How to get more clout on instagram

5 Ways to Authentically Grow Your Instagram Account | by Lindsay McClelland | The MVP

One of the things I’ve been asked about a lot lately, is how to generate Instagram growth. With changes in the algorithm and the introduction of new products like stories and live streaming, the platform has certainly evolved. It’s also become a leading platform for both brands and influencers alike as a way to connect and discover in a visual way. But to have any clout and be taken seriously, both as a brand or an influencer, you need to have some critical mass of followers. There’s no magic number, but let’s face it. Having a larger follower count helps brands build credibility and helps influencers put a price to what their work is worth. This is in by no means an endorsement to purchase followers, the authenticity of real followers is what will begin let the account start to exponentially grow.

Over the last three months, I put my theories to the test using a brand new influencer Instagram account, LovingLifeontheRun. Here’s what I learned:

1. Generate valuable content. It comes down to more than just having good photos (although those completely help), your Instagram tells a story. Why should people want to follow you? What is the value you’re providing? Generate your content from the answers of those questions.

  • Use tools like Planoly to visually plan and schedule out your content and ensure that the story you want to tell will come to life when people look at your feed as a whole.
  • Add content that doesn’t fit with the look and feel of your feed to your stories. And, let your stories show a behind the scenes look at your life or brand that might not come across in your curated feed.
  • Use your bio to set the stage. Your Instagram bio is essentially the cover of your book. What story are you committing to telling your followers through your Instagram account? Why should they follow?

2. Build relationships. Social media at its core is a mechanism to build relationships, so let that be your focus as you grow. Get involved in conversations with both people you follow and people you want to be connected with. Find those people through hashtags and set a goal of liking 100 photos per day. Comment on the ones that are most impactful to you. To experience even more growth, follow these top tips.

  • Use a third party app like Hootsuite, Buffer or Sprout Social to take commenting and liking posts off the mobile app for more ease. Additionally, some of these apps allow you to search based on location and hashtags which makes engaging with the people you want much easier. Many of these apps are free if you’re only adding a few accounts!
  • Join a pod. Instagram pods have been popping up with bloggers over the last few months as a way to “beat” Instagram’s algorithm. There are definitely positives and negatives to joining each pod — some can be cliquey and others may not be effective due to a lack of reciprocation. But overall, what I found by joining a few was that it was a great way to discover new accounts I may not have otherwise. Additionally, joining localized blogger groups can turn into “real life” friends, too.
  • Follow likeminded accounts and people. The best way to grow your brand or influencer account is to follow people you want to follow you back. Your Instagram account is an ideal way to get in front of people or brands you want to connect with. Follow and engage!

3. Hashtag. This should come as a no brainer, but hashtags are a must if growth is what you’re looking for. When curating your hashtags, keep the following in mind

  • You can use up to 30 hashtags in each post. Maximize that real estate by strategically choosing hashtags that allow you to show up in highly trafficked conversations and in the “top posts” of others.
  • Constantly mix up your hashtags to avoid the dreaded “shadow ban” from Instagram.
  • Keep aesthetics in mind. It’s a total personal decision whether you choose to put your hashtags in the comments or the post itself. I found that the highest engagement came from putting a couple of key hashtags in the post and following it with a comment with more.
  • Curate your own story using a branded hashtag that sets you apart from others. By creating a branded hashtag, you’re expanding the brand equity you have on the platform.
  • If you’re an influencer and want to get noticed by a brand, use their branded hashtag in relevant posts! Get noticed!

4. Partner up for giveaways and promotions. Collaboration is something that is huge on social media. Partner up with bloggers or brands in similar genres to share the love by giving followers a chance to win and increasing both parties social following. It’s a win/win for everyone involved!

Note: if you’re an influencer being paid to promote a brand, be sure to disclose properly according to FTC guidelines. Check this press release for more details.

5. If it’s not working, try something else. If there’s one thing I learned in my quest to grow, it’s that if something isn’t working. Don’t force it. Test things out and see what sticks!

Just like everything in social media, there are no hard and fast rules. The platform and user behaviors are changing more often than we as marketers can keep up. The best advice I can give is to stay in it. Keep exploring and above all build relationships!

