How to show activity on instagram

How to Check and Manage Your Activity on Instagram

Instagram, being a graphic platform, can most certainly absorb your energy and keep you hooked. Increased screen time and app activity can also affect your health.

Fortunately, Instagram has developed activity management features to help you control interactions and time spent on the app.

We'll discuss the methods to check and manage your activity on Instagram, including their perks. With a clear understanding, you’ll be able to better control your Instagram activities.

Instagram's Time Spent Feature

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Screen time is a common concern for most of us, and we can all agree on the mutual mini-heart attack that most of us experience after watching the weekly screen time notification.

Instagram offers its users an overview of the total time spent on the app.

To check your time spent on Instagram:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and select the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to open a new menu.
  2. From there, choose Your Activity. It contains different activity management tools that help you maintain harmony between Instagram and real life and avoid social media addiction.
  3. Scroll until you see Time Spent. This section tells you about the average time you spend on your Instagram account. The time displayed on top is the average, but if you press and hold the bars on the chart, it shows the daily time.
  4. Users can customize the app settings in Manage Your Time to match their preferences.

Get Reminders to Take Breaks

Taking breaks from the screen is essential for your eyes and mental health. Start time management by restricting the number of minutes you spend on Instagram. Tap Set Reminder to Take Breaks and choose between the given time.

Instagram will send you an alert to close the app, so you can focus on other things.

Set Daily Time Limit

Do you feel addicted to Instagram? If so, we don’t blame you. With so much exciting content, it becomes difficult for people to stop using the app.

By tapping on Set Daily Time Limit, you can start receiving notifications about the time duration you spent on the app.

Notification Settings

Notifications are the most distracting thing on your phone. By selecting Notification Settings, you can choose to filter the alerts that make their way to your screen. Apart from this, there is an option to disable all notification alerts on the app as well.

Manage and Sort Your Instagram Content

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Instagram offers its users the feature of sorting and managing their content. This feature enables you to choose what should be on your Instagram and what has to go.

  1. Open the menu by selecting three lines on the top right of your profile.
  2. Tap Your Activity and scroll to Photos and Videos.
  3. All your uploaded content is available with easy access. You can sort and filter it as you want.
  4. Choose the media you wish to change.
  5. Press the three dots on top of your content and pick the desired action. You can change comment settings, hide likes, edit the post, share to other apps, and even delete it.

Manage Interactions Made on Your Instagram Content

People interact with comments, replies, and messages on Instagram. If you wish to review interactions made from your account with others, select Interactions and choose what you wish to see from comments, likes, story replies, and reviews. Then, use the filters to sort and organize your interactions.

Review Your Instagram Account History

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Content creators' account history is crucial in remembering and understanding the changes made previously. When viewing the account history, you can also navigate to that section and change them.

You can review the changes made to your account privacy, bio, username, email, Instagram name, and contact information. You can evaluate what needs to be changed and what works best regarding your account’s general appearance.

Check Your Recent Instagram Searches

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Like Facebook, Instagram also allows its users to view their recent searches. To do so:

  1. Open Your Activity by tapping the three bars on the top right of your profile.
  2. Scroll down until you see Recent Searches and tap it.
  3. All the accounts you searched for are listed here.
  4. Click the small cross on the right side of the username to remove that account from your search list.

The Recent Searches tab is helpful if you are looking for an account with a complicated username or an account that you wish to go through later on.

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We see multiple ads from various websites on Instagram. Clicking on these links takes you to that website. You can review your previously visited links through Instagram account activity.

Users can also look for suspicious links that may spoil their account integrity. Simply open Your Activity and tap on Links You’ve Visited to review them.

Delete and Archive Your Instagram Posts

You might want to remove specific posts temporarily or permanently on Instagram. If you wish to see your archived or deleted pictures, navigate to the relevant sections in the Your Activity section. Users are directed to the posts they have archived or deleted.

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You can also delete and archive posts directly by following these steps:

  1. From your profile, tap on the image you wish to archive or delete.
  2. Tap the three dots on the right side of your username to open a new menu.
  3. Choose the option of Archive or Delete.

Remember that archived posts can be viewed and revived again, but if you delete a post, it is considered permanent.

Create a Balance Between Instagram and Real Life

Instagram is one of the most popular graphic-based content apps out there, and it's easy to get addicted to this app. Many users complain about the difficultites they face managing their time and activity on the app.

