How to get your art noticed on instagram
8 Best Tips for How to Promote Your Art on Instagram
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Social media has allowed artists worldwide to connect with new audiences. Visual artists, in particular, have found on Instagram a way to build their following and hopefully find new collectors for their art.
According to Statista, Instagram has a whopping one billion users worldwide, with 120 million of them in the U.S. That’s a vast audience of people waiting to connect with your art. But you need to know how to reach them first.
Here, we’ll give you actionable tips you can use when learning how to promote your art on Instagram.
Read on for some tips on how to promote your art gallery on Instagram.
Promoting your art on InstagramFrom photography to oil painting, there are opportunities to promote your art and your gallery on Instagram. The platform makes it easy to create visually compelling posts that draw attention, then upload them from anywhere.
But with so many pieces of art posted daily, how do you differentiate yourself from all the noise? You can start by being a little more flexible about what you post.
1. Done is better than perfectPeople who follow you for your art want to see the process. They like the polished, finished product, sure, but they also like to see the work behind it.
So, even if you don’t feel something is absolutely perfect, post it. A progress sketch. Outtakes from a shoot. A wireframe for a character you’re working on, or a speed-drawing video.
Posting multiple aspects of your work will help you form a closer relationship with your audience, who in turn may feel more invested in that work. People love to see the bones of something becoming art.
Artist Gu Zheng Wei, for example, regularly posts reworks of old pieces to show progress and encourages people just starting out. It shows that art is a journey and artists are constantly evolving.
This is just one of the pieces of reworked art that artist Gu Zheng Wei shares under his Instagram name, guweiz.
Another way to show your followers the artist behind the art is with Instagram’s Stories feature. They’re a simple thing — short content that vanishes in a day — but they’ve got a lot of utility.
You can share sneak peeks of your latest project or renovations to your gallery space with photo carousels. Short videos that feel like an informal chat let you speak directly to your followers so they can get a sense of your personality.
Features like polls and countdowns let you get even more interactive. Got an event coming up? Let your followers know, start a countdown timer, and give them the option to set a reminder when it’s finished. Selling prints? Ask your followers which pieces of art they most want to hang on their wall.
Since they’re so easy to record and post, you can even use stories to broadcast short clips from events as they’re happening. Or, you can stream live, and your icon will change to let your followers know.
Story live streams allow you to invite others to collaborate, so if you aren’t streaming an event you can host a Q&A session or hold a live charity auction. If you have the budget, you can run ads in Stories as well.
Get as creative with Story features as you like and keep an eye out — Instagram is always adding new features and widgets. You do have to have a certain number of followers to use some of them (like the “swipe up” feature), but others are available to everyone.
3. Keep track of your engagementInstagram’s analytics provide a detailed snapshot of how your followers interact with every post. The number of accounts reached, how many new followers, how many saves your posts get, and more are all easily accessible.
Pay attention to that information and see what’s getting engagement on your profile. What posts have higher numbers of comments, saves, likes, and shares? See if you can figure out what makes those posts special, and use that information in your marketing efforts.
That’s not to say your posts should all be the same, highly polished type of thing (see tip number one), but it is worth it to see what your followers respond to.
Engage with your followers on your posts — learn firsthand from them how to promote your art on Instagram. Respond to insightful comments and start discussions where you can.
Or, just express appreciation that they like your work. You probably won’t be able to respond to every comment if your account is large, but having some interaction with your audience can help.
Also, engage with other artists. Tell them you appreciate their work. Share pieces of art that inspire you, or content from your followers, to your Stories. They may do the same for you in return, and it can introduce your followers to people they might like.
All of this will make your account more active, which will favor it with Instagram’s algorithm and hopefully get your work in front of more people.
4. Try working with videoVideo is a powerful engagement tool that more and more people are using. Being a visual medium, Instagram lends itself very well to the use of video. Take advantage of that to market your gallery.
Say you do an hour-long Instagram Live session that your followers might have missed. Save it and upload it to IGTV so everyone can watch. The Reels feature lets you post short, TikTok-like videos with ease, which is perfect for process videos like speed painting.
You can shake up your feed a little with a video post. If you’re an animator, for example, post a quick time-lapse video of a character study and see what people think.
Instagram recently rolled out analytics for Reels and live videos, so you have even more information at your fingertips about what your followers are engaging with. Try out different iterations of video to see what your followers like, and what you like to make.
