How to see what my boyfriend likes on instagram

How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram


As you know, Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks today. It is increasing this popularity with the updates it develops for its application day by day. The users generally like the features that Instagram offers to its users, and it enables the users to enjoy this platform more. Of course, there may be some exceptions. Sometimes, Instagram can remove features that it has already offered, and users may not like this situation. Unfortunately, the feature we will cover is one of them. We will explain how to see what someone likes on Instagram, which used to be quite an easy thing in the past.

How to See Someone’s Activity on Instagram?

In the past, it was possible to see what people you follow on Instagram like or comment on. There was a section called Following. In this section, you had follower requests and notifications. You could also see the activities of the people you follow. You were able to see what they liked and what photo they commented on.  

Unfortunately, on October 2019, Instagram removed this feature. Therefore, it is no longer possible to see what a user likes on Instagram. But, for example, if you want to find out if your boyfriend likes a specific user on Instagram, there is a way to check that out. You can find out by clicking on the photos of that person and searching for your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s name among the people who liked this photo. Or if you can log in to that person’s account, you can find out what they liked from their like history. 

However, we think that trying the first method will be better for the health of your relationship. Since this feature has been removed, it is only possible to find out what someone likes on Instagram in this and similar ways. You can also use third-party applications to see what someone likes on Instagram. However, the safety of these applications is debatable.

Why Did the Following Tab on Instagram Disappear?

If you are someone who likes to stalk your friends, you might be upset and wondering the reason. It has been a feature on Instagram for years. So it is quite reasonable that you are wondering why it is no longer there and has been removed. 

Many users wonder why Instagram made such a decision. In fact, the thing is that Instagram was using this system not to let people stalk each other. The actual purpose was to increase interaction. Of course, users were following each other and each other’s activities on this application thanks to this feature. But with the increasing popularity of Instagram, the issue of data privacy has become much more important. It has caused Instagram to take a step back in this regard. So Instagram wanted to make this platform a more personal place, perhaps as it should have been from the beginning. 

If you look at it from your perspective, this was actually a feature that explicitly presented to other users what you were doing on Instagram, who you are liking, who’ you commented on, or who you started following at that moment. And Instagram has now started to see this part as a part that violates personal information privacy. As a result, we were forced to say goodbye to Instagram’s Following tab. So there is no longer a situation where you can use the Following tab and see others’ actions.

Concluding User Activity

With this article, we wanted to inform you about how to see what someone likes on Instagram. We hope that after reading this article, you have been able to find answers to such questions that you previously asked yourself about the Following tab and how you can see what someone likes on Instagram. 


Instagram is one of the top social media platforms for sharing photos with followers because it solely focuses on visuals. Instagram succeeds in setti...

Instagram is a social networking service that people use to share photos and videos. Since 2010, it has become one of the most popular social media to...

Of course, this feature that Instagram offers to its users was an indispensable feature for most users, and it was a super useful feature. But remember, Instagram has removed this feature to prevent privacy violations. Some people, of course, may not want to share their activities with other users, and this may cause privacy violations at some point where they cannot prevent this. If you are one of the people who care a lot about the likes on Instagram, you can see how to get them easily.

So users who think this way justify and support this decision made by Instagram and the removal of the Following tab on Instagram. In addition, they think that the same measures and the same decision should be taken and implemented on other social media platforms.

If you want to learn more about Instagram and its features, please read our latest articles about it. You may be interested in what is Instagram’s privacy policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to bring back the Following section on Instagram?

The Instagram Following section is now completely gone forever after Instagram removing this feature, so there is no way you can bring this tab back. Please note that this feature has been removed to protect your personal confidential data.

Is it possible to find out what someone likes on Instagram in another way?

If you follow the same Instagram accounts with this person, you can already see it on your homepage when that person likes a post of one of these accounts. If you are not following or if you are avoiding following that person, you can also find a solution to this issue through a fake account.