With the app's built-in features, it is possible for you to check and manage your activity on this platform. You can view the time spent on the app as well as many other activity types. Based on this data, you can make a sound judgment and limit your use of this application.

Why is Instagram Not Showing Last Active? Here’s How To Turn Activity On

Are you wondering why you can’t see when your friends were last active on Instagram? Although this is a popular feature, it doesn’t come without its share of bugs and problems. This guide will go over the most common reasons Instagram is not showing “Last Active” and ways you can resolve this issue.

Keep reading to learn how to see Instagram activity again.

How to Tell Who’s Active on Instagram

The “Last Active” feature means you can see when accounts you follow or have messaged recently were last active or are currently active on Instagram. There are several ways to know it’s working correctly:

  • You can see a green dot next to their username and photo in your direct inbox.
  • You can read their most current activity status in your direct inbox (for example, Active 2 hours ago, Seen, Typing…).
  • You can see their activity when you open your conversation (for example: in the chat).

Why Is Instagram Not Showing Last Active

Whether you’ve never been able to see your friends’ activity status or you suddenly stopped seeing it, there are a few possible explanations.

They Are Not Following You

First, let’s cover the basics. Is the person whose activity status you can’t see following you? If your answer is no, you don’t need to read further.

Instagram only allows you to see when people you follow were last active, so the same goes the other way around.

You’ve Never Had a Private Conversation

This feature is only reserved for people you’ve recently chatted with in your direct inbox. If this isn’t the case, you won’t be able to see their activity status.

The 25-User Limitation

If you, however, did chat with the person you’re interested in, the keyword here is recent. The activity status is limited to the first 25 users on your direct message list, so if you haven’t texted that person in a while, you won’t be able to see when they were last active.

Their Last Activity Is Disabled

Perhaps the most straightforward reason for not seeing someone’s activity status is that they don’t want you or anyone else to see it. This means the user disabled the “Last Active” setting, and there is no way to bypass this.

Not everyone is particularly enthusiastic about this feature, so Instagram made turning it off quite simple. If you’d like to disable this feature, read along, and we’ll address it later.

Your Last Activity Is Disabled

It’s completely understandable if you don’t want anyone to see when you were last active on Instagram. But, we hate to break it to you – that is a two-way street. If they can’t see your activity status, you can’t see theirs.

Once you disable this feature, you no longer see anyone’s “Last Active” status, regardless of their chosen settings.

If your desire to peek into someone’s activity on Instagram outweighs the desire to keep this aura of mystery around you, read on. We’ll teach you how to turn on your activity status later in the article.

They Restricted Your Profile

If you’ve gone through the most common reasons above and none of them apply to your particular case, there is one more possibility. This may be a hard pill to swallow, but the user you want to know more about might have restricted your account.

Restricting is Blocking’s younger, more subtle sister. At its core, it protects you from unwanted interactions with other users without alerting them. If you restrict a profile, their comments and messages will be hidden from your profile unless you decide otherwise. The same goes for the activity status.

The person you restrict won’t be able to see when you were last using Instagram.

If you’re on the receiving end of a restriction, you won’t be able to see when the user in question was last active.

Click here to learn more about restricting an Instagram profile.

They Blocked You

The final reason for not seeing someone’s “Last Active” status is pretty hard to miss, as you can’t see anything they do. If you click on the user’s profile and it displays a “User Not Found” error, they might have blocked you.

To confirm the block, you can search for their username on Instagram. If nothing’s coming up, they probably blocked you. If you still want to double-check, look up their username from another profile. If it pops up, then they definitely blocked your primary account.

If this is the case, you might still be able to see them in your direct inbox, but you can’t see their activity status or message them anymore.

How to Fix Instagram Not Showing Last Active

We’ve established why you aren’t seeing when someone was last active on Instagram. Now, let’s go over how you can fix this issue.

Note that some of the mentioned problems can’t be fixed. If the person disabled their status, doesn’t follow you, restricted, or blocked you, there’s nothing you can do. You can always get them to reverse it, but that’s entirely up to you.

Troubleshoot App

With Instagram’s somewhat frequent bugs, troubleshooting the app is recommended. Here’s how to do it:

  • Restart your Instagram app.
  • Reboot your phone or tablet.
  • Check for updates.
  • Delete Instagram and reinstall it from the Play Store or App Store.

