How to send audio file in telegram

How to send voice notes with Telegram


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Telegram has become one of the most popular apps on the market . It stands out for the fact that it offers us a huge amount of features, which allows it to continue to gain followers in the market. Through the app we can be in contact with our friends and family, with whom we can send text messages. In addition, the application has introduced the ability to make calls, video calls and we can send files.

In these chats, we can also send audio notes. The way we can send audio notes on Telegram has evolved remarkably over time. Fortunately, this has been a change for the better, as nowadays it's much easier to be able to send an audio note in the app. Before we had to use other tools, but now it's possible directly in the app.

How to send a voice note on Telegram

In the application chats we have the possibility to use microphone icon , as is the case in WhatsApp. Therefore, if you want to send an audio note in the app, you just need to enter the chat and hold down this icon. You must hold down while recording this note, so it is important to remember this, to avoid problems in this regard while recording. This option can also be used in the desktop version of the application.

There is a second way in Telegram that allows us to send an audio note. In the application settings, by sliding the side menu at the beginning, we can enter the Chat settings section. In this section we find an option called Raise to talk . When activating this option, we will only have to lift the mobile to bring it closer to you and thus be able to start recording an audio note, in a very comfortable way. We can choose between one of these two options to send these voice notes.

Share audio from Telegram to Whatsapp

It is possible that at some point we recorded an audio note in Telegram and sent it to someone. But we also want to share this note with another person on WhatsApp. In this sense, the only way we have, which is simple, is to download said audio note , to be able to send it later on WhatsApp as a normal file.

Therefore, press and hold said audio file in Telegram chat and download this audio note. Although this, you will have to do it in the desktop version of the application, where it is possible to download it to the computer. Then you will have to send it by WhatsApp, which you can do using whatsapp web, because it will be easier that way. All you need to do is attach the audio note and it can be sent to someone else. It's a process that is not complicated, but in the end it is heavier than it should be.

What to do if the microphone does not appear in Telegram

You might want to use audio notes in Telegram, but when you enter the app, you don't get the microphone icon anywhere. There can be multiple reasons why this is happening, but either way, they can still be fixed. Here are some of the solutions that we should consider in any case:

  • App permissions : You may have denied access to the application's microphone. Therefore, check this permission in Android settings and find out if this is the problem. If they didn't have permission, you just need to grant it. When you're done, close the app and sign back in. You can force it to stop, so that it restarts completely.
  • Update : you may be using an older version of Telegram or had a problem with it. Updating the app to its latest version is in many cases the way to resolve this type of issue.
  • Clear Cache : A common solution, but in many cases it gives us the performance we want. We can clear the cache of an app like Telegram because files may have accumulated and cause problems. Once the cache is cleared, we restart the app and the icon should be back.
  • Click on the square icon : In Telegram chats, in the space where we write the message, it is likely that we will not see the microphone icon, but another square icon will appear on the right side. If we click once on it, the microphone icon appears, so that we can record.

With these solutions, it is normal for the app to show us this microphone icon and we can send audio notes anytime with full normality.

Other reasons why you can't send audio to Telegram

There are times when this problem not only affect the microphone icon . But you probably can't send audio notes on Telegram. The origin of this is diverse, in fact some of the solutions from the previous section can be applied in this direction, so that everything works normally. The reasons can be varied:

  • Multimedia volume : It is likely that the multimedia volume on Android is not configured correctly, which is not the volume for calls. Therefore, verify that the volume is correct, as this might be something that is causing the problem.
  • Update : There may be a failure in Telegram, so updating the app is something that will prevent this failure and everything to work fine.
  • Clear Cache : It is likely that some cache files are corrupted, causing problems in the operation of the application. Emptying the cache, which we can do from the Android settings in the apps section, should resolve the failure.
  • Authorizations: Double check that Telegram has the necessary permissions to function properly and for us to send audio notes. Some permissions may be missing, preventing us from sending them.
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How To Send Voice Messages on Telegram?


By Steve Kuhn October 24, 2022October 24, 2022

If you are not on Telegram, it is high time to be on this instant messaging app. The platform is one of the biggest messaging platforms after the OGs like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

In 2021, Telegram became the world’s most-installed app. Not only this, it has over 550 million monthly active users. This cloud-based messaging app is not at all coming slow.

