How to get your instagram sponsored

How to Get Sponsored on Instagram (Even if You Currently Have 0 Followers)

It's no surprise you want to become a paid Instagram influencer -- heck, the average price for a sponsored Instagram post is $300, and if you become more successful, like yogi Rachel Brathen, you could be making $25,000 per post.

But the idea of getting your posts sponsored might seem laughable to you. You're not posting pictures skydiving in Australia -- you're posting pictures of your brunch. However, you could be more marketable than you think.

Instagram has become an insanely popular channel for brands to promote their products. In fact, Influencer Central found consumers consider Instagram to be the sixth most effective at influencing their purchasing decisions.

Instagram's popularity might make you feel the platform is already too crowded for you to stand out. But here's the thing -- brands are quickly realizing the power of normal people to promote their products. Micro-influencers, or people with a small number of followers compared to the big players, see the most engagement out of their audience.

Think of it this way: I'm going to trust my best friend's advice over Kim Kardashian's when I'm purchasing a product. I trust my best friend, we share similar interests, and I know she's genuine with her advice (no offense, Kim … ).

It's the same concept for micro-influencers -- with the right strategy, your audience will begin to see you as one of their real friends. The more they trust your advice when seeking out purchasing decisions, the more likely you are to get sponsored.

Here, we're going to show you everything you need to do to get sponsored on Instagram, even if you currently have zero followers. Keep reading to get started or click the links below to jump to a specific section of this article.

  • How to Get Sponsored on Instagram
  • What's a Sponsored Instagram Post?
  • Using #ad and #spon Hashtags

How to Get Sponsored on Instagram

  1. Define your brand.
  2. Know your audience.
  3. Post consistently.
  4. Use hashtags and geotags.
  5. Tag brands in your posts.
  6. Include contact information in your bio.
  7. Pitch paid sponsorships.
  8. Know your worth.

1. Define your brand.

You'll see the best engagement if you're able to define your niche. Do you want to post food and health related content, or focus on fashion? Whatever the case, it's important to establish your brand.

Besides the type of content you post, branding has a lot to do with your overall aesthetic. How do you want to style your posts? What's your messaging? To further solidify your brand, you might want to consider creating a cohesive feed theme (use these feeds for inspiration).

Specificity is key. A good influencer's posts are distinguishable and unique -- when a user is flipping through her feed, she'll be able to pause and recognize every time she sees a post from that influencer. As she continues to see similar content, she'll grow to trust that brand as an expert in the field. If the influencer suddenly and randomly changed course, the user might not understand or trust the content anymore.

Additionally, you might want to connect your Instagram brand with an online presence. Creating a website with similar aesthetic and messaging is a good way to do this -- the more you unify your social media accounts, the easier it will be for brands to distinguish how you can help them.

2. Know your audience.

Knowing your audience is critical for convincing a brand to work with you. It's mutually beneficial for you, as well -- if you understand your audience, you're able to correctly identify which brands will see the most success from using you as their sponsor.

Start by gathering the basics -- what is the gender, age, and geographical location of your core demographic? Which of your posts do they like the best? What times of day do they respond best to content, and what can you infer from this?

The demographic information you gather will help you pitch partnerships with brands. Brands want to know who they can reach if they work with you. Explaining "You'll be reaching thirty-something, working women, primarily from New York, who often use Instagram first thing in the morning and prefer fitness content" is certainly more powerful than saying, "You'll be reaching women."

3. Post consistently.

CoSchedule gathered research from 14 studies to identity how often you should post on social media sites. For Instagram, they found you should post a minimum of once a day, but can post upwards of three times a day.

CoSchedule also found 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM, and 2:00 AM, are the best times to post.

To grow your following, it's critical you post at least once a day. Instagram's algorithm favors new and fresh content, and you don't want your audience to unfollow you or forget about you from lack of consistency.

However, you'll need to figure out what works best for you and your audience. Perhaps your audience feels bombarded when you post three times a day, or maybe they prefer it. Maybe your audience engages most with your posts at noon. It will take some trial and error, as well as Instagram metrics tools, to figure this out.

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4. Use hashtags and geotags.

Hashtags make your content more discoverable, so they're necessary for growing your following. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post, but TrackMaven found nine to be the optimal number for boosting engagement.

You'll want to use hashtags as relevant to your content as possible. You'll also need to check to make sure the hashtags you use aren't broken or banned (take a look at this list of banned hashtags if you're unsure).