Enable Your Activity Status

If you’ve disabled your activity status, you can’t see other users’ status as well. To turn your activity status back to “On,” follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page by tapping your profile picture in the bottom right.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Tap Privacy.
  5. Scroll down to Activity Status.
  6. Turn the Show activity status toggle on.

If, on the other hand, you’d like to disable your activity status, just slide the Show activity status button to Off.

Send Them a Message

When the user you’re interested in has gotten lost somewhere in your direct inbox, simply shoot them a message. This way, they’ll move to the top of your direct message list, and you’ll be able to see their activity status.

Logging Off

Whether by your choice, or another user, Instagram activity status won’t always be as easily accessible as everything else on the internet. When it’s your choice, the problem is easily fixed by turning your activity status back on. The other option requires some troubleshooting and maybe some negotiating.

Have you encountered Instagram not showing the last active status? How did you solve it? Let us know in the comment section below.

how to see when a user was online and how to turn it off

The Instagram feature showing whether a user is currently online and when they last logged into the social network can be very useful. However, not everyone and not always wants to shine online or give out their visit to Instagram.

Apple in Telegram and YouTube. Subscribe!

♥ BY TOPIC: Instagram secrets: 20 tricks that every user of the service should know.

How to see when a user logged in (was online) on Instagram

Your favorite application has long ceased to be just a service for publishing and viewing photos and has turned into a real messenger. A prime example of this is Direct (private messaging), which has replaced other messaging apps for many users. In this regard, the developers have added a function to Direct, which is present in WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. Now in this section you can see when your interlocutors were online for the last time. For this:

Open your Instagram feed and click on the airplane icon in the top right corner or swipe from the right edge to the left. The Direct messenger will open, in which, under the user's login, the time of the last stay online on Instagram will be indicated.

However, as we have already said, this function is not always appropriate. Fortunately, it can be easily turned off.

♥ BY TOPIC: 20 extreme Instagram selfies (photos and videos) in places where it's easy to lose your life.

How to enable "invisibility" on Instagram and not show online status

It's very simple. Open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three horizontal lines icon in the top right corner and then go to Settings .

In the menu that opens, select "Privacy" and then - "Online Status" .

Enter the section and move switch "Show network status" to the "off" position and voila - no one else will be able to track your activity on Instagram .

However, keep in mind that in this case you will also not see the status of your interlocutors . Everything is fair.

Instagram secrets: 35 tricks you might not know

  • How to add multiple accounts to Instagram for iPhone and switch between them.
  • How to make a "dramatic" face enlargement on Instagram (video effect).
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    How to see activity on Instagram?

    These graphs help to evaluate the dynamics of a set of subscribers in an account: to understand how quickly they are gaining, how many people there were a week ago, a month. For example, the graph "Dynamics of subscribers for the period" gives an understanding of how content affects the size of the audience. If the graph starts to drop, this is the first sign that something is wrong with your content. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the content in detail in order to understand what content does not reach your audience and refuse it.

    What to write next post? When is the best time to post it? What hashtags to use to increase reach and impressions? The answers to these and other questions must be sought not in Google, but in the statistics of your account. According to the statistics from the Instagram application, this is difficult to do, since it is rather poor, stores page statistics for only 2 years (and for stories only 14 days) and does not allow you to view the data in dynamics.

    And in LiveDune, data is stored for all time, and many different graphs will help you find out, for example, which hashtags brought the maximum coverage or which posts received the highest rate of likes. Next, we will analyze the statistics of the Instagram profile from LiveDune clearly.

    • Without blocks. There are limits, as if you are doing it all manually.
    • Safe. You do not need to enter a password for your account.
    • High speed. You can put up to 1000 likes and 500 followers per day.

    Try 5 days for free >> Advertisement[/attention]

    How to view Instagram statistics


    • 1 How to view Instagram statistics
      • 1.1 Account statistics
      • 1.2 Publication statistics
    • 2 Analysis services of their or other people's profiles
      • 2. 1 1. Popsters
      • 2.2 2. Picalytics
      • 2.3 3.
    • 3 History of search results
      • .
      • 3.2 View statistics on Instagram
    • 4 Instagram monitoring service
    • 5 Stories effectiveness0084
  • 6 Compound indicators
    • 6.1 Engagement Rate (ER)
    • 6.2 Percentage of inactive accounts
  • In the menu that opens, select "Statistics".

