How to change security code on whatsapp

How to change WhatsApp Security Code on iPhone and Android

WhatsApp safeguards our conversations using end-to-end encryption. Its security code is an indication that the conversation between you and the receiver is encrypted. Changing WhatsApp security codes will help establish your contact is legitimate and the conversation is encrypted.

This article explains how you can change the WhatsApp security code and why you need to do so on your iPhone and Android device. Let’s start with the basics! 

  • What is WhatsApp security code?
  • How to verify WhatsApp end-to-end encryption
  • How to change WhatsApp security code on your smartphone
  • Received WhatsApp verification code without requesting?
  • Best ways to protect your WhatsApp account

What is WhatsApp security code?

End-to-End encryption uses a security code to verify messages between you and others. Each chat will have unique security codes, visible versions of the encryption key. You can compare unique codes between individual chats and verify end-to-end encryption.

Sometimes the security code between you and your contact changes. It happens when either party has changed phones, reinstalled WhatsApp, or changed a paired device. For the sake of security, verify the chat is end-to-end encrypted. Keep reading to learn more.

How to verify WhatsApp end-to-end encryption

I would advise verifying WhatsApp encryption whenever you get a changed security code notification. You can directly scan the QR code if your contact is in proximity. WhatsApp shows a green tick if the codes match. It means no one is intercepting your messages.

Follow the steps below to verify WhatsApp encryption.

  1. Open chat.
  2. Select contact name.
  3. Tap Encryption on the contact info screen.
    You’ll now see the QR code and 60-digit number.
  4. Ask your contact to follow the above steps on their device and scan QR code.
    Now, check for the green tick.
  5. Alternatively, if your contact is not in proximity, send the 60-digit number and verify the code.

That’s how you can verify WhatsApp code. What’s more? You can even change it if need be. Keep reading to find out.

How to change WhatsApp security code on your smartphone

There is no direct way to change the WhatsApp security code. It automatically changes in certain scenarios. However, if you still wish to change it, it is best to trigger an automatic change. Here’s how:

1. Enable security code alert

Firstly, you will have to enable a security code alert. Once done, WhatsApp will notify you whenever your or your friend’s security code is changed. You will get an alert saying, “contact’s security code has changed.

Follow the steps below to enable the WhatsApp security code alert

  1. Open WhatsAppSettings.
  2. Tap AccountSecurity.
  3. Toggle on “Show Security Notifications.”

Note: Follow similar steps to disable security code notifications. Once done, the alerts will stop appearing. Additionally, the other contact will get alerts whenever the security code is changed.

2. Reinstall WhatsApp

Reinstalling WhatsApp triggers a security code change. Before uninstalling, ensure you backup chats and media files on your device.

After reinstalling, your contact will get a security code change alert. For additional security, you can again verify end-to-end encryption by following the steps in the first section.

3. Change your device

Another way to force WhatsApp security code is to change phones. You need to set up WhatsApp on your spare smartphone. WhatsApp verifies your device by sending a one-time code. Enter the code sent to your first phone on the spare device.

For this to work, please do not insert SIM. Delete WhatsApp from your spare phone, and you are good to go.

Received WhatsApp verification code without requesting?

Sometimes you might receive a WhatsApp verification code without requesting it. Be aware it could be fraudsters trying to take control of your account. Recently, the UK police warned citizens of fraudsters trying to steal accounts.

In this case, the scammer has entered your number and requested verification. Furthermore, they will contact victims posing as WhatsApp customer support and ask for a verification code. No matter what, don’t share security code with anyone.

I suggest you enable two-factor authentication for an additional level of security.

Best ways to protect your WhatsApp account

Your WhatsApp messages are not immune to hacking. However, you can set up and use security features and safeguard your account. The following steps will help protect the WhatsApp account from fraudsters.

