Wordpress how to add facebook link

Integrate Facebook Pages Within WordPress Websites

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Facebook has become the most popular social media platform today. Everyone from the smallest blog to the largest brand has at least one page on the Facebook.

For all businesses, Facebook Pages offer the following two major advantages:

  • Social Proof: The more likes, comments and general engagement you have on your Facebook page, the more potential customers will trust you. Herd mentality is a very real phenomenon, and having an established Facebook page increases the likelihood of securing new business.
  • Huge Potential Audience: Facebook has more than 1 billion people. If you can reach just a small portion of these users, you could increase potential customer base for your business significantly.

Once you’ve got a Facebook page, you’ll want to get people to like your page. There’s only so far you can get by inviting your friends and family. Many people overlook the simplest way of promoting their Facebook page: Embedding it into your website.

Add Facebook Page to WordPress Website

To begin with, install the Facebook Page plugin on your website. This is very popular plugin with more than 20,000 installations. You could either install the plugin by going to  WordPress Admin Panel >> Plugins>> Add New and searching for the plugin. Alternatively, you could download the plugin from the official website.

Additionally, WordPress offers like RafflePress or Shared count help you simultaneously optimize your WordPress site and Facebook page. You may choose the best WordPress plugins (free+paid) to enhance your website’s functionality!

Add a Facebook Page to a Page or Post

Once you’ve installed the plugin, you will see a new widget in the WordPress Admin Dashboard. This form will automatically generate a shortcode that you could use to easily embed it into a post or page. The only mandatory field to fill in is the `Facebook Page URL` field, that needs the URL of the Facebook page.

Once you have entered the URL in the field, it will display a shortcode in the grey box at the bottom of the form. Simply copy the shortcode and paste it into the content of your post or page. Once you update or preview your page or post, your Facebook page will be embedded in the content where you added the shortcode.

Add a Facebook Page to a Widget Area

The Facebook Page Plugin also includes a custom widget so that you can easily embed your Facebook page in a widget area. Simply drag the Facebook Page Plugin widget into your desired widget area, and then paste the URL of your Facebook page into the `Page URL` field.

If you are using the classic widget editor, click Save and view your site to see the Facebook page embedded in your widget area. If you’re using the Customizer, you’ll see a live preview of your site with the embedded Facebook Page.

Alternatively, you can also paste a Facebook Page Plugin shortcode into a text widget.

Customising the Appearance of the Plugin

The Facebook Page Plugin provides a number of options for customizing the way your  Facebook Page looks. Here are the few areas you could customize to change the look and feel of the Facebook page on your WordPress website:


You can control the width of the embedded Facebook page with the width setting. Facebook restrict this to between 180 pixels and 500 pixels wide.


You can control the height of the Facebook page with the height setting. There is a minimum of 130 pixels high, or 70 pixels high with the small header setting enabled. If you wish to display your latest Facebook posts in the embedded page, you will need to make the height setting much higher.

Cover Photo

Checking this will display the cover photo for the page in the background of the header. Otherwise, it will just have a white background.


Enabling this option shows a list of faces of people who already like your Facebook page.

Page Tabs

You can display any combination of latest posts, events and direct messages in your embedded Facebook page.

Hide Call To Action

If your Facebook page has a call to action, such as shop or subscribe. Checking this option will hide it.

Small Header

The default header for the embedded Facebook page is 130 pixels high. Enabling this option will change it to just 70 pixels high.

Adaptive Width

Enabling adaptive width will restrict the plugin to width of its container, such as a sidebar. It also makes it responsive, so when the size of the window change, the Facebook page will resize as well.

Display Link While Loading

By default the plugin will display the link to the Facebook page while the plugin loads. You can turn this off by leaving this option unchecked. It’s recommended that you leave this enabled, in case a JavaScript error on your site prevents the page from loading.

Link Text

You can also change the text for the link to the Facebook page that displays while it’s loading with this option.