5. Make your feed reflect your galleryIn addition to sketches and works-in-progress, curate a selection of your best art to show in your feed. Experiment with different color palettes and patterns that give your page a cohesive, aesthetically interesting look.
Try out different apps that can make your feed look more interesting as a whole. Giant Square, for example, lets you make a big collage out of several squares in your feed. Unfold provides beautiful templates you can use to make Story and feed posts look amazing.
Not only does this show off your best work, it gives your gallery an air of professionalism. And you can pair that with well-written captions that give an insight into your work.
6. Use tags and hashtagsUngainly as they can be, hashtags are still relevant across social media. Using relevant hashtags when you post a new piece of art to Instagram can help promote your gallery so new people can discover it.
Make sure the hashtags you use are relevant to your art. If you post random ones you think might be popular but have nothing to do with your brand or the kind of art you make, the algorithm will pick up on that and you might not get as much engagement.
Study other artists and galleries with a large following to see what kinds of hashtags they’re using, and what accounts they’re tagging. Odds are a lot of them will apply to your art as well, and you can incorporate them into your strategy.
Another way to find popular hashtags when researching how to promote your art on Instagram is to use the Explore page. You can enter a tag and look at the top posts for it, then see what other hashtags those people are using.
You may want to have a few groups of hashtags saved to your clipboard or notes app that you can copy/paste to new posts. As long as they’re relevant, that should be fine to do, and it saves you a little time and effort.
7. CollaborateIf you can, collaborate with other artists and influencers you know in the art space to create something new. That can be a joint Instagram live session, a piece of art you both work on, or a video you both make.
Collaborating with others gains you access to their following once they share the project on their account, and vice versa.
8. Use adsIf you’ve got the budget for it, Instagram has a huge reach for paid advertising. They offer Story ads, in-feed ads, and since Facebook now owns the platform, your ads are seen by users there as well.
You can even turn any of your posts into an ad just by clicking the Promote button. Instagram’s ad platform lets you target your ads to specific audiences, and adjust how long the ad will run according to your budget.
Get your art out thereThe art scene is a noisy place these days. But if you understand how to promote your art on Instagram the right way and stay consistent, you may be able to break through.
Share a variety of content, across your feed, Stories, Reels, and IGTV, in order to reach a wider audience. Engage with that audience, and track your analytics to see what’s working in your favor.
Work with and promote other artists, because it’s always a good feeling to lift other people up, and they might do the same for you down the line.
If you have it in your budget, paid ads can be a serious boost to your visibility across both Instagram and Facebook. If you’ve got limited funds, try a couple as a dry run, then go from there.
Promoting your gallery on Instagram and elsewhere is an ever-evolving thing. Keep researching tips and best practices, and don’t let things get stale.
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John Bogna
John Bogna is a freelance writer and photographer based in Houston, Texas. His background spans topics from tech to culture and includes work for The Seattle Times, the Houston Press, and WebMD. Before moving to the Bayou City, John earned a B.A. in Journalism from CSU Long Beach.
14 Ways to Get Your Art Noticed on Instagram
Instagram is one of the best ways to promote your art on social media: So I have compiled a list of the best ways to get your art noticed on Instagram for any emerging artist or creative out there.
I have gathered all these tips from my own personal experience as an artist on Instagram plus with years of researching what works and what doesn’t.
I hope this helps any of you who are just starting out and need a step-by-step guide to help you along the way in growing your art business.
So without further ado, let’s get started and I hope you learn something new to up your Instagram game big-time!
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1. Set Up Your Instagram Profile For Success!
In order to get your art noticed on Instagram, make sure you have a profile picture that stands out: Have it be your logo, a professional photo of you as the artist, or a photo of your art.
Choose your username wisely: I have it set up as just my name (@ShihoriObata) because that’s what I want my art to be known by. If you have a business name like (@PassionColorJoy), you can use that as your username. You can also use a combination such as @AngeMillerArt.
For your Bio, make sure to add relevant keywords (These keywords will depend on your niche… what type of artist are you?). Feel free to also add a little blurb about yourself for a personal touch!
Instagram allows use of one link: You can use it to link to your website, online shop, etsy store, etc
*Here’s a tip to get around this: I use LinkTree to set up a landing page that links to multiple web pages depending on where interested viewers want to go to. That way they have options: Whether they want to visit my Website/Blog/Buy my poetry book/Visit my Etsy shop. They can do it all.
Consider setting up an Instagram Business Account: You will be able to get access to Instagram analytics this way.