How to Get More Followers on Instagram: 17 Tips for 2022

Promoting your brand on Instagram requires building an engaged following — and that’s no easy task.

If you’re just starting out and you’re wondering how to get more followers on Instagram, make sure you know who you’re trying to reach. Put together a strategy that will describe your target audience and outline how you are going to attract them to your account.

Remember that buying followers is not the way to go when growing your Instagram presence. Neither is creating clickbaity content. Good audience research and high-quality content will help you build a real audience of people — not bots.

Keep reading to find out how to get more followers on Instagram (the right way).

Or, for a TL;DR list of tactics, watch this video from our friends at Hootsuite:

1. Define your brand’s tone of voice and personality

This might sound obvious, but your brand should have a tone of voice and an attitude that leaves a consistent impression. You want to make sure your online personality feels approachable and personable.

Creating content where an employee, or better yet, a customer explains your product or service can make your brand more relatable. If your brand is in the lifestyle arena, you could create an aesthetic that communicates the lifestyle of your customers.

Despite your end goal, all your posts should have a consistent brand personality and visual language, so they are easily identified as, well, yours.

2. Put together a social media marketing strategy

A good social media strategy should tie in with your overarching business goals and include your social media marketing objectives.

Do you want to build brand awareness? Boost sales? Or drive traffic to your website?

Knowing where you want to go is the first step in getting there. The team at Hootsuite prepared a helpful template to guide you in creating your social media strategy — you can download it for free here.

3. Understand your perfect audience

Without a good understanding of who you are targeting, you are throwing feathers into the wind.

Your target audience can be defined by their age, location, occupation and how they use Instagram. They most likely have common issues and concerns, or lifestyle aspirations, and your content should answer these concerns, inspire and engage them. How you acknowledge them, will make your target audience more likely to follow you, and keep following you for the long term.

If you’re not sure where to start, follow our guide to building audience and buyer personas.

4. Develop a consistent look and feel for your brand

Think of your Instagram grid as an important first impression.

Instagram is a visually driven social network so a consistent visual approach will help to build your brand personality and make your posts recognizable at first scroll.

Every post on your Instagram grid should be engaging, showing viewers that your impressive visual standards are worth following. Together, your posts should appear in an esthetically pleasing way as one unit. And if you don’t have products with a consistent look, you can style them in an Instagram grid so the posts complement each other in their positioning, like an ad in a glossy magazine.

Look at this example from @margotmacaron:

5. Use the right keywords

In order to attract followers, you have to be findable. Your name and username contribute to how you show up in search results and should be consistent with the handle you use on other social networks.

Using a relevant keyword as part of your name will result in more successful searches. You have 30 characters, so don’t be shy about weaving that keyword into your name field.

For example, personal stylist Michelle Addison @michelleaddisonstyle includes the keyword “style” in her Instagram name, increasing the chance she will be found by those looking for style and fashion advice.

6. Use relevant hashtags

Instagram users can follow hashtags the way they follow users. So, to get more followers on Instagram, you should consider identifying the hashtags your target audience is likely to follow and adding them to your posts.

You can include up to 30 hashtags in your post, but make sure they’re relevant to your photo, product or business. Targeted hashtags will attract a more involved audience. Avoid gimmicks such as #followme, #likeforlike etc. as these will only attract the bots or people who are only following you so they will be followed back.

Photographer @vas_photographs included hashtags like #sculpture and #publicart in a post showing off a piece of art he came across.

7. Make the most of your Instagram bio

Two out of every three visits to Instagram business profiles come from non-followers. Sounds like an opportunity, doesn’t it?

But you need a clear, concise and engaging profile (and website, if you’re linking to one) to get a click on the follow button. Use the 150 characters allowed in your bio to introduce new visitors to your brand. Give them an idea of what they can expect from your content, and reasons why they should follow you.

If you have a business or Creator account on Instagram, you can include additional details in your profile, like your contact information, business type and location. Make use of all the fields that apply, because the more information your profile’s visitors have at hand, the more likely they will be to follow you.

Learn more about how to optimize your Instagram bio:

8. Leverage your other social media profiles

Your followers from Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms are a group you can pretty easily convert to Instagram followers.

