How to make him jealous on whatsapp

Best WhatsApp Status to Make him/her jealous

If you were wondering how to make him jealous on WhatsApp or how to make her jealous on WhatsApp, just use our list of captions to make your boyfriend jealous or your girlfriend jealous. Here we have compiled the best WhatsApp status to make him or her jealous. Find the perfect fitting WhatsApp love jealous status or WhatsApp jealous status to make ex jealous.

Sometimes a WhatsApp jealousy status can make someone envious of your success. But we also offer more than WhatsApp envious status quotes, if you want to find a WhatsApp love status, or a WhatsApp friendship status, we made extra WhatsApp Status categories. Feel free to explore.

TIP: Do you know how to read WhatsApp messages in secret without read receipts (blue checkmarks)? Find out how to secretly read WhatsApp messages here.

WhatsApp Lines to make him or her jealous

• At this very moment a man must be thinking that what once was his, he now has lost.

• Do not think I will be quiet, if you did not know how to behave yourself.

• I deserve better than to be caged!

• Doing the things that every girl likes, now more than ever without anyone forbidding them.

• I will no longer accept being controlled – I will live my life free of limitations.

• If at dawn I do not remember what happened last night, then last night was a blowout.

You can also use pictures for your WhatsApp status. Learn how to use the WhatsApp status here.

WhatsApp jealousy quotes

• I take my time to get pretty instead of losing it to someone, who does not appreciate me.

• Do I look beautiful? Thank you, I have received several compliments today.

• Why should I let you keep me for you, if there are several that want the same.

• If you are not with that person you care about, they will soon lose their interest.

• Why do I have to wait for a man, if I only need myself to enjoy life.

Do you know how to forward WhatsApp albums to your friends? Learn how to forward WhatsApp albums here.

WhatsApp quotes to make him or her jealous

• To win the heart of a lady you have to make an effort, but you seem to want to conquer something more. Am I right?

• An unforgettable evening that is about to begin.

• Now I realize how beautiful I am … thank you for so many compliments.

• Let’s get this party started.

• It’s time to think about what I really want!

• To enjoy life you simply need a few drinks and boys to dance with.

WhatsApp quotes to make ex jealous

• When you are finally ready for me, maybe it will be too late.

• I feel younger than ever and from this moment on I will enjoy life to the fullest.

• I’m not one of those who waits for someone else’s mood to pass, I will have fun with friends tonight because adventure awaits.

• Do not think that because you are indifferent you will make me feel bad, on the contrary I feel free now.

• Thank you for not appreciating me, now I am better and happier than ever!

• The most beautiful birds can be found wild and will be crippeled by a cage.

• I am so much happier without you!

Don’t feel like typing? Just send your WhatsApp messages with Siri! Learn how to send WhatsApp messages with Siri here.

You still haven’t find a status for you? No Problem! Feel free to search in our other great categories! Sure you will find a line or quote that fits!

WhatsApp Status Categories

Top 99 Funny WhatsApp Status
Friendship WhatsApp Status
Birthday WhatsApp Status
Christmas WhatsApp Status
Love & Relationship WhatsApp Status
Sad WhatsApp Status

How to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous Through WhatsApp Status (11 Sneaky Ways)

Are you wondering how to make your boyfriend jealous through your WhatsApp status?

Many devious lovers have realized how useful social media can be for inspiring jealousy within others.  

But maybe you’re not sure how WhatsApp fits into this category? 

Well, you’re about to learn! This guide features 5 tried-and-tested ideas to use your WhatsApp status to make people jealous.

If your boyfriend’s social media activity has been making you paranoid, I’d recommend downloading this online communications tracker.

This clever tool can connect with your boyfriend’s personal devices, and deliver you information based on his recent communications. 

You’ll find out who he’s texting and calling, what apps he’s using, whether he’s registered secret contact details...and a lot more.  

It’s the perfect tool to help you discover whether you actually have anything to be jealous about - plus it is 100% discreet, so there’s a way for him to find out he’s being tracked.

With that said, let’s take a look at how you can use your WhatsApp status to start playing some mind games of your own.


