How can i tell if someone muted me on instagram

How to Tell If Someone Has Muted You on Instagram

  • There's no surefire way to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram.
  • If someone who used to actively engage with your content no longer does, you might've been muted.
  • When you mute someone on Instagram, you'll still be following them, but won't see their content in your feed.

Muting someone on Instagram is like the social media equivalent of politely excusing yourself from a conversation, without making a scene.

When you mute someone, their posts and stories will no longer show up in your feed, but they'll still be able to see your posts, and you can visit each other's account pages.

And don't worry, Instagram doesn't send any sort of notification when you mute someone. 

So how can you tell if someone has muted you?

Here's what you should know.

Important: Remember these signs aren't conclusive evidence — and could also be caused by a variety of other factors, such as the other person just being less active on Instagram.

What does mute mean on Instagram?

Muting on Instagram allows you to hide posts from specific accounts without having to unfollow them. You can pick between muting their posts, stories, or both.

What happens when you mute someone on Instagram

When you mute someone on Instagram, you will not see their posts anymore in your feed. 

However, you can remain following them and, in contrast to a block, the muted user is not notified that you have done this and cannot tell by looking at your profile.

How to tell if you've been muted on Instagram

Like other social media sites, there's no definite way to tell if you've been muted on Instagram. 

You aren't notified when you're muted, and you can't go anywhere to see a list of who has muted you.

When you mute someone, you won't see their posts in your feed, but you'll still be following them. Steven John/Insider

But there are some subtle signs you can look for.

  • If a person who used to often like or comment on your posts seems to have suddenly gone silent, you may have been muted.
  • Try seeing if they're still actively liking and commenting on other people's posts — if so, that's a clearer sign.
  • Similarly, if someone who used to view your Instagram stories no longer shows up on your story's Viewers list, this could mean that the user has muted your stories, or your stories and posts simultaneously.

For better or worse, the only definite way to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram is to ask them directly.

Steven John

Freelance Writer

Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at

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How To Tell If Someone Muted You On Instagram


It’s sleuthing time.

by Emma Carey

FreshSplash/E+/Getty Images

There comes a time when you reach a crossroads on Instagram: You don’t want to see someone’s posts or stories anymore, but the unfollow button seems too harsh. Whether you need a temporary break from your cousin’s MLM promo stories or are trying to get your ex off of your feed without burning any bridges, the debut of Instagram’s mute feature in 2018 has given many users the perfect compromise. Muting is a subtle way to reclaim some peace of mind when you log on — and surely, everyone deserves that. But what happens if you think you might be someone’s mute-ee?

For whatever reason, you might have a feeling that you’ve been muted on Instagram. Maybe you’ve noticed that your college BFF hasn’t liked your pictures in ages, or your work frenemy never watches your stories. If they’re still following you, you might be wondering if someone muted you on Instagram.

How To Tell If Someone Muted You On Instagram

Both fortunately and unfortunately, when you mute someone on Instagram, the process is pretty hush-hush. Users aren’t notified that they’ve been muted, and cannot officially check anywhere on the app to see if they’ve been muted. (Think about it: Would you want your annoying oldest sister to have it written in cold pixels that you muted her dog’s account? You’d never hear the end of it.) So, if you’ve been feeling like someone has given you the digital “Talk to the hand” there’s not much you can do to verify in an official way.

The first few key clue that could mean that you’re muted is whether they’re viewing any of your content. First, check to make sure that they still follow you by heading to your profile, clicking on your followers, and searching for their username. Their lack of engagement could be because they unfollowed you, but, if they’re still following you, then it could be the result of being muted.

If you’re not sure whether they’ve been engaging with your content recently, you can check using a couple different metrics. If you’ve posted a story in the last 24 hours, check after it’s been up for a while to see if their name appears when you swipe up to see your story viewers. If not, there is a chance that they have you muted. Likewise, you can search for their name in the likes on your recent posts. If their name does not show up, it could mean that you’re not appearing in their feed because they’ve muted you.

However, neither of these methods make it loud and clear whether you’re muted on someone’s Instagram. It could just be because they don’t use the app much, aren’t choosing to engage with your content, or that the algorithm doesn’t put your content at the top of their feed. So, there’s no way to know for sure if someone has muted you — and this is very much intentional on behalf of Instagram and the user. If someone has chosen to mute you, they likely are hoping that their choice goes unnoticed. To find out if you’ve been muted for sure, you’ll have to ask them directly — if you think opening that can of worms is worth it.

How To Mute Someone On Instagram

If you’re feeling inspired to do some spring cleaning of your feed, but don’t like the potential hurt feelings and other implications that can come with a full unfollow, you might be considering muting someone, too. There are a few ways you can go about muting someone on Instagram, including the choice to mute a user’s stories, posts, or both.

In order to mute someone, they’ll need to have recently posted a story or post in your feed. If they’ve recently posted a story, hold down on their circular profile picture that appears at the top of your feed. A prompt will appear with the option to Mute in red text, or View Profile in white text. Tap “Mute” and you’ll be presented with the option to “Mute Story” or “Mute Story and Posts.” The prompt will also clarify that the user will not be notified of your decision.

