How to view deleted facebook profiles
How to Find Deleted Facebook Profiles (2022 Guide)
From time to time, you may have had this experience. You log into Facebook, and realize you haven’t seen anything from one of your friends in a while. You try to find their profile, but it’s gone. It’s as if they’ve completely vanished from Facebook!
When this happens, there are a few possible causes. First, the person’s account may have been deleted. Second, the person may have blocked you. Third, they may have temporarily disabled their Facebook account.
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In this guide, we’ll focus mostly on the first scenario, and how you can find the deleted profile. That said, we’ll need to touch briefly on the second and third scenarios, too. By the time we’re done, you’ll know everything there is to know about deleted Facebook profiles. Let’s get started!
How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Facebook
Before you try to find your friend’s deleted Facebook profile, you need to know if they’ve blocked you. If someone has blocked you, you won’t be able to view their account, even if it’s been deleted.
To find out, search for your friend in the Facebook search bar. If they show up, they haven’t blocked you, although they may have unfriended you. That would explain why you couldn’t find them in your friends list.
Another option is to type the person’s Facebook profile URL directly into your address bar. The profile will be “” “First” represents your friend’s first name, while “last” represents their last name. “#” signifies a numeric code. So if there are 10,000 John Doe’s on the platform, each one will have their own numeric code. As a result, this isn’t really practical unless your friend has a very unique name.
If your friend’s profile page says “Sorry, This Page Is Not Available,” the account has been deleted. Either that, or you’ve been blocked.
So, how do you know which is which? Copy the person’s profile URL from your browser window, then log out of Facebook. Paste the URL back into your browser and hit Enter. If the page still says “Sorry, This Page Is Not Available,” the account has been deleted. On the other hand, if you can see the person’s profile when you’re logged out, you’ve been blocked.
Being blocked on Facebook has a number of consequences. When someone has blocked you, you won’t be able to see their profile or any of their posts. The person won’t appear in any search results, so you can’t send them any friend requests. You can’t send them messages, even if you had an existing Messenger conversation. You also can’t tag them in photos, invite them to events, or invite them to groups. Basically, you can’t interact with them in any way.
Ways to Find a Deleted Facebook Profile
So, you’ve tried the above steps and your friend’s profile is definitely deleted. Is there still a way to see it? Despite some internet claims to the contrary, the answer is yes… sometimes. There are three ways you might be able to view a deleted account. Let’s talk about each method.
View it on Facebook
Deleting a Facebook profile is easy. You go to your account settings, scroll down, and delete the account. At that moment, the profile completely disappears from Facebook. However, according to Facebook’s own policies, they keep backup copies for a short period of time. All backups are saved for at least a month, and some can be kept for as long as 90 days.
Within that time period, the page can still be accessed by typing in the URL. As we discussed above, this isn’t always practical. But if you happen to have the URL, you can still access the deleted page. Just keep in mind that this method only works while the backup profile is still on the server. Once Facebook deletes the backup, it’s gone for good.
Look For a Cached Page
Even after the profile is deleted from Facebook, you might still be able to find a cached version. Search engines like Google store a snapshot of each page that they index. If it hasn’t been too long, there may be a cached version on one of the major search engines.
Go to Google and search for “ user” where “user” is the name of the person you’re searching for. If you see any results, click the three vertical dots next to the link. A popup will appear. Look at the bottom right for a button that says “Cached,” and click it. You’ll see Google’s most recent snapshot of the person’s profile.
If nothing shows up on Google, don’t give up. Different search engines cache pages at different times, so you can try your luck elsewhere. You can find similar features on other search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo.
Search For an Archived Version
If all else fails, you can see if your friend’s profile shows up on This is a website that backs up web pages so they can be accessed even after they’ve been deleted. However, there are a couple of issues with this method. First off, only backs up pages that someone has told it to back up. In all likelihood, no-one has archived your deleted profile.
Second, we’ve seen some reports that Facebook has blocked archive. org from backing up its pages. But when we visited, we were able to find some Facebook content. Your mileage may vary.
