How to see who follows you back on instagram app

How to see who follows and unfollows you on Instagram

Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

If you care about your follower count on Instagram, it can be kind of unnerving when someone unfollows you. Perhaps they unfollowed you because they haven’t seen you in a long time, or maybe it’s something else? Whatever the case, Instagram won’t alert you when you are unfollowed, so you have to take extra measures if you want to figure out who unfollowed you. Here’s how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram.

READ MORE: How to unfollow someone on Instagram


To see who unfollowed you on Instagram, download and install Followmeter (Android | iOS). Log into your Instagram account in Followmeter to view your account's follower activity.


  • Checking a user's Following list
  • Checking your own Followers list
  • Using a third-party app to see who unfollowed you

Checking a user’s Following list

By visiting a user’s Instagram profile, you can manually check to see if they follow you or not. Of course, you will need to know whether or not they ever followed you in the first place to determine if they unfollowed you.

Start by visiting the Instagram profile of the user in question. You can do this by tapping the magnifying glass-shaped search button in the bottom toolbar, then typing their username in the search bar.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

On their profile, press the number in the top right above Following. If they follow you, your account will appear at the top of this list.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Example of someone who has not unfollowed you.

If that Instagram user is not following you—meaning they never followed you in the first place or ended up unfollowing you—then your profile will not appear in their Following list at all.

Checking your own Followers list

To check your own Followers list, go to your Instagram profile. Here, Instagram allows you to see the total number of people that follow you and all of the accounts that follow you.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Within your follower list, type the name or username of the person you think unfollowed you in the Search field at the top. If their profile appears, they still follow you; if they have unfollowed you, it will say No users found in the results.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Utilizing a third-party app

The other way to see who unfollowed you on Instagram is to use a third-party app like Followmeter. You must grant the app access to your Instagram account by logging in. After that, Followmeter will keep track of all the following activity that goes on with your account.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Open the Followmeter app (Android | iOS), then press the Unfollowers button to check who recently unfollowed you.

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

READ MORE: How to find someone on Instagram


Instagram allows you to unfollow a maximum of two hundred accounts per day.

The best way to do this would be to mute that user. You can decide what you want to see from them for as long as you want.

‘Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram?’: Here Are the Apps That Can Help

If you’re like most people, you use your Instagram account to share cool memes, selfies, super-fun moments, and drool-worthy recipes with family and friends. Another thing most people have wondered at least once: How to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. Since the average person only has about 150 Instagram followers, it’s not super difficult to keep tabs on who’s following you and how many followers you’ve got.

But if you’re using Instagram to build an online business or persona, it’s kind of a big deal to have a large (and growing!) list of followers on Instagram. So, it can make you a little stressed when you start to see your Instagram unfollowers increase. While manually checking who unfollowed you on Instagram is possible (and tedious), when you've got thousands of followers, it's nearly impossible to manage them without the help of an app. If you’ve ever wondered how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram, you've come to the right place. We'll fill you in on the best ways to keep tabs on your Instagram followers, no matter how many you have.

In this article:

  1. Instagram Changes
  2. How to Check Unfollows Manually
  3. How to Check Unfollows Using an App
  4. ​​How to Check Who Isn’t Following You Back Using an App

Recent Changes to Instagram

Instagram has made small steps to help us keep track of who we engage with and who engages with us: There was the algorithm that placed content from accounts you have a stronger relationship with at the top of your feed, and the ability to delete triggering comments that could incite self-harm.

In addition, they’ve enhanced their privacy features in an attempt to keep your personal information safe (more on that later!). Clearly, the ubiquitous platform is giving us more and more control over our accounts. But one major feature is still missing: In order to find out who's unfollowed you, you'll either have to scroll through your long laundry list of contacts, or resort to a third-party app or website.

Keep reading for a few ways to tackle this task. Once you do, it’s time to gain back those Instagram lost followers!

How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Manually

It’s pretty archaic, but if you find yourself asking, “who unfollowed me on Instagram,” and you're wondering about one specific person, one way to do it is to check that person’s Instagram account. Simply head over to their Instagram profile and tap the box that says “Following.” There, you’ll see a list of people that person is following. If you know for sure they were following you, but you’re not on that list, you can safely assume you’ve been unfollowed. Sounds easy, right?

But what if you have several thousand Instagram followers? If you want to know how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram but checking each and every follower simply isn’t possible, there are a few apps you can turn to.

How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Using an App

In 2018, Instagram made major changes to its platform to keep your personal information safer. As a result, lots of third-party Instagram apps stopped working properly, since they relied heavily on the old Instagram application program interface, or API. Luckily, there are a few apps that do still work well when it comes to how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. We’ve outlined them for you below.

