How to make your cat instagram famous

15 Simple Tips to a Great Cat Instagram Account

It’s a scientific fact that cats are poised take over the universe and have launched this mission by way of the internet. Instagram has fallen prey to our feline directors, many of whom have taken over our own personal accounts and made them their own personal platform to cat-ify the online world. You can help your cat build an Instagram account worth watching by following these 15 simple tips:

1. Post cat photos

Obvious to many, not so obvious to some: Give your followers what they really want – cat photos! Resist the urge to post photos that don’t contain paws and whiskers – that’s what your personal account is for. Take note; your cat’s Instagram probably has, or will have, more followers than your personal account. Lovely example: @evey_and_toto. #FunFact: It’s been scientifically proven that being upside down makes you smarter! Source: evey_and_toto, Instagram

2. Post great photos

I’m willing to bet that 95% of your phone’s camera roll consists of cat photos, which is fab-mew-lous! When taking kitty photos, take a whole bunch, but select only the great ones to be published on your Instagram. You don’t need to be an @iamthecatphotographer to take great photos. Many popular Instagram accounts contain photos taken strictly by smartphone. Just a lil’ tip: avoid heavily filtering your photos. If you use natural light and your focus function, your photos will stand up nicely on their own.

Source: iamthecatphotographer, Instagram

3. Have conversations

The whole premise of social media is to be social. Don’t just post a photo then walk away. Put up you pic and caption, and let the conversation flow. If someone has taken the time to, not only “like” your photo, but also comment, give him/her a reply. I realize that for large accounts it may become impossible to answer everyone, but one ingredient to grow is to be responsive. A great social butterfly is the ever-edgy @ischmar.

4. Post often but not too often

Ideally, you want to post at least once or twice a day. If you are overflowing with incredible kitty photos and wish to post more often, a good rule to follow is to allow for at least an hour or two between posting, so as not to annoy your followers and fill their feed with all you! You! You! On the flip side, if you don’t post often enough, you may risk being forgotten or unfollowed :(. Great example: @barnabyandbalthazar.

Source: barnabyandbalthazar, Instagram

5. Write a concise but interesting bio

Instagram allows you just 150 sweet little characters to tell the world what your kitty account represents. Don’t leave it blank! Use it wisely, as it’s your prime real estate. It can be used to summarize your cat’s story (like the lovely @lizafootlesskitten), sell a product or service, display a cause you support, or direct people to a website. Your chosen website can be your own, or someone else’s who you support. You bio and website can be changed whenever you wish, in order to enhance your account. Perhaps share this blog article with your feline friends by using as your website for a period of time…?

6. Tag your photos

If you are looking to get the attention of a certain friend or Instagram account, tagging your photo with their account name can be effective if they have tag notifications enabled, or if people are searching for that particular account by way of tags. For example, when someone tags @meowbox in a photo, a notifications shows up in our “tagged” tab that someone is talking about us. Always use tagging if you have reposted a photo of a fellow feline with an Instagram account.

7. Let your kitty’s personality shine

Is your cat grumpy, high maintenance, or a princess? Let his or her personality shine through with the photos you post and the captions you write. People don’t like to follow accounts, they like to follow interesting personalities. Great example: @liladolf.

Source: liladolf, Instagram

8. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a way for people to search a desired or trending topic. They are also used to aggregate photos for contests. You can use hashtags to bring eyeballs to your photos. If you do not wish to clog up your caption with a series of hashtags, simply put them on the next line in the form of a comment to your own photo. Some cat community hashtags are: #catsofinstgram, #bestmeow, #meowbox, #weeklyfluff, #kittensofinstagram, #adoptdontshop, #tacotonguetuesday, #instakitty, #instapet #catoftheday and #caturday. Check out @summerson1124.

9. Give credit where credit is due

If you have reposted a photo, always give credit to the owner. Do this by way of tagging the photo, plus posting the owner’s Instagram handle in the photo’s caption. We do this a lot on our @meowbox account, so feel free to check us out.