  1. Enable Two-factor authentication.
  2. Never share your security code with anyone.
  3. Avoid using third-party apps for WhatsApp.
  4. Be aware of phishing scams.
  5. You might get a message on WhatsApp from an unknown number asking for OTP. Ignore and block the number.

I hope the above steps have helped generate/change the WhatsApp security code on iPhone and Android devices. Want to add something to the article? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Related Reads:

  • How to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to iPhone
  • How to send disappearing messages in WhatsApp on iPhone and Android
  • WhatsApp vs. Signal – A detailed comparison of security and features
  • How to find nearby AirTags on Android phones
  • Android
  • WhatsApp

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Mahit is an engineer by Education with a corporate stint to his name. He ditched the corporate boardroom wars in favor of the technology battleground. For the better part of a decade, he has worked for popular publishing outlets, including Dennis Publishing, BGR India, AppStorm, MakeUseOf, and iPhonehacks.

How to Change WhatsApp Password


WhatsApp is nowadays one of the leading messaging apps in the market because it offers a wide range of security features. A new one was added recently and it is a two-step verification option that will provide security and safety to your account. In this article, we will explain how to change WhatsApp password and how to update it in the Passwarden storage.


  • How to change WhatsApp password?
  • How to reset WhatsApp password?
  • How to update it in the Passwarden storage?
  • What are the benefits of Passwarden?

How to change Whatsapp password


Here is how you change your Whatsapp password.


1. Open your Whatsapp app


2. Go to the settings button in the top right corner


3. Click on the account option


4. Tap on the two-step verification section

5. Click on change pin


6. Change the code with a new 6-digit pin then next


7. Re-Enter the new pin, then confirm

How to reset WhatsApp password


Forgetting a password and losing access to your account is possible and it happens to just about anyone. If this happens to you with WhatsApp, you will not be able to access the app. Here is a guide on what you should do in this case.


First, you will need to enable the two-step verification then change it and add a new password.


1. When the app asks for your code or pin, click on forgot password


2. Tap on send email


3. You will receive a link by email to reset your passcode


4. To disable the two-step verification, click on confirm


After following these instructions, you can set a new password or change it to keep your account safe and secure.

How to update the password in the Passwarden app


Here is how to add your new password to the Passwarden storage.


1. Log in to your Passwarden account.


2. Go to the WhatsApp section


3. Tap on the edit option


4. Add the new password in the password field


5. Click on the save button

The benefits of Passwarden


In this section, we will explain what Passwarden is and what are its benefits.


What is Passwarden


Remembering your passwords and making sure that all your information is safe from hackers and third parties on the internet can be difficult. That is exactly what Passwarden does. It is a password manager app that is useful to everyone since it ensures your safety on the web since it is available on different platforms from IOS to Android.


Passwarden is a very reliable, secure, and easy app to use. The security features offered in this app are one of the best out there and the app has millions of users worldwide. You can store all of your passwords in the Passwarden storage that will be safe due to the data encryption system. Your data and personal information will be safe and you will not have to worry about them.


Moreover, Passwarden not only remembers and saves your passwords but can also create new ones. Your passwords should be strong and hard to decode by hackers and various threats on the internet. Weak passwords will only put all your information in danger and risk your safety on the web.

The benefits

Due to the high risks people are exposed to on the internet and the web, it is always advised to have such an app to make sure that you and all of your personal information are safe and secure. First of all, you will have to create a master password to access your account and this is the only password you will have to remember. This one will be only known by you and no one can have access to it, not even the Passwarden teams and it is crucial for the rest of the security features such as the bulletproof encryption and the duress mode.

In fact, Passwarden has a bulletproof encryption system. This system will put in place a safe space and inaccessible space to hackers and third parties for all your passwords and data and personal information. Furthermore, the app offers a two-step authentication system. This system ensures extra safety. It consists of a code that you will receive by email upon signing in to the app so that nobody can access your account other than you.

