How to use telegram in russia

A reminder for Russians: Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default

Russians have turned to the popular hybrid messaging-forum app Telegram for news and conversations about the war in Ukraine that's not the officially state-sanctioned version of events. But some of these Telegram users might want to tread lightly.

Telegram has a reputation as a secure messaging app, but, contrary to that reputation, not all communications on the platform have the highest level of security. Unlike on Signal or WhatsApp, messages on Telegram are not end-to-end encrypted by default. End-to-end encryption prevents even the platform from knowing the content of users' messages. Instead, Telegram uses a different type of encryption that does not protect the privacy of conversations from Telegram itself. Here's Mashable's detailed breakdown on Telegram's privacy blindspot.

Telegram users can enable end-to-end encryption for some messages by making them "secret," but that's not the default, and it's limited to one-on-one chats and not extended to private group messages. That's particularly worrisome to privacy experts because group messages are where a lot of organizing against the war in Russia is taking place, according to Eva Galperin, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's director of cybersecurity.

Ukrainians are also using Telegram, and the fully end-to-end encrypted messaging app Signal. But the matter of cybersecurity may be understandably less top of mind to people under threat of bombing than it is to people within Russia who may be organizing or speaking out against the government.

That makes Galperin concerned that some of these Russian Telegram users may be vulnerable to having their private information exposed, which could happen in a few ways. The first is that the Russian government might demand that Telegram hand over this user information. Telegram stood up to Russia in 2018 when Russia previously required this, and Russia took Telegram to court as a result. Russia dismissed the case in 2020. Still, using Telegram means users' conversations and metadata are not protected from the platform itself.

"All of this data is available to Telegram as a company, and because of that, you're essentially trusting Telegram not to hand it over," Galperin said.

But Galperin believes the greater threat has to do not with Telegram's trustworthiness, but with its security. 

"What I would have much less confidence in is Telegram's ability to protect that data from hacking or insider threat," Galperin said.

In this scenario, a hacker might access Telegram's records in order to hand over the data to outside parties. Even worse is what Galperin thinks is "the single most likely source of threat": that someone within Telegram might compromise that security, accessing and transferring user data, with the company and the public none the wiser.

Still, Telegram has been a valuable source of counter-propaganda for Russians. Which makes another possible scenario: Russia cutting off access to Telegram entirely. 

"I wonder if the government very soon will speed up its attempts to block Telegram," Ian Garner, a Russian historian who has been documenting social media trends in the Ukraine war, said over email.

Galperin said that this would be technically possible. And not having an information pipeline — even a cryptographically flawed one — is concerning in and of itself.

"Fundamentally, yes, people should be concerned about using Telegram," Galperin cautioned. "But realistically, people just need to be aware of what the risks are so that they can make an informed decision."

Telegram was banned in Russia but users found a way to use it for another 2 years

The Russian authorities wanted access to the encrypted messages of Telegram, failing which the app would face a ban in the country. However, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov did not comply with the authorities, and users could access the app despite the ban from 2018-2020.

Yasmin Ahmed

New Delhi,UPDATED: Jun 1, 2021 16:57 IST

By Yasmin Ahmed: WhatsApp's ongoing fight to resist the traceability clause as part of IT rules 2021 and Telegram's ban from Russia three years back have one thing in common -- authorities directing the messaging apps to give them the details of the originator of a message which requires breaking encryption.

Telegram was banned by the Russian authorities in 2018 for two years, after which the ban was lifted in 2020. The Russian authorities wanted access to the encrypted messages of Telegram, failing which the app would face a ban in the country. However, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov did not comply with the authorities. Even though Telegram faced a ban in the country, its users in Russia still had access to the app.


This was because Telegram found ways around the Roskomnadzor -- the Russian regulator's firewalls and hid behind Google and Amazon's hosting services to disguise the traffic source, The Wall Street Journal had noted in a report. Andrei Soldatov, a Russian investigative journalist and security services expert, told the publication that Telegram kept changing its net addresses.

