How to get more accounts on instagram

How To Manage More Than 5 Instagram Accounts

One of my favorite first world problems has to be managing multiple Instagram accounts.


And yet, I know I’m not the only one who has to deal with this challenge, because this is the world we live in nowadays.


There are many valid reasons for you to have more than one Instagram account. Maybe you have a personal account and a separate business account on Instagram. Or, maybe you manage several different businesses on Instagram. Perhaps you’re a Social Media Manager. Or, maybe you just can’t get enough of Instagram.


Whatever your reason, you’ll soon discover that logging in and logging off on your phone can be pretty tedious.


Don’t worry, Instagram has made it easier for you to get in and out of their app faster, so you can use all your precious time and focus taking pictures.


Here are just a few tips to make your Instagram log ins and log offs more pain-free, so that you can manage not just one, but many Instagram accounts at a time with ease…



If you manage just one account, make sure you check the “Saved Login Info” status in your settings.


Make sure this setting is swiped to “on”.


Now, whenever you get into your Instagram app, you will automatically be logged on and you don’t have to worry about typing in your username and password.


So easy!


At the top of your bio page, you will see your username with a downward pointing arrow next to it.


Tap on the username and arrow, and you will reveal a pull-down menu that ends with an option to “Add Account”.


Go ahead and tap “Add Account” and you will be prompted to enter the username and password for your additional account. Once you do this, your second username will be added to the pull-down menu.


Now that you’ve added an account AND activated “Saved Login Info” you will be able to easily switch between accounts by tapping the username at the top of your bio page and selecting another account from the pull-down menu that follows.


No logging in and out. No remembering passwords. Easy.



You can keep adding more accounts as needed to the pull-down menu, and pretty soon, you’ll feel like an expert media manager juggling multiple Instagram accounts with ease.


That is, until you try to add more than 5 Instagram accounts.


Most normal people won’t ever need more than 5 accounts, and if you’re one of these people, you can stop reading now.


However, if you need to manage more than 5 accounts, you have no doubt discovered that not only will Instagram not let you do this, it won’t let you log out of the 5 accounts you’ve already added to your stash.


You log out, and when you try to add a new #5, the old account is still there in your pull-down menu.


What to do?


Don’t panic. Don’t delete accounts, don’t buy backup phones, and don’t download shady mirror apps.


Remember that “Saved Login Info” status? You now have to go back and turn it OFF so you can remove one of your 5 accounts from your pull-down menu.


You will get a number of warnings saying that your information will be erased, but don’t worry. As long as you remember your username and password, you can always get back to your account, and it won’t be deleted.


Once you’ve logged off an account that doesn’t automatically save your login information, it will disappear from your pull-down menu and you can add a new one.


You will have to juggle accounts with a maximum of 5 in the air at any given time, but hopefully this will be manageable for you.


If you’d like to schedule posts to multiple Instagram accounts, try a social media scheduler like Publer. You can try Publer for FREE at this link.


Manage your Instagram account with ease by switching on “Saved Login Info” in your settings, so you no longer have to fumble with your username and password every time you access the Instagram app on your phone. Add additional Instagram accounts by tapping your username at the top of your bio page, and selecting “Add Account” at the bottom of the pull-down menu that follows. You can add up to 5 accounts. If you wish to add more than 5 accounts, you will have to deselect “Saved Login Info” from your settings before you log off, so that an account can disappear from your pull-down menu. Don’t worry, you can retrieve that account later, as long as you never forget your username and password for that account. You can now add a new fifth account, and once again be able to manage up to 5 Instagram accounts at a time.

If you’re ready to take your business blog to the next level…

  • check out my FREE eBook, “How To Blog Like An Entrepreneur” at this link
  • try Publer for FREE and schedule your social media posts yourself at this link
  • get closed captioning and transcripts for your videos with Rev at this link
  • manage your email lists and email campaigns with Constant Contact here

10 Simple Tactics You Can Try Today

Since Instagram started sorting posts on users’ feed with an algorithm, many marketers have noticed a decline in their organic reach and engagement.

But that doesn’t have to be the case for you. In fact, it could be possible for you to reach more of your followers now than without the new Instagram algorithm.

In this post, we’ll share 10 straightforward ways you can use to increase your organic reach on Instagram today.

