How to unblock yourself on facebook when someone blocks you

How to Unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger app is a great platform to connect with your friends and family. It allows you to send messages, make voice calls, and even video calls. However, to protect the users from fraud profiles or scammers, Facebook Messenger gives the users the option to block someone on Messenger. When someone blocks you on the Messenger app, you will not be able to send messages or make any calls, but their profile will be visible to you as you are blocked on the Messenger app and not on Facebook.

If you are wondering how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, then sorry to say it is not possible. But there are some workarounds that we can figure out. Therefore, to help you out, we have a small guide that you can follow to unblock yourself on the Messenger app.


  • 4 Ways to Unblock Yourself on Facebook Messenger
  • Method 1: Create a new Facebook Account
  • Method 2: Take help from a Mutual Friend
  • Method 3: Try to Contact the Person through other Social Media Platform
  • Method 4: Send an Email

If someone blocks you on Facebook Messenger, but you were not expecting that, and you want the person to unblock you, then you may follow these methods. However, if you are asking yourself, ‘how can I unblock myself from someone’s account? We don’t think it is possible as it depends on the person to block or unblock you. Instead, there are some workarounds we hope will work for you.

Method 1: Create a new Facebook Account

You can create a new Facebook account if you want to contact the person who blocked you on the Messenger app. Since the person has blocked your old account, the better option is to sign-up on Facebook Messenger using another email address. This method can be time-consuming, but you will be able to send a message to the person who blocked you. Follow these steps to create a new account:

1. Head to your web browser and navigate to Logout of your current account if already logged in.

2. Tap on ‘Create New Account‘ to start creating your account with your other email Id. However, if you don’t have any other email address, then you can easily create one on Gmail, Yahoo, or other mailing platforms.

3. Once you tap on ‘Create New Account,’ a window will pop up where you have to fill in details like name, phone number, birth date, gender, and password.

4. After filling in all the details, click on Sign Up and you will have to verify your email and phone number. You will receive a code either on your phone number or email address.

5. Type the code in the box that pops up. You will get a confirmation email from Facebook that your account is active. 

6. Finally, you can log in to the Facebook Messenger app using your new ID and add the person who blocked you. 

This method may or may not work depending upon the person who blocked you. It is up to the person to accept or reject your request.

Method 2: Take help from a Mutual Friend

If someone blocks you on Facebook Messenger, and you are wondering how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, then, in this case, you can take some help from a mutual friend. You can try contacting a friend on your friend list who is also on the friend list of the person who blocked you. You can message your mutual friend and ask them to ask the person who blocked you to unblock you or find out why you got blocked in the first place.

Method 3: Try to Contact the Person through other Social Media Platform

If you don’t know how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, then you can try to contact the person who blocked you through other social media platforms such as Instagram. However, this method will only work if the person who blocked you is on Instagram or another social media platform. Instagram allows you to send DM (Direct messages) to users even if you are not following each other.

You can resort to this method if you want to contact the person who blocked you and ask them to unblock you.

Also Read: Unblock YouTube When Blocked In Offices, Schools or Colleges?

Method 4: Send an Email

If you want someone to unblock you on Facebook Messenger, the question is how to reach out to the person when you are blocked. Then the last method that you can resort to is sending an email asking why they blocked you in the first place. You can easily get the email address of the person who blocked you from Facebook itself. Since you are only blocked on Facebook Messenger, you can still view the profile section of the person. However, this method will only work if you know the email address of the person, and some users may make their email address public on Facebook. Follow these steps to get their email address:

1. Open Facebook on your PC, type the name of the person in the search bar and go to their profile section then click on the ‘About‘ tab.

2. Tap on contact and basic info to view the email.

3. After you find the email address, open your mailing platform and send an email to the person to unblock you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can I get unblocked from Messenger?

To get unblocked from Facebook Messenger, you can try contacting the person who blocked you from other social media platforms, or you can send them an email asking why they blocked you in the first place.