Is it possible to see someone’s activities on Instagram through third-party apps?

There are tracker apps created to follow someone’s activities on Instagram in application markets such as Google Play and App Store. However, we would like you to know that there is no legitimate way to see someone’s activities on Instagram.

How to See What My Boyfriend Likes on Instagram 2022

One of the most popular questions we get from social media users is, “how to see what my boyfriend likes on Instagram”.

In this guide, I will guide you on how to find what your boyfriend likes on Instagram.


Easiest Ways to See What Your Boyfriend Likes on Instagram

There are simple ways to check your boyfriend’s activities on the photo-sharing platform.

You can do this by tapping the picture of anyone and looking for the username of your boyfriend among the users that have liked the picture. 

Alternatively, you can sign into your boyfriend’s account; then, you can easily discover what he likes from his account activity. 

If you incidentally gain access to your boyfriend’s account, do the following:

  • Navigate to and select the profile.
  • Select Settings. 
  • Select Account and access the “Posts you’ve Liked” option. 

Here’s another important question you may ask, “how to know if your boyfriend is cheating on Instagram”.


How to Know if Your Boyfriend is Cheating on Instagram


Acting Sneaky With Their Phone

An obvious way to find out if your boyfriend is cheating on Instagram is when he acts sneaky with his phone.

He won’t immediately put away his phone when you enter the room if he is not hiding anything. 

If honest and true to himself, he won’t hide his phone screen to conceal texts. And he certainly won’t receive phone calls in a different room.

So be on your guard if you find your boyfriend murmuring on their phone in the toilet with the door shut or always sending texts in the backyard. 


Frequently Liking or Adding Comments on a Particular User’s Picture

Have you noticed that your boyfriend enjoys “liking” or adding comments to a particular user’s pictures on Instagram?

It may be that he is infatuated with that person and likely to cheat. Socialization entails communicating with everyone.

But a sign of romantic attraction is when we ignore everyone else and concentrate on a particular person. 


Always Talking About a New Person

When we have feelings for a person, we always bring them up in discussions, even with our loved ones.

It is like our brain is so obsessed with them that our mouth keeps mentioning their name. Not only that. 

You also notice that your boyfriend engages with their posts or photos. He can like or always comment with a quirky, humorous or amusing remark.

He can also share compliments. This is beyond infrequent conversations between ex. It becomes cheating when a behavior pattern emerges from these engagements. 


Ignore Your Comments and Tags

Does every comment you leave on your boyfriend’s Instagram posts seem ignored or overlooked?

Are there events where he untags you from Instagram posts? This is a strong sign and shouldn’t be treated lightly. 

Your boyfriend is implying to everyone on Instagram that you don’t matter. He is creating the impression that he is single.

This can cause a lot of problems and may lead to cheating. So, you should tackle this now. 


You Stop Texting Each Other

Apart from not reacting to your Instagram comments, you will also realize that your boyfriend doesn’t chat you up on the platform.

Although he is investing time with his mobile device, you have ceased to be the center of attention. 

So who is he focusing on?

It is easy to know this. Just observe if there is one particular Instagram user he is infatuated with. You will find out by the number of comments she leaves on his Instagram page. 


He Posts Thirst Traps and Gorgeous Selfies

There was a time when you uploaded pictures of you and your boyfriend, cuddling and smiling at each other.

Now your boyfriend seems to enjoy posting gorgeous selfies and thirst traps on Instagram. It is beginning to look like you have disappeared. 

It’s a strategy he is using to say to everyone, “Hi there. I am very attractive. Check me out. And, yes. I am single.”


Chuckling and Laughing on Their Phones

It’s always nice to see something funny on your phone, but won’t it be merrier if your partner shares in it?

It can be very annoying when someone laughs due to the content on their phone, and you enquire, “what’s that?” and they reply,” it’s nothing”, and keep laughing.

