How to create welcome bot in telegram group

How to Create an automated Telegram Bot to post in your Telegram Channel/Group

Telegram Channels are vital tools for broadcasting messages to a theoretically unlimited audience. As for Telegram Groups (supporting communities of up to 200,000 and counting), they serve a similar function only that member can interact directly with each other among other things.

Telegram Channels and Groups by themselves can be a lot of work to manage. Unless you don’t intend to keep your followers for long, you need fresh content regularly streaming in. Some channels opt for forwarding content from other channels and Groups on top of creating periodical original content. As you can imagine, this is quite the labor of love. The smart move is to create your own Telegram bot to automate the process.

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Creating a Telegram bot doesn’t require a degree in robotics or some such. Any couch potato can have a bot up and running in under 10 minutes or so. You don’t require any coding experience, even. I kid you not.

In this post, we will show you how to create a Telegram bot to autopost articles of interest from Twitter, YouTube, VK and RSS feed with your legion of subscribers/members. By all accounts, this beats having to manually share this content.

Step 1: Create a Telegram Channel

  1. Simply head over to the hamburger menu on the top left corner of your Telegram app. This applies to both smartphone and desktop apps.
  2. Select ‘New Channel’ (The one with the broadcast icon).
  3. Go ahead and input your Channel name and optional corresponding Channel description.
  4. You can either set it as public or private, depending on your intentions. As a public channel, users may find it using their search box. A private channel, on the other hand, requires an Invite link to join.

Voila! One down, two to go!

Read more:

  • Telegram could transform the business sector with Bot Payments
  • A guide to using Telegram bots
  • Native Mobile apps are dead: Build a bot or Progressive Web app 

Step 2: Create a Telegram Bot for your Telegram Channel/Group

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As Telegram loves to say, BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. That’s where to start when creating new bots and manage existing bots. So then, that’s our next stop.

  1. Open BotFather. Type Botfather in your Telegram search box. Click on it to open the bot.
  2. Type the /newbot command to create a new bot. Choose a name for your new bot. Unless you intend this to be a public bot, the name doesn’t really matter. Our bot will be running the show from behind the scenes.
  3. Now choose a username for your new bot. Usernames can be between anywhere between 5-32 case-insensitive characters long. As a rule, the username must end with the suffix -bot, i.e dignitedfanbot.
  4. Once you are done you will receive an HTTP API token. i.e. something like: 435074775:AAHRQTtAOhQ1POBw9L98ru6Giek0qafTvME. Keep this token secure and store it safely. If anyone gets a hold of this token, they can fully control your bot.

Step 3: Use Manybot to autopost to your Telegram Channel/Group

Now that we have a functional bot, we will use another bot to streamline the process. @Chatfuel_bot is a popular choice, but I have a personal favorite, @Manybot. Manybot will be the link between your Channel and the bot you created. In order to autopost content from your RSS feed, Twitter and YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. Open Manybot.
  2. Use /addbot command to create your first bot. (We have done this already, so yay!)
  3. Skip the step to create a new bot with Botfather as we have done it already.
  4. Click ‘I’ve copied the API token.’ Copy and paste the token you received after creating your bot in Botfather.
  5. Once the token is accepted, write a short description about your bot or skip this step.
  6. Your bot is now ready! Select ‘Send New Post to Subscribers.’

You will be sent to your newly created bot. From here you can send new posts to subscribers, deploy custom commands and form replies and all that. But let’s keep it simple for now. Head over to Settings at the bottom. You will see the following: Channels/Autoposting/Timezone/Cancel.

  • Click on ‘Channels‘ to start.
  • Select ‘Add Channel
  • Type Channel name/link. e.g Tech356 or

Oops! We will hit a snag at this point. So let’s backtrack and go back to our Channel. We will set our bot as an Admin. To do this, we navigate to Channel settings, and then Administrators. We will then add our bot as Admin. Now to continue…

  • Go back to your bot and add your Channel.
  • After you are done, Select ‘Go Back
  • Select ‘Autoposting
  • Select content source i.e. Twitter(@username), YouTube channel, VK and RSS feed (e.g feed://
  • Success!