It's critical you choose hashtags that aren't too broad. #Healthyliving, for instance, has over 20,000,000 posts, while #healthylivingtips only has 13,000. The less competition, the easier it will be for your content to get discovered.

When you peruse a hashtag's page, you can also get a deeper sense of what types of content your post will be up against. #Healthylivingtips might typically feature posts with food recipes, while your post is about cycling -- this could defer you from using that hashtag.

Geotags are equally important, but for a different reason. Geotags can help people find you if they're interested in a certain location. This helps you gain more followers, and it also helps you appeal to brands that are interested in reaching a certain demographic. For instance, maybe a boutique sees you often post fashion tips from the California area, and they're looking to appeal to people in that region -- it's a win, win.

5. Tag brands in your posts.

Okay, now you're officially ready to begin reaching out to brands. You've defined your brand and audience and have created some quality, authentic posts. Now, you should have a pretty good idea what types of businesses would benefit from a partnership with you.

It's important to start small. If you're interested in skincare, don't go straight for Estee Lauder -- instead, try tagging small skincare start-ups you've seen across Instagram already.

Let's take a look at an example -- @Tzibirita, a travel influencer, posted this image of herself wearing a Paul Hewitt watch. The image is high-quality and fits with her brand, and she tags @paul_hewitt in her description. Even if you're not paid by Paul Hewitt, you can still post the same type of content and tag their brand in the post. Ideally, it will at least put you on their radar.

Begin with small brands and tag them in your descriptions. Engage with your audience by responding to comments like "Where can I get one?" or "How much?" and the brand will soon see you've proven yourself a suitable sales partner.

6. Include contact information in your bio.

Consider your bio a chance to signal to brands your interest in becoming an influencer. Include an email or website so they can reach you, and include a press kit if possible.

For instance, @tzibirita doesn't waste her bio space. She includes her email and website, and even adds a title -- "content creator". Brands will have no doubt she's open to doing business with them.

Furthermore, you should use a website or blog as your chance to expand on your brand and demonstrate your versatility. Consider adding a Press Page to your website, so brands can take a look at your services. Once you begin sponsoring brands, you can add them to this page so brands can see you have influencer experience.

7. Pitch paid sponsorships.

There's nothing wrong with reaching out to brands and offering your services. With the right pitch, you might be able to land some gigs without waiting for brands to find you.

Look for brands that clearly invest time and money into their Instagram presence. You might start by researching what similar influencers in your industry already sponsor. Remember, it's okay to start small. Working with smaller brands will allow you to build a portfolio.

Once you've curated a list of brands that might want to partner with you, send them an email. In your pitch, clearly and briefly outline who you are, what you do, and any achievements you have in the field that make you an expert. Then, explain why you're a good fit for the brand, and include data such as follower count and average engagement rate.

Alternatively, you might consider sending a brand a DM straight from Instagram. It's certainly more relevant to the job you're vying for, but it might get lost if a brand get hundreds of DMs a day.

8. Know your worth.

Make sure you know how much you're going to charge when brands reach out to you. The industry standard is $10 for 1,000 followers, but it could also vary depending on how many likes you get per post. Additionally, as you grow, you'll be able to charge more.

While you'll want to have a minimum set, you can negotiate to encourage brands to pay more. Perhaps for $300, you'll throw in five Instagram Story posts, and a link in your bio to their website for 24 hours. You can use other Instagram features to sweeten the deal.

Once you have your pricing structure nailed down, you'll need to know how to sponsor a post on behalf of the brand you're working with. Now, keep in mind there are two different kinds of "sponsored" posts: those for which brands pay Instagram, and those for which brands pay another user.

Confused? Here's what I mean:

What's a Sponsored Instagram Post?

A sponsored post on Instagram is paid for by the poster to reach a wider audience. There are two main types of sponsorships: In one, a brand creates a post and pays Instagram for access to a custom audience. In the other, a brand sponsors another Instagram user -- often called an "Influencer" -- who creates a post that features the brand in some way.

Here's more detail on each type of sponsored post:

Promoted Posts & Ads

Just like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, Instagram comes with a native ad management platform. Advertisers can use this tool to customize a target audience -- using attributes like age, sex, location, and interests -- and invest a specific amount of money to getting their post in front of Instagrammers who identify with this audience.

The thing to remember here is that the advertiser is making and publishing the post. They're paying Instagram for the audience they want access to, but the post is theirs to create.

Paid Sponsorships

Paid sponsorships take place between a brand and another Instagram user. Typically, this user has a personal brand and attracts an audience of his or her own. This user is often called an "influencer."

