How to know if a girl likes you on instagram

43 Signs A Girl Likes You On Social Media

Did you know that you can usually tell whether a woman likes you just by investigating her behavior on social media?

When you know what to look for, it can become pretty obvious whether they like you or not.

So, read on, friend! Because I'm going to be revealing the most obvious signs that a girl likes you on social media. 

Either way, I'm begging you not to make the same mistakes that most men make when flirting over social media. 

That mistake is: COMING ON TOO STRONG.

Whenever this happens - through text or in real life - it tends to kill attraction stone-dead.

Even if she really liked you, it's too difficult for her to give you what you want when you act like this.

It's frustrating for women too!!

There's not enough space here to properly explain why over-flirting is the death knell for attraction, but if you're guilty of doing this, I would urge you to read this interesting story.  

It explains everything you need to know about flirting with women in a way that makes them chase you HARD.

So, if you want to know the right way to push things forward with a woman who is interested in you, go ahead and read that blog post right now. 

Meanwhile, the tips below will help you realize when a woman is actually interested in building a deeper romantic connecting with you.


  • 1 43 Hidden Signs She Likes You On Social Media
    • 1.1 1. She keeps in touch on all social media platforms
    • 1.2 2. She laughs at all your jokes
    • 1.3 3. She likes your posts
    • 1.4 4. She mirrors your actions
    • 1.5 5. She accidentally likes your old post
    • 1.6 6. Her replies are encouraging
    • 1.7 7. She intentionally talks about your previous posts
    • 1.8 8. She teases you
    • 1.9 9. She comments on your posts
    • 1.10 10. She’s trying to get close to you
    • 1.11 11. She responds to your stories
    • 1. 12 12. She bites her lip when you talk
    • 1.13 13. She always seems to be online at the same time as you
    • 1.14 14. She smiles when she sees you
    • 1.15 15. She replies fast
    • 1.16 16. She licks her lips
    • 1.17 17. She finds ways to keep the conversation going
    • 1.18 18. She befriends your friends
    • 1.19 19. She bonds over similar things
    • 1.20 20. She tries to get your attention
    • 1.21 21. She remembers your schedule
    • 1.22 22. She’ll post about you
    • 1.23 23. She tags you on posts
    • 1.24 24. She keeps you informed about her day
    • 1.25 25. She sends you cute selfies
    • 1.26 26. She keeps pictures of the two of you
    • 1.27 27. She sends you cute emojis
    • 1.28 28. She gets jealous when you post about other ladies on social media
    • 1.29 29. She gets disappointed when you don’t communicate with her
    • 1.30 30. She wants to meet in person 
    • 1.31 31. She’s always eager to hang out
    • 1. 32 32. Her friends know you and probably follow you on social media
    • 1.33 33. She engages in physical touch
    • 1.34 34. She will let you know about her personal life
    • 1.35 35. Conversations with her are unforced
    • 1.36 36. Your conversations with her are always lengthy
    • 1.37 37. She blinks often
    • 1.38 38. Her pupils dilate
    • 1.39 39. She stares intensely
    • 1.40 40. You will sense it in her dance moves
    • 1.41 41. Her posture says everything
    • 1.42 42. She hints about both of you being a couple
    • 1.43 43. She asks about your love life
  • 2 FAQs
  • 3 On That Note

43 Hidden Signs She Likes You On Social Media

Social media age can make it hard to notice when a person is expressing true feelings for you. It’s easy for people to conceal their emotions because you can’t see their actual facial expressions. However, if you pay attention to details, you can uncover the clues that someone online is interested in you.

If you’re a guy with several questions on love and relationships online, and you desperately need to find out how a girl will act when she likes you, then you’re in the right place. This article gives a detailed exposure to the signs of attraction from a girl to any guy online.

1. She keeps in touch on all social media platforms

If you recently started talking to a girl online and she wants to stay connected with you, it’s one of the prominent signs that she is interested in you. She might want to go further, and request for a more convenient platform, which shows she’s willing to take the relationship to another level. Her desire to stay connected to you is one of the positive signs that she likes you.  

2. She laughs at all your jokes

One of the ways to tell if a girl likes you is to pay attention to how they respond to your jokes. Your remarks don’t have to be intentional or funny; but if they amuse her, then she has a particular interest in you.  

You might think you’re just a funny guy, which could be true. However, when someone likes you, they respond to your jokes a bit differently. While others may laugh with careless abandon, she’ll consciously and continuously tell you how funny and smart you are. 

