How to create location tag on instagram

How to make your own (custom) LOCATION TAG on Instagram

In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to create your own special, custom location on Instagram. So you can “be” anywhere you say you are.

(Or so you can get people to tag your new restaurant, office, apartment, event — you get the picture whatever!)

But first, I’ve got a question for you.  What’s wrong with the picture below? 


View this post on Instagram

“My mama always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don’t think so, but they do.”

A post shared by Danielle Hertel (@danielle.hertel) on


Did you spot it? 


Is it?

a) she’s on a green screen.

b) is that mars?

c) The location tag says “The Wisdom of Forrest Gump” – and that’s not a real place!!!


The answer is…


(drumroll please)

(suspense building)

(…) (…) (…)


It’s “c” – you silly gooses!

But here’s a better question…how did she do that?!?!

And that’s what this article will teach you. How to create your very own funny, practical, or nonsensical custom location on Instagram. But first, some backstory. (Skip ahead to go right to the step-by-step-instructions).


Let me tell you a story about my life

In the age of social media, our society has a growing curiosity concerning the whereabouts of our friends, our families, even our exes, estranged aunts and childhood bullies…. We wonder what they’re doing out there.

What are they up to? Where are they eating? What’s that restaurant they posted from while on a date?

Of course, you’ve seen those you follow on Instagram tag their location, or your friends on Facebook “check-in” to a restaurant, coffee shop or some other attraction.

And, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably clicked on one or two (or 35) of those location tags to check them out, wondering what those paces offer and why they’re popular with our friends.

With every location tag we follow to a venue’s social media, directory or web page, that business suddenly has our engagement — which is an opportunity for them to gain new customers.

If you’re a business owner, this last bit should have gotten your attention, at the very least!



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Custom Location + Business = Major Key

Did you know you can create your own custom location for your business? And that your location can be tagged, shared and followed by users who are interested in your content?

You don’t need to be a business owner to create a custom location. Locations can be a great way to have fun with your Instagram feed or give your followers some additional insight.

For instance, an Instagram family might want to create a custom location for their house and title it, “The Bungalow.” Or a group of friends could create a custom location called, “The Hangout.” The opportunities are endless.

However, if you are a business owner, creating a custom location is almost essential in gaining more exposure. Here are the exact instructions for creating your own special location on Instagram:


How to Create a Custom Location Tag on Instagram [Step-by-Step Instructions]

In order to get a custom location on Instagram, you’ll need to head over to… Facebook? Yes, you heard correctly. Since Facebook bought out Instagram in 2012 (for $1 Billion), the two social media titans operate on the same system.

This means you often need one to access certain functions on the other. Creating a location is a prime example. You will be setting it up on Facebook so that you can use your new location on Instagram.

Let’s get started!


Step 1: Check-In

On the Facebook homepage, you should see a “Check In” button located underneath the status bar.

Click on this, and you should see a list of popular locations near you. If you are not seeing any locations, make sure to…


Step 2: Enable Location Services

You need to have your location services turned on in order to create a custom location. You can do this by going into your Settings > Privacy > Location Services and allowing your Facebook app to know your location.

(If location tracking isn’t something you want, you can turn this off as soon as you’re done setting up the custom location.)


Step 3: Name Your Location

Once your GPS permissions are turned on, go ahead and type in the name of your custom location (in most cases you will want this to be the name of your business).

Make sure to use capital letters and proper grammar — this is what people will see when they tag your business!


Step 4: Add Your New Location

Ignore any other locations that auto-populate while you’re typing in your custom location. Instead, find the “Add Location” option, located towards the bottom of the Check-In screen.

For the sake of this tutorial, let’s say I own a flower shop called Beautiful Blossoming Buds.

As you can see, there are no other businesses or locations with that name.

Note: If you find your location name is taken, get creative with your new name. Use keywords that allow your audience to know what your business entails. The more specific, the better!



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Step 5: Choose a Category

After clicking on the “Add” button, you’ll be taken to a prompt to pick a category for your location.

It’s important to choose an accurate category so people can find your business when searching in your niche.

For my example, I chose the Floristry category for my business, Beautiful Blossoming Buds.


Step 6: Pick a Physical Location

After choosing a category, the next step is to determine your exact location. This process works best if you are physically at the location of your business. (I’ll go over this in more detail below.)