Share a link to your Instagram account on your other profiles, and give your existing followers a reason to check it out. You might want to offer an Instagram exclusive coupon code, or plan a giveaway to draw more people in. You could also share some of your best Instagram posts as a preview of what new followers can expect.

But don’t stop at social channels. Include a link to your Instagram profile on your website, in your email signature, and in your online newsletters.

9. Embed Instagram posts in your blog posts

If you have a blog or website where you feature visual content like photos, charts or infographics (like we do here), try embedding Instagram content in some of your articles. A clickable embed — like the one below — makes for an interactive experience, and it can generate traffic to your account.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Hootsuite 🦉 (@hootsuite)

10. Create Instagram Reels

For the last while, Reels (TikTok’s rival format) have been Instagram’s favorite child.

The Instagram algorithm prioritizes Reels on the Explore page. These short videos also have their dedicated tab in the app. There, users can scroll through an endless feed of Reels selected by the algorithm to match their individual tastes and interests.

Thanks to Instagram’s efforts to surface Reels to as many users as possible, using this content format gives you the unique chance to reach people who don’t already follow your account.

If you’re new to this type of content, check out Hootsuite’s beginner-friendly guide to using Reels for business.

11. Post content that’s worth re-sharing

When planning your Instagram content, keep in mind that people will often re-share what they like, for example, an inspiring quote or an informative infographic.

And, once a user shares your feed post to their Instagram Story, their audience can tap to click through to your account. It’s a great way to get introduced to a new audience, and another opportunity to find new followers.

12. Try to get on the Explore page

Instagram promotes the Explore page as the place “to find photos and videos that you might like from accounts you don”t follow. ” And people do use it to explore — half of all Instagram accounts visit the Explore tab. Every month.

The Explore tab features Instagram posts, Stories, and Reels. Users first see a grid of content chosen by the Instagram algorithm. They then have the option to choose to dive deeper into specific content subjects using the topic channels at the top of the screen.

You can find the Explore page when you click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your screen in the Instagram app.

Learn more about how to get on the Instagram Explore page.

13. Follow relevant accounts

When you follow an Instagram user who posts content similar to yours, they’re likely to take a look at your feed in return. And if they’re impressed, they’ll follow you.

Instagram will give you recommendations on who to follow in the “Suggested for you” section. You’ll find it in your feed between posts in the app, or on the right side of your computer screen if you’re using Instagram on desktop.

Another way to identify accounts worth following is by clicking the three bars on the top right, then choosing Discover People. There, you’ll find a selection of relevant Instagram accounts compiled by the Instagram algorithm just for you. (Keep in mind that one of the factors that affect your credibility on Instagram is the ratio of how many accounts you follow to how many accounts follow you back.)

If you want to laser-target relevant accounts you should follow and identify creators your audience will love, give social listening a try:

14. Find influencers relevant to your brand

60% of consumers will follow a brand that a trusted influencer promotes. This means that you should identify the influencers your audience trusts, and try to work with them.

For example, digital creator @camilla_akerberg is an influencer that would be ideal to connect with if you are in the fitness industry or looking to promote your luxury travel brand or accommodation.

Check out Hootsuite’s complete guide to influencer marketing.

15. Collaborate with other brands

Outside of your influencer marketing efforts, you should also consider partnering with brands that also cater to your target audience (but are not competitors).

You could, for example, throw a giveaway for your combined audiences and offer products and services from both businesses as the prize. Cross-promote the giveaway on all participating brands’ accounts, and make sure to ask participants to follow all of the brands involved in the giveaway. This will allow you to tap into the other brands’ Instagram audiences in an exciting and organic way.

16. Post at the best times

And when is that, you might ask?

Your audience might be the most active online outside of your work hours. Use a tool like Hootsuite Analytics to identify the best time to post, a.k.a. find out when you’re most likely to reach a lot of people and generate engagement. Then, schedule your posts in advance, so your content is always perfectly timed, even on weekends and holidays.

17. Run a contest or giveaway

Just asking someone to follow you may seem a little pushy. But not if you’re willing to offer them something in return.

Contests and giveaways are a great way to attract a new, engaged audience to your profile. A simple “follow to enter” formula can be effective on it’s own, but consider asking participants to tag a friend in a comment as well. That way, your existing followers will get a chance to introduce their network to your brand.