Video tutorial on How to Set up Autoposting on your Telegram Channel/Group

How to create welcome messages in Telegram groups

Very good Androids and especially to the people who are Telegram users, and in this new practical video tutorial I am going to teach you how to create welcome messages in Telegram groups in a very, very simple way. (Fully automated welcome messages and goodbye messages).

I have decided to create this practical video tutorial due to all the requests received via Telegram, YouTube comments and other social networks in which many users have strongly asked me to do a tutorial to welcome new users who join a Telegram group.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to create welcome messages in Telegram step by step (And farewell)
  • 2 Download official Telegram from the Google Play Store
  • 3 Download Telegram X from the Google Play Store
  • 4 Download Plus Messenger from the Google Play Store
  • 5 Download Bgram from the Google Play Store

How to create welcome messages in Telegram step by step (And farewell)

The process is as simple as add this bot: Welcome bot as administrator of our group or groups . Just copy this alias @ jh0ker_welcomebot and add it as one more user in your group.

Then you go to the group members option hold down on Welcome Bot and add it as its administrator.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel

Once this is done, All you have to do is give it the administration permissions to delete messages and invite with a link. With these two permissions, the bot will be ready to start doing its work.

Once I enter our group and with the Welcome Bot already placed as its administrator, the only thing that will be left for you is configure the welcome message and goodbye message with the / welcome and / goodbye commands.

You have to take into account that you have to respect the syntax of the command Just as it tells us when we start the Welcome Bot for the first time.

With the command / welcome plus the message we want and adding $ username We will personally welcome new members by calling them by their own name.

The same will happen with the command / goodbye plus goodbye message plus $ username.

In the screenshot that I have left you a little above you can see the complete list of bot commands, a bot very, very simple to use and a very good solution for those users who do not want major complications with the welcome or farewell of the new members of groups on Telegram.

It cannot be easier. If you have any questions, I advise you to take a look at the attached video that I have left at the beginning of this post, a video recorded in vertical format so that you can see it from your mobile in full screen and see what I do as I do. you were doing your in your terminal.

Download official Telegram from the Google Play Store


Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC

Price: Free

Download Telegram X from the Google Play Store

Telegram X

Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC

Price: Free

Download Plus Messenger from the Google Play Store

More Messenger

Developer: raphalian

Price: Free

Download Bgram from the Google Play Store


Developer: biftor

Price: Free

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How to connect Telegram chatbot | SendPulse

Chatbot is an automated multifunctional assistant that can show information to subscribers and collect information on demand according to pre-prepared scenarios.

Follow the step-by-step instructions to create your first Telegram messenger chatbot or connect an existing one to the SendPulse service for further customization.

If you already have a bot, skip the first step and go straight to the second.

How to create a new bot in Telegram

Open the Telegram messenger, log in to your account or create a new one.

Step 1. Enter @BotFather in the search box and select a bot.

The official Telegram bot will have a blue confirmation sign next to the name in the form of a checkmark.

Step 2. Click "Run" to activate the BotFather bot.

In response, you will receive a list of commands for managing bots.

Step 3. Select or type and send the command /newbot .

Step 4. Give the bot a name - clients will see this name when communicating with the bot. And the nickname of the bot - you can use it to find the bot in Telegram. The nickname must be unique, not repeat the existing ones in the database, and end with the word "bot".

After you select a suitable name, the bot will be created. You will receive a message with a link to the bot , recommendations for setting up an avatar, a description of the bot, and a list of commands for setting up the bot.

You will need a token to connect the bot to SendPulse. Copy the value of the token and go to the last point.

Where to find the key for an existing bot

Step 1. Go to the @BotFather bot and enter the command /token .

You will see buttons with created bots.

Step 2. Select the bot you want to connect.

Copy the value of the token.

How to connect a bot to Sendpulse

Go to the Chatbots section of your SendPulse account. If you did not have connected channels before, click on the "Connect Channels" button.

If you have already connected bots, go to the "Manage Bots" section and click "Add Bot". You can also select "Connect" next to the desired channel.

In the "Telegram" section, enter the access key - the token received in the created bot. Click Connect.

Click the "Subscribe to bot" button. This way you can test every message and thread and send them to yourself before implementation.

You will be redirected to the "Telegram" application, click on the "Start" button and you will subscribe to your bot.