Step 7: Claim Your Location

After creating your location, find it on Facebook by typing it into the search bar at the top of the Facebook homepage. When you find it, you should be brought to a page where you can click, “claim this location.

Do that and you’re done! Creating a custom location is a super-simple process with a lot of payoffs.

Now when you want to post a photo on Instagram, your new location should now be available to tag and share.


Facebook can be finicky, so if you still can’t seem to access your custom location on Instagram, consider the following:


Test Out Another Category: Facebook really wants you to be specific with the category your business falls under. Play around with a few different categories and see if that does the trick.

Be in the Exact Location – or really, really close. Custom locations tend to work better when you’re creating one in the exact spot of your business. If entering in an address from elsewhere didn’t work, try creating the location while you are physically there.


Benefits of a Location Tag For Your Business

So why should you bother creating a custom location in the first place? Does it really affect your business that much?

The short answer is Yes.

Above all else, a custom location creates exposure for your business, literally putting it on the map for social media users. More exposure means more customers and more customers leads to more profit …that part’s kind of a no-brainer.



How a Custom Location Tag Creates Exposure for Your Business

For starters, potential clients and customers will have an easier time stumbling across your business.

Locations work in a similar way to hashtags. When a user searches a particular word or phrase, any hashtags containing that word or phrase populate.

It’s the same process with locations.

Let’s say I’m sitting in my apartment in Los Angeles, and I want a cup of coffee. Maybe I want to try out a different coffee shop I haven’t been to, or I’m new to the area and looking for local businesses. I’m going to use Instagram to find a business that sells coffee.

(In fact, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who use Instagram as a means to search for places to eat and drink, using it Iike Yelp!)

As you can see below, a simple search of the keyword automatically generates a list of all locations near me that make and sell coffee.

When you create your custom location, your business will appear in search results and increase the chances that someone might stumble across it and try it out.


Insta Stories

Instagram Stories is another way you can use a custom location to increase your reach.

The Stories feature continues to grow in popularity, and it’s easy to see why. Through this platform, users can easily upload photos or boomerangs, tag friends, use hashtags, countdowns and share their location.

Allowing your business to be tagged by you or, more ideally, by your happy customers, is an easy way to spread the word about your products and/or services.


Higher Engagement for your Page?

And if all that exposure wasn’t reason enough, what if I told you that posts with a tagged location have higher engagement than those without?

In 2016, Instagram released a statement about their new algorithm, quoting that “the order of photos and videos in your feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content.

What does this mean?

Well, let’s pretend you are in the coffee business, and caffeine-hungry Instagrams users are searching for coffee shops or coffee-related products like we do. The likelihood you will appear in the feed of someone who enjoys coffee increases when you have a custom location turned on.

This is because Instagram can identify your business through your location and category. It can pick up on keywords in your custom location and place your popular content in the feed of applicable users.


What Does This Mean For Your Business?

All this, again, means more exposure for your business without you having to lift a finger (well, after those couple of strenuous finger-lifts involved in that 5-minute Facebook step).

A custom location can be set up in no time, but it will have long-reaching effects on your customers finding you and how, in turn, your business will go forward.

It only takes one location tag to lead to an inquiry, leading to a new customer, who makes a new location tag, and your reach will grow on.

If you’re a brand trying to grow your business, and you haven’t created a custom location for it yet… what are you waiting for? It’s a great way to gain more exposure and spread the word about your products with minimal effort on your part.


How many times have you checked out an interesting new location because you saw it tagged on social media?

How to Create A Custom Instagram Location Tag - Ampfluence

If you’re a business person on Instagram, you might want to go the extra mile and help people locate your business by creating a custom location tag. There are over a billion users on Instagram with half a billion users daily. Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people follow at least one business on Instagram. Moreover, many people searching for local products, discover them on the gram.

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So how can you as a small business owner leverage Instagram location tags? 

Let’s start with a simple example. Let’s say you are a custom bootmaker in Denver. You specialize in custom cowboy boots that are comfortable yet durable. These boots put a pair of Lucchese Boots to shame by comparison.

Can your luxury boot company leverage location tags on Instagram?  Absolutely! Here’s how. 

Let’s say you post a photo of your latest boot design. Instead of posting a random caption, you now decide to tag stories and posts using your Instagram geotag. Now your new boot designs will be visible on location pages (nearby clientele), thus helping both your existing customers and potential new customers discover your latest drop.