So, if you got intrigued and downloaded the app and now wonder how to perform even essential functions, for example, sending voice messages, then fret not! We have got your backs!

Let’s learn how to use the Telegram app to send voice messages to your buddies just like you do in WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

Table of Contents

  1. Telegram Is Not Coming Slow
  2. What Makes Telegram Better?
  3. Sending Voice Messages on Telegram
    • On the Mobile App
      • Important Points
    • On the Web Version of Telegram
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Telegram Is Not Coming Slow

In 2013, two brothers, Nikolai and Pavel Durov launched a cloud-based instant messaging app called, Telegram. The idea was not novel, as the world was already happy with WhatsApp and other instant messaging platforms.

So, the brothers had to strategically position their app as something more than just an instant messaging platform.

The platform proclaims it is a cloud-based instant messaging platform that is more secure and safer than others. The platform offers two forms of encryption mechanisms — client-server and server-client, to make it secure.

To create your account on Telegram, you need to sign up with your mobile number. Then you can find your friends via their mobile numbers and usernames.

You can send text, multimedia, voice, and video messages and calls and do much more on Telegram.

You can create groups or channels to broadcast to a larger audience.

The USP (unique selling point) of Telegram is its level of security and speed.

Whenever any new privacy scandal happens related to any social media platform, people flock to Telegram, as they know their data would be more secure here than anywhere else.

What Makes Telegram Better?

Some of the benefits of Telegram are:

  • You can use Telegram on multiple devices simultaneously or numerous accounts on the same device.
  • Its encryption mechanism makes it more secure than any other platform.
  • Telegram has unlimited cloud storage.
  • You can have up to 200,000 members in your Telegram groups (unlike WhatsApp, which allows only 256).
  • It offers various bots to automate tasks on the platform for the users.
  • You can perform secret chats which self-destruct (like Snapchat) after a stipulated time defined by you.

There is so much more we can talk about Telegram to convince you to hop on it, either on your phone or computer. Let’s limit our discussion here.

If you are a Telegram virgin and learning little tricks of the platform, then let us help you in your journey.

Today we are helping you to send a voice message on Telegram. The process is easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Try it, and send as many voice notes as possible!

Sending Voice Messages on Telegram

Typing a message can get boring, and tbh is tedious work. Thanks to social media Gods for the voice messages, a feature that made our lives so much easier.

Telegram allows users to send voice messages to any individual or group chats like any other messaging platform.

Let’s learn how you can send voice messages to people on your Telegram app and the web version of Telegram.

On the Mobile App

Follow these steps to send a voice message on the Telegram mobile app:

  1. Launch the Telegram app on your mobile device.
  2. Select any chat (individual or group) where you want to send your voice message. You can scroll down to find the particular thread.
  3. Tap and hold the microphone icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  4. Release the microphone to stop recording and send the voice message.
Important Points

You need to know a couple of things about sending voice messages on the Telegram mobile app. Those are listed below:

  • If you want to send a longer voice message, you can go hands-free by dragging the microphone upwards until it locks instead of holding it the entire time. 
  • When you go hands-free, you can stop and listen to the recording to review it before sending it
  • You can delete the recording by clicking on the trash bin icon on the left of your recording.
  • You can also cancel the recording by tapping on “Cancel” in the center of the recording.
  • You can also find conversations by typing any name on magnifying glass icon or the paper pencil icon on top of your chat screen.

On the Web Version of Telegram

Follow these steps to send a voice message on the telegram web version:

  1. Navigate to the Telegram web version on your favorite browser.
  2. Open the conversation to which you want to send a voice message.
  3. Tap and hold the microphone icon on the bottom right of the conversation to start recording.
  4. Release to stop recording and send the voice message. 

You can also cancel the recording by releasing the microphone outside the recording field. 

Similarly, you can review the audio before sending it by swiping the microphone icon upwards to go hands-free. Once recorded, you can stop to review it and decide to send or delete it.


In this article, we learned how to send voice messages on Telegram. The method is not rocket science and is pretty similar to your good old OG WhatsApp. 

Try it out and have fun sharing your beautiful voice with your friends.


You need to permit Telegram to allow it to use your microphone and camera (for video messages). Without these permissions, you will not be able to send voice messages.

For iOs: Go to Settings > “Privacy & Security” > “Microphone” > Find Telegram in the list and turn the toggle on.

