How to write caption for instagram

9 Tips With Examples (2022)

You may already post stunning photos and videos on your business’ Instagram and IGTV feeds, but if you’re not giving proper attention to your social media marketing copy, especially your Instagram captions, you could be losing out on a key opportunity. 

Instagram captions can be used to serve your business by:

  • Increasing your website traffic
  • Helping you get more Instagram followers
  • Growing your sales

    A strong visual on Instagram can make users “slow their scroll” and stay locked on your post, but a carefully thought out caption can do a lot more heavy lifting in terms of marketing and sales.

    Table of contents

    1. What makes a good Instagram caption?
    2. Instagram captions and campaign goals
    3. How to write the perfect Instagram caption
    4. 6 great instagram caption examples
    5. Instagram caption tips, tricks, and answers
    6. A final note: attracting and repelling

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    What makes a good Instagram caption?

    Compelling captions can create more engagement, which is critical when it comes to Instagram’s algorithm. Strong copy in your caption shapes your brand’s story and personality, which in turn helps your followers realize they need what you’re selling. In short: Instagram captions can help elevate your company’s social media success—and that can improve your bottom line.

    With the recent updates to Instagram’s algorithm, your posts are more likely to be served (or “seen”) if the platform likes your Instagram engagement rates. This metric looks at whether you are receiving a lot of user comments on a post and whether you are responding to these comments. These changes mean that simply having a large number of followers no longer guarantees your posts will be seen—as counterintuitive as that may sound.

    Earlier this year, Instagram explained how its algorithm works, saying, “What shows up first in your feed is determined by what posts and accounts you engage with the most, as well as other contributing factors such as the timeliness of posts, how often you use Instagram, how many people you follow, etc.

    What does this mean? For starters, what shows up at the top of an Instagram user’s channel is based on the user’s own activity. So, as a business, you need to entice users to engage with your post, whether that means staying on it for a few seconds, or liking, commenting on, or sharing it. (More on how captions can help achieve these actions coming up.)

    I spoke with two Instagram marketing experts to get their insights on how to write captions for Instagram posts that can help improve your sales, reach, and brand affinity.

    Meet the experts: Jason Portnoy, president of JPORT Media, a full-service digital marketing and ad agency; and Ashlyn Carter, copywriter and messaging strategist at Ashlyn Writes and founder of the website Ashlyn Writes and the accompanying Ashlyn Writes Shop, powered by Shopify.

    Instagram captions and campaign goals

    Before diving into Instagram caption writing, go back to the primary goals of your Instagram strategy and let them guide you. Common overarching goals include:

    • Running an awareness campaign to increase your visibility or to increase brand awareness in general (this can mean increasing your reach and number of followers, or driving traffic to your website for awareness purposes)
    • Promoting a sale, new product launch, or new collection launch
    • Collecting user-generated content with branded Instagram hashtags

    If you have an Instagram Business account, you can invest in sponsored posts to ensure your photos are seen by a targeted audience. When putting ad dollars behind a sponsored post (also known as a “promoted post”), it’s worth noting that there are several predetermined calls to action for you to choose from. You can also check our guide on how to get followers on Instagram to learn about 15 tactics to grow your Instagram followers.

    Supported call-to-action button options include: Contact Us, Learn More, Book Now, and Download. And thanks to Instagram’s Shop tab and product tagging functionality, Shopify merchants can enable their Instagram accounts to provide users with more about their products with a single tap, and even take users directly to their Shopify store to make a purchase, all within the Instagram app.

    If you’re running a purely organic campaign without investing dollars in Instagram ads, then there are two main goals you’ll want your call to action to achieve:

    • Driving followers and potential followers to read your caption, head to your Instagram profile, and click the link in your bio
    • Getting followers to like, comment, or share (by tagging others)

    Remember, you can’t place clickable links in organic posts, which means you have to direct users to click the link in your Instagram bio in order to visit your website or product page. Linkpop allows you to create a custom landing page where you can curate different types of content under one URL. You can also check our guide on how to get verified on Instagram as a verified account represents authenticity and builds trust.

    How to write the perfect Instagram caption

    1. Make the most of the first sentence

    After a couple lines of text, Instagram hides the rest of your caption behind a “more” link, so include important details in the beginning. Only about the first sentence will be seen in a user’s Instagram feed, so make sure it’s compelling or asks a question—and don’t put your call to action at the end.

    “Treat the initial copy of your Instagram caption like you do with marketing on any other medium: lead with the hook!” says Carter. “When I front load my captions before the line break—that ‘More’ option Instagram gives you to keep reading past the first two lines—and get to the good stuff first, I see better engagement.”

    2. Include a CTA or ask a question

    Each post should have a purpose and intention, so lead each one with its specific goal and let that goal dictate the call to action. What do you want followers to do:

    • Visit your website?
    • Shop for a specific product?
    • Share the post with friends?
    • Shop a promotion?
    • Enter a contest or giveaway?
    • Snap photos and share using a specified hashtag? (This is a great way to collect user generated content.)

    The key is to encourage engagement in order to create a sense of dialogue and conversation. This is also a way to work around Instagram’s algorithm, which looks at engagement as a metric to serve your posts to followers. Encouraging engagement also increases the likelihood your post will appear in other users’ feeds as a “recommended account” to follow.

    Here are some actions you can encourage in your caption:

    • Click the link in bio
    • Leave a comment, usually as the answer to a question
    • Tag a friend (this is a great tactic for growing your reach)
    • Post a photo using your branded hashtag

    3. Add value

    “Offer tips and tricks,” says Portnoy, “or any kind of information to help educate or inform to increase the added value of your Instagram post.” Adding value within your Instagram captions will help the user and make the post more likely to be shared and bookmarked.

    Learn more: How to Use Instagram Stories for Your Business

    4. Write like a human (not a robot)

    Authenticity matters most. In content and captions, put your real self out there and write as you speak. You may want to be strategic and intentional, but you also want to come across natural and like a friend to the user.