How to Recover Deleted Posts From Your Own Profile
If you’ve deleted posts from your profile, the posts aren’t really gone. They’re hidden from other Facebook users, so no-one else can see them. Even you can’t see them by scrolling down your page. But what if you have second thoughts about something you’ve deleted? There’s actually a way, but it only works for your own profile. There’s no way to recover a post that somebody else deleted.
Click your profile picture in the top right, then select “Settings and Privacy.” Next, click “Activity Log.” This will bring up a screen where you can search literally all of your Facebook activity. Everything you’ve done will be visible, including posts you’ve made and deleted.
How to Recover a Deleted Facebook Account
Facebook has a 30-day grace period for deleted accounts. If you change your mind, you can revert the deletion during this window. First, go to Facebook and log in. In most cases, your information should be accepted. However, Facebook may ask you to prove your identity in additional ways. You’ll be asked to provide additional personal data, or identify specific friends who are tagged in a photograph.
Once your credentials are accepted, you’ll get a popup with two options: “Confirm Deletion” and “Cancel Deletion.” If you click “Confirm Deletion,” you’ll be logged back out and your grace period will continue to tick down. If you click “Cancel Deletion,” your account will be restored. Your profile will once again be visible, along with all of your posts, photos, and videos. Even your friendships will remain intact.
Deleted vs. Disabled Facebook Accounts
If you’re thinking of deleting your Facebook account to force yourself to take a break, you don’t have to. Facebook allows you to temporarily deactivate your account instead. Let’s talk about the differences between the two.
When you delete your Facebook account, your account is gone for good. After 30 days, there’s no way to get it back. This means your photos, videos, and other posts are all gone. So are your friendships. If you want to get back on Facebook, you’ll have to create a new account from scratch. Perhaps most importantly, you can lose access to other apps. Any app connected to your Facebook account will no longer function.
Deactivating your Facebook account makes you invisible to other users. People can’t view your posts or replies, or interact with you in any way. However, you can still use Messenger as well as any connected apps. Your photos and videos will not be deleted; they’ll just be invisible. If you decide to reactivate your account, everything will be restored to the way it was before you deleted it.
Final Thoughts
Deleted Facebook profiles eventually go away for good. But within 30 days, you can still access them as long as you know the user ID. You may also be able to find a cached version of the profile. You can even recover your own deleted profile, provide you do it within 30 days.
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Can you view deleted Facebook profiles?
Yes, you can view deleted Facebook profiles. You just have to know how. If you’re not already friends with the person on Facebook, you can’t view their profile if it’s been deleted. However, if you are friends with the person on Facebook and they have deleted their profile, you can still view it by going to their timeline and clicking on “activity log.” The activity log will show all of the posts and comments that the person has made on other people’s timelines, as well as any messages they have sent and received.
How to find if any one deactivated their profile on face book.
How To Recover a Disabled Facebook Account
Are deleted Facebook accounts archived?
The answer to this question is yes and no. Facebook does have an archive feature that saves all deleted accounts and information. However, if you choose to delete your account permanently, it will be removed from the archives as well. Therefore, if you want to keep your account information stored on Facebook, you need to disable the delete account option.
How long does Facebook keep deleted profiles?
Yes, you can view deleted Facebook profiles, but only if you are friends with the person who deleted their profile. If you are not friends with the person who deleted their profile, you will not be able to see their profile.
Can you find old Facebook accounts?
When you sign up for Facebook, you provide some basic information like your name, email address, and password. You probably also choose a few interests and add some friends. But what happens to that information after you delete your account? Can someone still find it online?
It turns out that your old Facebook information is still out there, even if you’ve deleted your account. All of the data that you provided to Facebook is still stored on their servers, and it’s accessible to anyone who knows how to look for it.
This means that if someone wanted to find your old Facebook account, they could probably do it pretty easily. They could simply search for your name and email address on Google, and they would likely find a page or two with your old profile information.
