How to put photo on facebook profile
How to change your profile picture on Facebook
It’s nice to keep your Facebook account fresh and updated with the latest profile photo of you, to show off your new hairstyle. Replacing your profile photo on Facebook is very easy, as well as replacing the cover photo. Let’s take a look at how to do both in a few clicks.
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To change your Facebook profile picture, go to your profile page and click the camera icon in the corner of your photo frame. Choose between uploading a new photo or selecting a photo already uploaded to your account. Resize and crop if necessary, and save. To change your Facebook cover photo, click Edit Cover Photo at the bottom-right of the cover photo window. Upload your new image and save it.
- How to change the Facebook profile picture
- How to change the Facebook cover photo
How to change the Facebook profile picture
After logging into your Facebook account, go to your profile page and click the camera icon in the corner of the picture frame.
An Update profile picture box will now appear. If the image you want to use has already been uploaded to your account, search for it here and click on it. Otherwise, click Upload Photo. Navigate to the photo on your computer and select it.
You can now zoom in and crop the photo if necessary. There is also an option to make the picture temporary for a specific time period, before it reverts back to the previous picture.
If you want to make your new photo temporary, click Make Temporary and select how long you would like to use the photo.
You also have the option to Add Frame. These are either clip art or banners, promoting a particular cause that you may care about, such as the Ukraine conflict or the Covid vaccine. If this appeals to you, choose the one you want and see it appear in the Preview. You can also make the frame temporary if you wish.
When you save all of your changes, the new image will appear on your profile page.
How to change the Facebook cover photo
The cover photo is a much broader image at the top of your profile, which means it’s more eye-catching. Here is how to add one or change the existing one. Click Edit Cover Photo in the bottom right-hand corner.
The drop-down menu will now give you your options. Select an existing uploaded photo, upload a new photo, reposition the existing cover photo, or remove the cover photo entirely to leave a blank space.
I uploaded a picture of my dog. For obvious reasons, you need to upload a photo that is in landscape mode, not portrait mode. When the photo appears, move it around with your mouse until it is in the right position. However, the size of the image will dictate how much freedom you have to move the image around. So always try and upload the biggest possible image to give yourself some creative freedom.
The maximum size (and the one you should aim for to get the best results) is 2,048px by 2,048px. The minimum size is 168px by 168px, but since Facebook keeps larger versions of your photo, anything that small is going to be bad quality when Facebook scales it up.
The maximum size (and the one to aim for to get the best results) is 2,037px by 754px. The minimum size is 851px by 315px.
The only way to do this is to change the Facebook notification privacy setting to “Only me.”
No, it is currently impossible to make your profile picture private, no matter what your privacy settings are.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook
Your profile photo is one of the most important aspects of your Facebook account, but if your profile picture is outdated, it might be time to update it with a new photo. After all, a profile picture on Facebook is the first thing that grabs the attention of others. It also separates you from other users with the same name.
But how do you change a profile picture on Facebook? And can you hide it from your timeline? Keep reading to find out.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook in a Web Browser
Changing a profile picture on Facebook is relatively simple. First, we’ll cover the steps to update your profile photo using a web browser. Just follow the steps below:
- Open Facebook and log in to your account.
- Click on your profile icon in the What’s on your mind? box or click the arrow in the upper right-hand corner and select See your Profile to access your profile page.
- Tap on the profile picture and select Update Profile Picture.
- There will be two options. Click on Upload Photo to upload a new picture from your device, or choose the photo you’ve previously uploaded to Facebook from a list of suggestions.
- Click Save.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook Without Posting
If Facebook users want to change a profile picture without posting it on their timeline, there are two methods:
Changing Profile Picture on Facebook on a Computer Without Posting
- Go to Facebook and log in to your account.
- Tap on the profile icon just as we did below.
- Click on your profile picture once again. There will be two options; click on Update Profile Picture.
- Choose to upload a new picture by clicking on Upload Photo or selecting the one you’ve already uploaded before.
- Tap Save.
- Go to your profile and look for the photo you’ve just posted. Tap on the three dots on the top right.
- There will be a button below your name, most likely saying Friends; tap on it.
- Select Only me.
Although you’ll still see a post on your profile, other people won’t. They’ll only notice the new profile picture if they check your Facebook profile.