    5. Draft captions on a separate platform

    You’re more likely to think strategically and distraction free if you write your captions on another platform. “I have a clearer head if I get myself off my phone when drafting Instagram captions for my business,” says Carter. “My go-to is Plann for desktop, so I can batch write a slew of captions, come back and edit them, and schedule them to post. That way, I’m not swallowed up by notifications and comparison. I’m writing with a level head and with my marketing goals in mind.”

    Remember, when drafting, keep your campaign and engagement goals at the focal point of your Instagram caption. Try coming up with a few alternative ideas for your captions, as the first one you write won’t necessarily be your best. Let your creativity breath, and have fun with the process.

    6. Use storytelling

    Avoid being neutral—add personality and spice to your captions. “I try to add in two to three sensory words, phrases, or anecdotes that paint a picture,” Carter says. “So describe touch, taste, sound, sight, emotion, feel. Get specific. Don’t just say ‘Tex-Mex.’ Say ‘salty corn chips dunked in guacamole washed down with tart margaritas.’”

    7. Use emojis and have fun

    Sprinkle in emojis to add some extra flavor and animate your captions. Relevant emojis placed at the end of sentences or paragraphs can also serve as “bookends” and aesthetically break up long strings of copy.

    Emojis are also a great way to direct readers to take a certain action, such as clicking the link in bio. But if you use emojis, make sure they jibe with your tone of voice and branding. You don’t want to overdo it with a mixed bag of emojis, especially not in the same caption.

    If you are working on your brand voice and identity and outsourcing the Instagram caption writing to a freelancer, determine a set of emojis that make sense for keeping things consistent and on brand.

    Need some inspiration on which emojis to use for a link in bio callout or to call attention to important text within a caption? Here are some of my favorites:

    👉 👆 💥 🔗 🎯 📌 📍

    8. Consider caption length

      Like most marketing strategies, the copy in your Instagram caption is about quality over quantity. It can be short and snappy or feature longer, more in-depth text.

      According to Portnoy, there’s no right or wrong length when it comes to caption writing. “If your post adds value or is interesting, people will read it,” he says. “However, if you’re in doubt whether a post is too long, you’re better off erring on the short side.”

      9. Use hashtags

      Instagram hashtags are a key way to make your posts searchable, so be sure you leverage them properly. They function like keywords, as they have tracking and searching capabilities.

      You may have noticed brands grouping relevant hashtags at the end of a caption or below the “More” tag to keep things looking clean. Some even add several lines of space with periods to set apart the hashtags and really tuck them away from the description space. This is acceptable, but be open to sprinkling some hashtags within the caption to give it dimension.

      So how do you know which hashtags to use? Aim for a mix of branded (a signature hashtag you create for your brand), community (used by people in the same industry as you, or used by the influencers you are attempting to attract), product, and other relevant trending hashtags.

      Inform your content marketing by taking note of the hashtags used by your competitors, your audience, influencers, and industry leaders.

      6 great Instagram caption examples


       How to use short instagram captions: The Sill

      Short and sweet Instagram captions are useful when the photo can say it all. Take this example from The Sill, a business that ships beautiful house plants straight to your door. It uses a photo that shows off how people are decorating their homes with the houseplants they order.

      What is The Sill doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • A short Instagram caption accompanying a beautiful photo encourages people to tag their friends or leave a comment
      • Credits and tags the interior artist and their rental space, further increasing reach of their post

      2. How to use long Instagram captions: Soko Glam

      Longer Instagram captions are useful to add context about the image, like with educating or storytelling to further engage readers. Take this example from Soko Glam, a store specializing in Korean beauty products. It would be easy for Soko Glam to simply post announcing its number one product in the cleanser category, but that’s not its method. Instead, it’s shared the use case of its product and how this cleanser tackles customer pain points.

      In fact, Soko Glam has prided itself on going against the grain with lengthy but informative Instagram captions—so much so that it has caught the attention of Instagram and been used as an example for other businesses.

      What is Soko Glam doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • The long caption gives detailed steps on exactly how the brand’s top product helps buyers
      • It’s integrating its product with trending topics with hashtags, ensuring it’s dialed in, relevant, and part of the conversation
      • It’s featuring a clear CTA by telling followers to use the link in bio to receive 15% off of all Soko Glam’s number one rated products

      Learn More: How to make money on Instagram

      3. How to use sassy Instagram captions: Adam J. Kurtz

      Bold and occasionally brassy Instagram captions can be used when the tone resonates with your audience, brand, and products. Adam J. Kurtz is an artist and author whose illustrative work is rooted in honesty and a little dark humor, so as you can imagine, his Instagram captions look to push boundaries. But he doesn’t infuse attitude into his Instagram captions for the sake of writing them that way—it’s consistent with his branding across all of his products, down to the slides in his public speaking.

      What is Adam J. Kurtz doing well with his Instagram caption?

      • The caption is consistent with his branding, from the copy on the photo to the caption itself
      • The sassy and funny nature of his caption encourages users to tag friends

      4. How to use funny Instagram captions: A Shop of Things

      Funny Instagram captions are useful if your product or service has humor inherently injected into it. That’s certainly the case for A Shop of Things, a store that’s filled with cute prints, funny embroideries, awesome pins, and must-have patches. Anyone living in a big city knows first-hand that the sum of their rent doesn’t always equal the quality of their apartment, so A Shop of Things uses funny captions to match its funny products related to the subject.

      What is A Shop of Things doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • It relates to a specific audience with a funny caption that encourages comments or people to tag their friends

      5. How to use seasonal Instagram captions: Letterfolk and Vaute Couture

      Writing a seasonal caption is a smart way to mix up your Instagram marketing by taking a break from the usual programming with something timely. Let’s look at a couple of examples for summer and winter Instagram captions.

      Instagram captions for summer

      Letterfolk is extremely talented at placing its products alongside photos that capture the essence of everyday life. In this example, it capitalizes on knowing that someone always has a friend who can’t wait for summer to be over so they can start enjoying the fall comforts of sweaters, pumpkin-spice lattes, and colorful trees.