  • 1 11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous Through WhatsApp Status
    • 1.1 1. Take pretty pictures and update your status
    • 1.2 2. Post a screenshot of the best compliments you get with a coy caption
    • 1.3 3. If he comments on your posts, don’t reply right away
    • 1.4 4. Have fun with friends and take some more pics
    • 1.5 5. Update your WhatsApp status about how much fun you had
    • 1.6 6. Post pictorial evidence of your ‘fun day’ on your status
    • 1.7 7. Post status with/about that guy friend your boyfriend worries about and use his name in the caption
    • 1.8 8. Post a funny conversation with a guy with a vague caption
    • 1.9 9. Use the ex-boyfriend bait if you’re feeling brave
    • 1.10 10. Make appreciation posts about everyone but your boyfriend
    • 1.11 11. Set your status privacy to just him for updates you don’t want others to see
  • 2 FAQs
  • 3 To Conclude

11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous Through WhatsApp Status

Of the numerous interactive channels, social media offer, WhatsApp status is one of the best you can use to make a guy jealous. I wouldn’t expect any less from the most popular messaging application. I’ve always thought WhatsApp status had a personal touch that other channels still seem to be missing, and it looks like a lot of users feel the same.

Back to how to make a guy jealous with WhatsApp status, if you are among the billions of people interacting primarily with the application daily, you’ve probably seen your contacts do it countless times. What better way to make your boyfriend jealous than through a familiar, customizable communication platform where you can pretend you’re not even trying?

Without further ado, newbs and vets alike gather here to learn how to make your boyfriend jealous through WhatsApp status.

1. Take pretty pictures and update your status

Thankfully, the days WhatsApp status meant the one-liner statements in your profile are long gone. It’s a whole tab now where you can update your contacts in real-time with pictures, videos, and writeups. Remember when voice notes and video calls were the coolest things about WhatsApp?

Anyway, to make your boyfriend jealous, post some really good selfies, or if you prefer, write something racy on your status when he’s online. It’s okay if he doesn’t reply, those are just to get his attention and remind him of how hot his girlfriend is, so all he has to do is view them.

2. Post a screenshot of the best compliments you get with a coy caption

Seeing your status update alone won’t make your boyfriend jealous unless it’s super lewd, which I don’t recommend if it’s not your jam. No, the plan is to use your ever-present audience, i.e., your contacts, to make him jealous with their inbound compliments.

Screenshot the most interesting ones (we get the usual compliments every day, so they don’t rank as high as creative ones) and crop the sender’s name out. Now, the caption can be whatever you want, but the secret to making a guy jealous is to leave ample details to the imagination.

3. If he comments on your posts, don’t reply right away

If your initial update doesn’t make your boyfriend jealous, leaving him hanging when you’re clearly online after posting all the attention you’re getting should do the trick. For how long depends on how fast you two usually text each other back.

And for damage control later, just act natural and apologize if that’s what you’d typically do, that you just had a lot of messages coming in. You can only make a guy jealous when he can’t tell that you’re doing it on purpose. 

4. Have fun with friends and take some more pics

If you happen to have a party or something close coming up, preferably one your man doesn’t know about, perfect. It can also be a spontaneous hang out with friends or even a virtual thing. Just somewhere or something fun, preferably with anyone who isn’t your boyfriend/husband/love interest.

Or, just go out sans company and do what you enjoy, and if you happen to meet new people along the way, call it a bonus.

5. Update your WhatsApp status about how much fun you had

Let’s call the outing project research, and your WhatsApp status is where you document your findings as concisely (and interestingly) as you can manage. You can open with conversational statements, so your contacts don’t feel used or something. Then go on to tell them about your fun/crazy/productive day and all the people you met.

If you usually do everything with your boyfriend, it’ll make him jealous that you had that much fun without him and can’t stop going on about it.

6. Post pictorial evidence of your ‘fun day’ on your status

They say men are visual creatures, so seeing pictorial evidence of what you’ve been talking about ought to drive the previous point home even more. Even if it’s just your mutuals in the pics with you, it can sting like a betrayal much more if your new friends are people he doesn’t know.

The idea is to adapt the tips to what you’d usually do so it doesn’t seem too performative. It’s why I prefer to explain the basics rather than just list a couple of random statements to post on your status to “instantaneously make him jealous.”

Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to.

To see if he actually likes you take this quick free quiz and we'll let you know if it's worth putting any more time into this guy.