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A post shared by Formula Fig (@formulafig)

For ideas and best practices, check this complete guide to Instagram contests from Hootsuite.

How to increase your reach on Instagram: 30 ways

The answer to the question of how to increase your reach on Instagram is of interest to everyone who blogs or sells products through this social network. In this article, we will tell you what affects reach and why they fall. Let's take a look at 30 ways to increase your reach through publications, live streams, and dedicated apps.

  • What are Impressions and Reach on Instagram?
  • Why Track Instagram Reach?
  • How to find out the reach of your profile on Instagram
  • What should be the reach on Instagram
  • What influences reach on Instagram
  • Why Instagram reach is dropping
  • Tips on how to increase your reach on Instagram
  • Conclusion

What are impressions and reach on Instagram

Reach refers to the number of unique Instagram users who saw the post. If one person viewed the content several times, this is not reflected in the reach, but is taken into account in another metric - impressions.

Impressions is the total amount of views on your social media post.

Instagram statistics show coverage not only for individual publications, but also covered accounts - these are users who saw any of your content at least once during the specified period.

Why track Instagram reach

It is important for bloggers, various professionals and store owners who maintain pages on Instagram to constantly monitor audience reach. If they are growing, most likely you have chosen the right promotion strategy and create quality content. If coverage is falling, there is some problem that needs to be identified and addressed.

Analyzing the reach of different publications will help you determine which format and type of content algorithms are more likely to offer to your audience - and thus understand their preferences.

If you sell ads in your account or promote products with the help of bloggers, reach is one of the main metrics to focus on. Of course, it is also important to look at the activity of subscribers and check the account for cheating.

We recommend that you read: "Effective work with bloggers: how not to run into a fake and not drain the budget."

How to find out the reach of an Instagram profile

The Instagram statistics that are available to business accounts have indicators of reached and engaged accounts. Engaged - those who interacted with the content on your page in some way.

Account statistics

You can also see the reach for each photo, video, Reels video, story and live broadcast.

Recording statistics

To clarify statistics on reach and impressions, you can use special services, for example, Iconosquare,, Pur.Ninja and others.

What should be the coverage on Instagram

There is no exact figure, but the coverage of 30-60% of all profile subscribers is considered optimal. At the same time, it is important to take into account their involvement - it should be at least 9-10% coverage.

As already mentioned, the number of engaged followers can be seen in Instagram statistics. Engagement for all publications can be calculated using the formula:

Engagement Rate formula

To calculate engagement for a single post, you need to divide the number of reactions to this post by the number of subscribers and multiply by 100%.

If the reach is high and the engagement is low, you need to work on the content, try new ideas and formats, ask your subscribers what they would like to see in their profile.

What influences reach on Instagram

Let's list the factors that affect reach.

Audience activity

The more likes, comments, saves and shares a post has, the higher the coverage will be — Instagram algorithms regard such content as interesting and offer it to other users more often. Activity in stories is also important - reactions, participation in surveys, answers and messages are taken into account.

The first hour after publication is considered to be especially important. If the post gets a lot of likes and comments during this period, then the reach will be good.

Content view time

The more time users spend on a post, the higher Instagram algorithms rate it. If subscribers open the text in full, scroll through the gallery, watch the video and do not scroll through the story, all this adds points to your publications.

Intrigue followers

Content attractiveness and variety

If people save your posts, like, comment, share with friends, these publications are more likely to be shown in the feed of your subscribers and other users who may like your content.

It is important to take into account the preferences of different users and use all the features of Instagram. When you create a variety of content in various formats - stories, posts with photos and videos, Reels videos, live broadcasts - this has a positive effect on reach.

Activity outside of your account

Reach rates are believed to be influenced by activities in other profiles. If you pay attention to other people's content, write comments, put likes, the algorithms understand that the account belongs to a living person, and are more likely to show your posts in user feeds.

Search engine optimization settings

Clear nickname and description, clear images, alternative photo captions, hashtags and geotags - all this helps Instagram successfully read information about you and your content, and then offer it to users who should be interested in it.