Can I create my own geo-location tag or do I need an Instagram Marketing Agency to do it for me?

While your organic Instagram growth may indeed need some help from Ampfluence (shameless plug) an Instagram marketing agency, in this case, creating a custom geo-location tag is a fairly straightforward process.

Steps To Create A Custom Location Tag on Instagram

Step 1. Log into Facebook

Since Instagram and Facebook are tied together, (Facebook owns Instagram,) you start by logging into your Facebook account.

Step 2. Tap Check-in at the top of your Facebook thread

You should see it underneath the status bar.

Step 3. Enable Location Services

To do this, go to settings, then to privacy, then to location services, which allows the Facebook App to know your location.

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Step 4. Name Your Location

When the GPS app has narrowed your location, type your business name, being careful there are not any typos, and use Capital Letters for the first word of each name, ie,
Lenny’s Custom Boots, not LENNYS’S CUSTOM BOOTS. Remember the golden rule of internet marketing: “Thou Shall Not Shout!

If by some rare chance, your business name has been taken, get creative, If two businesses in your locale are named Rudy’s Pizza, and the other Rudy’s was clever enough to geo-tag their location first, then tag yours, Original Rudy’s Pizza. This will help you outshine the other pizza location.

Step 5. Add Your Location

Ignore anything that comes up while you are typing in Step 4. Then look at the bottom of the screen for the add location button and hit it.

Step 6. Choose your category.

After you add your location you will be taken to a category section. And this
may take some thought, whether as to how broad or narrow you wish to be. A coffee shop, may indeed choose coffee shops as a category, but on the other hand, they might
choose to be under the category of a restaurant.

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Step 7. Pick a physical location

This helps other Instragam followers determine how far your business is away from their phone. As a consequence, the best practice is to pick your physical location from your place of business.

Step 8. Claim your location

Once you’ve completed these steps, do a Facebook search for the name of the business you’ve chosen. Your business should pop-up, and when you find it, you should be taken to a page that says, “claim this location.

How to Use the GeoTag in Instagram Stories and Posts

Now that you’ve set up your location tag on Facebook it should also work on Instagram as well. Your location tag works with Instagram Stories and Posts. The great thing about this is that many friends getting together at restaurants or local business Instagram often create their own Instagram stories. These users have the ability to tag their locations as they often do (it’s a part of social media culture). This content is known as User Generated Content or UGC. It’s an excellent strategy to curate content submitted by customers’ for your business. Here’s a quick step by step walkthrough on how to add geotags to stories and posts.

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To add a geotag in Instagram Stories do the following:

  1. Begin by creating a story post
  2. Tap on the “stickers” icon while editing
  3. Select the location sticker
  4. Type in your location to find it on Instagram
  5. Select the location
  6. Post as normal

To add a geotag in Instagram Posts do the following:

  1. Begin by creating a feed post
  2. After adding a filter or editing tap add location
  3. Use suggested locations or search for your specific location
  4. Post as normal.

Different Ways Instagram Geotags are Used

Now that you’ve set up your geotag and know exactly how both you and others can use it, let’s discuss a few use cases behind geotagging on Instagram for business.

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Using Geotags to attract transient business

Many travelers use Instagram to plan their business trips. This is particularly true with hotels, resorts, bed and breakfasts, and hostels. Trip planners are attracted to the accessibility of photos, high user engagement (UGC),  nearby accommodations, and Instagrammable culture. Other business types that can capitalize on geotags include:

  • Specialty tours
  • Sports adventures
  • 4-star restaurants
  • Golf courses
  • Custom shopping destinations

Essentially, if you can visually showcase your business creatively then you can claim your share of the location pie.

Actively engage with your customers or find crossover marketing partners

Once the geotag is on, you not only can be found, but you can readily search and find customers who have mentioned and posted about your business, or perhaps even a tourist location near yours. A hotel, for example, can report about a great day at a theme park, and casually mention that they are only miles from the park. It’s an excellent way to build relationships with crossover businesses. Another great example includes businesses that post UGC or client-specific content.

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ram keeps growing

Another thing about Instagram is that it shows no signs of slowing down. Right now, 33 percent of all internet traffic is on Instagram use. If you are a small to medium-sized business, if you’re a small business you’ve probably already started using Instagram, but there is so much more to learn and explore. Start with a custom Instagram location tag.