3. She likes your posts

You can tell if a female likes you by her ‘relationship’ with the like button. If she really likes what you upload, it shows her interest in you. She would silently give you moral support and act like your biggest fan if she needs to. You can sense the extra effort she’s putting, even by only liking your posts; and all these signs go a long way to reveal that she fancies you.

4. She mirrors your actions

According to psychology, when you spend an ample amount of time with someone, you begin to reflect their actions and behaviors. That is, your body language and words sync with the other person. 

This process could happen unconsciously or consciously, and in most cases, much faster than usual if they are enjoying the person’s company. If a girl likes you, she’ll start responding in the manner you do. She might start using the slangs you use, and start chatting in the same way.

5. She accidentally likes your old post

One common thing that girls do when they like someone is to go through their social media feeds. It’s one of the signs that she’s trying to keep tabs on you secretly. 

If there’s some distance, looking at past events of his life will make her feel closer to him. Therefore, if you see a notification that a girl liked one of your old posts, then yes, she may have been taking a long tour down your page. 

6. Her replies are encouraging

You can gauge how well a conversation is going by the replier’s responses. If the length of their answers are short, it might suggest that they aren’t as excited as you are. If they are relatively the same, it’s a good sign of interest. 

If the response is quite lengthy, maybe even longer than yours, it shows that they enjoy conversing with you. A girl’s feedback can quickly indicate whether she likes you, or not, so make sure to pay attention to it.

Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to.

To see if he actually likes you take this quick free quiz and we'll let you know if it's worth putting any more time into this guy.

7. She intentionally talks about your previous posts

This act is more deliberate and quite different from the last point mentioned. She might choose to like all your old posts, or instead, bring up something exciting she found out while scrolling through your feed. 

She’s knowingly informing you that she went through your page, which is one of the bright signs that she’s into you and wants to know more about you. She’s not hiding it, because she wants you to notice her interest in you.  

8. She teases you

Teasing is a milder form of flirting that can be used to create a cheery atmosphere. A girl teasing you will joke about how your new haircut makes you look more handsome, and still tell you how odd you look in other situations. 

She might let you know how a particular sweater brings out the beauty of your eyes, and even laugh at a horrible outfit you wear. You may think she’s sending mixed feelings, but she simply enjoys seeing how you react to her messages. You don’t have to take her words to heart. Just be in the moment, and tease her back.

9. She comments on your posts

When someone likes you, it’s easy for them to become your number one fan online. The distance between you two brings out her supportive side. She might praise you mildly, or comment with so much enthusiasm. 

Whatever she does indirectly reveals her interest in you, because of the extra steps she’s taking. She may comment a little bit, but this shows she’s trying to connect with you on another level, which is a good sign.

10. She’s trying to get close to you

The difference between friendship and something more intimate is the extra step taken. Usually, you would know when a person is trying to get comfortable with you. They’ll ask more personal questions, and be there for you when you’re going through tough times. 

When someone likes something, there’s always a desire to be close to it. If a girl is slowly getting comfortable with you, it suggests that she might like you.

11. She responds to your stories

Stories on Facebook, WhatsApp, and even Instagram are more personal than posts. If a girl is continually responding to them, it validates an intimate connection she has with you. This process allows her to begin a conversation with you and continuously stay in touch, even when you have nothing to talk about currently. This act is one of the signs that she likes you.

12. She bites her lip when you talk

You can observe a lot about a person through social media. Even though you’re communicating with a girl online, you should notice her reactions whenever you call. If she’s biting her lip during the video chat, it’s one of the signs of attraction. 

It’s a flirty way of saying that she’s into you and would like to spend more time with ‘offline’. Similar gestures may include staring are your lips, or leaning in instead of being away from her phone.

13. She always seems to be online at the same time as you

When a girl has a crush on a guy, she won’t miss the opportunity to chat with him. Being online at the same time might happen naturally, or can be coincidental. She’ll observe when he’s mostly available, and organize her schedule to meet up with that time. It could be at late hours, but she’s willing to stay up late to talk to you. That’s a way to know she likes you.

14. She smiles when she sees you

It’s easy to detect the level of attraction in a girl by her reaction when she sees you. If her face lights up when you call her, it’s one of the positive signs. She will have a subtle blush, which is quite different from other smiles she’d make with you. 

Therefore, make sure to pay attention to the difference. If she blushes, it indirectly shows that she’s delighted to be around you, and enjoys having conversations with you.

15. She replies fast

When someone isn’t immersed in a conversation, it takes them time to respond to messages. On the contrary, someone that’s interested in you will respond straight away. If a girl is replying at a constant pace, it shows she’s enjoying the conversation. 