Use hashtags to help your audience find you

Posting time

New posts are shown first in the feed, so you should choose the right time to post when your audience is most active. Analyze your account statistics to determine the days and hours of ups and downs in activity.

According to Hootsuite research, the best time to post in general is 11am on Wednesday. Analysts say that at this time, users are more willing to like and write comments. Weekend activity is the lowest.

The best time to post on Instagram. Source

The authors of the study advise spreading Reels at 9 am or 12 noon from Monday to Thursday.

You need to understand that this is not a universal solution - if a lot of posts are published at the “ideal” time, due to their abundance, the user may simply not see yours. Rely primarily on the statistics of your account.

Why Instagram reach is falling

Let's look at a few reasons why this happens.

Poor quality and activity of the audience

If subscribers, as well as likes and comments are cheated, the account may be shadowbanned.

If you are fond of mass following, then response subscriptions can spoil the statistics. Usually these users are not interested in your content, they do not follow your account and do not leave reactions. Because of this, reach rates are not just low, but fall even more, because Instagram algorithms give less impressions to low-engagement profiles.

Monotonous, unattractive content

Try different content formats and don't get stuck on one topic. Follow trends, test innovations, create interesting and high-quality publications that take into account the preferences of the audience.

Try different formats and creative ideas

Ignoring search engine optimization

Hashtags, alt text for photos and everything else that was discussed in the section above - if you do not bother with such questions, it will negatively affect your reach.

Violations of the rules of Instagram

There are certain requirements in the social network, as well as some unspoken rules that should also be taken into account. If you bring up unwanted topics, organize giveaways, get subscribers or mass like, this can cause problems.

Giveway is a bad idea

Instagram updates

According to some observations, before updates on the social network, coverage of many profiles drops. This is a temporary phenomenon that you just need to wait out.

Tips on how to increase your reach on Instagram

In this section, we provide recommendations on how to increase your reach in various ways.

How to increase your Instagram reach with posts

A few tips for working with posts.

Test formats

Try to use all the features of the social network and create content in different formats. If you can spot a high-reach trend for a particular format, focus on it, but don't shy away from the rest.

Create Reels

Instagram launched the Reels video format due to competition from TikTok and promotes user videos from the very beginning, regardless of the number of subscribers. Reels provides an excellent opportunity to expand your reach and gain an audience for free.

How to increase reach on Instagram: create Reels
Place photos and videos in the carousel

If a user comes across a gallery post in the feed and ignores it, Instagram will show the post again, but from the second slide. This increases the likelihood that the subscriber will still pay attention to your content and react, and this will affect the reach.

Use gamification

Game mechanics help to engage users: this way they spend more time on posts, write comments more actively and share with friends. Gamification can be used both in posts and in stories: games for attentiveness, reaction, erudition, or simply with an element of luck, as well as combined with pranks.

How to increase your reach on Instagram using gamification
Ask questions and call for activity

Feel free to ask your followers to support you with a like if the content has gone. Ask for an opinion on the issues that you analyze in the post. People are especially willing to give advice: from choosing a movie for the evening to raising children.

Make helpful how-tos and lists

Create content you'll want to bookmark: useful checklists and guides, lists of movies, worthy places in the city, quality SPFs, and more. Share life hacks and invite subscribers to save the post for the future so as not to lose it.

Create useful content
Break the topic into parts

You can tell an interesting story in several posts. If you manage to hook readers, each publication will be expected, and you will get a lot of feedback.

Optional to use storytelling. You can prepare a selection of life hacks or stylish images and promise the second part if the post gets a certain number of reactions.

Use hashtags and geotags

Don't forget hashtags and geotags - this is a working way to increase your reach. But don't go overboard with the quantity and don't get carried away with high-frequency hashtags.

Show Before/After

Posts in Before/After format usually garner a lot of reactions. People actively comment and share with friends, which has a positive effect on reach, and also helps to get new customers.

How to Increase Instagram Reach: Show Before/After Comparisons
Have a Liketime

It's good to have a Liketime from time to time. Invite subscribers to like this and several previous posts and write a comment so that you leave likes in return on their profiles. Also, commentators can give each other hearts - this way everyone will be happy, and you will increase the activity in your account.