    You will see a page with 3 tabs.

    What can be seen on each:

    • Actions. Contains two sections: "Interactions" and "Interesting" (reach, impressions).
    • Audience. Data on the target audience of the account (for example, growth, TOP locations, age).
    • Content. All posts will be here. You can compare coverage or see more detailed indicators for each.

    Below we will look at the contents of these tabs in more detail.

    Publication statistics

    Data for a specific post can be viewed in two ways:

    Method 1 . On the account metrics page, in the Content tab, select the post you want to post.

    Method 2 . On the main profile page, select any publication, and then click "View statistics" under the photo.

    Thus, you will find yourself on the publication statistics page:

    Below we will take a closer look at the data content for specific posts.

    In the recent past, Facebook bought Instagram, so now all geolocation points, advertising and statistics are based on Facebook services. To have access to statistics, you need to switch your account to Business.

    Most recently, Instagram launched the function of viewing statistics within the Instagram application itself, now there is no need to use third-party services.

    UPD. Article updated in March 2019.

    In the recent past, Facebook bought Instagram, so now all geolocation points, advertising and statistics are based on Facebook services. To have access to statistics, you need to switch your account to Business.

    Go to Instagram settings - Settings - Switch to Business Account. Then follow the instructions on the screen, Instagram will create a Facebook business page for you and connect it to your account.

    After you connect a business account, statistics will be available under each photo - the number of views, the number of unique visits and the total engagement figure (likes and comments in total). Also, in the general statistics of the profile, you will see which countries (or cities) you visit the most, what gender percentage, what time of day is the most active. You can also add contacts to your profile and a Contact button will appear next to Follow.

    If you have questions about where, how, what and why, I will answer in the comments below. My Instagram is @elenabazu.

    And more about how to promote your profile, how to monetize it and travel for free in my Personal Brand course on Instagram.

    There is even more advanced statistics where you can analyze your profiles and competitors' profiles, you can also find out your Engagement rate (involvement percentage), of all the existing services, I like LiveDune the most so far.

    And if you want to learn more about promotion, promotion and useful tricks for shooting for Instagram, you can find many useful tutorials on Skillshare. Check out new videos on my YouTube channel.

    Where to see the data: general statistics → audience

    Hello everyone! My name is Vika, I have been working as an Influence Manager for about 4 years (even before it became mainstream). During this time, I have gathered enough experience and knowledge, and I want to share with you useful information that can help when working with bloggers.

    There are a huge number of services that analyze bloggers for cheating, etc. But in my opinion, it is still worth first of all to independently evaluate the account: it will be even more reliable + it will not require additional financial costs. Where to begin?

    • Evaluate the profile visually.
    • Request statistics.

    Previously, the only numbers you saw were the number of subscribers, likes and comments. Now it's easy to find out how many subscribers are watching posts, where they live and their age. Let's look at specific examples of what statistics to request from a blogger, and how to analyze it, I will write in the next article 🙂

    Note: the article was written for those who are just starting to work with influencers. And, of course, statistics do not show the real picture completely. Learn and try!

    The number of subscribers is one thing. But how many of them really see the publications of the blogger will help to find out the statistics. Under each publication there is a button “View statistics”, where detailed information is hidden.

    • Follows — the number of accounts that viewed the post, went crazy and went to follow the blogger if they hadn't already.
    • Reach is the number of unique accounts that viewed the post.
    • Impressions is the total number of views of the publication. Note that this includes repetitions. If the same person viewed the post 20 times, then in reach it will give 1, and in impressions all 20.

    The second important thing is where people saw the post from.

    • From the "Main" - everything is clear here: people are subscribed to the blogger, scroll through the feed and see the post.
    • From "Profile" - the first version of events: the subscriber remembered that he had not seen the blogger in the feed for a long time, went to check zh̶i̶v̶ ̶l̶i̶ ̶o̶n̶ and opened a random post. The second version of events: the blogger bought an ad, new guys came to visit him and open posts directly from the profile.
    • From "Interesting" - the number of impressions of the publication in the "Interesting" section.
    • From "Other" - the number of impressions from third-party messengers / social networks and through the "Share" button.
    • There are also impressions from hashtags and geolocations, but only if they are placed (thanks, cap).

