How to start a home decor instagram
How I grew to 133K+ Followers on Instagram (6 Easy Tips)
I get asked a lot how I grew my Instagram. I am here to say there are a few very important tricks I have learned along the way.... You want in on the secret? Here you go.......
1-Instagram Home Decor Profile
I CANNOT stress how important this is. Think of Instagram like a resume for a job. When someone clicks over to your page they should instantly know what you are all about. 9 times out of 10 a person will make a decision as to whether they are going to follow you within the first 10 seconds they are on your page.
I am all about DIY and home decor so my followers are not coming to my business page to see what I had for lunch, they have come to get ideas. I put my prettiest pictures on Instagram because like I said before this is my resume and I want my best foot forward!
2 - Finding the Perfect Posting Time
You will have to play around with this a little bit to figure out when you get the best interaction, but I get the best interaction from my followers around 8am and 5:30pm. Strange times right?
But every time I post at these times I get more likes and comments! With the new Instagram algorithm I try to post 2 to 3 times a week. I don't always make that. However I do post at least 1 minute long story everyday. This makes it so I stay in contact with my audience.
3-Be Social - Put Yourself Out There
I have found Instagram to be a lot more interactive than other social media platforms. If I comment on someones photo most of the time they will respond to me and vise versa. I try to answer as many questions and I can and thank people for their kind comments.
I also have made it a point to comment on others post as well. I have a goal to comment on at least 20 posts a day and I try to make them meaningful.
If someone posts a picture of their kitchen I will find something I REALLY love about it and express that in the comments. Rumors has it that Instagram is only counting comments with 3 or more words so make those comments count!
4-Interaction Group
In the beginning I was part of a few groups where we all make it a point to comment on each others posts. Once we post we share it to the group message so the others know we have a new post up and it and allows everyone to comment on it when they have a free minute.
This is a great way to find your people and connect. As my account has gotten bigger I had to leave the groups. Mainly because I ran out of time after I answered my followers comments and messages.
4- Create a Story Share Group
This is a great way to find new followers as well as make new friends. When I set up a share group it usually consists of 6 other accounts.
I will add all 6 accounts into one group message and over an 6 week period of time we all agree to share one person a week and link to each others stories.
Since we are all in a group message it is a great time to talk and get to know the others in the group as well. I have made lots of real life friends this way.
Tip: When creating your group try to find people in your niche with around the same amount of followers.
5- Reels
Instagram made a statement that they are NO LONGER A PHOTO SHARING APP. This means if you post photos they will not be seen by as many people as a Reel will.
The first 3 seconds of a reel are the most important. This is when a person decides if they are going to stop scrolling and watch or not. Make it eye catching and keep your reel moving fast.
Instagram is now offering creator bonus'. Which means they are paying creators to post reels. They don't pay much, but something is better than nothing.
6- Algorithm
I have still not fully cracked the code or figured everything out, but here is what I do know.
- Posts are weighted now similar to Facebook, where the most popular posts are on top instead of being in chronological order like they used to be.
- Interaction is key. - Shares and saves hold the most value
- Post frequently and consistently. I try to post Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Morning.
- Most importantly have fun and make a few friends along the way!!
You may have realized by now. ..A LOT of work goes into growing a following. We joke around here that it is a full time job.....but if you are hoping to make money blogging building a following is key.
You can see my Instagram account here
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Starting an Instagram decor page – ashleysdecorspace
Alrighty friends… Believe it or not I had an Instagram page when my home was being built called “MyHouseAdventures”. Initially I created it to share photos of our homes progress for close friends and family. In doing that I stumbled up this unique Instagram community.
After following some of my favorite feeds I decided i too wanted to start getting involved. Why not?!
So I opened my page up to the public eye. Within a couple of days I began getting followers and people commenting nice things and… Well… I panicked! 😱
So i deleted it.
But once our home was completed, the pictures were hung and it started to become home… I decided to just GO FOR IT! It looked like so much fun.
Then @Mydecorspace_ was created…
Which I now named, “@AshleysDecorSpace_” because it’s just a better fit. Plus I wanted to match my blog name.
If you’re wanting to start your own decor page- here’s a few tips and things you should know before getting started!
- Make sure your photos are “in sync” with one another. If someone goes to your page, they should know right away what you’re all about and what your design style is. In other words they’ll be more quick to follow. For example when entering my feed you’re usually greeted with bright sunny colors and blues.
- Post mainly decor related items. Sometimes it’s a major turn off to followers if your posting about your home ON TOP of your personal business OR other personal things.
Try, if you can, to separate the two! For some- this works and doesn’t hurt their Instagram success. But it’s said you should blog solely about one thing.