2. Make Your Feed Beautiful!
Spend some time learning the ropes of how to make your feed beautiful.
Make sure your lighting is good: Try to take photos during the day.
Also, I find it helps to be in a room with white walls. From personal experience, I live in a rented house with dull, mustard-like yellow walls and it’s a no go when it comes to taking pictures: It skews the colors of any object I take a picture of and it takes a lot of work to readjust the colors as close to how it is in real life.
I definitely wish I had white walls just for this reason!
That aside, even if you take a photo in a well-lit room, you’re still going to have to do some editing to your photos.
If there is just one thing you can do to your photo to take your Instagram feed to the next level is upping the Brightness of each photo. Trust me… it’s going to do wonders. There are some really amazing photo editing apps out there to download onto your phone for quick editing:
My Favorite Photo-Editing Apps for Artwork are:
VSCO, Snapseed, and Lightroom.Image credit: @dope.filterss on Instagram
VSCO is a great editing app with amazing filter options. Filters are the key to keeping your feed looking cohesive with a theme. I have a Pinterest Board dedicated to VSCO filters if you’re interested in creating a theme for your Instagram.
Snapseed has a TON of photo editing tools – You can seriously do some major Photoshop-level editing using this app.
I use Lightroom to balance out or change certain colors in a photo.
I will also edit photos on my Computer using Photoshop if I want to get the colors perfect or want to use fonts, effects, and editing tools not available through the apps on my phone.
Related: Read my blog post on How I Edit Photos of my Artwork
I also use the Instagram Planning app, Planoly, to see and adjust the way my feed looks before I upload a photo on Instagram. I love using Planoly because I can see and upload to the grid from both my phone and my computer (Plus, it’s free!). It also has a lot of extra features like its Instagram posting calendar, analytics, and hashtag research tool.
Using Planoly to Plan & Schedule Your Instagram Feed3. Post Consistently
When I first started out with my art Instagram page, I made sure to post 1-2 times per day.
This is very important! If you have a business account with Instagram, you’ll be able to see it in your analytics.
I know for me, the days I don’t post to Instagram, my analytics definitely take a nose-dive on the days I don’t post. If you don’t post, you won’t get impressions, you won’t get engagement, and thus you will not get profile views nor as many followers.
So post 1-2 times a day!
4. Follow Other Artists
Follow other artists you admire, respect, and most importantly, engage with you.
You want to build a fun, supporting community around you, so start making friends and follow other artists! (Plus, they may in-turn fall in love with your work and follow you back).
5. Engage with the Art Community
In order to get your art noticed on Instagram, it’s imperative that you engage with the art community on Instagram. This is the method that helped me the most when I first started growing my Instagram:
Like, like, and like as many posts related to your niche as you can.
Don’t be selective when it comes to likes: Like as many art-related photos as you can.
When you like the photos of others, you are not only helping their Instagram pages, but you are bringing your profile in front of their’s (They will be able to see that you liked one of their photos).
I find that there are many people who will like your photos back or even comment or follow you. So like away, my friends.
When someone comments on your photo, take time to comment back, especially in the first hour of you posting to Instagram.
With Instagram’s new 2018 Algorithm, the more engagement you have on your posts within that first hour, the more that post will reach a wider audience.
Care for your followers: If they show you love, show you care and engage with them.
6. Use Hashtags!
It is so important to use hashtags on each new Instagram post. Instagram allows a max of 30 hashtags per post, and I try to make sure to use a minimum of 11 hashtags at least.
According to Buffer , using 11+ hashtags on Instagram boosts engagement on your Instagram post most.
I do not recommend using hashtags that have over 1 million posts in them unless you have a huge following with high engagement rates.
There are hundreds of people posting photos under that hashtag and in such a short moment, your post will be buried under all the later posts coming after it.
Unless you make it to the Top Post section for that hashtag, people won’t be able to see your post.
That is why, do Instagram hashtag research and make sure to use hashtags you have a chance at ranking in the Top Posts for.
I generally aimed for hashtags with less than 300k posts at first. As you continue to grow, consider using more competitive hashtags.
See my post on 100+ Instagram Hashtags for Artists
7. Try to Get Featured by Instagram Art Sharing Pages
There are several pages out there on Instagram dedicated to featuring talented artists and their works.
Choose an art featuring page dedicated to promoting your specific type of art form, whether that be abstract art, art journaling, watercolor, fluid art, etc.