Buffer for Instagram now comes with direct scheduling! Schedule single-image or video posts or set reminders to post multi-image posts at your best times to grow your Instagram following. Learn more today.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm

Here’s a quick side-note: Understanding how the Instagram algorithm works can be helpful in figuring out how to increase your organic reach in the algorithmic-feed world.

We’ve dug into the Instagram algorithm and broken down the seven key factors of the Instagram algorithm. If you’d like to learn about the algorithm and how it ranks content on users’ feed, feel free to hit the button below to read the post first.

Learn about the Instagram algorithm

10 ways to boost your Instagram reach today

So how can you increase your organic reach on Instagram? Here are the 10 powerful ways you can do that:

  1. Find your optimal posting times
  2. Experiment with videos
  3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement
  4. Curate user-generated content
  5. Tell Instagram Stories
  6. Go live on Instagram
  7. Use Instagram ads
  8. Post less
  9. Create specifically for Instagram
  10. Be a great Instagram user

Let’s dive in!

1. Find your optimal posting times

Even though Instagram uses an algorithmic timeline now, optimal posting times are still relevant as Sue B. Zimmerman, suggests posting when the majority of your audience is online:

It may take time to get a long-term understanding of your followers’ activity, but it’s important to make sure you’re posting when the majority of your audience is online.

If you are using an Instagram Business Profile, you can check your Instagram Insights to find out when your followers are most active by the day of the week and the time of the day.

Once you’ve identified your ideal posting times, you can also schedule Instagram posts ahead of time to help ensure you consistently post high-quality content.

2. Experiment with videos

Several studies have found that photos tend to get more overall engagement (i.e. likes and comments) than videos on Instagram. On first look, it might seem that photos are better than videos for engagement — and it could well be!

On closer examination, we might draw a different conclusion. News Whip studied the Instagram accounts of 31 news publishers and made an interesting discovery. While photos, on average, get more likes (and overall engagement) than videos, videos generate more comments than photos. In fact, videos, on average, received more than twice the amount of comments than photos!

It is not certain if the Instagram algorithm values likes and comments equally or one more than another. But since commenting requires more effort from a user than liking, it’s possible that the algorithm values comments more than likes and would rank posts with more comments higher than posts with more likes.

Last year, Instagram found that the video watch time on Instagram increased by more than 40 percent over a six-month period. At this growth rate, it could be great to experiment with videos to see if it increases your engagement and organic reach on Instagram.

To make things easier for you, you can now schedule videos to your Instagram business profiles using Buffer.

3. Host contests or ask questions to encourage engagement

Asking questions or calling for an action is one of the fun ways to encourage your followers to interact with your Instagram posts. We found that hosting a giveaway contest is an effective way to engage our followers.

Some of the call-to-actions we have tried are:

  • Enter to win by sharing your favorite emoji party combo in the comments below ?
  • To enter, simply tag a friend below who you would “Vote” for as your favorite marketer and you’ll both be entered to win!
  • To enter tag a friend below who you know is rocking it on social media! ?
  • What’s on your reading list this week? ? Drop your book suggestions below for a chance to win a free book of your choice from the Buffer team! ❤

While giveaway contests usually generate more comments than usual posts, we try to give it a few months in between each contest to keep things fun and exciting.

Something that we do more often is asking a question in our Instagram posts. Several of our most-commented posts (excluding contest posts) are posts with a question such as this, this, and this.

4. Curate user-generated content

Brian Peters, our digital marketing strategist, grew our Instagram account following by about 500% (4,250 to 21,000) in under six months. His secret? User-generated content.

Curating user-generated content can encourage those users to engage with and share those content. Since the Instagram algorithm considers users’ relationships when ranking content on their feed, building relationships with your users through Instagram might also help your content rank higher on their feeds.

Apart from organic reach, Crowdtap found that user-generated content is 35 percent more memorable and 50 percent more trusted than traditional media and other non-user-generated content. This makes user-generated content a valuable strategy to try.

If you would like to repost user-generated content on your Instagram profile, we would love for you to try our Buffer for Android or Buffer for iOS mobile apps, which can help speed up the process.

5. Tell Instagram Stories

In our State of Social Media 2016 report, we found that while 63 percent of marketers surveyed use Instagram, only 16 percent have created Instagram Stories. There’s a great opportunity to stand out before it gets too crowded!