      What is Letterfolk doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • The caption is short and snappy copy that allows folks to quickly tag that friend who loves fall
      • It uses its branded hashtag where customers share their own Letterfolk boards to increase post reach and encourage more comments
      Instagram captions for winter

      In this example, Vaute Couture, a worldwide clothing brand that specializes in vegan apparel and animal friendly designs, collaborates with popular vegan chef Chole Coscarelli to model a winter coat at the time of year people typically start to invest in winter apparel. It’s worth highlighting how it has aligned the brand’s mission and marketing messages with an influencer that shares the same vision and mission. This is the pinnacle of Instagram influencer marketing.

      What is Vaute Couture doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • The caption gives credit to the influencer modeling the coat, which further extends the post’s reach
      • It promotes a discount that will help drive sales
      • It features a clear call to action at the end, directing users to click the link in bio to shop

      6. How to use Instagram captions for selfies: Verameat

      If you’re a merchant like Verameat, a brand that crafts jewelry, it doesn’t always make sense to use professional photography to showcase bespoke pieces. In this case, Verameat has opted to use a selfie to show off its new Halloween-themed jewelry collection.

      What is Verameat doing well with its Instagram caption?

      • The caption copy isn’t too long and still clearly announces a Halloween collection
      • Its use of emojis is just right and on brand
      • It features a clear call to action at the end, directing users to comment and enter a contest

      Instagram caption tips, tricks, and answers

      Before you get back into caption creativity mode, consider these final pointers to help maximize your brand exposure, captivate your audience, and start achieving your campaign goals.

      How to add blank spaces in Instagram captions

      The easiest and fastest option for adding blank or “white space” in Instagram captions is by using symbols. Using spaces is particularly useful for keeping hashtags under the “More” tag. Follow these steps to add space in your Instagram caption:

      1. Write your caption in the caption area on Instagram
      2. To add a line break, tap on the Enter or Return key
      3. Add one symbol on the next line. People typically use the period (.) or hyphen (-)
      4. Tap Enter or Return again, then start typing your next paragraph
      5. To add more spaces between paragraphs in your Instagram caption, repeat these steps until you have a complete Instagram post

      How long can an Instagram caption be?

      Captions for Instagram posts can be as long as 2,200 characters and can contain up to 30 hashtags. To write engaging Instagram captions, be sure to follow our best practices. To add more insight or more hashtags, use the comment option where you can add a further 2,200 characters and up to 30 more hashtags.

      A checklist for posting the best Instagram captions

      Before finalizing your captions, consider the following questions (you may want to bookmark this and keep it handy):

      • Is your caption informative? Does it provide information or details about your product, a promotion, or your company in general?
      • Is your caption on brand? Can a user tell that it follows your company’s tone of voice and overall style?
      • Is your caption encouraging an action? Is there a clear call to action at the end of the text telling users to do something?
      • Is your caption clean? Does the caption look aesthetically pleasing or is it cluttered with text, emojis, and/or hashtags?
      • Is your caption inspiring or adding value? Will the user get something out of the post? Whether it’s new information, a chance to enter a giveaway, an opportunity to connect with other followers by commenting on the post, or a dose of inspiration, your caption should add something to the user’s life. Make an effort to be intentional with your posts and avoid posting for the sake of posting. A user will sooner unfollow your account because they feel your posts aren’t adding value than because you aren’t posting daily.

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      A final note: attracting and repelling

      When it comes to branding, there’s a useful principle to consider known as attracting and repelling, popularized by photographer and strategist Jasmine Star. Essentially, having your brand identity locked down will guide the words and tone you use. And since you can’t be everything to everyone, your branding likely will attract the right clients and repel the wrong ones. That said, focus on your potential customer and how to attract them. This will help keep your eyes on the prize and guide how you’re writing your Instagram captions.

      While being strategic is key, this is also an opportunity to show off your brand personality. So make sure you’re combining your brand’s unique point of view with Instagram’s more lighthearted tone. The message is the medium, after all.

      Instagram captions FAQ

      What are good Insta captions?

      Here are 6 great examples of effective Instagram captions:

      • How to use short Instagram captions: The Sill
      • How to use long Instagram captions: Soko Glam
      • How to use sassy Instagram captions: Adam J. Kurtz
      • How to use funny Instagram captions: A Shop of Things
      • How to use seasonal Instagram captions: Letterfolk and Vaute Couture
      • How to use Instagram captions for selfies: Verameat

      How do you write captions?

      • Write like a human
      • Make the most of your first line
      • Add value: educate, inspire, inform
      • Include a call to action
      • Stay true to your brand voice

      How do I get creative captions?

      • Add blank or "white space" to your captions
      • Have fun with emojis
      • Experiment with short and long captions
      • Tell a great story

      Do you need to write captions on Instagram?

      Compelling captions shapes your brand's story and personality, which in turn helps your followers realize they need what you're selling. In short: Instagram captions can help elevate your company's social media success, and that can improve your bottom line.

      264 Creative Instagram Captions for 2022

      Instagram is an image-first social platform. If your photos and videos aren’t up to scratch, you’ll have a hard time finding success.

      But even great images and videos can fall short of expectations if you’re a slouch in the Instagram captions department. The words that accompany your graphics are a key component of building a brand on the network, and especially forming a connection with fans and followers.

      The best Instagram captions can add context to your posts, show off your brand’s personality, entertain the audience and/or compel people to take action.

      Captions can be up to 2,200 characters in length and include up to 30 hashtags.

      That said, most captions are nowhere near that long or stuffed with that many hashtags. No matter the length, the important thing is for your Instagram captions to grab attention and be easy to read and follow.

      Here, you’ll find 264 Instagram captions you can model or just copy-and-paste directly into your own Instagram posts. At the end of the list, we’ll also provide a few tips for writing effective Instagram captions of your own.

      264 good Instagram captions for any type of post

      6 helpful Instagram caption tricks

      Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

      264 good Instagram captions for any type of post

      Short Instagram captions

      Short Instagram captions are the way to go if you want followers to see your whole caption without having to tap More.