After successfully connecting the chatbot, you will receive a welcome chain, the bot will appear in your list of bots, and you can start creating welcome and trigger chains, mass mailings.

Subscribers are not automatically imported. After connecting, you will be able to collect an audience using the subscription widget or by sharing a link to the bot directly. You can also manually upload a file with previously collected subscribers.

Connect Telegram chatbot

Updated: 09.08.2022

Telegram Documentation: Bots

  1. Documentation
  2. Bots

Bots are special Telegram accounts created to automatically process and send messages. Users can interact with bots using messages sent through regular or group chats. Bot logic is controlled by HTTPS requests to our Bot API.

General information

What can bots do?

Here are some examples of how bots are used:

  • Integration with other services. For example, a bot can send comments or control a smart home. Or, for example, send you notifications when an action or event occurs (Examples: GitHub Bot, Image Bot).
  • Utilities and tools. The bot can display the weather, translate texts, or alert you to upcoming events at your request (For example, a poll bot).
  • Single and multiplayer games. The bot can play checkers or chess with you, hold quizzes, and so on. (Example: Trivia bot).
  • Social services. The bot can find you a companion based on your common interests and hobbies. (Example: HotOrBot).
  • Anything you want. Bot can be programmed for anything. Unless they can wash the dishes.

How do bots work?

As mentioned earlier, robots are special accounts that do not require a phone number when created. In fact, these accounts play the role of an interface to your service that runs on a remote server.

The most interesting thing about robots is that you don't need to learn low-level methods of working with MTProto and encryption to create them - communication with the robot is organized using the usual HTTPS interface with simplified Telegram API methods. We called it Bot API.


We also recommend that you read the detailed description of the Bot API.

How to create a bot?

There is a... Bot for this. Just email the user @BotFather and follow their instructions. Once you have created a bot and received your authorization key (token), go to the Bot API documentation section to start configuring your bot.

How is a bot different from a normal account?

  • Robots do not have "online" or "online" statuses, instead they display "bot".
  • Bots have limited space on servers - all messages will be deleted after a certain period of time after processing.
  • Bots cannot start chatting with the user themselves. The user must either add the robot to the group or be the first to start a dialogue with it. To do this, you can use links of the form or search by username.
  • The username of a robot must end with "bot" (for example, @controllerbot).
  • When added to a conference, by default the robot does not receive all messages (see privacy mode).
  • Robots never sleep, eat or complain (unless you program them otherwise).

Super powers

Telegram bots have many unique features, such as customized keyboards, additional interfaces for default commands, external linking, and special privacy modes for groups.

Inline mode

Users can communicate with your bot directly from the message input field - from any chat or group. To do this, you just need to type your bot's username and search query. After receiving a request, the bot can return any results. As soon as the user clicks on one of them, he will immediately go to the chat. In this way, you can request content from the bot in chats, groups, or channels.

Read more about inline mode on the blog »


Bots allow users to play HTML5 games in groups or private chats. The Telegram gaming platform will help to compile a table of records and notify users about rating changes.

Games have HTML5 under the hood, so you can create games of any complexity. At the moment, the Telegram team has created several demo games:

  • Math Battle
  • Lumberjack
  • Corsairs

More about games in Telegram »


One of the most unusual Bot API features is custom keyboards . When the server sends a response, it is possible to send a command to display a special keyboard with predefined response options (see ReplyKeyboardMarkup). The Telegram client, upon receiving the message, will display your keyboard to the user. Pressing the key will immediately send the corresponding command to the server. Thus, the interaction of the robot with the user can be greatly simplified. Currently, emoji and text can be used to display on the key. Here are some examples of such keyboards:

For more information, see the description of the sendMessage method.


Commands are a more flexible way to communicate with the bot. The following syntax is recommended:

 /command [optional] [argument] 

The command must begin with a forward slash "/" and cannot be longer than 32 characters. Commands can consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and underscores. A few examples:

 /get_messages_stats /set_timer 10min Alarm! /get_timezone London, UK 

Messages starting with a slash will always be delivered to the bot (just like replying to bot messages and @mentions in chat). Telegram apps will be:

  • Offer a list of supported commands with their description when the user enters the slash character "/" (for this item to work, you need to set the command description to @BotFather). Clicking on the description will send that command.
  • Show button (/) in the text input field in all chats with bots. Clicking this button will display a list of available commands.
  • Highlight /commands in messages. When you click on such a highlighted command, it will be immediately sent to the bot.