Passwarden also offers a Duress mode. This mode consists of only displaying the information, data or passwords you have selected previously and all the rest will be hidden. To activate this mode, all you have to do is to choose a duress passcode and use it to access your account on the app. Passwarden is one of the best password management apps out there, and it is highly recommended to people who value their privacy and the safety of their activities on the internet.

Get Passwarden right now!

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How to set up a PIN code in WhatsApp to protect against hackers




A WhatsApp account is very easy to set up, but this also means that the profile remains extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks from outside. However, the messenger provides an additional layer of protection that can be activated. Gazeta.Ru is about how to do it.

The WhatsApp messenger provides two-factor identification, which allows you to provide an account with an additional layer of protection, according to portal The Verge . However, not all users are aware of this feature, which, among other things, must be additionally activated.

The fact is that a cyberscammer can easily pretend to be your close friend and swindle your personal information. This is a six-digit code that is sent to a mobile phone as confirmation of any major operation with a WhatsApp account.

It is enough for an attacker to hack one profile in the messenger to get access to all the contacts of the victim.

Then he tries to change the password for one of the accounts from the list, for which he needs a six-digit code that will be sent to the account owner in an SMS message. Then the scammer writes to the owner, pretending to be a relative or friend, with a request to send these six digits. Many users, without even knowing that they are communicating with a stranger, reveal the secret code, not expecting a dirty trick from someone they know.

As a result, the attacker gains access to another account, which means a new list of contacts that can potentially be hacked. Theoretically, getting back your WhatsApp profile is quite simple - you can enter your phone number in the application and ask the system to send another six-digit code. But the problem is that hackers can spam your number with several wrong attempts to enter the code, due to which the account will be blocked for up to 12 hours.

This cyber threat can be avoided. First of all, you need to remember a simple rule - you can not send a six-digit verification code to anyone, even if your mother, brother or grandmother asks for it.

In addition, if you are afraid that you will become a victim of social engineering and a scammer will be able to deceive you, then you can set up a feature called "two-step verification".

The function is disabled by default, so it must be activated manually.

To do this, you need to enter WhatsApp and click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, open "Settings", then go to "Account", and then to "Two-Step Verification". Once you enable this feature, the system will prompt you to assign a six-digit pin code. This pin code will be requested every time the messenger confirms the identity of the account owner in addition to the code that will be sent to the mobile phone in an SMS message. This will slightly complicate the verification process, but at the same time, it will make life difficult for a scammer who wants to hack into your account.

Sometimes WhatsApp will ask you to enter a pin code just like that - according to the messenger, in this way he tries to force the account owner not to forget the secret combination.

What else can you do to protect your messenger account? Never leave your phone number on forums, websites, pages on social networks, Vojtech Bochek, Senior Software Engineer at Avast, advises. If you need to specify your contact, it is better to enter an email address.

“If someone claims to need to verify one of your accounts with an authentication code, then it's most likely a scam. If you ever need to verify an account, please do so directly on this platform, but never ask a third party to do so. Two-factor authentication codes or verification codes are like passwords: they should never be published or shared with anyone,” Bocek said.

If the account was nevertheless hacked, the expert recommends that you warn your friends or relatives about this through other communication channels.

“Ask them to ignore any messages that come from your account until the problem is resolved,” Gazeta.Ru's interlocutor concluded.

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How to install a password on WhatsApp on Android or iPhone


  • 1 Why do you need a password for the messenger
  • 2 Requirements for the Watsap Passole
  • 3 How to put the password on the IPhone
  • . 9026 3.1 FOLDER LOCK
  • 4 How to set WhatsApp password on Android
    • 4.1 Lock for WhatsApp
    • 4.2 Smart AppLock
    • 4.3 Whats Messenger
  • 5 How else can you secure your account? The developers felt that it was not needed. At the same time, many are often interested in how to put a password on WhatsApp.

    It is possible to password protect the messenger using third-party applications.