      • All the things
      • Bucket list
      • But first, coffee
      • Coming soon
      • Days like these
      • Don’t quit your daydream
      • Dream big
      • Girls just wanna have fun
      • Go big or go home
      • Good vibes only
      • Laughing on the inside
      • Launch day
      • Let’s get it started
      • Like a boss
      • Limited edition
      • Nailed it
      • New look
      • Normal is boring
      • Opening soon
      • Show your sparkle
      • Small pleasures
      • This just happened
      • Times like this
      • Weekend vibes
      • Why not me?
      • Wild and free
      • Work hard play hard
      • Yes or no?

      This example from Vancouver-based pizza shop Grano proves that sometimes, two words are just enough:

      One-word Instagram captions

      Want to go even shorter than short? Try a one-word caption. You may want to boost these captions with an appropriate emoji.

      • Amazing
      • Attitude
      • Awesome
      • Awkward
      • Balance
      • Blessed
      • Blessing
      • Bliss
      • Boom
      • Bravo
      • Brilliant
      • Classic
      • Crescendo
      • Cutest
      • Dreamer
      • Dreaming
      • Dreams
      • Dreamy
      • Epic
      • Escape
      • Everything
      • Explore
      • Exploring
      • Extra
      • Fabulous
      • Fave
      • Fearless
      • Feelings
      • Feels
      • Fierce
      • Fire
      • Flawless
      • Focus
      • Foodie
      • Forever
      • Friyay
      • Goals
      • Gold
      • Grateful
      • Gratitude
      • Hangry
      • Honestly
      • Honesty
      • Hustle
      • Hustling
      • Ideal
      • Inspiration
      • Inspired
      • Inspo
      • Jangled
      • Jealous?
      • Justified
      • Legend
      • Legendary
      • LOL
      • Magic
      • Moments
      • Mood
      • Natural
      • Newbie
      • No
      • Nostalgia
      • Notorious
      • Obsessed
      • Oddball
      • Original
      • Perfect
      • Perfection
      • Progress
      • Quest
      • Random
      • Ready
      • Reflections
      • Respect
      • Saturdaze
      • Serendipity
      • Sisterhood
      • Sparkle
      • Speechless
      • Sundown
      • Surprise
      • Tasty
      • Thankful
      • Throwback
      • TGIF
      • Unforgettable
      • Vibes
      • Wanderlust
      • Whatever
      • XOXO
      • Yearning
      • Yes
      • Yesterday
      • Yowza
      • Zany
      • Zap

      Funny Instagram captions

      Funny Instagram captions might not work for every brand, but when the time is right, a little humor can be just the thing to inject some life into your Instagram feed.

      • Cake is the answer, no matter the question
      • Everything happens for a raisin
      • If you don’t have anything nice to say, just post on Instagram
      • In my defence, I was left unsupervised
      • It may look like I’m not doing anything, but in my mind I’m pretty busy
      • I’ve been on a diet for a week and all I lost was 14 days
      • Let’s taco ‘bout it!

      Spring Instagram captions

      As the weather starts to improve, Instagram comes alive with flowers and sunshine. Here are some captions to add some pizazz to le printemps.

      • April showers bring May flowers
      • In like a lion, out like a lamb
      • It’s gonna be May
      • Make hay while the sun shines
      • May the fourth be with you
      • Raindrops on roses
      • Spring cleaning
      • Spring fever
      • Spring forward
      • Spring has sprung
      • Spring is in the air

      Summer Instagram captions

      Perhaps the most Insta-worthy season, summer offers plenty of great photo ops—and the captions to match.

      • Bluebird days
      • Dog days of summer
      • Feelin’ hot hot hot
      • Good day sunshine
      • Girls just wanna have sun
      • Gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
      • Here comes the sun
      • My place in the sun
      • Nothing but blue skies
      • Soak up the sun
      • Summer daze
      • Summer lovin’
      • Summer nights
      • Summer vibes
      • Summertime
      • Sunlight is the best disinfectant
      • Sunshine is the best medicine
      • The livin’ is easy

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      Fall Instagram captions

      As you’ve already seen, seasonal Instagram captions can help you keep things fresh throughout the year. Here are some great options for fall.

      • After the rain
      • Autumn leaves
      • Back to school
      • Fall back
      • Fall for fall
      • Leaf peeping
      • November rain
      • Pumpkin spice season
      • Sweater weather
      • Turkey time
      • Under my umbrella

      Winter Instagram captions

      Snow, lights, the holidays—winter is full of special moments to capture for the ‘Gram.

      Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

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      • A snowflake is winter’s butterfly
      • Baby, it’s cold outside
      • Keep calm and winter on
      • Let it snow
      • The weather outside is frightful
      • The winter of our discontent
      • Winter is coming

      Look at this adorable snowy caption from Lee’s Donuts:

      Beach Instagram captions

      From sunny summer days to moody winter storms, beaches provide loads of material for Instagram content.

      • All the best drinks come with umbrellas
      • Beaching
      • Beachy keen
      • Catch a wave
      • Happy place
      • Life’s a beach
      • Resting beach face
      • Sail away
      • Sun, sand, sea
      • Sun’s out, guns out
      • Surf’s up
      • The ocean is the best hair stylist
      • Toes in the sand
      • Vacation mode
      • Vitamin Sea
      • We dream in colors borrowed from the sea
      • Where it’s at

      Birthday Instagram captions

      Whether it’s your birthday or you’re wishing a happy birthday to a fellow Instagrammer, birthdays are a great excuse to celebrate on Instagram. Not your birthday? You could also celebrate the anniversary date of a product or business.

      • All about the cake
      • Another trip around the sun
      • Cake day
      • Candles just want to get lit
      • Fire hazard
      • Happy, happy birthday, baby
      • Next-level wisdom achieved
      • One year wiser
      • (S)he’s a jolly good fellow
      • Sweeter than a cupcake
      • Too many candles

      Instagram captions for selfies

      Ah, the ubiquitous selfie. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you’ve got to caption ‘em.