This person can then use the steps explained earlier in this article to find and work with brands that appeal to a similar audience. When they find a brand who wants to sponsor them, they can charge this client a certain amount to create a post that features their product or service. Think of it like social media product placement; just like a business might pay a TV show to have their brand of soda on the countertop in the series finale, they can also pay a person on Instagram to hold that same soda in a picture on their Instagram feed.

Clearly there are more creative sponsorship ideas you can come up with -- I decided to go with a cliché . ..

Influencers are similar to Instagram's ad manager in the sense that they both draw an audience that brands might not otherwise have access to. However, the differences in this type of sponsorship are that the brand is paying the influencer -- rather than Instagram -- for access to their audience, and the influencer -- rather than the advertiser -- is the one creating and publishing the post.

There are numerous influencers for each industry. Here's a big list of today's known influencers and the types of audiences they attract.

Using #ad and #spon Hashtags

In the past couple years, brands have come under fire for hiring influencers but not making it clear to the audience that these influencers were getting paid.

Department store Lord & Taylor, for instance, settled charges with the FTC in 2016 after paying 50 influencers to wear a dress in their posts without hashtagging #sponsorship or #ad.

Influencers are supposed to hashtag #ad or #sponsored in posts they're being paid for, but these tags make some brands uncomfortable because it makes the post appear inauthentic.

In 2017, Instagram released a paid partnership feature to combat this issue -- if you tag a brand in a post and the brand confirms the relationship, the ad will be marked at the top with a "paid partnership" label. This also helps the brand gather data regarding how well the campaign is performing.

It's critical your followers know if you're getting paid to promote a product. Ethics aside, it could destroy your account's credibility if you're caught, and lose everything you've worked hard to build -- namely, an authentic, trusting community.

If you truly don't want to post #ad or #spon, there are some ways around it -- for instance, Airbnb created the hashtag #Airbnb_partner, to signal a paid partnership without using the word "ad".

When in doubt, adhere to Instagram's policies. You can read Instagram's branded content policies in full here.

Ultimately, getting sponsored on Instagram isn't easy -- it takes time, effort, and perseverance. But if you work hard to differentiate yourself in the industry, and connect on a personal level with your followers, it can be extraordinarily rewarding.

Topics: Instagram Marketing

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How To Get a Paid Instagram Sponsorship (Land Your First Collab)


Figuring out how to get a paid Instagram sponsorship wasn’t easy for me. I can’t tell you how many free products I took or how many times I undercharged for my sponsorships because of something I read on Google.

All that bad advice was written by social media experts who was never actually an influencer themselves. Learning how to properly pitch to brands and sell my content creator services was the game-changer.

Pitching brands it a great way for new and current influencers to get in front of companies and grow their portfolio (while making $$$). And it can actually be quite simple once you master the tested strategies we’ll go over in this post!

So, as a full-time influencer and coach, I want to lay out everything you need to know about working with brands on Instagram—whether that’s through email pitches or within the new Instagram Creator Marketplace (more on that soon).

These are the same tips I give my Instagram influencer course students.

Written by Influencer Coach Dani The Explorer

Paid Instagram Sponsorship Must-Knows

Let’s start with a few need to know details.

Why Should You Monetize Your Instagram?

Regardless of whether or not you see yourself becoming a full-time influencer, the fact that you have the opportunity to monetize an Instagram page in the first place is huge!

And you do not have to be a full-time influencer like me to score paid sponsorships on Instagram!

This can be a side hustle as well. All you need to know is how to sell yourself to brands, which is why fill-in-the-blank brand pitch email templates (like these) come in handy.

Imagine what you’d be able to do with the extra money you earn just from posting about your favorite products on Instagram!

And honestly, with Instagram Creator Marketplace, monetizing will be EASIER to do. Let’s talk about that.

Read Next: How to Turn a Gifted Collab Into a Paid Partnership

Paid Instagram Deal with Theo Chocolate

Yes! You do NOT need thousands of followers to score paid brand deals.

Small accounts can get paid Instagram sponsorships too! Micro and nano-influencers are so valuable to brands.

You deserve to get compensated for your work, and you CAN. Don’t worry. The tips I’ll be sharing in the next sections will apply to you small creators too.

Just to give you an idea of what’s possible, one of my influencer coaching students landed a four-figure brand deal with under 5,000 followers. It just comes down to how you sell yourself!