10. Host a contest

Contests are a great way to get eyeballs to your account. Depending on your number of followers, it may be a nice and fun idea to team up with your fellow cat accounts. Prizes can be as simple as a “shoutout” or you can send a prize in the mail to the winner. Contests are done in many different ways and styles, depending on the desired outcome. Take a look at some established accounts, like @professorpouncey, and see how they run their contests. It would take a whole other blog post to explain how to run an effective Instagram contest… perhaps a topic for the future.

11. Write interesting captions

Dang it! And you thought you were getting away from all this creative writing business when you signed up for Instagram. No way, José. Great captions can be the difference between a good account and a mind-blowingly awesome account. Not all of us can conjure up captions like @omgdeedee, but at the very least, narrate what’s going on in the photo. Avoid leaving it blank.

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A post shared by Gary and supporting cast (@omgdeedee)

12. Don’t use a repost app

A nice way to feature a fellow cat account is to share and credit their photo in your own gallery. Tag the photo, include their Instagram name in your caption, and resist the urge to use a repost app! As convenient as they are, I find repost apps take away from the original image because they often will plaster distracting banners on your photo. Take the extra 30 seconds to screen shot and crop, my furrends.

13. Post at normal times of the day

The idea behind this tip is to post your photos at a time of day that your audience is actually awake and surfing their Instagram. There’s no sense in posting at the dead of night if everyone is asleep. Your ideal audience might be the early morning coffee-sippers on their morning commute, the sly midday work-avoiders, or the late-night nocuturnals (like me). Play with your pics and post during different times of day and night. You’ll see which photos get the most action.

14. Let your cat do the talking

Not much of a storyteller? Then let your cat do the talking. We know, as cat parents, that our kitties have unique personalities, so write your captions as if they come from the mouth of your cat. Great example: @zacandharvey

15. Make new friends

On Instagram and in real life, you won’t make friends by making yourself look pretty then just sitting and waiting for people to come. You have to work it! Follow the kitty accounts that you enjoy, like cat photos that entertain you, and comment on posts that move you to do so. You have to give before you get, so flip through some of the tens of thousands of cat accounts out there and give out some sincere likes and comments.

I know what you’re thinking: this sounds like a full-time job. It actually is for some people. The Instagram graveyard of sluggish accounts is filling up and since you’ve made it all the way to the end of this lengthy article, I take it you don’t want your cat account to end up there.

Follow these guidelines, be patient, and you’ll have happily entertained followers and a beautiful cat photo gallery. These principals can also be applied to your dog, makeup, food, baby, fitness, business, travel, art, photography or personal accounts! People will be eager to share your account with their own friends and your audience will grow naturally. You’ll swiftly embrace this lovely Cats of Instagram community, which will soon become a bright part of your everyday cat takeover.

The next time you post a great photo of your cat with a witty caption, tag it with #meowbox and @meowbox. Perhaps it will be our next feature photo and you can welcome some new friends to your gallery.

6 Tips to Making Snapchat Work on Your Cat
Our Top 8 Favourite Foster Kitty Instagram Accounts
Introducing Every Cat-Loving Foodie’s New Favourite Instagram

How to Make Your Cat Instagram Famous

We all love our cats. So much so, that sometimes we can’t help showing off how cute they are or their funny behaviors to fellow cat lovers.

  1. Make a Second Insta Account for Your Cat
  2. How to Set Up Your Cat’s Instagram Profile
  3. How to Grow Your Cat’s Instagram Following
  4. How to Engage with Other Accounts as Your Cat
  5. Best Cat Hashtags for Instagram
  6. Tips to Taking Pictures of Your Cat
  7. Three Great Insta Cat Profiles

Instagram is a wonderful way of connecting with fellow cat lovers and cat owners to see their cats and to show off yours. It’s also a great way to connect if you have questions or concerns about your cat, learning from other people’s experiences with their own cats and what they did with issues their cats were having.

Make a Second Insta Account for Your Cat

Paragraphs can be added but should be kept to a single line.

The first thing you want to do to connect with the Instagram cat community is to create an account for your cat. You can create that account linked to your own by following these steps:

  1. Step 1

    Go to your profile on Instagram by tapping on your profile icon in the bottom right of the screen.

  2. Step 2

    Tap on your username which is located above your profile picture.

  3. Step 3

    Tap “Add Account” from the menu that appears

  4. Step 4

    Select “Create New Account” from the available options.