Roskomnadzor then blocked net addresses that Telegram had used, but Telegram continued to work while other companies like Twitter and Facebook suffered brief outages. "Scores of unrelated websites were tangled up as collateral damage in Telegram's hide-and-seek with Russia's Internet minders," the Journal notes, resulting in Russia lifting the ban on Telegram, which had 30 million monthly active users in Russia.

Now, WhatsApp has around 53 crore users in India, and the Facebook-owned company is putting up a fight in the Delhi High Court to not comply with the traceability clause. The traceability clause requires social media platforms to locate the first originator of the information if required by authorities. WhatsApp, in its plea, has noted that it is because of the end-to-end encryption that its users, which include government officials, law enforcement officials, journalists, members of ethnic and religious groups, scholars, teachers, and students — are able to exercise their right to freedom of speech and expression without fear of retaliation.

"Requiring messaging apps to 'trace' chats is the equivalent of asking us to keep a fingerprint of every single message sent on WhatsApp, which would break end-to-end encryption and fundamentally undermines people's right to privacy," WhatsApp in a statement said about the lawsuit.

In a statement, Ravi Shankar Prasad, the Minister of Electronics and Information and Technology, noted that what the government is seeking is very limited. However, the traceability clause also affects the likes of messaging apps that use encryption like Telegram and Signal. Prasad also pointed out WhatsApp's new privacy policy, which alters the way users interact with business accounts -- sharing their data with Facebook, and called it the company's double standards.

Edited By:

Yasmin Ahmed

Published On:

Jun 1, 2021

Instructions for using Telegrams | About Telegram

The most detailed instruction on Telegram for people who are just about to install it.

What is Telegram ?

So, Telegram, what is it? is a free messenger for smartphones and PCs running all the most common operating systems today, which allows you to exchange not only text messages, but also various media files (pictures, music, archives, text documents, etc.)

How to start communication and what are groups (Group) ?

Telegram provides the ability to communicate with one or several people at once. If you just click on the username, you can chat with him one-on-one in chat mode. Other users will not be able to read or join your conversation. To communicate with a large number of people, you need to create a group (Group). There can be two users in a group (you and someone else. At the same time, unlike a chat, in the future you will have the opportunity to invite other interlocutors to the group) or much more. And to be more precise, the limit on the number of users in one group is 5000 (!) People.

Is chat in groups visible to everyone?

No, group members only.

How to become a member of the group?

Only by invitation of someone who is already a member. In the Telegram itself, to invite participants, you must click on the name of the group - Add member - Select the people you want to add. Otherwise, with rare exceptions, nothing. This exception is the ability to create a temporary link to a group. Only a group administrator can create such a link. He can do this in order to invite people to the group who are not yet telegram users, or who are not registered in his contacts. If you have such a link to the group, go through it and click join.
If you are an administrator and want to create such a link for your group, then for this you need to: click on the name of the group - Add member - Invite to Group via Link - copy Link or Share Link. Send the link where the person you want to invite can see it.

Are there any Telegram groups specially created to meet people united by common interests or living in the same region (city).

Yes. And they are called supergroups (Supergroup) . You can find the list of groups that will be glad to see you as their member: here ( Interest groups ) or here ( City and regional groups. Groups for residents of any countries ). If you have not found anything that suits your interests or there is no group of your city (region) in Telegram yet, you can create such a supergroup yourself. To do this, you must first create a regular group using the command in the New Group menu, and then use the Upgrade to Supergroup function in the group settings. Don't forget to add her to our group directory so that as many people as possible know about her.

I heard that Telegram is the most secure messenger, is it true?

