How to make a girl angry on whatsapp
21 Ways On How To Make Your Girlfriend Jealous On Whatsapp
Are you wondering how to make your girlfriend jealous on WhatsApp?
Have you noticed that a spark of jealousy tends to keep the flame burning in your relationship and make her more attracted to you?
But perhaps you don’t know an appropriate way to do so using this messaging app?
If so, you’re in the right place. This article features 21 tips to make a girl jealous on WhatsApp.
This should be enough to spark the green-eyed monster in your special woman.
I also want to recommend this powerful online communications tracker to you.
If you can feed this tool with a handful of your girlfriend’s details, it’ll be able to show you a range of information about her communication history.
You’ll be able to see who she’s calling and texting most often, as well as a range of data points with regards to her online communications through WhatsApp and other similar apps.
This tool is being used by tons of guys who are suspicious about their partners. As it’s 100% discreet, there’s no way for anyone to find out they’re being tracked. Perhaps the information revealed will give you more ammunition to make your girl jealous.
Either way, let’s now take a look at my huge list of ways to make your girlfriend jealous on WhatsApp.
- 1 21 Ways On How To Make Your Girlfriend Jealous On Whatsapp
- 1.1 1. Put up another woman's picture on your profile
- 1.2 2. Act single on your status to make her jealous
- 1.3 3. Post other girls
- 1.4 4. Post screenshots of your racy chat with girls
- 1.5 5. Be online and don't reply to her on time
- 1.6 6. Give one-word responses
- 1.7 7. Read her messages without replying
- 1.8 8. Talk fondly to/about other women
- 1.9 9. Add her to a group with the girl she's worried about, remove her and say it was a mistake
- 1.10 10. Be active on a mutual group chat without paying her attention in private
- 1.11 11. Delete a sweet text after she reads it and claim it wasn't meant for her
- 1.
12 12. Never post (about) her on your status
- 1.13 13. Mute her status updates so you never get to view them
- 1.14 14. Turn off your read receipts so she doesn't know when you've read her messages or viewed her status updates
- 1.15 15. Video call other girls when you are with her
- 1.16 16. Have different girls send you media and leave them on your phone
- 1.17 17. Have fun without her and put it up on your status
- 1.18 18. Flaunt the compliments you get
- 1.19 19. Hint at living your best life when you are not on good terms
- 1.20 20. Rave about an ex on your status
- 1.21 21. Circumvent her questions
- 2 FAQs
- 3 To Conclude
21 Ways On How To Make Your Girlfriend Jealous On Whatsapp
As one of the most popular social media globally, if you are one of the nearly two billion users WhatsApp boasts of, chances are so is your circle, including your girl. Also, being one of the fastest ways people keep up with one another online, it’s only fitting that the app will be more useful than just for chatting.
Anywhere you spend time often (especially where other people have access to you, and vice-versa) is a great avenue to make your girlfriend jealous. If you are wondering if there are ways specific to WhatsApp to do this, the answer is yes. Keep reading to learn how.
1. Put up another woman's picture on your profile
Your profile picture by design is meant to be something to remind your contacts of who they are interacting with. Other than their own photos, people often use pictures of loved ones or something else that somehow speaks to their state of mind at the time.
Now, when you make a whole other girl your profile picture (instead of your girlfriend, work-related stuff, or even your pet or favorite scenery) you are asking for it. As for how likely this is to make your girlfriend jealous, I’d say quite, as long as she can see it. Just make sure not to use a girl she knows you’re related to.
2. Act single on your status to make her jealous
Using the status feature can be quite a handy means to make your girlfriend jealous on WhatsApp. The loving quote/one-liner method has been known to work in the past, but since no one pays that section much mind anymore, you might want to get with the times.
Sure, stating that you are single on your profile may spark a little jealousy, but it’s a bit too on the nose if you ask me. On the other hand, flirting, flaunting your active social life outside your relationship, and generally acting single on the app sends a more subtle yet streamlined message that she likely won’t miss.
3. Post other girls
When unsure what posts to put up to make a girl jealous, go with other girls. It works just as well on your WhatsApp status as it does on your profile, only that with the former, you can customize who sees it to just her.
You don’t have to do anything over the top or drastically unlike you. You want to make the fun (or whatever the theme of the post is) the center of it all. Maybe throw in one harmless compliment or two. Doing too much can tip your hand too soon, which has its risks. So, the best way to go about this is to give just enough info to keep her wondering.