  5. Step 5

    Choose a username for your cat’s profile and tap ‘next.’ There are several things you can name the account. While most cat owners choose to name the account after the cat’s name, you can also use “cat” or “kitten” or “kitty” in the account name. Others use the breed of cat to help find new options.

  6. Step 6

    Create a password and tap next.

  7. Step 7

    Tap “Complete Sign Up” to finish creating the Instagram account for your cat.

How to Set Up Your Cat’s Instagram Profile

Now that you created your cat an Instagram account, it’s time to embellish her profile. To edit her profile, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1

    Tap on your cat’s profile icon on the bottom right of the screen.

  2. Step 2

    Tap “edit profile.”

  3. Step 3

    Change your cat’s profile picture by tapping on “change profile photo” and either choosing a new profile photo from your phone or importing a photo from Facebook. Choose a picture that really showcases your cat’s personality to help followers connect with it quicker.

  4. Step 4

    Fill in your cat’s name and bio. Keep the bio simple, but fun. You can also let people know who its owner is by linking it to your own Insta account.

  5. Step 5

    Tap the checkmark in the top right corner of the screen to finish setting up the account.

How to Grow Your Cat’s Instagram Following

There are several things you can do to help grow your cat’s Instagram following:

  • heart-outline

    Put the thought in your cat’s bio. Make it interesting and engaging, drawing your followers into wanting to know more about your cat. 

  • camera

    Post photos and videos often, but not too often. Your cat’s followers are gonna want to see her once or twice a day so it’s important not to overwhelm them with too many photos. Take thought into what pictures and videos you’re choosing. Is it funny, adorable, beautiful, too much like the last few photos that were posted, etc? Put some variety in your posts and always choose the best ones.

  • bargraph

    Think about your followers and what they would like to see. We’re all in love with our cat and love nearly all the pictures and videos we take of them, but just because we love everything that has to do with them, doesn’t mean that our followers will. 

  • pencil

    Put some thought into the captions you are writing about your cat. Make it interesting, thoughtful, or funny. 

  • megaphone

    Make sure you’re being authentic. Don’t try too hard to make yourself or your cat something that they’re not. If your cat isn’t that poseable but is good at athletics, try taking photos and videos showing off their athleticism instead.

  • strategy

    Use hashtags to draw in more potential followers. This is one of the best ways to show off your cat to other cat lovers and increase your following. Look up which hashtags are popular for cats and make sure they match appropriately with what you are posting. A really good site to find out popular hashtags that would fit with your photo is ‘Influencer Marketing Hub Hashtag Generator Tool.’ You can upload your photo, scroll down, choose up to 5 keywords regarding your photo and it will bring up a list of hashtags on the right pane showing its popularity.

  • chat

    Tag other people or other cat accounts if possible to help draw attention from them and their followers. Make sure to tag the appropriate individuals if your cat was posed with another cat or person; if someone else took the photo of your cat; or if you’re wanting a particular individual or group to see your post.

  • magnifying-glass

    Search for other cat accounts you can follow and engage with them. Comment on their posts and love them. They may just end up following you back.

How to Engage with Other Accounts as Your Cat

Think about your cat’s personality. Are they sassy? Sweet? Grumpy? Whatever their personality, it should already be presented in their bio and photos you’ve been posting about them. As you engage with other accounts as your cat, you will want to keep this personality in mind. 

Whether it be writing a caption on your own photo or engaging with somebody else’s, thinking about what your cat would actually be saying in the moment if she could, brings not only a level of fun but sincerity and authenticity to your cat.

The more you engage this way, the more your followers will get to know your cat and their personality and bond with them which will increase engagement with your own cat’s account.  

Best Cat Hashtags for Instagram

Some popular cat hashtags people use for their accounts are:

  • #cats
  • #catsofinstagram
  • #catlovers
  • #catlife
  • #instacat
  • #catoftheday

At any time you can look up popular hashtags you could use for your cat’s account. You can either look at other popular cat accounts and see which hashtags they are using, or you can use different sites to see what is popular and trending.

