How to get more popular on facebook

10 Tactics That Actually Work

“Like us on Facebook” has become such a common phrase that it’s hard to imagine the platform any other way. If the Facebook Like was a person, it would have been bar or bat mitzvahed by now. But we haven’t always wondered how to get more likes on Facebook.

In 2007, the social networking platform FriendFeed was the first to give users the ability to click like next to a social media post. Then in 2009, Facebook added an identical feature to its platform. And ever since, we’ve all been trying to figure out how to get Facebook likes.

The potential audience Facebook offers is massive. Even if the number of total users shrunk for the first time in early 2022, getting Facebook likes still promotes your content to some 2.11 billion accounts.

Source: Digital 2022 Global Overview Report

Read on for tips to help you understand the role likes play in your Facebook marketing and why it’s important that your likes are authentic. Then we’ll go over some practical suggestions to help you get more likes on Facebook.

Click any of the tips below to jump ahead, or keep scrolling and read the guide in its entirety.

1. Start with strong social marketing fundamentals

2. Know what your audience wants to see

3. Know when your audience is active

4. Stay up-to-date with Facebook trends

5. Pin a popular post

6. Work with Facebook influencers

7. Take advantage of cross-promotion

8. Run ads

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Why are Facebook likes important?

Likes are a ranking signal for Facebook’s algorithm

Likes are important because they contribute to which posts Facebook’s algorithm pushes to the top of users’ feeds. The algorithm is a black box of math that orders posts. Lots of factors go into the box, and a user’s feed comes out.

Likes and the algorithm have a long history together. In fact, the first feed algorithm was based on likes alone.

Details about the current Facebook feed algorithm are a trade secret. But likes are probably an important part of it. They’re also a part that everyone can see.

They serve as social proof

Most of the factors in Facebook’s algorithm are invisible to users, but likes are different. Because anyone can see them, likes provide social proof to influence your audience. This makes likes a key part of getting users to engage with your Facebook content.

Social proof is just a fancy word for peer pressure. More specifically, social proof refers to the way people tend to do what other people are doing when they’re not sure what they’re supposed to do.

If you’re alone next to a cliff, you might hesitate to jump off. But if you see all your friends jump off, you’ll be more likely to try it yourself. User engagement works the same way.

Likes are proof that other users have already engaged with your post. When other users see this, they’re more likely to do the same.

Should you buy Facebook likes?

Given how important likes are to a thriving Facebook presence, it can be tempting to buy them. We’ve seen the ads — “High quality! 100% real and active users! Affordable prices!” But no matter what that pop-up says, buying Facebook fans is not a good idea.

For one thing, there are ethical reasons not to do it. But if you need a Hootsuite blog post to tell you that, then I probably won’t convince you now.

There is also the risk that you’ll get caught. Facebook’s official stance on fake likes is ambiguous. It doesn’t explicitly ban buying likes. It also doesn’t say that the platform won’t go after users that buy likes.

Even if Facebook itself doesn’t care if you buy likes, your customers probably do. Building trust with your customers is one of the main benefits of social media marketing. If they find out that you’re buying likes, you throw all of that away.

On a purely self-interested level, buying Facebook likes is still a bad idea even if you’re never caught. This is because you’re not just lying to other Facebook users; you’re lying to yourself. All those fake likes you buy will gum up your social monitoring efforts.

Social monitoring is when you use data related to your brand from social media to gain business insights. Platforms like Hootsuite offer powerful tools to analyze the data your social media presence generates. When you fill up your Facebook presence with noise like fake likes, you make it harder to find out what real people want.

How to get more likes on Facebook

There are basically two ways to get more Facebook likes: increasing your reach and increasing engagement. But the two often go hand-in-hand.

Increasing your reach means getting more eyeballs on your content. The more people who see your post, the more chances it has to get likes.

Increasing engagement means getting more likes from the people who see them. When you make content that your audience wants to see, you get likes more efficiently than if you hit Post on the first thing that comes into your head.

It sounds deceptively simple. But we’ve got eight tips to help you master the fine art of getting more Facebook likes.

1. Start with strong social marketing fundamentals

When you know what you’re trying to accomplish on social media, all parts of your social media presence benefit. Before scheduling your next Facebook masterpiece, think about how that post contributes to your overall marketing goals.

Good social media fundamentals mean following a social media marketing plan that aligns with your business objectives. After all, successful content marketers are six times more likely to have a documented strategy in place.

2. Know what your audience wants to see

To make content that your audience will engage with, you have to spend some time finding out what they like. Making decisions based on data from your specific context will help you make posts that get more likes.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools to help you analyze your data. You can use Facebook’s official analytics platform, Business Manager, to dig into data from all of Meta’s social media platforms.

There are also third-party services, like Hootsuite Analyze, that integrate data analysis across all social media platforms.

Once you’ve got the data, make sure you focus on the right numbers. Engagement metrics like applause rate (the number of approval actions a post receives relative to your total number of followers) and virality rate (the number of people who shared your post relative to the number of unique views it received) can help you pinpoint the type of content that resonates with your audience.

3. Know when your audience is active

One simple way to get more likes is to post when your audience is most active. Although the chronological timeline has gone the way of the dodo, the algorithm still prioritizes recent content.

It’s simple, but not always easy. First, you have to find out when the best time to post on Facebook is.

There are general trends that apply across the board. Between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays is the best time in general.

Tools like Hootsuite Analytics can use data from your social media presence to find out the best times to post based on your account’s historical performance.

Source: Hootsuite Analytics

Once you know where your sweet spot is, the next step is to consistently post content during those times. Users (and algorithms) pay attention to accounts that post regularly. But accounts that flood their feeds turn them off. Strike the right balance by using a Facebook posting schedule.

4. Stay up-to-date with Facebook trends

You’ll attract more attention when you stay on top of the latest trends. Facebook users are looking for content that’s relevant to them.

Facebook Reels are the fastest-growing format on the platform, and Facebook promotes them pretty much everywhere. Take advantage of the rise of Reels to get more likes from your short-form video content.

People are still using Facebook as a way to research brands, too. Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Trends report found that 53% of users 16–24 use social media as their primary way to research brands. Give users what they want by posting content with information about your brand.

More and more users are making in-app purchases in their social media apps. Meet your audience’s needs by setting up a Facebook Shop to get more likes across the platform.

Source: Facebook

Take things a step further and put your brand on Facebook’s Live Shopping feature. It’s a great way to get eyes on your business and likes for your Facebook page.

But don’t just blindly follow trends without making sure they fit within your overall content strategy. The Facebook echo chamber was an important cause of the disastrous pivot to video in the late 2010s. If you try out a trend, make sure to look at the data to see if it’s working for you.

5. Pin a popular post

A lot of these tips boil down to “figure out what’s doing well and do more of that.” When you pin a popular Facebook post, you’re giving it more visibility. This gives a post with a lot of likes that chance to get even more.

Source: Monte Cook Games on Facebook

Monte Cook Games, for example, pinned their latest Kickstarter campaign to maximize its visibility. As more users see the post, the snowball effect kicks in,l boosting their presence on both platforms.

6. Work with Facebook influencers

Brands are engaging in influencer marketing more than ever. In 2022, two-thirds of US social media marketers report using influencer marketing. Just three years before, in 2019, only half did.

Source: eMarketer

Collaborating with an influencer, especially one that can speak directly to your target audience, can help you produce engaging content your followers won’t want to miss.

Source: ASOS on Facebook

When clothing brand ASOS, for example, reposts content from influencers with their own large audience, both sides benefit from the exposure.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Get the free guide right now!

7. Take advantage of cross-promotion

If you’ve got a great following on other social channels, take advantage of it! More than 99% of Facebook users have accounts on other social media platforms.

Source: Digital 2022 Global Overview Report

Try promoting Facebook-specific content on other social media to increase your posts’ visibility.

Join us on Wednesday 23rd at 11am on our Facebook page – – for a Facebook Live with Great British Sewing Bee judge and fashion designer @paddygrant

— singersewinguk (@singersewinguk) June 18, 2021

Source: SingerSewingUK

Just over 80% of Twitter users are also on Facebook. By tweeting about an upcoming Facebook event, Singer makes it easier for their audience to stay up to date with their social media activity.

Cross-promotion isn’t limited to social media, either. Don’t forget to link to your Facebook page on your website and include it on your business cards. Make it easy for people to find your brand on social media — after all, they can’t like your posts if they never see them.

8. Run ads

Some of the tips here will help you improve your organic reach, but unfortunately, organic reach is in decline on social media. Without paid promotion, a brand’s posts will only be seen by about 5% of their followers. But if you do choose to run ads, you can take advantage of Facebook’s detailed ad targeting to make sure your posts reach your ideal audience.

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Posted by REMARKABLE on Monday, May 9, 2022

Source: remarkableAS

Remarkable doesn’t wait for word-of-mouth to spread the news about their product’s latest features. They make use of the data Facebook collects to make sure their message gets to the people most likely to respond positively to it.

Manage your Facebook presence by using Hootsuite to schedule posts, share video, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts. Try it free today.