This act could mean she also likes you as a person, which is one of the positive signs. You should, however, reciprocate her fast responses, or this might discourage her from making advances.  

16. She licks her lips

Licking one’s lips in front of a crush can show attraction in some cases. It’s more subtle than biting the lips and can be done unconsciously. If a girl likes you, there’s a chance that she might lick her lips when talking to you. This action may need to take place more than once, and especially when she’s talking to you before you can validate your observations.

17. She finds ways to keep the conversation going

If you perceive disappointment from a girl when you end a conversation, it shows that she likes you more than you know. Anyone that wants to speak with you continually is endeared to you. Another common sign is always seeking reasons to keep the communication flowing. If she brings up random topics to continue engaging with you, it shows she’s taking extra steps to be around you.

18. She befriends your friends

When a lady wants to know more about you, she’ll make an effort to be close to your friends. This process makes it easier to know about your likes and dislikes and possibly get on a good rapport with your friends. 

She might follow them online and chat with them occasionally to learn a few things about you. If you observe this, it’s one of the signs that she likes you, and wants a closer relationship.

19. She bonds over similar things

It’s not coincidental that a girl knows about your favorite comic series and bonds with you over it. If she really likes you, she’ll make an effort to know these things and get accustomed to them. She may not necessarily like them, but she’ll use these subjects as a means of getting to know you better. The more she can talk about these things, the closer you’ll be to each other.

20. She tries to get your attention

Most girls know that one of the best ways to get the attention of a crush is to engage in the things he likes. A girl that likes you will pay attention to what you love doing, and flood her timeline with it. 

She’d send pictures of the things you fancy, for example, your favorite book, and tell you how she just started reading it. She’ll strive to get your attention in many ways, and this is a way of telling you that she’s attracted to you.

21. She remembers your schedule

The only reason why a girl would remember the plans you made is that she’s interested in you. If you tell her you’ll be somewhere, and she remembers to ask about it, it’s a sign that you’re on her mind and she cares about you. 

She’ll also keep these events stored to know when you’ll be available to chat. If you observe any of these behaviors in a lady, it’s one of the signs of affection.

22. She’ll post about you

It doesn’t necessarily have to be your picture. She might post one thing concerning you that she knows you’ll be able to understand. She’s bringing a sense of affection to the public, without directly confessing her feelings. 

It also expresses a form of closeness that supersedes essential friendship. Whether it’s a birthday shout out, appreciation, or congratulatory post, if she’s posting about you, it’s a positive sign.  

23. She tags you on posts

Bringing your attention to posts on her online feed means she’s thinking of you. If she always wants you to laugh at the things she thinks are funny, or gain information with her, it shows that you’re essential to her and she probably likes you. This means that she feels the need to involve you in her experiences on social media, it also shows how much she loves engaging with you.

24. She keeps you informed about her day

A girl that likes a guy always wants to keep him updated about events going on in her life. She’ll tell him about what she’s doing throughout the day, and about the special occasions that might keep her preoccupied. She’ll also inform him about her unavailability when needed, to prevent him from getting worried. Slowly, constant communication will become a routine between both of you.

25. She sends you cute selfies

Most girls want the guys they like to see them at their best. They won’t hesitate to send their cute selfies because it effortlessly showcases their beauty to someone they like. However, they won’t make this process too obvious.  

They’ll send it with a purpose. For example, when telling you how their day went, they’d send their selfies for a more vivid description. If it correlates with the conversation, they’ll use it as an opportunity to send you pictures.

26. She keeps pictures of the two of you

A girl that likes you will cherish the images both of you have together. If you went out with a large group of friends, but she kept the picture both of you took, and maybe even posted it online, it’s a positive sign. Similarly, if she’s maintaining anything that commemorates the experiences you’ve had together, it shows that she might have feelings for you.

27. She sends you cute emojis

You can determine someone’s feelings towards you by the kind of emojis they use when chatting. The blushing emoji, heart emoji, and even the hugging face emoji can go a long way to show you how much a girl cares about you. 

There are many other emojis girls use to express their emotions. You just need to be more observant to detect it when she uses it. She will also chat with you in a slightly different way than other girls do.

28. She gets jealous when you post about other ladies on social media

If she hasn’t expressed her feelings to you, there’s a high chance she won’t communicate her jealousy either. Nonetheless, it’s easy to know when a girl is jealous of something. If you posted a picture of another girl, she would most likely ask about it. 

If her response is short and unenthusiastic, she might be jealous. If she also chooses to ignore you, and miss some routines with you for no reason, it’s a sign of jealousy.