4. Post screenshots of your racy chat with girls
If you are not in the kind of relationship where your girlfriend goes through your phone to read your chat, you may need to go the extra step to induce jealousy. The idea is to get her to notice you might be up to something without telling her directly, hence status updates to the win once more.
Instead of just their pictures, you can share screenshots of a fun conversation you had with other girls. It might be enough that you’re just paying the other girl attention, especially if it’s one of the mutual friends of your girl. Or, you could up the ante based on how prone your girl is to jealousy.
5. Be online and don't reply to her on time
It’s not a lack of attention from a partner that most people can’t bear. More often than not, it’s realizing it’s just you being ignored that makes one lose it. Now, we all hate it when people take their time replying. This is especially true for girlfriends. So, if you can play your cards right, that’s something you can leverage.
Not every relationship can survive racy screenshots and whatnot. This is a relatively healthy way to make her jealous in comparison. Simply keep her wondering what you are up to by leaving her message hanging a bit longer than usual before replying all the while appearing online.
This is more likely to work if you usually text back fast or she already has her doubts about your WhatsApp goings-on.
6. Give one-word responses
Nothing triggers insecurity faster in relationships than a non-committal attitude, which in turn breeds jealousy. You can make your girlfriend jealous by keeping your chat with her brief or hindering the flow of your conversation with one-word answers. If you talk often, she’ll likely notice something’s off. Drive home the message by insisting all is well.
Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to.
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At first, she might dismiss it as you being busy or something, but with time, she can’t help but think someone else on WhatsApp is starting to interest you more than her.
7. Read her messages without replying
Or, you could take things up a notch by leaving your girlfriend on ‘read,’ i.e., ignore her message totally without even a one-word reply. Not forever, obviously, but long enough for her to notice it. When she brings it up, find excuses so it seems like you drifted off into other chats and that you didn’t mean to neglect her on purpose (that can sting even more.)
Before adopting this strategy, though, know that while it can keep your girlfriend on her toes and make her jealous, it can just as easily go the other way and hurt your relationship.
8. Talk fondly to/about other women
If talking to other women when with your girlfriend often triggers jealousy on her end, you can incorporate it on WhatsApp as well. Even better, you can achieve this whether you’re physically together or she’s across the ocean from you.
If you are together, simply appear engrossed in your chat and occasionally laugh out loud to catch her attention. If you are lucky, she’ll ask who you are chatting with. Tell her a girl’s name, even if it’s just a friend. If apart, you can casually work it into conversation with her or go the status route and post snippets of the chat.
9. Add her to a group with the girl she's worried about, remove her and say it was a mistake
If your girlfriend suspects there might be something budding between you and another girl, ‘accidentally’ throwing her a bone can feed her jealousy. One way to go about this on WhatsApp is through the group chat feature. For this to work, she has to be familiar with the other girl’s phone number, or better yet, have it saved.
That way, when she gets the invite, she can clearly see her rival is also in the group. It can be a pre-existing group or one you create for that purpose. You can also decide to have other people on it or just you three. The point is to bring to her attention one more room you share with the competition that she’s not privy to.
10. Be active on a mutual group chat without paying her attention in private
Similarly, if you share WhatsApp group chats with your girlfriend, you can take advantage by incorporating them with the points above about denying her your full attention. To not give yourself away, do this on a day when other members are active on the platform.
Be your social self, reply promptly, ask questions and participate in the group so your girlfriend knows you are undoubtedly online. You can even engage each other on the platform but don’t maintain the energy in private. It doesn’t matter if it’s work, friend, or religious group, the vibe inconsistency would certainly make her jealous.
11. Delete a sweet text after she reads it and claim it wasn't meant for her
WhatsApp provides ample time to take back a message with its “delete for everyone” feature. If you know all it takes for your girlfriend to feel jealous is a name, a certain tone, or whatever, all you gotta do is whet her appetite to get the jealousy ball rolling.
You are in a better position than me to determine what to send: it might be a sweet message for your girl, or it could be flirty pics, or something in between. So, for best results, think about what would arouse your girl’s interest right away.
12. Never post (about) her on your status
Not all relationships do the boo’d-up thing where you plaster your social media pages with pictures of each other. Some couples do it on occasion, perhaps, on special days like anniversaries and holidays. Others who don’t do the media thing sometimes allude to the fact that they are in a relationship, even if they don’t put a face to it.
If you fall into any of the above categories, and you suddenly stop, jealousy is only one of the many reactions that will naturally follow on your girl’s part. If your relationship is new-ish, and so no precedence of such happening, it works too.