How to create a geolocation on Instagram in 5 minutes: complete instructions

* Meta Platforms Inc. (and its social networks Instagram, Facebook) is recognized as an extremist organization, its activities are prohibited in Russia.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is geolocation and why is it needed.
  • How to create a geolocation on Instagram.
  • How to add a geotag to a post and stories.
  • Let's figure out why the created label does not work.

All methods described are relevant in 2022.

Contents (expand ↴)

What is geolocation and why is it needed?

Geolocation on Instagram is a useful marketing tool that will help you promote your business. The owner of a coffee shop, bookstore (or any other establishment) can mark his offline point on the map. This will increase the reach of posts and account traffic.

Moreover, with the help of the created geotag, other Instagram users will be able to find your profile, as well as posts with reviews about the institution. Therefore, if you have an offline business, then spend 10 minutes of your personal time creating your own geotag.

The benefits of geolocation for business:

  • It will be easier for users of the social network to find your establishment.
  • Geotags can be used in stories to increase reach.
  • Customers and visitors of your offline outlet will tag the establishment in their posts. This is another way to increase brand reach and awareness.

The Instagram algorithm works like this: The more often users use a geotag, the higher it rises in the results in the category of similar tags.

How to create your own geolocation: step-by-step instructions

Creating a geolocation in the Instagram app will not work. To do this, you will have to use Facebook and create a location tag in this social network.

In the first step, create a Facebook business page and link it to your Instagram account.

  • Don't know how to link a business page? Read our article "How to link Instagram to Facebook".

Important: Before proceeding to the next step, be sure to enable geolocation on your smartphone.

Now open your business profile and click Create Post. In the opened window for creating a new post, there is a menu - it is located at the bottom of the interface. Here, select the "Mark Visit" function.

In the search bar, enter the name of the location you want to add. If this geotag is not on Facebook, the system will offer to create a new tag. To do this, click "Add" new label name "".

Now you need to select a category: home, entertainment, events, restaurant, ATM. The category depends on the type of your activity. To quickly find the category you need, use the search.

The next step is to choose a place for people to check in. Here, simply enter the city where the geotag is located.

The last section is "Create a place". Check basic information: tag name, category. You can upload a photo to illustrate this place - to do this, click on the camera icon to the right of the name.

In the "Location" subsection, enter the exact address of the point: this is a very useful option for restaurants, cafes, shops. It will be much easier for users to find you on the map. Add a zip code if you wish.

If you don't want to enter an address, activate the "I'm here now" feature. The app will automatically detect your location. In this case, you must be in the created geopoint.

Geolocation settings completed - Click the Create button to complete the process of creating a new geotag.

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How to add geolocation to Instagram

Now let's add geolocation to the profile. Open the Instagram app and start posting a new post. In the "New Post" window, select the "Specify Location" option.

In the "Places" window, enter the name of your tag and set it as the geolocation for the publication.

It is not necessary to create a new post - you can edit an existing one and add a geotag to it. To do this, open the publication and go to the menu (3 dots in the upper right corner). Click the Change button.

Under the nickname is the option "Add a place". Click in this area to enter a geolocation.

Similarly, you can attach an existing geotag to a post. For example, you visited a museum and took a photo against the backdrop of a beautiful and unusual exhibit. In the publication, indicate which museum you went on an excursion to.

Can I add geolocation to my profile header?

Marking a location in Stories

To add the created geolocation to a story, start publishing a new story. At the top of the interface, click on the square smiley icon. In the widget window that opens, select "Location".

The search window will open again - enter the name of the geolocation: a tag that you created through Facebook or a previously created geotag. The geotag will now show up in your history.

Why doesn't geolocation work?

Often users encounter a problem: the created geotag does not work - it is not put in the publication, because it is simply not in the list.

We offer you 4 options for solving the problem:

  • Make sure you have linked your Facebook business page to your Instagram account.
  • Check if geolocation is enabled on your phone. It's important that while Instagram and Facebook are running, apps can track your current location.
  • Restart the Instagram app, or better yet, restart your phone.
  • Please wait 15-20 minutes - sometimes the created tags do not appear immediately.

How to create a geolocation on Instagram? Creation of geo-tags.

August 8 Social Media Instructions


On Instagram, geolocation helps you mark an interesting place, and a random user or your friend will see it and can click on it, and then open this place in the maps application.