One of the most protected. To protect against surveillance, Telegram uses its own development - the cryptographic protocol MTProto . Without knowing his keys, attackers will not be able to read your correspondence with anyone. However, the data about your correspondence, although encrypted, is still stored on the Telegram servers. Note that this approach, in addition to the minuses, such as the potential possibility of cracking keys and gaining access to your messages, also gives a lot of pluses. For example, you will always have access to your correspondence from any device currently available to you. In addition, you can always be sure that valuable messages that you want to keep will not go anywhere. If this is not enough for you and you want to completely protect yourself, you can use the function Secret Chat . This is a chat in which messages are stored exclusively on the smartphones of its participants (the so-called " end-to-end encryption") and are deleted from all devices after a certain period of time (which one you decide for yourself).

Did you say something about the fact that you can send not only text messages but also various files?

Right. To do this:
-If you are using the smartphone version, click on the paperclip to the right of the message field (Message)
-In the PC version, click on the camera icon to the left of the text entry field (Write a message ...), and then, depending on the type of file being transferred, select either the camera again - to transfer a photo, or a paperclip to transfer any other file.

What else is in Telegram that distinguishes it from other messengers?

There are also so-called channels and bots.

What are channels (Channel) ?

Channels are chat rooms that act as mass mailings. It can be: a feed with updates to some of your favorite sites or publics (For example, @lastmag), a blog of some famous person (For example, Yuri Saprykin - @forevernotes), someone's channel created to inform their subscribers about updates to their pages in social networks, thematic channels created specifically for Telegram (For example, @historyporn), etc. The key difference from groups is that you can only read the channel (of course, if you are not its creator) and share publications from it with others Telegram users. There is no function of replies, likes and comments in channels.

What are bots (Bot) ?

A distinctive feature of Telegram from other messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, Hangouts, ICQ, etc.) is the presence of bots with which you can diversify your communication with other people (for example, the Quiz bot), follow updates from various media and others sources of information (such as @Meduza (Recognised as a foreign agent)), playing games (such as the turn-based strategy game Endless Summer), solving everyday tasks (such as a cooking bot with recipes that can be filtered based on the ingredients you have on hand, or receiving information about the weather), etc. In fact, this means that this messenger can be a useful program for you even if you don’t have a single person in it who would use it, because in addition to communicating with friends, Telegram provides a wide range of opportunities for their users, who sometimes have nothing to do with communication.

How do you manage these bots?

With commands. The command list is usually located to the right of the
message input box and is indicated either by a "/" or by four small squares in one large square. There are other ways to manage. But don't worry. All of them are intuitive and you can easily understand them.

Well, how now to search in Telegram for all these channels and all these bots that you talked about so much?

Channels, at the request of their creator, can be private or public. A public channel can be found through a Telegram search or by following a regular link posted on the Internet. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our channel catalog, in which you can also always add your channel, if any, and is of interest not only to your friends.
You can only join a private channel if you are invited to it in the application or send you a temporary link to the channel. You won't be able to find such a channel through the search.
You can find the list of bots on our website in the Bots section. If you have written your own bot and want to share it with people feel free to add it to our list.

Where to download Telegram?

We advise beginners to download Telegram only from the links indicated on the official website of the program. Alas, on the official website everything is in English and there is no instruction on how to change the program interface to Russian. All this is on our website on the page Download Telegram in Russian. All the links to the installation files that we have indicated are identical to the links from the telegram. org website.
Note that there are many alternative messengers based on Telegrams that have both their pluses and minuses relative to the official version of the program. We think that if you need to use unofficial versions of the messenger, you can easily find them in the application store installed on your device.

How to register in it?

You just need to enter your phone number. Wait for the SMS message to be received and enter the code in Telegram that will be indicated in it.

Is it all free?

Yes. Installation, registration, and use are absolutely free. Like all other Telegram functions. An exception are some bots associated with the provision of various services (for example, calling a taxi). But, in this case, you pay not for using Telegram, but for the service itself.

How to invite your friends to Telegram?

Telegram is synchronized with your phone book, thanks to which you can send your friends an invitation to Telegram via SMS. There are also other ways, the number and variety of which depends on the applications that are installed on your smartphone.