One of the sites that are excellent for finding the popularity of a hashtag and directing you to more relatable hashtags is MetaHashtags. MetaHashtags is a free site where all you have to do is enter a hashtag and it will bring up a list of hashtags that relate to it and list its popularity and how many times on average it is used hourly, as well as how many average likes and comments that hashtag usually brings in. 

Tips to Taking Pictures of Your Cat

Taking pictures of cats can be difficult. By the time you grab your camera to capture the cutest pose, they’ve moved on. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind if you’re trying to get a good shot of your cat:

  • camera

    Always have your camera ready.

  • megaphone

    Crinkle a bag to draw your cat’s attention.

  • pictures

    Take lots of photos. It’s a lot of work going through photos, but the more you take, and the more rapidly you take, the more likely you will find the perfect shot.

  • aperture

    Try different angles.

  • scope

    Make sure you capture their eyes. The eyes of cats are stunning and convey the emotions they are feeling which will draw the attention of your viewers. 

  • caution

    Don’t use your flash. Not only do cats not like flash and it may cause them to run off, but it can alter the color in their eyes typically to more of a blue or green.

  • wine

    Most importantly, be very patient. It’s difficult to capture the perfect pose before your cat has moved on to something else. Keep trying, and always be ready to take that perfect shot.

Three Great Insta Cat Profiles

Here are three popular cat Insta profiles:


The most popular Instagram cat profile is Nala Cat found at @nala_cat.

Nala Cat is a ten year old cat who has 4.3 million followers and has a touching backstory of being adopted. She broke a Guinness World record in 2017 by gaining the most Instagram followers. If you scroll her page, you will find some of the most adorable photos of her posing in different outfits and making cute faces.


Another popular Instagram cat profile is lil BUB found at @iamlilbub.

Lil BUB was an adorable tiny cat who made some of the most adorable expressions. She has 2.3 million Instagram followers and even has her own YouTube channel with 351K subscribers.

Lil BUB was the runt of a feral litter and needed special care, having feline dwarfism and a rare bone condition that prevented her from being able to move around much. Her owner was able to find the treatment that helped her improve so much that she was able to run and jump on the couch. As a result of her story, her owner started a national fund where he and lil BUB were able to raise over 700,000 dollars for animal organizations to help other special needs pets.

Unfortunately, Lil BUB has since passed in 2019 from a bone infection, but her story and generosity still touch those around her.


Smoothie the Cat found at @smoothiethecat is another very popular cat on Instagram.

She has 2.2 million followers and is known as the ‘Queen of Fluff’ having some of the most beautiful cat photos you will see on Instagram. She also has a YouTube channel of her own and has 155K subscribers. She is a British Longhair cat and is often photographed with her fellow British Longhair bestie Milkshake. 

If you are wanting to make an Instagram account for your cat, it is easy to get started. Building a following takes time and a lot of work but is well worth the effort. Engage with other cat profiles and learn from what they are doing, implementing those things in your own account. Capture your cat’s personality, post good, solid content often and be patient to see the results you may be after.

100 cat captions for Instagram - Meow

There was a time when the Internet was used to exchange research results between university scientists and to send e-mail, but one day someone discovered the true purpose of this global network of telecommunications equipment: the Internet is for CATS. LOLCats, Keyboard Cat, Nyan Cat...even I can have a cheeseburger run by a cat. Then came the famous cats: Grumpy Cat and Lil' Bub (may they rest in peace), Monty, Venus and many more. It turns out that the general population craves cats that only the internet can feed!

  • Live long and purr.
  • Impawssible!
  • Meow chica meow meow.
  • Beautiful day.
  • This kitten is on fur! RAW!
  • I have this loving cat…
  • The possibilities are endless!
  • He became a feline atonic.
  • An angry little cat in history.
  • Maximum happiness, minimum effort.

Cat jokes

So maybe they read a little more like "Joke Dad", but hey, who doesn't love a big, clean, banal joke?

  • Have you heard about the mother cat who ate a whole ball of yarn? She gave birth to garbage mittens!
  • What is the official name for a bunch of cats? meowntain.
  • If my cat gets everything she wants, is it because she is cheeky?
  • Why does your cat always jump on the keyboard? Because he's looking for a mouse!
  • What do you call a cat that commits crimes? Scammer.
  • Have you heard of a guy who won't neuter his cat? He was arrested for trash.
  • Why don't cats play poker? Too many cheetahs.
  • What did the kitten eat for breakfast? Crispy mice!