    In addition, post data can be viewed in the general account statistics. Here you will see information about each individual post and see the big picture, which looks like this:0003

    As a rule, all posts from the last year are opened first, arranged by coverage - from largest to smallest, but you can set filters:

    Content type: all/photos/videos/carousel posts/product posts

    Note: if you want to post with a blogger not a standard photo post, but a video or a gallery, then just ask to send statistics by setting a filter for this type of content.

    Indicators (regular posts): engagement/calls/site clicks/comments/likes/reach/followers/impressions/get directions/profile visits/shares/saved/profile visits/shares/saved/emails/SMS

    Deadline: 7 days / 30 days / 3 months / 6 months / 1 year / 2 years

    Where to see the data: general statistics → content → publications

    Posting in Stories is loved for two reasons: they are usually really cheaper than a post in the feed and often bring effect better than fasting.

    History statistics can be viewed in two places: under the history itself and in general statistics, which is much more convenient.

    In general statistics, possible search filters:

    Timeframe: 24 hours / 7 days / 14 days

    Metric: forwards / calls / exits / site clicks / link clicks / back / responses / reach / subscribers /impressions/get directions/profile visits/shares/next story/emails/SMS

    The most important of these metrics are:

    • impressions - number of views
    • Reach - the number of accounts that viewed history
    • Following - the number of accounts that followed the blogger after viewing the story
    • Scroll backward/scroll forward - number of taps to view the next or previous story
    • Exits - the number of touches to exit the history, alas

    Where to view data: general statistics → content → stories

    In general statistics there is a “best places” section, where the cities and countries where the majority of subscribers are located are shown in a diagram.

    Note: Please note that the data is not taken from Instagram pages, but from Facebook. Due to the fact that not all followers link their Instagram accounts to Facebook, the statistics may not be entirely accurate.

    Where to see the data: general statistics → audience

    In addition to the city and country, you can see the ratio of men and women in the blogger's account, as well as the main age of the audience.

    On the example, we see that most of the subscribers are women over 18. Take it!

    Where to see the data: general statistics → audience

    I would like to note that bloggers themselves know what day and time their audience is active, and in this matter you can listen to their opinion, but if you need additional safety net, then the internal statistics of Instagram will help you here.

    There are two types of data to choose from: daily activity and hourly activity. Sounds great, right? But there is a big nuance: they say that the blogger's subscribers are active after his post, and if each post is made at a certain time, then it will be top on this chart. Is this statistic correct? Is not a fact. But I know one thing for sure: if the blogger and the post is cool, then no matter what time (reasonable) you publish, he will come.

    Where to see the data: general statistics → audience → subscribers

    Statistics and subscribers can be tweaked? Yes! Photoshop? Yes! Don't blindly rely on it. See comments, likes, texts, numbers and you will be happy 🙂

    Hint: ask the blogger to record the screen when he opens the stat. This will greatly reduce the risk of fraud.

    well, so that they don’t think that I didn’t read the rest: “The most important of these indicators are the following” - all these indicators are being wound up by the already fashionable ninche “farms of real people” - which are not bots - but are not an audience. The only thing they don't order is activity on live broadcasts

    Alexey, hello! Thank you for your comment and rating. I see that you really read the article, but I ask you to pay attention to the following sentence, which you probably did not notice:

    “Let's look at specific examples, what statistics to request from a blogger, and how to analyze it, I will write in the next article: )".

    I also wrote that statistics can be cheated, photoshopped and this is not the only way to evaluate an account. In this article, I just showed what kind of statistics there are on Instagram, and how to check it and how to evaluate the quality of a blogger - this is already in the next one. I would still like the texts to come out readable, and checking for cheating is already a very voluminous topic and it makes no sense to mix it with this article.

    How many thousand (real) subscribers can you try to monetize?

    I had projects where I worked exclusively with micro-bloggers from 1 to 5/6 thousand subscribers: they took 100-200 placements and the result turned out to be better than one post from a major blogger. Therefore, you can start monetizing your blog even from one thousand, but you need to consider a few important points and be ready for them: advertisers - agree. But don't take everything.

    P.S. This, of course, applies primarily to a personal blog.

    You need to measure! And the more accurate the received data on the popularity of content on Instagram, the more effectively you will be able to adjust the parameters of advertising campaigns. Moreover, the main analytics can be obtained using native tools provided by the photo service.