1. FollowMeter

Using a simple, clear dashboard, this fantastic Instagram app shows several key metrics, like who recently unfollowed you, who recently started following you, and several others. Drilling down into the unfollow section will show you a list of your Instagram lost followers. There are subscription options; you can download FollowMeter for both iOS and Android platforms.

2. Followers Tracker Pro

While this app comes with a subscription price—monthly for $5.99, six months for $17.99, and annually for $23.99— it’s super easy to find out how many Instagram followers you’ve lost. The app provides you with information about who has unfollowed you, who you’re following that isn’t following you back, and more. Followers Tracker Insight is available on iOS only.

3. Follow Cop

This free app, only available on Android, allows you to see anyone who’s unfollowed you since the last time you logged in. Sure, you’ll deal with quite a few ads mixed in with the information you’re looking for, but this is a fairly reliable Instagram app that allows you to keep track of Instagram lost followers.

How to Check Who Isn’t Following You Back Using an App

The curiosity around who isn’t following you back on Instagram goes hand-in-hand with checking who has unfollowed you. If your business depends on Instagram presence, it can be helpful to know if important players in your targeted audience know what you’re all about. So instead of spiraling down Google searches of “who is not following me back on Instagram,” save yourself some time. Most apps that share data around unfollows are also going to share data around who doesn’t follow you back — if you can, find one that does both. In case you’re looking for more options, there are a number of apps that prioritize unreciprocated follows.

1. Unfollowers & Followers

In addition to the usual data around people who have unfollowed you and those who don’t follow you back, this app also shares the users who are the most engaged with your account. Unfollowers & Followers is available on iOS only.

2. nFollowers

This free app will not only share who unfollowed you and who isn’t following you back, but also shine a light on the followers who interact with your posts the most. nFollowers is available on iOS only.

3. Combin

Combin offers a ton of data on your Instagram audience. In addition to detecting the accounts you follow that don’t follow you back, you can also learn more about your collective “quality audience”—this is the term the platform uses for the most engaged accounts that follow you. And while there is a free trial, it’s worth mentioning that access to your data with this app will run $15 a month after the initial period is over.

How to track who follows you on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube – Blog Imena.UA

Regardless of the purpose for which Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter is used, never hurts to know who closely follows your every word, link or photo .

And it's not about vanity. Understanding who follows you will help you determine what content to share, which audience to target, and in some cases, which people to block.

Unfortunately, this information is not always easy to obtain. Some services offer very minimal information, while others that previously allowed you to detect spammers, bots and shameless promoters have now refused to provide such benefits.

But do not lose heart. There are many ways to find out exactly who is tracking your online activity - and even if a particular site does not offer this option, a third-party application does this function . From YouTube followers to LinkedIn contacts, from Facebook friends to Instagram followers. We will talk about the best tools that the editors of the Techradar edition offer.


Finding out who followed you on Instagram used to be a little difficult, but after last year's innovations, the process has become much easier: go to the website or mobile application, click on the profile icon, and then on "Followers" ( followers). Clicking on the name of a particular person will allow you to see who he follows and who is following him.

The only thing Instagram doesn't allow is to detect rascals who follow people, wait to be followed back, and then immediately unfollow - a well-known trick of those who want to increase their number of followers without actually communicating or interacting with them.

Previously, only third-party applications helped solve this problem. But in December 2016, Instagram made significant changes to the way its algorithms worked, which prevented third-party apps from using followers' data for anything other than analytics. However, unofficial apps still offer information that Instagram doesn't allow. One of the best apps for this purpose is Followers & Likes Manager.

There is another way out: become more cynical and subscribe only to those whose content you are really interested in.


The easiest way to find out who follows you on Twitter is to go directly to the website or mobile app. Click on "Followers" to see your followers and on "Lists" to see which lists you've been added to.

This is handy, but you can get a lot more data if you know where to look. 's Twitter analytics show you the most popular tweets and the most popular people you follow , and by clicking on the "Audience" link, you can see which people follow you.

If you need to know exactly who is following you, use the useful ManageFlitter application. With it, you can see which accounts have not shown signs of life for a long time, who does not follow you back, which of the profiles are fake or used for spam. With the same application, you can automatically unsubscribe from the latter. In addition to this useful information, ManageFlitter offers users interesting statistics regarding how “loaded” these or those accounts are and whether they are subscribed to a very large number of people, because this very often indicates that they are engaged in self-promotion.


Things are more complicated with Facebook. There are two types of connections you can make with people on this social network: friends you "friend" and followers who may be complete strangers to you. Friends are always followers, but if a person posts a post and makes it public, it can be seen by anyone, including followers who signed out of interest or became followers because their friend request was denied.

To see who follows you, go to your account and click on "Friends". Facebook has an option to allow or prevent people from following themselves . If the presence of subscribers is allowed and approved, you can get acquainted with them by clicking on "Subscribers".