      • A selfie a day keeps the doctor away
      • Beast mode
      • But first, selfie
      • Confidence level: No filter
      • First I drink the coffee, then I do the things
      • Just me
      • I’m kind of a big deal
      • I speak fluent sarcasm
      • Life is too short to be boring
      • Living my best life
      • Me, myself, and I
      • Messy hair don’t care
      • Personality cannot be added with a filter
      • Ready for my closeup
      • Some days are better than others
      • Swiped right
      • There’s always a wild side to an innocent face
      • Why hello there
      • Woke up like this
      • Work it
      • Worth it

      Instagram captions for couples

      If your significant other tends to share your Instagram space, check these Instagram captions for couples.

      • Always on your team
      • Couple goals
      • Everything I do, I do it for you
      • Just us
      • “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ” – Aristotle
      • Love you to the moon and back
      • Partners in time
      • P.S. I love you
      • The best bad influence
      • You make my heart sing
      • You’re my lobster

      Instagram caption quotes

      Sometimes, someone else’s words perfectly capture everything you want to say.

      • “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
      • “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
      • “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” – Henry David Thoreau
      • “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” —Michael Jordan
      • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” –Maya Angelou
      • “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton
      • “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney
      • “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. ” – John Lennon
      • “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth
      • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible!” – Audrey Hepburn
      • “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss
      • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
      • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins
      • “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vidal Sassoon
      • “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin
      • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

      Hashtags for Instagram captions

      We’ve got a whole blog post explaining how to use hashtags effectively in Instagram captions, but here are 10 popular hashtag picks to try, along with the total number of postings for that hashtag.

      • #travelgram (123.3 million)
      • #goodmorning (117.1 million)
      • #streetphotography (78.43 million)
      • #foodstagram (69.98 million)
      • #naturelovers (65.67 million)
      • #entrepreneur (64.40 million)
      • #outfitoftheday (52.83 million)
      • #sundayfunday (50.80 million)
      • #momlife (50.18 million)
      • #positivevibes (48.72 million)

      6 helpful Instagram caption tricks

      Here’s everything you need to know to create your own original Instagram captions that work.

      1. Know your audience

      The better you know your audience, the easier it is to tailor your Instagram marketing strategy to their needs and expectations.

      Instagram demographics tell us that the largest group of users is 25 to 34 years old, and that women very slightly outnumber me on the network. But those are the broad strokes. In order to create the best Instagram captions for your audience, you need to understand who’s following you and seeking out your content.

      How old are they? Where do they live? What sorts of jobs do they have? What do they do outside of work? Our post on social media audience research can help you figure this out.

      To further define your audience, it’s a good idea to create audience personas. This helps make sure you think of your audience as real people with real preferences you can speak to.

      Once you know who you’re talking to, you can answer questions that will inform what you put in your captions:

      • Will my audience understand this reference?
      • Are emojis and netspeak appropriate to use here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      • Do I need to add more context to this post?
      • What hashtags does my audience follow?

      This example from bidet producer Tushy showcases the brand’s good understanding of their following. This type of edgy humor wouldn’t necessarily sit well with other audiences:

      2. Identify your brand voice

      If you haven’t identified your brand voice as part of a broader social media marketing strategy, ask yourself: ‘What are the qualities and values I want my brand to embody?’ Make a list and use it to shape your voice.

      You might also try jotting down a few adjectives that describe your business and use those to find the right tone. “Bold,” “curious,” and “authoritative” might make sense for a travel brand, for example.

      In general, Instagram users don’t expect a formal or serious tone. Of course, it depends on the industry and audience, but you should strive to keep things light, use humor where appropriate, and show personality. For some Instagram post inspiration, check out this episode of Fridge-worthy, where our social media experts break down why this sparkling water company’s brand voice is SO GOOD:

      3. Place the most important words at the beginning of the caption

      If you want your entire caption to display “above the fold,” stick to 125 characters or fewer. After that, followers will have to click More to see the rest of your text.

      So, don’t bury the lead. If you’re going to use a longer caption, make sure to put the most important and attention-grabbing info right upfront. Put any @mentions and hashtags at the end.

      In this example, it only makes sense that information about the giveaway is front and center. After all, that’s what this post is all about, and the bold intro helps grab the audience’s attention.

      4. Use hashtags wisely

      Use hashtags that are relevant to your post and target audience. Don’t use so many that they crowd your copy and make it difficult to read.

      If you want to use several hashtags but don’t want to clutter your caption, group your hashtags in one “paragraph” at the end of your post.

      5. Ask a question

      Asking a question in your Instagram caption is a sure way to spark engagement with your post. Engagement is a key component of the Instagram algorithm. It also creates a great opportunity to interact with your audience.

      You won’t likely want to ask a question in every Instagram caption, but this is a good strategy to employ from time to time. Just make sure that you monitor your comments and get engaged in the discussion your question sparks.

      6. Use a call to action

      If you want people to take a specific action after viewing your post, don’t be afraid to say so. If you want people to visit your website, direct them to the link in your bio.

      In this example from clothing brand Frank and Oak, the caption includes a call to action asking the brand’s followers to post pictures using a branded hashtag.

      Interesting note: We recently ran an experiment and found Instagram posts that included the phrase “link in bio” in the caption slightly outperformed other posts.

      Or if your post is shoppable, encourage users to check out the featured products.

      Your call to action may be the most important part of your Instagram captions, so write it carefully, give it an edit, and maybe even do some testing to see what works best.

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      Instagram Photo Captions: The Ultimate Guide to Writing

      Instagram is a visual social network, but post captions are getting more and more attention. With the tightening of algorithms, everything becomes important: both the general appearance of the account and the captions for photos.

      We figure out what to write in the caption for the photo on Instagram, how to format it correctly and use the caption to engage the audience.

      Instagram captions

      The caption is a short text under the photo in the account. You can write texts for Instagram posts up to 2200 characters. If this volume is not enough, bloggers move part of the entry to the first comment.