29. She gets disappointed when you don’t communicate with her

Any girl that likes a guy would want to have healthy communication with him. A friend wouldn’t mind lack of communication, but someone with feelings for you would indeed have expectations. If for any reason, you choose not to communicate with her like you usually do, she will be disappointed. This reaction is one of the ways to know when someone likes you.

30. She wants to meet in person 

Any girl that wants to meet up with you in real life may have feelings for you. Most girls would keep things on social media for as long as possible if everything were platonic

However, a girl that likes you wouldn’t hesitate to meet up with you as soon as possible. Her enthusiasm will reveal it all. If you observe she’s making immense preparations for that day, it shows that she likes you more than you know.

31. She’s always eager to hang out

Her excitement towards hanging out with you is what will reveal her true feelings for you. After the first meetup, if she’s still eager to hang out, it shows that she likes you. She doesn’t give excuses when she’s available, and she’s honest when she can’t make it. She wouldn’t be able to hide her zeal to be around you, and that’s how you’ll know she’s into you.

32. Her friends know you and probably follow you on social media

When a girl likes you, she’ll talk about you to her friends. It’s quite evident that they’ll go through your social media pages as a means of getting to know more about you. They may or may not befriend you and follow you, but if they do, it’s a sign that the girl in question has a crush on you. If she introduces you to them, then she certainly has feelings for you.

33. She engages in physical touch

There’s no doubt that a girl that likes you will want to get comfortable around you. With time, this might advance to engaging little forms of physical touch. She might touch your arm when she’s having a conversation with you, or sit too close to you. 

When you finally meet, she might even request for a hug when you’re parting ways. All these are little signs that she’s attracted to you. If she responds well when you engage physical touch, it’s likewise a positive sign.

34. She will let you know about her personal life

Girls naturally open up to people they feel comfortable being around. Apart from being a girl’s best friend, the only other reason why she’ll open up to you is that she likes you.  

If she’s telling you personal details about her life, it means she considers you to be more than her friend. She also trusts you and feels connected to you.

35. Conversations with her are unforced

If a girl is attracted to you, she’ll make things easy for you. Gaining access to her wouldn’t be a brawl, and more significantly, talking with her will be convenient. There’ll be a fluent flow of subjects, and both of you will feel happy texting each other. You wouldn’t have to put in too much effort to achieve a great conversation, because it’ll flow naturally.

36. Your conversations with her are always lengthy

Similar to the point that a girl who likes you will keep conversations going for as long as possible, you’ll also notice that they’ll naturally be lengthy. Whether it’s a phone call or via texting, you’ll observe that there’ll always be one thing to talk about with a girl that likes you. 

The conversation would happen almost naturally without any of you being conscious of how much time is being spent.

37. She blinks often

Blinking during a conversation can be associated with anxiety. It’s normal to wonder whether you’re saying the right things, or perhaps, impressing the person you’re talking to presently. If a girl blinks too often when talking video calling you, it shows that she might like you. 

She might also be trying to evade eye contact because it tenses her up. This kind of nervousness shows she has an interest in you.

38. Her pupils dilate

According to research, when a person stares at someone they’re attracted to, it can cause their pupils to dilate. The primary reason why this action happens is that the person gets excited to see their crush. 

Similarly, this is why widespread knowledge suggests that you can know how a person feels about you by how they stare at you. Though it might be hard to see whether her pupils dilate over video chat, it’s worth a try.

39. She stares intensely

Keeping eye contact for an extended period can show how much attraction a girl has for a boy. Most times, it’s common for girls to avoid staring too long at their crushes, but when you see a girl staring for too long, it’s most likely because she’s attracted to him. 

She might quickly look away when you catch her staring, and things might get awkward. Nonetheless, when this happens, understand that she probably likes you.

40. You will sense it in her dance moves

The way a girl dances around her crush is quite different from when she’s out with a friend. She’s more relaxed with friends but cautious around her subject of attraction. 

If she’s attracted to you, she’ll stare at you occasionally as she dances, to see if you’re looking at her, and in other cases, to get your attention. When you meet her in real life, take her dancing, and observe her body language towards you.

41. Her posture says everything

A girl’s posture unconsciously changes when she’s around someone that she likes. She might stand upright or lean closer to you when she’s near, but she might slouch or be carefree when in the presence of someone else.  

It might be hard to notice these things about a lady, but if you observe her more, you might see it. You’ll notice she’s not entirely free around you, and that’s a good thing. 