    Services for analyzing your own or others' profiles

    The native statistical capabilities provided to business profiles on Instagram are rather poor. And working with data through a mobile application is still a pleasure. It is clear that alternative solutions must be sought. And they are!

    1. Popsters

    The service provides profile statistics from nine popular social networks. Including Instagram. The test period is a week.

    Step-by-step instructions for working with Popsters user functionality.

    The service displays dozens of metrics for various indicators. You can select the desired charts from the list on the left. In the middle (in the "Tape") data on posts is displayed. The records are sorted according to four indicators.

    Let's see what Instagram profile metrics Popsters provides:

    • "Words" - the frequency of using certain words in posts.

    • "Days of the week" - the effectiveness of publications by day of the week.

    • "ER" coverage by dates.
    • Likes.
    • "Comments".

    In fact, there are much more statistical data provided by the service. But when considering even a few metrics, it becomes clear that the information displayed by Popsters is more “multifaceted” than the native functionality of Instagram.

    How can I find out the statistics of someone else's profile?

    In addition, with the help of similar services, you can find out the indicators of other (competitive) profiles. They will be useful when developing your own promotion strategy or content plan.

    You can even look at the performance of Dmitry Medvedev's account☺.



    Dedicated statistical platform focused only on Instagram. It provides a wider range of metrics. This is especially “felt” by the variety of audience sections:

    • By gender.
    • The ratio of the number of real subscribers and bots.

    • According to the reach and privacy of followers.

    • Geography of subscribers by country and city.

    • Account trends.

    Picalytics has over 30 metrics.

    In the description of each platform, we will highlight only unique sections that the service can boast of. And if there are no such metrics, then we will mention that there are ☺

    The platform provides a free trial period of three days, but only with a "little" caveat:


    Minter. io

    The platform provides a normal two-week trial period. The service specializes only in Instagram profile statistics and has an English-language interface.

    Statistics are divided into several sections and displayed as interactive graphs:

    • "Optimization" - metrics that reflect the best time to publish. As well as popular photo and video filters, tags.

    The readings of each metric can be imported in CSV format.

    • "Clicks" - this section displays the statistics of clicks on the link placed on the main profile page. To use the counter, replace your hyperlink with the one provided by

    Read what data about user activity is saved by Instagram . Where and how you can view or delete them. Instagram is one of the most popular and fastest growing social networks. The main share of its popularity falls precisely on the application for mobile devices. Nevertheless, is one of the twenty most visited sites in the world.

    History of search results

    Like any other social network, Instagram stores the user's search results by default. Just go to the search menu (icon with a magnifying glass icon) and click in the field "Find" . This will display all recent search results.

    To delete your search history, go to your profile page (human icon at the bottom of the screen), and click on the menu Settings (three-dot icon at the top of the screen).

    In the Settings menu that opens, go down to the very bottom, and click "Clear search history" .

    Instagram also recommends individual accounts in search history. To hide an unwanted one, press and hold it. After that, click in the confirmation request that appears "Hide" .

    Once upon a time everything was simple: popularity was calculated only by the number of subscribers. It was then that services for cheating followers flourished, accounts were filled to capacity with bots and everyone was happy and “popular”. Until Instagram decided to make the game fair and put Engagement Rate at the top of the table.

    Without analytics (even built-in), Instagram can say little about the growth of your account: the profile shows only the number of followers, subscriptions and publications - and a high rate of subscribers does not mean success in the social network.

    Once upon a time, everything was simple: popularity was calculated only by the number of subscribers. It was then that services for cheating followers flourished, accounts were filled to capacity with bots and everyone was happy and “popular”. Until Instagram decided to make the game fair and put Engagement Rate at the top of the table.

    Analytics allows you to correctly evaluate the growth of an Instagram account and promote it correctly. By studying the numbers, you can easily understand what is happening with the profile. Subscribers are growing, but engagement and likes have stopped? Check your account for bots. It turned out that the problem is in reach, and subscribers simply do not see your posts? Pay attention to the periods of activity of the audience and publish content accordingly.

    • Go to your profile.
    • Press button Statistics .

        Some messaging-related metrics, campaigns, and organic features are no longer available for ads served in and out of Europe.

        Before you start

        • Convert your personal Instagram profile to a business or creator account.