7. Post status with/about that guy friend your boyfriend worries about and use his name in the caption

Hangout and whatnot aside, you don’t need to make new plans or dedicate an entire day just to yanking your man’s chain, but there’s a catch. Flaunting someone new is a reliable way to make him jealous, but bringing the guy he’s always been paranoid about into it guarantees it.

We all have that guy friend whose presence in your life alone makes the boyfriend skeptical, and calling a guy by name suggests affection, so you catch my drift. Don’t say anything you can’t come back from, like saying you love him or something; just about anything else will do. You can also use an initial or nickname.

8. Post a funny conversation with a guy with a vague caption

Every girl has a guy (or 10) with a good sense of humor hitting on her in her inbox, one who will definitely reply to certain kinds of updates from you. Put up such niche content, e.g., traps, memes, political tweets, playlist screenshots, anything that’s bound to get a conversation going with some cool guys you roll with.

When one of those guys hits you up, let the conversation flow naturally, trust me, those tend to sting more when you are going for jealousy. Now, post another status update about the day/night you’ve been having on WhatsApp. 

Your boyfriend wouldn’t expect what follows to be a screenshot of you and another guy flowing so effortlessly in a chat, ergo jealousy. This would work even better if you two haven’t been getting a lot of laughs in lately. Men don’t like when another guy makes their woman happier than them, but they hate it even more when you flaunt it in their face.

9. Use the ex-boyfriend bait if you’re feeling brave

If you have exes you are still friends with on your contact list, they might be perfect for the job. Depending on how cool you are with them, they might even be the other guy in the scenarios above. Just as long as you are sure you will be able to stay on mission and not end up doing something you’ll regret.

You know the drill; a throwback picture or story, a conversation, their content (everyone has online channels these days), anything that suggests you’ve been thinking about your time with your ex. Then you just post and sit back.

10. Make appreciation posts about everyone but your boyfriend

People do appreciation posts on their WhatsApp status all the time, so it shouldn’t stand out even if you haven’t before. Make it look like you’ve been thinking, and make heartfelt statements about your guy friends, best girls, boss/teacher, colleagues, fav channels, oxygen, food, family, basically everything you care about, except him.

If you’ve only been together for a while, he might think he hasn’t earned a spot on the list yet, and that ought to make him jealous. However, if it’s a long-term boyfriend or your husband, not adding him to the list might show your hand, which would be counterproductive. 

So, add him but make his caption nothing out of the usual. After reading all the lovely things you’ve written about everyone else, seeing an underwhelming note on his own would make him jealous because it suggests you appreciate him less than the others. 

11. Set your status privacy to just him for updates you don’t want others to see

The best thing about WhatsApp status is that you can keep your business private and make it look like the world is watching. If your brand doesn’t gel with posting petty quotes and bringing others into your personal interactions, but the part of you that wants to make your boyfriend jealous agrees, go private.

Don’t know how to? Before each update, set your status privacy to only share with your boyfriend’s contact. It will still have the same effect because it’ll pop up the same way the ones everyone can see do on his end. This way, you don’t have to risk your business and religious accounts' integrity, for instance, for petty games.


How can I make my boyfriend feel jealous?

There are multiple ways to make your boyfriend jealous, depending on how protective he is of you. If he scores high on the spectrum, posting a picture or interacting with boys on your social media channels alone can set him off. Whereas, you’d have to literally flirt with another man in front of some boyfriends to make them jealous.  

What to text him to make him jealous?

To make your boyfriend jealous through text, say something that suggests you are going on a date with someone without explicitly saying so. Or pique his curiosity with a racy text, then send a follow-up saying it was meant for another guy. The idea is to casually bring what gets to him jealous into the conversation then stay mysterious about the details.

How do you make him miss you on WhatsApp?

Start by texting him a lot less and taking longer to reply to his messages. Take some great pictures and get creative with the application’s channels like the WhatsApp status and groups you share. Start interesting conversations, share fun moments, and remember the less overt you are able to make your intentions, the better. 

How do I make him worry about losing me?

Pay less attention to him and more to yourself. Show all of the love you usually shower him to yourself and let him be the one to reach out for a change. The less access he has to you, the more he’s bound to realize what he’s been taking for granted.

Is jealousy a sign of love?