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You can geotag both posts and stories. In both cases, tags help increase reach. And the more often someone uses your geolocation, the higher it will rise in the search results in the category of similar geotags.

It also collects a lot of information about the user. His interests, where he often goes and so on. Then, based on the data received, advertising is selected for it. Geolocation functionality is extensive and can be used in many ways.

How to create a geolocation on Instagram

Geolocation can be a promotional tool. For example, your client makes an Instagram post with a restaurant geo-tagged. Its subscribers will see the name of the tag, the address on the map. It's free advertising.

Let's see how to do this on different platforms.

On Android

You can add geolocation on Android as follows:

  • Go to Instagram and click on your avatar in the lower right corner;
  • Then look for the plus sign in the upper right corner and click on it;
  • A window will open where you can choose what you want to create. Let's figure out how to create a geolocation in a publication and in a story;
  • If you selected "Post to Feed", then you need to select one of your photos or videos, and then edit it to your liking;
  • We are looking for the item "Add a place". Below it will be the last places you visited if you had geolocation enabled on your phone;
  • Click on the search field and write the place you need. Once selected, it will be highlighted in blue;
  • It will no longer be possible to edit the geolocation after publication.

If you have selected the "History" item, then:

  • You need to open the menu for creating stories by swiping to the right;
  • Once created, we can edit it. Scroll with your finger from the bottom up;
  • A lot of stickers will appear, but we choose "Location";
  • In the search, you can select the place you want to mark, and it will appear in your history. It can be modified in every possible way, reduced and moved;
  • When you post, other people can see the place you tagged;

On IOS (iPhone, Ipad)

On this operating system, the process is almost identical:

  • Also click on the "Plus" to publish, add a photo or video, and then click on the item "Specify a location";
  • You can choose from the list, or find what you need through the search;
  • Then you successfully publish and a place should be marked right under your nickname;
  • Stories have a similar situation, but you need to add a "Place" sticker there. In it, you can choose a place near you or use the search. The size, location and color of the sticker can be changed with the touch of a finger.


You can't post a photo or video from your computer because the desktop version of Instagram doesn't allow you to. And if there is no publication, then there is no geolocation. However, there are several ways to help post and create a geolocation:

  • The easiest way is to do it through the console. Just open the Instagram website and press the F12 key. The console will open, where you need to find two small rectangles in the upper left corner of the console itself and click on them;
  • This button allows you to launch the mobile version of Instagram directly in the browser, after clicking just reload the page and you will see a "+" in the bottom menu of Instagram, just like on the mobile version;
  • You can click on it and post something. After that, you can specify the geolocation by clicking on the "Add geodata" button;
  • Another way is to use an Android emulator (eg BlueStacks). This is a special program that allows you to run the Android operating system in an emulator. Through it, you can download Instagram and post a post with geolocation. This process is no different from the above instructions;
  • Last but not least, download the official Instagram app from the Microsoft Store. Install it and follow the instructions above. Because the process is the same.

How to create your own geotag

If you have your own establishment and the place you need is not in the list of geolocations, you can add it.

Instagram is owned by Facebook, so you need to create a business page on it in order to switch to a business profile on Instagram later:

  • Register on Facebook, or go to an existing account;
  • Go to this site ( and click on "Create page" in the upper right corner;
  • Come up with a name and category, and then click "Create Page" and "Save" again;
  • Now you need to open your business page and scroll almost to the very bottom, where you will see the "Information" section, and then the "Specify location" item. Choose it;
  • Enter the desired address and close the window, and then refresh the page;
  • The Info field will now appear on the page, where your own geotag will be indicated;
  • After that, you need to go to the business page settings and find the "Instagram" item;
  • Click "Connect account". You need to give all permissions and link your Facebook to Instagram in this way;
  • Go back to your business page and create a post;
  • When editing it, we are looking for the item "Mark a visit";
  • We enter a unique name so that they write to us "Add ...";
  • Click there and enter your geodata. You have created your own geolocation, which can now be marked on Instagram by writing its name in the search.
  • It can be used not only to identify establishments, but also for other purposes.

    It's worth noting that places are highlighted in blue and gray on Instagram. They differ in that the geotag that was set automatically is marked blue. And the label created by the user himself is highlighted in gray.

    Problems when creating a new geolocation

    Let's look at what problems may arise when creating a new geolocation: