How to get verified on instagram as an artist

How to Get Verified on Instagram as a Musician – De Novo Agency

How to Get Verified on Instagram as a Musician – De Novo Agency

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If you’ve ever dreamed of being verified on Instagram, you’re not alone. That little blue checkmark sends a signal of quality and authority, and it’s highly coveted in the digital world. 

As an artist, your music page (whether it’s the same as your personal account or not) may be a perfect candidate for verification. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as saying you’re a musician and hoping for the best. 

Instagram is notoriously selective—and, dare we say, mysterious—in its approach to granting verification. According to Facebook’s guidelines, here are a few of the requirements they look for as they determine which accounts to verify on Instagram.


Accounts that are eligible for verification must represent a real person, entity, or business.  


Accounts that are eligible for verification must be public. The profiles must be fully filled out, including a profile picture, account bio, and at least one post. The company will also deny verification for accounts that use the bio space to request that followers add them on other social media platforms. 


Accounts that are eligible for verification must be unique, meaning that there is only one account representing one person or entity. The only exception here is for language-specific accounts, like brands that have multiple accounts to reach user bases in different countries. 


Last but not least, accounts that are eligible for verification must represent a well-known person or entity. For most people, this is the most challenging requirement to meet. 

The goal of verification—from Instagram’s perspective—is to give users the peace of mind that the account they’re engaging with actually represents the person or entity it says it represents. Since thousands of copycat accounts exist for celebrities and other well-known figures, this intention makes sense. It helps users assess which account they actually intended to follow and which ones to ignore. 

Instagram’s assessment of “notable” figures, according to its website, includes accounts that are featured in multiple news sources and generally have an online presence that’s widely recognized. 

With those general requirements in mind, let’s take a closer look at the process to actually apply for Instagram verification. 

The Process to Request Instagram Verification

The application process itself is deceptively simple, so it’s important that you spend time focusing on the above requirements before you apply. Once you feel confident in your profile’s authenticity, completion, uniqueness, and notability, here’s what you should do next. 

  • Make sure you’re logged into the right account

Before you begin the application process, make sure you’re logged into the account you want to request verification for. For example, if you have both a personal account and a band account, you’ll want to be logged into the one you’re hoping to get verified (likely the band account based on the requirements we outlined above). 

  • Prepare your account

Next, give your profile one last once-over to make sure you meet the requirements Instagram is looking for. Make sure you have a profile photo and a filled-out bio with no cross-platform promotion. Then, move out to step three. 

  • Go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top right 

No explanation needed here—click away. 

  • Tap “Settings,” then “Account,” then “Request Verification”

Also self-explanatory. Tap tap tap! 

  • Enter your full name and upload a form of identification

Make sure that for this first step, you’re using your legal name as it appears on your identification document. Then, upload a clear image of that form of ID that matches the legal name you’ve supplied.

  • Select the public interest category your account falls in

Next, you’ll be asked to select the “public interest category” that your account falls in. Since you’re reading this blog, you’ll probably fall into the music category. 

  • Describe your audience

This question is optional, but we’d recommend filling it out anyway just to increase your odds of success. Explain a bit about who follows you on Instagram and why they love to engage with your content. 

  • List any nicknames or alternate names you’ve gone by

Since you’ve shared your legal name above, this is the time to share any nicknames or music-specific names that you might also appear as online. This will help the verification staff research your prominence in the industry and clarify your digital persona. If your public name as a musician is exactly your legal name, no need to worry about this section. 

  • Link to pages that show why your account is in the public interest

This final question is the most important for your chances at approval. It’s where you’ll link to any news appearances or other sources that can prove your legitimacy as a “public interest.” Note that promotional content you’ve created yourself (or paid for directly) won’t be taken into account here, so you’ll need legitimate press to work with. For this reason, many people apply for verification after they’ve just had a new release or a handful of press features so that their relevance in the news is especially timely. 

  • Click “Submit”

That’s it! Click the button to submit, and you’ll hear back via your Instagram notifications page within 30 days. 

You can reapply for verification every 30 days, so if you don’t receive verification on the first try, spend the month working on building your public image and acquiring news stories or other sources of notability. Then, reapply using the same steps outlined above.

Best of luck getting that blue checkmark—we believe in you! 

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MusicPromoToday — 3 Tricks to Getting an Artist Verified on Instagram (Even If You’re Not Famous — Yet) | by MusicPromoToday

From Team MusicPromoToday to every band and solo artist out there —a big hello! Let’s discuss how to up your credibility factor by getting yourself verified on Instagram. Whenever we hear the word “verified” we immediately think of celebrities and famous brands. For most of independent bands and artists, getting this blue stamp of approval is considered nearly impossible. Well, read below to find out tricks towards getting verified on Instagram even if you are not (yet) InstaFamous.

Instagram verified simply means that your account is legitimate. It tells the world that you are who you say you are, and offers instant credibility.

Verification Badge

Instagram first created verification to reassure users that they are following the right person and not a fake or impersonated account. This is particularly important for celebrities or personalities whose identity can be usurped.

At MusicPromoToday, we know that every artist craves the blue check mark, here are 3 easy steps that will help you get that blue tick.

1- Don’t Let Instagram Be Your Everything

What this means is that you need to start up on a different platform, gain your followers and then come to Instagram as a public figure or a brand. At first, share your skills, work or ideas in general on a different platform. This includes: Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. You want people to recognize you outside of Instagram, because if you build your following there, it is unlikely that someone with a similar name could be mistaken for you. If you don’t have thousands of followers, and your account is not the main place your brand lives, verification would be a good way Instagram can help people find you.

2- Suggest You’re at Risk of Being Impersonated

Nothing screams “GIVE ME THAT BLUE TICK” like a good old message sent to Instagram, saying: “I’m at risk of getting impersonated.” Let’s just say you’ve built your online presence on a different platform, and now you want to include Instagram as an additional way for people to follow you and get in touch with you. In this case you would want to become verified, in order to keep your original identity intact.

Your verified badge sets you apart as the one-and-only you. It builds trust in your followers by letting them know that they’re not following a random impersonator. There has been many incidents where celebrities have been impersonated by random people, which has led to catastrophic outcomes. The New York Times recently posted an article, where they spilled all the juicy details about some of the most horrific incidents that have happened because of this phenomena. In the article, they mention that “Australian authorities charged a 42-year-old man with more than 900 child sex offenses for impersonating Justin Bieber on Facebook and other sites to solicit nude photos from minors.”

Justin Bieber

Musicians and public figures in general, are always targeted by predators. There’s a big difference between creating a fan account, where you post about your favorite celebrity vs. pretending to be them, and persuade people into doing stuff that they probably wouldn’t have done otherwise.

This is exactly why Instagram will most likely work with you on avoiding any sort of scam or fraud. I mean, they’ve said it themselves:

“Accounts representing well-known figures and brands are verified because they have a high likelihood of being impersonated.” Quote by Instagram

3- Stay Active on Your Account

Instagram doesn’t have a shop where they sell random verifications. You need to earn that yourself by staying active on your account. Why would you get verified, if you don’t even use the platform? Here are some tips on how to stay active:

  • Stock up on great photos: Instagram is all about aesthetics. You need to appeal your existing audience, in order to gain new ones. Just make sure you’re giving your followers what they want. Their support is what’s going to help you in building a reliable brand, and in return show them that you really care.
  • Engage with your followers: Engagement is key on social platforms. You need to interact with your followers by replying or liking their comments. This will motivate them to keep in touch with you and your brand, in the long run.

Just look at Jennifer Lawrence being the sweetheart that she is, and interacting with her fans online. Even if it’s undercover!

Jennifer Lawrence

At this point, Instagram has created a new method where you can actually apply for a verification with your business account. All you have to do is go to your settings -> Find and click on “Request Verification.

  • > Enter your full name (your personal name).

Notice the disclaimer: “Submitting a request for verification does not guarantee that your account will be verified.”

-Upload a photo of your ID. This could be any one of:

  1. Driver’s license (with name and D.O.B)
  2. Passport (with name and D.O.B)
  3. National ID Card (with name and D.O.B)

And voila! Now, you’ll just have to wait and see if Instagram approves of your request, or not. But don’t get it twisted! You can’t just ignore all that’s mentioned above and go straight to the requesting process. You have to show instagram that you’re credible and active on their platform, before even attempting at requesting a verification.

There’s a lot of work and effort that goes into getting verified on Instagram, the above is just a start.

There’s millions out there, just like you, trying to make their way to the verification stage, so be patient. Proving your validity doesn’t come easy in life or on Instagram, but if you are determined, that blue stamp of approval is possible. And hey, if all else fails you can simply transform your page into a grumpy cat profile, and let that validation come to you! If you’re still having trouble submitting for verification, get in touch with us, MusicPromoToday is a step away from getting you verified.

90,000 4 steps to get a blue checkbox on Instagram 2021 utrown



  • 1 How to get a checkmark on Instagram
  • 2 who can get a checkplace of Instagram 2021
  • 3 Requirements for verification on Instagram
  • 4 How to buy blue tick Instagram

One of the most popular social networks for promoting a personal brand is Instagram. Despite the fact that this is a fairly young social network, it has already earned tremendous recognition and user support. nine0003

Not only ordinary people have Instagram, but also media personalities. For example, politicians, artists, artists, bloggers. They often face the problem of fake profiles on Instagram. Therefore, it is important for them to get a tick on Instagram.

Fake pages are created for commercial purposes or for profit. For example, spreading false information on behalf of a politician or raising funds from a popular blogger.

After such cases, the network administration thought about introducing a verification program in the form of marking real profiles with a blue checkmark. nine0003

How to get a tick on Instagram

Firstly, the verification request feature is only available from the mobile app, and only from its latest version, so we advise you to update Instagram before doing so. In previous versions, you can make a request by contacting technical support.

You can get verified on Instagram by doing the following:

  • go to your profile settings;
  • select the “account” item there;
  • in this paragraph, you must select the option "request confirmation";
  • then there will be fields to fill in, in which you must specify the name of the account. And also indicate your real name, surname and patronymic, profile category and attach a scan or photo of an identity document;

Submitting a request does not guarantee that the page will receive a checkmark. The process takes a lot of time, as manual moderation is carried out. nine0003

Who can get the Instagram tick 2021

Instagram verification appeared only in 2014. At first, the profiles of service users were confirmed selectively and it was impossible to send a request to a “regular” participant (such a system appeared only in 2018).

Only popular personalities could confirm their identity: actors, musicians, artists, politicians, famous bloggers.

Instagram is often used by companies to promote businesses from scratch and sell products. It is much more important for firm accounts to undergo verification, as fake profiles can engage in the production and distribution of counterfeit products and other forms of fraud on behalf of the firm. nine0003

Now every user can send a request to verify their Instagram account. However, the procedure takes a lot of time, and not every user gets a positive result.

You may be interested in: 10 Instagram safety rules.

Instagram verification requirements

Verification is given preference to pages with a large number of followers, likes and profiles that have been faked at least once. Other important requirements:

  1. Having a Facebook profile linked to an Instagram page. Those. you need to enable a business profile on Instagram.
  2. Lack of account connection in programs to cheat subscribers and likes and other actions that are contrary to the policy of the service.
  3. Sufficient popularity in the social network.

How to buy a blue Instagram tick

The Instagram tick has become a symbol of prestige, so many people want to get it. In addition, this is one of the most popular social networks, where it is convenient to promote a business, promote a personal brand, project. nine0003

Many major advertisers only work with profiles that are authenticated. Such a large demand has led to the emergence of a black market for the sale of such ticks.

On the black market, verification of an account on a social network can reach six thousand dollars. Who are the sellers? Instagram offices have employees who, through friends, offer services to quickly get the coveted tick. This scam is quite common in the US. nine0003

The administration of the company has repeatedly reported the capture of such swindlers in their offices. Despite this, the black market for ticks is growing every day, and the number of employees involved in it is increasing daily.

The ability to submit a verification request has given companies and brands a huge advantage in protecting their own name. You can only get the coveted confirmation badge on Instagram justifiably. This privilege is not available to ordinary users, but it is not really needed. nineOl000 brands are also trying to get a tick on Instagram, but not everyone succeeds and often not the first time. In the article, we analyze what the blue tick on Instagram means, to whom it is given and what needs to be done for this. We share tips on how to increase the chances of verification. nine0003

  • What does the blue tick on Instagram mean?
  • What are the benefits of having a check mark on Instagram?
  • Who Can Get a Tick on Instagram
  • Why they give a tick on Instagram: account requirements
  • Is it possible to buy a blue tick on Instagram
  • How to get a blue tick on Instagram nine0008
  • How to increase your chances of getting ticked on Instagram

What does the blue tick mean on Instagram

Some Instagram profiles are marked with a badge with a tick. This means that the account belongs to a famous person or brand, and the owner has confirmed its authenticity.

An example of a verified account

What are the benefits of a check mark on Instagram

It is believed that verification on Instagram increases coverage and reduces the likelihood of a ban. There is no evidence for this, however, a tick in the profile still provides some advantages. nine0003

People who have achieved a certain popularity sooner or later have fans and imitators. When trying to find an account of a famous person through the search bar, there will be many "left" pages. If the profile is ticked, the target audience will immediately understand who to follow. The same goes for brands.

A verified account is immediately highlighted.

Another plus is that the checkmark reduces reputational risks. As your fame grows, you may encounter a common problem: scammers create fake pages and deceive gullible people on your behalf. For example, they offer to buy merch or an information product, invest in a “reliable project”, and the like. nine0003

It is much more difficult to do this with a verified profile. When searching, users will first of all pay attention to an account with a check mark. In the header, you can indicate that this is the only genuine page, and all others are fakes. If you are in sales, having a badge will increase the confidence of potential buyers.

Try SMS mailings for business

Select the desired segments among subscribers: by age, interests, gender.

Who can get a tick on Instagram

Instagram profile can be verified by public figures who are something of themselves and have reached a certain level of media: actors, athletes, models, politicians, musicians, various representatives of the arts, and so on. There are verified accounts of various areas - makeup artists, lawyers, authors of information products and much more.

Brands that have gained some recognition and fame, at least locally, can also get a tick on Instagram. nine0003

Why they give a tick on Instagram: account requirements

There are a number of criteria that a profile must meet in order to receive a badge:

  • authenticity - belongs to a real person or an officially registered company;
  • uniqueness - this allows the presence of accounts of the same brand in different languages;
  • completeness - all information in the bio is indicated, there is an avatar and at least one publication;
  • publicity - a community has been formed around an individual or brand, as evidenced by media mentions. nine0008

Of course, the account must comply with Instagram's terms and conditions of use.

Is it possible to buy a blue tick on Instagram

The official position of Instagram management: accounts that meet all the requirements are verified for free. Any attempt to get a tick around the rules is considered fraud. If the fact of this is revealed, the page will be blocked.

However, there are people who offer to buy a tick, and the demand for this service is quite high. It is safer to cooperate with agencies that work under a contract with a guarantee against deletion and take payment only after verification. However, you need to understand that you agree at your own peril and risk and may lose your profile if something goes wrong. In addition, the cost of the service reaches several thousand dollars, so weigh the pros and cons. nine0003

How to get a blue checkmark on Instagram

Go to settings, click "Account" and select "Request Verification".