Make posts appreciating the people in your life, including exes, work colleagues, and even the random person that was unusually nice to you in traffic but conveniently leave her out. If that doesn’t make your girlfriend jealous, nothing will.
13. Mute her status updates so you never get to view them
I know girls like to say they don’t do anything for the guys, but I’ll have you know Gatsbying has no gender. If you like someone or are in a relationship with them, you naturally want to impress that person by simply breathing, especially in relatively new relationships.
That means it’s not just her sexy boomerang videos she wants you to view, your girl lowkey also wants you to see it when she updates her status with her mood or cravings. She wants her boyfriend to laugh when she posts something funny and maybe get jealous too when she ‘overshares’.
Now imagine putting all that thought into posting, and your target audience doesn’t even get to see, let alone react.
14. Turn off your read receipts so she doesn't know when you've read her messages or viewed her status updates
The previous approach may pack the punch you want, but there’s just one drawback: you also miss out on keeping up with your girlfriend. If that’s not a sacrifice you are willing to make, an alternative is to go incognito and turn off your read receipt feature.
This way, she neither gets to see the blue tick when you read her message nor does she know if you’ve seen her status, and you’re not missing anything. You can take it a step further and kill your last seen, too, so you’re fully under the radar.
The whole time she’d be jealous of what you may or may not be up to when you’re not together, even when you’re not making extra effort to hide something.
15. Video call other girls when you are with her
Video calls feel more personal than regular back-and-forth texting, and for good reason. It’s the closest we get to virtually simulating in-person communication, and, of course, some of its perks include more room for emotional connection. Texting other girls is simply not the same as video calling them, especially with your girlfriend present.
With that in mind, all you have to do to make her jealous is let her hear you make these calls, perhaps, even at odd hours, to turn up the heat.
16. Have different girls send you media and leave them on your phone
That people, particularly girls, share pictures of themselves more readily now than the way it used to be doesn’t mean it still can’t make your girl restless. If you are in a relationship where your phones aren’t totally off-limits to each other, odds are, she’ll stumble on your gallery sometime.
Now, these images may be harmless individually, but if you have several belonging to a girl that isn’t her, it will almost certainly breed jealousy. Sometimes, even nudes are easier to swallow than an extensive collection of regular, everyday media. That’s pictorial proof of closeness that potentially threatens your girl’s reign as the queen of your heart. She’ll feel she is losing you to the other girl and will be more careful.
17. Have fun without her and put it up on your status
Let’s get something straight; your girl wants you to be happy (hopefully!), but not without her. You can laugh and have fun on your own, but she doesn’t want to see you enjoying it too much in her absence, or she starts to feel dispensable and gets jealous.
If you find this relatable, then going out on the town without her and then raving all about it on WhatsApp ought to do it. A social thing with friends works, but it can just as well be with work colleagues, new faces, or even solo outings.
18. Flaunt the compliments you get
Everyone has something going for them. It might be looks, talent, work ethic, creativity, you name it. Whatever it is about you that people compliment the most can be capitalized on to make a girl jealous. People do it all the time.
You can take a screenshot and make it look like a counter appreciation of whoever complimented you. You can even play coy and laugh like you don't know what the person is talking about. And as long as making your girl jealous is the goal, prioritizing positive reinforcement from girls may not be the worst idea.
19. Hint at living your best life when you are not on good terms
The only thing a girl deems worse than her boyfriend enjoying himself without her is doing so when things are not great between them. Like I suggested above, this doesn’t mean she wishes you ill or wants you to be miserable. It's just the way it is.
So next time you argue and she gets the bright idea to ignore you, inducing jealousy this way can give you an edge. What “living your best life” means specifically, may be subjective to you and your relationship dynamic.
20. Rave about an ex on your status
Exes: the gifts that keep giving in relationships. They are and will always top the list of touchy subjects in a relationship, if to a varying degree. Generally, people prefer for their partner not to think about their past lovers, let alone talk to or about them.
Some can keep a platonic relationship with their exes, but even that comes with its own anxiety for their partners. Whichever group you belong to, reminiscing about your time with an ex, good or bad, on your WhatsApp status is bound to hit a nerve.
21. Circumvent her questions
Unless evoking jealousy has always been your motive, attempting to make your girlfriend jealous will not go unnoticed. If your relationship is anything close to functional and she knows you well enough, the discrepancies in your behavior may raise questions.