42. She hints about both of you being a couple

When a girl is attracted to you, it’s easy for her to picture both of you as couples. She’ll also subtly hint at this fact with her words. For example, telling you that you’d make a lousy boyfriend, or you wouldn’t be able to manage her as a girlfriend. All these are subtle ways of telling you that she’s interested in you and possibly wants a relationship.

43. She asks about your love life

If she brings up the subject of dating and long term relationships with you, it’s a sign that she’s thinking along that line. One of the prominent signs that she’s attracted to you is when she directly asks about your dating life. Her interest shows she’s hoping for something else, other than a friendship, but wants to prepare herself beforehand.


How do you tell if a girl likes you on text?

The best way to tell a girl is attracted to you is through her enthusiasm in conversations. If she replies fast and gives lengthy responses, it shows she’s enjoying the conversation, and most likely interested in you. If she also wants the conversation to last longer, it’s a great sign.

How do you know if a girl likes you but is hiding it?

A girl might be bold during texts but might act reserved in person. If she’s flirty with you online but evades staring at you for too long when you meet face-to-face, it shows she’s hiding her feelings. Her body language will also reveal a sense of attraction if she’s always looking at you, and wants to be close to you.

How do you know if a girl still likes you?

Staring for a prolonged period can indicate attraction from a lady. You might catch her staring, after which she looks away. This act is also a great sign that she still likes you. If she looks at your lips, or perhaps, bites hers during a conversation, it shows she’s attracted to you.

How do make a girl want you?

The first key to getting a girl attracted to you is your self-confidence. You have to know what you want and believe you can achieve it. Next, you need to be a trustworthy person. You also need to know when to give her space. Lastly, understand that flirting will communicate your attraction better than mixed signals.

Should you text a girl every day?

The only time when texting a girl every day is plausible is if she’s comfortable with it and has communicated this to you. Otherwise, it would be best not to smother her with constant communication every day. Likewise, don’t get angry if she doesn’t message regularly.

On That Note

Did you enjoy this article on signs a girl likes you on social media? Remember to always confirm from the girl in question if you get the feeling that she’s interested in you. It would be best not to make assumptions and take steps that could deter the relationship. Kindly share this article if you liked it, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comment section.

Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you?
Some men can be very guarded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you and leaves you wondering whether he's actually into you.

Find out to see whether he actually likes you by taking this quick free quiz

Ways to tell if a girl likes you on Instagram

by James M. Reid

Social media has changed the game. Now, you don’t need to ask a girl for her phone number to chat with her. You can just follow her on social media and take it from there. Instagram is one of the best and most popular social media platforms now.

Most of the time, it’s easier for a girl to tell if a guy is into her on Instagram. But, does this mean that when a girl likes you, she can’t show you on Instagram? Well, not all girls will be willing to tell you that they like you, most of them will drop hints here and there on your Instagram page. To pick the cue, you have to be observant. The following are some of the most common signs that a girl likes you on Instagram.

She likes your selfies

Generally, when a girl likes your selfies on Instagram, it could mean that she wants you to like hers too. However, depending on the type of photos you’ve posted and she liked, it could say a lot about her interest in you.

If you post a shirtless selfie or one that you look hot in, and she likes it, then it says a lot. Furthermore, if she likes your photos immediately or within the same day that you posted, then she likes you. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of her baiting you into liking her selfies back.

She likes a photo of you from the past

Doesn’t it say a lot if a girl scrolls through your timeline and likes a picture that you posted in the past? This means that she likes you to the extent of taking her time to go through your numerous photos and liking one in particular. Even if she accidentally did it, it’s still a like from the past meaning she went through your photos.

She intentionally talks about a previous post

Instead of liking an old post of yours, she might bring it up. She will tell you about a photo or post that you posted a while back compared to the latest post or photo. This is just to let you know that she went through your photos and did some digging. She just wants you to notice her interest in you.

Replies to all your posts

A girl commenting on your posts is no news. Sometimes, it’s just a genuine comment, or she is just commenting on one or two of your posts. She may just be flirting with you. Whenever you post anything on the gram, be it a photo, video, or just a post and she is always there to comment, then she likes you. She doesn’t need to directly say it, she can comment ‘nice shirt’. Who has the time to be commenting on someone’s every post, unless you are a celebrity and have obsessive fans.

Watches your Instagram stories

Insta stories are live snippets that disappear after 24 hours are a good place to know if a girl likes you or not on Instagram. These snippets are renowned for being at the center of flirting and dating. One or two insta stories are not sufficient to determine if she likes you or not. You need at least 3 to 10 stories to gauge a girl’s attention.