Select the desired item in the settings

An application form for verifying an Instagram account will open. First step: you need to add an official document proving your identity or company registration. Options:

  • passport;
  • state-issued identity card;
  • driver's license;
  • tax documents; nine0008
  • utility bill;
  • founding documents of the company.

A nickname will be automatically loaded in the "Username" line, and below you need to specify the full name.

How to get a blue tick on Instagram: fill out the verification application

How to get a blue tick on Instagram: fill out a verification application

Second step: confirm that the person or brand you represent is of public interest. Choose a category that characterizes the direction of your profile: media, sports, music, digital content creator, and so on. Indicate the country or region in which you are most popular. nine0003 How to get a tick on Instagram: provide as much information as possible

You can also describe your audience: who these people are, what their interests are and why they follow you. Next, list the names or titles by which the person or brand is known. Both items are optional, but we recommend that you complete them to increase your chances of getting a checkmark.

Add links to publications in the media, accounts in other social networks and other sources that prove that you are interesting to people and have a certain media weight. All information is carefully analyzed, so custom articles and other paid content can harm your reputation. nine0003

Check the specified data and send a request for verification. Within 30 days you will receive a response with approval or refusal. In the latter case, read the reasons and try again after a month.

How to increase your chances of getting a checkmark on Instagram

Even if your account is 100% compliant with the requirements above, there is no guarantee that you will receive a verification badge. It is useful to take a number of actions that will increase the chances of success.

Grow your audience on Instagram

Accounts with more followers are more likely to get ticked. This is not a mandatory requirement, but there is such an observation. We have articles on how to increase reach and gain an audience on Instagram.

Giveaway is one of the effective ways to promote

Promote on other sites

Develop accounts on YouTube, Telegram, TikTok and other social networks. Gain followers so that Instagram staff sees interest in you across platforms. It’s great if you can confirm profiles on other sites - this contributes to a positive decision on verification on Instagram. nine0003

Increase media exposure

Try to increase the number of mentions of yourself in the media. Participate in events, express an expert opinion on the topics you specialize in, write articles, agree to interviews - perhaps you yourself will be able to propose your candidacy.

We advise you to read:

  • “What is a personal brand, how to create and promote it”;
  • "Brand promotion on the Internet - how to make the company name recognizable. "
  • nine0015

    Regularly create and publish unique content

    A full account creates a positive impression of the owner. It is advisable to post content at least a couple of times a week, while its uniqueness is important. At this stage, it is better not to duplicate photos and videos from other social networks on Instagram, especially those with a TikTok watermark.

    Recommended reading:

    • “How to create a content plan for Instagram. Rules, tips, examples”;
    • “Ideas for posts. 50 ideas for any public and business”; nine0008
    • "Educational content: how to create and use it in mailing lists";
    • "How to write an engaging post on Instagram";
    • "Instagram ideas to spice up your business account";
    • "How to create a high-quality visual on Instagram."

    Do not invite your audience to other social networks

    All social networks compete with each other, so you should not invite subscribers to YouTube or TikTok in posts, headers and pinned stories - at least until you get a tick. Show that you are primarily interested in growing your Instagram account. Alternatively, you can place a multilink and specify all links there. nine0003

    SendPulse has a block constructor for quickly creating websites and multilinks. You can add buttons for messengers and social networks, buttons to go to the site and chat bots, a gallery with pictures and videos, multi-channel subscription forms, and also accept payments through popular payment systems. Internal statistics and integration with Google Analytics are available. You can place a Facebook pixel and add a custom code.

    Creating a multilink in the SendPulse constructor

    A couple more tips

    If you want to verify your identity, it is better to take a photo of documents next to your face so that Instagram employees have no doubts about authenticity.

    It is also desirable that the usernames on Instagram and other social networks to which you provide links are the same or as similar as possible.

    Monitor the internet for fake accounts with your name and content.

    Learn more