Jealousy implies protectiveness, and that can be a sign of affection. However, extreme bouts of it are not healthy in a relationship and are more indicative of obsession and possessiveness than love.

To Conclude

Part of me wants to preach about how you shouldn’t have to make a guy jealous to get his attention. Likewise, all the ways that your attempts to rile your man up can go wrong, but I have a feeling you already know all that. So, play safe, and have fun. 

Before you go, let me know your thoughts on the list as well as tips you’ve tried yourself with WhatsApp status in the comments and share the post if you liked it.

Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you?
Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you.

Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz

how to make him jealous on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 6 min. Views 11

Short answer

  1. There is no surefire way to make someone jealous on Instagram, but you can try posting photos that are more likely to make you jealous. nine0014
  2. For example, post pictures of yourself with friends or exotic places, or post pictures of things they might want or dream about.
  3. If you do this discreetly, they may not even realize that you are trying to make them jealous, but it can definitely work in your favor.

How to Make an Ex Jealous with Instagram (Start Today!)

How to Make a Jealous Man | 2 ways to make him jealous! nine0021

How to make someone jealous on Instagram?

There are several ways to make someone jealous on Instagram. One way is to follow many people they don't know. Another way is to like a lot of posts from people they don't know. You can also post a lot of photos where you look very happy and have a lot of followers.

How do you make your lover jealous on Instagram?

There are several ways to make someone jealous on Instagram. One way is to like and comment on other people's posts more often than usual. Another way is to post photos that can get a lot of likes, like selfies or photos with friends. You can also follow more people than usual.

How to make a guy jealous on social networks?

There are several ways to make a guy jealous on social media. One way is to post photos of yourself with other guys. You can also write about how wonderful your life is and how much fun you have without him. You can also write about how happy you are now that you are single. nine0003

How can I make him jealous and want me more?

There is no sure way to make someone want you more, but you can try to make them jealous. Try to spend time with other people and flirt with them in his presence. If he sees that you are attracting other people, he will start wanting you even more.

How to make your boyfriend jealous via SMS?

There is no surefire way to make someone jealous, but you can try sending them a flirtatious or intimate message when you know they are around. If your guy is competitive, you can also try talking about other guys in a positive light or even flirting with other people around him. nine0003

How to make someone jealous?

There are several ways to make someone jealous, but one of the most common is to flirt with someone in front of them. You can also talk about how great your life is and how much fun you have without them. By making them feel they are missing something, you can make them jealous.

How to make a person not jealous?

There is no universal answer to this question, because the best way to make someone not jealous depends on the personality of the person and their relationship with the person they are jealous of. However, some tips on how to make someone less jealous might include being understanding and supportive, highlighting your own feelings for that person, and being honest in any relationship with the person they are jealous of. nine0003

How to make her jealous?

There is no surefire way to make someone jealous, but some tips include spending time with other people, being flirtatious, and acting like you're having a great time without them. If the person you're trying to make jealous is close to you, you can also talk about how great your new partner is or post photos of you together online.

How do you know that he is jealous? nine0003

There are several signs that may indicate that your partner is jealous. If they constantly ask who you are talking to or where you are, this is a sign of jealousy. If they get angry or defensive when you talk about other people, that's also a sign of jealousy. If your partner is always trying to control your life and who you talk to, this is definitely a sign of jealousy.

How to make a man jealous?

There is no surefire way to make your man jealous, but some tips include: be especially loving and considerate when he is around, talk about other guys in a positive light, and flirt with other people in his presence. If you really want to get his goat, try to make him think that you are interested in someone else. The main thing is to be inconspicuous so that he does not understand what you are doing until it is too late. nine0003

What to text a guy who ignores you?

If a guy is ignoring you, there is probably a reason. If you really want to text him, try something like, “Hi! Hope you are fine. I miss you." If he doesn't respond, it's time to move on.

How can I make my boyfriend miss me?

There is no sure way to make someone miss you, but there are a few things you can do to increase the chances. First, try to be less approachable. If he can always reach you easily, he will take you for granted. Second, make yourself look and feel good. When you feel better, he will appreciate you more. Finally, find time for yourself. nine0003

How to make a man think about you?