Instagram Stories take a prominent position on the Instagram app — above the feed. This allows you to stay on top of your followers’ feed and grab more of their attention. If your followers view your Stories regularly, it could possibly even help your Instagram posts rank higher on their feeds.

It’s worth noting that the Stories are also ranked by an algorithm; possibly one very similar to the feed algorithm. Spend the time to craft great Stories to help them rank better.

6. Go live on Instagram

A similar “trick” is to go live on Instagram. When you use live video, you will appear right at the front of the Stories feed, assuming no one else is live at the same time. The “LIVE” logo also makes your profile photo more prominent in the Instagram app.

Social Media Examiner found that the more they went live on Facebook, the more their non-live content received exposure. Michael Stelzner said that one reason might be their brand is in front of their fans more often so the fans might go to their Page to see their content more — even if the fans don’t watch the live video.

This effect could play out on Instagram, too. Seeing your logo at the top of their feed might encourage your followers to check out your Instagram profile.

From our State of Social Media 2016 report, we concluded that live video has yet to hit mass adoption as only 27 percent of marketers surveyed had created live video content. While the percentage might be higher today, I believe live videos aren’t mainstream yet. So it’s another perfect way to stand out and deliver great content!


Use Instagram ads

This might sound a little counter-intuitive but Instagram ads can be an effective way to grow your organic reach.

If you have an Instagram Business Profile, you can promote your existing posts from within the Instagram app. (

So which post should you promote?

Here’s a quick way to pick a good post to promote:

  1. Go to your Instagram Insights on the mobile app (tap on the profile tab and then the bar chart icon).
  2. Tap “See More” under the “Top Posts” section.
  3. Tap on “Impressions” at the top (a pop-up should apply to let you adjust your stats filters).
  4. For the first filter, you can choose “All”, “Photos”, or “Videos” according to your preference.
  5. For the second filter, select “Engagement”.
  6. For the third filter, select “7 days”.
  7. You will see your top posts by engagement for the last seven days. From there, you can pick a post to promote.

As these posts have received the most engagement from your followers, they would likely also resonate with the people you promote to (assuming you have targeted people like your followers).

8. Post less

When explaining social media algorithms, Michael Stelzner encouraged marketers to re-think your posting strategy.

Rethink is the keyword here. Rethink your posting strategy on social media – Less is actually more!

Sue B. Zimmerman also gave a similar advice for marketers who want to overcome the Instagram algorithm.

If you truly want to connect with your audience, it’s better to share one fabulous photo instead of 20 mediocre images. So next time, before you hit post, take a moment and consider how this content contributes to your brand, and does it effectively encourage engagement from your followers.

I believe this is about the allocation of your resources and time. Instead of publishing 20 posts a week, use the same resources and time for just one or two posts and make them great.

Quality content that is relevant to your followers has a higher chance of eliciting a positive response from your followers. In turn, this can help your posts rank higher on your followers’ feed.

9. Create specifically for Instagram

One way to create quality content is to create content specifically for Instagram. Instagram, being a very visual platform, has a greater focus on the photo or video itself than the text. So a post that would do well on Instagram is probably different from one that would do well on Twitter or Facebook.

For smaller social media teams or solo social media manager, it can be challenging to always create unique content for each platform. Crossposting and repurposing content from other platforms can be great, too. If you are doing that, it’d be best to craft specific caption for each social media platform as your followers likely follow you for a different reason for each of the platforms.

Now with Tailored Posts, you can write customized captions for each social network. We’re hoping that this feature would encourage you to be (even) more creative with your social media posts and would help you drive more engagement.

10. Be a great Instagram user

This last point might be a little vague but it nicely wraps up many of the points above.

Social media algorithms are built to encourage genuine, positive behaviors on the platforms such as sharing, showing appreciation, quick replies, and more. Often, they would also try to discourage abuse or hacks.

My gut feeling here is that being a great Instagram user will help you grow your organic reach over time. That includes:

  • Posting quality content that is relevant to your followers (be it informative, inspiring, or entertaining)
  • Answering questions on your posts quickly
  • Thanking people for commenting on your posts
  • Exploring other people’s profiles, engaging with their posts, and building a relationship with them

All the best!

The main objective of Instagram (and most social media platforms) is to make users happy and let them enjoy the experience. As brands on Instagram (and social media), I think we can do a lot to create great experiences for our followers — which will, in turn, benefit ourselves.