What happens to a permanently deleted Facebook account?
Once you’ve permanently deleted your Facebook account, it’s gone for good. Your profile, photos, posts, and everything else will be completely erased, and Facebook will not be able to recover it. If you change your mind after deleting your account, there is no way to restore your data.
How do I find a lost Facebook account?
If you can’t remember your Facebook login email or password, or you’re not sure if you have a Facebook account, there are a few ways to find out.
To recover your login email, try entering your name and phone number or email address on Facebook’s login page. If Facebook finds a match, it will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
If you don’t have access to the email account associated with your Facebook profile, you can try finding your account by providing your full name and date of birth to Facebook.
If you still can’t find your account after trying these methods, you can fill out this form to have Facebook help you recover it.
What is the oldest Facebook account?
The oldest Facebook account is that of John T. Draper, also known as Captain Crunch. He joined in September 2006.
Does Facebook store deleted content?
Facebook has been known to store deleted content including messages, pictures, and videos. A recent study showed that even if you delete something from your account, Facebook still has a copy of it.
Many people believe that when they delete something from their Facebook account, it is gone forever. But that’s not always the case. Deleted content can be stored on Facebook’s servers for up to 90 days.
This means that if you delete something from your account, there’s a good chance Facebook still has a copy of it. So be careful what you post on Facebook, because it may not be gone forever.
How can I recover permanently deleted Facebook account after 30 days?
There is no way to recover a permanently deleted Facebook account. If you are unable to log in and you have forgotten your password, you can reset it. If you have deleted your account and would like to create a new one, you will need to create a new email address and password.
How do you find someones deleted post on Facebook?
There may come a time when you need to find a Facebook post that has been deleted. Maybe you want to see what someone said before they deleted it, or maybe you need to access information that was posted privately. No matter the reason, there are a few ways to go about finding a deleted post on Facebook.
The first way is to use the search bar on Facebook. Type in the name of the person who posted the message and hit enter. If the post is still there, it will show up in the results. If it has been deleted, it will not appear in the results.
Another way to find a deleted post on Facebook is by using an archived version of the page. This method only works if the post was made public. To use this method, go to https://webarchive.
How do I find my friends Facebook username?
There are a few ways to find your friends Facebook username. One way is to look at the URL bar of your web browser when you are on your friends profile. The Facebook username will be located right after the portion of the URL.
Another way to find your friends Facebook username is to go to their profile, and click on the “About” tab. Underneath their “Work and Education” section, there will be a subsection called “Contact Info.” Within this subsection, you will see their Facebook username listed under the “Email” heading.
If you are not able to find your friends Facebook username using either of these methods, you can try searching for them on Google or another search engine.
How can I recover my FB account and password without phone number and email?
If you have forgotten your Facebook password, you can reset it by using the email address or phone number associated with your account. If you no longer have access to either of these, you can try to recover your account by submitting a form to Facebook.
How can I open Facebook account without phone number and email?
The first way is to create a Facebook account without using your phone number or email address. Instead, you can use a username and password. When you create your account, make sure that you use a strong password and don’t use the same password as other accounts. The second way is to create a Facebook account with a different email address. You can use an email address from your work or school. When you create your account, make sure that you use a strong password and don’t use the same password as other accounts.
Did Mark Zuckerberg steal Facebook?
There is no definitive answer to this question; however, there are several factors that suggest that Mark Zuckerberg may have stolen the idea for Facebook. For one, Zuckerberg had already created a website called “Thefacebook” while he was attending Harvard University. Additionally, Zuckerberg allegedly copied code from a website called “Friendster” to create Facebook. While it is possible that Zuckerberg came up with the idea for Facebook independently, the evidence suggests that he may have stolen the idea from someone else.
Who is the 1st Facebook user?
The first user of Facebook was a college student named Mark Zuckerberg. He created the site in 2004 while he was a sophomore at Harvard University.
Why is the Facebook blue?