Q2. How do I unblock myself if someone blocked me on Facebook?

You cannot unblock yourself from Facebook when someone blocks you. All you can do is ask the person to unblock you by contacting them through other social media platforms, or you can take help from a mutual friend.

Q3. How Do You Unblock Yourself from Someone’s Facebook Account if They Blocked You?

There is no direct way to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger if someone blocked you. However, you can try the indirect method to contact the person to figure out why you were blocked. It is not possible to unblock yourself from someone’s Facebook account if they blocked you. However, you can unblock yourself by hacking into their account and removing yourself from the block list. But we will not recommend this as it is not ethical.

Q4. Someone blocked me on Facebook. Can I see their profile?

If someone blocks you on the Facebook Messenger app, you will not be able to send messages or make any calls. However, if the person is blocking you only on Facebook Messenger and not on Facebook, then in this situation, you will be able to view their profile. Therefore, if someone is blocking you on Facebook, you will not be able to view their profile, send messages, or make calls.


  • How to Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp When Blocked
  • Fix Android Phone Can’t Make Or Receive Calls
  • 10 Best Free Proxy Sites to Unblock Facebook
  • How to Fix Facebook Messenger Problems

We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger. If you still have any queries regarding this article then feel free to ask them in the comments section.

How To Unblock Yourself On Facebook – TechniqueHow

by Pranab Sen

Your Quick Answer:

To unblock yourself on Facebook, you have to request the person to unblock you either through mutual friends or using another Facebook account.

If you are sending messages to the person then requesting the person to unblock is the best choice as he may block you again.

But, if you want to spy on his profile, just create another fake profile you can do that.

To unblock yourself from Facebook Messenger, you can post comments to the person’s posts and let him know about the blocking he made on chat and request to unblock. This solves the issue and gets you unblocked from someone’s Messenger.

If you’re blocked by someone on Facebook or Messenger then you can unblock yourself in several ways but in some cases, you may have to contact the person if you want to send a message or want to view the posts.

If you want to just spy on what the person is doing while you’re blocked, you can just create another Facebook account and view the private posts adding him as a friend.

There are also some other ways to view private Facebook profiles. However, the public posts can be viewed from the secondary account.

You’ve added to a Facebook group, there is a particular way to unblock yourself from a Facebook group.

You have to be sure firstly either if you’re blocked totally on Facebook or just the messages are blocked, you can confirm your blocking on Facebook from here.


How To Unblock Yourself On Facebook:

Once you’re blocked by someone on Facebook, there are no options to unblock yourself unless the person does that or the block.

You can be unblocked only if you request the person to do it from his end and if he finally unblocks you.

Let’s look at these ways in more detailed knowledge:

1. Unblock Yourself on Facebook Messenger

Now, maybe the block is done on Messenger while the other parts are unblocked (i.e. posts, stories, etc). You can request the person on posts by commenting to unblock you on Messenger.

Step 1: Go to the profile of that person.

Step 2: Find the post on the profile.

Step 3: Just comment on any post and request to unblock you on Messenger.

That comments will be visible and notified to the person and chances are there that he will unblock you if he wishes to or is done as a mistake.

That’s why you must try your best to request the person to unblock you. It is important for you to figure out the reason behind them deciding to block you.  It is possible that you might have annoyed them by texting too often and stalking their profile too much.

They could have blocked you due to a misunderstanding or a baseless rumor spread by someone else as well. 

Since your messages will be left undelivered because you’re blocked, you can try an alternative method of sending a message.

If you know them in real life, it will be better to meet them in person to talk things through. This will give you the chance to inquire about what went wrong and apologize to mend things between the two of you.


Ask Mutual Friends to Help You Unblock

Having a mutual friend can prove to be very beneficial in this situation. They can effectively play the mediator to help resolve the conflict in an objective manner. 