    Why do you need a password for the messenger

    It is necessary to prevent unauthorized people from performing actions in WhatsApp or to protect information saved by the user.

    it is impossible to set a password in the messenger, friends or relatives who know the pattern of the phone can enter the application. These people will be able to enter the chats of the owner of the gadget.

    Children may inadvertently change WhatsApp settings while playing with their parents' smartphone. Also, careless users are threatened with hacking using spyware. This will lead to the loss of control over your data stored in WhatsApp.

    To avoid this, a PIN code must be set. This cannot be done in the messenger, so it is better to use third-party applications. Taking such a measure will protect not only the data in WhatsApp, but also the information stored in the phone’s memory.

    Password requirements for WhatsApp

    Requirements for character combinations for protecting digital data were formulated by Bill Burr, an employee of the NIST Institute (USA). He is not a cybersecurity specialist, but leading corporations, banks and network services have begun to adhere to his rules.

    Individuals should also adhere to these password requirements to secure their data:

    • the presence of 4 characters in the code;
    • at least 1 of the characters must be a digit;
    • the presence of characters other than letters or numbers;
    • use uppercase and lowercase letters in the password.

    How to set a password for WhatsApp on iPhone

    The developers of the iOS operating system did not provide for the possibility of password-protecting the messenger on iPhone. You can install protection on WhatsApp only through third-party applications.

    The popular iAppLock utility is available for free download. Difficulties in using the program should not arise due to its simple interface and a small number of functions performed. There is 1 system requirement - iOS version 7.0 and newer.

    To set passwords with this app, you need to install it and add it to your WhatsApp list. Then, by clicking on the name of the messenger, you should write 4 characters that will open access to the data. In the future, the system will request this combination each time you try to open the selected service.

    Information protection is provided by special applications, for example, iAppLock.

    This method is not the only one. You can protect your data with other utilities created using new technologies. Folder lock and Applock are popular applications that have already won the trust of users from all over the world.

    Folder lock

    Folder Lock does not protect the entire service, but only individual folders (videos, music, contacts, etc. ). It can also help you set or change your WhatsApp password and transfer files to your computer.

    This utility is compatible with iPod touch, iPad and iPhone.

    System requirements for the service to work:

    • iOS 7.0 or later;
    • 38 MB free in device memory.


    Many people use AppLock as a lock to protect their personal data.

    The program is easy to install and has a simple interface.

    It can perform the following functions:

    • start blocking at the selected location using the GPS module;
    • set a security combination of characters to launch applications, read mail, send SMS, view the contact list;
    • prohibit the correction or deletion of the service;
    • prohibit outgoing calls and sending messages on social networks and instant messengers.

    How to set a WhatsApp password on Android

    A smartphone on Android can also be password-protected by following the instructions:

    • start the Play Market and enter Chat Lock or WhatsApp Lock in the window that opens;
    • select an application from the list and press the "Install" button;
    • start the application;
    • enter the password for the selected data category in the window that opens and confirm it.

    To access the chat in the future, you will need to enter the saved combination of characters.

    In this way, you can set a password using special utilities for any application. The most popular of them are Lock for WhatsApp, Smart AppLock, Whats Messenger.

    Lock for WhatsApp

    This service allows you to use a combination of 4-8 numbers to protect.

    The simple interface and ease of use make Lock for WhatsApp stand out from a number of similar applications.

    This program allows you to make sure that no one can use the phone without the knowledge of its owner.

    Smart AppLock

    Smart AppLock is freely available.

    With this utility, you can block access not only to individual folders and block your page, but also the entire smartphone by setting a combination of characters or a pattern.

    It is possible to hide the blocking fact: when you try to open the specified service, the system will display an error message. The utility can allow you to film someone who tried to get into the phone.

    A popular utility blocks not only the messenger, but the entire smartphone.

    This application also has additional features:

    • screen decoration;
    • providing access at a given time and place;
    • remote blocking via SMS.

    To restore a forgotten combination of numbers, just use the "Forgot Password" button.

    Learn more