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19 Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram*

Regardless of whether you are on Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. personal blog or brand page, subscribers is one of the main metrics that determine the effectiveness of your account. We talk about 19 ways to get more followers on InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation..

Of course, you can quickly increase subscribers by purchasing bots, but this will not work, because without a live audience you will not see an increase in reach and engagement, and it will not be difficult to “open” such a trick. In addition, it threatens to block InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which we talked about in an article about cheating on this social network. So keep up the more workable ways to grow your audience.

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Yes, yes, the phrase “Know your audience” that has set the teeth on edge, but has not become less relevant. This will increase the chances of getting a relevant audience, and if you have a business account, it will help turn subscribers into customers.

All methods are effective only if you work with the target audience. Accordingly, it is better to subscribe to the audience of your competitors, to do mutual PR with blogs of your subject. nine0009

Julia Petrova
ilovetasty food blogger on Instagram

2. Tailor the content to your target audience

Once you have defined your audience, you need to start creating content that is related to their interests and needs. Your posts in InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. should inspire subscribers, motivate them, evoke emotions. Look at successful profiles in your niche and learn from their posts. nine0009

We also talked about how to get your first thousand followers on the main social networks

Once you get your first thousand followers, you can ask them what posts they would be interested in. So existing and potential subscribers will understand that you are listening to them, and the desire to click the coveted "Subscribe" button will increase.

3. Create high-quality and interesting publications

InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. nine0003 - about visual content, and therefore, your photos and videos should look the same. But it’s not enough to make a good visual, in Instagram, the product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. The text of publications also plays an important role. We talked about some tips that will help you make cool posts for InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation..

There are many apps that will help you make beautiful and interesting posts. Check out the video and story app collections to help diversify your content.

4. Use hashtags wisely

When done well, hashtags attract new followers. But it's not enough to use the most popular tags. For example, if you post a photo of a forest and want to use the #forest, #nature and #trees hashtags, you will see that there are millions of such publications and the probability that your post will be noticed is extremely small. nine0009

This does not mean that you do not need to use them at all, but it is worth supplementing with other tags that your target audience and competitors follow. It is also recommended to use more sophisticated and personal hashtags. Roughly speaking, instead of #sunset, you can use #luxurioussunset. We talked about how to use hashtags in various social networks, there is also about InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation..

5. Communicate with subscribers

Promotion success in InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. largely depends on the interaction with the audience. They want to know that there is a real person behind the account, so motivate them to discuss posts and like them, and then react to their comments and responses. The more actively you communicate with current followers, the more new ones you will get. In addition, it will help to hear the audience better, and social listening is very useful. nine0009

6. Use cross-promotion

Reach out to bloggers who have similar blogs and organize cross-promotion. Start with small profiles, and as your audience grows, contact more and more popular bloggers. So-called "mutual PR" can be a good tactic to promote InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation..

Mutual PR will be effective if you arrange some kind of interactive for subscribers. For example, challenges or a joint draw. A simple recommendation post is unlikely to work. nine0009

Julia Petrova
ilovetasty food blogger on Instagram

7. Follow competitors' followers

Another way to increase your audience is to follow users who follow bloggers similar to you. When they see that you have subscribed, they will know that there is another profile from the topic of interest. But please note that there is a limit on the maximum number of subscriptions, from about 20 to 160 per hour. Learn this by experience, but carefully so that InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. didn't suspect you were a spammer.

I started with manual mass following without special services. The difference between manual and service is visible in the conversion. Manual is more effective - apparently, the algorithms Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. understand how the subscription works, but you need to follow the restrictions (no more than 200 subscriptions per day). me a couple of times InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. limited the ability to publish posts for a week, suspecting that I used the service to buy subscribers. But for me, this method is still one of the most effective.

Julia Petrova
ilovetasty food blogger on Instagram

8. Track relevant hashtags

Did you know that in InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Can I subscribe not only to profiles, but also to hashtags? This is a good strategy, especially when you reach your first thousand subscribers. Track hashtags that are relevant in your niche and use them in your posts. Feel free to comment on the latest publications with such hashtags so that your InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. nine0003 became more noticeable. It is laborious, but it can give good results.

9. Follow similar blogs

Hashtags make it easy to find relevant accounts in your niche that are similar in content and target audience to yours. An even greater effect can be achieved by turning on notifications and being the first to comment on their publications.

