulk, videos are attached too. You can’t just download all the photos.
How to save and transfer a profile from Facebook and Instagram to another social network
You can transfer data from Facebook in a semi-automatic mode to four platforms. The platform is a service to which you want to transfer your information from Facebook:
VKontakte, at the request of users, has added the ability to save materials from Instagram: transfer pictures, just enter your username on Instagram or enter a link to your account. They will be included in the closed album "Instagram", but privacy can be changed at any time.
In the future it will be possible to use the archive. Then the video will also be saved (in the "Video" section), as well as Reels (in the "Clips"). All materials will be visible only to you. So have time to download a file from Instagram with all the information.
- Google Photos
- Google Docs
- Dropbox
- Koofr
Before moving on, let's determine what information is on the social network
What information Facebook stores
0025 View your information allows you to see all your profile data in one place. We also offer a range of tools and resources to help you verify and control your information on Facebook.Note. If you would like to download a copy of your Facebook information, check out the Download Your Information tool.
What can you learn about your profile using the View Your Information tool?
The View Your Info tool provides a summary of your Facebook profile that you can see in one place at any time. In the Your Information section, we've divided this information into categories to make it easier for you to find the information you're looking for.
- Your actions on Facebook
- Personal information
- Friends and subscribers
- Data magazines
- Safety and information for entering
- and sites outside Facebook
- Information on advertising
0 9000 in our political explains in detail how we collect and use your information, with whom we share it, and how long we keep it. It also describes your rights and their scope, and explains how we process and share your data as part of our global services.
To check your Facebook information (eg recent activity), go to Your Facebook Information in Settings. Below is an instruction on how to go on your own, or you can use direct links and follow them, they are after the instructions.
To view your Facebook information:
- Click the
icon in the top right corner of the Facebook window.
- Click Settings and privacy and then Settings .
- Click Your information on Facebook .
- Navigate to the information you want to check and press View .
The following tools and resources are available in Your Facebook Info settings:
- View My Info is a summary of your Facebook data that you can see in one place at any time. We have divided this information into categories to make it easier for you to find the information you need.
- Transfer a copy of your information is a tool that allows you to copy photos, videos, publications and other information to another device.
- Download your information is a tool that allows you to download a copy of your data on Facebook. You can download all the information at once, or select the categories and date ranges you want. Learn more about uploading your information to Facebook.
- The activity log is the history of activities on your Facebook profile.
In the activity log, you can see and manage the content you've shared (posts you've commented or liked, apps you've used, and content you've searched for) and manage it. Learn more about the activity log.
- Off-Facebook Activity is a tool that allows you to view or clear activity information from companies and organizations that you have visited off-Facebook. This information is only available in the main profile.
- Information Management is a tool that allows you to manage your information on Facebook and find answers to common questions.
- Deactivation and Deletion is a setting that allows you to temporarily deactivate your account or permanently delete it.
How to transfer a copy of your information to another platform
You can select the platform to which you want to transfer a copy of your information in section Select platform function settings Transfer a copy of your information .
- Your Facebook account must remain active until the transfer is complete.
If you delete or disable your account, the transfer may be interrupted.
- Only a copy of the information is transferred to the platform of your choice. This means that the originals remain on Facebook. Using the activity log, you can delete or manage your content on Facebook.
- Once logged into your Facebook account, select the platform you want to transfer your data to.
- Log in to the service of your choice .
- You may need to give Facebook access to part of your target account in order to transfer the information.
- For example, if you are logged into your account on the target service, you may need to grant Facebook access to the photo section in order to transfer copies of them.
- We use these permissions only to carry out the transfer.
- After the migration is complete, the audience that sees your content on the target service may be different from the audience on Facebook. The privacy settings on the target service (if any) may also differ from Facebook's settings.
- You will need to specify an audience for your content on the target service using the service settings (if any).
- For example, when transferring photo copies, the audience that can see them on the target service is determined by the target service's privacy settings, not Facebook.
- When the migration of your information is completed, the terms and conditions of the platform you have chosen will apply to it.
- For security reasons, your data will be encrypted during the transfer.