Read Next: How to Grow Organically on Instagram

Here are the quick steps on how to get sponsored on Instagram:

  1. Set your prices
  2. Create a media kit
  3. Find brands to contact
  4. Pitch brands
  5. Negotiate the brand deal
  6. Seal the deal with a contract

Don’t worry! We’ll be covering these in detail. Let’s begin!

Getting paid means you need to set a price for your content.

You can get paid $10 per thousand Instagram followers as a rule of thumb.

If you have 10,000 followers, for example, you can get paid about $100 per sponsored Instagram post (10,000/1,000 = 10, 10 x $10 = $100). 

Please note that the final number you choose to charge should also consider your engagement. That is just as important.


I have a whole write-up on how much to charge for sponsored posts (click here to read). You can read it if you need more help setting your prices!

Free Download: Find Your Rates Roadmap— influencer pricing guide

Paid Instagram Sponsorship with Mazda

A media kit is a document that lists out who we are in sum! Influencer media kits are a necessary part of getting a paid Instagram sponsorship.

A successful media kit will clearly convey WHY brands should hire you. It’s not an autobiography.

It’s the one tool you need to sell yourself! So if you’re ready to start landing paid brand deals, you need a media kit.

Step #3 – Find Brands to Contact

Here are the steps you should take to find brand contacts for pitching a paid Instagram sponsorship!

First, take some time to make a list of brands you would like to work with! Doing this will give you an idea of how many pitches you’ll be sending out and who to contact first.

Now look at your list and think about what brands you can work with today. In other words, if XYZ brand said, “We’re looking for influencers for our next campaign,” would they hire you?

Be honest with yourself.

Here are a few questions to ask beforehand:

  • Does this brand work with influencers at all? When was the last time they worked with influencers?
  • How big or small are the influencers they work with? Do they work with micro-influencers or macro-influencers?
  • Does my personal brand match what this company would be looking for in an influencer?

It’s essential to do your research and be diligent about where you would fit into a potential influencer campaign.

Reach Out

There are quite a few ways to reach out to someone in your search for paid Instagram sponsorship contacts. One of the most common outreach methods is to go through an influencer agency.

Aspire IQ, Mavrck, and Whalar are a few more popular influencer agencies. Influencer agencies are an excellent option for small creators who are just starting!

Essentially, you’ll apply for influencer campaigns and get directed to speak with the person handling the campaign.

Your next option is to send the brand a DM on social media. Ask them who you can send your pitch to.

Read Next: Why Your Aren’t Landing Paid Brand Deals

Paid Sponsorship with Theo Chocolate

Now that we’ve done all of our homework, it’s time to start pitching. Here’s a quick list of what goes into a brand pitch email:

  • Who you are
  • Your social media handles
  • Why you’re reaching out

But that’s not all!

You’ll need to keep in mind some key elements to make your brand email pitches rock solid. Let’s talk about what those are!

“What makes a pitch successful?” My answer: keeping the pitch short and sweet.

When you want to get a paid Instagram sponsorship, a long dissertation on why the brand should hire you won’t do the trick.

You want to be able to describe the purpose of your email as quickly as possible, while also positioning yourself as the perfect influencer for marketing the brand’s products.

Ask for Money

Okay, so now we understand what should go in our pitch, right? Almost.

One key element here is that you will have to emphasize that you’re reaching out for a paid opportunity. It’s easy to accept free gear and items, but what about asking for money?

My advice is to just go for it! The worst thing a brand can say is “no.” And at that point, oh well.

No one ever got anywhere by quivering at “no.”

Make Your Pitch Personal

As you craft your pitch email, constantly personalize it. This is ESPECIALLY true if you’re asking for the big bucks!

If brands get the impression that you’re sending them a blanket email, they’re less likely to throw you a bone. Personalize it, and you’re more likely to get an Instagram sponsorship!

Write Amazing Pitches on Repeat

Honestly, writing an email pitch was the hardest thing I had to figure out when I was a new influencer. The best thing you can do is practice the art of selling yourself!

Step #5 – Negotiate the Paid Brand Deal

Next, we close. You have finished pitching companies, and got a reply! So what the heck do you do now?

How do you complete the pitch and get that Instagram sponsorship? Let’s quickly discuss negotiating.

Set Up a Phone Call if Possible

When a brand initially replies that they are interested, that’s your time to shine and explain what you want to do for them and why you’re the perfect influencer to market their products.

To do this, I suggest getting on a phone call to talk through your vision. After getting this initial response, you can send your media kit for their review.

Ask for Money… Again!

Whether or not you have a phone call, you need to clarify what you charge. Ask the brand you’re speaking with if they allocate a budget to Instagram sponsorships and what that budget is.

Don’t know what to charge?

>>Click here for my free influencer rate calculator!<<

Expect a few negotiation exchanges to come to a price that works for both parties! Having a good handle on your prices will give you the most negotiation power.

Example of a paid sponsorship on IG

Step #6 – Seal the Deal with a Contract

Always sign a contract!

You never want to get an Instagram​ sponsorship without one! Brands typically have a sample contract for freelance work, so make sure you ask them to put one together for you.

A contracted arrangement will help protect you from fraud and ensure you get paid!

As you get more experience and grow, you’ll begin to have brands reach out to you. Therefore, if you want to learn how to get a paid Instagram sponsorship and make money for content creation, you need to know how to respond to pitches, too!

Read Their Email Carefully

Understand exactly what the brand wants and what the partnership entails.

Ask Questions

Do not be afraid to ask questions! If the brand doesn’t mention monetary compensation, ask them if they have a budget.

Be sure to ask questions on anything that confuses you about the offer. Asking questions is by far the most crucial element to responding to brand pitches because doing so unravels details that may not have been expressed in the initial email.

Paid to Post with American Express

Know Your Worth and Stick to It

I have run into many situations where a brand tried to undercut my rates by over 50%. I kindly let them know that my rates are firm, and I would love to make it work, but we can try again later if they do not have the budget to match my rates today.

Do not be afraid to negotiate!

This is your Instagram sponsorship!

Send a Media Kit

Attach your influencer media kit to the email and let the brand know you have attached it for their review.

You can use my bestselling influencer media kit template—it’ll save you precious time and is designed to help you turn brands into paying clients.

Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No.”

See above! Also, don’t be afraid to say no to a collaboration you’re genuinely not passionate about.

More jobs will come, I promise.

Sign a Contract

Never agree to any job without a contract.

Free Download: Find Your Rates Roadmap— influencer pricing guide

Paid Instagram Sponsorship with Karma Foods

Instagram’s Creator Marketplace

Instagram just announced that they’ll be rolling out their Creator Marketplace. This will essentially be a place within Instagram that allows brands to reach out to creators directly in the app to talk campaigns and $$$$.

How cool!

It should be similar to the TikTok Creator Marketplace. With the Marketplace, you’ll be able to negotiate brand deals and accept campaign offers from companies without ever leaving IG.

While this feature is great, I still believe creators need to understand the art of pitching and negotiating brand deals.  You need to be able to ask brands for money, AND you need to be able to upsell brands.

You upsell brands by pitching.

Not to mention, you can pitch brands for even MORE money if you sell them on the idea of posting across multiple platforms ;).

So sure, you can take small deals offered to you all day long, but the creators who know how to upsell their services will be making more on a single deal.

Let’s cap things off by covering some frequently asked questions you might have about getting paid brand deals!

Now more than ever, companies are starting to allocate more marketing budgets to social media advertisements. As a result, influencer marketing is now a multi billion-dollar industry.

Why? If a company wants to get in front of a specific demographic, it can do it in a single influencer social post.

In addition, companies can work with influencers worldwide and have their products featured in marketing material, like viral Reels, that they may otherwise have to pay a production team to create in small increments.

You don’t need a certain number of followers to get a sponsorship! You can land brand deals with as little as 100 followers. It’s all about how you sell yourself.

My advice: start monetizing your social media channels now! This is one of my biggest regrets with my influencer business.

Read Next: How to Make Money on Instagram—Even with under 5,000 followers

Influencer paid sponsorship with American Express

“Exactly How Much Money Should I Be Asking For?”

That is entirely up to you and the project at hand. Was doing 3 Instagram posts for a total of $50 worth your effort?

What quality of work and what results are you getting? Would you charge XYZ again, or would you ask for a higher amount of money in the future?

“A Brand Has Offered Me a Free Product Instead of Payment, Should I Take It?”

That’s up to you. However, the next time a brand offers you a free product, consider how easy you’re letting them get off.

Please do not confuse this as saying you should never do free work! If this is your first rodeo, yes, do it for free and get some experience under your belt.

But, the second you agree to a free product, you’re agreeing to work as a free marketer for a brand, and all you got was a material item that you probably won’t have in a year.

I think you should help set the standards for brands and ask for payment for the long term! Just think, would you ever work your current job if all you got was free stationery?

Take This: 60-Minute Influencer Rates Masterclass

“How Do I Pitch Through Influencer Agencies and Creator Marketplace?”