      Hashtags are added to the Instagram photo caption or users are tagged. You can also add emoji to your signature. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number.

      What does the signature contain?

      First of all, the caption to the photo is a functional part of the post. Bloggers here talk about the product they are promoting, and brands convey a key message that cannot be expressed visually. For example, they talk about a new collection or detailed instructions for contests.

      There are more and more bloggers on Instagram who use the platform to post small texts. Popular topics: proper nutrition, exercise, personal care, recipes, parenting, travel notes.

      Sometimes serious or controversial topics are raised, resulting in interesting and lengthy discussions in the comments. Instagram recently announced tree comments, an update that shows that the platform is indeed moving beyond visual content.

      How do I tag a person in an Instagram photo caption?

      A user can be tagged in a post in two ways: on the image or tagged in the caption.

      1. To tag a person in a photo, click on the three dots in the right corner above the photo, then "Edit". Click on "People Tags" in the lower left corner, a window will open where you can tag a user - anywhere in the photo, start entering his nickname.

      With this mark option, the user will receive a notification about it, and the photo will appear in his account, in the "Photos with you" section.

      2. To tag a person in the Instagram signature, add the @ sign and start typing a nickname - you will see a list of users in a tooltip, select the one you need.

      The user will receive a notification that they were mentioned in the post, but this post cannot be found in their profile.

      How to use Emoji in a signature

      To add an emoticon, simply add it to the post text. The audience has different attitudes towards emoji in texts.

      The best use of emoticons is to highlight important points in a post. For example, using colored squares or dots to make a bulleted list.

      This way your Instagram photo caption will stand out better and look better if done in moderation.

      How to use hashtags in signatures

      To add a hashtag, put a pound sign in front of the word. When published, the tag will automatically become clickable.

      In Instagram, tags work as links, and clicking on the tag takes the user to the overall post rating.

      9 photos are included in the "Best" section. Getting into this top depends on several parameters, about which the social network does not talk in detail. It is known that reaching the top is affected by the number of reactions under the publication, the speed of gaining likes. Therefore, the number of involved users will largely depend on how to sign a photo on Instagram.

      The "Newest" section contains photos with a hashtag, sorted by publication date. However, Instagram tech support acknowledges that the picture may not get here either. Because of this feature of the platform, myths about the shadow ban of Instagram appeared: hashtags stop working in the account. This is not so, it’s just that in any account, any picture may not be included in the results for the tag.

      Create a branded hashtag for your company: this way you will introduce it to users, and they will use it in UGC.

      More than 30 hashtags cannot be placed under one publication: the rest will not be clickable.

      Tags can be placed both in the photo caption and in the post comment.

      Beautiful Instagram photo caption

      How to create interesting photo captions on Instagram? Take a cue from the accounts you like. Track what topics they raise in posts, what is the size of the signature in their account.

      In your personal account, tell the story of the appearance of the photo, your latest news, or discuss an issue that concerns you. Tell us about the cafe you go to, a movie you recently saw, ask the audience an interesting question. Beautiful captions under the photo, which also involve, will arouse interest and bring great benefits. Quotes are a bad idea, leave them to the public from VKontakte.

      In a company account, captions are part of the content strategy. Formulate what topics your brand talks about, with what intonation. Each post should be in line with the company's content strategy. Good morning wishes remained in 2012. Beautiful signatures on Instagram can be seen on the example of panaceas_pantry (photo above), outdoorvoices (photo below).

      How to analyze Instagram captions?

      Instagram statistics gives detailed data on photos and stories. But it is impossible to calculate the effectiveness of signatures on it. Yes, and a beautiful signature on Instagram or not, if you evaluate it “by eye”, this is subjective.

      Use to analyze topics, text size and hashtags in any Instagram account.

      Text Referencing Tool

      Click on the button with the letter "T" on the right above the feed of posts. Two graphs will appear in the left block: "Words" and "Words/ER".

      1. Words

      Shows how many posts the word occurs in.

      1. Words/ER

      Shows the average ER for posts that contain a word.

      Using this data, you can analyze different topics of posts.

      That is, you can find out which topics and texts for Instagram posts create more engagement.

      You can also analyze the signature using charts:

      1. Number by length of text;

      Displays the number of posts with different text lengths: short, medium, long.

      1. ER by text length;

      Shows the average ER of posts with different caption lengths on Instagram.

      1. Relative activity by text length.

      Shows the average activity in posts with captions of different lengths relative to the average performance of posts in other formats.

      Instagram hashtag analysis

      Let's continue to analyze the new opportunities for analytics on Instagram. There are three indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of hashtags:

      1. Hashtags

      Shows the number of posts containing certain hashtags

      1. Hashtags/ER

      Shows the average ER of posts with certain hashtags.

      1. Relative activity by hashtags

      Shows the average performance of posts with certain hashtags relative to the average performance of posts in the account.

      Key Findings

      1. An Instagram photo caption is an important part of a post. In it, you can tag a person, add a hashtag and give detailed information.

      2. The subject of your caption can be anything: the rules of the competition, the history of the photo, a question for subscribers. But this content must be relevant and consistent with the company's content strategy.

      3. It's convenient to analyze captions and hashtags on Instagram using Popsters.

      Useful articles on a similar topic:

      • Creating creative Instagram stories: tips from Instagram;
      • The most popular hashtags on Instagram: everything you need to know;
      • How to become a successful Instagram blogger;
      • How to beautifully design an Instagram profile.

      How to write the best Instagram photo caption

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      A beautiful photograph can express a thousand words, while the text to it can tell its own story, reveal the essence of the photo. A description for a photo can encourage an audience to follow your profile, briefly talk about your life or business, make a purchase, or increase account activity. You can also add an Instagram caption to direct customers to your website or other social network.

      In this article you will learn:

      1. What is an Instagram caption and what role does it play?
      2. How to write an amazing Instagram photo caption?

      We've put together a great list of great photo caption ideas that you can use on your profile. Feel free to copy and paste the ones you like.