*Tip: Watch out for Art Featuring Accounts where you must pay to get featured. In the end, it is your choice whether you want to use their service, but check the engagement on their posts first. Do they have 500K followers but have only 100 likes on each photo and barely any comments? Most likely, they just buy their followers and you will just be wasting your money using their services.
There are just as many amazing Art Featuring Instagram Accounts that will feature you for free.
It’s just a matter of getting your art noticed by them. Make sure to follow the directions in their profile description on how to get featured – Each Art Sharing page will be different.
8. Collaborate with Other Artists
Another great way to promote your art (as well as the art of others) is to collaborate with a fellow artist.
This may take some creative thinking, but I’ve seen artists band together for charity, to bring awareness to a cause/issue, and just for good ol’ fun!

Give back to your art lovers by doing a giveaway every once in a while.
The basics requirements of most giveaways are that those who want to enter should 1.) Follow you 2.) Like the giveaway post 3.) Comment on the post
There are additional entries you can add to promote your Instagram page such as giving them the option to tag a friend.
*Tip: Remember to take into consideration shipping of the item you are giving away. International shipping fees are more expensive than domestic, so make sure you check into these costs before hosting an international giveaway.
10. Share on Other Social Media Outlets
Don’t keep your Instagram posts restricted to just Instagram: There are plenty of other ways to promote your art Instagram accounts on your other platforms.
You can use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, your Website, Blog, etc.
Personally, I love promoting my Instagram through Pinterest. They are both visual-based platforms that work great hand-in-hand in bringing even more traffic to one’s Instagram account.
Related Blog Post: How to Promote Your Art on Pinterest
* If you are interested in sharing your art on Pinterest, consider sharing your art on my Pinterest Art Group Board: Any form of art is welcome here! Follow the instructions in my Pinterest Board description if you want to join.*
11. Learn from Other Artists and Their Feed
Study the accounts and feeds of other successful artists on Instagram.
See which posts are doing well for them, and learn from them so that you can apply it to your own feed.
See these successful artists as your teachers: They have been through the growing phase you are going through as well. They have also had years of learning what works and what doesn’t for their own Instagram page.
Watching how someone else works is the basis of how you learn how to do something in any job or field you are in. Instagram is just the same.
12. Use Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories is a relatively new feature on Instagram that is similar to Snapchat. Unlike a regular Instagram post, a post to your Instagram Story only lasts for 24 hours.
You can use it in various ways to interact with your followers: Share life updates, share a more personal side of yourself to your followers, share a quote, tid bits of inspiration, share a sale you’re having in your shop, special coupon codes, etc.
You also have the ability to tag users and use hashtags with Instagram Stories, which just adds another way to widen your audience reach.
13. Utilize the Tag Feature
Tag brands and other Instagram accounts when applicable.
If there’s a new brand of paint you are using that you’ve fallen in love with, take a photo and make sure to tag the brand to share with them how much you love their products.
When you tag someone, your post will appear in the tagged section in that user’s profile. It acts as just another step to widen your audience reach.
14. Followers Aren’t Everything
This post by @NatalieFranke on Instagram really resonated with me, and I saved it ever since, always looking back to remind myself of these words.
Remember: Follower counts aren’t everything.
I know this whole post is about growing your Art Instagram page, but I didn’t want you walking away from this article solely focusing on growing your Instagram followers.
I want to instead bring to focus on the mindset that your number of followers does not equal success:
There are in-fact so many Instagram accounts out there that have over 100K followers, but barely have any likes, engagement, and no business profit. Their followers aren’t real, most likely they’ve just been bought to give the facade that their Instagram account is successful.
It might be hard to get out of the mindset that followers=success at first, but it is completely normal that your follower growth isn’t explosive – That’s what we all go through at the beginning.
Instead, take the time to attract the right followers to you: Followers that are real people and are interested in what you are doing.
You’d be surprised how many business have smaller followings with genuine followers, and thus have higher engagement and higher profits than these other businesses.
And more than just followers, you should be building a community of friends around you; Friends who love what you are doing and are excited to see where you’ll be going in this journey of your’s.
I hope you found this post helpful if you are thinking about promoting your art on Instagram. It’s definitely worth it through-and-through: Enjoy the journey and enjoy all the people you meet.
Remember to not get too focused on your follower numbers.
Another way of looking at it is to instead create a beautiful Instagram page that expresses who you are as an artist. Make it feel like home to you. Your art fans will only grow organically after that.