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9 Ways To Become More Popular On Facebook [Weekly Facebook Tips]

By Tina Sieber

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Facebook is different things to different people. It's used to stay in touch, play games, share news and stories, or promote brands. What unites almost everyone who regularly uses Facebook is the desire to be popular and Liked. The problem is that Facebook guards updates and doesn't automatically show everything to everyone. The algorithm that determines how many people get to see a post is called EdgeRank and it pretty much is a black box.

Facebook is different things to different people. It's used to stay in touch, play games, share news and stories, or promote brands. What unites almost everyone who regularly uses Facebook is the desire to be popular and Liked.

The problem is that Facebook guards updates and doesn't automatically show everything to everyone. The algorithm that determines how many people get to see a post is called EdgeRank and it pretty much is a black box. Nobody knows exactly what will make something go viral on Facebook. However, there are a few things you can put on your checklist to significantly improve your chances to become popular.

This article provides a summary of the wisdom from science and social media experts.

Be Upbeat & Positive

Good news spread faster and farther than anything else on social media, which is in contrast to traditional mass media. Psychologists explain that we care how our friends and peers react to what we share. Since we generally want our friends to be happy, we prefer to share something that makes them feel good. Consequently, you will literally be liked a lot more if your updates are upbeat and positive. Frankly, this one shouldn't come as a surprise as the same is true for how you behave in 'real life'.

There are some things, however, you should not share on Facebook, regardless of how positive or exciting they are.


Studies show that people are much more likely to share or Like content that arouses a strong emotional reaction in them. This includes science articles that leave them in awe, as well as posts that excite them or make them laugh. Although content that triggers strong emotions like anger or anxiety tends to do well, the more positive a story is, the more likely it is to be shared.

See Upworthy's entire How To Make That One Thing Go Virual slide show.

Appeal To Your Friends & Followers

Being positive and having the potential to trigger strong emotions is worthless, if you fail to capture the interest of your friends and followers. Know what they care about and feed their interests. Or build the audience that genuinely cares for what you have to share. Consider targeting different types of updates to different groups of friends.

There are a few things that really annoy people on Facebook; avoid them like the plague.

Know Who Your Friends Or Followers Want To Appeal To

Now this one is a little complicated, so bear with me. People won't just share something because it impressed them, they also want to impress others with what they share. In other words, if they think a person they really care about will Like what they are reading right now, they are much more likely to share it. So try to craft your Facebook updates in a way that make the social cognition regions in your readers' brains fire! Or in simple terms: appeal to the friends of your friends!

Be Fresh!

Always strive to post about current and exciting things! We all love to be entertained and learn something new. And don't forget to add your own unique twist; it will make you memorable.

Use Visuals

People don't read, unless a great headline or a visual catches their attention. Pictures have been found to work best, better even than videos. So put an effort into finding or creating great images for your Facebook updates. Note that with the News Feed changing, pictures will be granted more space; you can now use up to 600 x 600 pixels.

If you decide to use visuals, be very careful not to breach copyright laws. Here is a list of things that might get you banned from Facebook.

Be Brief!

While you're putting more effort into adding good images, cut down on the amount of words you are using. Although Facebook doesn't have a character limit, it appears that even 140 characters are too much. Also note that text describing a picture won't show as caption, instead it will be overlaid at the bottom of the image. Around 80 characters are said to work best.

Interact With Your Friends & Followers

Essentially a no-brainer, but communicating with someone is more engaging for them than being talked at. Involve people in your updates, ask a question, let them fill in a blank, have them write a caption for a funny photo, or challenge them to another activity. Telling people something you would like them to do will significantly increase their interaction. Sometimes life is simple.


Everyone is busy and all our Facebook News Feeds are flooded with updates. The best time for your posts depend on where your audience is located and what their Facebook habits are. Generally, weekend mornings tend to work best.

See the entire Your Way to Facebook Success Infographic.


Being popular on Facebook or making something go viral is hard work. Moreover, it requires quite a bit of skill and a lot of luck. However, if you follow a basic and smart recipe, practice a lot, and continuously learn from your own experience and that of others, you will eventually have a breakthrough. Never give up!

What is the Facebook success you are dreaming of?

Image Credits: Like via Shutterstock, Girl in Hammock via Shutterstock, Light Bulbs via Shutterstock, Green Grass via Shutterstock, Ladders and Clouds via Shutterstock. This post was inspired by an article on The New York Times and contains additional ideas from a Pagemodo Infographic, DashBurst, and an Upworthy slide show.