A stickers (Stickers) what is it? Is it some kind of food?

Of course not! Stickers are sets of pictures that can replace some words or even sentences when communicating with friends. With the help of them, you can diversify your conversation, please a person with a beautiful picture, congratulate you in an original way on something, or simply cheer up your interlocutor.

Where can I get them?

You can download the ones that your friends already have. Or choose your favorite from our catalog.

Why is the application not Russified (there is also no Ukrainian and Belarusian language)?

The developers are not in a hurry to add the Russian language to the application interface (as well as Ukrainian and Belarusian). But you can do it yourself. To do this, use the following bots:
Next: Download the resulting file (click on the arrow icon). Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the message. In the menu that opens, select "Apply localization file", then in the list of languages, find the one you need.

Is that all?

The program is constantly updated and acquires new functions. But for now, yes! This is the basic information that will be enough for you to start using Telegram and feel like a fish in water in it. We can also advise you to read our tips for Telegram users that will make your pastime in the messenger even more comfortable. Have a nice chat!

detailed instructions for Telegram for computer

Channel "According to the rules"

Telegram is a messenger with unique features. We especially note the stable delivery of messages, instant synchronization and convenient search, because of which we at the bureau transferred our working correspondence to Telegram. We have prepared an instruction for our philologists - elementary, for beginners. We hope that it will be useful to you as well - it will allow you to quickly get used to Telegram and use it effectively.

The instruction is written on the example of Telegram Desktop for Windows and is relevant at the beginning of 2022. (screenshots may not match the current version of the interface, but this is because Telegram is constantly evolving 🙂).

How to install and register

Download the installation file: You can save it on your desktop and delete after installing the program.

Run the downloaded file - "Telegram" will be installed. A window will open, click the button Start Messaging .

Enter your phone number, press Next .

A message will appear below the heading asking you to click on the link here .

You will receive an SMS with a code. Enter it into the program window.

Done: you have registered in Telegram and can already communicate.

How to set the interface language to Russian

Go to Telegram settings: press , then Settings , Language , select Russian .

Telegram will restart - the interface will be in Russian.

How to set up

Go to the "Telegram" menu and click "Settings".

Set up the program as you like. We'll give you directions.

Notification settings

General and interface scale

If you uncheck Show tray icon , clicking on the cross icon will close the entire program. Leave the checkbox - and the program will minimize to tray without closing (this is how Skype is often set up).

You can set an arbitrary interface scale - to do this, specify -scale 145 in the Telegram launch shortcut, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Telegram Desktop\Telegram. exe" -scale 145 .

Chat settings

Replace emoticons — a smiley made of characters like :-) will be replaced by emoji.

Do not ask for the path to save - if you do not check the box, then Telegram will ask each time where to save downloaded files.

Appearance customization

Chat background can be changed: choose one of the preset pictures or upload your own. Tile background - repeat the image to fill the entire background if it is too small. Relevant for small background images.

The chat feed can be made narrow. This cannot be done from the initial window, so go to any chat and hook the line between the chat list and the correspondence area with the mouse. It will take the form of a double-headed arrow.

Swipe to the left, and only the avatars of the conversations will remain in the chat area.

If you now press Esc, the cursor will move to the global search field and the chat list will automatically expand.

The chat feed can be completely hidden by making the program window narrow.

How to change your first name, last name, and profile photo

Edit your name only through Telegram settings (menu button > Settings > Change Profile > Name ):

In the same place, in Profile information , you can set or change your photo (button Select photo ). Use a square image that is at least 512 x 512 pixels.

Contacts, public name and phone number

How to add a contact to Telegram by phone number

An easy way to add someone you know well to your contact list is to enter their phone number.

In the program menu, go to section Contacts .

Click the link Add contact on the bottom left.

Enter first name (last name is optional), phone number, press Add .