      What is an Instagram caption?

      An Instagram caption is a functional part of a post, a written description or explanation of a photo. Instagram captions can include emojis, hashtags, geotags, or other users' tags.

      An example of a caption on Instagram:

      Anton Lapenko posted a photo to his Instagram profile, announcing the next season of the series Inside Lapenko. The caption to the photo and unique hashtags reveal to us the meaning of his publication.

      How to caption a photo on Instagram?

      1. Brainstorm before posting

      Have you ever thought about writing something really witty after posting on Instagram?

      The secret to writing the best photo caption is simple. Write several options for the text before posting a photo to your profile. You need to decide in advance what message you want to convey to your audience. Having decided on a theme, it will be easier for you to come up with original ideas and choose what works best for your photo.

      Important! Don't write about what you don't know. It's easy to read and your audience might just not understand you.

      2. Ask your followers for something

      The most engaged posts tend to have Instagram captions asking for something.

      For example, you could ask your followers to tag friends who would like your product or your post. Use the caption to ask the question: "What do you think of this product?" or “Do you agree with my point of view?”. And, of course, you can ask for a purchase by encouraging people to follow the link in the profile header.

      By asking for something, you engage your audience and strengthen your relationship with them. Effective Instagram captions get people to comment, share or buy, thereby increasing the reach of your post.

      3. Use emoticons (Emoji) as Easter eggs

      What are Easter eggs? These are small hints that convey the theme of the event without saying anything explicitly.

      For example, Dua Lipa has been using emoticons in her captions for new posts in recent weeks. Journalists say that this is how she promotes the official video of her single called "Love Againe". And although Dua Lipa doesn't say anything about the single, she continues to use emoji to drive fans into hysterics.

      If you have an upcoming event or are preparing an announcement that you want to hint at, you can use emoji in captions to create buzz.

      4. Use the right hashtags

      If you really want your Instagram account to go viral and reach a whole new audience, you need to master the art of the hashtag.

      Hashtags can be a great way to show your post to a large audience. However, it is important not to use too many hashtags in your posts. This can make your posts look like spam.

      It's much better to focus on a couple of high traffic hashtags. This will increase the chances that the right people will see your post. In the end, you are targeting no one - you are targeting your specific audience. By choosing hashtags carefully, you will ensure that the people who find your posts are the right audience for you.

      One easy way to find great hashtags is to see which ones are used by popular users in your niche. Keep in mind that many of the hashtags can contain millions of posts, so if you choose them, there is a good chance that your post will not get noticed. Try to find hashtags that get a lot of attention, but watch out for the ones that get used too much.

      For example, the #travel hashtag now has over 575 million posts:

      Let's say travel is your niche, the #travel hashtag might not be the best one to use as it's heavily saturated.

      It's better to be a little more specific, like #backpacking. This hashtag, which has 15 million posts, is also a popular hashtag, but it is more targeted than #travel.

      Build your selection of hashtags around the topic of your post. It's better than just using any popular hashtags.

      5. How many characters are allowed in an Instagram photo caption?

      Instagram photo caption character limit is 2200 characters. How many words are there in 2200 characters? About 330 words, plus or minus.

      2200 characters is enough to clearly convey the point of your post. To keep track of the number of characters you've created for your signature, use a character count tool (like this one). This will allow you to easily stay within the specified limit.

      Let's conclude : A caption for a photo is an essential element of any post on Instagram. If you have an attractive image but a weak description, your post may not be successful. The signature is one area that you definitely need to pay attention to.

      Instagram short caption ideas for your photos

      1. Famous people quotes

      Using good quotes for Instagram photos allows users to express their own opinions and feelings through the words of more famous people. By allowing the quote to use the authority and popularity of the famous person you mentioned, so even if someone is not your fan, they can be related to the character you are referring to and in any case interact with your profile (like, comment, share ). An example of a quote in the signature, from Ksenia Anatolyevna on Instagram.

      1. “The most accessible profession in Russia after prostitution is journalism. That's where I went." - Yuri Dud
      2. "Failure is another stepping stone to greatness." — Oprah Winfrey
      3. "The purpose of our life is to become happy." — Dalai Lama
      4. “You know what the truth is, you need to understand it. I speak clearly, I'm glad to hear it." — Pasha Technician
      5. "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them." — Walt Disney
      6. "To be indispensable, you must change all the time." — Coco Chanel
      7. "Everything can be experienced if you choose the right song." — Kurt Cobain
      8. "Your expectations are not our problems. " — Andrey Arshavin

      2. Instagram Captions for Selfies

      Nowadays, selfies have become the norm, part of our lifestyle, a way of communication.

      Cool selfie captions can help your friends and followers better interpret photos from your point of view. You might think that your selfie speaks for itself, but it doesn't.

      Instagram captions say a lot about your personality. Funny and cute selfie captions attract the audience better, thereby increasing the reach of publications.

      Even for a regular account, it's fun to add descriptions and create your own personality on Instagram. Be simple and not too wordy, like Artemy Lebedev.

      1. Confidence level: selfie without filter.
      2. Today I officially create the perfect selfie.
      3. Make love your motto.
      4. Weekend, please don't leave me.
      5. It is impossible to be happier.
      6. Who said I never smile in selfies?
      7. There is no excuse for laziness, but I'm still looking.
      8. The moment you realize everything is perfect.

      3. Top signatures on Instagram

      Aleksey Shcherbakov is a real maestro not only of crossing fences, but also of signatures on Instagram.

      1. After a week of self-isolation, the mask will be too small for me.
      2. It is better to infect with enthusiasm and positive.
      3. Do what makes you happy.
      4. Sorting out my life like Marie Kondo.
      5. "Be the heroes of your own stories." — Constance Wu.
      6. My life is as crooked as Rami Malek's butterfly.
      7. Quarantine is just a conspiracy of introverts.
      8. Doing nothing is hard, you never know when you're done.