Go ahead and post an obvious day-to-day thing like making breakfast, walking your dog, working, etc. and post all the stories in one go and wait. Hide and wait for some hours to see which girl views those stories. Now, go back to Instagram and check those stories. If she is just curious or in the habit of checking everyone’s stories she will probably stop on the second story. However, if you notice a girl has viewed all your stories, she likes you.

Slides into your DM

Despite sliding into DMs being more of a male thing, some girls are bold enough to take things to another level and slide into a guy’s DMs. She will drop all the pretense and instead of commenting on your photos, she will slide into your DM tell you personally. When chatting, if you also notice that her responses are a bit lengthy and are keeping the conversation going, then she likes you. Also, if she gets your sense of humor and laughs at your jokes, then she has a thing for you on Instagram.

She teases you

When commenting on your posts, she teases you. For example, she comments on your selfie ‘I love the new hairstyle, it makes you more handsome’. Then, she tells you how odd you look in other areas. Teasing is a form of flirting and, she might just be enjoying your reaction to her messages. At the moment, don’t take her words too seriously, tease her back.

She follows you on other social media platforms

If all of a sudden, you get notifications across your social media platforms other than Instagram that she is now following you, then she likes you. She is following you across all the platforms to keep in touch with what you are up to.

She seems to be online at the same time as you

Being online at the same time can be a coincidence and not a big deal. However, if this occurs almost every day, then chances are that the girl is looking forward to seeing and reading your posts. When a girl is into you, she wants to interact with you and your content in real-time. She doesn’t want to miss any of your posts in real-time and even chat with you.


For most people in social media platforms, it is not hard for them to notice if someone is into them, because they do make it very obvious. From the emojis to the comments the likes on every new post, and the habit of bringing up history by liking photos from the past. It’s all a strategy to get your attention and it really works.

James M. Reid

Relationships are complex according to James M. Reid, but there is always a way to make things work. The only problem is that people don’t want to make sacrifices for the greater good. Getting into a romantic relationship is one thing but to sustain the relationship is difficult and draining. For couples that are determined to make things work, James insists on them working on their relationship right from the very beginning. His mission is to build relationships from infancy and not when things start going south. James offers advice to teens. He advises them on how to treat a girl or a boy and even how to approach either gender for a blissful relationship going forward.

how to find out if a girl likes you on instagram?

How do you know if you like your love on Instagram?

There is no sure way to know for sure, but there are a few things you can look out for. If your crush has recently followed you on Instagram or is liking and commenting on your posts more than usual, it could be a sign that they are interested in you.

How to understand that a girl likes you, but hides it?

There are several ways to find out if a girl likes you, but hides it. One way is to look at how she interacts with other people. If she seems more talkative and flirtatious with other guys, she may be trying to make you jealous. Another way is to pay attention to how she talks about you when you are not around. If she constantly talks about how great you are, she may be trying to let you know that she likes you.

What are 5 signs that a girl likes you?

She makes sustained eye contact.
She often smiles at you.
She laughs at your jokes, even if they are not so funny.
She touches you often.
She mentions you to her friends and family.

How can you tell if a girl likes you through DM?

There is no single answer to this question, because all girls are different. However, there are some general things to look out for when trying to determine if a girl likes you through DM.
If she responds quickly to your messages and seems to want to chat, it's likely that she's interested in you. If she starts flirting with you or texting you indecently, that's an even stronger sign that she likes you.

Is she interested or is she just nice?

There is no single answer to this question, because all girls are different. However, there are some general things to look out for when trying to determine if a girl likes you through DM.
If she responds quickly to your messages and seems to want to chat, it's likely that she's interested in you. If she starts flirting with you or texting you indecently, that's an even stronger sign that she likes you.

How do you know if a girl likes you or if she just wants to be friends?

There's no sure way to tell, but there are some clues to look out for. If she's interested in getting to know you, spending time with you, and flirting with you, then she probably likes you. If she's always busy or doesn't seem to have time for you, then she may not be interested.

How do you know if she's into you?

There are several things you can look at to determine if she likes you. If she makes eye contact, smiles and carries on a conversation, then she is probably interested. Another sign is that she frequently touches you or leans closer when she speaks. If she does any of these, it's a good sign that she likes you.

How does a girl behave when she likes you?

There is no universal answer to this question, since a girl's behavior when she likes you depends on her personality and individual preferences. However, in general, most girls will behave differently around the person they like than they do with other people. For example, they may be more talkative, funny, or touchy.

How do you know if a girl wants to kiss you?