Provocative content

Provocative posts, such as substantiating an unpopular point of view, usually get a lot of reactions. True, they are far from always positive, be prepared for this.

Contests and sweepstakes

There must be some activity in the conditions of participation: likes, saves, reposts in stories, comments, marks of friends. Contests help boost your reach significantly, but to avoid attracting random fortune hunters, promise your products or something your audience likes as a reward. For example, on a yoga blog, the prize might be a class suit or a yoga tour, not a supply of Nutella or a smartphone.

How to increase your reach on Instagram: run giveaways

We advise you to read:

  • "How to make an Instagram contest that will increase awareness and sales."

How to increase reach with stories and live broadcasts

Interesting stories and meaningful streams help increase account reach.

More interactive

Interact with your audience more often: arrange polls and quizzes, invent games, add emoji sliders, ask for reactions to stories if the topic is interesting.

How to increase your reach on Instagram: arrange quizzes
Show the workflow

Videos showing the process of achieving a great result help to keep the audience's attention. Artists show how they draw pictures from scratch, repairmen show how they stretch ceilings, lay parquet or glue wallpaper, make-up artists show how to apply makeup, and so on.

Show footage at high speed or upload individual clips so as not to create dozens of stories that will quickly bore people.

Answer questions

Enter the section "Question-Answer" - such stories are usually watched to the end. If subscribers asked few questions, you can come up with your own.

How to increase your reach on Instagram: answer questions from followers
Share personal

Sometimes you can tell your audience about your personal experiences, but don't overdo it. In a metered amount, such content is interesting, but an excess of personal dramas makes you want to unsubscribe.

Review and unbox

This content gets good reach if it's relevant to the account.

Show the unboxing with nice music
Post a link to an interesting post

If a post gets undeservedly little attention, it's possible that subscribers simply didn't see it. To fix this, place a link to the publication in your stories.

Conduct live broadcasts

Live broadcasts are an opportunity to communicate with subscribers closer, increase their loyalty and get a lot of feedback. Joint streams with other bloggers will help expand your audience and reach. A big plus is that subscribers receive a notification about the start of the broadcast.

Show animals

Whatever the subject of the account, photos and videos with cute and funny animals are always great.

Content with pets engages the audience well

Engaging the audience and keeping their attention is an art. Check out our article with story ideas to create interesting content.

A few more tips on how to increase your reach on Instagram

Clean out the bots

Bots ruin your statistics and reduce your reach, so you need to get rid of them. This can be done manually, but the process will take a lot of time, so it's easier to use special applications, such as Followers - Unfollowers.

Make a content plan

In order for the reach not to fall, you need to post content regularly and avoid long pauses. Therefore, be sure to prepare a content plan and create materials for publications in advance so that in case of unforeseen situations you do not fall out of Instagram.

Offer lead magnets and use a chatbot

Motivate your audience to be active in your account with lead magnets provided by a chatbot. SendPulse has chatbots for various messengers, including Instagram.

Recommended reading:

  • How to create an Instagram chatbot for business.
Convert Followers into Loyal Customers

Automate your customer interactions and improve your Instagram Direct sales!

Set up targeted ads

Promote posts with targeted ads - if the settings are done well, this is a reliable way to increase your reach on Instagram.

Recommended: "Effective Targeted Facebook Ads - Tips".

Drive traffic from other platforms

If you have a Telegram channel, YouTube and TikTok accounts, do not miss the opportunity to advertise your Instagram profile there. Share links to interesting posts and do not duplicate all content everywhere so that subscribers have an incentive to follow you in all channels.

Buy ads from bloggers

Use influencers to increase your reach and get new followers. Don't forget to check bloggers for cheats, for example, using the Epicdetect and trendHERO services.

Test updates

If Instagram introduces a new format or makes changes to existing ones, test updates - most likely, the content will receive a lot of impressions.

Do not cheat subscribers and likes

We have repeatedly talked about this, but we will repeat it again - so that the coverage does not fall, do not engage in cheating.

Recommended: "Instagram ideas to spice up your business account."

Try activity chats

There are free and paid activity chats in Telegram and Instagram, whose members like each other, write comments and perform other actions. These are real people, so the risks of getting a shadowban are minimal, and coverage is growing. The method is not without drawbacks, but you can try.