Changing Profile Picture on Facebook on Smartphone Without Posting
To change your profile picture on Facebook without notifying other people, here’s what you should do:
- Open the Facebook app.
- Tap on the profile icon in the top left of the screen.
- Click on the profile picture and choose Select Profile Picture or Video.
- Choose the new profile picture and uncheck the box next to Share your update to News Feed.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook Messenger
For the time being, it isn’t possible to change a profile picture only on Facebook Messenger or through Facebook Messenger. A Facebook account and Messenger are synced, so once users change the profile picture on Facebook (through the app or the browser), the photo on Messenger will automatically change.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook to Nothing
If Facebook users don’t want any photo to show as their profile picture, they need to delete the current profile picture without choosing the new one. This is how to do it:
- Go to Facebook and log in to your account.
- Tap on the profile icon located in the What’s on your mind? box.
- Click on the Photos tab below the profile picture.
- Select Albums.
- Tap on Profile Pictures.
- Look for the current profile picture and click on the pen icon on the top right of the photo.
- Choose Delete Photo.
What to Do if You’re Unable to Change Your Facebook Profile Picture
If you’re having problems trying to change your profile picture on Facebook, there are a couple of things you should do.
Firstly, if you’re trying to do it via the app on your phone, close the app, and wait for a while before opening it again. Then, try to change the profile picture.
Next, make sure you’re connected to the internet. This might be the reason you can’t change the picture.
If you’re trying to change the photo via your computer, close the browser. Wait for a few moments, and open Facebook again. Then, try to change the profile picture.
However, if none of the steps above work, reach out to Facebook support.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook and Hide from Your Timeline
Once Facebook users change a profile picture and want to hide it from the timeline, this is what they must do:
- Find the photo on your timeline and click on the three dots in the top right.
- Select Hide from profile.
Keep in mind other people will still see your new photo, but the status won’t be visible on your timeline.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook Without Cropping
If a profile picture is too large, users might need to adjust it to fit the profile picture circle. Zoom it out as much as possible, which should do the trick.
How to Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook Without Losing Likes
The only way to change a profile picture without losing likes is to use the old profile picture. Here’s how to find it and use it as a profile picture again:
- Once in Facebook, tap on the profile icon in the What’s on your mind? box.
- Tap on the profile picture and choose Update Profile Picture.
- Locate the photo you want, tap on it, and then tap Save.
Additional FAQs
If you have any further questions regarding changing your profile picture on Facebook, take a look at the next section.
Can I Change My Facebook Profile Picture Without Notifying Everyone?
The easiest way to do this is through a phone. Once you’ve selected the photo you want to be the new profile picture, make sure to uncheck the box next to “Share your updates to News Feed.”
How Often Should You Change Your Profile Picture on Facebook?
There’s no limit to how often users should change their profile picture. That said, they can upload a new profile picture every day if they wish to do so.
How do I Make My Profile Picture Private?
It was possible to hide your profile picture from the rest of the world at one time. But these days, your profile picture is public by default. The only way to hide your photo is to delete it completely. If you want more anonymity, keep in mind that you can make your picture anything you want it to be. It doesn’t have to be a selfie.
Update Your Facebook Profile Picture Easily
Changing a profile picture on Facebook is straightforward once you know the steps. Facebook also offers an option to hide the picture from your timeline or ensure only you see it.
Have you tried changing your photo yet? How often do you plan to update it? Let us know in the comments section below.
How do I add or change my profile photo on Facebook?
Help Center
Using Facebook
Your profile
We are updating the mobile version of More
For a clear image, choose a photo that is at least 320 x 320 pixels.
How do I add or change my profile picture on Facebook?
Mobile Classic
Click the icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window, and then select your name.
Click on your profile photo and select Edit profile photo.
Select a new photo or add a frame to an existing one.
Select the desired image and click Use this photo.
New version for mobile browser
Click the icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window, and then select your name.
Click on your profile photo.
Select Take photo, Upload photo, Add frame, or View profile photo.
Click Save.
Learn how to edit your photo before posting.
How do I add or change my Facebook profile picture in the Account Center?
Click the icon in the lower right corner of the Facebook window.
Click Settings & Privacy and select Settings.
Click Account Center and then Profiles.
Select the desired profile.
Click Profile Picture.
Click Upload a new photo.
Here you can upload a new photo.