There is no single answer to this question, because all girls are different. However, there are some general things to watch out for. If a girl is interested in you, she may casually or playfully touch you or lean closer while talking to you. If she starts making excuses to be around you or touches you a lot, she may be trying to let you know that she wants to kiss you.

How do you know if someone likes you but is trying to hide it?

There are several ways to find out if someone likes you, but they try to hide it. One way is to observe their body language. If they constantly look away from you or don't make eye contact, then they are probably trying to hide their feelings. Another way is to listen to what they have to say. If they always find excuses not to spend time with you, or if they always talk about other people, then they probably aren't interested in you.

Likes mean anything on Instagram?

Yes, likes can mean a lot on Instagram. They can be seen as a way to measure the success of your posts and can be used to determine how interesting your content is. In addition, they can be used as a way to measure the level of interest your subscribers have in certain topics.

How do you know if a lover likes you?

There is no single answer to this question, as it depends on the person. However, there are some things you can look for to get an idea. If your lover talks to you often, seems interested in what you have to say, and tries to spend time with you, he may like you. Also, if the person you like looks at you a lot and seems to enjoy being around you, that's another sign that they like you..

What do you do if a girl rejects your kiss?

If a girl rejects your kiss, it can mean one of two things. Either you are not interested in her, or she is not yet ready for a kiss. If she's not interested, maybe it's best to move on. If she's not ready, you can try kissing her later when she's more receptive.

Can I ask a girl if I can kiss her?

It depends on the girl. If she's comfortable kissing people she's just met, then ask her. If she seems indecisive or uncomfortable, it's best not to ask.

What do you say after the first kiss?

Depends on the kiss. If it was good, then you say “thank you”. If it was bad, you say “sorry”.

10 ways to understand that a pen girlfriend likes you

Girls are not such incomprehensible creatures. Sometimes they, of course, give too transparent hints, but they can be understood. Would a wish.

Article content

  • 1 Day and night
  • 2 One goal game
  • 3 How was your day?
  • 4 Spy during interrogation
  • 5 She writes the first
  • 6 offline
  • 7 Exchange photos
  • 8 Personal questions
  • 9 She flirts with you
  • 10 bathes in compliments
  • 11 response speed
  • 12 P.S.
  • 13 Letters - a novel with a sequel

If you are reading an article, then at least with this (desire) you have no problems.

Pick up the phone, open your correspondence and start reading the article.

Day and night

How often do you correspond at night with people who don't like you? If you are able to avoid talking to anyone, you're going to use it, right?

Quickly read the message in the line notifications and turn off the phone out of harm's way. "The morning is wiser than the evening", - you think, hoping to come up with a plausible excuse tomorrow with a fresh mind.

Girls do the same. And if she doesn't like a guy, she won't hang around the phone in the middle of the night. "I'm sorry I go to bed, ”the maximum that you will receive in response if you indifferent.

But with a guy she likes, she will chat both night and day. Sleep is important. But it's more important to talk about showers with a man lying in bed and smiling at the screen of the phone.

Active nightly correspondence is a sign that you the two are good with each other. Is this communication friendly or is something hovering here more, time will tell.

One goal game

If a girl is interested in talking to you, you don't have to take all the work into your own hands. She will actively seek topics for conversation, as if by chance asking you questions, reminding you of something funny (“Do you remember yesterday, when ...?”), etc.

If you need to pull each word, stop trying. Maybe she's not in the mood or she's not opportunity to speak right now. Try to write later.

Your correspondence always resembles an interrogation with addiction? Hmmm. Either she likes you, but she is worried and does not know how keep up the conversation, or you are indifferent to her. She does not take any trying to develop a conversation because she simply does not need it.

How was your day?

She asks how you live and shows sincere interest in your life. Asks questions, clarifies, asks to tell and supports the theme.

If she doesn't care about you, then your routine she doesn't care anymore. She will limit herself to a couple of short messages, replying to your “How are you?”, and the conversation will dry up.

You haven't spoken in a while and she asks tell me what happened in your life? Good sign. Don't skimp on letters and describe in colors how you spent this week / month / year. By her answer you will understand whether it was sincere interest or social politeness.

“Mmmm. Cool,” is the answer.

“Wow! Are there pictures? Damn, sorry for me there did not have! I didn’t quite understand about …, tell me more!” - excellent result, soldier.

Interrogation spy

If this girl likes you, your communication will not will look like an interrogation with prejudice. She will actively use complex and complex sentences. And interjections and emoticons leave for dialogues with annoying fans.

She will tell you how her day went. Share emotions and feelings. Then he will take an interest in your affairs. Will ask a couple of questions. Support, sympathize or laugh with you. And then you're together switch to another topic for discussion. This is an example communication scenario. between two people who like each other.