The name of the contact is changed via his profile. Open a chat with a user and click on their name at the top left, or select Show Profile from the chat menu. In your profile, click Edit contact , enter a new name and press Done .

How to find and add a contact by public username

Your own public telegram name is set in the settings ( Change profile ).

Brief. Any Telegram user can be added to the contact list, for this you don’t need to know his phone number - just find the interlocutor by the public username (telegram-name, username) or simply open the user profile in a group chat and press Add contact .

Detail. How to add an interlocutor without a phone number:

  1. Find the user through the universal search bar or via "Contacts" (use the format @username ). Another option is to click on the name of any member of any chat.
  2. A new chat window will open. If you start a conversation, the dialogue will be added to the chat list under the name that your interlocutor has set himself. But this user will not be in your contact list (in the "Contacts" section of the "Telegram" menu), and you will not be able to rename it until you add it to the contact list.

  3. You can chat - the correspondence will remain in the list of your chats. If you want to add the interlocutor to "Contacts", go to his profile and click Add contact . Then you can set this contact any first and last name.

Phone number

"Telegram" is tied to a phone number.

Your phone number is visible only to those users and groups that you have allowed to see it in settings Privacy > Phone number > Who can see my phone number . It is impossible to find out the phone number of another person through Telegram if Nobody is set to the specified address in the settings.

Interlocutors do not see your phone number when they find you by telegram name, are in the same group chat with you, or when you add them to "Contacts" by their phone number.

The only time another user sees your phone number is if they already knows your number and has added you to his contact list on his smartphone.

Contact search and phone number privacy: total

  1. Found user by telegram name or in a group chat - you don’t know his phone number, but you can chat in the chat without adding it to “Contacts”. The conversation will be saved in the feed of your chats under the name that the interlocutor has set for himself in his profile.
  2. Know phone number user - add to "Contacts". You can specify any first and last name for this contact.
  3. Nobody will recognize your phone number through Telegram until you want it to.

Message delivery, latest activity and online status

Telegram cares about privacy, so it does not show that the message cannot be delivered to the interlocutor. If the recipient does not have an Internet connection, you will not know about it.

Messages have two delivery statuses:

  • One checkbox (tick): the message has been sent and received by the Telegram server.
  • Two flags: The message has been viewed by the recipient.

In the privacy settings under Last activity you can prevent other users from seeing when you were last online.

Keep in mind that the interlocutor will still see you online (a green “online” icon will appear next to your name) within 30 seconds after you:

  • read the message of this interlocutor in a personal chat;
  • sent any message to a private or general group chat.

New message notifications

By default, Telegram signals a new message with a sound, a pop-up window, the appearance of an unread messages icon on the program icon and in the chat feed.

How to work with desktop notifications:

  • It is convenient to answer quickly through a pop-up window: click with the mouse Reply , write the answer, press Enter.
  • If you send an empty reply ( Reply > don't type anything in the message box > Enter or the balloon button), the conversation will be marked as read and the missed message flag will disappear. In this case, you do not need to enter the chat in which new messages have arrived.
  • If you click Hide all messages or the cross icon in the pop-up window, the conversation will remain unread . In order for the mark about unread messages to disappear, you will need to enter the chat with these messages.

In any chat, group and private, notifications can be turned off.

Set the shutdown period.

Disabled message notifications will stop popping up, the "Telegram" icon in the taskbar and tray will not change, but the number of unread messages will be indicated in the chat feed.

If you uncheck the Desktop notifications checkbox in the settings and do not disable chat notifications, after a new message in this chat, the Telegram icon will indicate the number of unread messages in a red circle, but the desktop notification will not pop up .

A muted group chat signals a new message when you are directly contacted: mentioned by telegram name ( @username ) or quoted (replied to your message). A dog icon will appear. Click on it to go to the mention.

But if you turned off notifications in personal chat with the person who quotes or mentions you, then the notification will not come from the group chat either.