Most subscribers are simply interested in what you post on your page. But if there is any reason to believe that someone is following you for not very benevolent reasons, just block them without taking away the ability of other followers to follow your content. Go to "Settings", then select "Block", and enter your email or username. This allows you to completely block a person, limit certain contacts from posts in the category "Friends" or to specifically block a specific contact in the messenger .


LinkedIn doesn't make it hard to view your followers. Find your profile icon, click it, and then under Manage, select Posts & Activities. Now you can see the box with the section "People who follow you". By clicking on this section, you will see a whole screen of avatars, sorted by the date the subscription began (the most recent subscribers are displayed at the top). You can also see if you subscribed to the answer, and fix it, if you wish .

LinkedIn has another useful feature on its homepage: it allows you to see who has viewed your professional profile in the last 90 days (to see the full list, you need to buy a premium membership on the site). Just imagine the chaos that would result if Facebook had a similar option. LinkedIn is saved by the fact that it is still a network for work and business contacts.


Links on the YouTube video service can be divided into 3 categories: subscribers, commenters and those who like the video. To see them, go to your account and select "Creator Studio", after which you will see analytics, which contains an overview of the channel and a summary of information about where your viewers are from, what device they are watching the video on, etc.

The most important data can be seen in the Interaction Reports section, including who recently followed you, how many users liked or disliked the video you posted. Unfortunately, at the moment YouTube does not make it possible to track those who put negative marks on videos.


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Source: Techradar

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how to see who is following you on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 39

Short answer

  1. There is no clear way to find out who is following you on Instagram.
  2. Some methods include checking the "Followings" list in the app, looking for people who have recently followed you, or viewing the profiles of your followers.

How to check who is not following you on Instagram | How to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

How to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

How to find out who is not following you on Instagram?

There are several ways to find out if someone is following you on Instagram. One way is to check your Follows page and see if the person is listed as a follower. Another way to check this is to go to the "Subscriptions" tab on a person's profile and see if their account is set to private. If a person's account is set to private, they may not have followed you yet.

How to know if someone is following you on Instagram 2020?

There is no definitive way to tell if someone is following you on Instagram 2020, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances. First, be sure to use the same username and profile picture on all of your social media platforms. Also, make sure your posts are interesting and engaging, and that you post regularly. If you can build an audience that trusts and respects you, it will be much easier for them to follow you on Instagram 2020.

Is there an app to see who follows you on Instagram?

As far as I know, there is no app that allows you to see who is following you on Instagram.

How do you know if someone is following you on Instagram?

There is no definitive way to tell if someone is following you on Instagram, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting followed. First, make sure your profile is well designed and looks professional. Second, make sure your account is active and posts regularly. Third, be sure to follow other people who are influential in your niche or who you admire, as they are more likely to follow back.

Is there a way to see everyone you communicate with? Have you ever followed Instagram?

You can't see everyone you follow on Instagram because the service doesn't allow users to follow more than 500 people.

How do you know if someone is following you?

You usually know if someone is following you, if they keep up with you or stay close. If someone is stalking you aggressively or persistently, it could be a sign that they are suspicious or planning something nefarious..

How do you know if someone is following you?

There are several ways to tell if someone is following you:
-Look at your phone or computer screen to see if they are looking at your screen.
-Check their movement - are they walking in the same direction as you, or are they rushing about?
-Listen for sounds - if they whisper, it may mean that they are following you.

How to find out who is following you?

There are several ways to find out who is following you on social networks. One way is to go to your profile and click on the “Subscriptions” tab. This will show you a list of people who have followed you since you last updated your profile. Another way is to go to the “Following” tab on any of the social media platforms and look under the “Followers” ​​section. This will show you a list of people who have followed you on that platform.

How can I check my subscribers?

There are several ways to check your Twitter followers. One way is to go to and enter your Twitter username. This will show you a list of all the people who are following you. Another way is to go to and enter the email addresses of the people you want to follow. This will show you a list of all the people who have subscribed to those addresses.

How can I track my followers and unfollowers on Instagram?

There are several ways to track followers and unfollowers on Instagram. The easiest way is to use the Instagram app. After installing the app, open it and log in. In the "Your Account" section, click "Subscribers". If you have more than one account, you will see a list of followers for each account. To unfollow someone, tap their name and then tap Unfollow.

How can I see who unfollowed me on Instagram without the app?

If you're not using the app, you can see who unfollowed you on Instagram by going to your profile and clicking on the "Following" tab at the top. From there, you can see all the people who have followed you but haven't unfollowed you.

What is the difference between following and following on Instagram?

On Instagram, followers are people who have agreed to receive updates from you.

Learn more