- Use hashtags to grow. Even if you’re slapping about 20 of them onto your photo. Any way to get your name out there. I still use simple hashtags like, “#whitekitchen” because a regular person may use that hashtag and click on it to be inspired and as an outcome- stumble upon your feed! Not everyone knows of all the hashtag challenges going on. Heck I can barely keep up myself!
- Make friends. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others. And Just because someone may have a lot of followers- doesn’t mean their SO amazing they’re untouchable. 😅
- always know followers are going to come and go and that’s just life! You gain some- you lose some.
- When posting a decor photo of your home, get a little personal so your followers get to know you a bit! I’m not saying tell them your address and social security information 😂 BUT just talk about your day! Your followers are following you for your decor inspiration and also because they like you!
- Ask questions in your posts: “I love this tray from Home Goods.
Do you have a favorite tray?…” I learned engagement is the key to gettin to know who is following you!
- Apparently it’s the Instagram dream to have tons of followers and be only following like 200 people. 😂 my following number is climbing and I don’t mind a bit! That just means you’re making friends and open to inspiration. Who cares about that number?! Honestly don’t.
- If you’re starting a page you DONT NEED to buy all the “things” to play in a hashtag challenge. I purchase items that can be moved from room to room and styled every season. In other words- floater decor pieces are your friend!
- Brighten up your photos to get the best out of your posts. I use an I-phone to take my photos unfortunately but I definitely use a little Instagram editing here and there. I phones don’t do our photos justice!
And lastly HAVE FUN! Don’t worry about followers coming and going. Don’t worry that your homes not good enough and don’t compare your style to other feeds. Just be yourself and I guarantee your followers will love you for it!
I hope this helps anyone interested in joining this amazing and unique Instagram community.
Have a wonderful day!
– Ashley
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How to make a beautiful Instagram feed
June 25, 2020
Instagram is a great platform for promotion. And here a lot depends on what impression the profile makes: what is the general mood, color palette and combination of photos. We have put together a few tips to help you make a beautiful ribbon and develop a special brand aesthetic.
A single style is those details that unite the entire visual. For example, it can be a photo style - dark deep, airy light photos. Or the paraphernalia of the frame - rustic, vintage, kinfolk and others. Even some common character or object. However, in search of your own style, it is not at all necessary to drive yourself into rigid frames and lock yourself in one direction. You can combine completely different photos if you follow a few rules.
Decide on the mood of the profile
The account itself does not affect sales. For visitors to turn into potential customers, they need to be impressed. Think about what emotions you want to evoke in subscribers? The style of your feed and the choice of photos will depend on this.
For example, if you are selling home decor, a hygge aesthetic would be appropriate: photographs of candles and cozy blankets, warm colors and soft shadows in processing. And for premium leather goods, you can try shooting with gloomy light and deep hues - if you place all the accents correctly, such shots will be filled with a special atmosphere.
Accounts of photographers can also be different: on the left - conciseness and rigor, on the right - brightness and audacity. For example, photos of @neekmason and @kavalerchikyana are used
Choose primary colors and shades
When one color is used in the profile - everything is light and airy or vice versa dark - it looks very stylish and beautiful. But after a while, when you see the fifth, tenth or hundredth such photo, you stop seeing the difference. Therefore, we recommend leaving the stereotype that it is enough to choose one filter for all photos in the past.
It's much better not to lock up your creativity in some kind of filter, but simply choose your favorite shades of base colors and make sure that they are regularly in photographs. If you are shooting portraits, ensure that the skin is the same color throughout. If you publish landscapes, the shades of the sky and greenery should also be the same. Then the shots taken in different conditions will remain natural and look harmonious.
On the left is an example of a tape in which each photo is very beautiful individually, but together they look very similar. And on the right is a tape in which the frames are very different, but thanks to the primary colors that are repeated from frame to frame, the tape looks harmonious. For example, photos of @meghan_faulk and @prostokrasivo. wear are used
Make smooth transitions from dark to light shots
You can combine dark and light, warm and cold shots in one profile - just make smooth transitions. For example, if you had three light shots and now you want to post a dark photo, post a light photo with dark accents first. Then it turns out that some shades seem to flow into others. Such a “gradient” looks beautiful in the feed and will help to fit photos of your customers into it.
Instagram Kinfolk is a great example of a harmonious feed without a single filter. This is achieved by smooth transitions and playing with color. Photos used as an example @kinfolk
Don't be afraid to add color accents
Color adds zest to photos and encourages you to come in and see the details. This is due to the fact that our eye easily picks up bright spots, especially when looking at photos from the phone.
Therefore, for profiles in neutral tones, such as gray or beige, we recommend adding bright details so that the tape does not look boring. And if your frames are bright and colorful, on the contrary, it is better to add calm objects - this way there will be no extra variegation when looking at the feed.
Color attracts the eye, the main thing is to use it in doses. For example, on a neutral background - white, black, beige. Photographs @la_maison.n and @gkstories
Alternate wide and close-ups
The feed looks more harmonious when photos with different scales are published side by side. For example, if you have an online clothing store, you can first post a photo of a girl in a full-length dress, then a waist-length portrait, and then a large photo with a dress back or a beautiful clasp. So there will be no feeling that you are repeating yourself.
The alternation of plans helps to make the tape varied and lively. The characters in the photographs change, the surrounding world changes - then the tape looks eventful.
Cozymoss Instagram photos at different scales. This is another reason why the goats in the profile are so lively and active. @cozymoss photos used as an example
Bonus: feed scheduling apps
Use apps to plan your Instagram content in advance. They are convenient to upload photos, combine them and choose the perfect sequence.
We recommend trying Unum, Inpreview or Garny. To plan one account, a free version of any of them is enough, but if you maintain several profiles, Unum will suit you - there you can create several projects at once for free.
Download Unum for iOS →
Download Unum for Android →
Download Inpreview for iOS →
Download Garny for Android →
These simple tips will help you compose a beautiful and harmonious feed from various photos. At the same time, you don’t have to drive yourself into the framework of one style and limit yourself to one filter. If the article was useful to you, put ♥ and share your Instagram tricks in the comments.
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11 Russian-language blogs with simple tips on how to improve your interior and life
How to fit a kitchen into 5 sq. meters? Is it possible to fit the Soviet red carpet into the interior? Where to find beautiful vintage decor? You will find answers to these and other questions in the interior blogs that Anna Belolipetskaya, the author of the @foxinvogue account about the house, has collected for Afisha Daily.
About the author — @foxinvogue
A blog about life in an apartment with almost no repairs, which is located in the famous Stalinist skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Anna talks about how to make an apartment more aesthetically pleasing and enjoy everyday life with the help of small changes. The author shares selections of real European interiors, ideas for organizing space and decor, and is in search of a balance between new and old. Her task is to preserve the authentic details of the apartment (original doors, parquet, stucco and family items) and fit them into a modern context.
Structured blog about modern housekeeping and everyday life. In Victoria's posts you will find answers to almost any practical questions. For example, why you don't need a lot of pots, how to budget for food, or what gets in the way of enjoying cleaning. More recently, a material was published on how to deal with dust. The tone of the blog is supportive, which is important in the era of perfect Instagram pictures.
A blog about a charismatic house in the province, which the owners are from long-term construction 19They turned the 90s into a picture from Pinterest with their own hands. There is also a wall made of boards from an old barn, and a real library cabinet in the bathroom. Yulia shares her workshops on reworking and repainting furniture and knows how to create home decor from the most non-obvious items. For example, a cloche (cap. - Note ed. ) for candles made of construction mesh to protect cats from fire, or a large dispenser for washing gel from a can.
Blog author Olga knows everything about Scandinavian style. Right now, she is showing the arrangement of a new apartment: you can watch all the stages of the renovation — from the choice of flooring to the arrangement of items in the locker. The most interesting thing is to watch how inspiring pictures turn into reality.
Anna bought an apartment and renovated it with her own hands. The girl chose non-standard interior solutions — an island with a mosaic tile countertop, no backsplash in the kitchen, concrete walls and ceiling, a bunk bedroom with a wardrobe downstairs. True, just three years later the apartment was sold, and now Anna is again doing "repair-it's a long time" already in a new home. The star of the space was a wall made of caramel glass blocks. Bonus - readers have the pleasure of watching not only the mesmerizing renovation process, but also the two huskies of the landlady.
An intelligent blog about well-designed mid-century modern interiors A trend in design that is characterized by clear lines, as well as organic and streamlined forms without additional decorations. ". Its owner Alexei lovingly talks about iconic design items in modern aesthetics and shares detailed reviews of new items that he carefully selects for his interior.
A blog about a cozy bright apartment with vintage elements in a new building. Here you can learn how to equip an aesthetic children's room without depriving children of bright toys. Or how to fit vintage posters into the interior.
The author of the blog finds inspiration where many do not see it - in architecture and interiors from the Soviet past. In Lena's house, there was a place for both the red carpet that was in every Soviet family and vintage chandeliers, while the space looks neat and modern. In addition, there are interesting notes on the page that will help you better understand the ancient architecture.
Anna is the Art Director of Weave, a local linen textile brand. On her blog, you'll find examples of trendy Kinfolk-style table setting where minimalism, handmade tableware and seasonal décor intersect.