By default the Facebook page will be embedded in the same language as your website’s language setting. This can be changed with the language setting to any one of nearly 100 languages Facebook makes available. One thing to keep in mind is that you can’t embed Facebook pages with different languages on the same web page.

One issue that a number of users have encountered recently is that Facebook have restricted embedding to public pages only, you cannot embed a page with audience restrictions such as age or location. Unfortunately there is no workaround at this time.

Disclaimer: This is a guest post by Cameron Jones, a professional WordPress plugin developer in the Gold Coast, Australia. The opinions and ideas expressed herein are author’s own, and in no way reflect Cloudways position.

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Subhan Alam

Subhan Alam is a Digital Marketing Enthusiast at Cloudways, a Managed Cloud Hosting Platform. He works on different regions and is passionate about implementing new approaches in Digital Marketing. He likes to stay fit and meditates daily.

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WordPress Facebook Integration | WordPress.com Support

This guide covers how you can integrate Facebook features onto your site, including sharing your posts to Facebook, giving your visitors the option to share your content, embedding your Facebook Page on your site, and more.

Table of Contents

Share to Facebook

Sharing your blog posts on Facebook is an excellent way to get more traffic on your blog and to keep your friends and family involved in your site. You can connect a Facebook page to your site with the auto-sharing feature, so that you can share your posts directly to a Facebook Page:

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Facebook Share Button

You can add a Facebook Share button (and other sharing options such as Twitter, Google, or Pinterest) through Tools → Marketing → Sharing Buttons in your dashboard.

To add it to your blog, enable the sharing options you want, select Edit Sharing Buttons, and choose Facebook.

Set up Sharing Options

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Facebook Page Widget

If you have a Facebook Page and use a widget-enabled theme, you can add the Facebook Page Plugin to your sidebar or other widget areas by adding the Facebook Page Plugin from Appearance →  Customize → Widgets in your site’s dashboard.

The page needs to be public and shouldn’t have any age or geographic restrictions if you want it to be visible to everyone, like in this screenshot below:

Here’s an example of how it will look on a site:

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Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel provides some code to integrate on your site. The code will look like this:

The full code will only work on a site on the WordPress.com Business or eCommerce plan or the legacy Pro plan with plugins installed. If your site is free or on a Personal or Premium plan, the <script> and <noscript> tags won’t work. However, you can still add the pixel to your site by taking some additional steps.

First, copy only the part inside the portion of the code:

Then, add this code using one of the following two methods:

Sites using Widget Areas

If your theme supports widget areas, you can add the code into a Custom HTML widget so that the pixel will be present throughout your site. Make sure the widget is assigned to a widget area that is displayed on all the pages. Usually, a Footer widget area is displayed on all pages, so your Facebook pixel will work there.

Sites using the Site Editor

If you are using a Site Editor theme, you can add the code into a Custom HTML block in the theme’s header.

Note that once added, it can take up to 20 minutes for the Facebook Pixel status to get updated on the Facebook dashboard.


Take into account that the Pixel verification steps above won’t work on Facebook’s features such as Event Setup Tool, Auto Events and Auto Adv Matching. If these are features you want to use, you’ll want to upgrade to a plugin-enabled plan, install any plugin, then use the full Facebook Pixel code.

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Facebook Embeds

You can also add, into a post or page, any individual update from a public Facebook timeline. We have a full guide for embedding updates from Facebook.

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All WordPress.com blogs automatically allow Facebook users to log in and comment using their Facebook accounts. Our system makes commenting super easy for your Facebook readers.

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Browser privacy extensions and add-ons, such as Facebook Disconnect, may interfere with some of these features and may need to be disabled.

Versatile plans and pricing

Facebook Integration - Support

This guide shows you how to integrate Facebook features into your site, including posting to Facebook, allowing visitors to share your content, embedding a Facebook page on your site, and more.