Chat feed sorting

Chats are pinned to the top of the conversation list. Sort them by drag and drop. New messages do not change the order of the pinned conversations.

Unpinned conversations are sorted automatically in the order of messages received: the later the last message arrived, the higher the chat.

Chats can be combined into folders and conveniently switch between them through the folders panel on the left. You can also pin chats to folders.

A special "working mode" allows you to hide chats with disabled notifications from the feed. Go to "Settings" and type on the keyboard in the English layout workmode . Telegram will ask whether to activate the "In work" mode. Click OK .

Telegram will restart and the options Hide muted chats or Show all chats will appear above the list of conversations. Type workmode again in the settings to disable this mode.

Search, chat history

Press Esc on the keyboard - and the focus will go to the global search field, no matter where you are in Telegram. Search for everything at once: users, group chats or public channels - by telegram name, messages at in all chats with your participation - by broad query or "exact query" (in quotation marks). The symbol @ in the search bar allows you to display all the answers to your remarks.

Quick navigation through the search results from the keyboard: Alt + Up or Down.

In a group chat, you can filter messages from a specific user and search only for them.

When you scroll up the correspondence, the date pops up. It is easy to navigate, records for which day is now on the screen. Click on a date and the calendar will open. Select a number in it and go to the messages for that day (for example, to the correspondence for September 3).

Arrow at the bottom right allows you to return to the present moment.

Leave in messages #hashtags (pound sign and any word without a space). Subsequently, it will be enough to click on the hashtag, and all messages with this hashtag from the current chat will open in the search bar. For example, name the term - mark the message with the hashtag # term . If you are discussing a problem, information about the solution of which will be required in the future, also mark it with a hashtag.

In the profile of any conversation (both personal and group), search is available for sent files. While in a chat, click on its name at the top. The list is in the Shared Files section. Search for documents by title or filter by type: files, photos, links.

Files (up to 1.5 gigabytes in size) and messages are stored in the cloud indefinitely. Delete them and you can restore them only with the help of your interlocutor. You will have to ask him to copy or forward messages from the chat. If the interlocutor also deleted the history of correspondence, it will not be possible to restore it.

Chat Techniques

How to quote a message

First way: immutable quote. Right click on the replica, select Reply .

Enter answer:

If you want to go to the quoted message, click on the quote.

You can also quote yourself. If you need to return to the discussion of some issue, find your post and quote. Participants in the conversation will be able to click on the quote and go to the original message.

By the way, if you then press the round button Down , you will be taken not to the very bottom of the chat, but to the place from which you switched to the replica - conveniently.

Second way: text quote. Select message with mouse or via context menu Select message , copy (Ctrl + C or Copy selected as text ).

The text of the message, its author and the time of sending will be copied, but the quote will not become a link to the source.

Copy only the text, without the name of the author and the time of sending, will allow the item Copy text in the context menu.

How to forward a message

The scheme is the same as with quotes. Select the message to be forwarded with the mouse and click the Forward button or use Forward message in the context menu.

If you write a comment to the replica being forwarded, it will appear in the addressee as a separate message over forwarded.

Messages from private and public channels are forwarded in the same way.

A message from a telegram channel can be sent even faster: click on the arrow to the right of the message, in the window that opens, select the recipient (person or group) and click Send .

Drafts and bookmarks

Unsent messages are automatically saved in the input field and turned into drafts. This feature helps to mark any message in a long conversation in order to return to it later - to make a kind of bookmark. The option "Mark messages unread from here" in Skype works in a similar way.

Quote the desired remark and enter, for example, an exclamation point in the input field. When you reopen this chat, you will see a draft with the quoted message. Click on a quote and navigate to that message in the conversation. An exclamation mark is not necessary - just Reply is enough, and the quote will become a draft.

How to edit your posts

Hover over message > right click > Edit . If you are editing your last (bottom) post, simply press the Up key on your keyboard. Save changes - Enter.