Now, the healthy and mature thing to do might be to come clean so she doesn’t overthink it, but what would be the fun in that? You won’t catch me advocating for lying to your girl, but if you are still enjoying the game and it’s not doing any real harm to your relationship, you can evade her questions.
Make excuses where you can, don’t answer when you can get away with it, and so on. But the trick is to keep it clean and not give teeth to your shenanigans by actually betraying her trust. Taking it anything beyond purely making her jealous is how you end up single.
How can I make a girl jealous on WhatsApp?
You can make a girl jealous by suggesting you are single or in a relationship, depending on where you stand and what you want with her. Posting another girl on your WhatsApp status or profile can drive her crazy. The same goes for screenshots of suggestive chat snippets. If you are in a relationship, keeping it a secret and acting single can also drive your girlfriend to jealousy.
How can I make my girlfriend jealous on chat?
Deter the conversation flow by replying late and seeming distracted generally. Send her a message clearly meant for a girl and delete it immediately claiming it was for someone else. Talk about your ex, your female best friend, or your celebrity crush a little too much. Be secretive.
How do you know if a girl is jealous and likes you?
Girls behave differently around guys they like, especially when jealous. Some ignore you, some hide their emotions behind banter and laugh it off, while others make a show of living their best life to appear unbothered. A girl who likes you and is jealous may also be prone to mood swings and try to play detective whenever you are with another girl.
What makes a woman jealous?
Jealousy is a natural emotional reaction to a perceived threat between you and what you want. A woman’s jealousy may be due to insecurity or a credible fear of potential loss due to a lack of trust in her subject of interest. Being excessively jealous can be a sign of low self-esteem and can also happen when expectations aren’t properly set in a relationship.
Does jealousy make a girl want you more?
Jealousy can drive someone to appreciate you more. However, making what you’re trying to achieve obviously won’t only fail to make a girl jealous but also make you seem insecure, which is an unattractive quality for many.
To Conclude
You asked and I served. Now, how long have you had WhatsApp, and how many of these tips have you been sleeping on? Did I miss anyone that you’ve tried and has worked for you? Be a darling and share them below, along with your feedback. Also, if you liked the article, it would be wrong not to share it with your friends.
Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you?
Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you.
Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz
How To Make Your Angry Girlfriend Happy Over Text- Happy Headlines
Wondering how to make your angry girlfriend happy over text? Try these 21 cute texts that will make your girlfriend happy.
1. The Magic of ‘Good Morning’ Texts
Simple ‘good morning beautiful’ and goodnight texts can make a world of difference when it comes to making your girlfriend happy. Consistency is key for this one!
2. Tell her the things you love about her
In today’s day and age, it’s easy for girls (as well as men) to feel insecure from time to time. Reminding her of the things you love about her can help give her a boost of confidence and make her day special.
3. Tell her she’s beautiful
Telling a girl she is beautiful is sure to bring a guaranteed smile to her face.
4. Listen to her
Listening to your girlfriend when she is going through a difficult time will make her appreciate you all the more. And she’ll probably love you even more for it.
5. Tell your girlfriend when you’re thinking about her
Send her a little text to let her know you’re thinking of her. Even something as simple as “You were the first person I thought about when I woke up today” is enough to make her heart melt.
6. Text her when something reminds you of her
Do you ever see something which instantly reminds you or someone? Sending her a text saying “I just saw this and it reminded me of how much you love *insert her favourite thing*, so I bought it for you.” will put an instant smile on her face.
7. Tell her about your dream
Letting her know when you dreamt about her is super cute! Now she will begin to realise how much you must have been thinking of her.
8. You’re the only one I want
Letting your girlfriend know how special she is to you will instantly fill her with happiness. Feeling like the only girl in the world is something that makes a girl feel immensely loved.
9. A simple “I love you” text
A small simple message from the heart such as “I love you” can go a long way, and remind your girlfriend of the feelings you have for her.
10. Love at first sight
Send her a surprise text telling her all the first special things you first noticed about her, for example how much you loved her hair that day, or how her smile instantly attracted you. This will help her to remember that special day you first met.
11. Plan a surprise
Text her a time and address for a surprise date. Making her feel loved and special will instantly bring up her mood, and she’ll probably think of you as more thoughtful too!
12. Tell her you miss her.
Texting your girlfriend to tell her “I miss you” will remind her how much you think of her, and that her presence doesn’t go unnoticed.