10. Post regularly

We talked about how algorithms work on major social networks, including Instagram*

It's hard to say exactly how much regularity affects subscriber growth. In any case, it makes sense to follow this advice: the better you keep the regularity, the more professional and reliable you look in the eyes of your subscribers - they will know when to expect new posts from you. What’s more, Instagram* algorithms love it if you post regularly so your posts get the best reach and engagement. It is better to publish 1-3 posts per day. Try to start with one post a day, then gradually increase and see what happens, find your middle ground. You can also refer to the experience of Ekaterina Kalashnikova, who monetized her InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. largely due to regular publications.

11. Plan your posts ahead of time

You can save time on posting to focus on more important things: communicating with followers, tracking relevant profiles and hashtags. We are not hinting at anything, but Amplifer will be a good helper in this.

Thanks to a visual calendar and a convenient editor, it is easy to create several publications at once and spread them on different days. Moreover, Amplifer will tell you which posts your audience likes the most. nine0009

Connect Instagram* in Amplifer to regularly release scheduled publications and improve reach and engagement. The first 7 days are free, without a bank card

12. Post at the right time

Now on InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. algorithmic feed, but what time you post is still important. Agree, there is no point in publishing posts late at night in the hope that a large number of people will see it. nine0009

In addition, COVID-19 has greatly affected the best posting times. According to our data, now the peak in InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. shifted by 16-18 hours on weekdays and at 12 and 18 hours on weekends.

However, you cannot rely solely on the average temperature in the hospital. And here Amplifer will come to the rescue: thanks to a special algorithm, it analyzes your publications and advises the best time based on the activity of your audience. For a 7-day free trial period, you will just be able to evaluate.[instagram*]Try Amplifer to find out the best time to post on Instagram*, adapt your promotion strategy and content plan[/instagram*]

13. Use activity chats

Activity chats are great for attracting new followers to InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. They gather several users who like and comment on each other's posts. A good way to cheat the Instagram algorithmThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. nine0003 and increase the organic reach of posts.

The fact is that when you post a post, the algorithms InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. show it to a small number of your followers. If the post gets a lot of responses, then InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. will show the post to an even larger group of subscribers, and if there is no initial activity, then most of your subscribers will not see the publication at all. nine0009

Try to find the activity chat in a search engine or in the Facebook community directory The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, VKontakte or Telegram. But keep in mind that the best chats are rarely in the public domain, so you will have to work hard to find really worthwhile groups. And yes, it takes a long time. But trust me, your efforts will pay off handsomely.

14. Use hashtags in Stories

We have already talked about the importance of hashtags, but they should not be neglected in Stories either. Try adding a few relevant tags to your posts and you'll see your Stories get more impressions than before. Some of those who watched will be able to become your subscribers.

Interactive mechanics will help make Stories more interesting: quests, quizzes, polls, they increase engagement and motivation to subscribe to your profile. In addition, Stories is an excellent channel for communicating with subscribers. There you can clarify what content they would like to see, arrange Q&A sessions. nine0009

15. Publish videos and stream live

Making videos on social media is almost a must in 2020, because there is more and more such content, and users spend more and more time watching it. Live broadcasts are an even more engaging content format because every time you start broadcasting, all subscribers receive a notification. We talked about this in this year's trend selection.

How to get subscribers using ethers? Make joint live broadcasts with other bloggers. They can also ask their followers to subscribe to you during the live broadcast, which can be a good channel to attract a new audience. nine0009

16. Post for thematic accounts

In InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. there are many thematic profiles where not their own content is published, but interesting posts of other users. The only thing to do is to use their unique hashtags in the hope of getting noticed.

How to find them? Use a search engine. Type, for example, “The best travel profiles in InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.”, or about the topic of your blog. Surely you will find many such accounts.

17. Decide and Use a Consistent Visual Style

Whether you have a new profile or have been in the business for a long time, you need a consistent visual style for your posts to attract followers. You can choose a specific filter or set of effects for all photos so that they echo each other. nine0009

The importance of creating a visual style for Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. Varya Vedeneeva told using the example of the Periodicals profile.

18. Create posts to tag friends

If you want your posts to be seen by friends of your followers, the "Tag a Friend" feature will help you. Create a relevant entertaining post and encourage followers to tag their friends. The funnier and more entertaining the post, the easier it is. nine0009

19. Try advertising

Do you want more people to see your posts? Think about advertising. In fact, you don't need a big budget to test it. Advertising can be an effective strategy, and InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. can get you new subscribers in a short time.