If you’re going through Creator Marketplace or an influencer agency, you sometimes have the option to send the brand a personalized note.

The note is where you would place your pitch in that instance! Doing so can increase your chances of getting the job.

“I Want to Pitch Brands, Help?”

If you want more information on pitching brands, I recommend you read my detailed guide on how to pitch to brands. You should also pick up my brand pitch email templates!

Next Steps for Landing Paid Brand Deals

Earning money as an influencer isn’t easy. Pitching brands isn’t easy, and landing paid Instagram sponsorships isn’t easy.

But, there are hundreds of influencers in this space, and there is room for you.

You can make a living doing this too!

Don’t ever let anyone tell you becoming an Instagram influencer isn’t a real job or the industry is too saturated. That simply isn’t true. I hope this blog helped you realize that!

Next, check out these other influencer guides I have:

  • How to Beat the Instagram Algorithm
  • Create an Influencer Media Kit That Gets You Brand Deals
  • How to Write a Pitch to Brands

How to Become an Instagram Sponsor ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

You created your Instagram account with the specific goal of getting as many people as possible to promote your company or brand. Considering that it can be helpful to make a small economic investment in advertising to achieve this goal (in addition to my advice in the article in which I explain how to get a lot of followers on Instagram), you asked yourself how to sponsor on instagram and After a short search on the Internet, I came across this article. Well, I'm glad to tell you that you've come to the right place at the right time.

In fact, in the following paragraphs, I will show you in detail how you can sponsor your projects and content on Instagram directly using the official app of the well-known photographic social network and a special tool dedicated to companies and professionals. However, before doing this, it is necessary to explain to yourself how you can convert your personal account to a business account first: this step is required for Instagram sponsorship as personal accounts cannot benefit from this particular feature (it instead intended for companies, professionals, influencers and other professionals).

Are you ready to start? Ideally, then sit back, take all the necessary time to read the information contained in the following lines, and put into practice the "tips" that I will give you in the next few minutes. I am sure that by the end of this reading, you will have a solid idea of ​​how to sponsor your content on Instagram. Happy reading and good luck with everything!

  • Activate corporate Instagram account
  • Sponsored content on Instagram
    • promote
    • Energy Editor
  • in case of problems or doubts


  • 1 Activate the corporate account on Instagram
  • 2.1 Editor
  • 3 In case of problems or doubts
  • Activate corporate Instagram account

    to Instagram sponsor you must have a corporate account. Not? No problem, you can "turn" your personal account into a business by simply connecting it to the login page. Facebook of which you are an administrator, perhaps on your company's Facebook page. By the way: if you haven't created a Facebook page yet, read the guide where I explain how to do it.

    to switch from personal account to corporate Instagram , download and run the Instagram app on your Android o iOS device and after logging in with your credentials (if you are running the app for the first time) press the symbol is the little person which is in the lower right corner.

    On the screen that opens, press the button () which is located in the upper right corner of the screen, and select the item configuration in the menu that appears on the right. Now, on the screen that opens, click on the items Account > Go to a professional account and select the type of business account you want to create ( creator o SERVICES FOR LEGAL ENTITIES ).

    Then press the button Venga o Follow when prompted select one of the Categories accounts available and then select Facebook page to link your Instagram profile.

    If you don't have one, create one now by choosing the wording Create a new Facebook page and follow Instagram's instructions to complete the procedure. Then complete the transition from personal to business account. checking your contact information and touching buttons Venga , Good es final .

    When the operation is complete, you should see a welcome message confirming that your page is linked to your company profile and that you can now use new company tools such as promotions and view data. statistics of your posts and subscribers. Mission accomplished!

    Instagram sponsored content

    It's time to find out how you can sponsor content on Instagram . You can do this by simply promoting your own post using the "Promote" button that appears on every photo or video posted on your corporate Instagram account, or by using Energy Editor , a tool that allows you to manage multiple advertisements at the same time (both on Facebook and Instagram), check their effectiveness and therefore create real advertising campaigns.

    Promote a post

    If you want to promote a post on Instagram, all you have to do is select the post you want to sponsor and click the boost button below. Then Instagram app an su Android or iOS device press the button small person To view recently published posts, tap preview post want to promote and press the blue button gain sponsor it.

    In this step, select the goal you want to achieve with the promotion you are launching (for example, Get more profile and website visits o Reach out to people close to ) and on the next screen enter destination ( e.g. your website or Instagram business profile), call to action , your public , el budget y el Duración promotions.