There are no social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki in the list, so we download the information in JSON format. As of 02/26/2022, there is no possibility to import data to another social network, but it will appear in the very near future.
How do I download a copy of my information on Facebook?
To download a copy of your data from Facebook, use the information download tool.
To download a copy of your Facebook information:
- Click the
icon in the top right corner of the Facebook window.
2. Press Settings & Privacy and then Settings .
3. Select Your Facebook information on the left.
4. Next to Download information click View .
5. To add or remove data categories to the query, check or uncheck the boxes on the right.
6. Select other options such as:
- Download file format.
- The quality of photos, videos and other materials.
- Date range (otherwise you will send a download request for all time information).
7. Click Create file to confirm the download request.
Submitted download request will get status Pending and will appear in section Copies available of your download tool. It may take several days for us to prepare the files at your request.
You will be notified when materials are available for download.
To download a copy of the requested data:
- Go to section Available copies of information download tool.
- Press Download and enter the password.
To view information about the download request (such as format and expiration date), click More.
Note. To learn how to manage your data and privacy on Facebook, visit the Quick Privacy Settings page. To check recent activity on your Facebook account or view information about it, use the View My Info tool.
How do I download a copy of my Instagram information?
1. Log in to your Instagram account. Go to "Settings" then to the "Privacy and security" section, go to " Data download" and click "Request file". The "Download a copy of your information" screen appears.
2. Enter the email address to which to send the download link.
3. Select the JSON information file format.
4. Enter the password and click on the button "Request file ".
5. Within 48 hours (much faster) you will receive an email with subject Your information in Instagram , it contains a link to an archive file with messages, photos, comments, profile information.
6. Download the data, the link is only valid for 4 days after sending.
Yes. When you download a copy of your data on Facebook, you can specify which categories of information you are interested in, as well as set a date range to download information for a certain period. You can set such settings when requesting to download information. Learn more about the information contained in the downloads.
What is the difference between HTML and JSON copies of data?
When requesting a copy of your information from Facebook, you can choose the file format: HTML or JSON.
HTML. This is a Facebook data format that can be easily viewed. You will receive a ZIP archive. After opening it, extract the files from it. An HTML file called index. This file can be opened as a web page in a browser. The archive will contain folders with the files you requested, including images and videos.
JSON. This is a machine-readable format with which you can transfer your data if you want to upload it to another service.
When requesting a copy of your information, you can also choose the quality of the media files (photos and videos). If you select a higher quality, the downloaded file will be larger and take up more disk space.
How do I download a copy of information from my Facebook Page?
The Administrator can download a copy of the information from their Page. Copy includes:
- publications, photos and videos posted on the Page by people who work with it;
- list of people who have roles on the Page;
- description of the current Page settings;
- information from the "Information" section of the Page.
To download a copy of information from your Page:
- In the menu to the left of News Feed, click Pages
- Go to your Page.
- Click Settings at the top of the Page.
- In the General section, select Download Page.
- Click Download Page.
- Click Create File.
When the file is ready, you will receive an email or notification (depending on your privacy settings). In the email or notification, click Download Page and enter your password to continue. The link to your file is only valid for 4 days.
What information can and cannot be transferred?
Photos and videos
You can only transfer copies of photos and videos that you have uploaded to Facebook and see on your profile.
- You can't transfer copies of photos and videos you've posted to your friends' profiles. You can't transfer copies of photos and videos that other people have uploaded to Facebook, such as photos and videos uploaded to your profile by others, even if you're in they are marked. Also, copies of stories cannot be transferred.
You can only transfer copies of posts you create that you see on your profile, including:
- Status Updates.
- Posts with photos, photo albums, GIFs and videos that you have uploaded to Facebook.
- Posts with photos, photo albums, GIFs, and videos can only be migrated if they contain written content (such as a photo caption or video link).
- If the publication does not contain written content, you can transfer a photo or photo album from it as a photo, and a video or GIF file as a video.
- Publications with links to other sites.
- Videos hosted on other sites will not be migrated. If your post contains a link to a video, you can move it.
- Public content posts that you have shared on Facebook.
- If the video you shared was not uploaded by you, you will not be able to transfer it.