If the user you’re trying to mute has recently shared a post that appears in your feed, click the three horizontal dots on the top-right corner of the post. Click “Hide” and a screen will appear with the option to mute or unfollow the users, or the option to undo hiding their post. Tap the mute option, and you will be given the option to “Mute posts” or “Mute posts and story.” Once again, the user will not be notified of your choice to mute them.

Last, take a deep breath, and enjoy the peaceful quiet you’ve created. Well, until you scroll to the rest of your endless feed.

How to understand that you are blocked on Instagram: 5 ways

At first glance, it will not work to understand that you are blocked on Instagram, but if you check the search and carefully look at the feed, you can find out exactly who added your account to the blacklist. In this guide, we will show you step by step what exactly needs to be done.

If your Instagram account has been blocked by another user, you will no longer be able to find their profile in the search. Thus, if you enter the appropriate name, you simply will not see it in the results. However, this situation can also arise if the wanted person simply deleted his account.

Step 1. Checking if the profile is active

To check if the profile of the person who supposedly blocked you still exists, try to find it through a browser (for example, from a computer) by logging out of your account. If the search was successful, and the account you are looking for is displayed in the results of Insta, then you have been blocked.

If the person who blocked you has an open profile, then you can go to his page offline and view his posts and comments. In the case of closed accounts, the situation is more complicated - in them you will not be able to see publications and subscribers, but only their number.

Step 2: Are publications visible?

The second step that will help you find out if you are blacklisted by an Instagram user is to check his feed. If images that were available to you until recently suddenly disappeared from his page, most likely, the person did not delete all publications, but simply stopped showing them to you - in other words, he blocked you. Stories will also disappear.

Step 3. Check the list of subscriptions

After blocking, the user's profile will not appear in your list of subscriptions and subscribers. It is very easy to check this - by searching in your own account. If the right person “unsubscribed”, and at the same time all other signs indicate that he threw you into a ban, most likely it is. Your account will also stop being subscribed to the blocker's profile.

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Step 4.

Looking for direct messages

When you block someone on Instagram, the app doesn't hide the following from your direct message. But any new messages that you try to send will not reach the recipient and will not be marked as viewed. At the same time, the user with whom you are in an emergency will also not be able to use the chat with you.

Step 5. Trying to follow

If you are blocked, you will not be able to follow this person, even if you send him a request. In this case, the "Subscribe" button will be active. But pressing it will not work, even if the profile is open, and the user does not have to confirm applications for adding to subscriptions.

On the Internet, you can find many utilities and applications that supposedly can check if you have been blocked. We strongly advise against using them as they can access your account and registration information, spy on other data, and hack into your profile.

See also:
  • How to unblock Instagram if it was blocked for some reason
  • How to recover an Instagram account after deletion or if you forgot your password

How to find out who blocked me on Instagram


  • 1 How to know if you were blocked on Instagram
    • 1. 1 Unfollowing
    • 1.2 Subscribers, subscriptions and publications
    • 1.3 Message in Direct
    • 1.4 Checking the profile for existence
  • 2 Is it possible to see the full list of those who blocked you

time. But what if you were on the other side of the barricades - blocked you? How to unambiguously recognize this on Instagram? There are a number of signs that indicate that you are blacklisted.

How to know that you have been blocked on Instagram

Unlike some other social networks (for example, VK or Facebook), Instagram does not give a blocked user an unambiguous indication that he is on the black list. If you, being blocked from someone, go to his page, you will see the "Subscribe" button and a message stating that there are no publications yet. Therefore, in order to verify our suspicions or dispel them, let's go through a number of signs that indicate that you are on the black list.

You will not see any posts on the page of the person who blocked you


Did you previously follow this person, but was he following you? After you are added to the black list, this mutual subscription will stop. The user will automatically unfollow you and will also be removed from your subscriptions. Therefore, if you do not remember that you unsubscribed on your own, then this sign should already make you wary.

Even though there is a "Subscribe" button on the page of the blocker, the actual subscription after clicking on it will not occur. The user won't even see your subscription request.

Followers, subscriptions and publications

On the page of the person who blacklisted you, you will see the number of publications, subscriptions and subscribers. However, this data itself will not be displayed - the publication feed will be empty, and if you try to tap on subscribers or subscriptions, then there will also be no one there.

If you go to the list of subscribers of the blocked person, it will be empty there - even if their number was displayed on the main page, not equal to zero

Direct message

You can send a Direct message even if the person has blacklisted you. But it will not reach - the other user will not receive notifications about it, and it will not appear in his dialog. Therefore, you will never see "Read" marks next to the message.

Checking the profile for existence

But sometimes all these "symptoms" can only indicate that a person's profile is in the process of being deleted. To make sure that the user has not deleted his page, you can use third-party services, for example, the web.stagram website. It copies data from Instagram and allows you to watch publications without registration. If the profile is deleted from the social network, then it will not be displayed on the site in the search.

By the way, this method will allow you to follow the publications of the person who blocked you without creating a second account, but only on condition that the profile you are interested in is not closed.

Is it possible to see the full list of those who blocked you

Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide such an opportunity.

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