Cats vs. Dogs

Almost everyone would agree that cats and dogs are completely different creatures, in every possible way! While dogs tend to be lovable extroverts who love to show off tricks and relentlessly communicate, cats are more introspective, independent, and equipped with a purring mechanism that can rumble up walls when they're pleased. Some of the happiest of us belong to both creatures, and we dedicate these captions to these mixed-species families!

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  • Dogs have owners; cats have a staff.
  • “Dogs come when called. The cats receive the message and will call you back later. - Mary Bly
  • "Women and cats will do whatever they want, but men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." — Robert Heinlein
  • Cats rule, dogs drool.
  • “Meow” means “woof” for a cat.” — George Carlin
  • “Dogs eat. The cats are having lunch. ” — Ann Taylor
  • “Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't make eight cats pull a sled through the snow." — Jeff Valdez
  • "Dogs aren't like cats that amusingly carry people until someone comes up with a can opener that you can control with your paw." — Terry Pratchett

  • All you need is love and a cat.
  • "Meow massages the heart." — Stuart Macmillan
  • Crazy cat lady confirmed
  • "Woman nine lives like a cat." — John Heywood

Through the eyes of a cat

It is clear that cats have a different reality than we humans. What if we could live like cats? Also, what if cats can post on Instagram? How would they caption their selfies?

  • So exhausted. I only slept 15 hours today.
  • It's mouse hunting season.
  • Bask in the glory of my internet fame.
  • Strut ... pause ... spacer ... pause. Lick my tail and... POSE!
  • I'm not surprised. I'm never surprised. I'm a cat.
  • I'll bring it if I want.
  • The reason I sleep all day is because my man has a bad taste for watching drunks.
  • We cats have websites where they upload videos of people trying to open Tyvek envelopes and start lawnmowers... except we don't have thumbs so we never watch them.

In the mind of a cat

Cats seem to have very complex minds. They are house-sized house predators with extremely busy schedules. In the end, they have to sleep fifteen hours, leave hairballs on their legs, cook food for hours in advance, hunt insects and other small prey, and knock things off the shelves. That's a lot of planning! So what's going on in that little furry head?

  • What do cats think? Probably world domination...and strategies for tripping people on the stairs.
  • "Cats are meant to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose." - Garrison Keillor
  • "Cats love comfort." — James Herriot
  • “The cat does not offer service; the cat offers itself." — William S. Burroughs
  • You don't own cats. They own you.
  • "If cats could talk, they wouldn't." — Nan Porter
  • I'm glad my cat can't talk; he knows too much
  • There is no such thing as an ordinary cat.
  • Cats are not so mysterious. With a cat, you always know what you're getting.
  • You can teach your cat to do whatever he wants.
  • "Cats easily tell me everything I need to know." — Charles Bukowski
  • “In my head, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and cats are orange.” — Jim Davis

  • Even a cat is a lion in his den.
  • Jungle kitten.
  • Wild at heart.

Ignoring haters

Not everyone likes cats. We don't have an explanation for this phenomenon, but we do have some words of wisdom that you can share with them via Instagram captions!

  • People who hate cats will come back like mice in their next lives.
  • Cats are like music. You cannot explain their value to people who do not understand.
  • A rose has thorns, just like a cat has claws. Surely they are both worth it?
  • I had to get rid of my husband. He was allergic to my cat.

More Cat Quotes

Here are some extra quotes from famous feline friends. They adequately capture all the different emotions and thoughts that come with the feline experience.