For Android: Go to Settings > “Apps” > “Telegram” > “Permissions” > “Microphone” > “Allow access.”

Look for the ticks on the message. A single tick on a message means it is delivered to the person. A double tick signifies that the person has seen or read your message. Unlike WhatsApp, you cannot disable the read receipt on Telegram.

Music in Telegram: how to add and listen online and offline

November 6, 2021LikbezTekhnologii

Useful tips to help turn the messenger into a convenient player.



What you need to know before uploading music to Telegram

Until recently, everything was quite simple with music in Runet. People freely uploaded and downloaded tracks, and it seemed to everyone that it was so normal. However, this has always gone against copyright law. And in the 2010s, they really began to be held accountable for its violation. They can be punished with a fine, compulsory or forced labor, and even arrest. And therefore, before uploading tracks to the Internet, including to Telegram, it is worth remembering some things.

Distribution of music without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited

Any song or melody has a legal copyright holder. It is there, even if you accidentally stumbled upon a fragment of a piece of music somewhere and have no idea what it is and where it comes from. And only he can freely distribute content and generally do whatever he wants with it.

By default, the exclusive right to a work, that is, the ability to use it in any form, belongs to the author. But he can pass it on to a recording studio, a producer or someone else. And then they decide what to do with the song. Including they can forbid the author to perform his own tracks.

You can safely download music to the Internet in two cases:

  1. You are the author and have not transferred exclusive rights to anyone.
  2. The copyright holder has allowed you to do this.

Please note: sometimes artists release songs for free so that everyone can listen to them. It seems that in this case you can do anything with them. But not necessarily. Better to clarify what exactly is allowed. For example, it happens that you can download a melody, but you can’t upload it: the group wants everyone to come to their site. This information is usually available on the author's website itself.

Changing the melody is not enough to avoid copyright infringement

Moreover, it is in itself a violation of the law. Without the consent of the author, you cannot change, shorten the work, add something to it.

You should be careful with classics

The exclusive right to a work is valid for 70 years after the death of the author. Then the melody or song becomes public domain, that is, it can be distributed freely. But there is a nuance. The performance is also protected by copyright. For example, you can play a work by Tchaikovsky and put it on the Web. A recording of Tchaikovsky's symphony performed by the London Symphony Orchestra is not allowed.

In general, be careful not to infringe copyright. This is not only correct from the point of view of the law, but also honest in relation to the author. They usually distribute the music they like. And since you appreciated creativity, shouldn't you be grateful enough for it not to piracy?

How to add music to Telegram

The built-in media player allows you to listen to tracks from anywhere in Telegram, but this is rather inconvenient. There are several options for organizing music: favorites, private channel, general group. Each of them is good in its own way.

For example, favorites are best used to store the entire database of music, channels - as an analogue of playlists by genre and mood, and general groups - as joint collections of audio for friends with similar tastes.

Here's how you can add your audio files.

Add to favorites

Open Telegram on your computer, click on the search bar, and then on the "Favorites" icon.

Drag the desired files to the chat window.

Add a comment if you like and hit submit. Since the data is grouped into one message, this can be used, for example, to label album titles.

Please wait until the download is completed.

To a private channel

Create a channel, open it in the application on your computer and simply drag and drop the desired tracks into the window.

Add a comment if necessary and click the arrow button.

Once the download is complete, the files will be available for listening.

To the general group

Open Telegram on your computer, click on the new message button and click "Create a group".

Select the people you want to share music with and click Next.

Click Create.

Drag audio files into the chat.

Attach a comment if you like and click the arrow button.

Wait for the download to finish and you can listen to the tracks.

How to listen to music in Telegram online

To listen to music in Telegram, just open one of the audio files, wherever it is. After that, playback will start in the built-in player. Here you can switch tracks, change the playback mode, and just minimize the application, and the songs will continue to sound in the background.

Technically, Telegram cannot play audio online: when opened, the file is always loaded into the device's memory and plays from there. When the first track ends, the second track is automatically saved and starts playing, and so on. In fact, this is the difference from offline mode.

How to listen to music in Telegram offline

For the above reason, you can also play tracks without the Internet, even if there is no connection to the Telegram servers. Songs must be downloaded to work offline. Otherwise, when the queue reaches a track not saved in the cache, the music will stop.