To promote my account, I buy ads from bloggers, participate in mutual PR and use targeted advertising. I like the first method the most - you can get a subscriber for 6-10 ₽. nine0009

Anastasia Chernykh
content director at Amplifer


We hope our advice will help you build a meaningful audience on InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. in other social networks where you are present. And remember that people love to follow realistic and authentic profiles. Good luck hunting for an audience at InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.!

Save on auto-posting from Amplifer

Instagram[/su_tooltip] and other social networks" action="Try Amplifer" caption="7 days for free, no card needed"]Convenient and intuitive calendar, advanced editor, tips on the best time and built-in Canva editor to create impressive designs

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20 Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram - Plerdy

Instagram's dynamic change in trends allows businesses to find new ways to market. Let's take a look at what business and marketing trends are relevant in 2022:

  • Online sales using store links.
  • Humorous content and storytelling.
  • More attention to story design.
  • Using Instagram Reels to increase your reach.
  • Cooperation with major bloggers.
  • Influencer marketing: collaboration between brands.

How to get more followers on Instagram? Social media junkies demand that companies be competitive and stand out. Stick to trends, experiment and form a marketing strategy that will bring better results and increase the number of subscribers.

Instagram's frequent policy changes encourage brands to be more creative. You can “wind up” the number of subscribers and likes, but the social platform will not allow you to advance and get real customers. We share tips that will allow you to gain an active audience and increase the number of followers on Instagram. nine0009

Optimize your bio

150 characters - you need to fit the basic information about the brand into them. What you need to write in the biography, except for the name:

  • Key words so that readers can see your account in the search.
  • Direction: Describe clearly what your company does.
  • Link to a website or shop.
  • Call to action, what the user needs to do: follow the link, subscribe, etc.

For example, Claudia Laroye, a writer and traveler, described her activities in her biography. The user can easily find her account by key phrases in the search bar. nine0009

Find the best time to post on Instagram

Use Instagram Insights to see when your target audience is most online. So you can post content at the right time and collect more views and likes. Random posting will not give contact with users.

Example below: Collected statistics show when subscribers are most active.

Regular posting

Regular posting helps Instagram algorithms to notice you and bring you to the top. It is important to observe not only the number of posts, but also their quality. As a result, you will get more audience engagement. New users will note that you systematically provide useful and interesting information - and they will also subscribe. nine0009

Tailwind shared a study on how many posts to publish. They found that posting regularly can double the number of subscribers.

Find out how the Instagram algorithm works

Don't be afraid of Instagram algorithms - learn how to use them for your own purposes. For example, switching to a timeline feed allows users to see more relevant posts.

Experiment with different types of content

Initially, Instagram was a social network primarily for posting photos, but today you need to use all the tools for promotion. Reels are very popular - short videos that allow you to interest a larger number of visitors.

Research by SearchEngineJournal shows that photo carousels engage 1.92% more users on average than just one, even a very good photo. Experimenting with different post types will let you see what content your audience responds to best. nine0009

Maintain a consistent content calendar

The posting schedule is essential so users know when to expect a “fresh” post. Chaotic posting will not create the system needed to recruit new subscribers.

For example, Sprout Social offers a tool for creating a content plan - ViralPost. With it, you plan the publication of posts, view information about user interaction with content. Based on this analysis, the optimal time for posting publications is determined and the target audience is studied. nine0009

Ask partners and brand advocates to publish your content

When promoting on Instagram, it is important not only to regularly update the information on your page, but also to collaborate with other brands.

For example, LG attracted influencers to advertise the new LG V20 smartphone. Bloggers posted photos taken by the new smartphone on their pages, thus talking about its technical characteristics. The result was more than a million likes on blogger posts and 10,000 comments from users. nine0009

Avoid fake followers on Instagram

“Follower boost” – in the past, Instagram does not show such content to users and does not encourage cheating. Accounts that do not want to wait for organic growth and set a goal in the form of a beautiful number in the “followers” ​​column remain in the shadowban of the social network. Fake accounts do not interact with content - your page will not be promoted.