How to make your Facebook page* a little more popular

November 15, 2016Tips

Famous American blogger Robert Scoble shared his tips on how to become popular on Facebook*. Lifehacker publishes a translation of his article.



Robert Scoble

Famous American blogger, IT evangelist and author. Worked at Microsoft, Fast Company, Rackspace.

1. Share three other people's posts that reflect your interests. After that, more publications on this topic will get into your feed. If you love kittens, you will see more posts about kittens, if you like all sorts of gadgets, there will be more posts about gadgets.

2. Write five posts of your own on the same topic. Then there will be even more similar posts in your feed.

3. Disable as many privacy settings as possible. Allow people to follow your profile, not just add you as a friend. Then publish a few posts, and you will see that your audience has expanded significantly. Don't worry, you'll still be able to post posts that only your friends can see. You can set privacy for each post separately.

4. Check your bio and make it available to everyone. This will make it easier for colleagues and friends to find you.

5. Add everyone to your Close Friends or Acquaintances lists. This will noticeably improve the quality of your news feed. But do not forget that you will receive a lot of notifications from close friends .

6. Remove from your friends those who do not post or comment. Why? Facebook* first shows your post to a small number of people and sees what they do with it. If your friends don't like, share, comment, and don't post anything themselves, it will show up on your profile.

7. Don't forget to like, comment and share other people's posts. This is how Facebook* learns to recognize what you like to see in your feed.

8. Hide posts you don't want to see. For example, all the selfies, quotes, memes - everything that only makes us dumber. For each post, you can select the "Hide Post" option from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

9. Unfollow those who are too annoying. Even if it is one of your friends or relatives. If you add them to a separate list of friends or acquaintances, you can still view their posts by clicking on the desired list.

10. Check your activities at least once a month. Mark where you go and where you don't. This will help make them more popular.

11. Check all your settings once a month. This is especially important for mobile applications. If you uninstall and reinstall the app, all your settings are reset to default.

12. Turn on two-factor authentication, this will protect your profile from hackers.

13. If you want to expand your circle of friends, post at least 10 public posts. And they must necessarily reflect your hobbies. If you only post photos of yourself, don't be surprised if people don't agree to add you as a friend.

14. Do not allow others to post on your profile without permission.

15. Make at least 400 friends.

16. If you want to add someone who already has 5,000 friends as a friend, you must have at least 50 friends in common. If you want to add an ordinary person as a friend, remind them how you know them. It's even better if you have at least five mutual friends.

17. Most content just doesn't reach you. If you want to see more posts from specific people, visit their profile at least once a week. Better yet, add them to your list and view their posts from there. All publications are visible in the lists, and only the most popular ones get into your feed.

18. Be sure to include your location when using the Facebook* mobile app. This is how the app will show you "friends nearby".

19. Post using built-in Facebook* tools. Do not repost from Twitter or other sites.

20. Reply to comments under your posts and comment on other users' posts. Then they will want to comment on you, and this will make your profile more popular.

21. You can customize the menu on the left as you like. Click on the icons next to the menu items and drag them.

22. Treat Facebook* like good food. You wouldn't eat pasta without sauce, would you? If you only have photos of your children and pets on your page, or only memes, it's like pasta without sauce. Do you have other interests? Here, show it.

What advice do you have?

*Activities of Meta Platforms Inc. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Forbes advises how to become popular on Facebook - Offtop on

Guides on how to become a popular dude on one or another social media site have not been written except by a lazy one. Some people do great, and some don't. We appreciate all our colleagues, but could not miss such a juicy opportunity to mourn over some of them (our comments are in italics ).

Does anyone have any questions?

The best way to get comments is to ask a question in a post.

Your readers know that the best way to get an answer is to google. So what do you value more - comments or blogging authority?

Watch the time

Remember: Facebook is for weekends, Twitter is for weekdays, and Instagram is for lunches and vacations.

Weekends for family, weekdays for work, lunches for food, holidays for Bora Bora. There is no need to sit on the Internet at all, friends.

Publish and delete

Delete photos and posts if they have not received a single like or comment in the first half hour.

After all, an empty wall is so progressive. And lonely. And mysterious. And you will not at all seem withdrawn and unsure of yourself, what is there.

Don't rush to post

Don't annoy people and don't post more than once or twice a day.

Then they will forget about you even faster, and you will finally be able to do the real thing.

P.S. We have examples of people who post ~once every 15 minutes and still gain enough weight in their community. The main thing is quality, not quantity - in both directions.

Take photos with celebrities

Your photo with some celebrity, for example, with Stas Mikhailov or Vlad Tsyplukhin, usually attracts tons of shares, likes and comments.

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