13. Send her something she will find funny
This one is simple, because if she is laughing she is obviously going to be smiling! Plus you’ll get extra brownie points if you can make her laugh.
14. Other sweets texts you can send:
14) Goodnight beautiful (heart)
15) I feel so lucky to of met you.
16) You’re perfect just the way you are.
17) You can talk to me about anything, I’ll always be here.
18) I know you’re going through a hard time, I’ll do whatever I can to make it better for you. You mean the world to me.
19) Tell me your favourite dinner and I’ll make it for you.
20) I love seeing you smile.
21) You deserve the world.
How to piss off the interlocutor in the messenger
We all need communication - instant messengers allow you to always stay in touch with friends, even if they are on the other side of the Earth. But, as in the case of digital hygiene, it is worth following the rules of correspondence. If you communicate with friends, then you can be quite comfortable without them. And if this is the boss or an unfamiliar person? Here, I think, it is worth remembering the rules of decency. We will not consider them, we will simply say that it infuriates the most. Get comfortable - it will be interesting! nine0003
How to annoy someone in a chat without any additional equipment
- 1 Why emoticons are needed
- 2 One-word messages
- 3 Why voice messages are annoying
- 4 Autocorrect on the phone 9000
- 6 How to piss someone off with words
Why emoticons are needed
Emoticons and emoji exist to add emotional coloring to your messages. As a rule, two or three emojis are appropriate in one short message. I'm sure you've come across acquaintances who abused this by inserting five to ten of the same emoji in a row into their messages. Don't believe? See for yourself. nine0003
Celebrities, to put it mildly, overdo it with emoji in their posts
I agree, there are situations when it is appropriate, but from the outside it looks like you don’t know how to communicate otherwise. And emoticons replace words and whole sentences for you. Even if you write a long message, reinforcing every thought with a reaction, it may seem strange, and the interlocutor's smile will quickly fade away, turning into heavy sighs and bewilderment.
More on the topic: Weird things we do on social media
One-word messages
Sometimes you can't express an idea in one message and you have to send a couple more after it. Sometimes it's just one word. I call it “finishing,” as stand-up comedians say, but in society this phenomenon is called “packaging”.
Parceling is a figure of speech, which is the process of dividing an utterance into two or more independent phrases.
There is nothing wrong with this for the sender: he sent it and it's good. But you make the recipient of messages nervous: firstly, it rivets a person to the smartphone screen. Secondly, he is unlikely to be pleased when the phone vibrates several times in a row. nine0003
One of the troubles of modern online communication
Thirdly, if he is in a public place, for example, in a gym, notification sounds distract other people from training, unbalancing by constantly beeping a smartphone at full volume. Try to express your own thoughts more concisely - this is how we write articles for our Yandex.Zen. Or try writing sentences on a new line instead of hitting submit.
Why voice messages are annoying
Audio messages are very helpful when it is not possible to write in text. But there are people who abuse it. First, do not send too short voice messages. Secondly, it is better not to record them in the wind or against the backdrop of a terrifying noise - you simply will not be heard. Thirdly, learn how to finally hold the phone correctly without covering the microphone with your finger.
Ask the interlocutor if he can listen to you
Stop ! No one will understand your mumbling even with headphones. In addition, voice messages are similar to text messages - it is better to send a two-minute voice than a dozen short ones. As they say: nothing is clear, but is very interesting.
A major Instagram update: where did IGTV disappear and what will happen instead
Autocorrect on the phone
Automatic replacement of a misspelled word in the text helps out in about 8 cases out of 10. This is useful when you don’t know how to write a word correctly — Smartphone fixes everything. But back to parceling: we write a huge number of messages, first we click "Send", and only then we realize that autocorrect corrected the right word. nine0003
When creating a screenshot, no grandfather was harmed
You have to delete the message or rely on the ingenuity of the interlocutor so that he himself understands everything. In general, in my opinion, this is ridiculous, but when it is repeated over and over again, one gets the feeling that the technique itself decides who is in charge here.
WhatsApp message not read
Sometimes it's good to take a break from chat notifications. I’m sure it scares you too when the interlocutor, who has already turned off the visiting time, stops reading your messages. The question arises: why the message was not read ? The thing is that the read report was disabled. On the one hand, this is a useful feature of instant messengers: you can safely read the message and take a timeout for a balanced response.
When you wait for your WhatsApp message to be read
On the other hand, do not be too lazy to warn those with whom you communicate about this: in such a situation, the interlocutor may think that you are ignoring incoming messages because of resentment. This is not only annoying, but it is also possible to get a lot of “What happened?” messages. or "Where did you go?" nine0003
Read also: Habitual smartphone functions that we don't notice
How to piss off a person with words
Tell me what's the matter!