The hue of Facebook’s blue logo has been the subject of discussion and speculation for years. Some believe that the color was intentionally chosen because it is associated with trust and security, while others claim that it is simply the result of a mistake.
According to an article from The Guardian, the blue color was chosen because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind. Zuckerberg’s favorite color is blue, so he chose to use it as the primary color for Facebook. The article also states that other websites such as Yahoo! and Amazon also use blue as their primary color because it is associated with trustworthiness.
While the reason behind Facebook’s blue logo may not be particularly interesting or exciting, it is a good reminder that colors can have a significant impact on how we perceive things.
Can I see deleted Facebook profiles?
By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 10 Posted by
Short answer
- No, you can't see deleted Facebook profiles. nine0014
- However, if someone has a public profile and deletes it.
- Then his profile will no longer appear in the search results.
How to recover a permanently deleted facebook account
How to find out if someone has deactivated their facebook profile.

Do you see deleted Facebook accounts?
You cannot recover a deleted Facebook account. Other people may still have access to the messages you've sent on Facebook. Through 90 days, all your Facebook data will be permanently deleted.
How long does Facebook keep deleted accounts?
If you want to reconsider deleting your Facebook account, you will have a 30-day grace period. All your information will be permanently deleted and unavailable after 30 days.
How can I find old Facebook profiles?
Click the Find Support or Report Profile button. Select "Find Help" from the drop-down menu and then "Submit" from the same menu. Click "Recover this account" to begin the recovery process. Follow the instructions on your account's profile page to restore it. nine0003
What happens to deleted Facebook accounts?
What happens if you delete Facebook? On the other hand, deleting an account is permanent. You will not be able to reconnect after deleting your account and all user data will be permanently lost.
What do my friends see when I delete my Facebook account?
If you deactivate your Facebook account, Facebook will not send a notification. Unless your friends try to find your now-deactivated profile or ask you in the real world, they won't know you've turned it off. nine0003
Can someone hack into a deleted Facebook account?
Yes, someone can hack into a deleted Facebook account. They will need to find the password for the account and then use it to log in. If they can do this, they will be able to see all the account information.
Why can someone's Facebook profile disappear?
If someone's Facebook profile disappears, it could be due to a number of reasons. Some people may have deleted their account on their own, while others may have been banned or removed by Facebook for violating terms of service. nine0003
Why did my Facebook profile disappear?
It looks like you have deleted or deactivated your Facebook profile. You can re-activate it by clicking the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the page and following the instructions. If you do not know how to delete or deactivate your account, please contact Facebook for help.
Does Facebook randomly delete friends?
Facebook does not randomly delete friends. They will only remove a friend if they have been blocked by that person or if that person has deleted their account. nine0003
How to find deleted messages on social networks?
There are several ways to find deleted messages on social networks. One way is to use a website called, which allows you to search the web for deleted Facebook messages and other social media content. Another way is to use the Social Media Examiner website, which offers a free service to search for deleted tweets and messages from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. nine0003
Are deleted Facebook messages deleted?
When you delete a Facebook post, it is not actually deleted. Facebook stores the message on its servers and the message can be retrieved if it hasn't been permanently deleted.
Can I recover deleted social network accounts?
Yes, you can recover deleted social media accounts. However, there are a few caveats. First, if the account was deactivated rather than deleted, you can reactivate the account by logging in with the correct credentials. Another caveat: if you signed up for two-factor authentication (2FA) and deleted your account, 2FA will also be removed from your account. nine0003
Why do Facebook friends disappear and reappear?
I don't quite understand what you mean by "disappear and reappear". I think maybe your friend just posts less frequently on Facebook, which is why you don't see as many posts from him.
Can you be removed from Facebook?
There are several ways to deactivate your Facebook account. You can disable it by clicking the "Deactivate" button on the settings page. This will delete all your information, but you will need to reactivate your account if you want to use it again in the future. You can also disable it by going to the Security & Login section of the Settings page and clicking Deactivate. nine0003
What do you see when someone blocks you on Facebook?