If she doesn't like you, she will limit herself to a couple polite messages. The most concise. They literally scream: “Boy, well I don't want to communicate with you. But I can’t say directly, because you are all like that the vulnerable went, I don’t want to rake up angry messages from you later. ”

She writes first

On business and not so much. To ask for your advice clarify some question, etc. A good sign - after the "official part" she shifts the topic to something everyday and abstract.

She wants to continue communicating with you. Maybe, she just found a reason to write to you. Play along with her - join in talk.

Example 1: she asked you a question about the case, then asked "How are you?" or wrote something else. Do you want to continue communication, but she neatly wraps up the dialogue.

Most likely, she wrote to you exclusively via case. And the conversation continued only out of politeness.

Example 2: when the official part is over, she moves the conversation to another topic. You answer her and she gladly included in the dialogue. Your conversation is actively developing, and you can hardly remember how it all started.

You guys are really good together. Friends Do you? Big question.


She invites you to meet. go together to cinema, walk. Walk to the university/gym/work together.

If she invites you to meet herself or with gladly accepts your invitations, seize the moment. Agree, invite, take your possible joint future into your own hands.

Photo sharing

Keep your fantasies to yourself. If you exchange photos 18+… Why are you even reading this article? Friendship is here and doesn't smell.

It's about something else. If you frequently exchange photos like "Look where I am now" and "Look what I'm doing" is good sign. If she likes you, she will try to choose for you the most beautiful, cute or funny photo.

If she even sends you her photograph when you didn't ask for it, that's a great sign too.

Personal questions

If a girl is interested in you, your plans, your past, present and future, she is definitely interested in you.

Does she like you? Maybe she's on her own does not know this. First, she needs to collect information about you.

Don't play intelligence agent and don't dodge questions. You can leave something unsaid to leave room for intrigue. But a certain image of you in her head must be formed. Otherwise she is figure it out herself. Will it help you?

God alone knows.

She flirts with you

With guys she doesn't like, she will flirt out of boredom or for fun. But she gets tired of it quickly.

With annoying and unsympathetic suitors she does not will take risks. She is already puzzling over how to “merge” them more accurately.

If she regularly flirts with you in text messages, join the game and watch her reaction.

Bathed in compliments

Girls know very well that boys love compliments and are easily addicted to them. To charm you, she will compliment your appearance, intelligence, sense of humor, or abilities.

P.S. If a girl compliments your shirt or your new haircut, it doesn't mean that she is in love with you. Especially if you never talked again. Especially if She is already married and has three children.

I'm sorry.

Response rate

She answers you whenever she has one. possibility. And sometimes even when the moment is not very suitable for this.

Sometimes girls play "ignore" to wake up guy interest. But do not confuse a competent game with complete indifference.

“Well, thanks, it didn’t get any clearer!” calm down, amigo. If everything is not so clear with this point, then with the previous ones everything is more or less clear.

Get it together!

If you can't pull yourself together, it will somebody else. For example, one of those guys who are texting her right now messages.


Does everything agree on most points? Excellent. Communication is established.

How to distinguish good friendship from "friendship" on the edge?

Lots of flirting and sexual jokes. If these two ingredients are present in your communication, then it's time to take a closer look at your "friendship".

Letters - a novel with a sequel

Girls can be suspected of anything, but never predictable! Nevertheless, today many novels are tied up precisely by correspondence, the sequence of which can hardly be violated. Why? How can you understand from letters that mutual sympathy has arisen between you and the subject of your interest?

It's simple. If initially the Network was intended for the exchange of useful information, today it is an endless field of acquaintances and relationships. For the shy, this is a real way out of a rather difficult situation. It is difficult for them to meet in public, but on the Web - please! Here you can always think about what to write and how to answer, so as not to goof off.

Acquaintance and correspondence on the Internet makes it possible to get to know counterparts better. In letters, they share their thoughts and feelings without hesitation, post their photos, which allows you to understand what your new acquaintance loves and is interested in. If a feeling of hostility arises, acquaintance can be stopped even before the first visual date.

Psychologists say that online dating is so successful because people become attached to each other at the stage of communication, and most often their first date in real life goes perfectly. You can understand that sympathy has arisen between correspondence partners by the tone of letters and the duration of communication.

If you like each other, communication will not stop at night. Moreover, a pen pal who feels a sense of sympathy will often take the initiative himself, looking for new topics for a more complete acquaintance. Only one minus can be noted: you can get on a person who is not who he claims to be.

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