- Publications with visit marks.
- The location tag will only be migrated to another service if that service provides for showing location information in the migrated publications. The rest of the content of the publication will be transferred in any case.
- Collection of donations.
- You cannot transfer the initiative for which you created a fundraiser on Facebook and the amount of donations. The rest of the content of the publication will be transferred in any case.
- Hints.
- If you have created a tooltip in your profile, only the content of the post will be migrated, not the tooltip text or responses.
- Tips are currently not available to everyone. Copies of some Facebook posts cannot be transferred. These include:
- Publications posted on friends' profiles.
- Posts made by other people, even if you are tagged in them.
- Publications moved to archive or trash. Learn more about the archive and shopping cart on Facebook.
- Publications with an event from life. Learn more about life events on Facebook.
- Posts created automatically when profile photo changes. Some items in posts cannot be migrated. These include:
- Tags in posts you create.
In such cases, only the content is migrated.
- Feeling or action reported in the publication, such as "Happy".
- Only content is migrated from posts in which you have specified a feeling or action.
- If you have indicated in your post that you are traveling from one location to another, your locations may not be transferred. The original location will only be migrated to another service if that service allows location information to be shown in the migrated posts. Your destination information will not be transferred.
- Videos from other websites posted on your profile.
- If a post has a link to a video, you can move it.
- Facebook videos you have shared, uploaded by other people.
- The location tag will only be migrated to another service if that service provides for showing location information in the migrated publications.
- The initiative for which the fundraiser was created and the amount of the donation.
- Hint text and answers.
Note. Comments and reactions to posts will not be transferred.
You can only transfer copies of the notes you create and see on your profile. Copies of some Facebook notes cannot be transferred. These include:
- Notes created in a group or Page.
- Notes created by other people. For example, notes in which you are tagged (even if you tagged yourself).
For events you have created, you can transfer:
- Name.
- Description.
- Start time.
- Completion time.
- Location.
- Time zone.
If you're an admin, editor, moderator, analyst, or advertiser and you've created an event for your Page, you can only transfer the title, time zone, and start and end times of the event. For other people's events you've been invited to, you can transfer:
- Name.
- Start time.
- Completion time.
- Time zone.
To transfer information about another user's event to which you were invited, first respond to the invitation by selecting Attending or Interested in . You can't transfer information about events that you declined or didn't respond to.
How do I transfer a copy of my information?
- Press icon
in the top right corner of the Facebook window.
- Click Settings & Privacy and then Settings .
- In the column on the left side of the screen, select Your Facebook Information .
- Next to Transfer a copy of your information , click View . You may need to enter your Facebook password again.
- Select the platform to which you want to transfer information. For each platform, it indicates whether you can transfer photos, videos, posts, notes, events, and other information.
- Depending on the platform, you can choose:
Transfer a photo copy
- Under Select data to move, press Photo and then Next .
- Select the desired photos. You can select all photos or only specific ones, as well as photos from a specific date range. When finished, click Next.
- Click Connect and start transfer. You will be redirected to the login page for the selected service. You may need to re-enter your Facebook password. Complete the transfer by following the instructions on the screen.
Move a copy of the video
- In the Select data to move section, click Video, and then click Next.
- Select the desired videos. You can select all videos or just specific ones, as well as videos from a specific date range. When finished, click Next.
- Click Connect and start transfer. You will be redirected to the login page for the selected service.
You may need to re-enter your Facebook password. Complete the transfer by following the instructions on the screen.
Move a copy of publications
- In the Select data to move section, click Publications and then Next .
- Select the desired publications. You can select all posts or only specific ones, as well as posts from a specific date range. When finished, click Next.
- Click Connect and start transfer. You will be redirected to the login page for the selected service. You may need to re-enter your Facebook password. Complete the transfer by following the instructions on the screen.
Transferring a copy of notes
- In the Select data to move section, click Notes and then click Next.
- Select the desired notes. You can select all notes or just specific notes, as well as notes for a specific date range. When finished, click Next.
- Click Connect and start transfer. You will be redirected to the login page for the selected service. You may need to re-enter your Facebook password. Complete the transfer by following the instructions on the screen.