It’s a childish and rude attitude. It is also a strong pointer to cheating. 


Late Night Chat

This is commonly known as “micro-cheating” and is the bridge between casual flirting and deceitful behavior.

Studies have shown that most women consider chatting with other ladies “cheating.”  

This kind of chat entails the use of romantic emoticons and engaging with a particular user’s Instagram pictures. If it takes place at night, it becomes even more sinister. 


They Frequently Add New Beautiful “Friends”

Every time new people make an entrance into our lives. But have you noticed your boyfriend frequently adds nice-looking and beautiful friends on Instagram? 

There is a likelihood that he is seeking some illicit flings via Instagram.

It’s quite fishy for a man who’s in a serious relationship to continue to add ladies to his friend list based on their appearance. 

He is definitely not engaging in any intellectual conversations with them about particle physics. He is most likely having an affair. 


Like Someone’s Old Pictures on Instagram

This signals that he has been browsing through an Instagram user’s account for plenty of hours.

Imagine a person “liking” a photo or post that is three months old; it shows he has been sifting through posts for an incredible amount of time. 

For someone to commit all that time to go through someone else’s Instagram account, there needs to be some emotional investment. 

This is an obsessional behavior. It is known as “deep surfing” if they eventually own up to it. This can be very deceitful. 


He Always Has His Phone With Him

Remember the good old days when your boyfriend had to be regularly reminded where his phone was because he couldn’t find it?

Those days are now gone. Your boyfriend is now stuck with his phone. 

Currently, his phone is password-protected or switched off when he’s asleep.

In the past, you would exchange phones or use his phone to listen to some music. Now that is off-limits.


His Contact List Has Some Weird Names

Have you got your hands on your boyfriend’s and taken a look at the names in his contact list?

Do they have weird names like a number or single letters?

For instance, have you found names like “Ben maintenance worker” or “John computer guy”? And you know for certain that your boyfriend does not need a computer guy?

This should raise your suspicion.


See What My Boyfriend Likes on Instagram FAQs


Why do I see the same user at the top of my Instagram story?

This is because the Instagram algorithm has learnt that you consistently engage with the user’s content.

Thus, the user ranks at the top of your Instagram Stories list. It could also be that that is the account you are obsessed with. 


Is the “photos liked by” feature on Instagram still functional?

No, it is no longer functional. Although, it really helped because you can simply view posts liked by anyone by typing “Photo liked by [insert username]” and clicking “enter”.

We hope Instagram brings it back.


Why does my girlfriend show up first on my Instagram story?

This is due to Instagram algorithms. It highlights the profiles you most connect with first before any other. You must have checked out her pictures too much lately or messaged her frequently. 


How do I use the “Photo liked by” feature on Instagram?
  • Navigate to the search bar.
  • Input the term “photos liked”
  • Input “photos liked { insert username}

However, this feature is currently not available on Instagram anymore. 


Can you capture anyone’s Instagram likes?

Yes. To see who liked or commented on anyone’s post or newly followed any user, use your phone’s screenshot feature while on the user’s page or profile. 


How does Instagram select “liked by”?

Instagram algorithms will reveal users who have engaged with or interacted with your post in the past. The names of people who have liked or commented on your post consistently will be at the top. 


How do I find out who newly followed my boyfriend on Instagram? 

There are two simple ways you can check who followed anyone on Instagram:

  • Navigate to the Instagram page of the user and select the “followers” tab.
  • Alternatively, access the activity tab, and you will track the user’s activities.


How do you check my user activity on Instagram?
  • Navigate to your Instagram profile and select the hamburger icon in the upper right corner.
  • Select settings. Access the privacy option and select “Activity status.”


Is it possible to cheat on Instagram?

Instagram is not a photo-sharing social media app where users not only share pictures but exchange texts through the messaging feature. Thus, it is easier to send anyone texts when you have followed or connected with them.



Although the “liked by” feature on Instagram has been removed, there are other ways you can check who your boyfriend likes on Instagram.