Follow the instructions on the screen to save your changes.
What if I can't change my profile picture?
If you can't change your profile photo:
Make sure you're using the latest version of the Facebook app or restart it.
Make sure your device is connected to a reliable data network or Wi-Fi.
Refresh the page and try again.
If you are still unable to change your profile picture, report the issue.
Note. The current profile photo is visible to everyone. Learn more about who sees your profile photo and cover photo, and how to delete your profile photo.
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Create a Facebook Page 90 Profile Template and Custom Cover Template
Get creative with your cover photos and your Facebook profile. Use our template and see how it's done.
You will need
Upload files
Our template for your Facebook cover photo and profile, plus your own photo.
You will learn the following
How to add a photo to a ready-made template and save new profile and cover photos ready for download.
In this tutorial, you'll use a pre-made Photoshop template to create custom Facebook cover and profile photos that can be easily combined with each other. Your cover photo and profile photo will appear as a single image, rather than two separate photos.
Download the template above to create this effect.
Opening the photo
Open Photoshop and choose File > Open. Select the photo you want to use as your profile photo and cover photo. If you are going to use the reference photo, choose the polaroid-collage.jpg file. Press Open .
Try to use a photo that is at least 2000 pixels wide so that it can be easily inserted into the template.
Remember that your profile photo will be in the bottom left corner of the photo. In the sample photo, the subject's face is in the lower left corner of the composition, making it easy to change its position. Try to find a photo where the desired face is small or far away, such as a photo of a group of people, a shot of nature or landmarks in the background, or a still life like in the reference photo.
Opening the finished template
Click File > Open and select file facebook-template.psd . Click Open .
Find the Layers panel on the right side of the workspace. If you don't see this panel, select Window > Layers. Note that there are four layers available.
- Facebook frame (Facebook frame) - on this layer you can see how your cover photo and profile photo will look after uploading to Facebook.
- Artwork (Illustration) - This layer contains the photo or design being used.
- Profile picture (Profile photo) - this layer is used to crop and export the profile picture.
- Cover photo (Cover photo) - this layer is used to crop and export the cover photo.
Adding a photo to the template
Locate the file tabs at the top of the workspace and click the photo file. Press Select > All. Use the keyboard shortcut Command+C (Mac) or CTRL+C (Windows) to copy the photo.
Navigate back to the template by selecting the facebook-template.psd file from the file tabs at the top of the workspace. Click the Artwork layer in the Layers panel to make it active and use the keyboard shortcut Command+V (Mac) or CTRL+V (Windows) . This pastes the photo on the Artwork layer below the Facebook frame.
Photo Adjustment
Click the Artwork layer in the Layers panel to make it active.
Go to Edit > Free Transform or press Command/CTRL+T on your keyboard. A marquee will appear around the edges of the photo. If the edges are not visible, zoom out by pressing the Command/CTRL+"-" keys on your keyboard.
- To scale the photo, click and drag one of the four handles at the corners of the selection area.
Hold down the SHIFT key while dragging to keep the original aspect ratio.
- To reposition the photo, click and drag the photo anywhere within the selection area.
- To rotate a photo, place the cursor outside of any of the marquee markers. Click and drag the cursor to rotate.
Position the photo so that it fills both the cover photo area and the profile photo area. When finished, press the ENTER key on the keyboard.
Hide the Facebook frame
With the photo in place, click on the small eye icon to the left of the Facebook frame layer in the Layers panel to hide the layer.
Crop Profile Photo
In the Layers panel, find the thumbnail of the Profile picture layer. This allows you to select an area that meets the Facebook profile photo height and width requirements.
Select Image > Crop to crop the image to the profile picture area.
Save a profile photo
Select File > Save As…
In the Save As dialog box, specify a file name and destination folder for the profile photo. From the Format drop-down menu, select JPEG .
When done, press the Save button. Review the options in the next dialog box and click the 9 button0136 OK .
Undoing operations using the History panel
Click the History panel on the right side of the work area. If this panel is not displayed, select Window > History.
In the History panel, click on the Load Selection step . This will cancel the previous two steps and reload the image without cropping.
Cropping and saving the cover photo
Repeat steps 6 and 7 to crop and save the cover photo.
1. Command-click (Mac) or CTRL-click (Windows) in the Layers panel the thumbnail of the Cover photo layer.