If someone has blocked you on Facebook, it means they have removed all your messages and posts from their feed. When someone blocks you, the only way to see their content is to post it to a public page or send you a message.
Can you identify who has visited your Facebook page? ?
No. Facebook has made it clear that it will not reveal who visited your Facebook page. They have created a system that does not allow this information to be disclosed..
How can I delete someone's Facebook account?
Facebook accounts cannot be deleted, but you can deactivate an account. You can also use a third party website to delete your profile and all data associated with it.
Can the police see deleted Facebook messages?
The police cannot view deleted Facebook messages. The police can only see what is posted on Facebook or other social networks.
nine0000 how to see deleted history on facebook?
By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 15
Short answer
- Deleting a Facebook post or page is irreversible, so you can't see it again after you delete it. If you've ever deleted something on Facebook, you might be wondering how to get it back. nine0014
- Sorry, it's not possible to recover a deleted post or page from the Facebook servers.
How to recover deleted Facebook search history? | Bumbumb
Easily and quickly recover deleted Facebook messages
How to recover deleted Facebook history?
There is no specific way to recover deleted Facebook history, but you can use Facebook's search function to try and find old messages you may have forgotten about. You can also use Facebook's privacy settings to remove certain posts from your history. nine0003
Can you see what you have deleted on Facebook?
No, Facebook does not allow users to view deleted items.
How to recover deleted search history?
To recover deleted Google account search history, visit this page. You will need to enter your Google account password in order to access the history.
Can I restore my browsing history after I delete it?
There is no simple answer to this question. Depending on the browser and settings, it may be possible to restore your browsing history after deleting it, but this is not always the case. Some browsers store browsing history in their own files, while others use cookies to track user activity. If you delete your browsing history manually, it may not be possible to restore it.
How can I check the deleted history on my phone? nine0003
If you have Android, there is a Phone Cleaner app that scans your phone for deleted files and restores them if possible.
Can you recover deleted Facebook messages?
Facebook does not allow you to receive deleted messages. However, Facebook has a "Deleted Messages" feature that allows you to view and delete messages that you have deleted from your Facebook account.
How long does Facebook keep deleted data? nine0003
Facebook doesn't tell you how long it keeps deleted data.
Is it possible to recover deleted messages in Facebook Messenger?
Facebook Messenger does not have a built-in way to recover deleted messages. However, there are third-party tools that can be used to recover deleted messages.
Does Facebook show your search history?
Facebook does not show your search history.
How to recover permanently deleted Facebook Messenger 2020 messages? nine0003
There is no reliable way to recover permanently deleted Facebook Messenger 2020 messages, but there are several ways you can try. First, you can try using a data recovery tool to recover data from a damaged or lost hard drive. If that doesn't work, you can try using a data recovery service to get your messages back from the Facebook servers.
How do I know if someone is having a secret conversation on Messenger? nine0003
There are several ways to tell if someone is having a secret conversation on Messenger. One way is to look for unusual activity in a person's chat history, such as multiple messages being sent back and forth between two people without any other users sending messages to them. Another way to discover secret conversations is to view the content of the messages. If they're discussing a sensitive topic that you don't know about, it probably means they're having a secret conversation. nine0003
How to restore a hidden conversation?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to recover a hidden conversation depends on the specific circumstances. However, some tips on how to recover a hidden conversation typically involve using forensic tools such as voice recognition software or transcription services to try and piece together what was said, trying to recover the conversation based on known information and talk to those who participated so that they remember what happened. nine0003
Are Facebook messages permanently deleted?
Deleted Facebook messages do not disappear forever, but they can be difficult to recover. Facebook has a policy of deleting messages after a certain number of days, unless the message is marked as important or required for legal reasons. If you want to try to recover a deleted message, you can contact Facebook support and ask them to recover it. However, this may not be possible if the post was removed by mistake or if it was removed by Facebook due to a violation of their policies. nine0003
How do you check your private messages on Facebook?
To view your private messages on Facebook, go to the Messages tab and select the message you want to view.