If there are several bots in the group, you can add the bot name after the command to avoid collisions in common commands:

 /start@TriviaBot /start@ApocalypseBot 

This happens automatically if you select a command from the list of available commands.

Global commands

To make it easier for users to work with bots, we ask all developers to implement support for a few simple commands. In the Telegram application interface there will be shortcuts (quick links) for these commands.

  • /start - Starts a conversation with the user (for example, sends a welcome message). You can also pass additional arguments to this command (see external binding).
  • /help - displays a message with help on commands. It can be a short message about your bot and a list of available commands.
  • /settings - (if possible) returns a list of possible settings and commands to change them.

When trying to start communication with the robot, the user will see a button START . Links Help and Settings will also be available on the bot profile page.

Privacy Mode

Bots are often added to groups to receive various information - news, notifications, etc. However, when adding a bot, you probably asked yourself: “What if this little asshole forwards all group correspondence somewhere “to the left”?” That is why robots have privacy modes .

A robot with privacy enabled will not receive all messages, but only messages that meet these conditions:

  • Messages starting with a forward slash "/" (see section Commands)
  • Messages containing @mention bot
  • Replies to bot messages
  • Service messages (about adding a user, changing a group image, etc.)

This is good in every way: first, some people will sleep soundly (in their tinfoil hats) without fear of being bugged. Secondly, the privacy mode saves developers from having to process hundreds of unnecessary messages from group chats.

Privacy mode is enabled by default in all bots. It can be turned off - then the bot will start receiving all messages, just like a regular user. All participants in the conference can see the current status of the privacy mode in the list of group members.

We recommend disabling privacy mode only when absolutely necessary. In the vast majority of cases, requesting a forced reply to a bot message will be sufficient.

External binding

Bots have an external binding mechanism that allows you to pass additional parameters at startup. For example, to transfer the user's authorization token in order to connect his account with some external service.

Each robot has a link with which you can start a dialogue with it - . You can add parameters * start or startgroup to this link with a value up to 64 characters. Example: 

Valid characters are A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - . We recommend using base64url to encode parameters.

Following the link with the parameter start will start a chat with the bot, while the START button will be displayed in the text input field. When clicking on the link with parameter startgroup , the user will be prompted to add the bot to one of the available groups. As soon as the user confirms his action (presses the START button or selects a group), the bot will receive a message in the following format:

 /start PAYLOAD 

In PAYLOAD will be parameter value start or startgroup which was passed in the reference.

External binding example

Suppose the site wants to send notifications to the user using a Telegram bot. Below is a description of the sequence of actions to implement sending notifications to a user with ID 123 .

  1. Create a bot with any name like @ExampleComBot
  2. Set up a webhook for incoming messages
  3. Generate a key of sufficient length, e.g. $memcache_key = 'TESTKEY'
  4. Write the value 123 with key $memcache_key to Memcache for 3600 seconds (one hour)
  5. Send the user a link
  6. Configure the webhook handler to query Memcached for the value of the incoming parameter each time a message arrives that begins with /start . If the key exists, write the chat_id passed to the webhook to telegram_chat_id for user 123 . Delete the key from Memcache.
  7. Now if we want to send a message to user 123 , we first check telegram_chat_id . If it exists, we use the sendMessage method to send a message to the user.


BotFather - one bot to rule them all. With it, the settings of existing bots are changed and new ones are created.

Create a bot

Write the command /newbot to create a new robot. BotFather will ask you for the name of the new bot and offer to come up with a username.

Name (name) will be displayed in contacts and chats.

Username is a short name in Latin that is used for bot mentions and in profile links in Username must consist of Latin letters, underscores and numbers and be from 5 to 32 characters long. Also, the username must end with "bot", for example: "tetris_bot" or "TetrisBot".

The key (token) is a character set of the form 110201543:AAHdqTcvCh2vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw , which is needed to receive and send messages using the Bot API.

Creating a token

If you have lost or lost access to the token, send the command /token to generate a new one.