Get in touch with that mutual friend and ask if they are willing to ask the person who blocked you to unblock you. If that can feel a bit too rude or the wrong place to step in, they could at least find out whether you had been blocked in the first place by mistake or with strong intention. 

This would aid you to formulate your next plan of action by getting to understand the other person’s point of view. 

3. Create a Secondary Account

When it appears that things are getting so far out of hand that a friendship important to you might be destroyed. The best option to contact the person who blocked you is by creating a second account.

🔴 Steps To Follow:

Step 1: First of all, visit the Facebook website and click “Create New Account”.

Step 2: You can use the same name, but you must use a different email address or mobile number to register that isn’t linked to any existing account.

Step 3: Fill in the other details required in the registration form like phone number, birth date, and gender.

Step 4: An email will be sent to you to validate your account, and after you click the link in the email. Your account will be completely validated.

Step 5: You can add profile information and upload a profile picture to avoid appearing as a fake or bot account. Also, you can start adding friends, but this is optional.

Finally, you can proceed to message the user that blocked you. It is recommended to be careful while you’re sending this message, as this will be your last chance at getting yourself unblocked.

Just plan your message and how you should appear with the message texts to get unblocked.

How To Know if person blocked you on Facebook or Messenger:

When you can no longer see a friend’s posts on your feed and you’re unable to tag them anywhere, you might start to wonder if they have blocked you. Then if you look for their name in the search box and no results appear, also opening their account displays the error that the user is unavailable. 

In case of blocked in Messenger, when you check your chat history, the conversations are still there but instead of their name, it shows ‘Facebook User’ and you would be unable to send a new message.

🏷 All of this would imply that either:

  • The person has completely blocked your profile on Facebook.
  • The person has blocked you only on Facebook Messenger.

🔯 Does Deactivating Account or Changing the Email Affect the Block?

As no one is able to block you when you have deactivated your account, it leads to the misconception that deactivating a Facebook account wipes out all the blocks placed on it. This is completely untrue, even if you deactivate your account, that would not reverse any previous blocks. On the other hand, a person can unblock you even if your account is deactivated. This can occur as your name will still be displayed on the user’s block list. 

Also, if you change your email address on the account, it would not negate the block. This is because the user has blocked your complete Facebook profile and not the email address associated with it.

In conclusion, you can’t take any action on behalf of the one who blocked you to unblock yourself. Only an initiative from that user’s end can do the deed.

Also Read:

How to unblock yourself on Facebook or Messenger?


If you have been blocked by someone on Facebook or Messenger, you can unblock yourself in several ways, but in some cases you may need to contact this person because you really want to send a message or want to spy on messages.

If you just want to spy on messages and what the person is doing while you are blocked, you can simply create another Facebook account and request private messages. There are also several ways to view private Facebook profiles. However, public messages can be viewed from a sub account.

There is a special way to unblock yourself in a Facebook group.

To unblock yourself on Facebook , you must ask the person to unblock you, either through mutual friends or another Facebook account. If you are sending a message to this person, then requesting this person is the best option, as they may block you again. But, if you want to spy on his profile, simply creating another fake profile will be unlocked.

To unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, you can post comments on a person's messages and inform them of the block they have made in the chat and request an unblock. This solves the problem and unblocks you through someone's Messenger.

In this article, I will explain all the methods in detail so that you can easily take the steps and unlock yourself.

Find out if this person blocked you on Facebook or Messenger

When you no longer see your friends' messages in your feed and can't tag them anywhere, you start to wonder if they blocked you. You then search for their name in the search box and no results come up. When opening an account, an error is also displayed stating that the user is not available.

When you check your chat history, the conversations still exist, but "Facebook User" is displayed instead of their name, and you won't be able to send a new message.

All this would mean either:

  • A person has completely blocked your Facebook profile.
  • The person only blocked you on Facebook Messenger.

Although you can check if someone has blocked you on Messenger or Facebook.