  • While other species are descended from monkeys, redheads are descended from cats. — Mark Twain
  • Cats can mathematically determine the exact seating position that will cause the most discomfort. — Pam Brown
  • How you treat cats here determines your status in Heaven. — Robert A. Heinlein
  • When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further acquaintance. — Mark Twain
  • I am a cat. We don't have to make sense. — Shonan McGuire
  • Maybe a house without a cat — and a well-fed, well-breasted, and properly respected cat — might be the perfect home, but how can he prove the title? — Mark Twain
  • The cat understands how to be nice in the morning. He doesn't talk. — Tamora Pierce
  • I gave my cat a bath the other day… they love it. He sat there, he enjoyed it, I had fun. The fur will stick to my tongue, but other than that... – Steve Martin Aug 9 '11 at 10:020008
  • My cat is not crazy, she is just a very good actress. — PC. Cast
  • Cats, as you know, are pretty immune to threats. — Connie Willis
  • I am a cat that walks by itself and all places are the same for me. — Rudyard Kipling
  • The problem with cats is that they look exactly the same whether they see moths or ax killers. — Paula Poundstone
  • No matter how much cats fight, there are always plenty of kittens. — Abraham Lincoln
  • Books. Cats. Life is good. —Edward Gorey
  • If toast always goes butter side down and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you put the toast on a cat's back and drop it? — Steven Wright
  • To err is human, purring is feline. Robert Byrne
  • "Oh, you can't help it," said the cat. "We're all angry here." — Lewis Carroll
  • No animal has more freedom than a cat, but it will bury the mess it makes. The cat is the best anarchist. — Ernest Hemingway
  • Ignorance killed the cat; curiosity has been framed! – S.J. Cherry
  • Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. — Eugene O'Neill

Cats aren't the only great items for our Instagram caption library!

If you take a lot of family pictures, then you should definitely check out our list of Instagram captions for cousins!

What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas - unless you take a picture of it and use one of our amazing Instagram captions for Las Vegas!

Visiting New York? Then you definitely need our signatures for the Big Apple!

If a mouse suits your style better, then you should take a look at our list of Walt Disney World Signatures!

Have all these trips ruined your LTR? Don't worry - we have a signature list for your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend!

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How to maintain a perfect Instagram account for a cat and make money on it

If you have a cat, but do not have his Instagram yet, you lose potential earnings and popularity. Perhaps you just lacked the perfect instruction. But KYKY, together with Huawei P Smart 2019, will tell you how to manage a pet account in order to profit from it. So, here are the rules for what to do if the page is created, but there is no content for it yet.

Become a cat stalker

Does your cat go to the closet to lie on your black T-shirt? Follow him. Is he torturing flies in the kitchen? Record it on video. Does he sleep in the lotus position? Take a photo instead. Imagine that your cat is an idol from childhood, posters of which you have gently pasted all over the room. Or imagine that Dunya the cat is Monica Bellucci in person - just don't take too many selfies, it's still not your account. Arrange the pursuit of the cat, become his paparazzi, biographer and videographer. You can even install cameras around the house - your public figure should be ready to shoot at all times. In addition, cats look most charming just in a shaggy form and in rather stupid poses.

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Posted by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat)

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Posted by Maggie Liu (@lanlan731)

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Posted by - Hamilton The Hipster Cat - (@hamilton_the_hipster_cat)

Focus on his weirdness

If your cat has an overbite like Grumpy Cat, a huge birthmark in the shape of North Korea, an ear bitten off in yard fights without rules, a serial killer look or squint - you are deadly lucky. Your cat is a sleeping money bag that just needs to be shaken. Nature or the complex fate of the cat has done most of the work for you. It remains only to make dignity out of the "lack" and collect likes. You can also come up with a story about how this mark on the forehead (or anything else) appeared, and write about it in the bio - this way the loyalty of subscribers will increase significantly, and zoo brands will line up for advertising.

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Posted by PrincessMonsterTruck © (@princessmonstertruck)

Maya the Cat (@meetmayacat)

Keep an eye on the cat's wardrobe

Even if you are not touched by slippers for paws and fairy wings on soft fur, there are millions, if not billions, of fans of such content. Yes, animals can be frightened by the fact that deer antlers ringing with bells on their heads, and socks on their paws that do not allow them to feel the surface. The main thing is that photos of a dressed up kitten collect thousands of likes and comments in the style of “how cuuute!” You order mini sweaters, mini sneakers and mini witch hats for Halloween on some Chinese website and watch how the number of subscribers and advertising integrations grows. Just don't forget to treat the cat with something delicious to eat up the stress of endless filming.