Check out an example from Lush Cosmetics, who respond to subscribers' comments so they come back and repost. nine0009

Showcase your Instagram everywhere

Want more people to see your account? Use all the possibilities of the Internet. For example, you can link to your Instagram on a company website or blog.

So, MoMA The Museum of Modern Art posted on their Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube a link to their own Instagram account in order to attract as many users as possible from other sites. Thanks to creative content, subscribers began to follow them on other social networks. nine0009

Post content that subscribers want

You may have noticed that some types of posts are liked more by the audience and are more active in collecting responses and comments. How to achieve the best results? Use Instagram analytics and create trending content.

Sprout Social offers to use reports on the performance of your page to analyze what types of posts are more appropriate to create.

Use relevant hashtags to attract new users

One of the most accessible free ways to promote on Instagram is hashtags. Users search for information by entering keywords into the search bar. It is important to use high and low frequency hashtags to make your content stand out from others.

The creators of the game Bejeweled launched a campaign among bloggers who posted photos under the hashtag #shinyplace. As a result, the game moved up to 135th place in the rating — the company increased its recognition, their game was noted by influential people. nine0009

Create a great Instagram grid

Visuals are still important on Instagram - the first thing a new user sees when they land on your page. Today it is not enough to use stock photos, people need to see your personality, to understand that you have something in common. The more real you are, the more users will want to know about you.

A great visual example is the work of photographer Nelson Mouëllic. Bright photos and the correct arrangement attracts the attention of a large number of users. nine0009

Pin your best comments

Instagram allows you to pin comments under a post, they can be used for several purposes at once:

  • To allow users to see the review written by the client.
  • To add text that doesn't fit in a short post.
  • To reinforce a call to action for readers.

Attract more attention and interact with users in the comments - people appreciate openness and sincerity. nine0009

Strive to be noticed

Large accounts that repost your publications on their page and tag you can give you great recognition. This gives you an organic influx of subscribers who are interested in your content.

For example, the damngoodstitch hobby account with 187K followers reposts other users' embroidery. To do this, just tag them on your post or use the appropriate hashtag.

Follow relevant accounts

Follow accounts that might be interested in your content. This way you will attract their attention - most likely, they will look at your profile. Look for these people in recommendations or among subscribers of other accounts that are close to you in terms of topic and direction.

Follow photography and editing tips

The foundation of Instagram is beautiful visuals. You do not need to have a professional camera and take photography and photoshop courses. nine0009

An excellent example of good product photography can be found in the profile of user indigo_arrows. The arrangement of objects, their layout and minimalism appeal to many users.

What are the standard rules for a good photo:

  • Less detail.
  • Interesting, unusual perspectives.
  • Use of funny shots.
  • More realism and “life” in photos.

Follow these steps and you'll be able to take almost professional photos with a minimum of effort. nine0009

Allow third parties to curate your content

Delegate responsibilities to create better content. One person on your team can take photos, and the second can focus on writing texts. If the company had an event, ask colleagues to send a photo. If there is a topic that is interesting for subscribers, let the person responsible for this process share their opinion.

This will make your task easier, and it will be more interesting (and more useful!) for subscribers to read a variety of content. nine0009

Use a consistent brand voice for a specific platform

To be competitive on Instagram, you need to be able to express your individuality. This applies not only to the visual, but also to the style of communication with subscribers, which is called tone of voice. This kind of “brand voice” brings you closer to your subscribers, and they will recognize you by specific calls.

An excellent example of the use of brand intonation is seen in theskimm account: they communicate with subscribers in a very relaxed way, and the audience trusts them. nine0009

Promote your Instagram

You need to promote your account in order to attract new followers. Use both free and paid methods:

  • Targeted advertising.
  • Contests with the opportunity for subscribers to receive valuable prizes.
  • Interaction with users.
  • Cooperation with other brands.

A perfect example of the last way to promote is the account interaction @sweetlikeoyin, who has 92.5K followers, with clothing brand Lulu's. The girl posted a photo in their outfit, and the brand's account made a repost on its page. As a result, both profiles increased the number of subscribers.

Run Instagram contests to encourage participation

Contests are a good way to get new followers. Why don't you take advantage of it? Old Spice launched a Dream Runner campaign where users had to post a photo of themselves exercising with the hashtag #runoldspice. More than 50 participants became the winners of the “photo contest”, and the brand increased its visibility and collected 6 million views on YouTube videos.

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