Activity chats can be found by keyword search in Telegram and Instagram.

Try to increase your reach using activity chats
Reply to messages and comments

Do not ignore your subscribers - write answers to comments under publications and direct messages, repost stories on which you were noted.

Ask for feedback

Ask your followers directly what they want to see in your account. So you can please the audience and get more reactions.


We figured out how to increase the reach on Instagram using posts and stories, live broadcasts and special applications.

If you are running an online business, try SendPulse tools: chatbots for messengers, email, SMS and Viber messaging services, website and multilink builder, web push notifications, online course creation platform, CRM with task manager.

The easiest way to increase your influence on Instagram

The easiest way to increase your influence on Instagram

Companies were not
added to compare another

Back to content

Instagram has grown in user numbers since then. The photo and video sharing site is widely used by everyone to share videos and photos of their lives, make new friends, connect with loved ones, etc.
If you tap into the potential of such a large market, you will find that it is one of the most effective tools for marketing your brand, product, and even yourself. So many brands and individuals on Instagram so people know what they're selling and what they have to offer. Some of these brands and people have a lot of followers. How do they manage to create such an impact on Instagram?

Know the niche you want to influence

Just like you must do in any trade, you must know the people you want to influence. You can't just have a huge blanket and hope you get people to follow you; You can only apply to a specific segment.
When posting, choose a topic that you think will be of interest to your niche. To get the influence you want, you need to know who fits into that niche and how you want to get your niche's attention. Only celebrities can post random things and get influence because people are already interested in how they live. If you want to be influential, your niche must love what you do and you must focus on it. Keep in mind that a sudden transition from one sector to another can lead to the loss of the target audience that you have created.

Make sure your content is double-click worthy

I shouldn't stress this because it should be obvious, as that's the goal of every Instagram account holder. Your content should appeal to your niche, when he does, he will love and share your content on his Instagram stories and pages.
The quality of the photo will greatly affect the number of likes and comments you receive. Thus, you must ensure that the quality of your image is excellent. One way to improve the quality of your photos to get more likes is to use Instagram filters. Research has shown that filtered pictures get more likes and shares than non-filtered ones.

Post as often as possible

If your goal is to grow your subscriber base, you need to work on posting regularly. You should schedule posts at a time when your niche is often online. It's not enough to just post great photos of someday in the form of a blue moon; Your niche might find your Instagram account annoying. You have to post daily and be ready to interact with your niche. You should comment and like their comments, even if not all, try chatting with some.
If you are in business, you should hire someone who will always be available to respond to your client's needs. If a potential client doesn't get a response in time, they will approach your nearest and most accessible competitor.

Use hashtags

A hashtag is one of the best tools you can use if you want to get organic followers. The hashtag creates an Instagram page for posts with the same hashtag. You can create your own hashtag or join an existing one. If you use a popular hashtag, everyone following that hashtag will see your comment. This way, more people will see your photos or videos.
If you want to add hashtags, make sure they are relevant to your post. For example, you shouldn't use a tech hashtag but your content is about fashion. If you use hashtags well, this can be your main source of Instagram followers. You can add dozens of hashtags to a post, and I encourage you to use every possible hashtag to drive views and followers to your page.

Ask your audience to contribute

Your followers may need this extra nudge to engage with your post. You should use call to action words and pictures; this will increase the number of likes, comments and reposts you get.
You can also submit contests to your Instagram followers. One of them is: "post a video describing what you like about me/my brand/my product and get huge discounts/free prices", etc. This will increase awareness of you or your product/brand by increasing the the most your influence on Instagram.

Engage in conversations that interest your niche

If you notice that a popular topic is currently being discussed, you should share your opinion on it if it affects your niche. Engage in conversations with top influencers in your sector, interact with and share when they mention you in their comment.
If you are starting out, you must follow your followers and comment on their photos and videos; this will help strengthen the little bond between the two of you. It would be helpful if you try not to miss congratulations on special occasions like graduations, birthdays and some other happy moments. You can quickly get subscribers by buying views; however, if you want to influence your followers, you must get them organically.

Use Instagram analytics tools

It would be better if you use Instagram analytics tools to track your marketing efforts.

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