    If you haven't added a payment method yet, click on article Add a new payment method and follow the wizard to set up your payment method as credit card your debit card or your Paypal number . After adding a valid payment method, press the blue button Create Promotion and the message you just sponsored will be shown to more users (depending on the budget you just selected) with the text "Sponsored" displayed.

    Nota: Se comprobará la promoción para verificar que cumple con la normativa publicitaria. Las promociones generalmente se verifican en aproximadamente una hora, pero a veces el proceso de analisis puede demorar un poco más. Tan pronto como se apruebe la promoción, el equipo de Instagram la publicará.

    Warzone: Esta SMG quiere destronar a la MAC-10

    Manage Ads with Power Editor

    If you plan to massively use Instagram sponsorship, you can't avoid using this tool. Energy Editor allowing you to create multiple lists at the same time and have full control over them. In fact, thanks to the Power Editor, you can edit ads, duplicate them, and manage multiple ads at the same time.

    However, before explaining how to access the Power Editor, I would like to tell you that this tool is designed specifically for professionals such as web agencies or companies of a certain weight that run quite important advertising campaigns, and it is for this reason I do not recommend using it if you do not need to run real advertising campaigns. To be clear, if you are sponsoring unique content, the Promote feature that I described in the previous chapter is fine.

    To use Power Editor, you must be on a PC with one of the following web browsers.

    • Google Chrome 36 (and later).

    • Mozilla Firefox.

    • Microsoft Edge.
    • Internet Explorer 11 (and later).

    Before using Power Editor, first make sure you have linked your Instagram account to a Facebook page you are the administrator of. If you haven't linked your Instagram account to your Page yet, do so now.

    Then log in to your Facebook page (to do this, first log into Facebook, click on the symbol arrow located next to the symbol (?) and click on your page name located in the drop-down menu that appears on the screen, under heading Your pages ), click on the entry of the configuration and, on the page that opens, click on the element Instagram .

    In the window that appears, press the button Login which corresponds to article To get started, add your Instagram account , enter your corporate Instagram account login credentials (then username es password ) and click the entry Login .

    Now that you have connected your Instagram account to your Facebook page, log in to Power Editor by clicking this link (login with your Facebook account credentials if prompted) and click on one of the cards which you view on the screen to access the various tools that Power Editor puts at your disposal, thanks to which you can launch and manage your advertising campaigns.

    • Account Description - to view an overview of your account and some key statistics such as reach, amount spent on the campaign, impressions (i.e. number of times the ad was shown on the screen), clicks , activity reports and so on.
    • Campaigns - Create your own campaigns manually or using the Guided Creation tool, choosing a goal, name, etc.
    • Ad Groups - Manage ad groups within your campaigns, set a budget and schedule.
    • Ads - create a new ad to use in your campaign.

    If you're having trouble using Power Editor, feel free to read one of the many articles on the advertiser support page posted by Facebook to help people like you find problems or crashes while using it. tool. In addition to that, I invite you to visit this Facebook help center page, which, in addition to providing complete answers to some frequently asked questions (in the form of articles), provides an interesting video tutorial (in English) that can help you familiarize yourself with Power Editor.

    In case of problems or doubts

    Did you encounter any problems before, during or after sponsoring content on Instagram? Well, in that case, I suggest you visit the Instagram help center where you can find answers to some of your doubts or questions about using Instagram, as well as the Facebook advertiser support page and the associated forum through which you can get support. in terms of content sponsorship.

    If, unfortunately, you don't need to solve your problems using the support pages that Facebook provides (which, as you well know, Instagram bought a few years ago), contact Mark Zuckerberg's company through the available support channels. By the way, if you don't know how to contact Facebook feel free to read the detailed guide I posted on the subject.

    You can also:
    How to unblock telegram channels on iPhone
    How to get back music on Instagram
    How to activate NFC on iPhone
    How to make a heart with a mobile phone keyboard
    How to remove watermark from Tik Tok
    How to activate NFC on iPhone
    How to upgrade Youtube
    How to download minecraft for free on iPhone
    How to know if someone is ignoring messages in Messenger
    How to find out the IP address of a person
    How to save Instagram stories with music
    How to change Supercell ID email
    How to delete blocked WhatsApp contact
    How to see hidden WhatsApp profile photo

    Creative Stop ▷ ➡️ - Video games ➡️ Tutorials ➡️ Overview ➡️ Technologies

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    How to uninstall Fortnite. All your friends have been talking about Fortnite. And, driven by the desire to play with them, you downloaded this famous multiplayer game. Unfortunately, you realized that this is not how you imagined it. You just don't like it. It takes a lot of your time. Or graphics in a "cartoon" style ... Read more