      4. Success captions on Instagram

      Why not sometimes amuse your CSV with some kind of pretentious signature, as Pavel Durov sometimes likes to do. Just do not overdo it in narcissism.

      1. Dreams come true only if you go to meet them.
      2. Without killing the laziness in oneself, the dream cannot be achieved.
      3. Create, be inspired, dream.
      4. The world opens its doors to those who know where they are going.
      5. The most difficult thing is to fight with yourself. After all, the forces are equal.
      6. If you don't give up, you will win.
      7. The future depends on what you do today.
      8. Real life begins, outside of your comfort zone.

      5. Signatures with a question on Instagram

      If it's hard for you to decide, just like Ilya Prusikin, you can always ask the opinions of your subscribers.

      1. 1, 2 or 3? Choose a better photo.
      2. What could be better than a day that starts with training?
      3. How long did we take this photo? Your suggestions.
      4. My sunset. An exciting sight, isn't it?
      5. Selfie or full length photo? I can not decide.
      6. Summer is aware that it has already arrived?
      7. Did you miss me?
      8. What is this if not love?

      6. Signatures on Instagram for couples

      Sign photos with your significant other, just like Denis Bonus does.

      1. Charge yourself with our warmth.
      2. I want to be with you until the last page.
      3. Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.
      4. You are the reason for my happiness.
      5. We go together like cupcakes and icing.
      6. Every day is a new adventure with you.
      7. If I know what love is, it's because of you.
      8. Your love keeps me warm all winter.

      7. Friendly captions on Instagram

      The very first Instagram photo of Jennifer Aniston.

      1. A strong feeling in our life is friendship.
      2. It's just that there are people with whom it's infinitely good.
      3. Happiness is when stupid thoughts come at the same time.
      4. Best friends don't have good photos together, only compromising evidence, only hardcore.
      5. We choose friends on our own, but the real time will leave.
      6. Best friend - like special forces, will come to the rescue anywhere in the world.
      7. A good friend knows all your stories. Your best friend helped you write them.
      8. Friends never ask for food. Best friends are the reason you don't have food.

      8. Tips

      If you are experienced, like Nastya Danger, you can always help your subscribers with advice (even if they didn’t ask you about it)

      1. I know from my own experience that the less information your brain receives, the stronger imagination works.
      2. Dreams come true only if you go to meet them.
      3. Take care of time: it is the fabric of which life is made.
      4. No one but you is responsible for your happiness.
      5. I did it, so you can too.
      6. Start every morning with a smile.
      7. The biggest mistake you can make is being afraid to make mistakes.
      8. Every day you need to find something beautiful.

      9. One word captions

      It can be absolutely any word that accurately conveys the mood of your photo. Zhenya Milkovsky did it very well.

      1. Relax.
      2. We.
      3. Wow.
      4. Surprise.
      5. Hello.
      6. Romance.
      7. Thank you.
      8. So far.

      10. Signatures on Instagram for the summer

      The signature about the summer expresses in words all the feelings and emotions that we experience for our favorite time of the year. Kaif Irina Gorbacheva

      1. Mood - summer.
      2. Congratulations, friends, we have reached the checkpoint, and we can rest easy, getting ready for the second round - half a year!
      3. The beginning of summer is like the beginning of a new story.
      4. The heat is fierce, but I have air conditioning! Please don't be jealous!
      5. Mosquitoes have started the hunting season.
      6. Summer gives mood, don't miss this chance.
      7. The main thing in summer is a spark in the eyes and readiness to do anything.
      8. Every summer has its own story.


      Lines from songs in Instagram captions

      Lines from your favorite songs will perfectly complement any of your photos. Pavel Volya added a line from the chorus "Mom, I'm in Dubai." — Mot.

      1. “Hello. We'll be happy now - and forever." - Spleen
      2. "We don't flog a fever, we have a rest, we do business." - Bloodstock
      3. "We can't borrow a minute." – Aloe Vera
      4. "I'm in the moment." — Dzharakhov & Markul
      5. "When we are together, no one is cooler." - Beasts
      6. "And this city will also remain mysteriously loved." — Mumiy Troll
      7. "Let's drink to love." — Igor Nikolaev
      8. "You build the world around you yourself - build it well." — Kolya Manyu

      12. Instagram captions for travel

      Travel is always a bright event in life. There is no way around this without a signature. Anton Ptushkin also thinks so.

      1. Look for me at sea.
      2. The best adventure is traveling with a friend.
      3. Guess where I am?
      4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first?
      5. The most unforgettable stories begin with a journey.
      6. The tan will fade, but the memories will last forever.
      7. We fly away on a jet plane.
      8. Adventure Time.

      13. Instagram captions for food

      Caption options for all those who like to take pictures of their breakfasts, just like Yana Rudkovskaya.

      1. Good food, good mood.
      2. Never settle for just one spoonful.
      3. Chocolate is cheaper than therapy.
      4. When you're depressed, eat a cake.
      5. You cannot live a full life on an empty stomach.
      6. Everything is delicious on a diet.
      7. Food is the most effective medicine.
      8. And why not!

      How to caption a photo during a workout?

      Tina Kandelaki makes a choice in favor of what makes her better. A good example of how you can motivate your audience for sports.

      1. Please ignore the faces I make when I run.
      2. Do not overcome laziness, do not achieve results.
      3. Who's with me?
      4. Sports - the best remedy for a bad mood.
      5. Movement is life.
      6. Workout plan completed for today.
      7. No one but me will make my body better. Unfortunately...
      8. I prefer to transform the figure in the gym, and not in Photoshop.

      Signatures on Instagram for your birthday

      You can always “subtly” hint to your subscribers that you have a birthday, like Eldar Dzharakhov.

      1. 20 years fit me quite well.
      2. "It takes a long time to become young" - Pablo Picasso.
      3. Another year older, wiser and happier.
      4. Experience level: [age].
      5. It was the 26th year of my childhood.
      6. Time flies! Another ten years has changed (a)!
      7. I'm always 18, the rest is experience!
      8. Time to blow out the candles.

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