Bonus: Each of us has experienced a situation where a loved one or friend wrote something along the lines of " Listen, I need your advice ". You answer after 0.000001 seconds, and they say to you " Nothing ". And then the conversation turns into catch-up: you want the interlocutor to tell you what he wanted, but all in vain. Why do this? Isn't it easier to explain so as not to irritate a person! In my opinion, this is the worst thing that can be done in correspondence. nine0003
What annoys you about communicating with other people in the messenger? Let's talk about sore issues in our Telegram chat!
How to piss off the interlocutor in correspondence. Part 2. Communication in the messenger - Personal experience on vc.

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We continue to give bad advice on how to correspond with colleagues, clients and partners. This time we are talking about messengers.
Hello, my name is Evgeny Kuznetsov. I am a co-founder of WIM.Agency, we are engaged in CRM marketing and not only. In the last article, we discussed the intricacies of communicating via email, but since business correspondence entered the territory of instant messengers a long time ago, the second part is devoted to quick messages in Telegram or WhatsApp. nine0003
It is generally accepted that the messenger is still a personal space, and everyone can write to their friends and relatives the way they want. Someone likes to answer any question with stickers, while someone communicates exclusively by voice. But here we will not talk about chats with relatives and friends, but about correspondence on work issues.
So, what exactly will make the interlocutor angry? Keep 8 Bad Habits You Should Break (Or Shouldn't?)
1. Write to the messenger without asking
It seems that in the previous paragraph we said that the messenger is a personal space ... Well, okay, but they answer much faster and definitely won’t miss your important offer or burning question.
Seriously, breaking into someone's messenger without warning is not very polite. Perhaps a person does not use this particular service at all to solve work issues.
What to do: first contact by mail and clarify whether it will be convenient to correspond in the messenger and in which one. nine0003
2. Write "Hello" and wait for an answer
No comment. It's just stupid and very annoying.
What to do: immediately formulate a request or question. Briefly and clearly, in one message that begins with a greeting.
3. Constantly send emojis and stickers
Why not send a response to the client's comment that he didn't like the layout, something like….
Cool... But not for the client. It is normal to send funny pictures of cats to colleagues, but it is far from always appropriate for partners and clients. It all depends on the status of the interlocutors and on the general style of communication. nine0003
What to do: adequately assess the appropriateness of the situation. If you have just started chatting with a person, but the tone of communication quickly turns into a friendly one, be happy to show off your new sticker pack. In other cases, you can do without it.
4. Send audio messages without warning
Quickly and conveniently, you can make recordings on the run with the soothing sound of the subway in the background.
The world is divided into two camps - the first have already forgotten how to type, and the second fundamentally do not want to listen to voice. So can you send them or not? nine0003
What to do: check with the interlocutor in advance whether he likes this format. If that's ok, then don't record messages in noisy places and try to record 1-2 messages for a couple of minutes each. No one will listen to one message for 10 minutes, even more piss off 10 messages in a row for 10-15 seconds.
5. Divide the offer into 10 short messages
We have.
Yes. nine0167 Do.
It's the same.
What to do: formulate your idea in 2-3 sentences, write and send to the person. Only and everything.
6. Do not follow autocorrect
Good old T9 can be the culprit in an awkward situation. For example, this:
It's good if a person doesn't get offended, but just laughs. But anything happens.
What to do: trust but verify. Even artificial intelligence is wrong about T9.
7. Write to a person several times if he does not answer within 10 minutes
I would like to call bad words those who do this:
What to do: do not text your interlocutor every 5 minutes. In the messenger, no one is obliged to respond instantly. During non-working hours especially.
8. Do not tag a person in the general chat if a question is addressed to him
It happens that there are 10 participants in a work chat, someone is chatting and solving their problems, others do not understand what is happening ... Then you ask a question to one of the employees on a different topic and wait for his answer. You can wait an hour, two days, or a week if you haven't tagged a specific person in your question message. nine0003
Many people turn off notifications in group chats and they do it right, otherwise you can go crazy with notifications that are not directly related to the person and only distract from the current work.
What to do: be sure to mark the colleague to whom the question is addressed.
When is the best time to call
Hold the old meme first:
Funny, but not about business relationships, right? When a question is difficult to resolve in correspondence, you need to call.