Related Blog Posts:
How to Upload Digital Art to Instagram
200+ Instagram Art Hashtags for Artists
How to Promote Your Art on Pinterest
How to Photograph and Edit Art to Upload Online
If you enjoyed this blog post, please comment and share below. I love to hear from my readers ♥ So until next time my friends xx
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10 ways to get noticed
November 12, 2021Motivation
Tips from Austin Kleon, bestselling author of Steal Like an Artist.
0Now, to become famous, it is not necessary to run naked on the field during a football match. You just need to correctly declare yourself and your work on the Internet, gradually gathering an army of fans and admirers. Writer and artist Austin Kleon in his book Show Your Work! talks about 10 ways to get noticed.
1. Find the “collective genius”
Among the many destructive myths about creativity, the most dangerous is the myth of the “lone genius”. He has superhuman abilities and is directly connected with the muse. When inspiration comes to him, it strikes him like lightning. He spends the rest of his time shut up in his studio, where he turns an idea into a masterpiece. Don't believe.
There is only "collective genius", and good works are always the result of the combination of several minds. Now connecting to the "collective genius" is as easy as shelling pears - create on the Internet. There are no guards or fences at the entrance - you don't have to be a celebrity and you won't be asked to show a cool resume. On the Internet, everyone has something to share.
2. You can find yourself only if you search
We are always told to find your voice. When I was younger, I didn't fully understand what that meant. I thought a lot about the voice, wondered if I had my own voice. But now I understand: you can find yourself only if you look. The voice within us. Talk about what you love and your voice will follow.
Illustration from the book Show Your Work! 10 ways to get noticed” / Publishing House “MIF”Everyone has the opportunity to express themselves, to show themselves, but many do not use it. If you want people to know about you and what is important to you, you must share it.
3. Report daily
Science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon once said, "90% of everything is nonsense." The same can be said about our work. The problem is that we don't always know how to tell the good from the bad. Therefore, it is important to show the work to other people and observe their reaction.
Once a day, when you're done, go back to what you've captured and find a little snippet you can share.
Illustration from the book Show Your Work! 10 ways to get noticed” / MIF Publishing House4. Don't hide your finds
Where do you find what inspires you? What are you filling your head with? What are you reading? What sites do you visit? What kind of music do you listen to? Whose work do you love? Whose ideas do you borrow? Do you have idols? Whose work do you follow online? Who is your role model in your field of work?
Your inspirations are worth sharing because they help people understand who you are and what you do, sometimes even better than your own work.
Illustration from the book Show Your Work! 10 Ways to Get Noticed / MIF Publishing House5. Be quiet and listen
If you want to have fans, first of all you must be a fan yourself. If you want to be accepted by society, you must yourself be a worthy member of this society. Talking about yourself online is a mistake. You must be the link.
Writer Blake Butler calls it "being an open host." If you want to receive, you must give. If you want to be recognized, recognize yourself. Shut up and listen. Be careful. Be involved. Don't become a walking advertisement. Be an open host.
Illustration from the book Show Your Work! 10 ways to get noticed” / Publishing house “MIF”6. Meet people in person
It's great to meet people on the Internet, but becoming friends in real life is even better. If you have been friends with people on the Internet for a long time and live in the same city, invite them for a cup of coffee. You can even treat them to dinner. When you go on a trip, tell your online friends that you will be passing through their city. Meet!
7. Learn to take a punch
When you show your work to the world, you must be prepared for the "good, the bad, and the ugly." The more people see your work, the more criticism you will get. Don't lose your balance. Remember that your work is what you do, not what you are. Stick close to family, friends, and those who love you for who you are, not just for your work.
8. Keep yourself busy
Be ambitious. Don't sit idle. Think big. Grow your audience. Don't limit yourself because you have to "be yourself" or "not sell yourself".
Try something new. If an opportunity presents itself that will allow you more time to do what you love, say yes. If an opportunity comes up that promises more money but less work you want to do, say no.
Illustration from the book Show Your Work! 10 ways to get noticed” / MIF Publishing House9. Start over
If you feel you have mastered the skills you need to do your job, it's worth changing course and finding something new you could learn to move on. One cannot be satisfied with the level of one's skill; force yourself to become a disciple again and again. Writer Alain de Botton said: "If you are not ashamed of who you were last year, you did not study well. "
10. Leave to return
Working non-stop is great, but there may come a time when your strength runs out and you need to replenish wasted energy. The best way to recharge is to take a vacation.