Move a copy of events
- In the Select data to move section, click Events, and then click Next.
- Select the desired activities. You can select all events or only specific ones, as well as events for a specific date range. When finished, click Next.
- Click Connect and start transfer. You will be redirected to the login page for the selected service. You may need to re-enter your Facebook password. Complete the transfer by following the instructions on the screen.
How else can I view and manage my information on Facebook?
There are several ways to view and manage your Facebook information in your Facebook settings:
- The Download Your Information tool allows you to download a copy of your Facebook information to save it or transfer it to another service.
- In section View information about you you can view your information on Facebook.
- In activity log you can view and manage most of your Facebook activities. Learn more about the activity log.
Sources: Machine code
How to save and upload all photos to your Facebook profile
0 274 4 minutes to read
To download all photos from your Facebook profile , there is a button in the settings section. The main function is to create a downloadable copy of all information related to your account, but it is possible to get a file containing only photos and videos that you have shared on a social network.
Although this process can be done from both a mobile phone and a PC, there are some aspects that need to be considered.
If you want to upload copies of all your photos to Facebook , please be aware that this process may take some time, because there are probably a lot of photos. Similarly, the file being downloaded is heavy, so it is recommended that you carry out the process from a computer over a stable internet connection. In this article you will find the procedure for both cases, more about it below.
From a computer
To download all the photos you have shared on your Facebook account from your computer, first go to and log into your account. Then follow the steps below.
- Tap the arrow pointing to the Facebook drop-down menu and select " Settings & Privacy .
- Click on " Parameters ".
- Click on the section " Your information on Facebook .
- Then press the button section » Download your information ".
- Then you need select the period for which you want to get a copy of the photos, format and quality . By default, downloading all your data is set up immediately after opening a Facebook account in HTML format and in high quality. Make sure uncheck the other options to copy only the media you have shared. When finished, click " Create file ".
- Facebook will send you a notification , tap it to go to the location where the file is ready to be uploaded.
- Click on " download ".
- For security purposes, you will be asked to enter your Facebook password. Write it in the text box and click " send .
Once these steps are completed, download all the photos stored in your Facebook profile will start automatically. You just need to wait for the process to finish in order to save them to your computer.
From mobile device
In order for to download all photos from your Facebook profile from mobile device , you must use the official app. The Lite alternative does not have this feature, perhaps because the download can consume a lot of browsing data, which is contrary to the concept of the option, which, among other things, allows data to be saved.
If you want to back up your Facebook photos to your phone, it is recommended to turn off mobile data and use a Wi-Fi connection. Also, you need to make sure you have enough storage space. To download all photos, sign in to your account and follow these steps:
- Open the drop-down menu located in co
n in the upper right corner of the screen. - Click on " Settings and privacy ".
- Click on the option » Parameters ».
- Find the button that says " Upload your information And click.
- By default, all data you can download will be checked, so you need to uncheck them. Select only " Photos and Videos ".
- Then you will need to select the format, quality and, above all, the time period during which the files you want to download will be searched. After configuring this data, click " CREATE FILE ".
- You will then see a notification that the requested copies are being created . While you are waiting, you can do whatever you want, because the process can take a long time.
- You will receive notification when the procedure is completed. Click on it to go directly to the location of the file.
- You must click the button " download . You may need to enter your password for security reasons.
After completing these steps, you will only have to wait for the download process to complete, which may take several minutes, as these are usually very large files.
What to do if error
is returned Several factors can cause a error when uploading all photos from your Facebook profile . If this happens, you have several options for solving the problem:
- Check connection : If this is a problem, you need to wait until you have a stable internet service, you can try when fewer devices are found using the same Wi-Fi connection. However, the use of mobile data is not recommended.
- Download from PC : Disk space issues are more common on mobile devices than PCs, so it's recommended to use them on a smartphone. Even if you started the process on your mobile phone, you can download from your computer without any inconvenience, since the copy will be available on the platform until the expiration date indicated in the file information.
- Try with a shorter duration : By choosing out of the duration is shorter than , the file becomes lighter and easier to download even from a smartphone or tablet.