This article covered those methods. We also explained how to find out if your boyfriend is cheating on Instagram. Don’t forget to share the article with your loved ones on social media. 


Also Read:

  • How to See What My Boyfriend Likes on Snapchat
  • How to See What My Boyfriend Likes on TikTok
  • 100+ Best Tinder Bios for Girls to Rock
  • How to See What My Boyfriend Likes on Facebook
  • How to Fix Blurry Instagram Stories
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Harrison Acha

Harrison Acha is a Seasoned Blogger, Facebook Marketing Expert, Writer, SEO Expert, and Digital Content Creator. Have been in the IT industry for more than a decade, and helping both tech and non-tech professionals become more productive and less frustrated with technology.  

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How to find out with whom a person is chatting on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world and in Russia. Many of us visit it several times a day, viewing our feed, enjoying the published stories, and chatting in Direct. Building relationships with the person we need, we often pay attention to his (her) Instagram, where the most relevant photos and videos are published, public correspondence is conducted with other subscribers. But the most important can be hidden from our eyes, and the most intimate dialogues of the user of interest to us are often conducted privately. Can we find out with whom the person of interest to us is chatting on Instagram, and what methods will help with this? We will tell in our material.


  • Why do you need to know who the user is talking to on Instagram?
  • Phone spy apps help to find out the correspondence of a loved one
  • Password reset to an Instagram account
  • Phishing pages
  • Guessing a password to enter an Instagram account
  • Conclusion

Why you need to know with whom you communicate on Instagram ?

Usually, the reasons why we want to read another person's Instagram messages are as follows:

  • Child care. We want to know who our son or daughter is texting with in order to avoid potentially harmful communication;
  • Loyalty of our partner (partner). We want to know if our husband or wife is deceiving us, and if our union is still valuable to them;
  • Control of colleagues. We wish to monitor the activity of our employees or employees during working hours;
  • Interest in the personality of a girl (guy). Perhaps we like someone and we want to know her secrets and mysteries;
  • Curiosity about public figures. We would like to know what famous celebrities are talking about in the direct.

All these reasons can inspire us to find ways to read someone else's Instagram. Let's take a look at what is currently available.

Read also: how to understand that a person hid an Instagram story from you.

Phone spy apps help to find out the correspondence of a loved one

A reliable method to find out who a person writes to on Instagram is to use mobile spy apps. To use them, you will need to install such an application on the target phone of the person you are interested in. Thanks to the functionality of such programs, you can not only read the Instagram correspondence of the right person, but also track his location, calls and SMS, applications he launches, and much more.

Please note that most of these applications are paid. You will need to get the desired phone for a couple of minutes to use to install a spy application on it. You can track user conversations on Instagram both on your personal phone and on the website of this application on the Internet.

Among the applications for tracking the conversations of someone else's account, we note the following:

mSPY will allow you to see with whom a person is chatting on Instagram on iOS

With the variety of spying features that mSpy offers and its seamless integration with various devices, it ranks first on our list. The application can be easily installed on the target device, remain invisible, and efficiently forward data from the target phone's Instagram account.

As an Instagram tracker, the program provides convenient access to all messages sent and received in the target account. You'll see an activity feed of all user activity on Instagram, including links, media sharing, and even location information for captured images uploaded to the account. The mSpy app is easy to use and the program's technical support provides excellent 24/7 customer service to resolve any issues you may have with the software.

Use the functionality of the "mSpy" application

With the "Cocospy" application, it is very easy to track the activity of another person on Instagram

The application comes with features that can give an idea of ​​all the activities occurring in the target account. The program is available at for both Android and iOS phones.

Cocospy makes it easy to hack someone's Instagram in just three easy steps from installation to full setup. The app runs in the background and provides all the data related to the target Instagram account.