How to unblock someone's Facebook?

Once someone has blocked themselves on Facebook, you have no way to unblock yourself unless that person does so. You can only be unblocked if you ask the person and he finally unblocks you.

Unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger

It is now possible that the blocking is done in Messenger while other parts are unblocked (like messages, stories, etc. ). You can ask a person in Messages by leaving a comment to unblock you on Messenger.

  • Go to this person's profile.
  • Look for a profile message.
  • Just comment and ask to be unblocked on Messenger.
These comments will be visible and notified to the person, and chances are they will unblock you.

That's why you should do your best to ask the person to unblock you. It is important for you to find out the reason why they decided to block you. You may have made them angry by texting too often, following their profile too often. They may have blocked you due to misunderstandings or baseless rumors spread by someone else.

Since your messages will remain undeliverable due to blocking, you can try an alternative method of sending the message.

  • Sign in with the Gmail account you used to sign up for Facebook.
  • Get the Facebook email account of the person who blocked you. It will be "Timeline name + facebook. com". For example, if their name is Pranab Sen, it would be [email protected]
  • Now send an email to this mail id with your message in the subject line and an empty body.

If you know them in real life, it would be better to meet them in person to discuss questions. This will give you the opportunity to find out what went wrong and apologize to make things right between the two of you.

Ask mutual friends to help you unlock

In this situation it is very useful to have a mutual friend. They can effectively play the role of mediators, helping to objectively resolve the conflict.

Contact this mutual friend and ask if they are willing to ask the person who blocked you to unblock you. If that might seem like too rude or the wrong place to interfere, they could at least find out if you were banned from the start by mistake or with a strong intent.

This will help you formulate the next course of action, allowing you to understand the other person's point of view.

Create additional account

When things seem to get so out of control that a friendship that is important to you may be destroyed. Because Facebook does not set limits on the number of accounts one person can maintain. The best way to contact the person who blocked you is to create a second account.

  • First of all, visit the Facebook website and click "Create a new account".
  • You can use the same name, but you must use a different email address to sign up that is not associated with any existing account.
  • Fill in other details required on the registration form, such as phone number, date of birth, gender.
  • You will be sent an email to verify your account and after you click the link in the email. Your account will be fully verified.
  • You can add profile information and upload a profile picture to avoid appearing as a fake or bot account. You can also start adding friends, but this is optional.
  • Finally, you can go to the message to the user who blocked you. It is advised to be careful when writing this message, as this will be your last chance to unblock yourself.

You must act quickly, as there is a high chance that you will be blocked on this account before you start communication.

Does account deactivation or account email change affect the ban?

Since no one can block you when you have deactivated your account, this leads to the misconception that deactivating a Facebook account will erase all blocks placed on it. This is completely false, even if you deactivate your account it won't undo any previous blocks. On the other hand, a person can unblock you even if your account is deactivated. This may happen because your name will still appear in the blocked users list.

Also, if you change your email address on your account, it will not unblock you. This is because the user has blocked your full Facebook profile and not the email address associated with it. Finally, you cannot take any action on behalf of someone who has blocked you to unblock yourself. Only the initiative on the part of this user can do the job.


This article explains how you can be unblocked through someone else's Facebook, and all suggested methods involve asking the person to unblock or create an additional account.

How to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger

This app is facebook messenger Great platform to communicate with friends and family. It allows you to send messages, make voice calls and even video calls. However, to protect users from fraudulent profiles or scammers, Facebook Messenger gives users the option to block someone on Messenger. When someone blocks you on the Messenger app, you won't be able to send messages or make calls, but their profile will be visible to you because you're blocked on the Messenger app, not Facebook.

If you're wondering how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, sorry, but that's not possible. But there are some solutions we can find. So, to help you, we have a little guide that you can follow to unblock yourself on the Messenger app.