To play music offline, just listen to the song once or just click on its name in the chat. After that, the circle with an arrow next to the Play button will disappear, and the track will be available offline. By the same icon, you can understand which files are loaded and which are not.

How to clear cache in Telegram from music

Since the downloaded tracks take up space in the device's memory, it may run out over time. If you want to clear it, you can remove audio files from the cache.

To do this, open the Telegram settings and go to the "Data and memory" section, and then to "Memory usage".

Tap "Clear Telegram cache", check "Music" and click "Clear".

This also works the other way around. To keep the music always with you, you can uncheck it and delete other content from the cache.

Also pay attention to the file storage time setting. If the "Always" option is not set, then tracks that you have not listened to for a long time will be deleted to save space.

How to download music from Telegram

Once added to favorites or one of your channels, tracks are stored on Telegram servers. There they are always available for reloading, even if they are deleted from the cache. But they can also be downloaded to the device's memory, for example, to be opened in another application. Here's how to do it.


Highlight the desired song and tap "Select".

Tap the Share button and then Save to Files (iOS) or Save to Music (Android).

On the computer

In desktop applications, right-click on the desired track and select "Save as . .." on macOS or "Save audio file as ..." on Windows.

Read also 🧐

  • How to find and add a person to Telegram
  • How to send a disappearing photo, video or message to Telegram
  • How to block a person on Telegram
  • How to record a video message on Telegram
  • How to make stickers for Telegram

*Activities of Meta Platforms Inc. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to send music in Telegram: step-by-step Telegram guide

It's nice to share with friends a new single or a time-tested audio recording, ask for a backing track for karaoke or download a track you like from the public. The main thing is to find a great song, and the question of how to send music in Telegram is easy for a music lover, a musician, and just a connoisseur of good sound to handle.

How to download audio from Telegram

All files sent to a chat or channel (unless, of course, they were specifically deleted) are stored on the messenger's servers. Music of a small size, the application can automatically download to the cache (temporary memory of the device). It should be noted that rarely a normal music track weighs 100 Kb or less, and the temporary nature of storage makes this method ineffective.

To save a music recording on an Android smartphone, you need:

  • Open a chat or channel that contains the desired track;
  • Tap on the arrow icon and wait for the download to complete. The file will be saved in the /storage/emulated/0/Telegram/Audi folder;

  • Now you can click the Play icon and listen to music in the player. If you move the curtain down, the familiar audio player panel will open;

  • To add an audio file to the standard Audio folder on your smartphone (this will allow you to add a track to your playlists), you need to tap on the three vertical dots of the already downloaded file. Select "Save to Music" from the menu.

For iOS devices, the algorithm is similar:

  • Find the required track in the public or chat feed;
  • Click on the arrow and wait until the file is downloaded, and the arrow will change into a “Play” triangle. Now you can listen to the recording in the player;

  • The full audio player can be opened by pulling up the shutter.

It is not more difficult to download a music file to a PC (Windows) from Telegram:

  • You need to open the public from which you want to download;
  • Right-click and select "Save Audio As...", then select a folder on your computer.

Another way is to click on the arrow and wait for the song to load. And then right-click again and select "Show in folder". By default, the music file is stored in C/users/username/Downloads/Telegram Desktop (instead of "username" should be the username).

How to send audio in Telegram

It is possible to both record audio in Telegram and send the downloaded file.

Sending music to chat is no more difficult than downloading. For Android devices, you will need:

  • Open a conversation to which you want to send an audio file;
  • Press the paperclip icon;

  • If the track is in a standard folder on your smartphone (usually Audio) and is saved in mp3 format, then you need to select "Music" and select songs in the list. After that, tap the "Submit" button;

  • If the file was saved in the download or the user created a special section on his smartphone, then it is better to use the "Files" button, and then find the music in the file manager. Click the checkmark.

On an iPhone, to send a music recording you need:

  • Open a conversation window;
  • Press the paperclip button;
  • Select "File" and find the folder on the device where the track is saved.

The task of how to add music from a computer to Windows is also simple:

  • In the chat window, click on the paperclip icon;

  • Locate the folder and file, and then click the "Open" button.

The messenger is developing, becoming more and more understandable and functional with each update, users have the opportunity to both record audio in Telegram and send the downloaded audio file - no restrictions or prohibitions from copyright holders.

Learn more