  1. Posting to Facebook
  2. Share Button for Facebook
  3. Widget for Facebook Page
  4. Facebook Pixel
  5. Facebook Embedded Objects
  6. Commenting with Facebook Accounts
  7. Troubleshooting
Posting to Facebook

Posting your blog posts to Facebook is a great way to increase your blog traffic and bring friends and family to your site. You can connect a Facebook page to your site to post posts directly to it.

Setting up the "Publish" function on Facebook

↑ Contents ↑

Share button for Facebook

You can add a share button for Facebook (and choose other ways to share posts, including Twitter, Google or Pinterest) in Tools → Marketing → Share buttons on the console site.

To add a button to the blog, enable the posting methods you want, click Edit Share Buttons and select Facebook.

Setting the Share function

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Facebook Page Widget

If you have a Facebook Page and are using widget-enabled themes, you can add the Facebook Page Plugin to your sidebar or other widget area. To do this, simply add the Facebook page plugin in the section Appearance → Customize → Widgets on the site console.

The page must be public and must not have any age or geographic restrictions so that all users can see it, as in the screenshot below:

This is how it will look on the website:

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Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel provides a code that can be integrated into the website. It looks like this:

The full code will only work on a site with a WordPress.com Business or eCommerce plan, or a legacy Pro plan with plugins installed. If your site has a free plan, or Personal or Premium plans activated, the tags and will not work. Instead, copy only the part that is inside the code part:

Sites that use widget areas

Using a widget-enabled theme allows you to add code to the Custom HTML widget to install a pixel on your site. Make sure the widget is assigned to a widget area that appears on all pages. Usually the widget area Footer is displayed on all pages, so your Facebook pixel will work there too.

Sites using the site editor

Using a site editor enabled theme allows you to add code to the Custom HTML block in the theme title.

Note that once added, the Facebook pixel takes about 20 minutes to update its status on the Facebook console.


Please note that the pixel check steps above will not work with Facebook's Event Setup Tool, Auto Events and Auto Adv Matching. If you want to use these features, you'll need to upgrade to a plugin-enabled plan, install any plugin, and then use the full Facebook pixel code.

↑ Contents ↑

Embedded Facebook Objects

You can also add any post from the public Facebook timeline to a post or page. We have a complete guide to implementing Facebook posts.

↑ Contents ↑

In all WordPress.com blogs, Facebook users can log into their account and leave a comment. Thanks to the features of our system, it is very easy for Facebook users to leave comments on blogs.

↑ Contents ↑


Browser extensions and security add-ons such as Facebook Disconnect may interfere with these features. They may need to be disabled.

Variety of tariff plans and price offers

  • Free

    Ideal for students

  • Personal

    The best option for presenting your hobby

  • Premium

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  • Business

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How to add a Facebook Facebook page to a WordPress site — info-effect.


Plugin — Simple Facebook Page Widget & Shortcode will allow you to add a Facebook page to your wordpress site. You can add a Facebook page directly to a post or wordpress page using a custom shortcode. You can also add your Facebook page through the widget. The Facebook page is displayed on the site in the same way as on Facebook itself, you can like the page, leave a comment or share it.

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the tab: Plugins - Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, go to the tab: Settings - Simple Facebook Options. Here you need to select Russian language and Save changes.

Facebook Page Widget

Go to the Widgets page, there you will see a new widget - Simple Facebook Page Widget.

Drag widget to sidebar, open widget for customization.

Title, Here you can specify the title that will be displayed above the widget.

- Facebook Page URL, enter the URL of your Facebook page. The URL address can be copied at the top of the page, in the top field of the browser.

- Width, you can specify the width of the Facebook page.

- Height, you can specify the page height.

- Show Cover Photo, Can you choose whether to show the page cover or not ?

- Show Facepile, you can choose to show avatars of users who like the page.

- Show Posts, you can choose whether or not to show Facebook page posts.

- Alignment, you can specify the location of the widget, right, left or center.

Facebook shortcode Page

If you want to embed a Facebook page into a post or a wordpress page, you can use the shortcode.

Learn more