4 Ways to Unblock Yourself on Facebook Messenger

If someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger but you didn't expect it and you want that person to unblock you, you can use the following methods. However, if you're asking yourself, "How do I unblock myself from someone else's account? We don't think it's possible because it depends on the person blocking or unblocking you. In addition, there are several solutions that we hope will work for you.

Method XNUMX. Create a new Facebook account.

You can create a new Facebook account if you want to contact the person who blocked you on the Messenger app. Since this person blocked your old account, the best option is to sign up for Facebook Messenger with a different email address. This method may take a long time, but you should be able to send a message to the person who blocked you. Follow these steps to create a new account:

1. Go to Your web browser and go to Log out of an existing account if you are already logged in.

2. Click on "Create a new account" To start creating an account using a different email ID. However, if you don't have another email address, you can easily create one in Gmail, Yahoo, or other email platforms.

3. After you press "Create a new account" A window will appear in which you must enter data such as name, phone number, date of birth, gender and password.

4. After filling in all the data, press " تسجي٠" You will need to verify your email address and phone number. You will receive a code either to your phone number or to your email address.

5. Type code in the pop-up window. You will receive a confirmation email from Facebook Says your account is active.

6. Finally, you can log in to the application. facebook messenger Using your new ID and adding the person who blocked you.

This method may or may not work depending on the person who blocked you. The person must accept or reject your application.

Method XNUMX: Seek help from a mutual friend

If someone has blocked you on Facebook Messenger and you are wondering how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, in this case a mutual friend can help you. You can try to contact a friend who is on your friends list who is also on the friends list of the person who blocked you. You can send a message to your mutual friend and ask them to ask the person who blocked you to unblock them or find out why they blocked you in the first place.

Method XNUMX. Try to contact the person through other social networks.

If you don't know how to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger, you can try contacting the person who blocked you through other social networks such as Instagram. However, this method will only work if the person who blocked you is on Instagram or any other social media platform. Instagram allows you to send DM (direct messages) to users even if you don't follow each other.

You can use this method if you want to contact the person who blocked you and ask them to unblock it.

Method XNUMX: send an email

If you want someone to unblock you on Facebook Messenger, the question is how to contact the person when you are blocked. Then the last method you can resort to is to send an email asking why you were banned in the first place. You can easily get the email address of the person who blocked you from Facebook itself. Because you're only blocked on Facebook Messenger, you can still view the person's profile section. However, this method will only work if you know the person's email address, and some users can make their email address public on Facebook. Follow these steps to get their email address:

1. Open Facebook On your computer, enter the person's name in the search bar and go to their profile section, then click tab. حول ".

2. Press Contact and basic information to view your email.

3. After finding the email address, open your email platform and send an email to the person to unblock them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. How to unblock Messenger?

To unblock Facebook Messenger, you can try to contact the person who blocked you on other social networks, or you can send them an email asking why they blocked you in the first place.

Q2. How can I unblock myself if someone has blocked me on Facebook?

You cannot unblock yourself on Facebook if someone has blocked you. All you can do is ask the person to unblock you by contacting them through other social networks, or you can ask a mutual friend for help.

Q3. How can you unblock yourself from someone's Facebook account if they have blocked you?

There is no direct way to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger if someone has blocked you. However, you can try an indirect method of contacting this person to find out why they blocked you. There is no way to unblock yourself from someone's Facebook account if they have blocked you. However, you can unblock yourself by hacking into their account and removing yourself from the blocked list. But we wouldn't recommend it because it's unethical.

Q4. Someone blocked me on Facebook. Can I see their profile?

If someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger app You won't be able to send messages or make calls. However, if the person only blocks you on Facebook Messenger and not on Facebook, then you will be able to view their profile. So, if someone blocks you on Facebook, you won't be able to view their profile, send messages, or make calls.

We hope you found this guide helpful and that you were able to unblock yourself on Facebook Messenger. If you still have any questions about this article, feel free to ask them in the comments section.

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