How to delete messages

Select as many messages as you like with the mouse. You have three options:

  • Right-click and select Delete selected from the context menu.
  • Click the Delete button at the top of the window.
  • Press Del on your keyboard.

You can delete both your own and other people's messages and the interlocutors also . To do this, check the box Delete from all (or Delete from Interlocutor name in personal correspondence).

You can delete and edit messages within an unlimited time after sending.

Other techniques

Favorites. Send messages to yourself by clicking on the shortcut icon in the program menu or on your profile picture. Leave notes, keep a list of tasks, share files between your devices, save important messages from other dialogs for later.

To address a specific participant in the conversation (they will receive a notification), dial @ and select a user from the list.

Line breaks in messages are done using Ctrl + Enter and Shift + Enter (in image and file captions, only Shift + Enter).

Chat position is saved when switching between conversations.

You can record a voice message or make a call (microphone required).

If you hover your mouse over the information about the number of participants in a small group chat (not a supergroup), a list of these participants will pop up. There is a colored asterisk next to the name of the creator, and a colorless asterisk next to the names of administrators. When everyone in the chat is an administrator, the asterisk is only next to the name of the creator.

Text formatting

Alternative: use keyboard shortcuts or context menu (right mouse button > Format .

Highlight text in chat: two asterisks ( * ) - bold, two underlines ( _ ) - italics, text between grave characters ( ` ) - monospace font.

** bold (as many lines as you like) **

__ italic (any number of lines) __

`monospace single line`
multiple lines

Emoji, animation and object insertion

Send files and images by dragging the mouse into the chat or pasting from the clipboard (Ctrl + V). You can send several pictures at once in one album - just insert them one by one.

To quickly insert an emoticon, type a colon and start typing the name of the emoji in English.

Emoji list with codes:

  • Emoji cheat sheet by WebpageFX (click on emoticon to copy code).
  • Emoji cheat sheet (search by keywords; hover over to see code).

Emoji not inserting? Look closely: a panel of color options for this emoticon has appeared (relevant for body parts). Choose a skin color.

Mostly classic full emoticons with a nose are converted into pictures.

To view a sticker in a larger view before inserting it into the chat, click on it with the mouse and hold down the left button. A set of stickers "According to the rules."

To hide the panel with stickers and emoticons, click on the smiley face on the right side of the message field, and the panel will collapse.

Telegram has built-in bots for quickly inserting media objects into a message. Type in the message entry field @name of the worker and a search phrase separated by a space. You will be able to find and quickly insert an image, animated GIF file, video, etc. List of useful bot commands:

@gif (search in English for animated GIFs on, @vid (search for YouTube videos), @pic (search for images in Yandex), @ya (search in " Yandex"), @wiki ru (search for articles in the Russian-language Wikipedia), @sticker (search for official stickers corresponding to the entered emoticon).

Embedded bot examples:


Change not only the background, but the entire design of Telegram using themes. Search for themes in the official channel for Telegram Desktop themes or type in any chat @tthemebot and space-separated keywords in English to search for the theme.

To change the theme, in the program settings in the section Chat background , click Select file and select the theme file from your computer. Another option: send a topic to chat with you, click on the file name. A preview of the theme will open - press Apply theme at bottom right.

Hot keys

Hot keys Action
Ctrl+B Bold formatting
Ctrl+I Italic formatting
Ctrl + Shift + M Monospace formatting
Ctrl+K Inserting a link
Ctrl + Shift + N Cancel formatting
Top Editing the last message
Esc Close the chat and go to the chat list
General search for the names of contacts, groups, channels and all messages in chats from your list of conversations
Ctrl+F Search open chat
Alt + Up or Down

Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Ctrl + PgUp / Ctrl + PgDn

Move up/down through dialogs or search results
Ctrl + Up/Down Select replica for quick reply
Ctrl + M Close program
Ctrl+W Minimize program to tray
Ctrl+Q Exit the program.

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