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Posted by Nala Cat ™ (@nala_cat)

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Post by Living emoji cat (@rexiecat)

Let the cat "himself" respond to comments

First, answer the question: what is the character of your cat? Ham, introvert, lazy, gourmet or hysterical? The tone of voice of your Instagram will depend on the essence of the cat. For example, you have decided that your cat is still a usurper: she declares her rights and boundaries very loudly and always points you to your place in the house. So write on behalf of a radical director, become her, close your human principles of “being kind and good” in a cage with an electric grid. Each post in the account of such a cat should ooze with snobbery towards little people, sarcasm and tough orders. And when the first commentators appear, grab their attention, write them barbs. Just remember that positive images sell much better, and the public's loyalty to them is much higher.

Turn your cat into a food blogger or art reviewer

Pass on your hobby to your cat, especially if the hobby is Instagram-friendly. Answer the question: what do you like to do? Yoga, travel, cooking, board games? Your cat can bake pies on Tuesdays and cook risotto on Thursdays, giving out tips on how to properly clean fish. Or he might review non-fiction from the point of view of an art critic. You will be his guest writer, one might even say, a gray cardinal. You definitely won’t get a “thank you” from a cat for enslaving his life-rights, but who needs it if you already have contracts.

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Posted by Venus the Two Face Cat (@venustwofacecat)

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Post by Rich East & Willow The Van Cat (@vancatmeow)

Don't forget about the cat selfie

Even cats are not alien to selfie culture, so wait until the animal stretches its paws and take a fake selfie. Why will it shoot? Because it's a selfie (do you get a lot of likes too?) and because it's a close-up of a cat, which is cute squared. The main thing is not to overdo it with such content. Don't forget about quality content and stories about your pet's habits.

Focus on the eyes

Human eyes are the mirror of the soul, while cat eyes are the narrow gates to hell. Pupils that even in bright light can spread over the entire iris, and a mixture of all colors with the addition of incredible beauty - this is what a person can look at forever. More such sticky looks - more love in the form of likes and subscriptions. At the same time, the text under the photo can be about any brand that has contacted you for advertising. The main thing is to arrange all this as the thoughts of a cat in the first person.

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Post by Quimera twofacedcat (@gataquimera)

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Posted by Prince & Barbara (@princeandbarbara)

Get your camera ready and wait for the cat to yawn

Yes, hunting for such a shot can seem like an endless torment. But there is a life hack: after a long sleep, cats, fortunately for blogger owners, yawn several times. They say that when a person yawns many times in a row, a demon comes out of him. Probably, this legend was invented by cats. Be that as it may, a photo of yawning cats is the highest card in any distribution. Play by the rules of Instagram, then you can promote your pet and finally quit all jobs.

Reveal your face

When your cat becomes a nano-blogger, the time will come for you, his manager, to appear in the frame. Content analysts say that photos with smiling people gain 35% more likes, and if your cat smiles too, then you are guaranteed 100% engagement. Although usually cats in a photo with people are rather the embodiment of suffering or anger, rather than happiness (but this is fixable). But remember that here the main character is not you, but an eternal hungry animal, so put two photos of you together in your content plan and calm your ego. Do you want the same fame as a cat? Start your own blog and try to promote it with the same ease.

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Post by Suki Cat (@sukiicat)

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Get a second cat to double your profits

When all the ideas for content run out (and this can happen very quickly - we won’t write a photo plan for a lifetime), get a second cat. Two animals themselves will begin to create situations that will look perfect in photos and videos. But be careful, after getting to know each other and lapping, they can destroy your home, and no advertising budgets will cover the torn injuries of the sofa, wallpaper and curtains. On the other hand, if everything goes according to plan, you are already successfully making money from advertising and can make repairs. In any case, film a couple of your pets if they look at each other with hatred or love. If they wave their paws or sleep in an embrace. When there are two cats in the frame, you get twice as many likes. But be careful: the plan to promote by increasing the number of models will work up to a maximum of five. Further, the costs will exceed the profit, because star cats have a rather demanding rider.

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Posted by Anya Gladkikh (@anyagrapes)

If ​​you have taken brilliant photos and videos, but they do not collect likes, then you should think about a new camera.

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