        View Instagram statistics

        To view account statistics:

        • Go to your profile.
        • Press button Statistics .

            You will only be able to access statistics for content that has been published after converting a personal profile to a business or author account. You can also view statistics for 7 or 30 days by clicking on the drop-down menu at the top of the screen and selecting the option you want.

            To start monitoring your Instagram account, you need to select a subscription plan. They differ in the ability to track a different number of accounts - up to 2, 10 or 100.

            Instagram monitoring service

            Snoopreport is a monitoring service that allows you to track the activities of any open Instagram account: its likes and subscriptions.

            Snoopreport User Dashboard

            Thanks to Snoopreport, you no longer need to search for every like in the news feed, you just need to enter a username and in a week you will receive a report with all the user's actions for this week. The accuracy of the data provided by the service is 95%.

            The service may also be of interest to ordinary Instagram users: parents can monitor the activities of children to prevent their interaction with suspicious accounts; users can learn about the interests of friends and loved ones and get gift ideas; or you can just follow your favorite celebrities or bloggers.

            The convenience and versatility of these data is that it is possible to carry out analysis in different planes. For example, evaluate the effectiveness of a particular publication, see the topic or format that is relevant, see the data on the profile as a whole. General information is collected in the "Get to know the statistics" block, which is also available in this place.

            The effectiveness of stories

            To start working with numbers, you need to understand how to view statistics on Instagram. Let's start the discussion with the "Stories" section. To get acquainted with the materials on all posted photos and videos, you need to do the following:

            In the title of this page there will be hints with changing key parameters. Can be changed:

            • coverage;
            • prescription (24 hours, 7 days or 2 weeks).

            Note! Only stories that have completed showing are taken into account. That is, while the message is active on your page, it will not get into the statistics section on Instagram. This means that it is not taken into account when displaying the results.

            General indicators

            The convenience and versatility of these data is that it is possible to carry out analysis in different planes. For example, evaluate the effectiveness of a particular publication, see the topic or format that is relevant, see the data on the profile as a whole. General information is collected in the "Get to know the statistics" block, which is also available in this place.

            Content is evaluated according to the following criteria:

            • impressions;
            • audience coverage;
            • user actions in navigation: forward, backward, next story, exit;
            • answers and reactions.

            Analysis of individual stories

            An assessment of the useful potential of a particular message is also possible. The operation, how to see the activity on Instagram of a separate story, looks like this:

            • opening the statistics of the section, select the post we are interested in;
            • The publication expands to full screen. Access to numerical data is opened through a swipe up;
            • a data block with parameters (impressions, subscriptions, navigation) will appear.

            Deeper analysis and visualization of results in the form of charts and graphs is implemented on the basis of third-party counting services. They can work not only with your home page, but also with the feeds of other users. Thus, it is possible to conduct a competitive analysis in a particular segment.

            These indicators can be calculated, for example, by the Popsters service.

            Complex indicators

            Instagram's internal tool does not cover all analytics needs. To assess the effectiveness of the community in the long term, there are complex indicators that are calculated using formulas and / or measured by additional services. Consider the most important metrics that correlate the amount of work with the actual results of promotion.

            Growth rate and net increase. The ratio of the number of new subscribers to the total number reflects how actively the audience is growing. Net growth is the difference between the sum of subscribed and unsubscribed users. It is important to consider these indicators. Let's say you reached the goal of attracting 100 new subscribers per month, but at the same time 70 old users left the community, then the net increase in the audience is only +30 and the KPI is not met.

            It is better to use third-party tools to track this parameter. For example, the Parasite service allows you to see the dynamics of growth and unsubscribes using a graph by hours, days and weeks. Also, the growth rate here can be tracked by likes and comments.

            Engagement Rate (ER)

            The main metric by which audience feedback is measured. The ratio of the number of subscribers to the number of likes, comments and saves. You can count users who have completed at least one action, or take the sum of all engagements and divide one of these indicators by the total number of subscribers.

            There are also varieties of ER that help measure user engagement more narrowly:

            These indicators can be calculated, for example, by the Popsters service.

            Percentage of inactive accounts

            Instagram internal statistics do not reflect information about the percentage of bots, inactive, empty accounts and mass followers. It is important to know the number of live subscribers and increase this parameter, because only the organic audience affects engagement and sales.

            The percentage of bots is shown, for example, by the Pycalytics service.



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