Spyhuman is a premium Instagram hacking app offers its users a free trial period. It has many features and provides a seamless service using the details of a hacked Instagram account. The program acts as your personal spy, giving access to messages, multimedia and deleted texts on the target Instagram.

The app is easy to use. Its downside is the lack of 24/7 support for its customers.

Instagram account password reset

Another way to hack an Instagram account is to reset the account's password. To do this, you will need to temporarily access the account holder's device or email.

Do the following:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to You can also do this on the Instagram app;
  2. Click "Forgot your password?";
  3. Enter the username, email address, or phone number you used to create your Instagram account. On Android devices, the Facebook login option is also available;
  4. Check the user's email or messages. Follow the instructions to reset your password;
  5. Sign in to the user's Instagram using their new login details. Now you can fully read the user's correspondence on Instagram.

This might help: help us verify you own this Instagram account - how do I remove it?

Phishing pages

Phishing is what scammers or cybercriminals usually use. A common phishing method is to create a fake Instagram login page. The hackers then send a link from the fake page via text message or email to the real account. Once a person clicks on the link and enters their login details on the fake Instagram page, the hacker will get those details and log into the user's account.

To create a phishing page, you will need not only knowledge of html and php, but also social engineering and psychology skills. If you do not own either one or the other, you should trust the professionals. At the same time, there is a big chance to stumble upon scammers, since it can be extremely difficult to distinguish the latter from professionals.

Finding a password to enter your Instagram account

You can find out with whom a person is chatting on Instagram by gaining access to his account. If you know the person personally and have their phone number, you can try to get into their account by entering their phone number or email, and also try to guess a possible password.

This method is rather inefficient, since it can be quite difficult to find a password for an account even of a loved one. At the same time, Instagram notifies users about logging in from an unusual browser or application with a different IP, and your login attempt may be revealed pretty soon.


In our material, we have analyzed how you can find out exactly who the person of interest to us is talking to on Instagram, and what tools will help with this. The most effective solution in this case would be to use spy apps that show high efficiency in tracking the target phone. Other options for the average user are less likely, and can only be perceived as auxiliary tools to the existing main method.

Published in the rubric "Programs"

7 secrets of Instagram that many people don't know about | AdYummy! | News

Instagram is currently one of the most popular social networks in the world with 400 million users (100 million more than last December) and most of them live outside the United States

The design of the application is extremely simple and optimized for social contacts, showing all posts from the people you follow in reverse sequence. And the user does not have to deal with the fact that how to properly crop a finished shot or use filters. But although the application interface is simple, it has several "secret" options that able to enrich the user experience, writes business insider.

1. If you don't want to use photo filters, you can hide them.

Instagram gained its popularity thanks to photo filters, but as mobile cameras get better and more powerful, users begin to be hostile to "decorations" and regard them as outstanding.

Luckily, Instagram has an option to hide the ruler filters. To do this, scroll through the ruler under the photo ready for sending. filters to the "Management" section. He will help you hide or, conversely, add filters depending on your desire.

2. You can hide all the bad shots you've been tagged in other users.

Anyone who has upgraded their Instagram account to a certain perfection, this pain is familiar. A mark on an unsuccessful photo is capable of spoil you the whole picture in the "Photos with you" section.

To hide such pictures, go to the "Photos from you", find the desired photo, open the tags (by clicking once on the picture), click on the flag with your name and then select the "Untag" option.


Have you ever wondered what photos like other people? Instagram has this feature built in. You just need to go to the "Subscriptions" section and find out which photos your friends liked and when exactly.


In desperation, looking for some old photograph is painful, especially when you know for sure that it was published not so long ago. Instagram shares your pain, which is why it has the option "You Liked publications". To use it, go to your profile page and click on the settings icon in the top right corner.

5. You can be notified whenever your favorite the user hangs up a new picture.

Each of us has our own Instagram passion: accounts, which we constantly check for updates - so good pictures posted there. True, from the outside it may look wild.

Learn more