There is no universal answer to this question, as the best way to get a man to think about you depends on the relationship between you and him. However, some tips on how to get a man to think about you may include: being loving and considerate, be able to listen, support, be positive and interesting.

How to do it? do you know that a man loves you?

There is no single answer to this question, because love is a complex emotion that manifests itself in different ways. However, some signs that a man loves you include being attentive to your needs, wanting to spend time with you, being protective and understanding towards you, and making sacrifices for you. If your partner exhibits this behavior, it is likely that he loves you very much. nine0003

how to hide someone's whatsapp status?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 3 Posted by

Short answer

  1. There are several ways to hide someone's WhatsApp status.
  2. The easiest way is to block a person.
  3. Blocking prevents them from seeing your messages, calls and photos.
  4. You can also send them a message “To hide your status, send me a message”.

How to hide whatsapp status with some selected contacts (Hindi)

How to view whatsapp status without telling them | Hide viewed in whatsapp

How to hide someone's WhatsApp status?

To disable someone's WhatsApp status, open the chat and click on the three lines in the top left corner. From here you can select "Status". On the next screen, you will see a list of all the people who have sent you messages. Click on the person you want to mute and then select "Mute" from the menu that appears.

How do I know if someone has excluded me from viewing their WhatsApp status? nine0003

There are several ways to check if someone has blocked you from seeing your WhatsApp status. One way is to open the WhatsApp app and go to the History tab. In the "Last seen" section, you will see a list of all the people who last saw this app. If the person you are trying to contact has been excluded from this list, it means they have stopped using the app and you won't be able to see their last status update.

Can you see how many times someone has viewed your WhatsApp status? nine0003

WhatsApp does not publish details of how many times a status has been viewed. However, based on the data collected by Facebook and other third-party services, it's likely that WhatsApp status views tend not to be very granular.

How to check if someone is checking you on whatsapp?

There is no definitive way to check if someone is checking you on WhatsApp, but some methods include checking the number of messages sent and received, as well as checking timestamps on messages. nine0003

Can anyone tell me if I took a screenshot of their whatsapp status?

Yes, you can take a screenshot of the WhatsApp status if you have the app installed on your phone. To do this, open the app and select the status you want to take a screenshot of. Then press and hold on the screen until the selection menu appears. Select "Copy". You can then paste the status into a text message or email, or save it to your phone memory for later use. nine0003

Why is he checking my whatsapp status?

There may be several reasons why your partner checks your WhatsApp status. Maybe they're worried about you or want to make sure you're okay. Alternatively, they may just want to see what's going on. Ultimately, it's up to your partner to decide why they're checking your WhatsApp status.

How to make a guy miss you a lot?

There are a few things you can do to make a guy miss you a lot. One of them is to keep your distance and not let him touch you. The other is to be unpredictable and not give him a clear idea of ​​what you are going to do next. And finally, make sure your conversation is interesting and engaging so that he doesn't want to stop talking to you. nine0003

How to make him jealous on WhatsApp?

There is no universal answer to this question, as the best way to make your partner jealous on WhatsApp depends on the individual relationship between you and him. However, some tips on how to make your partner jealous on WhatsApp include sending him lewd messages, sending him pictures of you with other people, and engaging in sexual conversations with him.

How can I make my ex jealous on whatsapp? nine0003

There are several ways to make your ex jealous on WhatsApp. One way is to send them photos or videos of yourself with someone else. Another way is to send them messages about them only. Finally, you can try to start a conversation with your ex just about him, but be careful not to overdo it. If you do too much, they may think that you are trying to get back to them.

How do I know if someone is online on WhatsApp without opening a chat? nine0003

You can check if someone is online on WhatsApp by looking for their profile picture in your contact list. If the person's profile picture is present, then they are online on WhatsApp.

Can a person tell if I've only shared my status with them on WhatsApp?

No, WhatsApp does not track who sent or received a message.

What happens if you turn off read receipts on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp will stop sending read receipts for all messages, including group chats and messages sent to groups. If you would like to enable read receipts for specific messages, you can do so by turning on the "read receipts" option in the individual message settings. nine0003

How to make a man cry for you?

There is no universal answer to this question, because the best way to make a man cry for you can vary depending on the man and your relationship. However, some tips on how to make a man cry for you can include emotional expression, playfulness, and teasing, as well as making him feel special and loved.

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