Some advice can be harmful. Take what you need and forget the rest. There are no rules.
Read also 🧐
- How to set your brain for success with the help of neuroscience
- How to become incredibly successful in 5 steps
- Why it is so difficult to resist the crowd and what it can lead to
*Meta Platforms Inc. activities. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.
40 tips on how to promote your Instagram
1. Don't forget to put hashtags that will help increase the number of subscribers: #instafollow, #l4l (Like for like), #tagforlikes and #followback.
2. Like as much as possible. For every 100 likes you give to random photos, you will get an average of 6 new followers.
3. Run contest . The easiest way to do this is to post a themed picture and ask people to like it so they can participate.
4. Start promote profile on their pages in other social networks. Write what your blog is about and why people should read it and invite them to join.
5. Be generous with likes and comments - this is the easiest way to attract new subscribers.
6. Use common hashtags to make your photos visible in the global search. Among the most popular are #love, #instagood, #fashion and #photooftheday.
7. Time matters. Research has shown that the best time to fast is between 2 pm and 5 pm.
8. Follow people who use popular hashtags (#followme, #likeforlike) because many of them will follow you back.
9. Remember, quality is important , not quantity. Monitor your profile and leave only beautiful and high-quality photos. Believe me, no one is interested in flipping through hundreds of photos of salads.
10. Love Mayfair filter . Track Maven listed this filter on The Fortune 500 Instagram as the best choice for marketers.
11. Check that you have completed the biography section . Complete it with suitable words and hashtags, and also provide a link to your website. But remember: no spam! Otherwise, subscribers will lose interest in the profile.
12. Ask questions to subscribers. This is a great way to connect with your target audience.
13. Post on Sundays . It is on this day that people post photos a little, so your post will be seen by the maximum number of people.
14. Be consistent with . Think about who and why you are doing this. The more clearly you answer these questions, the faster you will attract the right audience.
15. Call people to action. For example, ask them to write their opinion about your photo in the comments.
16. Don't be afraid to post often . It may seem that the more often the photos flash, the more indifferent the subscribers behave. But according to the Union Metrics program, there is no relationship between posting frequency and audience activity. At least negative.
17. Follow suggested users. Go to settings and select "Find and invite friends" and then "Recommended users".
18. Set geolocation . This will be especially useful if you run an Instagram company. So you will have the opportunity to attract new subscribers-neighbors.
19. Schedule publications with the Later program. Consistency never hurt anyone.
20. Agree with popular blogger to advertise your profile or product. So information about you will quickly scatter over the network.
21. Studies have shown that blue images get 24% more likes than orange or red ones. Post something blue and see for yourself!
22. Let fast on Wednesdays become your obligatory ritual. This is because posts get more attention and likes in the middle of the week.
23. Write the word "comment" more often in posts. This encourages your followers to share their opinions and be more willing to join the discussion.
24. Post photos showing 's face. According to research, such publications are 35% more popular than others.
25. Tag in photos of people. Your post will also be seen by friends of friends.
26. Remember the rule: the more light the better.
27. If you have a business account, create a branded hashtag . So users will be able to specify it when buying a product. And it will increase your visibility on Instagram several times over.
28. Share live photos. Show that behind the beautiful picture there are living people .
29. Business trick: share photos of your followers mentioning your brand or product. This pleasant step shows that you value each client. In return, they will definitely share your photos in their feed.
30. Brand yourself : Use your nickname for more than just your profile. A notebook, a case or a branded sticker on a car will surely attract the attention of potential subscribers.
31. Invite 's Facebook friends to follow you. To do this, in the profile settings, select "Find friends on Facebook."
32. People love stories. Share your experiences and thoughts, so you will gain their trust and establish contact. Just remember that the post should be emotional and bright, not snot in sugar.
33. Tag people , even in stories, don't be lazy.
34. Do not be shy in your posts to ask for likes . As practice has shown, such publications receive 89% more likes.
35. Plan ahead not only the time, but also the content. Prepare your materials and only then start filling out your feed. For example, write posts for a few days in advance, and then publish them gradually. The Instagram filling schedule will help you stay focused on the main topic of the blog.
36. Post a motivational or inspiring quote .
37. Synchronize phone book with your account. Go to settings and select "Contacts" in the "For Subscriptions" section.
38. Be active on profiles with similar topics. Especially if you run a business profile. Chat in the comments , ask questions and let influencers know about you.