    How to access closed Fortnite servers. We know you love Fortnite, the battle royale from Epic Games. You must have spent hours watching other games on YouTube and Twitch. During one of them, you saw how a streamer invited users to play with him on a private server. … Read more

    How to set a secondary goal in Fortnite for PC. Are you a fan of Fortnite, the famous battle royale game from Epic Games, and usually play it on PC? He finds the game particularly fun, but he got the impression that some users have something extra. It almost seems to him that they know how to aim perfectly. For … Read more

    PES 2021: Guide and tips for beginners. Unlike what usually happens in the world of video games when it comes to football, this year Konami decided to take a creative year with their Pro Evolution Soccer, looking forward to returning with a product designed for the next generation and with … Read more

    How open APK files on PC. Have you downloaded the APK file and don't know how to open it on your PC? Do you want to install an APK file on your computer but can't do it because the operating system doesn't recognize it? That's OK: APK files are essentially installation packages… Read More

    How to recover a deleted Telegram account. Some time ago, you signed up for Telegram to find out how this well-known messaging service works, which is considered by many to be the best alternative to WhatsApp. However, after using it for a few days, you realized that it was not for you and deleted your account. Without … Read more

    How to unlock a phone with operator lock. If, when inserting a SIM card into the terminal, you turned it on and the phone works fine, but does not allow you to make or receive calls, we will tell you what to do. The operator may have blocked the phone. Before you panic, how about we give you... Read More

    How to watch Fortnite replays. Lately, you've been playing a lot of Fortnite, the famous battle royale from Epic Games, and you're good at it. For this reason, you would like to review your performances and perhaps find out why this formidable enemy was able to defeat him, understand his technique and use it to improve in… Read more

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    How to unlock a secure micro SD card. After a few days, the microSD card you are using with your mobile phone seems to have stopped working properly. To be precise, every time you try to use it, strange messages appear on the screen that the card is write-protected. In this guide, you… Read More

    How to change name in Fortnite PS4. When you started playing Fortnite on PlayStation 4, did you choose a name that you don't like anymore? Want to change it but don't know how? Then you have come to the right place at the right time! I will explain to you how to change the name in Fortnite PS4 as quickly and easily as… Read more

    How to record PS1 games. Although much more powerful consoles are available, you loved your PlayStation 1 so much that you decided to lift it out of the attic and plug it back into your TV to use during bouts of "video game nostalgia." I understood you. On the other hand, there are many games available for PS1 that are still… Read More

    How to play Fortnite with a mouse and keyboard. You just started playing Fortnite, the popular battle royale game from Epic Games, and found out that you can use a mouse and keyboard in Fortnit. Even on consoles. But you didn't understand how to do it. Want to know what keys are needed to play Fortnite? … Read more

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    How to listen to music from a flash drive in the car. You spend most of your day behind the wheel and would like to find a solution for listening to your favorite music in the car without having to carry thousands of CDs around. In addition, many of the business calls you receive throughout the day quickly drain your mobile phone and… Read more

    How to disable Smart Lock. By changing your phone settings, you have activated Google Smart Lock. A feature that, under certain conditions, allows you to automatically unlock Android devices. The problem is that after that, your mobile phone is almost always unlocked, and therefore your data… Read more

    How to know if the phone is locked by the operator. He bought a used phone at a fairly affordable price and was satisfied with the purchase. There is only one “small” problem that it cannot solve: despite the fact that the mobile phone in question is fully functional, it does not seem to be able to make calls, send SMS and view… Read more

    How to change the face in the video. Hollywood star? rock star? If you want to be a star and want to show your face in other videos, I will show you how. In the following lines, in fact, we will consider a whole series of interesting tools, thanks to which I was able to change the face in the video by inserting my own ... Read more

    How to find out who canceled a message on Instagram Instagram offers the ability to unforward messages sent via Direct, and you know this very well, since you have used this feature several times. However, if, on the one hand, it is useful for you to delete messages sent by you by mistake to Instagram, on the other… Read more

    How to update iPhone iOS is updated frequently with new features and bug fixes. There are currently two different ways to update "iPhone by": one is done directly from… Read More

    How to copy a CD to your computer. You need to copy the disc to your computer, but you don't know how to do it correctly. Perhaps you want to "rip" a music CD in order to keep all the songs it contains on your PC, but don't know which program to use.

    Learn more